FAITB THKKI Alicia Hammersljr X Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry AS rSISTBN-TWSAL Hl'BT. . . lour silence and I" tew ACT .ma sentences. Mr. "Touted my resignation. I JJu had t accept 7V to K't an answer to the '"1 0, .he first lime I .a Sfi "' ," ""l"r "fore fd ." . . . d-termlned to go to "TorV .' "" d18; 1 J Tnf svw York, for Mm lun irr, '"nsnrU business "'"'' k"" M fuaB .lha lone. T i.,ld I thai I u,lld Boon ,,ave " . . kindergarten. How tlie k. and '"tl' '"u "P"11- ,.ks ana ,. . . j?rzT but hu .ini..0 until i vin 11a Haired of ever having a liome of "onnlght. after we were settled at the hor. Dunne came back from hi cfy and Intorinod us that Ju le Turner ' coming down with him ext dav fir the week-end. I 3 not tll'ie HI Hiiaic 1 ' .. I hn..n.. fill lli'llinf iflll liol.8. rear uuu - m,Wi in my mind Duane- is it i'ii" lujre can now see? i"-. . ... I...at lllll,. Ml I'll! -JUKI me ' ' '"' ; " he fcandauea have heen taken off bis eves and he wears heavy dark jlassts- Only time can tell whellii r will ever l-oiuijm-iij lcht." Bab. I salu mat evening as nnc canie to my room. "I am not sure Ibat I waul to see Jen lurner. "You are not In love with .Mr. Henderson, aro you?" i do not think that I am In love vita my one, although Allen Htii dmon has been very kind to us ever ilnce that tragic nlpht." Kind to us?" sniffed Bab. "You mean that every one but you has no ticed that he is perfectly devoted to you. He adores you, Alix, and now you are afraid to have Judge Turner come down hero because you have a aueakiiig sort of pity for him Thank goodness I never had any doubts In making up my mind about Duane." Uood night , Bab, I said to ter minate the discussion. I do not Intend to stay Ion;, Alii. 1 only came to bring you this." It was Larry Wheaton s wedding card! While I was very glad and happy lor him, I was a little hurt that he had never thought" to answer when tent him Alice's beautiful defini tion of love. I had known for some time thai Larry was going to be mar iled because Tart had been asked to be best man, but Larry himself had remed to think, If he thought about It at all, that our friendship was dfinltely settled when he wrote me that letter telling me that he had fallen in love with the real girl. My admirers are vanishing one by one." I aald to myself and I tried to tell myself that I did not care that Utile Hal was all that was ne.c easary to my happiness, nut I knew that I lied even while I repeated It, over and over. When a woman has been married and enjoyed the constant com nan- ionhip of her husband she never gets over that feeling of loneliness, or rather aloneaess, for whether a woman Is happy or not In her mar ried life there Is a certain feeling that some one must be Interested In uer and her affair more than he Is In anyone else. 1 do not think I have ever gotten over that loneli ness. I cannot describe It except as a feeling of being set apart from the living and loving of the rest of the world. The knowledge that Judge Turner was coming the next day made me vonder whether I had not betttr ac cept Allen Henderson, for I bad been for days and weeks trying to keep him from telling me lie loved me. I could not compose myself for ileop for hours and finally I gave it all up and laid my problem on the Kn. es of the gods. 1 was never more shocked In my life than when Duane helped Jeff Turner out the motor the next day. The last time I had seen him he was vigor personified as he stood against that blue velvet curtain, bis eyes contempt nonsly glaring upon the maddened crowd beneath him: lite .-hock of disordered red hair mnklng an nuriole about his ugly face, and in his arms In; t bundle ot supposed ly charred humanity. Today his hair was grey at the temples. You could not see his oyes behind the darkened glasses which covered them. His face was still red and scarred from the flume. Ho was emacluted to a gun illness that made his clothes hang upon him like a scarecrow. T,here was about him nothing that I recog nlzed except his Bllllle. At. the. sound of my voice ho put out both hands and 1 eagerly clasped them. Without thinking I placed the arm that was still slightly stif fened across my slioulder to help him Into the house and then, to my sur prise and without explaining, Judge Turner drew quickly away. "Duane, Duane," he called sharp ly. "Come here." Duane, who had. been talking to Dab and giving orders at the same time for the judge's comfort, came forward. "What do you want, Jeff?" "I am going bock to the city at once." i , "Are you In pain?" "Yes, terrible pain, It Is unbear able." Without a word Duane helped nlm back to the motor and the last thing I remember was a sight of those horribly black glasses turned toward me black glasses on a stranger, for the only characteristic I had recognized had been Judge Turner's siuilo and that mouth was now compressed into a straight line of agony. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt or otherwise trespass on my ranches at Happy Valley and at Green. - Any person violating this notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. S. C. MILLER. Bay Front Market Co., Marshfield, Ore., ships Chinook salmon, pre- paid, parcel post, for 16c per pound In first three zones. WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co. Another Boat Goes on Reefs (By Associated Press). SAN FRANCISCO, Auf. 9. Tho Pacific Mall steamer San Jose, 1135 tons, bound for San Francisco from Panama, struck San Pablo reef off the west coast of Mexico. The boat Is still fast but has listed heavy. The passenger list Includes S3 names and the crew 66. It Is believed the steamer will float until relief ar rives this afternoon. Teeteee Buy the Best Serve the Best Strive to Please There's a Difference BOWMAN'S CLUB ROOM College Ice Cream BEST IN TOWN Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream Cones. All kinds of Fruit MEALS AT ALL HOURS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT tot' cltn d'ulng room. Chicken dinner every Sunday. Best ak h ,OWI1' Trlee We toll home made pies and . bakry goods, milk, butter, cream, candy, gum. cigars, eig hties tobaccos. of S. P. Depot, corner Can and Sheridan itreeta. MRS. W. R. BOWMAN. Proo. " - - iihiiihi A ItOSKBlRa IXTKKVIEW. Mr. Carinas Tells HU Experience. The following brief account of an Interview with a Roseburg man seven years ago, and Its sequel, will be read with keen Interest by every citizen: A. J. Carman, R. R. conductor, 446 S. Pine St., Roseburg. says: "I have used Doan'a Kidney fills and can en dorse them for they are the very beet kidney remedy known to me. Con tinual riding on the train, no doubt, affected any kidneys and caused dull, aching pains In the small of my hack. As another member of the family bad received great benefit from Doan's Kidney Pills I tried them and they gave me the very best of results. They did all that Is claimed for them. I willingly en dorse Doan's Kidney Pills'" (State ment given February 24, 1913). On March 25, 1920, Mr. Carman said: "My faith In Doan's Kidney Pills Is as strong as ever. It I have anw trouble with my kidneys I use uoan s and they are sure to relieve the trouble." Price 60c at all dealers. Don't Imply ask for a kidney remedy get Doan's Kidney Pills the same that Mr. Carman bad. Foster-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo,. N. Y. RUSSIAN KEKVUEE8 Sl'PKKIUXQ BADLY. (By Associated Press.) LONDON, Aug. 9. F. L. Thomp son, In charge of the American relief at Brest-Lltovsk, reports that Rus sian refugees are pouring in at the rate ot 2000 per day, many of them crawling on their hands and knees, too weak to stand, and scores dying by the roadside. The conditions are appalling and thousands are existing on grass rootB boiled' in water. The bolshevik sentries are living on whatever they can get. 0 . The lady In a car who on July 20th took the little red dog from South Roseburg better return same. Movie Closeups A picture that will "atrlka home" to nine-tenths of tho nudlence view ing It; an excellent combination of clever comedy and torious moral such as "Sham," the new Ethel Clayton Paramount picture which plays at the Antlcn theater toniglit. As Katherine Van Ripper, a "gen tle grafter," Miss Clayton has a well balanced light comedy rol.i that shows her at her best. Theodore Roberts is a bluff old oil millionaire while Walter Hiers is his hefty i-on. Sylvia Ashton and Helen Dunbar, two excellent character actresses. play to perfection a pair of selfish, high society aunts who prixe their niece, Katherine .only for her social connections. Playing opposite the star, Clyde Fillmore Is highly ca pable. All In all "Sham" contains all the humor of the popular stage version with added touches made possible through the enlarged visual scope of the screen. It was a fortunate coincidence for Harry B. Harris, directing Gladys Walton In "Short Skirts" the current attraction at the Majestic theater. that the filming of this story oc curred while the mayoralty cam paign in Los Angeles was at Its height. While 'Short Skirts" Is really a study of a modern young girl and her determination to follow the ex ample set by her older sisters be fore she is out of her pinafores, one of its most Important counterplots has to do with a mayorallty cam paign. As the picture was filmed at universal City in May, during the heat of the election excitement. Dir ector Harris had plenty of opportu nities to secure good atmospheric scenes which would otherwise have heen almost Impossible of duplication. CITY NEWS RECORDS HUMIDITY IN AIR Both Temperature and "Llvablllty" hewn by Twin Thermometer Likely to Become Popular. Sensations of heat or cold, as ex perienced by a normally healthy per son, are caused almost entirely by the condition ot the surrounding atmosphere. If It is still, damp, and about 73 degrees or more In temper ature, a feeling of disagreeable heat and oppression results; while If of the same teniperuture, but dry and In moderate motion, no discomfort Is felt. The reasons for this are that dry, moving air take way bodily beat about as rapidly as It Is gen erated, while damp, still air does not, explains a writer In Popular Mechanic Magaxlne. Therefore In designing an Instru ment to determine whether atmos pheric conditions are conducive to bodily comfort, other factors than temperature must be taken Into account For this reason the ordinary dry-bulb thermometer is unreliable and has been supplemented by another Instrument of the so-called wet-bulb type. In which the bulb Is Inclosed In a fabric mesh bag which keeps It damp. To use, both bulbs aro Im mersed In hot water until they register 110 degrees. They are then removed, and the time required for each to drop to atmospheric temperature noted. The wet bulb will always cool more rapidly than the dry one. This difference In cooling rates serves to Index the degree of comfort one should be experiencing, as It 'roughly Indi cates the moisture In the air and whether or not air Is In motion. ROMANCE EVEN IN NEW YORK Almost the Last Place on Earth On. Would Look for It, but It Is There, Nevertheless. Two New Yorkers have set up Jew eled tablets In a fashionable uptown cafe, where they first met the women who became their wives. The tab lets commemorate the felicitous events. However Incredible tills may sound to a race of wives whose husbands for get their wedding anniversaries and a public that does not associate fash ionable cafes with connubial constancy or New York with sentiment. It may easily he confirmed by looking In at the grill of the Cnfe Beaux-Arts. Both memorials are bronze plaques Inlaid In the wall In alcoves ef the grill and Inclosed with glass. The first Is set with a fiery oital and cur ries tlie mystic Inscription "Happy Dawn, September, 10UT," nothing else. Andre Rustunoby reiilfinhers who put It there, but does not sny. The other was the work of a celebrated local lawyer. It Is set with a large tur quoise and en craved, "A, and L. Acre Perennlus. MCMIX." Like the other. It celebrates the meeting with and hours spent with the wife to be. And 12 years have elapsed since the sec ond was put up without any request for permission to alter the Inscription or efface. Come on along ! Fill up your makin's papers with P. A. Greatest sport you know to pull out your makin's papers and some Prince Albert and roll up a ciga rette! That's because P. A. is so delightfully good and refreshing in a cigarette just like it is in a jimmy, pipel You never seem to get your fill P. A.'s so joy'usly friendly and appetizing. Prince Albert will be a revelation to your taste! No other tobacco at any price is in its class! And, it rolls up easily because it's crimp cut and it stays put It's the best bet you ever laid that you'll like Prince Albert better than any ciga rette you ever rolled! And listen! If you have a jimmy pipe hankering by all means know what Prince Albert can do for you! It's a revelation in a pipe as well as in a ciga rette! P. A. can't bite or parch. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. frlnti Albtrt 9otd in toppy r4 1m , tidy rtd Hn. Adniamt ponn imI hall pmund tin humidor mndintkm rund erygtai gleam tmidmr with mpmngm mUtnmr prince Albert 1 the national joy imoke CoprrlsM 1021 . kr R. J. fUrnolds Tobacco Co. Wlnolon-Solaao, PEACHES; Yes Peaches whereT One mile south of Winston bridge. The price Is right. The peaches are ripe, And a lot on a tree. So come a id see. ' C. H. HOFFMEISTER, Roseburg, Oregon. 0 TOVKISTS ATTENTION. For the benefit of 'he tourists I am prepared to wash and clean cars up to 12 o'sloc'. at night. Motor Garage Vulcanizing Shop. WESTINGHOlJSE Batteries for all cars, also battery repairing and recharging at The Itoseburg Garage. Mysterious Ftat of Rats. Here's another mystery problem to set beside that of bow the Egyptians built the pyramids. O. W. Young lilood, a business man of No. V South Broadway, Los Angeles, Is re sponsible for It Youngbtood related that on opening his office one morning he found that rats had chewed off the tops of car nations which were Btandlng In a glass vase about 14 Inches high. Accord ing to the real extnte man, the rats did not move a chair next to the vase and thus reach the succulent steins, nor was there anything else near by on which they might have stood. And he does not believe tlie rodents could have climbed the sides of the smooth vase. Still the flowers suffered heavily. And to make the problem harder, Youngblood said that the rats, dis playing a highly developed artistic sense, carried rows from one desk to another which lucked posies. How did the rats accomplish their task? Moore Music Studio opent SepL 1. Arundel, piano tuaet fbone 18D-L Painlem extraction or teeth at room 9, Masonic temple. Or. Merbaa. Pennsylvania Tire- Service. Ask as. Ford Garage. I Goodyear Tire Bervlee. Ford Oarage. 8ilrella Corsets made to raeaaare. Phone 391-U Call 835 Templln St IV HKniPT(T. In the Tllrl I 1'uiirt of thft TTnlted Htntes for the ijitrict or oreffnn. In the matter of John Hanks, bank rupt. To the rredltorn ftf John Hanks, of Olfndale. In the county of liouirlu. and district aforesaid, a bakrupt: Not Ire la hereby riven that on tha 4th day of Aukupi. the aaid John Hank waa duly adjudicated bankrupt: anil that the flrpt meeting of ha creditor will be held at the nrrtre or. the underalsned referee In Koaebura, Oreiron. on Thureday. the 2f.th day of Atitruet. 1921. at two o'clock In the af ternoon, at which time the aald credit or may attend, prova their clalma, annoint a trustee, examine tlie bank rupt, and trantact such other buslneen aa may properly com before Mid meetinc. Dated August th. 1M C. U HAMIl.TOrf. Kaiara la Kaakrastcy, Otters Cared For. A pair of fully developed otters have been discovered In a sloifxh along the Brandy wine, near West Chester, I' and have been watched with interest by many persons. Thev are the only ones reported In Chester for probably 40 years, and are very carefully protected by the owner of tlie property where they have made a den In a bank beside the still water. The animals are said to be about four feet In length and very active. It Is believed a nuuilwr of young may h nroduced In the den beneath the bnnk and prove the founding of a col ony which will arouse much future Iterest New Dlcktne Drama. At a recent Charles Dickens dinner In I-ondnn regret was expressed that dramatic versions of the Klrkens nov els are not more popular. Forthwith a r?ertaln Brannby Williams proposed to undertake to popularise the Vic torian novelist In the theater. Al Birkenhead he will accordingly Insti tute a reertorr season with adapta tion of "Irsvlrt CotperfteM," "Oliver Twist" and "Bamaby Rudge." to be written by memliers of the Dickens fellowship under the direction of said Mr. Williams. Bobby Knew. Mother (to small son) What would happen If- you talked to jour teacher I as' woq talk to met Small boy (promptly) I would be I UU1GR DlItKCTOKY. WOODMEN OP TUB WORLD Camp no. iz. meets in uoa reuowa nan ip Roaebura overy lat and Ird Monday vanlng-a. Visiting nolghbora al ways welcome. If. CARRICfC, a C. -. IL 1L MIU.ER. Clerk. AQLIts Hoaeoure nana meats In Moose hall on Jacxaon Ht. on 2nd and th alondny evenings or each montn at o'clock. Vlaltlng brethren Id good standing alwaya welcome. VICTOR MIUKLM, W. P. P. A. J. WULF. W. P. a F. GOODMAN, "tecratary. H. P. O. ELK. Roacber Loos No. aM -Holda regular communications at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All tnembere re quested to attend regularly, and all vlalllng brothers are cordially In vited to attend. ROT BEIJiOWr!, m. R. R I- WHIHI'I.B. fteev. PIULIO SALE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will, on Monday, August 15th, 1921, at 2:30 p. m. o clock, at Hie old J. Green residence, on the Pacific Highway, about 4 miles south of Roseburg, Oregon, sell at public sale to the highest cash bidder, one WIUyB-Knlght five passenger tour ing automobile, with equipment, motor No. 3709, serial No. 12812. I. H. CASTLE. NOTICE. Dr. It. P. and Pearl M. Bradford. Chiropractic Physicians. Ten years In practice. Consultation free. Suite 224, Perkins Bldg., Kosehucg, Ore-1000. Johnnie sought fnlr Nellie's hand. And went to press his suit. He popped the question to her. But she said: You poor galoot Go anil get your suit pressed, at Ray's Suit Shop 124 Cass St. Loren Harvey, Mgr. HNIUHTS OP PVTIIIAS Alpna Lone No. 47, meets every Wedneaday even Ing In bou'glaa Abitract Hall, corner Jackaon s Washington Bla. V. lit ers always welcome. WAL.TKK CTyOAKB. C. C. CHAS .P. HOl'KVNa at K. V. E. WIMBEKL.T. K. R. & l-OVAI. UHDKH OP Hoosas Koeeuura Ixla;e No. 1037 meets nrai and third Tuesday evenings of each soonth at S o'clock In the llooae hall. All vlaltlng brothers are Invited to attend. C. W. CIvOAKK. Dictator. H. 0LJAK(IKTER..becretary. Regular communications 2nd and tn Wedneadaya each month at Maeonlt Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. W. r. HARRIB. Becy. JOHN B. RUN TAN. W.M. -iioeeDurs Heoekaa Lodge .too. r ., meet in uoa rai Roseburg, Myrtle Point, Coquille and Marshfield Stage 7-Passenger Cadillac-8 Cars Leaves Hotel Cmpqua 1 a. m. dally. Fare to Myrtle Point, $8.48. Fare to Coquille, 87.00. Fare to Marshfield, $8.00. COAST AUTO LINES I Jersey MilR I will deliver milk or cream to any part of the city, evening or morning, at the regular price. Phone 270-R. W. F. Ramp KUHMKAH No. 41. Iowa' Temole every week on TueadaV evening. Visiting members In good standing are Invited to attend..! MYRTLE TRFFRKN, N O. RE1.I.B BTF.PHKNHON. Bee. ETIllOL. HAILKT. Kin. Beer. L O. O. P- Ualen Eaeaaaoaaeat It. S. sleets In Odd Kellows' Temple every Wedneedsiy evening. Vlalllng bretiireo always welcome. r.K. RADAHAtXilf, C. P. V. T. JACK SUN. H. P. OMVKK JOIININ, R. 8. JAMKH KWAKT, P. H. W. B. A. O. T. Roaeburg Review, No 11 hold reaular meetlnga on sec ond Thumdar at I o. m. and fniu-th Thuradar at p m. Vlallinif airier! Invited to attend review. Maccabee Hall, Pine and Cm streets If!B ln:KP, Com. J EX IK RAI'P. Col. ri&jriflllVieis P WOODCRAFT Ulae Circle No 4. meeta oa 3id and 4th Monday evenlnga. Vlalllng neighbors Invited to attend. prijdib HirTNnnn. n. n. T 1 1 .1.1 K tJO H N farw Clerk O. R. ft Rnaieairg Vte a n Holde their regular meeting on the lat and Ird Thursdays In each month, are raepertfullv Invited to ettend. MTRTLR RKTMERB W.M. FHKK JQHHHON. Bac-T. f, O. U. r.. Phlleterlae ldge Be. H, meeta In Odd Fellowa" Temple every Friday evening at Ml o'clock. Vlall lam broth ren are aJwaye welcome. A. RKIiRARN. N. O. A. J. OKIrK.B, Roc. Bee. fU. I JL BAJXJJ1-. rtm. ea. Tooth Troubles by H.R.NERBAS, D.D.S. The cause of all tooth troubles Is the fermentation that takes place In the mouth. The microbes that secrete the powerful solvents that eat through your tooth structure can not bo successfully eoin batted unless you seek the ad vice of a dentist. . i vsk PAINLKSH MKTIIOPH ItlXH I.ATH TKKTII HI I'l.AI K TKKTII H.XMK PAY I CI UK rVOKKHKA, He Ktc. Yon have the benefit of my Experience, Kfflclrni-y ami It liability. DR. NERBAS THE DENTIST priONR 4r r oom 9 MASOMIO BCILDLNO. LET JONES DO IT! Auto tops and upholstering. Tour ing cars altered to sleep In. Denis removed In bodlos or fenders by new process. 708 N. Jackson. Phone 338. Rice'sGarage Cylinder Re-Boring Specialty. Only electric re-boring machine III the roiinly. Kx-rt machinist. 11 NORTH MAIN. Deauty & Usefulness Are combined in the "Hand-made Things from The Roycro ft Shops". which we will be glad to show you. You will enjoy possess ing something In these Inter esting metal and leather wares Bryan's Gift Shop Jewelry Silverware Pottery CASE TRACTORS Threshing Machines Page Woven Wire Fence Stearns & Chenoweth 0kU4 mm4 Toaealla.