purrs rut's "Perhaps You says the Good Judge How long a little ot the Real Tobacco Chew will last. Nor how much gen uine chewing satisfac tion the full, rich real tobacco taste will give. Ask any man who uses the Real Tobacco Giew. lie will tell you that this class of tobacco will give more eatisfac t:c n and at less cost -than the ordinary kind Put ufi in two stjles W-2 GUT is a lung fine-cut tobacco RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco E2Z3Z English Ring Lacks StrongHeavyweights Ily DAVIlt 1.. III.IMKNKKI.Ii. fl'l il I'-chh HMfT .,.irrei.li'lnl NKW VOKK. Au. -The lliit Ish boxing pulilli- Is en(u'cd In Itu initial prmtlme- looking for a white hopr. T'.iev lll have to so on look Inn. Kicn tin- brightest oiimiiiIH In Knaland slwikes his head sadly when tli heavyweight iiuestlon crop up 1'nKlaiid bar not even the glimmer of a while hope. Joe lleckeit went nut like a moth In a candle before nni mention kftt nnint and ftrln. Thf Mining rriltnr over In Flent atreet are In a qnnndnrr. "We ran't vet a picture nf Champion Joe rumdlns up." ibey anr. "All we act tre hi the prone position." Mnvbe thai Is a Utile unkind to .Too llccke't but It show what the Prltl-h public think about their rhamnlon. Thn f'nti" t.ng u. that ther la' not an Kiilluhmnn In Ibe ctnfrv mho 'an lien Jo- Herkett at I Is wrlvlit Moran iMd so. II is Iron, lm iwineliir ns Pim linrKh Frnnk ma" he nvnr in Kii:;!.ind. ho la not a- VnpJIihm.m. .i. ixonmflxid. the lnllnton pild'Mewi'lrht. who Is rerwmlfcd In K-iind as niliMlcw-'i'ihl champion nf f'iinda nepr hnd Joe out ansl ai'eei) in sn exhibition boot with III. twelve- mr o "idllowii" a few weeVn a-n and no doubt Mn" Mefirnil"k rntiM do the anion to the rhnmulon I' Meckili wmihl n"ionirioiliiie. (Tin M-vkrit ivmnrt horn e-Merilnv, luiw IV" and nt lllnmi Held and Mci'or ml"V are both mlililtewnlitlita he Is "' lustlfl-d In Ineahlnx off the fhVlcnvn- which are flunit at him by these two holers both of whom were trained In America, tfo much for Joe peekett The t'nrpeutler bubble hna burst I nndon wi nt ftilte off Its head on ttii rtav of the flaht. Hrllli-h peo ple do not. fnnnllv enough, take half the Interest in hoxinjc lhat reople do ever here. Thnl will naplaln whv Iher Ihmmlit the Kren hnian lo he a cress between a wlrurd. a hypnntlsl. an A-eMo and n nrlxefiithter. Hemp rev, thev knew llnle about and cared less. Thev Imualned that Carpen tler would 1 Into the rlna, bow, amlle. remove his silk kimono, enhn I" r"nh Jn'-k on the chin, walk out rf the roiHd eirinr- n'iiln- chnm rlen n' tbe world Now. of course Ihev are all pnrrb d. and the knowlur. ones ore i"ln: "I told you so " klnrlnnd has not a heavyweUht Phe could have If she liked. There's Ibei r.rent hit hov i'lurdtunn. and rmnk liodilnr.l, a liorer with the ri.e-'n iHislirlnt In boih hands bu' he prefers his farm. Then there Is Tom fowler, more or less "all In." bin still useful, ami a sprinkling of yonns-slers who nilaht all be first ra'er- if ihev would hut lialn. The trouble la. thev won t. They spend their apsre Mine on the race courses, nr tn billiard saloons when they in I KM be as ca.llv keeping fit and retting a few ikmiilIs allng work out lo others of their furlernlly pre paring for fSilc bstlle. TMM ltl-:i; PM'IM rp 0 ITU I W It ll IIOAHH Ily HKNUY W(HII) (I'nlt. il t'ress Hlsrr "i-ri . ...n,t, til IciiNlK. Aug . Itaii s el. .mil ration nf ber state rnllas Is pio coe llng with a rapidity that ia sur prising the most optimistic When the task Is at l:ii rum pleted, Italy will have taken her first definite slep towards fr.-elng kcrielf from virtual slavery to whatever foreign country can supply her with riuil - to say nothing of greatly ,. proving her flnnnrliil situation hi diminishing one of her biggest and VICTIMS RESCUED Kaln y, liver, bladJer and uric acij trouble ar moat dangerous be cause) of their Insidious, attarkt Hit-d tha first warning they giva that they need attention by taking COLD MEDAL Tba srorlj'a standard remade for thesa dtsofderm, will often Wa-d oT thaa dla. ssssa and atrenarihen the bo-lr sgstnst further attasrka. Thrae sties, all draggtsta. Don't Know" most expensive Items of Importation. Following Ibe e. vtrlllrutiuu of her mlluMvi liulv niiitiM in ehictrifv ..r..eiie..riv nil of her industries, mil- 12I11K tlH) almost inexhuuallble water p.nvor resources of her iiiounlulns . . dtid Ktreaius. Espee Workers to Picnic In Salem HAI.CM. Aug. 9 Halem la to be the inecca of 10110 employes of the I'orllaiid-Aahlund divliiion of the Southern I'uclflc railroad on the or- held at the fair grounds Suturday, August 13. according to word re ceived by local employea of the com pany. . All of the arrangements for the gathering are being made by a com mittee of employea In the Portland beadiiuurters office. The program for the duy Includes racen, gamen and various other sports. Notices of (he nlTalr being sent out to tbe men invito them (o bring their famllle aud plenty of eala for their own parly, as well ua ftir an extra or two tho'ild Ihe demand arise. About :tiMIU euipluyoa are on' the payroll nf the company In this divi sion and It la expected I hut fully a third of Itieui will be present. Khop and ull other departments of the road not actually connected with the p-rntlon of trains will be closed for Ihe day lo rive Ibe men an oppor tunity to attend the gathering. Portland la supected lo contribute thn lurgest number at tbe picnic and a special train will be run to accom modate these people. The train will arrive In Halem about 10 o'clock In tbe morning, and will leave on the return trip at 6 In the afternoon. Pennsylvania Tire Servlre. Ford Garage. AsV Suther lin Team Wins Ball Game Hl TIIFItl IN. Or . Aug. 8 -In a Mine of bull at Oakland on Sunday ifternorn Inst, hetweenthe Sutherlln and Oakland trams, the Sulherlln team won In a score of 12 to 3. Tbe batteries for Sulherlln were, Ollberl ind Knight nnd for Oakland llolman mil Pcchclle. About IlllO people were preaent and a feature nf the raiue was four two-base bits bv Mil 'er. of Sulherlln. out of five limes it the bit. Miller was also struck hy a pitched ball. The drilling equipment which Is lo he used In nil development work sst of Sulherlln, was shipped from '.os Angeles Inst week, and Is ex erteil lo arrive here early the com 'n week. Mrs. w. J. Phillips and little laughter, mills-. i,r Portland, are lilting at the hnnte of w. y, ji lobn. Mrs. Phillips' father, cast of town. TKF.NPASS Kin CK. All persona are hereby warned nol to hunt or otherwise Ire-pass on in) ranches at Happy Valley and al Its-en. Any pcri-on violating thin notice will l.e proxecutcd to the full extent of the law. S C. Ml I.I.Kit. Mr. and Mrs 11 U Itryniu ,,f hs It' left this sriernoon 'or sn ex i. ii.l.il nnui trip thmi h I'alifornla Ihev will g .llr.it I,. San Jose t. lslt wlib Mrs llrisiit s father I! Hiirr who Is quit., ill Thev will also 'lull In San Fran.ia.-ii and Sacra ..... nen.re refnriiinr H M. ThouiJhtful of Timmie'a Tiicnd lo Inquire CLANCY -ff (-gg By PERCY L. CROSBT ROHEBCTW) WEWH - Agnes Pitch ford Visits Children Ml.i Afna Pltcbford. county Juv enile officer, haa Juat returned from a trip lo fortiaud, where be viaited llh juvenile clilliiien, who are con fined to tbe Good fcamarltan and St. Vluc.iul boaplial. 1 bere are now ten vblldnn at St. Vincent a. one of them com It. g from Ijourflua county. Theae kliliilt-a enter the hospital under tbe l'HtUd L'bllditii'a law. The purioae of tbe law Is to pro . Ida medical and aurKi.al treatment for skk and d. fortn.-d InaUi iit clill i..n. under the supervi.tlon of tbe .m.lLal department of the L'nlver ill) of Oiegou, aud providing the ..tanner aud method of defraying the iiei'iiuary rxpeua"i thereof. Any tirotiutiou oflh-ir, school teacher or hool officer, relief officer or pby Hiilan may fllo a written complaint with the county ludxe, ullogwis that the child Is under nixie, n years of a;e and la afflicted With some de formity or suffering from aoine mal ady that can proliably be remedied, and that the parent are unable to provide the means for aurttlral and medical treatment and hoppttal care for such child. Mlm PiKhford alutes that the rh 11-lir.-o are itiil homeuick and of course the parents are not financial ly able to visit them. Toys. Iioolw, games and other liitle girts, Bhould ! be supplied these children. There lam eei.lilif III lirllllllrl W 11 O Stnnil ready to keep In touch with the chil dren during Ibelr pirlod of treat mint, but many In thla city are also Killing to hell. Anyone who would like to contribute to the comfort of these Utile ones get In touch with Miss I'lli'hford at once. She will mpply the names to those caring to fix boxes to aend to them. She says It la really a pitiful sight to see these children, some of them mere hablea lying in their liny beds with their legs In plaster casts oftentimes, having to lay tlila way (for months and months. No compensation Is allowed the physician or aurgeon who treats luch child; other necessary hospital Hid transportation expenses are paid by the county. Penults from similar lawa In olhei :tntcs show that more than 91) per rent of Iho ehidlren treated become elf supporting in gainful occupa lons. and that nearly all are re lieved rrom pain during the remain der of their lives. These children will appreciate 'looks or any plaything far more ban any of us would ever realize. MIM.HTi:it AT MFI.ItOSi:. Itev. Fuson of Cnrden Valley held n Interesting service ut the .Melrose 1 range hall Siindnv (veulng. Elegln tlng Sept. 1, Kev Flifon has accepted i charge al Cleveland and will bold 'ervlces nt Melrose In the evenings a-h Sabbath. Itev. Fuson's coming 1 a great thing for Melrose and 'levelsnd as these plnrea were aauly n need of a apirltunl guide. I1 ItMIAM WILL PLAV. Mr. Frederick liurnham will pre ent a sidendld musical program on he flrat night of "Reputation" blch la to be shown at the Antlera in Thursday and Friday of this week. .Mr. liurnhnm la a master nuslrlnn and haa pleased many Hosiiurg audience In the past. An ipportunity will be given on Thura Iny to hear hint at bU best. o . Ill SF.Ml lltlvS KNTKUTAIX. Mr. aud Mrs. John Ilusenhark. Jr.. mterlulned at dinner nt their home in Hon Air llelgbta Sunday. The sueat list Included Mr. and Mrs. lohn Ilusenhark. Sr.. and their guest Mr. Adair. Mrs. Kale Heese and trainlaon, Kdwln Suiidslrnm, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. IliisenPark and children Fern, Joyce and Francis. Mr. and Mrs. Iiavld Ilusenhark and children irothy. Allen. Helen and Kather ne. Mr. and Mrs. T. II. Ilusenhark mil children. Margaret. Wiltna, Hale mil F.lslc, and Mr. and Mrs. Karl Duncan and daughters l.ols and Freda. CITY NEWS Moor Music Studtn opens SepL 1. Arundel, plane, tune rhona 119-L ralnleaa rxtnu-Hon or teeth at room . Uaaonlc temple. Ir. Nerbaa. I.nnsrlvanla Tlra Service. Ask is. Ford Garage. Goodyear .sr. ua. Tlra Bervlaa. Ford Splr. lla Cors. tt made lo measitr. . none , I'all e -1 T-.. t. " i. '-' ininun WI. I I TTESDAr. AlCt REVIBW ARE IMITATION BLUE POINTS Product Generally Sold aa Pick ot Oyster Family Not Really Taken From Famoua Beda. It hna been computed that all bar Via of Blue Point oysters are ordered aud eaten for eery barrel tukeu from to (ireat Sooth buy. In I'ulfnlk coun ty. New Vork. About lo.isj acres In the bottom of Oreut Smith buy are uu der oyster cultivation., and HI tie Poluu now come from many oiler places yloiig the Atlantic const. Kven those Unit are taken from the waters of Oreat South bay are md the Blue Points which made lhat imme famous considerably more than a en.tury ago. out are descendant of Virginia oj vera, which were planted In Orvu! Smith bay many years ago. and which probably came from t'liewiiieake boy. Nearly a eenta.-y ugo Unit Is. about itftS. oysters In tbe waters which were tbe home of Blue Points, be csjiue so acarce and coty tluit they v.ere worth hie cents apiece, which was 11 scunduloti price for oysters at that lime. Tho- old-fashioned lllue Points were not small oysters with comparatively smisitb sIm-IIs. but were of glnnt size, more I'ke those we call ruddle Koeks or Tunider "selects." rlnnlly tbe Itlue Point oyster bottoms became barren. After this condition had prevulled for a uuuiher of years. It was determined to restore thetlrnit Miiotti hwv iii'Hiur Imtiwtrv. flint boat- Ion (Is of seed oysters were taken from l.lri l'li..,l..lu on.l .. werliJiuril Their 1 descendants are there loduy, yet even they are utile to furnish only a ifiiialt proportion of the lllue Points that are ordered. THREE RINGS AROUND SATURN Fact Known to Astronomers, but Thair Composition Haa Not Been Definitely Determined. The Inner ring of the planet Sat urn, known to astronomers as the "crepe ring" because It la much lesa brilliant than the others, hna a thick ness of 2.0U0 miles, while the other rlnga are very much tblniier, accord ing to observations made by Prof. William II. Pickering nf Harvard, at the Harvard astronomical station at Mandevllle, Jamulca. The thickness of the rings of Saturn has long attracted the Inter est of astronomers. This plunet Is surrounded hy whut apitonrs through a small telescope to he a single flat ring of exceeding thinness. Through a larger telescope this Is seen to be In reality three concentric rings. Every 10 years or so the earth pnsses through the plnne of these rings, which ore then In a position edgewise to the earth. Sn thin are they that for a while they disappear and cannot he seen until the earth moves out of their plane. Astronomers believe these rings to be composed of Innumerable small meteors revolving In dense awnnns about the middle portions of tbe planet. Professor Pickering Is also en gaged in studying the canals on the planet Mars, and Is searching for the still undiscovered planet which Is be lieved to revolve around the sun fnr outside the orhlt of Neptune, the out ermost planet yet discovered In the solnr ayslem. Perfidious Albion. The phrase "Athlon perflde" (pert! dlous Albion) Is generully attributed to Napoleon, who undoubtedly usei! It, though the Idea long antedated the greut emperor. Thus Perlln In his "Itescrlptlnn des Itoynulmes d'Angle terre at d'Kcosse" (lTkHS), says: "One may say of the Kngllsli that In war they are not strong, aud In pence they are not fulthful." The Spaniard says: "Angteterre bonne terre mala gente" (Kuglaud, good country, bad people). On the other hnnd Francois slnxemlllen Nlsson, the noted French writer, who had lived among the Kng llsh many years while In exile, and knew the people well, says In his "Travels" (1710): "1 cannot Imagine whut cm' I occnslon the notion that I hate fr .itiently observed In France thn the :.icMsb were treacherous. It Is r."t li v gnat Injustice to reckon trvii. ..''!i among the dces fum!!iar to the la .-lish." Parliamentary "Whips." The parliamentary origin of the term "Whip" gties back to KilS. In that year, according to Sir Courtoiiuy lrt.ert (clerk of the Itrltlsh house nt eonimoiis from IK'S to lirji ). then was a great debate In the hnose on a iietitmn against tbe return of BT 9. 1P2I. U..C ot -onn w tiaea, wno bad been 2b!d from the bouae by It. order. nurke referring scornfully to me IZer If which men mooed posthaste even from the coo, uZt. Ukened the actlv ty of the Ulster, to the whlpplngln of .pa Tt bounds. The phrase The trc-a-ury bw1",,e pVra-ln." and. b, rapid proce. of ab breviation, whlpa. Disposing of th. Dead. Cremation wa. common lu ancient day. among the Greek, and Kom. ua. L tuueml P marking the final dis appearance f "eroea. Certain urVreaof American Indian, wrapped the llou,e. of their dead and fastened he n In cradles on the branches of living rees. But burlul remains the com iuon and perbupa permanent cuatom of ulai'oslug of the dead. PULO PLAYED FOR CENTURIES Game la Known to Hava Been In Ex iatanca for Mora Than Two Thousand Years. During Its existence of more than two thousand years there have been twelve varieties of the game of polo. The earliest form known was primi tive, consisting of feats of horseman ship and skill. The early Persian form described In Shumnna was a highly organised game with rules, pluyed by four on each side. In Persia, In the Sixteenth century, the grounds were 300 by 170 yards, and the play resem bled the rough football of the same period lu F.nylund. This game became more highly organized In the next century. The Kyiuntlne form played at Con stantinople lu the Twelfth century used a leather ball the sie of an apple liud a racquet. The Chinese game. In voue about tJ A. was pluyeil with a light wooden bad. The Jap anese form, popular lu feudal times atlll survives under the name of dakln or bull mutch. Iu an undent Indian variety the aides are ranged up on opposite ends of the grounds and the bull is thrown In. This Is probably the form of tin game which reached India from Persia and la represented today by Manlpui and Gllglt polo, though these forms ure rougher than tbe old Indian game. Henry, Not Hendrick Hudson. The Intrepid und resourceful nav igator who first explored the North river was not Hemlnck, but Heurv Hudson. Ily the former name be vvii. never known lu his owu time. lie would not have answered to It, prob ably would have resented Its applica tion to him, even during the brief w rbid In v. hlch he wus in the service of the Netherlands Fast India com pany, for he knew scarcely a word of the Dntch Innguage. and he Insisted upon having the Iutch lawyers. In drawing up at Amsterdam the Dutch contract with the company, write therein his name In Its plain English form Henry Hudson, says the New Vork Tribune. That he is called Hendrick Is due to a whimsy of the "gentle humorist," Irving, who In the (lesihumous puiiera of the mythical H'edrich Knicker bocker iiutiirally nnd appropriately l th lint, h f.Mtn of ihtM nnme. Palestine Chariots. Dr. Clnreiiee S. Fisher, curator of he lUihylouiun section of the t'nlver Ity of Pennsylvania museum, will tin lertuke what he descrila-s aa one if Ihe most iuiMirtunt excavutiuns ever mule iu tbe Holy land and the firs! since the beginning of the World war. lie eH-cts to tlud among other things, some of the Iron char'.ots men tioned In the lllble which prevented ihe children of Israel from cupturing Ilethshnn. neur which city sons? of the greatest battles of early histor) Aire fought. Scientific American. No Lady at All. Albert, nge.1 live, bad hien severely punMied by maternal hunds. His father on arriving home, found hit" In tears. "What's the matter, son?" he asked "Paddy." replied Albert, pointing an accusing nnircr ut his mother, "all I have to say is that I'm completely aurprisi-d at that lady." American U-glil Weekly. Military Poker, .tonkin Tliln sulutlhtf .iuIiui n iiiln!? mo 4if n pntnt? nf jmUtT. Wt How so? IthkL An iiflWvr imn's me nml I rnlst him tht. Wt -Vth. ntifl whether yu do or not. you're llnl.lc to k'fl ft mil. Am- HWIB SPECIAL! Reduced Prices on Fruit Jart. E.Z. Seal Half Pints, per doz $1.25 " 14 Pints, per doz 1.39 " Quarts, 4 " 1.60 ' ' J gals. " " -2.00 DREY MASON Pints, per doz i.15 Quarts, " " 1.35 ECONOMY Pints, per doz 1.35 Quarts, " " 1.55 J Gals. " 1.90 Also a full stock of JELLY GLASSES, CAPS and RUBBERS. CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. UIMH.t'OI.1 GltOWEIIH. There will be a meeting of broccoli growers Thursday, Aug. 11, at 2 p. m. lu the city bull, to consider ways nd means ot bundling tbe crop now growing. Kvery grower Interested Is Invited to attend. S. O. COOI.EY, Secy. Com. TIMKEN and HYATT roller bear; lugs for cara and trucks at The Roueburg Garage. J. H. SINNIGER All kinds of sheet metul work, warm air furnaces, both pipe and pipeless. 119 Oak Street. Phone 42S. Roseburg, Ore. 0i:r new Fall and Winter Samples Are here for Your ittfpi viha. Come in and Be suited. Our Auto Will CalL Phone 277 PRICE DROPPED $250 I The Oakland 4 At tho spur nel.A nf .1975 nn 1 a; t-. v v'uiv.w ucuvcicU ia uic ueai vaiuc vi a f your money. Compare it with any six cylinder automobile i yjx aioiu.vu Bumng juij.uu more and you will be convinced. j i High power, long mileage on tires and gas, makes the fi Oakland inexpensive to operate. Let us demonstrate to you. I J. F. BARKER & GO., Mitchell & Oakland Automobiles. Implement, 20 Reduction! n.in8 .1",.t, re5.elTod 'rne of woolcna from the largeat woolM mi a in tlie KaHt. I am now In a position to Oder a range of 0 patterna from 22.B0 to $48.00 fr auit or overcoat. Fit and work uunship absolutely guaranteed. J. F. DILLARD Service WILL DELIVER LVMBER. Maynard and Jcnks of Olend,, I will deliver rough, or d-ssed luuiwl for $20 per 1000. ulerl PKOFriKRlON A I, OA HlaT HAalAIIAI UII, Auctioneer. giuTaTn It. If. I: WKICui Plow.ra T""I M. 4ii W. Cass. r,ow' PNaal ua. at. h. ri.vi.KR rnrn-l (araiclan. 1 w. Ln. I OrcEut's Ihgbcr liutiiuhoa of TECHNOLOGY Eicl.t Schools; Seventy Drpirtmtau FALL Tr ilM OI-ENS SF.PT. 19, ll For inlorn.Blk.s wrar lo Ibr Rrtiutw Oregon Azricultiiral College BLACKBERRIES WANTED OKATES Ft HMS1IKI) FRANK J. NORTON, llRAItf, OREGON. HEINLINE Conservatory of Husk iti Art Kindergarten and Doanlnf Sjt tern for children 4 to 14 yean at ape Voice and Art Work eondacted by Mrs.. Brand and Mrs. Ruibo Vacation July 1-SepL . Sensible Six Ji: 1 n . 1 i. rnm i ucuvcrcu, IS U1B ucai ViUUC WI a First, U C-U mm mr, kan