BOWKBimo lTgWB.RBVtgW MOSttUV. AtGtST S, 1M1. mm Ttmn Alicia Hammaraly A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry IARRY W HKATOVrJ GIRL. . j nnt think I was ever more . ' mnvpd than when I read Al- ZSiletter on lov. and realized that Hwa. her great devotion to her buJband that made her recognlie jore in ail us -f.m Cod of the universe, lend such a love to me." 1 prayed rever :! from my heart, for 1 felt that ,,.n or woman who bad exper- mich an emotion had realized I, the fulitst that divinity which 1b laid to be norn in tm; u..... n,h rame in as I was reading the letter over for the third time and found me with tears roiling aown mr cheer. . 'Why, what Is the matter, dear?" "I don't know, Bali.' "What do you men?. Who li your letter from?" "Read It." Rh took the letter, hut before tha read it she turned, as most peo li) do. to see the signature. There vu none. ' "I don't understand "You will when you read it." I mmed awav to the window. In a fee- momenta I heard a choking sob sod Bab came ana put ner arms about me. "Allx. Alix. do you suppose that I will ever love Duane as Alice does Dill!" "I hope so, dear sinter, because only when you do will you under stand how wonderful la life and liv ing." "Did you love Hal like that?" "I do not know. Alice says that I did not live with him long enough to understand." "Do you imagine that you could love attain?" "I do not know, t sincerely hope to. Just now all my life Is centered in little Hal." nab looked at me rather shrewdly and said: "As I came through the hallway I found these letters on the table." And she handed me two. I recognized the superscription on one Immediately. It was from Larry and read: "Alix. my dear Allx: I have meant to write you for weeks, but since I arrived home things have happened u last I have not had a moment to myself. You were right, as you aK ways are. I have met the real girl. When I reached home I found that mother was better and that evening Bar and I went to see a fraternity brother who lives In the same street. And there, Allx. I found her. And do you know that we have been Khoolniates, neighbors and friends fnr year and I did not know that lie was the real girl until that night. "I had not seen her for four years Alii, she Is the most beautiful thing I rer saw In my lite and she really oil brains. Occasionally she reminds ma of you. I tnld her all about that oar we had wandered about town with a hurdy-gurdy and she loved It. I wish that she miht have been with o. for I feel now that every day that I spent In such en. yment as we had that day would have been multlpled a hundred times had she been with me. ! "Allx. dear. 1 just wish you could see how beautifully her hair curls down (he nape of her neck. Every time I am with her I want to touch it and ret I am afraid. What will I do If. bavin; found her. I should WE Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County light and Water Co. i Buy the Best Strive to Please BOWMAN'S CLUB ROOM College Ice Cream BEST IN TOWN Strawberry and Vanilla Ice Cream Cones. All kinds of Fruit MEALS AT ALL HOURS OPEN DAY AND NIGHT toff' C'ea ilal room- Ctalckesi dinner every Sunday. Best e Id town. Price reasonable. We toll home made plea and od. milk, butter, cream, candy, gum, cigar., eig hties, tobacco.. of 3. p. Depot, corner Cast and Sheridan streets. MRS. W. R. BOWMAN, Prop. have to put her out of my life? "Bart Is absolutely no good as a comment. He just says: 'Don't ge: bughouse over a girl. Larry. It won t get you anywhere.' And so I am writing to you. the best ual 1 ever had. because I know you will understand. "I know you will understand, dear because you predicted Jubi this thin. And what do you suppose Natalie said to me the oilier day when I told her about our day'a outing? She asKea ir you were not too old to spend a whole day In such strenuous exercise. How I laughed. In runt I laughed so much I think I an noyed ner a little, for she said: '.Well I know that Mrs. Hamniersly is a wmow ana mat sne has a child and I have read her wonderful stories. 1 did not think sho could be as young as you. as sne saia this, Alix, dear. 1 understood for the first time what you meant when you wld that I did not realize the difference In our ages. ".Natalie Is Just nineteen. She dances like a fairy; she plays tennis like a whirlwind; ne swims like L'n- dine and rides as I would think an Amazon might ride. I never thoueht I would find all my Ideals bound un in one entrancing bit of femininity and now, Allx, the best of all Is com ing. "I really think she likes me a little, but she has not told me so yet. Hut I can see that she prefers mo to Hart not that that answers the question, for I really believe Bart is jtalous, not of me but of her. Hn doesn t want me to be In love with her. Bart has Ideas of his own. you know. He thinks a man should moke a mark In the world before he falls in love. Says that If I marry young I will probably find a dozen girls later that I will like better. And whom do you think be cited as an Illustration of this? Your friend. Mr. Early. Bart said: 'Remember how wo saw him In Chicago, flirting around with that girl, and now I am sure that he thinks he is in love with Allx.' I told Bart that I was sure that Mr. Early's affection for you was purely platonlc, Just as mine has been. "Oh, Alix, please write me a letter and wish me luck. I shall want you to meet Natalie very soon. I am sure that you will love her and thai she will love yon. because I am never going to stop until I make her say that site will be my wife. "Write me. Allx. and tell me if this time It Is really love. LARRY." That night I copied Alice Cordon's definition of love and sent it to him with Just the words, "Is It like this, Larry dear? If so. the angels may envy you and mortals can do you no hurt. The world is yours. ALIX." Tomorrow Tragic Xews. NOTICE. Dr. R. P. and Pearl M. Bradford. Chiropractic Physicians. Ten years in practice. Consultation free. Suite 224, Perkins Bldg., Roseburg, Ore 1000. . TOIIUSTS ATTENTION. For the benefit of 'he tourists I am prepared to wash nd clean cars up to 12 o'cloc' at night. Motor Oarage Vulcanizing Shop. SELL Serve the Best There's a Difference Good Will Aids 1925 Fair Bill In Congress Nswa-Rrvlew Washington Buimd. WASHINGTON". Aug. 8. Oregon cashed In the otner day on the excel lent reputation which the Pacific coast has been slowly building up In recent years for doing' big things well and at a minimum cost to the American public, At a time when any parliamentary expert would declare It absolutely Impossible lo pass lealalalion thai has a federal appropriation hovering in the background and that Is large ly local in character, the house of representatives without serious oppo sition passed a Joint resolution for me holding of the exposition at Port' land In 192."i, "to celebrate the com pletion of Transcontinental and Pa cific highways, the centennial of the invention of the electric magnet and to exemplify the development of hydro-electric energy." Appropriation Expected. True, the resolution provided "That the United States government ihalf be put to no expense" by rea on of this resolution, which merely a one authorizing and requesting the President' to Invite foreign nations to participate. But everyone knows bat in due time there will be a fed eral appropriation. A resolution of nvltution of this character is always the entering wedge and always it has committed the government to a point where It must provide for adequate national representation at the fair. Pacific f'oaxt Won (hit. In all probability tho Pacific coast is the only section of the United States that could have secured recog nition of this sort at the present ses sion. The reason Is that the exposl 'lon of 1903 at Portland, the A. Y. P. exposition at Seattle In 1909 and the one at San Francisco In 1915 all were remarkably successful and all oroduced large results from federal appropriations for them, which ap propriations were far smaller than for other parts of the country. In other words as measured by the imount of federal money received the Pacific coast expositions have pro duced the largest results and all have been successful. They have leaned but lightly on the federal gov ernment, have demonstrated a larger spirit of self-reliance and Independ ence and hnve managed their affairs with a degree of business sagacity not common elsewhere. Sun Francisco Helped. Over and above all this, however, stands another factor in the estab- ilshement or a good reputation, the lemocratlc national convention at 3an. Francisco last June. That na tional gathering and the hospitable treatment extended to tho thousands of visitors all along the coast from San Diego to Seattle, constitutes an advertisement for the Pacific coast of Incalculable value. Decent treatment, reasonable rates and a genuine heartfelt welcome. added to delightful summer weather conditions have made the Pacific "onst beloved among those who have a great deal to do with directing the government of the United States. Kvery one who went to the San Fran cisco convention, whether as a dele gate, an observer or a correspondent s a walking and garrulous exponent of the Pacific coast spirit. Every one of these Is a center from which radiates a feeling of friendship to ward the coast. The sum of these radiations is tremendous. Furthermore, the North Pacific coast particularly after years of la bor, has at length pretty well con vinced that It Is prone never to come to Washington for the dollar unless it Is prepared to match and more than match thnt dollar with s dollar of Its own. The deepening of the Willamette river, the Oregon oort Improvements, Seattle harbor improvements and the construction of the Lake Washington canal where more local than federal money has been expended, are examples. Camp Lewis Is another striking example N'ot everyone In congress this fully, but the number of sena tors and representatives who do callae It Is Increasing, and with the realization, the reputation of the Pa cific const Is enhanced and the pos sibility of Its getting beneficial leels- 'atlon when it asks becomes greater. o PUJI.IC SALE. Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned will, on Monday, August 15th, 1921, at 2:30 p. m. o'clock, at the old J. Green residence, on the Pacific Highway, about 4 miles south of Roseburg, Oregon, sell at public sale to the highest cash bidder, one Willys-Knight five passenger tour ing automobile, with equipment, motor No. 3709, serial No. 12312. I. H. CASTLE. o 8MOKKIIOI SE IS H.lXKKl'PT A petition In bankruptcy has been filed by John Hanks, proprietor of the Smokehouse at (Jlendale. The liabilities of the business are placed st in, 000 and the assets at $.1,000. Attorney O. 8. Brown of Glendale is attending lo the legal affairs In con nection with the case, o TAKE NOTICE. Anyone afflicted with wild kalrs in the eyea call on Mrs. Win. Fisher. 82S Winchester street Hours from 8:30 until 6 o'clock. Phone 868-J. The Italian government has rone Into the cigar business and la making a stogie that sells for two cents. CHICHESTERSPILLS I'll lay im K4 ti aVy b -en. tsfskH w F'ss fci-'Aot. V afc fM rnthf. H"i fw y IHA3ut HRI.M PI MA t ft nn trsv M Bay. SvML JU -r1 P- ' M WHAT THEY MIGHT HAVE SAID on,. Possible Expression, of the Mother. f Shakespeare's Im. mortal Htrolpts. Hamlet's Mother Why don't yon run around like othtr boys. Instead of moping here, mutlerlug to yourself and looking like a graveyard? Sou make my flesh creep. Ophelia's Mother One would think you were Insane to see you rolling your eyes and throwing those old .lowers .round. Pick them all up, 1'be, before somebody steps on them and stains the carpet 1 Katberlne's Mother You've been scratching your sister's face again, find you shook your list and stuck your tongue out at the new minister lust now. March right to bed with out your supper! Juliet's Mother iou were kissing . strange little boy through the fence today. Vou'll get . good spanking If I And you doing It again. ltomeo's Mother- (calls) Romey, come In out of the night air I Jou ca0 see the mooo without climbing on (he chicken bouse I I never saw such a Silly Itlllvl I'ortin's Mother Was there ever more conceited child? Always lay ing down the law to your elders as If you knew It nil 1 Itosnllnd's Motlier For the love of heaven, Itosle, where did you find hose boy's togs? Take them off at nee and don't let me see any more tomboy I ricks I Lady Mncbeth's Mother When I put you In tied I want you to stiiy there mil nut go prowlliiR through the ball In your nightie with a candle. You'll get your death o' cold and set the house afire! Georglnna Cheesmun In 'he New York Sun. WOMAN CRITICIZES HER SEX Australian Writer Seemt to Hold the Opinion That Women as a Whole Are Unreasonably "Women." says the average man In bis moments of Irritation, "are un reasonable. They drive . fellow mad." And the same man Is Instantly swept by such a hurricane of abuse as to make him sorry once more that tie has spoken. There is no charge which the mod ern vvnmnn resents more than that of unreasonableness. She prides herself on her cool bead and callable Judg ment. She expresses contempt of ner sister of other times an un balanced creature, with no mind of ner own about anything, nor desire to develop one. Yet, despite her pro cessed common souse, one wonders now and then whether the modern womnii Is actually an .reasonable as she ImngUies. We stnud up for o(r rights nowa days. We rlnliu complete equality with man; freedom to enter all his empires, and even to govern them If we feel disposed. Yet we aren't cor. tent with what we get. He makes way fur us; he gives ns our cbnnce to rlvnl him In nil that he does; he mostly manages to curb his tongue when It would cry out follies too bitterly. All this we consider our due and give no thanks for It. Magnificent English Seal. The high-water murk for English official seals was rcuclied In the mng nltlcent seal of Henry IV, which was also used by bis two successors. The matrix is of gold and is a niurvel of the goldsmith's art. Not only docs this seal take pre-eminence amongst seals, but It is also often pointed to as Illustrating the zenith of English art of this period. It was made In 1408. A Gothic framework on the ob verse side divide with niches and canopies the space into numerous sec tions enshrining no less than 21 fig ures, besides the charges on the shields nnd banners. Herein Is reflect, ed the perisMiillcular style of archi tecture Just beginning to assert It self. The figures all have a political significance to convey. Alnn Wyon. one of the most careful writers on the Great Senls.of England, discovers In the work the desire of Impressing upon the people the claim of Henry V to the English throne. After Sunset In the Tropics. Anronos of lb stars In the tropics. one Is always told that there Is no twlllghl In thee regions, nils Is not nidte an nil-mate way of expressing If. What Is ni-curnte. Is Coleridge's line In "The Ancient .Manner,- wneu he sny: "The sun's rim dips; the stars rush out." He adds: "At one stride comes the dark." The moment the sun go-s down, you do see the stars nt on.; but the darkness that comes Is H"t dark; the red afterglow down on the horizon and above It the luminous mauve hare, which Is pe culiar to the troples, lingers . long time, and against tula the great .hntwi of the clouds stand out inky and hlaok. It Is a wonderful sight Maurice Itsriug. Cheerful Word Means Much. Have you ever had your duy sud denly turn suiihlny because of a i-i.rful word? Ibive you ever won dered If this could lie the same world. because stsiirone had leen unexpected ly kind lo you? Jou can mase loiiHy the same for sometxsly. It Is only a question of a little Imagination, a lit tle time and a Utile trouble. Think m, "What can I do today to lunk someone happy T old persons, chil dren, servant even a bone for the oof. or sugnr f-sr list bird. Why nut? Maltbie U. Babcotk. yn meal" The new sugar coated fSSr t chewing gum MJm which everybody Hkes-you will, too. PUBLICITY AS CRIME CHECK Sociologist Says tha Newspapers Mak. Life Hard for Criminals of Every Description. "Illume the newspapers for mnklng the role of the criminal harder today than II was twenty or thirty years ago," said II. C. Elmer of the sociolo gy department. University of Minneso ta, according to the Minneapolis News. "The swindler of n few yenrs lack hnd u downy feather bed to lie on compared to followers of bis footsteps today," he continued. "In those dnys, the same gang would work a skin game In one town a week, and then move to the next stop and do the same tblnr the following week. Not now, how ever. The newspaper la the barrier. If a clever swindle Is worked In Mex ico or Honolulu the news Is on tho wires at once, und the whole world knows It In a couple of hours, and the little game Is killed." Contrary to general opinion, crime Is not any creator In proportion to pupil I nt Ion today than twenty years ago, according to Mr. Elmer. It Is Just that the number of criminals Im; Increased with the growth of popula tion, he said. Mr. Elmer exploded another popular fancy when be said that be believes that criminals are not any bolder today than In years past. "It Is the newspapers again," be said "The big Jobs are given wide publicity and seem lurger In the public mind thnn those of the past. Hut It Isn't so. The .lames boys, the Yoiingers, nnd the Dultuns had Just ns much nerve and put over Jobs In their dnys Just as big as anything you read about In the pitic!'S today." She Bunched Them. Grandmother was pleased that Mu tlldu should have attentions, and was very gruciuus to Hie manly beaux and admirers that came by turn; but when lu the crowd of summer visitors there appeared In succession William Llttle Jobn, Martin I'ellijohn and Ted V pjulin, she was lewlldeied over the young woman's predicament. "till, Matilda !" she exclaimed. "How do you manage more than one John nie at a time? I never shall lie able to tell which Is Utile, which Is l'et ly, and which is I'p. Hut," after some reflection. "I'll hunch 'eiu ; I'll tlx 'em.' Ever afterward, when one of the Johnnie triplets appeared, grandma was heard to exclaim most cordially. "How do you do, Mr. Utile relty-l John, which?" Saving Screw Shavings. Two thousand years seems a long time to wait for an Improvement, but this has been the cne with the screw. Metal screws have been made since Hi II. ('. The slinnk of the screw has been turned from a bar of metal hav ing the diameter of the screw head, thus wasting a large proportion of the metal by reducing It to shavings. A ceilaiti screw manufacturer lias decided to alter this. A metal bar, of the diameter of the shank, Is put Into . mnlr.x and subjected to enormous pressure. The bead f the screw Is thns expanded In the confined com partment, which gives It the desired shape. The only waste occurs In threading the S'-rew and finishing the bead. A Parachute Record. To I.lcutemnt Arthur Hamilton, of the United Wales army. g'es Hie record for parachute Jumps, for he recently left an airplane at a lick-lit of 24,4' f'-et and drifted eight miles before touching the ground. He Is said to have fallen aleep from cold during part of his descent. "Where In a Name?" Mr. Nlckelpinch Haven't I given you my iiume? What more do you want? Ills wife t want the .ri lb-re "f signing K o checks that will I honored nt the bank. .atsasm. m V w 1 171 m I --,ajBa "V U . W I ss sa V rJja that will aid tlon. polish your teeth anil mniffi your throat. wmr.irv "1'iv's.a. m J r?Kit.i try THE FLAVOR LASTS IiOIKlB DIRECTORY. WOODM1SSJ or THH WORLD Camp No. 15. meeta In odd Folium' hall Ir Itosebur. .very 1st and Srd Monday eventual. Visiting neighbors al ways w.icome. H. CAP.RICK, C. C. U. kf. MILXKK. Clerk ,.! nuHiiura ten. meets In Moose hall on Jackaon Ht. on 2nd and ath Monilny evenlntta ot each moatn at t o'clock. Visiting brethren In good standing always welcome. . VICTOR M10KI.LI, W. P. P. A J. WULF, W. P. a. v. uiKiuMAN. secretary. U. I. U. l.l.KS. HoRknrl Lotae Ko. Kti Holtli regular communication! at the Klka' Temple on each Thursday ot every month. All members re quested to attend retrularly. and all vlalilna brothers are cordially In- vlted to attend. ROT BELLOWS, K. R n 1. Swt KMiiiris oi' fvTiViAn Aipna Lode. No. 47. meets every Wednesday even In. In Douglaa Atistraet ttnll, corner Jackaon A Washington Bis. V.ltl ora always welcome. WALTER OI)AKE, C. C. ' CI1AH .K Hol'KI-NS. M V. SJ. M. WIMBKHLT, K. R. 8. lul AU UHUbilt 1 1 If HOOSU ituaebur. Lodge No. 1037 meets flrki sail third Tuesday evenings of each month at a o'clock In the Mooae hall. All visiting bruihera are invited lo attend. C. W. CI)AKE. Dictator. H. O. PAlUlDTKli. Kecrelary A. K. A. 1, l.eorrl l.xlzr SJa. 1S , Regular communications 2nd and 4tt Wednesdays each month at Maaonlb Temple. Itoaeburg, Ore. Vlaltora wel come. ' W T. HARRIR. Becy. JOHN E. UUNYAN. W.M. KKHKH IIS ituicuursT ReoeKaa Lodge No. 41, L O. O. K., Meets In 0)d Kel lowa' Temple every week on Tuesday evening-. Visiting members In good standing are Invited to attend. MYRTLE TREKIIKN, N. (1. TIKI.I.H XTKI'MKNftoN. Bee. ETHEL KAILKY. Kin. Secy L O. O. r, lllin Cineimtil 14a. .. Meets In Odd Kelluwa' Temple every Wednesday evening. Vlsltlnc; breturen alwaya welcome. 1KU. HADAHAtJCH. C. P. V. T. JACK HON, II. P. OLIVKH JOHNSON, II. 8. JAMKS KWAltT. V. 8. . H. A. O. T. M.-ltosetiurg Review. No. II hold regular meetings on sec ond Thursday at I p. m. and fourth Thursday at a p. tn. Vlsltin? alstera Invited to attend rev,ws. Maccubee Hall, Pine and rasa aireets. LOIMHK IjTH'K E, Com JKHHIH RAPP. Col. VEiriii or WOOIM HAFT l.ttsr Circle No. 4S. meets on Si.d and 4th Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. rntrrm Htntvnrrt. o N. TILLIB LJOJINKON. O. K. Itiiee.urg I'ka.ter 14.. N Ilolda their regular meeting on the 1st and Srd Thureilaya In each month are respectfully Invited to attend MYRTLE IIEYMKUS W.M KHEK JOH'IHON. Heev. C O. . P. I'kllrterlaa I.Mae No. S, meets In Odd Fellows' Temple every Friday evening at 7:0 o'clock. Vlall In. brothren ere jtwava welcome. A. REDHAIIN, N. O. A. J. OKIUIKH, Rec. Reo. J. B. BAILKY. Kin. Kac Tooth Troubles by ILR.MvR6ASeD.Se The cause of all tooth troubles Is the fermentation that takes place In the mouth. The microbes that secrete the powerful solvents Hint eat through your tooth structure can not bo successfully coin batted unless you seek the ad vice of a dentist. I 1st; P.f N'l.I'HH MKTIIOIIM llf il l..TK TI M II KK'I'I.At'K TKKTII S.tMK MY I (TICK I'Voltltlli: A. I to Kir. Yon have the N'lietlt of my fctperlenee, KIT idem y and lt liability. DR. NER 15 AS TMK OENTIS r PriONE 4 Room 9 mahosjio nm.iiM. delicious MBBftn'fi flavored SUPrar Jarlcof arnnnt CePDermlnf f (aunrorl rhmnlnd Anm your aDDettfennri rtio-o. 43122 Roseburg, Myrtle Point, Coquille and Marshfield Stage 7-Pisstflger Cadiltec-8 Cm Leave. Hotel 7 a. m. dally. Far. to Myrtle Point, f .4I. Far. to Coquille, f 7.00. Far. to Marshfield, $8.00. COAST AUTO LINES Jersey Milk I will deliver milk or .ream to any part, of the city, evening or morning, at the regular priest. , Fbon. I70-R. W. F. Ramp LET JONES DO IT! Auto tops and upholstering. Tour ing cars altered to aleep in. Dent, removed in bodies or fender, by new process. 70S N. Jackson. Phone 838. Rice'sGarage Cylinder Re-Boring a Specialty. Only electric re-rwirln. machine In the county. Kxpert machinist. ft',18 NORTH MAIN. Selections' Each article in our . stock representsdis criminatinpr choice in varied lines, and the careful selection of each article in the line. The store with the selection. Bryan's Gift Shop Jewelry Silverware Poller Bartlett Pears Drager Fruit Co. ROSEBURO, OREGON. WANTED i am unit