i-..lll'll'li n'l' PAO TWO 57m td-MPYS REVIEW 0 WOMAN SAYS ROSEBURG NhW-KL.vic w via vi w w w AffllClfO WITH PALSY . ik.ii. L fnl HiinilJtT se e. 1 1 11 ' ' " '"' Iterl . Halm w. tu.. ' SUliSCKlPTlON UAii-o ....1400 roo U " 1.00 Daily. Pr yMr- b,r lialiy. ill months, by tuall. . Uaily. bf carrier, per month . . . Wuekly .-Review, by mull, f' J"" .'. . t Ml 1LOBO' """""-"-r . .,, March . bum. Or.Kou. uuuer - IIOHI III IH. Ultk-l'"v "' " NKAU1NC! NAKEDNKSS IN KUKOI'K. .,l contn.1 KuTl PrtH-u.arly the children. Nmw leon c wins. In a recent rt i -w in i UllllOllllCt'Cl from the . I ,,,! Ucl.ef Administration '" Z standi of f,K,d, condition, arc hotter; . . - i .i : il.A.t rn ivnrSC. b,anU,M..nt o. , r,a, a climax next All o ..M i vers azii-c - . ..,..,, i... ..... ,lnthoS have t'lfll bout'M si-ue ivxo, viiui'r. " . . lie sale of houseliold ar stores of years are hound has now ..en niched in most familifs. This .h as true ... . lllZt U,e formerly well-to-do, who are now poor, as .n In. homes of lattoiei and wasants. : Uic The chii'f reason why Europmm cannot buy clothes ts U c .' . ' ?.!., .. f..l!,n twice as far as the money of A.is- "" V. .. ..rl0(, i American I aw willing to Join with thoi who lire telling about their expert n h Tin lac. for the more po Mle know about this wonderful u'dj- cine the less sunerins; m said Mm. Mary A. cnamoera. I'ark Ave., I'oilland. Ore. "It seems that almoJt everything i... ti.A Miiinitiff nun was the mat- no- wilh we. Klrst I was operated f,.r uniK-nillrllla. then I benan hav ing liimbaKo b 1 oul,J hardly ml iiiv back felt like It would hreak In two. I had no appetite to .,r would never eat any break fu:tt and the little 1 ate at olher intulii neeined to do ui more harm I hau pood. My nerve, were In luch uuf 111 a'(lll lltlnn that I ahook like I had the pah y. uiy handa In-mbli-d ao I i-ouldii'l lift a full cup of tea my mouth without gpilliug U. rienh until I weighed unly d and waa no weak it lire me out to walk more than a few I to I lost ninety would .. .. . i .. Itiikehuiil. n'- .ilrs. iwiy iiiiii"-""M KI'.KI) Trllih t". The rlillilK-u of sir. "' ci llll) Of loa A linen-. HAUY ll H It. Btepa At the W. C. T. U. count conven- Tiinlac helped me rlK'l from the ,ll)U loul0rrow at the 1're b ter Ian tria: in Warsitw io.immi in.hu.-, - money, will now hrinu only $10. , The ellect of this money situation u,.on clU..nK w clear when it is realized that central and eiistern Kurope import their tlotn t is riaiieu from countries who: money , ;i n,,;. . vi.n. . r domes ,a Z.:ii, months' salary. A pair of shoes a family's ...in. hungry for .. w....,lt. So desperate is the situation babies are born with no pro ion made for clothing them and the sick in the hospitals are de ?1. ' .inner bandars. American Red Crc workers say that the number of mothers in Kurope who will be unable to pro . . .. .i...ie .w.w.),.m Imbies will imss the million mark vine ciotniiiK . , ,... i,i Hundreds of thousands or childien win nave no , weather comes unless they are provided in advance by American relief org-aniat ions. The American Friends' Son ice Committee has united with .u. ; , v.ul r.r,M iii n joint summer collection of used and ui.usod garments to meet this situation as far as is possible. 1 he drive will bo nation-wide. Those who want to know how they can help should apply to the nearest Red Cross chapter or other Red Cross representative. Only Barmenls which are strong, sensible, and serviceable arc worth paying freight on nmss the water Shoes must be in good condition and tied in pairs. Knitted gar ments, especially stockings and sweaters, will be badly needed, fiuby clothing, new or used; uncut muslin and flannelette; strong clolh for suits, yarn, even thread in great quantities, should be accumulated. This clothing must le made or collected during the summer months in order to reach Kurope before cold weather. Clothing that is not designated for n particular country will be diMributed by the two organization according to the greatest need. Donors may, however, specify the country to which they wish their gills to go. o SUMMARY Or- FORKH'.N CROP PROSPECTS. tart and 1 haven't had a bad day luce I finished my flint bottle. 1 at heartily three tlmea a aay ami ....... iuLh mack betvn-en meals. I have alined twenty oounua in welKht and have picked up MrenKin ... ihni I can do a hard day noune HeunliK without ri ttlnK tired. I m well and happy today and 1 praise Tuiilnr from the bottom or my heart." Tanlac In wild In Monebur by W V. ChiiPinan'a Pharmacy and by lead In K dniKdlata everywhere. church the "Baby Hour" in the af lernoon will be of unuual Inierest. Children five yearn of ime and youneer will lie preriented by th-ir mothers and fa.hm for Cradle Roll membership. H' HM" P!'KinB ,hem-. leH to t.aoh and train uie.n , be eor.d Cllii ns I" the biKReat -l,se of I he term. Th. i...uiniiiil brown eytd tnpleta of Mr. ui.d Mrs. Koy Johnson of thla city, r. cenily of I.os AiiKe.ea, pn wnied for iiienili-rship. will l ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND OTHERS KT MIM. KI.LSm itV A OaMf Column of Viientlona and Aiixwem Cmnlin-tea by Woiua Wbo Knowa. Adilreaa your l-ltern to Mr. Kllaburj Can ItoM'burR Newa-IU'vlevr. AVIATION EXHIBITIONS AND AIRPLANE RIDES TODAY AND TOMORROW LAST DAY CAPT. LOWELL YEREX The Distinguished English War Flyer. . o EXHIBITIONS CAPT. YEREX FANCY FLYING "JINX" JENKINS The Dare-Devil Aerial Acrobat; in Death Cheating Spine Chilling Stunts. - 7:00 P. M. 6 $5.00 Passenger Flights All Day $5.00 AlSI'lt'KS ;.TI.S-MOi;iUS AVI.VriO.V CO, SAN FKAXCISIO. V. f. T. f. fON KNTIOV. The dinner hour at the Prenly- terlun church tomorrow will be In idiurirn of Mrs. K. A. Shuey and a tine coiiimitlee. Frank S'llllvan returned In hi; home in Canyon llle after spending the week end in thin city. MISS ANNA IM.l.V A.VNATIMK . A U II l-'.KK HKAH ANNA IMIN'T Vol' think III AT II'' oll (.11:1. s Will l.l THINK it over NI WI'iAK l.-:SS chithillK I'H.IT the weather Hill I II not l i:t iiiii HI) 1 1 III Old WAIIM? THINK It over nml Sl .: If vto'r Mil' rhilit. All ItlAdlll. 9 Worry ilmwiT ciiiim liahlnexa often at linlilneM raliM-a worry. Vim hue to Hiltcli your atell to I leave fiMilprliita In the aamla of time. 9 I'KACK AT LAST. "Thin iirourain will end the year'a work for Hie choir. The niemU-ra tnkn a vacation during- the montlia of Jul ami AiiKiitt. for which the con IcreKiilloii will OKt'KIt THANKS." The loil'rn WiMHlinnu. Well, tliliilin alu'l an ciwh ilerneil aiirw nfier nil Jiim n-ail IhU fnnn lite I'nniierKvlllF (lllil.) New-l-.aill. Iner: "liiU countrv W n'it ilry. It never haw leeii ilry and you won't when It will lie Doar Mrs. Ellabury: 1 am twenty yeuru old and I have livi d In Hnse- buiK all my IHo. 1 waa murriei. when I waa eighteen, ami my Iiuh- band riled after we had ! n man led year, lie haa been dead a year now. Keecntly at a neitMinor :i inline met a young man who a visum; there. I had not pone out very much and he la about Hie llisl man I have met since my husband died. He seemed to like me at Mice, and walked home with me. My mother was shocked, and scolded me ubout it Eeveral times sine'. She says the neighbors will think that was ter rible. I thoUKht I shouldn't anl to fro any place and have a K'mmI time. hut I enjoyed talking to him, and 1 would like to Invito him lo the house. Who do you think Is rlht? Should I not see him acain? YOUNG WlliOW. Korebiire. Ana. You certainly kIioiiM wee lilm nxain. Foi'Ket about h:it the uelielilNirs would any. Von ai-e a younir Klrl anil aliollhl nit like one Dear Mrs. Ellsliury: I am a youiix man of 21, and for the last six months my hair has been comliiK out lo a great extent. 1 have had no sickness that would cause any trouble to the hair, or neither do 1 work In the heat. What in your opinion would cause this and what would you recommend to prevent the hair from coming out. A. K., Oakland. Aus. Il ! possible Hint your hj Iciil condition is hail. Sometimes the hair falls out in the case of an anemic or run down iiei-stm. An other cause could lie ilandrnlf, as you did not Nitile whether you are IhiIIi- end tilth ilaiiilnill or not. I would advise you to put yourself in the hands of a reliable harler. uml let him treat your luiir once a week. A brisk nuissime, slialn.Mi. unit appli cation of a iool tonic, will reined) your trouble. Pear Mrs. KILsbury: I would like to know how to clean a while pan- auil have the K'HmI times other youiiK intra hat, and If there is any i-uriinK pcoplo have, whether you are allliliild to put on the hair that will widow or not. Your hiishiuid would curl it. 1 ve he-inl there was. What not want to couileAin you to a li.eils the name of It, if any? if inoiimiuir for lilm. lint some lll.l K P K LL, Rosenm-fr. pretty new frilly clothes, nnri K Aus. 1 mi can buy cleaiiln:; fluid about iim a normal youiiK ulrl sliouhl. for while pniuima bills at tiny drm Invite the yoiilit; man to your house, store. Hie wise tiling to do Moult anil other frlemls Iim. Narrow i he to talve II lo n hut cleuner, as the iiiIiiiUmI ni'luhlMirs who would talk j home jnhs ni-e never l-lllirt-l s:lti alNiut a Ihiiiir like tluil should ' lc i fm-loi v. Itaudoliiie or Jaluinesc n;iioriil. If you will talk II ever shavings will make the hair stay in with your mother I mil aurt she will. curl. IStM-chtliy when used on the see It as you do. hnlr iN'fiire lllns kid rur!rrs. Planning to Handle Broccoli Sl'Ht'lAI. SKKVIl'B tilVI'.N. Snerlal service was Riven yestor- ,lay by B. I.. Uyland. oca. '"' " III inancKi-r. m siiei".' " ,:,." ind ol lor t!ie auiiiane .-a............ . . ,.-,.i ni.t s;iniulard on llanan mm. " - - Oil truck was used to convey KeU Crown gasoline ana .eiun-ne to the 1 " linx field where the ma- .hine vas ..' during the day. -i - i pv. ;) i-'ione 4UI-K, reai- E. I. de- e 5-1 1 N. fin ., of odd jobs, h etr. ch mlnlne. or rnv'l nr ( does all kinds 'Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Bond, son and chauffeur, or Toledo, Ohio, pass ed throuKh this city yesterday, en route to Southern California, where they will remain for the winter. Ur, l;ond was clerk nt the Esuioml hotti hi Portland il.i years ago. He now owns a proniincnt hostelry in the former city. Traveling with his party In another automobile are Ur. and Mrs. K. I. Bevercool son anil daughter, also of Toledo, where Mr. Severcool recently built the new al- linR. kalso- dorr hotel and sold It. They were ill want done, reentered at the I'mpniia hotel. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ILL HEW CLASSII-'IK.l ADV. KH I ls.RlJT WILL BR KOHND OK LAST PArll0 CKllKH ni XKW TODAY." WANT1J). WANTKI S'ulne Kood mtlR cows. now. J. M. JiiilO; V A. NTK1J Sewing. Main. Call at 915 Bo. WANT HO 1'utBtocs. I'nrm Co-operative Kxchange. WANTKI hl teacher a Urn. lmlu llunni y. Clerk. (lit! I. A.tl 1IKI.I' VAll;I). WANTKI To liear from pear and ap ple piu-kerK, experienced. Uood fruit, ImiK season. Address I'. U. Box t, Knsehurg. tun isALlk. ;OH SALE 5 good work horxei and tiarnesM. Cheap, l'hone lfitl. WANTKI A K'loO enw KlvlHK not less In HI 1 Kill, a d:iy. 1'helle 2iU-U. vc WTI-'.li l urKevs .larau IMi.nie H-K-H. BeyelKlos. or small. WANTKIi A Henry rifle. Zeda Itho t.ll. lixuii ille, lu IMiene al-j.-l. (IressniaKIng of all S7-It. airs. CuthrldKe rrcliminnr' reports to the l'nitc.1 Stat 8 Di'partmont of Ag rictilttiro fnm inter-wlicul growing t-mintrioH wln.se ImrvesU aro i-ilhiT fioarinjt rnnil'tion or ulioiit to take plare, point to lcfi fioncv in the ucivnirc of wintor wlicat an coinpaivd with Hit' pio- - c? i I, ...... ul Union imiiiMviuiiitidv He to m-e the day CCSjiito arti.-eiu. oiiiiih iuv.u, v..... .. ,i,... ... . i. i i i ii ;o 1 '" onr-rniirth ol llu woiki s mippiy nas, as yet, tu iu iuihuku ci itifal Hlagos of tlovoliipint'iit, and a i t la a coiitiniianci' of tin pivs etit climatic ooinlilions thtst art' not vrry lirinlit- l'.stiiimU'.i of the UKM prixlin'lion of whoiit in I'.fltriiim aro pliu-oil at 7.r7'.t,OOt) luiftlu'lu. or 7 !.( por fftit of the 1 1)20 protltution ; in I'.nloaria IH, !H),"i,0it(), or VS-Vi per cent of last year; in (ii'ce l:t,WJ,0H0 bushels, or lll.fi per rent of last year; in Algeria 1'J.IMM) litishels. or iht rent of last year, anil in Tunis 1 1.T.'tS.OOO bushels, or 2'J." per cent of the product ion in r.VJO. ollii lal relHilTs stale tlial Hie ruining wnrat crop m ttaiy win u-, siu-iresi thai yon ion it in nit ...v ; ,.U,i ifii noil nml l,.,. l,..U ..,,.,.. vvilli 1 1 1 '!:!7 .000 1 eh-. b-avr It on your table ami ..... ... I . . . tl -..mil slllclile. All of the A iM'aiUifiil woionii never has lo muiie with a hotel clerk. A nice cool breeze on n hot day like Oils Is like t hard liolled ernl ll'n hnid to lMat. t t- A lis-al "ioet" w riles to Prune rii-kln's as follows: "I'll like to kiMiw how lit Ket this imhmii pub- r.,...ni. tin. Ilslit-il. . I'e wnl It to n ilosen nil- nils mil ii n oi no us.-. 11 r itiium 8AI.KM. Auk. 8. The Importance! of Oregon's hrocroll lllilu try Is mak- inaf itself felt and goverut:it-nl offi cials are inakini( plans to Investi'nl" ihe Is-st nii-thods of shipping. There aas his'ii tHime trouble witli the broc coli Jackets yell. twin? before ihcy reach the market when thev have to he shipped limit distances. Oeore K. Link of the hnrieit of plant liidnstrv nnd C. W. Mann of the hureaii of markets have con ferred Kith Ihe ninnaiti'Mient of the Oregon llrowers' Cooteralive nsso- rlailon ri-Kardint Inve.-tlu'aMon of resent meihoiU of shliuuent and It is prohnlde Hint the icovernnieiit will oopi-rate lih the association In this winter's shipments to determine methods wlil h will ellmitiate the nresent dilf h III! li-s . The hroe.oll would b'1 carefull inspis ted In fme ami after shipment. I at-i-iji din' to plans, and II is pr thahli i that men will ai-.-onipauv the cars I Koin x i a. -it to h ::ru the c-xai-'t cendi 1 11. a of tl-.e vi ve;ai'Ie along tl;e way With the luiT.-asing importance or the hioc.oli in.lutry in Oregon, as i.lKt.ni c ( f tlii-" nature from the de I "aitni'-nt of agriru!:ure will Ii.- grear ; Iv api're -iated by the hroc -oil grow ers of Hie state. La! :-easnn the Oregon Orowersl I 'I'.'d i:n i irs of hniicull from dif ereii! pcint in On-iion. TAIUlltlNU and kilMia- I'hulie 1 WANTKI Man with family to wurk In iirune liaiveil. I. 41. llolltBumery, laa I'lfi-k. Ult-Kun. WANI'Kl 'u..d i-ultiiiK or Blushing No blii.rt juiim cun.iUeieU. Call 41 I- ulk-rluii hi. WANTKI" 11. .me. lit her niu tu iiif-ln il. r..i ...il.nl Illt-MH J., .Nl-ttlt-IU'lk-W. furnoher cuupie. Ad or in l'.2D, vhile commercial estimates place Canada's production for the present season at approximately "OO.OOO.IMIO bushels, com parts! with Jlilt.lS'.I.OOO btisheis last year. The principal feature tif the current agricultural year in Ihe Northern Hemisphere, has leen nil unusually mild and dry va inter, followed by a rather heavy drought which has lavome especially severe in Kuroe and India. Prolongation of this drought will probably have a serious clfeet on spring crops, which in some countries are already showing mpers would signs of lieing slanted. (In the first of this month in eastern have II the nrvt ilay one A I'ltAYIIt. 'owiler ami iM-rfume anil immhII ami aliit. J Ainl Hflinls ftiat would fissyniarle I anv saint, Music that lai- ami ambles ami I lirnvs; I liisl I ike us luuk In the old j fnslikuieil days. www TI.m u l........l.... l I,.. ( nnuda the cnips were sullcnng greatly irom proiongeti drought; oiiinr.i iiuirict are ihinklng of or- but conditions were reported ns getu rally favorable over the larg- niin a kuKlui Mint. cp part of the western provinces, espec ially in Saskati luw-.iu, in , w,i,,s account is like nsh Fpite of some rumors to the c-n'r:.ry. Generally speaking, from "tory ihe louKer It lives the lanrer practically the whole of Kurope have come complaints of drought. ; Kr"w, ft In Krni.ce the rainfall during the first half of the crop season was ONK WAV To sl.t-'Kl (NniKoltT- the lowest for many years, and the present month promises to' , , ymr .V.mVc.hr ,.f lee ...I establish a record for dryness, t'ondilions are said to be the worst ,m your fii-i la the refrigerator. in many seasons. The prolongal 10., f U. drought gives .:, lor i ,.,l(T,.r, , W,M n ket'll uneasiness. litH'ts, spring cereals and meadows have suffered eome until the ! lay down their most. Autumn wheat still presents n gissl apiearance. Winter, oats, will give a good yield, but the i"T,.l;;i..n (if spi n g ki!s nnd wheat leaves much to be desired. TOWN PESTS Kojoy llctllc lak.-r, t:,, Mr. and Xia W. F Chji'ni.in and dl;in. r ihlhlren and Mrs. Chapman s sisler.Jii.we t.. I I ml the -ek nd al W olf rrei k, l-e rr.. where Ihrjr rntoved a picnic. .the .. . Ki1 "Our al Vtotf tree Honn, a--.. Mr. and r 1 I i' ast son tier, l.iri i'llfd U t'Meli pi. nlC l! Band Holds Sunday Picr.u In spite of the ,'a-t that there waa little 'iipporl i-ii n and a very small att. til .in , -e. the baud yesterday h. 1,1 ! i .ry tnj.i.alile P.riii- a! I.ain.l j Ail. nt. . - Ii, tl.e heal of the da. I and tiie m-, :al counter alrai-i.'ii. Hie a' t. ml. -n -e was nut guild and a i r.-s-.ili II was neci s.'..iry to cunail th.. riiLTani mnuesbat. The hand Hay. , a nu.ni.. r of selections ami a few s;-e.-ial feallltes were IntfotlUi.-d. The gr..e was lishte.l in tl.e ev.-nni ; hniirs and pi.eui, ,1 :t ,1 app-ar-;tn e. A pi' n.c luiu h w.i-i . rv. d in 'he i -. eiiini:. e CITY NF.WS a WANTKI A r-al Iranii'ttr h:iulin wood, S.'int' muK!i K'uutiti. rl-' L' i il. .i-viii-Ki ie. a.n it-:it - To tt in a six r -irftit room it.-ub-, i u i ti icl-ftl oi' UMturiUMifcsl. AJ 1i II. K., tuiv Newi-KtVU'W, WA.NTi.i - l.4iiin ftr low s!uei, or uill .;i on litiit, li.iif or all (4 llu in. 1. (i. iti I U, or pi e lC-J. WANTKI TO UKN -1' uin.li. (MuTu or .1 p.i 1 1 tin nt I., 1,'ouiiU? with no hll n.ii. Allici.!t II. care Niwa- Jl'"lt HALE Hay. I'uii ISA I AS 'New trombone, rwver ttwn ustil, $5. lmiulre 412 l-'ullmtoii. I-'Ult &AL18i tier uf oak wood, "iTi? perJiLT. I'hoiiO 24-l,,21. f bu tUVUIi CHKAP iyls Fo"rdtourInj i-itr. lnt utre KervU- l a r a h e. I'Olt SAUK 100 tonla T7iak and flr Blub wood. John iJtmrrnT, Melruw. vn SAL.K About 20 tier '.iiUT oak block wood, f3.$3. Hue me quick. J. Al. Judd. i-'Olt SAI.lt: 3UO0 feet ot 1 Inch l" ond bund Vipt: lloaeburic I'lumbinJ and Heating Co. foil SALE 116 Ford cur. K"d llr, f;iir shape. zo0. V. K. Ttiumpwn, Wilbur, OreKon. ' OolHiK CAH for sale cheap. Ho ra onaltie cQnh offer refused loqulr Service Ura k FoK SALR riiat ciasa soii1 t-utticC alfalfa hay, only -u per ton. J. iL Judd. KOlt SALK Newly remotlebd -rooo hotitte on paved street, c)te in. Ad dress Itt shlent care New-K?vlew. l-olt SaTK loo toni of ilrt riMi oat and ill a t bay. A . K. ; mvi vn, ktH burn. Ore. U. K. I . 1. Itxl62- MAKK ma pn offer on bouse nnd lmi I and H. block 3, North I'ai k Addition. It. I' Durbln. Klani:ith Knlls, Oregim. K.' lew. WANTKI. - Work. Who ne. ds man vn!i i..r or uuiihl iitkr work with out. Am Mt inly and reliable. C. IK Alibrmuii, (Wmi. I el.. ItimchurK. W A N t't-.i A KtMnI. nifjtli i il b-rooin ii"!'". ! In. I'lifui iiit h--d. ntir with K.ir..' pi . f. i r il. Iminiie Itow- iini'x I:. si.miMtii. riii.ne :itti. WAN i i::i. 'A lt'lN Kit Man "with few hiiinlit.1 .i.tiliin w;mi piirtner to put in likt- .tiin uiii t iMin liase or start :i liii-ui. in r m-i-r eliin k. Ad .In K p, ;ilt NiWH KeViiW. CtiSKiil i:.; MAN HAS 1'ATKNT On , " I' "fH ti. tt will be- univer- f-.-. :l rftlnptftl. ii ii. I n.eils rminrial 1 . NV 1 1 1 be.(r fullft Invent itca ti"ii. i;..iu het urity will he Kivt-n for n.. r.,u- I. t in -a ii It liilt re.st. Address I'tt.rtt.' urn Mt-WH-lleVlfW. MIM KI,I.ANFXIS. .iiiv kih'l of new inn. .) i. h.n I'ht.n.- Uy-J. Moore Miiflc Studln opens Stpt. 1 Arund-1. piano tune,, -rhone 189-1. Palnlti rtrn.tlun of toetb at riHm 9, Masonic temple. Ir. Neilwi-. LOST AMD FOUXD. Kar rin(? owni-r may have t lilm x nt this offue and K U-T adv. i:..ll of blue prints. Owner l..ii- !.iun' by laililiK at this i-i'l p i) ins for adv. .7i,.l Hlisrh "check book, i.. lutf nin on end of ! m i l. luturu to this office c . i if'ard. F.-nnsrWania Tlrt i- Kurd Garage. ScTTlce. Ask I SitiiM lUck traveling bait be- ill-iir Kiid ttosetnirn. Tues Aek' t Kinder leave nt this ii--ur Mrs. Lynn Creason Ooo.lvear Karaite. Tlra Pervlse. Ford '" .1 Eufau. and Mrs. and Mra. W. O Lynns. .ls.,l dlena spai yesierday at Wolf crwltjai galherhn :.w.-Tnric i li ..r ;hi . : i I at I!.. !M'Si e.l ' ehiirv a .Isnr, Fusens; . I - -.rtefi'Mnf. u' lr i'1 vrl. Cro iit.l HI hsr.l 1s t r.-nln Card. We'll let -St-liloTt" fee's like a Tinilsr r'er when he reads ahont 'he Itnniiftelil mystery. i n 9 9 I That kid Nevt IVs.r doesn't limi t We wnlil hale In so Ashing With I loek like This: he Inst Acts 111. II Ihe in-ll knoan "isdlce net." j WhM hr lHn., tH ,-, w,ir,h i.iKK ium rx-. V"nnt h! Vr.."" -When . m, preashe, tls X " T, '' .'I! rkin' . .m..d of ol on Hna- A Kld "k ,hl " lllred day fer fer of hee.kln' the ten . "'," .''. "Boy should he mamlmenia. vtxi ran ftsgt-r be'a a Kirleil between lh Aire of ru and dented good loafer." rvurter Sl ir. lla Corsets snade to inrasnr Phone ;'.'.U I. fall si:, Tcniplin t C.odrlch Tire Service. See n. r . I-Iiil Motor To 1 Si'I.ll TRI'i'K THil: nr.,-., on 1 .l-o C.iMliVllAii solid. In st.K-k all The li,. enure tlarape. i i.All li mt ST.. I. KN (Hie 7 ' ut.ii.. h,.ri.e. W.iaht about t t in, kv built. With heav) "I t ill I'ure white with pink ..-nn, Koler, OrKin. ''VP, l; 11,1 FOR RENT. T - sir..tna room. Inquire at l-l:. '.NT -Kurnlfhou apartment. K.'H -- . n, a ri'.PKKM. ,T,.l r.OiVIiVT-MI llr- v.e-i riirtlllllMl nirtn.sn.a i..k....v st. rhnne ;:t-t. nKN 1 SVtTetr Nstlooal Bank. DOS. and t'l'.'e.. in burn C.urue. all fl.-s. at The Csvrlrh Ins. Serv:re. (. Lockwoid Motor Co See us. t. Good) car fame. Tir- ftervi-- For.! I st i .- ..k.'. i.lnir r.Kn.s at .-.nd I'.-irrnlt. . iy furnivhf d rooms n.. phon :-J. r-s ef (Inr tv. land M liti.l. r. West Hose- ' ' Shin:br.na Lne. '. root slef-plna room, -'r ef hot water dy ilroad man preferred. Ixits of dtnd hsy. Wheat, oats, vetch, cheat ill J.I alfalfa hii-. Pit ton. $14 nnd up. J. H. J ult. i''ort SAI.l'. 3 burner kcrim.-m. Blu h'lanie rane stovu .nnd i.v.-n. on ntnull 2 burner Keroai-lle stiv, chvae I. M. Judd. I'lllt SAI.l'; Oil TKAIll-: i-r.:.-pllo"l v.ilu.'H in uc.ed citrs at l.'inis ti suit Motor KsehilllKe, K 1- Mclili'iv, ' West Cak SI. J Knit MA1.K Ansora Koals. mile snj female. HeaiHlered. Hrisl fiom hlas bred slock. J. 1. Chapman. Wilbur. nreirnn. ' KOlt SALE Alfalfa hay. No. 1 ciittlnK. 2J. Mixed Kn.ln hay. II No. 1 Timothy. !. I'rt is fr Im mediate delivery only, litnry tons, riii.ne S-K2I. . IlkilK IT IS What you are lis.k.nt for. S room plustered cotlsae; built-in features: piive.l it r. -t : ft" In: In excellent condllli.n. Prices $J'.lo.tni; SGOU.OO down, balan-'e . . rr . i . Tht rt-..i. i t-r rem iiiii-.---. tf Co this Wi-ek. Act oul. kly. I. "' Youna A Son. Thone 41". t'SKI CAItS KOlt SA1.K: likt II r:i UAlts e-oit sAi.r.: . .. Kord. sport model, with stirtor ': Kurd tourlnft i'.t Kor.l roadster r ord tourlnff HniHuI,i.Ii. I.mv f.hnu.1.1 J. O. KKWUSll Cornor Cass and Stephens Strw FOR SAI.R OR TRADE H ""'"tJJ miles east of Eugene. 2 l-owell. 20 acres first lMl"Kj River bottom. In cultivation. new bulldlnxs and fenns. "'ttUt station on rancb .orchard, line and poultry ranch. Will " im per acre or trade for merrna"' business. Will prlve terms, rraas Blair, IvwelL Oreroa. CASE TRACTORS Threshing Machines Pace Woven Wire fettt Steams & Chenoweth OwkUotl aod To""