SATtBDAi. ACGtST . lMl BOVnaWM urmttx I feggfe HI HOW MANY FORTUNES HAVE BEEN SUNK? Many furtuDM have been iuok In mines, oil wall and olbur risk.' schemer that promised much, paid faw dividend!, and then clused. How much better la safety tbaa a handful of worthless stock. An account wlih the Roseburg Na tional Bank la prudently cboaea for safety and a fair yield. it Interest Paid n The RosebuiB National Bank Roseburg, Ore. pip mm . jl -. .. a.- - i ABOUND TUB TOW Hero Erom Wilbur Miss In -J Calhoun of Wilbur spent the day here attending to mattera of (hopping and to vlidt with IrUnda. In Krora Glide A. W. Ream, of Ollde, la spending the week end lu thla city attending to business matters. Here renii Corrallls It. M. Adanif u( Corvallia la upend ing several days In thla vicinity at tending to business matters. Yonrallu Visitor V. M. Ilotcher of Yoncalla l spending the wrek-end bere attend ing to Important business waiters. lirvallla Mall llei .. It. M. Adams of Corvallis la attending aeveral daya In tlua vicin ity attending to bualueaa matters. In From Dlllurd Loren Miller, resident of Dillard. pent tbe day In this rliy attending to business mattura I'aiil Kellg Here Paul tjellg of Myrtle Creek la spending aoveral days In thla city at tending to business matters. la Knxn Camp T. K. Ware and Kenneth flllkeson were In from Cedar Camp today lay ing In a Hock of supplies. Leaves on Vacation W. W. Cardwell left yesterday af ternoon for Montana, where he will spend his vacation louring. He will return In about two weeks. Touring; fhmtli Mr. and Mrs. J. V. Meeker of this city are enjoying a few daya auto trip In aouthern Oregon, according to the Urania I'aaa Courlor. Arrived Home Mr. and Mrs. Jamua Marsters ar rived home last evening from a mo tor trip to Crater lake and Klamath Kails. In (hi llualii Iir. and Mrs. Ilagar motored to the city this arternoon from their home on lieer t'reek to spend several hours attending to bualueaa mattera Ieava for Frisco Mr. and Mrs. Kred Sehwartl are planning to tears for Han Kranclsro tomorrow evening, where they will enjoy a short vacation. Returns Kroin I'linlaml Miss Agnes l'ltchford returned from Portland this morning, where she hss been spending the past week visiting with her slater, Mrs. Clsude Welch. Here I'roiu Collate Grove Mrs. Q. lirew.r and granddaugh ter ,of I'nttage drove, ana spending aeveral days in this city vUlllug at the home of Mrs. Jack llrewer and falnily. tii-lllng Alain- Mcely .Mrs. 8am 1'urdue of fuddle en tered the hospital bere t'.e llrst of tne week and underwent an opera tion. She la reported to be gi-ttinx along nicely. (hi (WJiipliur Trip Mr. snd Mrs. Pain Sh.iennker and Mr. and Mrs. Hush Clais of Mill wood will leave Monday fur lloaglln where they will enjoy a two weeks vacation trip. Here I r.sni 1-,-rtlni.l Mr. .1 .Mr., ljin- Thornton of are vis dug In lleu'-tirs f ir a few rlavp 'h r.-.i.. Ti,e, dro. to (M, rfv Vr Thornton for merly i a ioc. r .to; In , alley. Knlnylng Trip Mrs it K S.k.s m..J A ...... .Valine. Kdna t.oush. Carl lilvk and! "" nitieti. write that ther are enjoying the trip throtith (.,., Lake park lmiirner. They rip"i lo return here next week In Newttle Mlaa Chllda .f the Hut Shop i, spending a w-ek In Seattle a''c:i,. In to matters of Luring. M, , Abrams Joined her In Pu-tUnd They will return here the mid ,r Bext week. Returns To Klamath Fall Mlaa Tip Marsters returned to Klamath Palls this morning after pending- the past few days la this Savings Account will civk iJrruiiK. Mrs. L. H. Monro will give a lecture and demonstration of tbe Dunning system of muslo for children from 4 to 14 years 4 of sge In the baanment of the Presbyterian church, Monday at 1:30 p. m. All of those hav- Ing children Interested In tills course are cordially invited. Complete equipment for the course will be displayed and explained. ivt: WATCH "OVERLOOK" GllOW Some of the prettiest and s most modern bungalows ever built In Koseburg will soon be erected, as some of the plans have been selected by people 4 who are building for "homes." it will be an addition that will be kept up with pretty lawns and flowers by aome of our beat cltliens. Here are 4 fow who are going to build: Charlea Wharton Elmer McKan. Herbert D. Qulne 4 I. n. Itlddle Edward Morgan I-eon E. McCllntock Monroe 8. Cheek and Ralph Qulne. Would you like to have a lot In this addition? THKY ARK OOINO FAST! 8EE N. RICE of RICE A RICE. lty visiting with her parents. Mlas Marsters haa been making her home In the Falls since the first of the winter. in (hi nuHlneen Tom llntfield of South Deer creek vicinity, epent the afternoon In the city attending lo business matters. Here From Hire II III John Culver and Mark Jones of nice Hill spent the day here attend Ing to varloua business matters. Return Monday Mr. and Mis. Chapman returned Monday from an auto trip which they enjoyed up north. Oil Vacation Mr. and Mrs. (1. W. Gruhbe. Mrs Minnie l.ooitil. and two sons, anil Mr. Holm, of Idaho, will leave to morrow for a two weeks' camping Tip In the lower Harden Valley. Ill Fnnut Home Miss Dorothy Kvans, who has been hi nriMina mm vainornia tor tin "" runiuiv una Illy, ac cording tn letters received by frleniU were, one win arrive nere next week and li.ll for a few weeks with her parents Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Kvans licave For lm Aiin-lr Mrs. ClHirfit llntlMr l,i tr.nA.i Holler Slid .Mrs. Cefirr ll.ill.. Mr and Phyllis Anu left l.ut evening for Aiigona. wnrre they will spend iwo mii en OVItia a tmim..r n..l Ins at the beaches. Mr. Holler. 8r . will make hor permanent H-me III I.OS Angeles. (W UmuI (H IhMbcv Machine j u. .-sewiann. Iwal agent for thi IHdga antntllohlta rufKli...! . ...t. grain from jli r.-i..rv t...i... a car loan -or machines would In lllpel from Ivtrolt earlr lie. e.k. Thev will arrive In llnsehurg aiioui me :gth of August. Mr N. anu sistes. Mere Front Kliklle Mr. and Mrs I I lt.n ... tn.i n 'me m iiosetiurg to shop ami attend to business matters for a rew hours Mr snd Mrs. I Van (,, tust r. tiira d fnun a five mo..' . . .i. form br auto. Ther csni!ed out and hsd a very enJ..iM trin. Thev il.lted at Pomona. Hear l.os ngel.n with Mrs. iesn-s slit.-r Poth Mr snd Mrs 1en ltx, i'lifrnls and moved the trip, t ut stntcl that thev were glad to get h.v k t Oregon and hereafter would !r s.vl.fled to stay n. re. Kv Front Virk-t Co. Marshfleld (ire. shlna ru.i . nsl.1. pareel post (,. jc p,r in Drst three lores Ooodrlcb Tire Servtee UckwucaJ ask Cw. ' See as. u Man Identified as Brum field Holds Up Mazamas (Continued From Page 1.) tie for tbe crime. Foresters AilvisuL Sheriff Starmer at once got In tnu.h aim all of the forest super visors of the forest tributary to that district and In the event tne lugi tlvea attempt to escape through tbe forests they will doubtless be appre hended. Telephone lines Cut. The noint where the robbery oc curred is about 20 milea north of where the nan Identified as Dr. Rrumfleld br Dr. Shoemaker and bis father. M. J. Shoemaker, was seen. Beaver Marsh la a small, densely wooded marsh lying In Klamath county near the border of Douglas county. It la a good hiding place and men hiding there would be dif ficult to find. Two teleph -ne lines, one belonging to tbe government and the other owned br a commercial ex change, pass through the marsh to Fort Klamath. Iloth of Ih-se. Pnes were cut no that it waa Impossible for the local officer to gel fi munlratlon with the Eastern Oregon authorities. Deputy Sheriff Hopkins and Joe Murphy of this city, were aeen at Lenta' ranch about 15 miles from the oolnt where the robbery occurred last night, but the cutting of the wlrea prevented Sheriff Starmer from getting In touch wltb him un'.ii a late hour thla morning. It la no. known whether or not the deputy sheriff hoard of the robbery before he received the message from Rose liurg but if he did he is undoubtedly hot on the trail of the men respon sible for the crime. Mrs. Mcl-iuulilln Helps. In order to gel a message to hlin. Mrs. McLaughlin "'is morning got In touch with a man at Diamond Lake, who carried the sherlft'a mes sage 30 miles to the Lenta ranch. The courier had not returned at a lute hour this nfternoon, but it Is tupposed that the Canyonville dep uty accompanied by Joe Murphy is at work on the case. PoMses Are Out. In addition there is a potjso from Ijil'lne and another from Klamath Falls. These posses are making a careful aearch of the marsh. All roads leading out of Klan-a'h coun ty are guarded and If the fugitives attempt to make a break they will undoubtedly be captured. It Is be lieved that they will remain In hid ing possibly ducking under cover In some nearby marsh or mountain hideout. They obtained sufficient .supplies and water to keep them for several days and very probiMy ihey will remain hidden until the excite ment dies down. Iloblier Thought To He Ilniiuflelil. It Is possible, the officers point out. that the man may not lie Dr. Ilrumfleld. The fact, however, that the victims of the holdup are so pos itive of their Identification after see ing a picture of the mining dentist leada the officers to Relieve that he is the man. All other circumstances surrounding tbe entire case also lead to this supposition. The fail that ihe crime was cm milted In Klamath county, now gives the officers of that county an oppor tunity to take an added active inter eat In the rase and no doui.t efforts to rapture tbe fugitive will be re doubled. Puekage Ketiirnesl. The package expressed bv Dr Ilrumfleld from Myrtle Creek on the day preceding the murder, was re turned to Sheriff Starmer this morn ing. Dr. nrumfleld was seen on July 12, at .Myrtle Creek, by several rail road men. At that tliuo It wns pre sumed thut be was expressing package nnd upon Inquiry It was learned that be bad sent out a pack age under the assumed name of Nor man Whitney. The package was sent to Seattle and It was kept under guard for several weeks. In the hope-l mat ne would call for It. After a long wait, however, the officers b cniiiM confident that It was only a ruse to throw them off the right irmi sun it was returned, nelttg re- cleed by Sheriff Starmer thi morning: Contained Woman's Clothes, The package when opened by the sheriff this morning wns found t contain Indies wearing apparel, tnere ielng a large amount of silk lingerie several silk skirts, a khaki blouse and khaki roaf, together with other -arnieiit.s. honks, etc. The pa.kagi was addressed to Mrs. Norman Whit ner, Seattle. Wash. Although th. -ffl.ers have had tMa Information for several weeks. It was not msde I ublle because of the fact that he might call for these garments. The knowledge that he had obtained the i lothlng cause 1 the officers to snresd nut the Information that he might be nreaeu as a woman. WAST I.FGIOX IF. Commander " Mike" Pevsner, of tbo local I. eg I on post, requests thst msny Legion men as possible be on Ihe aviation field at about I S tomorrow afternoon to assist In tak ing care of the crowds to view the aviation exhibition. TIMKKN and HYATT roller besr- ln for cars and trucks at The Kparhurg (la rage. PACIFIC till. MW AY CI.OSFP. The Taclflc Hlghwav will he rlcawd to all traffic at a bridge I miles south of Rosebnrg to 10 a tn and i to 3 p m . Monday. Aug . lai. on account of bridge repairs. Detour can be made via flroekwar and Dll lard A 8 KENNEDY Rea Engr.. Stat Highway Com. ; BAH 19 CHILDBE-f. w TACOMA, Aug. 6 Mrs. L. P. Shaffer, agwl 38 yr. today ! birth to her lil child, 12 pound boy: Tba eldest child la 2 yar f age and two pairs of twins are in- eluded. All of the children are healthy and helpful. Shaffer li a shipyard worker. s. o. s. SERVICE OF SATISFACTION Garments that 8t at lowest prices; 1000 samples to pick from. ' RAV8 SCIT SHOP. 124 W. Cass. Loren Hsrvey, Mgr. Salvation Army Will Have Picnic The young people'! work of the Salvation Army is adianclng In all departments and In leas than tbree months the -Company Meeting" or Sunday School numbers over 125 names on the registers, with an at tendance last Sunday of 103. This is exceptionally well during the hot weather of the past few weeks. The Salvation Army la arranging a picnic for all those who attend the S. A. Sunday school, to all tne poor children of the city and to every boy or girl who does not attend any Sun day school. Salvation Army plcnlcj are not soon forgotten. It Is expect ed that the merchants of the city will cooperate wltb the Salvation Army In making this event never to be for gotten by tbe children of Koseburg. Announcements will be made later this week aa to the plans. o BROCCOLI GHOWEHS. There will be a meeting of broccoli growers Thursday, Aug. 11, at 2 p. m. In the city hall, to consider waya and means of handling the crop now growing. Every grower Interested is invited to attend. 8. D. COOLEY, Secy. Com. UTAH PKACHKS. The large, yellow, meliow. Juicy peach for eating or canning, are grown on "Tbe Hotel Umpqua Farm" and now on sale at Lerry's Apple Brokerage. Get your order lu early. 0 Mr. and Mrs. F. C. - Powell and children, accompanied by Mrs. Wil liam Hiney and children of Portland returned laat evening from a few daya spent in Medford. FEDERAL and OOODYEAR tires and tubea. In all sixes, at The Rose- burg Garage. TltF.HPASH NOTICK. All persons are hereby warned not to hunt or otherwise trespass on uiy ranchea at HanDV Vallev ami at Oreeu. Any person violating this nonce win ne prosecuted to tbe full extent of the law. S. C. MILLER. Mrs. William Hiney and children, who have been visiting wan Mrs. Hiney s sister Mia. F. C. Powell for the past two weeks, will return to their home next week. NXW TOOAI. FOIt BALK 100 cords of oak snd fir amo siim. Jonn lloerner, Melrose. W ANTKU A Henry rifle! KeihTithiT lenlUonvUle. ore. Phone 34-Kri. 'Knit KKNT Housekeeping rooms ul cur, ef Moaner snd Parrutt. WILL KKNT i; acres of flue level land en 1-3 shares. M. Oiider. West Koae- burg. Llrtve In Hhsmhrook Ldne. WAN'TKli Wood culling of slash i it g N'o stit.rt Jobs considered. Call (11 r ullerlnn St. iHii t LK riTrFord car. go".,jfTfe" 'fir shape. I1U0. W. K. Thompson! J.J.....,.., ""raon. AXTKIl Home, either furnisher el unfurnished, tor adult, couple. Ad- J- ntwi-it ev lew. ANTKU A real teameter huullng wood. Some rough ground. Write VVANTKlv To rent a six or eight ronn heuse. furnished or unfurnished. Ad dress H B rare News-llevlew- rwii , I.AI.K i niversal Tire Filler. It tsaea ihe place of Inner tubes sml '.r- Comfortable and economic, s.'i Full SAI.K Kange. 1 burner oil sieve while enainaled Iron brils complete I sanltarv cot, canned fruit and jsis' Phone :&-K(. ,'r 1-adif snd Btiach check boTHi llarrr K. v hits name on end ,.r cheeks m red. Return to this office ---. -.-ZS12 rewarq. Zi.Z "ora. n needs man "e or wouia lake work with, out Am steady and reliable. C. 1 Aldxrman. lien. Del, ltoseburg r ai ma e-ood, modern I. room nou.e. close In. t'nf uri.r.e i-l with garage preferred. Inquire Ilow- -j.e-iaureni.-none jsg. tOK WALK" o'lTT-HADK Kx.'e"ptWiTl i .".'" ". ' rn's to suit Vv , .V o " airt.rew, tel-l HKXl- Vu,. eo.d .lee,.l,, room L !. :'n P'eatr of hot water dr Kauroae man preferred IM SINr-S MPX ..n't I... .VT7T. trousers bag at the knees, net th, aH??'!?" hj,b" W c" and .lellr Kara Kult Shop. Loten ll.rvev. Mgr. lit W MAN or womaa wanted, aalarr IliTFin L..71..-."' 1" b"r spare lime, selling guaranteed hoalerv to wearer F.s- l7."rn" "IVtV" Imernstlenal ' "Icrr Milla.Nerrlatown. Fa eH MsiP nut sntni tt'ANTKP-To" hear from p,.r Pie pa.kers. experienced Hood fruit long season. Address P. o Ro. : Ro.eburg. WltFKK II UAVT VOHR CKNTl NesI,'T UnC (-"hevrolet ra Jst, r '.'i "" like new ! ! lord louring, a good one Ford louring. demountable readrter. demamntsble wheel. I'll Ford wheel. It ... ... ' rnadstee. gd eo-dltOB SAI.KS RiXVJI OPFM rVENIvoi ... ,-.n. en. r-none rfl NO BLNK NO JfMK. $5.00 Aviation Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Aug. 7, 8, 9 AUSPICES GATES-SIORRIS AVIATION CO, SAX FlXISCO ' CAPT. LOWELL YERE WORLD FAMOUS EX GUSH WAR AVIATOR, CHIEF PILOT 3:00 P.M., JINX JENKINS, Aerial Acrobat Passenger Carrying Every Day $5.00 Make Reservations Early and Avoid Delay $5.00 Roseburg Elks Plan Excursion Tao fecial l'tillu'iiii cars will car ry the li.iiii!. us c lity ileie.atlon to tne Klks Convention In Marshfleld August IK. 19 and 20. nccorillu? to announcement made by the commit tee in cliurse of tie ecurslo. Tho Rnseburg linilicrn are certainly ro iiiB to paint t!io bay city a bright strawberry red an! a lumber of unique stunts are pi nineu for t!io oc casion. It la posi-llile that a nare- inll nine will he tak.n fre:ii the local iddge of Klks tv, be matched with the fish-eating Remit men mi the other lilc of the cuast range. A. Salznian has charge of the cars anil the Klks desiring to make the trip in 'hat manner are requested to hurry tip" and Jot down their name nn tne int. Tie follow 'rn f-.- r. the Coo. Rav II or give a sl itb- Inkling as tii wn,it Is in a. ire. - -j visit- r-: A. I.. Martlh. c':i'ti:ian ut the feed committee, states that the sea food dinner proposed to be given at v ii.i irmuii nencn, wti; cost over i.miu according to Ills best est! mnte. This will be the largest 'tu ner ever attempted to be served i-ut-doors In Cons county and will be one 01 tne events of the convention An attempt will be made tn exclude these who are not members, slid sene oniv meats who ar- here In ;,t tenilan.'e to the convention. Playground Work At Stand Still Will tbe playground work con tinue throughout i h .,,.,.,... , , Is the question in the minds of those -u are imantlly Interested In the w.-lfgre of their children. Throughout the week tbe --a ns iiMisi successfully r.n-t.,1 out Under lh .1.1. " . l.s Kliraheth 1-arro.t ,,) ;., -- or rortland. Tae1 ,Mv,ng on their vacation, and new It is up to some one to vohin t-er lo supervise this wrk. ,.,. hi. I.,, h... . . . . i ' er J1 r,rrvf" from Ml. Woodruff, the Jun.or Chaifauuuj .m-ervisnr of pUvgr,.,,,,,! work ,.r ;ng If snvthtng d.-finl,. ,ion,' ,h-. line hss been accomplished, and th. ommi.tee in cn,r for raf n.te plan, canno, he ia., ,t 0 " 'resent time. 1, , rI:inu ho";i(,hr 'o if possjv.. " v list of the names nf -- rM1 ng Mrtin the p. H1 be sent to V!W Wo.v,lrff ""re snd Ihe psrep., w, "ff, KJ! -otnTw'o uoojregr Carae. Tire service. Ford AND Airplane Rides $5.00 ROSEBUMG EXHIBITIONS SUNDAY. 7:00 P.M., MON.&TUES. The man who walks the wing of an airplane while flying performs ac robatics on the landing gear, etc. 1 HE MAN YOU HAVE SEEN IN THE MOV1KS changing from one airplane to another in mid-air, fig(rg from a racing automobile to an airplane. Jumping from an airplane to a speed lug express train, leapbig into spaee with a parachute from an airplane at 20,000 foot altitude. Tbe man who dove into San Francisco Bar from an Airplane, etc., etc. .Fancy and Stunt Flvlng Exhibitions br Cant. Yes-ex. AT THE SALVATIOX AR-ilV.' The announcement foe lha a.-eak. end meetings are aa follows: Saturday's services eveninc mien air, 7:15 p. m., corner Cass and .lacKgon, "tTaise and Promise," 8:00 p. m. at ball, 211 X. Jackson. Sunday s services. "Knes Drill" at 7 a. m. Ooen ate on SheeMnn n..oe depot at 10:15 a. m. 'Holineas- meeting at 1 1 a. ni. Children's meeting at 2:30 p. m. Y. P. L. (Young People's Lesion) 6- p. m. Kvenlng open air, Casa and Jack son streets, 7:15 p. m. "The In gathering" Sunday evening meeting at 8:00 p. m. DI.MUA WATERMELONS, AND CANTALOUrES. Grown in sandy bench land soli, w atermelons, red, ripe and Juicy. Will be kept on Ice for Sunday de livery if ordered now. 50c each. T.RRRY'8 APPLE BROKERAGE. to Tonight 15c i MILDRED HARRIS CHAPLIN "OLD DAD" 4 V III brighten any giri'a lore for ber mother and It Is an eyeopeaa f for H dads. "A ' - '-'"Ml x . VOW-A-v l(J '""T A 1"inrrw: ( armel .Meyer, (j, "THE DAXGEKOIS JloME.M. eaaaassasssaaaaaaaasaaaaasasaasas lttc TODAT OH1.T tstW A l HARRY CAREY 'THE WALLOP' 4 a tmo nsTun. hve reel photodium. op tub mm-1 9 WHAT THF -farPAkl arv w. -. $5.00 Exhibitions The Intrepid Dare-Devil of the Air. FOB SALE. . 6 ROOM MODERN BCNCALOI.' In good residence district, a pared street, cement walk, offered u a bargain; owner moving awix fres city. Price $2100, easj- terms. Tb Place will sell to the first psrtr ski I aeea It wanting a home. For . I tlculara see W. A. BOGARD Elill ESTATE CO. DAILY WKATMCR RKPOBl O. Weatner fruraan, local etwl AoMburg. Oregoa. 14 bours sftiui 1 1 rraelBMaMaai f aehea mmd mm llia;heat temperature ye.tnroar .. 1 1 Lowest temperature lust aigbl .. fi I PreclDitatlon laat 24 houra (I Total preeip. alnc. first of mcstk I Normal preeip. for this month.... Jl Total preelp, from Sept. I. 1114. . t. date "s Avarage preelp from Sept. 1, ll'f W Total deficiency from Sept. 1, ll Average preelp. for 44 wet nam (September to Mai. ttit.) 1 Forecast lo I p. m. lor asstksassi urevoa: Tonight and Sunday fair. JOHN F. MILATZO, 0tmn I TonlfM. 25c LV I beae productknu are ahosm here at lower admissions than la asf "tner city or towsi tn the state.