Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, August 01, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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    onroftv historical L HERE
smm '
nnMlo Auditorium -
Tonight nd JBC""'
i si 9 auLTRUE
In WhicE is Included The Evening News' and The Roseburg Review
After Long and Faithful Service
Will Leave Bench to fake Up
This City Three Local
Although the primary election U
a,M sine ""'"' ln ,hfl utu", A"?
M itlcal pot ! already brewing and
S circle, are beginning to
make surmises aud predictions oaseu
as the present outlook. One of the
wost coveted olflcos is that M clr
i, judge for the second judicial
district. Judge Hamilton, who for
'the past 25 years ha faltn
fullv and efficiently, has announced
definitely that he will not win be
, candidate. This position being de
ilrod bv nearly all members of ihe.
lr will be the center of much spcc
alatlon and several candidates' are
already b'ing mentioned for the of
fice. At Ihe present tine two names
are prominently mentioned, those of
Senator B. L. Eddy and Attorney J.
0 Watson. It Is also possible that
District A'torney George Neuuor,
vill be come a candidate, although
this will depend " entirely upou the
appointments made by the govern
ment, which appointments are ex
pected to inrude Mr. Keunw - a
I'nlted States District Attorney lor
The announcement of Circuit
Judge Hamilon that he docs not tx
pect to again be a candidate, is not
altogether a surprise as he baa teen
considering this action , for -several
montht. He desires to resume his
private practice and to leave the
public life which has occupied ' his
'attention so completely for many
"I appreciate the confidence of
the people In this district," Judge
Hamilton stated, In officially mak
ing known his determination to
Iwtthe office at the" expiration of!
his term. "The people of the Ju
dicial district which I have served
hire been very kind to me and 1 am
very grateful for the many times
tier have returned me to this tcb
Mtiible position. My associations
hare been vory pleasant particularly
with the members of the bar."
Judge Hamilton has served on the
judicial bench for tver 25 years.
During that time he has heard
cues of all kinds and has been re
quired to make weighty and impor
tant decisions. lie has gained for
himself an enviable reputation and
has a record for careful and correct
judgment in the most important
The hkh regard in which he is
held by the voters of the second Ju
dicial district Is plainly shown ln his
many successful re-elections. Al
though in political faith he Is ln op
position to Ihe strong republican ma
jority In the district, he has for
Senator B. L. Eddy Is
Suggested as Candidate
For Governor of Oregon
Senator B. L. Eddy . has been
Prominently mentioned as a prospec
tive candidate for the office of gov
ernor of the state of Oregon, accord
ing to a message received from Port
land today and his friends through
out the state are urging him to make
rac. When interviewed today
garding the report. Senator Eddy
-',.Ti'n to glve 'rank answer to
,,y 'rl?nds of the News-Review. It
s ,h """cation baa come from
din!!"". I""'" hut I have no evl
:10' widespread desire to
Promote me from the state senate to
wtnf., Iv off,c- 1 bTe " mu-n
wt. " " the "-age citizen to
n ll " n- b""t m' Interested
that "''"V"' My Judgment is
UrM.V lri' Polt'-lans would
eind LC"n"'''"' m "available"
and 1 would be inclined to
Sheriff Waiting
For Indicted Gov.
SPniv?.T rn't "-was).
Wton m"1, V Sheriff
the .,!, " J ,he " or
""in ? erlcV"no' weatrw. The
"lra t .T d 0oTor Small to
Wedl" ',h ,U" Pltal Tnwday
th.rL" w,,,t,, ,,m '
is sr,ntVh" lnt the
foot tasS?? ib torernor sets
t. o "" ntctl0 the
Present Circuit Court Judge
Private Practice of Law 4n
Attorneys Mentioned.
term after, term been, given a sub
stantial majority over all candidates
against him. There-Is no doubt but
that he could have again obtained
the office had he desired to run.
The second judicial district in
cludes Benton, Coos, Curry, Douglas,
Lane and Lincoln counties. This
has by common consent been so di
vided that one Judge is elected from
Coos or Curry counties, another
from Lane county and the third
from Douglas county.
Judge Coke, who is now serving
In Coos and Curry county, It Is as
sumed, will again be a candidate.
Judge Coke Is very popular through
out the district and will without
doubt receive a large majority. .
Judge Sklpworth, of Lane county,
will also be a candidate for re-election.
Judge Sklpworth has served
many terms and Is well supported
throughout the district. . In Lane
nnd Douglas county, particularly, his
candidacy will he given strong sup
port. Senator U. L. Eddy, who is now
serving the county In the state leg
islature, has tentatively agreed to
become a candidate. He is known
to be considering the matter but
has not yet definitely dudared him-i
self a candidate. He has always
been interested in legislative work
and the fact that he will be forced
to resign as slate senator to accept
the position of circuit judge, leaving
some of his legislative work unfin
ished, might have a bearing upon
his decision. -
Attorney J. O. Watson is also be
ing freely mentioned as a candidate
and' will without doubt be up for
nomination at the primaries. Mr.
Watson has never . before been in
politics as an office seeker although
he has been a firm worker for the
republican party In campaigns in the
past. At the last election many of
his friends urged him to become a
candidate but for various reasons he
declined to announce himself. Mr.
Watson has been practicing law In
Ttosebnrg for many years and is well
qualified for the position.
Whether or not District Attorney
Neuner will be a candidate depends
largely upon the outcome of the gov
ernment appointments. Mr. Neuner
at the present time Is practically as
sured of the appointment to the of
fice or United States District Attor
ney for Oregon, to succeed his friend
Lester W. Humphreys. Mr. Neuner
has strong support from the major
ity of the delegation and he Is prac
tically conceded tho appointment at
the present time.
agree with" them. 1 doubt whether
any man can be governor of Oregon
who does not rise up early and seek
the office. I have not even set my
alarm clock."
Senator Eddy's record ln the sen
ate at a representative of Douglas
county is an enviable one and as a
result of his business-like policies
he is regarded as the logical man, for
the executve position. A great deal
of pressure will be brought to bear
In an effort to gain his consent to
make the race. It Is thought, and the
voters of Southern Oregon are ex
tremely anxious to pledge their loyal
Peace Move Mark
Seventh Anniversary
By flnlted Press.)
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Import
ant peace moves mark the seventh
anniversary of the beginning of the
world war.
Secretary Hughes Is conferring
with the great powers In an effort to
set a data for the disarmament con
ference. '
The state of peace with Germany
Is expected soon, with the details be
ing discussed. The United States will
Drobably make a sensrste treaty and
! peace with Germany, passing up the
j Versailles treaty. President Hard
I Ing t expected to make a proclama
tion of peace within ten days.
Dave Crosby, Riddle hotel man
spent Saturday In town attending to
business matter.
Old Time Feud
Ends In Murder
... By United Press.)
C. E. Lively, a detective, beat Sid
HatAeld. former Matawan chief of
police and a famous participant In
the Mingo mine war, to the draw and
shot him and his frieud. Arthur
Chambers, who was on the court
house steps wltb him. Both men were
killed. The shooting followed an ar
gument. Lively and' four others
were placed under arrest.
Harding Favors
$5,000,000 Loan
(By Associated Press).
WASHINGTON'. An? 1 rl.-
latlon authorizing the payment to
uiuena or a live million doilar loan
was asked by President Harding In
a letter to the pnutA tnrinv Ac
companying the letter was a message
iruui w.reiury nugnes saying mat
the moral obligation reBted on the
I'nited Stales to make the Jonn. ,
Hair Tonic Comes
In For a Rapping
'When Is hair tonic not hair
When It Is used as a substitute
for moonshine, so say the officers.
The argument has been advanced to
the officials that should an intoxi
cated man be arrested and on his
hip a flask of hair tonic should be
found, the man could nut be prose
cuted for having liquor ln lib! pos
session. " The officers emphatically
stato that such Is not the case -and
hair tonic, jro.jtter jnrxed with
wood -alcohol and embalming fluid,
ar just as "guilty" under thi law
as home brewed moonshine.
Fugitive Tried
To Have Car Fixed
Ross Goodman, who arrived here
yesterday enroute to Ills home ln Sa-
em from Crater Lake, stated that
he stopped at the garage In Lapine,
Oregon, where ll was alleged Dr.
Ilrumfield attempted to have a
spring repaired on his car. Mr.
Goodman said the garageman was
positive the man was Ilrumfield as
he had seen a photo of the missing
man. Ho said that Ilrumfield walk
ed into the garage and appeared
very' nervous and excited. He asked
to have a spring repaired, but the
garageman told him that he had no
springs and it would be necessary
to phone to Hind for a new one.
lirumfield then requested him to
send the message and the garage
man said for lirumfield to send the
message. This he refused to do and
left the shop. He went to a nearby
junk pile and picked up the leaf of
an old spring and started down the
road wllh it.
Dr. A. C. Seely returned Saturday
morning from his two weeks' vaca
tion trip. He went first to Seattle to
a convention of eye, ear, nose and
throat specialists, and then returned
to Oregon and motored to Silver
Lake, East lake, I'ullna lake and
Crater lake. He reports nn enjoyable
trip, and some excellent luck fishing
in East lake.
rOsfri M ' ' ' 1 1 1 i, 1 1
Alleged Moon- '',.
; shiners Captured
More than the usual run of
excitement occurred during the
ball game at Oakland Sunday
afternoon, when Deputy Sheriff
Powell of Oaklaud captured
two alleged bootleggers before
the eyes of an appreciative aud-
lence. The two men were
Charley Rltsman and E. U
Partln, both of Roseburg.
' The deputy sheriff received
the Information yesterday af-
ternoon that two men were
drinking moonshine In a clump
of bushes near the ball field.
He at once started for the
place. The Imbibers, however,
were warned of his approach,
leaped into Partln's Hudson
car and started across tJie ball
field at a hlsh rale or' speed.
The. - deputy sheriff, seeing
that he was too late, pulled bis
revolver and fired four shots
at the tires of the fleeing cur.
, The men stopped the rr and
! submitted to arrfcst. Thev were
brought to Roseburg and verc
arraigned before. Justice nf the
Peace George Joties, this after-
noon at 2 o'clock.
Tiie two young men appeared
before Justice Jones and enter-
ed a plea of not guilty to the
charges made togainst them.
They are charged with having
intoxicating Jiquqr In their pos-
session. They w.t-ro given until
" 4 p. in. today to secure their
e attnrnev miH the trisil u-ill he
held at that tlma. The officers
declare that lh')' secured a
quart bottle from the Purlin
car, nearly. twqUhlru's full of
real moonalrine.j The young
men d.ory this find stato that
they were drinking hair tonic
and mixing It with C'nca Cola.
Deputy Powelf says he was
w near the cur when h.i com-
nianded them to Jiait and when
they refused to do so he pulled
a revolver and fired four Units
at the tires. H called to ltnu-
ben Keriter, an Oaklund mail,
to assist him ami Mr. Ft',it.
ran towurda the cur and cant'lit
v on the running board. Hu
pull'Ml a gun and jabbed It Into
the driver's ribn and the car
was stopped.
tt Ik reported that several
other people will le luipllcuted
In the case. ,
PflPTr A VII A,,,. 1 Tha
last lap of the telephone rate
i trm-ai lUK iteitite i tie iuimc ser
4V vice f ntitmiflulfin (ttrtrfeH Intn in.
day and will pro'iahly continue
tin wepK. ii n expeeit'O "ai
4 fill r,f thn arricmiiltvA 4 net t n .11, v
will be in this w.ek and the
company will start tne avrense
w luie nils weeK protliiniy.
PORTLAND. Aug. 1. The
case of Mrs. Alice, charged with
the nilirler .,f her Imaltaiwl
will probably go to the Jury to-
iiiKiu. i ne (l' icnse resteu ine
S Mu fit nnm Mrs A rn ltl
probably not h, called to take
me binnu in uer ociense.
Port of Missing
Large Freighter
, Is Still Aground
(Dy Associated Press).
ASTORIA, Aug. 1. The Canadian
government freight steamer, Cana
dian Exporter, whi h went aground
on tho north spit ot Wllliapa harbor
Saturday night In a heavy fog. Is
Hill fast amidships despite the ef
forts, of a tug to release the ship.
The sea Is calm and the vessel is not
pounding. The members of the
crew are still aboard and other ves
sels are hastening to give assistance.
Earnings of R. R.
Announced Report
(rty Associated Press.)
NEW YORK. Aug. i. ihe Creat
Northern railway earned (7.73 a
sharo In 1920, according to the an
nual report mauV today. The earn
ings were only 11.14 loss than ln
Irish Peace
Nearly a Reality
fny United Pre.)
Drill. IN. Aug. 1. The settlement
of the Irish question awaits only the
formal announcement, according to
authoritative Information. De Yalera
and the cabinet are reported, to
have accepted the enlarged offer of
Great llritnln, making Ireland a re
public ln everything except name.
Ulster's position as outlined will
probably be to maintain a separate
parlianient until the other terms can
13 arranged. Before the formal
peace announcement is made all of
the Irish parliament members and
Dnil Eirann will be released to ratify
the cabinet' decision. The details
of the peace are withheld, but It Is
believed that Ireland will have do
minion powers greater than Can
ada's. Do Valera Is returning to
London the latter part of theweok.
Team Struck by
Passenger Train
What might have been a rutal ac
cident, ore lured at one o'clock this
afternoon at the Moshor street rail
road crossing, when train number
14 struck a team and wagon owned
and driven by John Morgan of Mel
rose. Mr. Morgan was driving the tenm
east on Moshor street. Freight cars
obstructed his view until he was
very near the main lino of trnck.
The horses saw the approaching
iraln before Mr. Morgan did, and be
coming frightened started to run
across ahead of It The driver see
ing the danger tried to swing the
team parallel to the track, but was
too late, and the engine struck the
horses, knocking them both down.
Mr. Morgan was tnrown forward,
striking' the tonguo or the wagon
and tne ground, but was not serious
ly hurt, only his face and hands be
ing badly cut and bruised. He was
taken to the doctor at once to have
his Injuries dressed.
" One horse wns unlntured: a vein
was rut In the leg of the other, but
Ihe Injury will probably not prove
Cltv Superintendent of Schools.
j lrnmni and family returned yestor'
day from Eugene. During his slay
In Eintene the superlnteniwmt at
tended the summer school.
A Comparison Will be Made In Advertisements and Show Win
dows to Prove That The Retail Cost of Living Hu
Materially Decreased In Roseburg.
The week of August 8-13 will be
"Comparative Price Week" in Roso
burg, aud the local merchants are
preparing to show that the retail
cost has materially decreased In the
past year, in Roseburg at least. .
Every once In a while there is
some government official who lives
in some big city who comes out with
an Intervluw or a report to the effect
that whohesale prices hae dropped,
but that retail prices have not fol
lowed suit. This muy be true ln the
large cities, but It hus not been true
In Roseburg and Is not true. Mer
chants here have been able to keep
up with the downward wholesale
trend by advertising, marking down
their goods, getting them off the
shelves as rapidly as tne market fell,
buying now goods at the new prices
aud thus avoiding the bigger loss
they would have had to take eventu
ally had they kept tho markings up
to the regular profit on what the
goods cost them.
During the war, this paper stated
time and time again that the mer
chant who didn't mark his goods up
as fast as the market went up was a
poor business man. The people, how
ever, complained loudly because
some of them did it. They complain
now Just as loudly If they don't keep
up with the market
In this new campaign or education
Roseburg merchants are going to
demonstrate that retail prices In this
town have come down very material
ly. They are going to publish prices
of 1920 nnd prices of today for the
same, article. They are going to
have window displays showing com1
paratlve prices. There will be no
special effort to sell anybody any
thing. There will be no special sale,
no special prices. The entire move
Murder Victim
Is Not Identified
(Ity I'nlted Press.)
COKl'R D'ALENE, Idaho, Aug. 1.
-The authorities are attempting to
Identify the body of an apparently
wealthy man found murdered Band
thrown Into I. nko Coeur d'Alene Sun
day. The body revealed a bullet
wound ln the head and a sack filled
with bricks tlud about the neck to .
sink It. The man was about fifty j
years of age, lioavy set, nonrly bald,
and had six .32 calibre bullets in bis
pockets. The suit was made in Chi'
World War Started
Seven Years Ago Today;
Cost of Conflict Staggering
Today Is the seventh anniversary
of the outbreak of the European con
Ilagratlon that culminated ln Ihe
world war. A brief review of the
epocbal happenings of that seven
year period challungcs belief.
The war has resulted ill a new map
of Central K.urope, iiitt' h of which
region Is slill prostrated by tho debt
and destruction which it Incurred.
It cost the lives of lO.OOD.OUO bel
ligerents more than twice as many
as were lost In all the wars of the
previous 12.1 years from the Napo
leonic wars of 1790 to the Italkan
wars of 1912-191.1 inclusive. And
this Is exclusive of deaths among
civilians, which are estimated at the
same figure.
Omt Is Staggering.
t Its money cost exceeds the slag
, gerlng sum 'of $1.17. 000. "OO.UOD. ac
: cording to the most reliable statis
Although tho last great power to
enter the conflict the net war expen
ditures of the United States amount
ed to more than 122. 000,000.000,
which Is almost 20 tlm"S the pre
war debt of the count! y and which
' suui Is enough to have almost paid
the cost of the government from
1 1791 to 1911. This sum represents
an expenditure of over
I an hour from the moment America
I became a tielllgerent down to April,
I 1919. In addition. America ad
, vanced the allies $9.r,00.000.0"0. He
i sides tho contributions to war re
. Ilef approximated f 62 i. 000. 000.
Germany DrrlAres War.
1 - It was August 1, 1914, when Ger
many declared war oa Russia. This
ment Is merely one of education,
a movement calculated to eombat the
line of stories given out by paper
economists regarding retail prices.
They know that, prices in Roseburg
are right and they are going to
prove it.
This "Comparative Price Week""
will last six days. If you are a
doubting Thomas, th merchants be
lieve it only fair that you read the
comparative prices to be published
or see Ihe window displays. There
isn't going to be any high price psy
chology ln Roseburg If facts and edu
cation can remove it. . .
Trotzky Urging
War on the World
(United Prssa Stalt Correspondent.)
BERLIN, Aug. 1. Leon TroUky,
soviet war minister, Is urging Russia
to declare war on Poland and tin
test of Europe In an attempt to ea--
cape the famine, according to-iUtv'
patches here. In public -speeches
Trotsky advancedthat-tdeanhat lha
war wauJd-TOTflpeTthe other Euro
pean nations to furnish food, accord
lug to messages. According to Lon
don dispatches the allies' supreme
council Intends to discuss the Rus
sian famine at the next conference.
It was reported that Lloyd Georpe
has so Informed the bouse ot com
mons. .
Herbert Hoover has Instructed
Walter Brown, European director ot
Ihe- American- relief admlnlstratioa
lu London, to go immediately to Riga
and prepare to extend the relief
work to Russia. Hoover ordered
Brown to Insist that American pris
oners be released and allowed safe
conduct from Russia before the re
lief negotiations would be opened.
Hoover's move followed Maxim Oor
ky's consent to free the American
prison ors.
Relief Work to - !
Start In Riga
(Br Associated Press).
WASHINGTON, Aug. 1. Secre
tary Hoover cabled Walter Lyon
Hrown, European director of - the
American Roller Administration, to
proceed from London to Riga and
negotiate wltb tne nussian soviet
authorities preparatory to the relief
work In Russia,
summary action followed the assas
sination of tho Austrian Archduke.
I'rancls Fordinand st Sersjevo on
June 28 and the Austrian demand on
Serbia of July 23. Germany declared
war on France August 3.
After August 1 events moved fast.
The German forces Immediately be
gan their occupation of Belgium In
their movement on France, attack
ing Liege August 4. on the same day
that President Wilson issued his
proclamation of neutrality.
On the next day, August R, Great
llrltaln announced a state of war
with Germany. The central powers
included Japan In a declaration of
war on August 2 7. Italy's formal
entrance Into the war on the side of
the allies came on May 2.1. 191.r.
Tho United States cast Its lot as an
active participant April 6, 1917.
Kntlra World EnvolvcL
Before the war was concluded
Germany and her associates. Austria
Hungary, Turkey and Bulgaria, had
s formal enemies. Serbia, Russia,
France, Belgium, Great Britain, Mon
tenegro. .Is pan. Portugal. Italy, flan
Marino. Roumanla Greece. United
I Klntes, Panama, Cuba. Slam. Liberia.
Chins, r.raxll. Gnutemala. Nlrarauga
Hsytl and llondurus. all of whom
made formal declarations ot war In
the order named.
' o
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Davis and Mr.
and Mrs. Perkins, of Klamath Falls.
pssed through Roseburg today en
route to Portland. Mrs. Davis Is
daughter or Mr. and Mrs. B. W.
Rlggs of this city.