Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 28, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    pioa i
ISlfl. 1.
i i
At the Roseburg National Bank
strength and servloe are so perfectly
welded that they form a satisfactory
banking connection.
4X Interest Paid en Savings Accounts
TheRoseburNdtional Bank
Dog and Pony Show
Popular with Kids
Lew V. Cullins' one-ring animal
circus gave their first performance
this afternoon to a large and well
pleased audience, Including many
children, who were much Interested
la the antics of the well trained ani
mals. A group of trainod dogs and
monkeys performed many new tricks
Including many ridiculous and fuuny
ones that kept the audience In a
gale of laughter. The big feature Is
the troup of trained horses, one of
the best that has ever visited Hose
burg. Military drills and. many
other surprising stunts are among
their accomplishments. ,
Rube Shaw ,the funny old clown,
causes a continuous round of merri
ment, and Harry Dale, slack wire
performer, made the spectators sit
on the edges of their chairs. Among
the other Interesting features of
the show were James B. Hock, the
Cherokee Indian, who Is an expert
with the lariat, and Raffles, the
"Man of Mystery," who frees him
self from a stralghtjacket In full
view of the audience.
A second performance will be
given tonight at 8 o'clock at the
show grounds, corner of Bykes and
Htophens streets. The band will
play on the streets both this aftes
noon and this evening, under the
leadership of Jack Sheridan.
Briennial Report
Now Published
The latest edition of the biennial
report of the state board of horticul
ture Is now available for distribution
, and everyone who ts Interested In
horticulture will prise the book In
his collection. It Is the 16th report
of the board and bears the date,
1921. The volume la well Ulostratcd
with cuts accompanying special ar
ticles and has many full page Illus
trations scattered through the 200
pages of the book.
The report outlines the work done
1 by the board during the past two
years ' as It was carried on by the
commissioners of the various dis
tricts of the stabs.
Slate and national plant quaran
tine regulations are given, the nur-
aery law Is presented, and the apple
and pear grading law Is stated.
Many articles by prominent fruit
men of Oregon are In the report and
one part of the book is devoted to
the description of fruit diseases and
methods of controlling them, with
recommendations from the Oregon
experiment station.
Useful information and statistics
In tables, form a part of the report,
some of them stating the proper time
to spray, tire spray material to use
and the strength of material for In
sects and diseases on apples, pears,
prunes, cherries and peaches.
The book contains much more use
ful Information too varied to men
tion and every grower will do well
to procure a copy of the report by
writing to Henry E. Dosch. secretary
of the state board of horticulture,
Truck Driver
Veterans Care
For War Victims
BPiTTI.E Wash.. July 27. Mrs.
Emma WLklns. war widow, soon
will havo her own little home, boilt
by the American buddies of her
"men folks." all of whom were kill
ed in the war.
Mrs. Wllktns' nusoana, six
four stepsons, her brother and ber
brother-in-law all of those to
whom Bhe could look for care during
her old age were killed while ftgnt
. i.v, iki l-nrluh armv. Kood
prices were high, rents were far be
yond feeble enorts 10 earn
iiva r.n There seemed no
ujvue; iv
other way than to accept charity or
go to tne poor nouse.
T... Ihcra nmA It rift in tllO
clouds and a ray of sunshine darted
through, to snine upon a origin,,
cheerful world for this war mother,
who bad given an sue uuu iur
The Seattle Veterans of FomIn
Wars heard of her plishi and do
clded to take care of her for the
rest of hor life, not as an act of
charity, but as a duty to the mother
of their soldior brothors.
So they obtained a lot, donated by
a Seattle real estate firm, a "grad-
......,.' ti f. v,nM with "nnbodv
ts lJ " - " .
barred." There were picks and snov
i ... i . .i .i
els ror ail wno wameu. m jium
.A. CAnn fha tiniWA will he built
and completely furnished. It is lo
cated near the rort Lawton miu-
Kni.vai.Va vrhapA itlA Can &Aiir
the bugle calls and be close to the
soldier boys she loves.
The veterans will furnish her wllb
provisions for the rest of her 11 "e.
v.., Mn Wlllrlna httm room fin her
lot for a little garden and she prob-
aDiy will Keep some i-uitneiia.
It Is going to be 'Home - ana
KUAlhnr" ll'lllrtna la hdnnv riesnlte
her past trials, for there Is no place
In the world she would rathor live
than near a military post, sho says.
Klanners Should
Chase Hoboes
Under Arrest
Charged with driving his heavy
trucq on the loft hand side of the
road and refusing to turn out to give
a touring car an opportunity to pass,
Wm. Gllstery was arreBted this
morning and arraigned In the justice
court. He naked further time In
which to consult an attorney before
entering his plea and was placed un
der $50 bonds, which were furnished
In cash. It Is claimed that he was
driving his truck near the Winches
ter bridge and that he refused to
turn out from the left aide of the
road where he was driving and that
he completely wrecked a light tour
ing car driven by two ex-soldtors.
They produced a complaint against
him and his hearing will be held as
soon as District Attorney Neuner re
turns from Portland.
Camp and dance at Idle) Id Park.
Spend your week end at Idleyld.
Good floor, good music, good camp
grounds. Those wishing reservations
In Hudson car see Vosburgh Bros,
S. C. Bartrum arrived In the cl.'v
last evening from Salem to spend
tne day attending to business mat
ters. Mrs. Bnrtrum and the child
ren are enjoying a vacation up the
.ncKenzle river, arter which they
will return to Salem to make their
permnnent home.
Buy the Best
Strive to Please
Serve the Best
College Ice Cream
Strawberry and Vanilla
Ice Cream Cones.
All kinds of Fruit
Large, clean dining room. Ch Icken dinner every Sunday. Best
coffee in town. Prices, reasonable. We sell home made pies and
cak.ia, bakery goods, milk, butter, cream, candv mm i.r.
X erettos, tobaccos.
Hack or S. r. Depot, corner Cass and Sheridan streets.
MRS. W. R. BOWMAN, Prop.
$1.50 per 100 lbs. CASH
We will ship on consignment for your account
Pool closes August 1st.
McKAY BROS., Sutherlin, Oregon
PORTLAND, July 28. The
state rested In tbo Age mur
der trial and the defense bnaa
offering testimony without ask
ing for a verdict directing a
qulttal, as Is customary. The
defense virtually accused J. H.
triA.!a ih. ntp'a star wit
ness, of being the man In the
black overcoat whom Mrs. Agee
claims fled from the house af-
ter her husband s throat was o
SALEM, July 28. Some one page
a Ku Klux Klanner.
A certain party writes from a
neighboring community infested with
horse thieves and booze runners, and
Is anxious to see a Klan of the
Knights of the White Sheet organ
ized In his section to boot out the
"I saw a notice that a local branch
nf the Ku Klux Klan Is being formed
in Salem." writes the aspirant to the
order. "I live In a tough country of
bootleggers, horsethleves, adulterers
and a general bunch of sonsaguns.
This order will settle them and I
want to be a member "
Has anyone seen a Klanner?
Leave For Ontario
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Nicholson left
for their home In Ontario this morn'
In on Business
Dr. C. H. nailer and Bon spent
the morning In this city attending to
business matters.
At Lukevlew
Mrs. O. 11. Pickens and daughter,
Doris, are spending the summer va
cation visiting with friends at Lake-
view. ,
Chas. Lerry, official apple-shlner
of the valley. Is sporting around In a
new limousine of Inter model than
the woll known Cadillac.
Here From Hut to, Mont.
John R. Bordeaux, of Butte.
Mont., arrived here last evening to
enjoy a visit with relatives for a few
In From Oreen
Mrs. M. M. Van Horn, mother of
Mrs. Florence Leadbetter, is spend
ing the week in this city enjoying
the Chautauqua entcrtVuments.
In Fnin Chi
Mrs. Charles Mathews, of Carneg.
spent the morning In this city at
tending to business matters and
visiting with friends.
Rrtiint From Ashland
Miss Mary Fream and Mabel
Trott arrived In the cltv tM. after
noon from Ashland. Miss Trott will
visit at the Ream home rlnrln hor
stay here.
Improved In Condition
Rolnml fVhwart. who was In
1'ired last Rnndrr In a shootln so
eldent. Is aide to bo about the lobhy
of the hotel on crutches. Ho Is Im
proving dally In condition.
Here From Hrd Hill
Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Chevlgney, of
nen ti in. near Oakland, spent sev.
eral days In Tioseburt: this week
Mr. Chevteney hag been suffering
from a severe stroke of paralysis for
me past row months and has im
"roved enoush to bo able to come to
VWt In Ashlnrl
The Ashland Tldlnes has the fol
lowing Item of Interest about for
mer well known Rnsobnrr
T'rnfesor and Mrs. Tlolnrlrh ITold-
rnrelrti nsve Heen recent visitors at
'tie hem of Mrs. Hetdenrelrh's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Welsetihereer.
The professor Is renneeted with the
enhlle school at Phoenix. Arltona,
and will remeln there another vear
I Mr. and Vrs. Heldenrelch are for
merly of this cltv. Mr. Heldenrelch
havlns tanaht manual training for
several rrn JB the local high
Charles Leary, the' apple broter,
has purchased a Ford car whl' h be
has converted Into a delivery truk.
With this be will be ablft to bring
the apples from the producers to his
place of business.
Choir Practice
The choir of the Presbyterian
.KM1, will mul fnr nrnctlca Oil Ft1
m inslefid Of 8 D. in.
This change is made so as not to In
terfere with attendance at inauiau
qua on Friday evening.
Returns From Portland
r i. nttav hni returned from
Portland, where he attended to
business matters for a snort lime
ind also attended the meeting of
'h a Or.nn u'nnl fTrowers' associa
tion. Mr. Beckley was elected vice
.... LI.V
president of mis association, wuku
embraces a large number of the
prominent wool growers 01 me
Loadmeters Are
Thoroughly Tested
SALEM, July 28. Several pre
liminary tests with the new load-
meters Just received by the state
traffic enforcement department were
made in the vicinity of Salem Tues
day afternoon for the purpose of in
structing the members of the traffic
sqiad In the use of these devices
with which It Is expected to chock
up on violators of the law forbidding
the overloading of trucks using state
hlchways. Considerable attention
will bo given to this phase of traffic
violation by the state squad irora
now on. It was explained.
All members of the squad have
been In Salem for the last two days
for a conference with Secretary of
State Kozer and T. A. Raffety, chief
of the law enforcement department.
These members Include Jay Salzman
W. L. Campbell. Harry L. Griffith
Chester Wiles, Kenneth F. Bloom
tnd J. II. McMahan.
Among features considered at the
two days conference was the posting
of signs along the principal high
ways indicating the various speed
limits and the preparations of a con
cise summary Lof the state traffic
'aws for the information of visiting
Services at the First Methodist
ihnrch of Roseburg will be special
next Sunday morning. Mrs. Mc-
Whlrter, a national speaker of the
W. P. T. V., who Is visiting Mrs. A
Marsters, will deliver the address
X great treat Is In store for all whr
-ome, and all who are not needed
ind expected In any other place ol
worship are invited to hear thlf
speaker. There will be specla'
music also at the morning service
Miss Perrin. of Portland, will sing
She comes highly recommended as
i singer. Sunday school at 9:45.
The school Is keeping up encourag
ingly, and all associated with It are
'trged to be present Epworth
'.eairue at seven o'clock. A well
ilanned service Is arranged for. The
evening church services will be at
'he naptlat church. Mr. Phelpf
wlji sneak. Owing to the Illness of
Kev. Jones, a trade of evenings hap
been made. The subject at the Bap
'1st church next Sunday night will
'e. "Can One Dance and Be a Christ
inn?" A fair and square, frank,
st ralcht forward discussion of the
Mibloct Is to be given. Since there
Is "no harm" in dancing, all who ar
ne from that standpoint are In
vited to hoar the discussion. A con
sistent man, engaged In doing what
does not violate his conscience, will
not run from such a subject Will
von? "What is not of faith Is sin."
"Whatsoever ye do In word or deed
do ALL to the glory of God."
0 .
Kaiser's Coach Brought Trad.
The ex-knlser's gain carriage Is for
sale In Berlin. "One of the best
strokes of business I ever made was
to buy It," said llcrr Zlelka. owner of
a Frledrlchstrnsse establishment con
taining a restaurant, billiard room and
theater of varieties, according to the
Continental edition of the London
"I honcht It from the eourt-msrshnl
snd ned It ns an advertisement for
the theater. Kvery night the carriage
drove p to my theater and ont
stepped a gnird gentleman or lady
with the atr of a royal persnnsee.
Naturally, crowds followed Into the
fhenter. 1'nhapplly the royalists made
snrh a fuss that the police forbade
tne to contlnne using It
Read Building In India.
There Is considerable activity In
mad making In various cities In India,
depending upon the local authorities.
In some places stone rollers, pulled by
gauss of men. are twed. and In v?hr
j plscea stesm rollers re to be fonnd.
A very useful mach'ne Is nsed In Luck
now, that has two rollers, the front on
. jut-nog roiier. me rear chain la
driven by gasoline engine. It has
large gasoline tank and is wall adapt
ed for light work.
Roman Beauties Wall Kn.w th. Value
of Time Spent at th. Toilette
Tbe toilette of the Roman beauty
was vastly important affair. Tbe
maids who assisted in It were usually
Greek slaves, and tbe length of time
devoted to It may be Judged from the
fact that, like beauties of France so
many ceuturies iuter, the Roman
woman often bad the poets and the
philosophers of the day to divert her
during Its progress, a favor of which
they seem to' have been less apprecia
tive than their descendants In Francs,
The equipment for the toilette wai
both elaborate and complete. Combs,
mirrors of burnished bronze, bottles
for perfumes and boxes for rouge and
whitening preparations are all to be
found In collections of Roman toilette
articles, and many are the harsh
wonts on the subject of the feminine
toilette to be found In the writings of
their masculine contemporaries who
disapproved of charm In their women,
yet seem with masculine Inconsistency
to have disapproved equally of women
without charm.
Watch and Wait
Wtyle It Is true that we never know
what trouble or disaster may befall
us, we likewise never know what great
opportunity Is going to come into our
lives from an unei4cted quarter. If
we read the lives of the men of our
country who have risen from poverty
nnd obscurity to the greatest heights
of success, we find that there were
certain times in their lltes when great
opportunities presented themselves.
that much of the success of thoye men
wn.s due to the fact that they were
able to take advantage of such oppor
tunities when they come.
How often have we witnessed the
unhappy spectacle of some man falling
to rise to the complete possibilities of
opportunity as a result of thriftless-
nessl .
Thriftless hnhlts will undermine any
character and eventually lead to ruin.
Artistic Chinese Work.
Little Jnde trees growing sturdily In
bowls of the rarest cloisonne nnd bear
ing upon the Intricately carved
branches, clustered close to the cool
green of the Jnde leaves, wonder fruits
of coral and amber and delicately
wrought blossoms of the translucent
white Jade, might be a memory of the
Arabian Nights and Aladdin's lamp.
They might be, but they are not
iney are monies to tne Innnlte pa
tience and skill of the Chinese artisan
in seinl-preclous stones, and tbe seal
of the collector who buys with Ameri
can gold the treasures of tue Far Enst
and gloatingly carries them back
across the Pnclflc for the delimit of
luxury loving people.
They are expensive, but they repre
sent not only the toll of years but the
expression of the artist's soul.
Gloving ths Tongue.
A glove for the tongue has been
patented by an Inventor of Inulana. It
Is called a "tongue shield," and Is de
signed to enable the wearer to escape
the unpleasantness of castor oil or
other bad-tasting medicines. The con
trivance might be said to have the
shape of a miniature slipper without
any heel portion, but when placed over
the tongue Is Inverted. The tongue Is
inserted Into the "toe" part and the
back part of the "sole" extends over
the top of the tongue toward the
throat The device Is made of thld
rubber, so as to be liquid proof, and
Is so constructed as to fit the tongue
snugly without discomfort When
medicine Is taken It passes Into the
throat without affecting the sense of
taste, so that all unpleasantness Is obviated.
Twelve Million
Trout Distributed
PORTLAND. Or.. July IT-Ap-
proxlmately 11,000,009 trout will he
distributed in the various streams
and lakes throughout th state be
fore tb end ot the present year.
cordlns to figures which havs base
compiled by M. L. Ryokmsn, upr-
lntondent of trout uatcaeriee. ana
Captain A. E. Burghdaff. state game
warden. This is nearly twice as
many as were distributed by the
hatcheries last year, the figures for
1920 being 6,825,000, and the fig
ures for 1918 E,7JG,000.
The work of distribution is bow
being carried on throughout the
stats and will be completed by the
latter part of September, according
to tbe officials. The trout are ot
the eastern ' brook, rainbow snd
black spotted varieties, and
hatched in the five main hatcheries
which are maintained by the oom-
onisslon snd in the several tempo
rary hatcheries which have been
constructed on various streams in
the different parts of the state.
The figures for trout distribution
from the hatcheries are as follows:
McKenzle hatchery in Lane county,
4.000,000; Tumalo hatchery In De
schutes countv, 3,500,000: Klamath
hatchery In Klamath county, 2,600
000; Union county, 1,000.000 and
Butte Falls hatchery In Jackson
county, 1,000,000. The figures for
the trout hstched In the temporary
Products can
Phon, 177. tiV)
Mrs. irvtn Km.. I
Mf. UeschakeVr; W
yesterday at , VT W
"800" nartv l." a?
honor of Mrs. Frea.V
and her two dauswr! 1 i'
Betty Lou, who
M. M. Miller horn?
sister of Mrs. Mu'lV
The spacious hn.. , I
beautiful In varloSTV
with red and whiu 2 V
cards and music, .uf.
folk, ruined
At a late hour la n." f
the guesu were taVrf
ng room, which wu L
Jy decorated In JapT
Tiny Japanaese g J
cards, and hanglag
duced the tearoom V?"
eenter pteee of red asJi I'
peas adornnt ih ..JT "l
hatcheries and distributed have not I "reamers were caught ul
for Shirley Mae BrZ,
Jr.. Frances and Bet!?
Covers were laid
Bates, Mrs. Sydney
thso -Jullerton. Mr..
Mrs. C. U Stoddard Ut '
ler Mrs. Frederick A .
hostesses. Mrs. Irvla
mother, Mrs. Flletcaaia,
At a recent smoker u, '
Chamber of Commerc,
dent Hamilton was
appoint a commutes t,
the county court to comm.,
provement of th,
grounds and the conitrZ,
Ho restrooms at that L
committee has been tnte
ment for some time mi
Brand; W. H. Bunell, 1 1
A. R. Marsh and Lynn ;
were appointed today tots
been compiled, but it is expected
hat it will run Tlose to the 1,000,
000 mark. v .-
Douglas W.C.1 :
U. Convention
The annual convention of the
Douglas County Women's Christian
Temperance union will be held in
Roseburg on August 9 th, In an all
day and evening session. The coun
ty president, Mrs. 8. M. KelleyV of
the Olengary union, will be in
All the unions in the county are
requested to make full reports of
work done by their various depart
ments during the year. A represent
ative attendance from over the coun
ty is expected.
Entertainment will be furnished
by the hostess union.
Parking Ordinance
Meets Opposition
(Conttnued From Page 1.)
Thought Teacher Dense. -
A teacher tried to Impress on the
child's mind the sound of the letter
"a" by having him repeat It several
times In different Words. Getting tired
of the repetition the child looked at
the teacher and said: "Don't yon
know it yet!"
FOR 8AI.E Cucumbers, also apple. r.l.I
KOH BKNT i-'urnllhed
Phone (02.
riovi-una. Oregon.
FOR SALE Milk cows and horses.
TOR RRIIT-llu'l.Hni cn Jatmein SC
Suitable fjr pat&xw. 1'N-n. aOJ.
F?!U.,.SAI'B CHEAP A llRht trucE
A 111 tuk. livestock or wood a. part
payment; Thone 511-R.
house with bath. Write Thai. A.
J'njr-nw-1,,h?,-?Medford. Oro.
FOR BALK CHEAP flood autnseat
nnd cushion. Mnke frond truck seat
f. M. Jones. 7"1 No. Jackson St.
FOR SALE Ron Anil oil stove, three
burners. Also Hartford two burner
ell .tove. 1 heating stove. Phone
THINK OP ltnT00niesthmrt
a puncture. That's what we jtuaran-
Jllcr.rr!hman. 1:4 w. ran st
topa v ia tv 1 k-.js;..,- or
ful'y eq.iipp.-.!. -, t,r,., t,nvni
and ona rxtri. I. si'n -.!, inn-.t
Addjr iT K.V.. Xews-Htvlf
K.)R SALE--Puppf,, frJlrTTl'sn-Trr
Kentucky trer) rox hound., fit per
pair: also Colli. pu, lrom pJJJ
.rVS1",1"1" ,v " Jones.
Box SI. Oakland, Pie. Phon7.Fi.
dowL"1 Kou"- psymVnt
flown, hnlanr ,,me as rent. Farms
SSV terma. A tine sheep ranch Ov?r-
an flnor?, Vf1"' 1 c,,t "r,r""' hV
all know It. If vou want a harsain
see me c. Merrill 804 Mill Ml i
P"'liof,rRa MAN A8PATENT?)K
irt?.P.TrV ,hi rr-
S. wMi'S' n,l tlnanclai
'cvifty will h. (lr 'or
Tstsnt." ear Na-H-Rn-Isw.
nier and that it would work in ex
actly tbe opposite direction, - It is
lalmed that the farmer parks his
car on the main street for several
hours while he transacts his busi
ness and that he Is constantly fill
ing it with supplies. In the event
he was required to park on a side
street he would not only have to
carry his parcels for a long distance
but In addition would be more liable
to theft
The measure will be before the
council at the next meeting and it
is expected that there will be a big
crowd ready to argue the matter
pro and con.
V. 8. W earner tTuraan. local oSlee,
.toaebura. Oregon. s hours ending i
Preeiirltattea la laebM mm RasatwaMs
HlKheat temperature yesterday - St
Lowest temperature last night . .. (0
Precipitation last 14 hours 4)
Total prsclp. since first of month 9
Normal p reel p. for this moutk... .it
Total piectp. from Sept. 1, Mill,
to date .It II
Average, precip from Bspt. 1. J77 14.10
Total deficiency from Sept. 1, 11120 .SI
Averaae preotp. tor 4 wet aaaaons
(.Soptamber to Mat. tne.) 11.11
Forecast 10 I p. m. tar southwestern
Tonight and Frldr.y fslr.
PBACf. ORgofg
1 1 V KIVC LiicsBluaw
special care no ilri
intT or color ckrw
Try us. i
Who's Your Ota
Our AotoWIBut
Phone Iff '
Treasuire Island
Theae prxxluctiona awe shown here at lower diui"00
rf llSk fsttmr Aaa 1 a A. Su. Its
rWa, o4a 15o TOOAT OHLF Hoe
Gladys Waltoj
"Rich Giri'PoorGji
TooTl smile as her. tqqH WsujlTwitJa her, ytw'ft