aoamcBo nwmwtt n-wwAr. ittir sa, tut FAG SIX 9 4 )farner'39uffCorae(a- EXCLUSIVE DEALER I. ABRAHAM "THE 8ILK ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND BY MIW. KLLSUUlil r-r- A Dally Column of Questions and Answers Conducted by Womaa Who Knows. Address your Letters to Mrs. ElUbury Care Roseborg News-Review. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: When travel-1 lug a long distance on the train, isn't It all right to make friends and talk to people? My mother tells me when I start out that I should never talk to anyone on the train. HAZEL, Roseburg. A. Tilts is a much talked of ques tion almut which people disagree. A Mute plan to follow is lo use your own Judgment, if yon are old -enough, hut if you are a young girl it is well to follow your mother's advice. It Is very true that young girls traveling on the train are apt to get into trouble by picking op ac quaintances, especially among men, and the wisest thins; to do is to talk to no one. However, if one's seat companion is pleasant it sometimes whiles away tedious hours to talk Movie Closeups "Snswbllnd," by the author of "The Branding Iron," is the second novel by Katnorlne Newlln Burt to be made Into a photoplay by Qold wyn under the dlrectoral guidance of Reginald Barker. It Is a stirring lore story of the Canadian north west, with an unusual plot in which a fugitive criminal Is regenerated by a deep emotional exporlence. When "Snowbllnd" !s shown at the Antler's theater tonight Russell Simpson will be shown in a role quite different from his character isations In "The Branding Iron," "Bunty Tulls the Strings" and ''God less Men.' In all of which bis splen did acting has called forth the high est praise, in the cast with blm are t'ullcn Landta, Pauline Stark and Mary Allien, besides a group of na tive Canadian foresters who furnish a background of reality. "Snowbllnd" Is made In and about the town of Banff, In northwest Can ada, where the actors and actresses lived for weeks In several suits of woolen clothes. It Is a typical Regi nald Barker production, replete with strong emotional scenes and filled with outdoor views of arresting Oregon Higher Institution ol TECHNOLOGY Eight School; Srvrnly Urptrtmrnts FALL TERM OP1NS SEPT. 19, I92I rot Mtarmiliaa writ la Ik RrrtMrw Oregon Agricultural College CUKVAI.I.IS Costly Neglect BY im. ii. n. nkiuias The most costly neglect that can be practiced by mankind Is the negleet of teeth. These physical instruments used to tear spurt anil grlud our foods should not become Impaired. If they do our health will suf fer. A dentist should bs con sulted whether your teeth are ailing or not. rlnlcw rxtmrtlon. Various painless methods for filling, etc. Teeth regulated. Teeth replaced snccewfully same day (new for your old one). Pyorrhea cured In early stages. Work fully guaranteed. DR. II. R. NERBAS DKNTtST MAHOSR! It !f1.Il . SKKKKKKKKKVi WARNER'S RUST PROOF WASHABLE CORSET (Put it to the Tub on Wuh Day) It is the kind Mother always wore It was the best THEN It is the best NOW 1 5 8TOBE." OTHERS together. Do not continue the ac- Quajntance mutt the train, and do not exchange confidences. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: Will you please tell me what tire girls use to pluck their eyebrows with, as I don't know what to get. ANXIOUS, Uoscburg. A. At any drug store buy a small pair of tweezers and they will do the work nicely. If you wish to shape your eyebrows don't pull out too many of them, but just those that straggle outside of tho regular line, or where they grow too closely to gether at the nose. Do not make the eyebrow line too thin. You will only have to shape them every week or so. beauty. Jane Novak, who will be seen In the leading feminine role of "Ka zan," adapted from James Oliver Curwood's virile story of the north, at the Majestic tonight, "was born In St. I.ouls, Mo., and . educated at Notre Dame Convent. Before en tering motion pictures she had two years of experience on the stage, during which time she played in vaudeville, musical comedy and stock. Her screen career started with Clune productions, her first big part being In "Eyes of the World." She was then for some time leading lady for William S. Hart. Later she went to Tnce, appearing In "A Nine o Clock Town." "String Beans" and "Wagon Trncks." More recently she has been seen In Marshall Nellnn's production of "The River's End." al so a James Oliver Curwood story. Miss Novak Is five feet seven Inches In height and weighs US pounds. She has blond hair and blue eyes. iter nome is in Los Angeles. Baptist Win Two Games (BY C. H. HILTON. 1 The Baptists and Southern Pacific essayed to play two games of hall last night of five Innings each. The first game was a pretty one, well played and quite Interesting. The second one was a one-sldod affair wnich was finally turned Into tarcn, where the follows played norm, raeyi evidently thought It was time to have a little fun at the expense of the spectators who paid aooa money to see them play ball no nitimsts won twin games, one or which goes on the record r. There win oe a game on Thursday between me innstinns and the Presbyteri ans. Tne Iresbylerlans have a fine cnance to win the silver cup, and iney win play their best to put over win me cnnstlnns also have chance to be well up In the wlnnlni and If they could win their two re maining names would have a close pervemnh'i! to the other teams s the gnuie nn Thursday is an Import ant one fur both teams. After Thurs day there will remain two games to !""" "P lno season. The Baptists hnve one game with the Christians to inn!.,. U, and they have one more i!ii inn noutliern Pacific, If the niiimsis snotim win both games they have a fine chance for the cup ino teatiire of the last game was the or lien Hates, who batted one hundred per cent, and who now nus inn league In batting. He Is me only man who hit Black, who is entitled to the first shutout.. The standing now Is as follows- W. L. Percent. Preshyterlsns Ha pi IMs . . . Christians . . Espee .11 .10 . . 5 C 8 12 .647 .62S .000 .194 Mrs. E. Chevlgney of Oakland, spent the morning In this city at tending to matters of shopping. DAILY WTCATTtKR TtKPORT. n. . West nor fiarsaa. weal toa.burg. or.soa. l hours so fftee. ling t rrerlnatta a taraae aa Raa4r4 Highest tFmparalure .. tJ temperature m sight ... 11 Precipitation lust 71 hour. Total praclp. alnre flrat of n.roth Normal preclp for thla month... It Total rraclp. from P-apt. 1. Ittv to Sate i. i. Av.rase preclp from SVet. 1, 14 10 Total tf.floUnv from Fept. t. !20 .IS pmip. tor wet saasons (ptamaar to Mat tne.) II I .. it ssstawasiora Tanlfht safl Wa4aantv fair WILLIAM BKLU ODMrver. Governor Subject To Prosecution . (By Associates . 8PRIN0FIELD, 111.. July 8. Circuit Judge Smith In a ruling on the Question of the arrest of Cov entor Small on a charge of mbax zlement while state treasurer, bold that the warrants should be serve! on the governor but the executive be permitted to appear at bis convent' ence. There is no such thing In Ill inois ss the divine right of kings, and the governor cannot call the state troops to shield him from ar rest and he Is subject to arrest ana prosecution for illegal acta as treas urer. o ! British Hold j Preliminary Session By ED. L. KEEN (United Press Staff Correspondent) LONDON, July 2. The pre miers of the British dominions at tending the Imperial conference are attempting to effect a preliminary discussion of the Pacific problems prior to the general disarmament conference at Washington. They ask that the conference be held in some American coast city and that it be beld either late In September or early In October and that they may want also to discuss the ques tion of the British debt to the United States at such a conference.- Playground Need Is Plainly Shown Those who will spend a few mo ments watching the actions of the children attending the junior Chau tauqua will immediately become im pressed with the great need which Roseburg has for a playground. Two hundred or more children gaily romping about, playing games suited to their ages and enjoying them selves to the utmost is Indeed pleasant sight, and it causes one to wonder why it should cease wben the Chautuuqua goes. Miss Wood ruff, the Junior superintendent, has divided the children into groups ac cording to ages. Each group under careful supervision baa a special game. The older boys find baseball played with a big Indoor ball, as Jolly sport as playing with a hard ball where mitts are needed. They can argue as fluently over a foul ball, or dispute an umpire's decision as vociferously as if they were play ing a game for the world's cham pionship. The smaller boys have much fun with volley ball. They form a cir cle with one youngster In the center. The ball is tossed about the circle, every boy trying to bit the one In the center with the light, air-inflated ball. The one who succeeds In hitting the boy In the center, who lodges ss best he can, has the honor of taking the center position and be comes 'the dodger. This is varied with a game where the boys form long line, one behind the other and pass the ball between tbelr legs, the last boy In line upon receiving the ball dashes to the front and passes the ball back again. Two such lines In fun and excited action causes con siderable confusion and amusement. The older girls run races of all de scriptions and take part In various Tames calling for exercise, suited to ihelr age. The younger girls play milder games. During the short time the Junior Chautauqua is In progress the court house square pre sents a very pleasing sight, that of many youngsters enjoying them selves to the limit of their capability and It will Indeed be a fine time for Roseburg when this sort of thing can be made a regular dally occur rence ratner tnan an annual event, o Trail to be Built To Lincoln Falls Korest Supervisor W. F. Ramsdell states that the forest service is pre paring to construct a trail to Lem olo Kails, connecting with the Ore ton skyline route. Lemolo Falls iire without doubt the prettiest rails on the North I'mpqua river and among the in the entire northwest. The river drops over a -'00-foot precipice and about half way down strikes a slightly project ing ledge which dashes the water Into spray, filllnsr the esnvnn twin. full of wonderful colors when the iun Is shining on the water. These rails will be listed as one of the most iliractlve spols on the skvllne mm. Heretofore people have been having ome trouble in reaching the spot because they were not familiar with the COUntrV. Forest HnnAI-rtan,. Nervous Folks often benefit by changing from tea or coffee to POSTUM Cereal Satisfying Economical Better for Health 'Tlicres a Reason tOCXL HAVE TO OCT - O.f THE JQB AT ONCE. 4 - - s) A check on ths final sale ot Chautauqua ticket shows that oslv ill adult tickets have bssn purchased, and fully ons- third of this number have been sold to our people in the coun- try. leaving approximately 360 which ha-e been bought by the eltliens ot Roseburg; 109 stu- dents have purchased tickets. which la tr very good showing, out of a possible 22S students in the high school, 136 tickets have been sold to our children, or about one out of seven. A total sale ot lees than S00 out of a population of seven thou- sand 'or more. Something wrong somewhere, and does not speak well for the intelligence of the vast majority of our people. The guarantors, whe signed the guarantee, to bring to our doors this splendid program, have lost a considerable sum, - and they will hesitate to enter Into another contract. Roseburg has 4 no library, no city park, no aviaUon field, and now may have no Chautauqua, all be- cause there Is a lack of hearty co-operation among our people along the lines of progress. - ROSEBURO CHAUTAUQUA - COMMITTEE. Ramsdell and Ranger Houser, how ever, bave located a very easy route over which the trail will be built. o ! KOTICE. The next regular meeting of the L. A. to B. of R. T. will be held Thursday afternoon at 8:30. Bird and Boat Collide. A Dying albatross collided with a vessel in Australian waters with such force that tbe "trigger" locking the forward rudder was lifted, mid the rudder released. The vessel was travel log at a siieed of ten knots an hour at the time, snd as a result of the sudden release of the locking gear, the rudder took charge and caused the steamer to sheer off her course. The engines were quickly stopped and the whistle blown for assistance. After a delay of about five minutes, however, the rudder was secured again. On a subsequent trip the rudder was found to be damaged and the steamer was withdrawn and sent tor repairs. The albatross, a fine specimen, was measured by one of tbe deck bands and found to cover ten feet from tip to tip of tbe wbigs. The. skipper at first mistook the bird tor a sheet of newspaper swept off the deck by a squall The bird only missed tbe glass-Inclosed wbeeihouse by couple of feet ' 7 : Bt Elmo's Fire, a Sign at Sea. St Elmo's Are Is the popular name C ah appearance sometimes seen, especially In southern climates, during thunder storms, of a brush or stur of light at tbe tops ot masts, spires ot other pointed objects. It Is sometimes accompanied by a hissing noise and h of the same nature as the light caused by electricity streaming off from polntr connected with an electrical machine The phenomenon, as seen at sen. was woven by tbe Greeks Into the myth of Castor and Pollux. Even yet such tights at the masthead are considered by sailors a sign that they have noth ing to fear from the storm. The name comes from St. KIrao. St Peter Counties, 1100-1240. a Spanish bo- mlutean, who Is envoked by sailors on the Mediterranean during storms. w wto5a'T e POll RENT Two good sDartments on 1st floor, ill West Douglas 8L Phone S8-I- W I.KT ON SHARES or for salo-,60 tc - - m mco, uiuara. Dro it o n. i11 SLfmlfhlnif. for Ave room "VIII H colonial range. WANTEU 200 young turkeys. Ilia-host rash Drlro. E. L. Rice A Son, Dll- InrJ. Oregon. ,liK ?ALK I dosm 1 yar old W'hlte fajnorn nans. o. A. c. strain. . F. L Hond. Phone 7-T. WANTED Srcond hsnd"FordcWr.'l or later. Cheapest cash price. No dealers. Address J. C. K'.r,. riovi-n. Ft5lt RKNf Naw furnlshrd room. with privilege of bath. Very eool location, ona block from Cass street. Inquire at its S. Pine Bt, BEAUTIFUL Montana" scenic amies. mounted and unmounted. Call and see them. Will b here three davs only. Wilbur L Rpaugh, tot Pine St. mil sale One range, heater, I bed- ai.-muv, luaitreaHea tnn springs, din ing labia, 4 chairs, chiffonier, dress er, i rugs. (04 Wlniluster M. Cull between S-tl a pa COST Uewellyn setter, bUrk ears. "'v rpoii on nnov. AnaWSra ,A name of !)uka. License No. lo. lib. v r. "vnor return or dog. Notify T. D. Woatharford. IP YOU Rtr: ON AIR' vnu have '-. I n'v""1 T,r "Uer you have com- 1-.' .""!"'""""' . Asa. Kan Ohman. i: . Cam atreet. TO TUAtiB- Hare house' snd lot lli Prlneetoon, R C. Value shout MOO Would tike to trad for light tour l? ?r- .Pt'ferahly a Ford. A. A. Murphy. t. 1. Bos U.R Ta-e .n.. eal of city nn IMsonvllle highway. PoTTTa-tCIC BALKHO . ,t5cfc ranch n a good creek. Plenty of outi-anaa. oood houss and other chlckona turkeys, aomo household f??S ft.ni7?a Vk" 'rml"g tools . e. fait Tt Thompson PL URrcr ford bar6ains ' iV.2 ZorA like sow. !? ""l"- -"dltlon. 1. tor1 i01"'"". a seed tne U ! VnlS .,M,f,""- "cePtlenaL !!!! Z.ori "rlna. rheae iIU El hu"; everhsuled. .. ir,trrr-eVThi,;v,1r"h"M J-IM srirprlae yon rtosrant Jl P WM"l l HAVE MORS CK.VTt. No Hunk Mo Junk. I Anonni THE TOWS t- irwim TtHlneA K. L. Rloe, prominent DUlard. far mer. Js sDendlr.j the day in ww TtiaKw TT ii n t ie and Mrs. E. De Anda. of Oreen. this morning, a 10-pound boy. Frrttn flaj nes Ioedore Mathews of Carnes, spent Hie afternojn In this city attending to matters ot shopping. Ta M, within C K. Beard, of this city, has left fne Modesto. Calif., where be will remain for several weeks visiting with relatives and friends, leaves For Bandon Phil Harth left this morning for Bandon to attend the big Jublles there this week. He accompanied the baseball team from this city. I'ndenroea Oueratlon Mrs. T. J. Montgomery, of Can- vonvlllo. underwent an operatb-n vnsterdav at Mercy hospital. . Pr. L M. Lehrbach was in attendance. The patient Is said to be doing nicely. Leaves For Portland- Attorney O. P. Coahow left for Portland this morning, where he will loin Mrs. Coshow. after which they will enjoy a summer's outing at the foot ot Mt. Hood. Imth For Camplns Trip Miss Mabel Gllkeson left this af ternoon for Cedar camp on the Xorth Umnaua. where she will enjoy a week's vacation with relatives who are camping there. Arrives From Portland Claude Northcraft bas arrived In this city from Portland to spend the summer months visiting with his mother. Mrs. C. J. Northcraft - . I tot urns From Baker . E. W. Crane, a resident of the Sol diers Home, has returned from Baker, where he has been spending his vacation of several weeks. Gladys Irlce Here- Miss Gladys Price, former resident f this city, is spending several darr here, after which she will return to her home at TUce Hill. Miss Price arrived here this afternoon from southern Oregon, where bus has heen visiting with relatives. Returns From Portland- Marshall Serrano returned to Roseburg this morning from Port 'and to resume his duties at Ott's music store where he la employed Mr. Serrano went to a Portland hos pital to bave an operation but upon examination by a well known Port- and physician it was decided that in operation would not be necessary. Visit ins at Cobb Home- Mrs. A. R. Knlcrht, of Portland, I? visiting in this city at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Cobb. M and Mrs. McKnlght have just returned 'rom a motor trip to Crater Liko. ind Mrs. McKnlght expects to spend only a few days here before return- 'ns to Portlnnd. Mrs. McKnigh: will be remembered as Miss Fannin Cobb ,a former resident of this :lty, Pretty Wedding Sunday Evening Miss Elva Andrus, of Roseburg, and Harold Sprague, of Portland, were united In marriage Sunday evening at 8 o'clock at the Metho dist parsonage, Guy Filch Phelps performing the ceremony. Miss An drus is tho daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Andrus of Glide, and has been making her borne In Roseburg, where she is well known. Mr. Sprague Is an employe of the South ern Pacific and resides In Portland. A few close friends witnessed the ceremony, which was followed by a wedding supper at the home of the bride's uncle, W. M. Laniere. Covers were laid for twenty. The newly married couple left for Portland Sun day evening and will make their home In that city. ELITE BEAUTY rAULORa."" I am experienced In all forms of beauty culture: facial massage, hair ihompoolng, and tinting, marcelling, permanent wave, manicuring, scalp treatment and violet ray. Our new quarters, rooms 1 and 2 In tbe Bell Sisters Bldg., are now open and we solicit your patronage. .Well equlp- pea ana sanitary. Hours s to 12 and 1 to 6. Other hours by appoint ment. Phone 502. MRS. CLARICE D.ON'AHTJE. Anyono wanting a fat hen for din ner, one or more, call at 742 Mill street. NOTICE TO rnvm t rrnn a" HIGHWAY ON! Ill n ION, DOUG LAS tOl'sTV, OIIIOGO. Pealed blda Kill ha ra.nlvoH t,w ,k. County Court of Douglas County, Ore iron at the eourthousa In Koseburg Oregon, at 10 o'clock a. m. on tho 11th day of August, 1921. for construction work on a section of rond between llonebnrs and lteton. known - - T- Section No. 2. TJie work Involves ap proximately Isoo feet of grading and graveling, tne llmlta being more par ticularly described aa fr.i.n L'.-i...--. .-milium ,c.v wnicn Dears . bti feet rrom the corner sections .1-22-27. J8 T ' j,11" ' lo K,'gner's "tstlon tl-l-07.1. .. . " OI 'Proximately 8aue feet. Also for construction A.b - tlon of road between Hld.lle and lrw known as tho Parker tirade. Tho work Involves approximately U faet of sending, the limits being more rsrtlcu srly deecribed as from Knginetr a 8la- tlon n ..o, to Knslnoar's Station -!-7.J. ko bid will he ronaliter4 com .1,?!, u . "looer'a bond Check f n r an ..... n . . . t leaat flv (6) per cent of thi total amount of the bl.1. isi1 t1t,'.,it!,x b',:", wl11 b required for !? ,fa.,,h,u' reffermane. of lh ccb: tract in a nin equal to one-half the total amount of the bid. Plana. aneclnrattn, - A- Iran, blank. f..n 'AVle!Tl:r-b,"5.'l"' mr b "Gained it tne office ef ha eountv i-w county roadmait-r. courthou.a. Roae. Selll'rs? "0a- nPaU ,h d,po"' ' Th rich! la marvel t. or ail propoaal.. or to aeeept the pre eal or prcsoaals bV.t f,Pih. m , . , u banking oonneotlon. . The Rosebuift National t : AROUND THK TOWN Workers Meet Tonight The Christian Workers' Band will meet this evening at the -M. B. jhurch at 7 o'clock. They will be llsmlBsed tor the Chautauqua in time, so It is asked that all that can. attend. - Many matters of lmport- tnce will be taken up at this meet- ing; ; - ROSEBURG THURSDAY, JULY 28 Show Urounds Stephens auid Sykea Streets. LEW F. CULLINS Dog andPony Famous GIRGUS The Show of Quality See Cullins Famous Troupe of Highly Educated PONIES Dog Actors That Mimic Clown in human attire. Frolicsome Clowns In many Comical Stunts Remember the Date! BRING THE CHILDREN WE CLEAN and PRESS MentWomen's SUITS COATS SWEATERS SILK SHIRTS rnd BLOUSES Tonight 15c ;SrMOW0LW f It will make yon feel giod with the world, iwn' O.N A BlMMIiK'H DAV. LAST TIME TOSIOHT r Ilalnty Utile Sliss Donaldson, Pretty Hong and P 4 i 1 Bo TODAY OHLX oe 9 -a a.. " SV 4 JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD 8 Tbe ciMtMt of aU Owwood Btoi-ta, gttri tht 1 t wm hmm t m of thtU wm fiw thtm STRENGTH AND SERUici WELDED At the Roseburg National Ba. atreatth and service are so perfZ? walded that tl... T" " Ufatgr, it bterttt Pail ta Saving, Accm uoseDurg.Ore. Rahmi. x Orants P.s. jmh ter spending !ka,u ?, BLACKBERt ,;,V - WANTQ ;:! .ORATES FfBSoj' PRAXK . TkiS lRnt. n A World of Fairy Feature For the t LITTLE F0II ROSEBURG CLEANERS t hF 308 N. Jackson St. Phone 472 i-4 A Big RecijsaM Barker Special 1 .-.a mm ,sV