Local Merchants Who May Bo . Depended Upon to Givo ICO Cents in Value for Every Dollar 'You Spend With then. You Are Invited to Make Your Chautauqua Week in'Roseburg Headquarters at Any of the Rep resentative Business Houses During Chautauqua Week. Battery Service . by . Experts V "if it is Electrical, we can fix t" Graduate Electrical Engineer. OKTuravrrofi ' t . . . iiui six monins- or one - year, but sixteen years, in the Battery and elec v trical business. If you want real service, come to us Rosebnrg Battery and Electric Station "The house of a Square Deal" 312 No. Jackson Street- Phone 489 SERVICE CAR n't worry about runners WearNotasemeSilkflose ' and Enjoy the Chautauqua . Notaseme a Ilk hose are worn by the beat d rested women la Douflaa County. They know runnen won't worry them. ; Notaseme brand U the only ? Ladies' Silk Hose Guaranteed Against Runners l'f" -'! ' , . I Notaseme hosiery can always be depended upon to fit neatly 1 and correctly and can be had in all colors. .- - Your neighbor know. Harth's Toggery ford Repairing We have the best equipped shop in Southern Oregon. Prepared to do any kind of Repairing with our ... . labor saving machinery i ' All work guaranteed. We know Ford Repairing without experimenting. . : Open nights until 9 o'clock. Open Sunday all day. C. A.Lockwood Motor Co Roseburg, Oregon Phone 374 . Phone 374 Leadership is a Sacred Trust "Comparative Prices Must Got' We nerer quote "comparative prices." The Integrity of the spoken and written word of the J. C. PENNEY COM PAN Y is now as it always has been, a sacred trust. The plain, straight-forward statement of our ability to buy in great quantities, quality merchandise at low prices, is taken by millions of people aa aa honestly stated fact worthy of confidence. In this policy of not quoting "comparatlre prices" we hare been leaders for years. Others now follow our leadership a number of the ' greater stores of the West and Middle-West recently an nounced in their newspaper advertising that "the use of comparatlre prices would hereafter be discontinued be cause it is misleading, exaggerated and destructive of public confidence." From the beginning, our policy has been a simple, sound Golden Rule policy and every person connected with the J. C. PENNEY COMPANY takes Just pride In sus taining a leadership that Is and always will be a sacred trust! QUALITY AND SERVICE Is our Motto. Our Prices are also Right Give us a Trial PICKENS BROS. GROCERS Phone 195 FAMILY WASH .Service Department....... Sen J if S)-a The entire family washing Is finished complete all the starching and ironing done, so that every piece Is ready to use or to wear, as the case may be. The coat Is very reason able surprisingly so. By our PARTLY ROUGH DRY method everything Is re turned finished, except the starched pieces which are ready to dampen and Iron. Just tell us what you want done. ROSEBURG STEAM LAUNDRY Phone 79. 431 N. Jacksoa. HOMES Get a set of Plans before you build. We have over 800 which we furnish free Can furnish anything you want from a 2x2-4 foot long to a 20x20-40 foot long 1 piece or a carload KENNY LUMBER CO. A Press Without aShine' CLEANINC, PRESSING, REPAIRING Ray's Suit Shop ftMNaWM THE HOME OF SWWWWI CLOTHES THAT FIT See our Line of Fall and Winter Designs. WM. H. AMOS, Proprietor We Call and Deliver hone 247 124 W. Cass St D.P.FISHER WALL PAPER AND PAINT We carry a full line of Painter's Supplies, New Styles of Paper, Decorations, Kalsomines, Var nishes, Stains, Floor Enamels, etc. Come and see U3 at our new Loca tion 403 West Cass Street. Home Phone 166-Y. Costs you nothing to see good3 and get our estimates on your job. . D. P. FISHER Chautauqua Week SPECIALS MONDAY and TUESDAY ONLY Flour, Fisher's Best $1.60 Per Sack Myrtle Flour, $2.20 Per Sack Look through our Groceteria All Prices are Specials EVERYBODY'S EXCHANGE Expert Automobile Painting GOLDEN Automobile Painting Co. We will repaint and refinish your old car; we will remove the old finish clean ' down to the metal and build on with a good foundation a fine new finish so it will last and have a long life, and it will be like a new factory finish, but will last longer. We will prove this to your own satisfaction, and guarantee this. We are here to stay and will want repeat orders. Everybody has a friend. We are also dealers in used cars. Located corner of Winchester and Jackson Streets. WE CARRY A COMPLETE STOCK OF UNITED STATES AND Kelly-Springfield Tires Our Tire Repair Shop at Your Service Highway Service Co Jackson and Douglas Sts. Phone 333 CLEVELAND NEWS. . Soma ot our young-folks attend ed the party given In E. H. Crane's new house In Coles Valley one Ten iae last week. J. C. Jaqulne and wife and Rev. sad Mrs. Fuson of Garden Valley wywnt a few days camping on Hub bard creek. Joe Bosse and wife and Mrs. Orant Winner and Miss Judith Pal Mr spent a few days here and at Portland visiting friends and rela tives. They left here Tuesday for their home in Southern California. A. H. Doerner and family will leave here for Seattle by auto the 24th to visit with his sister and fam ily. J. D. 8mlth and wife of Los An geles left for home the list. David Good has fitted up an out fit to saw wood with his tractor. . It looks now aa though there was going to be a heavy drop in the prune orchards in this vicinity. lira Metxgcr and daughter Edith made a business trip to the county seat Friday. Alvln Lentman has finished a long Safe TllUIt zxutmii:mx& ASK FOR Horlick'j Tat Orifiaul ' -Tbi laitatleae Job of road work In the Looking Olass vicinity, under Mr. Tabor, the patrolman for that part of the ooun ty roads. John Tavenner ts building a big prune dryer this year to handle his big crop and to do some outside drying. Adsm Doerner has a beautiful onion patch this year. O. H. ELITE LEA ITT PAKLOIM. t am experienced In all forms of beauty culture; facial massage, hair shampooing, and tinting, marcelling, permanent wave, manicuring, scalp treatment and violet ray. Our new quarters, rooms 1 and 2 In the Bell Sinters Bldg., are now open and we solicit your patronage. Well equip ped and sanitary. Hoars f to 12 snd 1 to t. Other hours by appoint ment Phone (02. MRS. CLARICE DONAHT7E. J. If. Jodd and family are enjoy lag eamplag U3 aa Seek Creek. T hey will rwtara the last ad Ue Phelps Delivers Forceful Sermon The treatment of the text. "Ac cording to their past ore. so were they filled." by Gny Fitch Phelps at the Sunday morning service at the M. E. church, showed that be was familiar with tbe life of the shep herd, on the hills and that he had closely observed the life and habits of the sheep, to an unusual decree. His analogy was of Ood's wonderful provision for man's spiritual nsture. which even surpasses the pmvls..n for the physical development and growth. The subject was hsndled la a forceful and able manner. There waa a large and appreciative audience. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Warualcy and daughter. Finns, return I Saturday evening from Yoncalla, where they have beea visiting with frteass far the past Um weeks, AROU5TD TUB TOWN Here From Drain Mr. snd Mrs. Calvin' T.esch, of Drain, spent Monday In hvn shop ping snd attending to holiness mat ters Returns From Portland J. M. Throne, of the L'mpqna Val ley bank, has returned from Port land whera ha iMtnt several dava attending to Important business mat ters. Dlllard Farming Prosperous T. B. Evans and son of Dlllard brought a load of encumbers to town yesterday. While in Roseburg Mr. Evsns purchased a new Ford truck to haul bis produce to town. Crops In Dlllard vicinity are going to be fine this year, he says, and he sz peeta to ship about tweaty-sve ear loads ef sseieas and lea lees. Dr. and Sirs. Ilnnlt Ileturn Dr. and Mrs. Lewis Albert Dunks returned Isst evening from Santa Rosa and other Interesting points in California, where they had been spending the past to weeks visiting with friends and relatives. Mrs. Hael Murr w, of Riddle, spent Sunday in this ry vlsltlug ;wlth her friends anl ri-iat.ves. PROF,WMOV,t, crow H4I)AnT7ill, AurtlTioWr. (Sta high t I Ml N. P.n HL wUa. r. l. ruT rut rioirs. rana. CI w Can. Da. ML M. Mvslclao. Pl.Ti.KR '-niropraetl' lit W. Um at Rice's Garage Cylinder Re-Boring h Specialty. Only electric re-borlr.g machine In Cue eminry. m9 WORTH Mill. Roseburg, Myrtle Point, Coquille and MarshCeld Stage 7-Ptt$tstr CsdiIlsi-8 Cats Leaves Hotel Cmpqua 7 a. m. daily. Fare to Myrtle Point. $.4i. , Fare to Coquille, 17.00. Fsre to MarshNeld. 13.00. COAST AUTO LINUS