Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 25, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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Here are Just a Few of the Many Uses of
STERNO Canned Heat
and STERNO Cooking Appliances
For cooking egg or coffee fur a quick breakfast For heating shaving water. For warming baby's
milk for heating water In emergencies. For the outdoor Man. Ho'll use It to prepare a quick,
warm lunch on camping, Ashing or auto parties. For the housewife, who will find It a help at
breakfast time, luncheon, afternoon teas or supper parties. For preparing food at the table. Foi
warming broth in the sick-room. And a hundred and one other uses that will appeal to her.
All this Week a Special Instructress will be at our Store to explain
the extraordinary uses and convenience of
STERNO Canned Heat and STERNO Cooking Appliances
Come In and meet her. Sh
She will prove what a magic
Somo of the Man)' Sterno
Bnliy Milk Wanner
Cooking Stnud
Aluminum Stove
Tea Kvttio Outfit
Couibhuitlon Ktove )
Two liuroer Kitchenette
DIno Slove
Curling Iron Hentrr
Iron Outfit
Cooking and Camping Outfit
Has New Plan
For Handling
Grazing Land
(News-Review Washington llureau.)
WASHINGTON, July 25. Secre
tary of the Interior Fall ta to Intro
duce a revolutionary method of
handling all the grazing land still
left In the public domain If congress
will give him the authority.
Several millions of acres of lands
have been passed by as a unit for
agriculture or timber purposes and
much of It can never be 'Irrigated
under any possible circumstances.
Much of this land has no tree growth
but at times has a fairly good grass
or pasture crop.
Poor IjiiiiI nt Kent.
The practice for tho lust fow years
has ben to secure through congress
passage of various bills adding cer
tain large tracts of public land by
contiguous forest reserves. Onro In
the forest reserves they can never be
taken out 'again except by congres
sional action, and this course has led
to the Inclusion of thousands of acres
of bald lands In the forest area that
can never be reforested and are quite
Incapable of timber growth. The rea
son for their Inclusion In the forest
areas was to secure the privilege of
regulated priizlnn. permits for this
purpose being Issued through the of
flro of the chief forester and tho sec
retary of agriculture.
Inasmuch as the control of all pub
lic lands Is placed In the hands of
the secretary of the Interior. Secre
tary Fall proposes to end tho prac
tice of Including thousand of acres
of untlmhered lands In forest areas
and to Issue permits for grazing on
such lands through the lands depart
ment. The hill to effort this has been
nt to Chairman Plnnott of the
house committee on public lands,
who will Introduce It todnv and lat
er hold hrrlnirs before his rnmnilt
tH on tire desirability of grantinc
the Interior department the author
ity desired.
Conflict May IJcnlt.
This Is the Inst wholesale action
which can be tiiken In the
of public dmn.-iln. as under nrvsent
laws and details of all other nr of i
public lands are provided for. This I
artlnn on the par' of the secretary Is !
likely to precipitate a conflict he!
tween the conservationists of the
more radical tvoe and thou . !
wish to have the public domain utll
Irrd I-and which Is unfit In Its present
eonditlm for rslslnr nnv crops other
:nan grass or forase and. which can
not be Irrigated except at unreason
able cost, mar be thrown Into larse
grsilng units and leased by thy sec
retary of tha Interior for periods of
tea yr. local men now using lands
to have ths preference. Where the
annual rainfall exceeds ten Inches
the rainfall to be charged by the
Sterno S(ore Ne.4009
iifcKAU nen-Atainf A.J
am Sham L'annrJ af'
. H.llik.J Ale. Timt.
will Bhow you tho entire line of Sterno
wonder worker Sterno Canned Heat is.'
Absolutely safe. Non-explosive
smokcloKS odorless. Saves gas,
electricity, coal and oil.
The ono lniKrtnnt tiling for you
to do today, is to seo what the
HTKHXO Canned Heat is and what
it does.
(XMiiplete Home Furnishers,
rorsoii9 wishing Wutkins
products call forenoons this
week. 126 W. Laue St., or
phone 177.
secretary for the;;e pormlts In fixed
at 1 per cent per annum per acre,
and where the annual rainfall Is less
than ten Inches the rental shall be
one-hulf of 1 per cent per annum per
acre. ,The money shall be paid Into
the land office whore the land is lo
cated, and one-hulf of same shall go
Into the reclamation fund of the
I'nited Stules and the other half in
(he highway fund of the state where
the Innd Is locnted.
To Hold Hearings.
Congressman Sinnott expects to
hold healing!! on this measure nliovit.
Hepiomoer i, anu expects mat mere
will be a great deal of Interest In the
proposal to regulate grazing on all
the unappropriated public domain. In
all permits to bo issued under this
grazing law the mineral and coal
rights are specifically reaeied and
the pro-pectlng, mining and removal
of inln-ri-ls is provided for under ex
isting laws.
Christian Workers
In Great Demand
The l:neburg Christian Workers'
Hand received two culls last week
from outer points In the county to
send a speaker' team nml the quar
tette to a ssist In special services yes
terday. Ono call cuiio from l'Murd.
and one from Tiller, where the coun
ty Sunday school union held a con
vention. !
Ilecause s.itl:-f:ictory arrangements
could not he made for the use of au
tomobiles, these Invitations could not
he accepted. i
Hy the activities of the young
Chi Lilian Workers' l'and. and the
ever readiness of their iuartett to
under senile, their work Is known
throughout Ihuiglaa county. The
pieiiibnt of Iho organization Is Hev.
W. l:. Warrington, and the quartette
Is composed of l.orcn Harvey, Har
old ll.irton. Joe Nee and John Hat
field. I'ianlat, Miss Hazel Jumes.
C. F. Hill, ninn.itrr of the tllohe
theater company, fioin Albany, will
he In this city tomorrow to look af
ter business matters.
rnK !. NOUTON,
iniv uvmv
Stoves and Cooking Outfits,
The Heat of a Hundred Uses.
Sterno Canned
Heat and Sterno
Cooking and
Heating Appli
ances are made
Solely by
New York
L. F. Ts To Enjoy
Another Party
The L. F. T. dancing club will
liold another delightful dancing
parly at the Rllclle opn nlr pavilion
Monday evenln;;, August 1st. The
members of the club are privileged
t'i Invite their friends for the occa
A ph-nlc dinner will be enjoyed In
I ho grove at 7 :!(, prior to tho dance.
Arrangements have been made for
serving coffeo. Dancing will begin
at 8:30, and the expense will bo
pro-rated among the g-utlemen.
In From IHItnril
Mr. ami Mrs. I. M. nvi;:og. of Dll
lard. spent the week end in this city
visiting with friends.
WANTKIi A furnirhed house.
VANTKI A (food Jersey cow. Must
Je a hlu-h ,.,:t, r. liiene ii-Fll.
V Y.Vikl --;. ...d milk cow. Charles
W:ti-i.ii, luxunviile. Ore, I'hone
,1'nlt S.M.I; tmprioed 40 a,-re ranch.
I frentime en rinpuuu river, on a itood
ro-ol. AiMresn i?. c. Stegrlat, L'mp
I U't.i. Orrnen.
V.Vi'i:i Ti I I II' Y -5-room rot tone In
fOntlictn part of city or an equity
In en.. Nut over 11600. Call 830
So. Main.
lii'Vnnu miles without puncture or
Mew-out. Thst s what we tcimrsntre
with every I nlversal Tire Filler, lt
me eunlp your ear with a triul set.
I'm! oilman. J24 Case Street.
Fim SAUK Kxtm Kood.
I n.iftntl ftt Wilbur. Or., Salurdnv
I M. Jul v HMh, tlS pt-r M. $13. 60
n I.trttfr ord-r. Call Wilbur 8lor
I :n-KI. or rtt Jox H29,lloseburK.
; 11 XMI'SllIUK SI IKK r V'OU 23
Ii ciHtt't fd wta. atTrn from 2 to 4
vi'.tr: it ynrUnn eurt;
:'. i t'KlstttTftl Jiin. nnd hb, rmm
l:imiiii ; 11 renrtMtTort Jnn. una rVb
laniln; 21 full blnotl pwfn, kkfi
from 2 t- 4 yt-nt!. Writ or cull on
W. II. Kim-art V.btiric. (rtpn.
'iH "SAl.K:t rr'iTof "i.itifl. S"nil
ft"ni riiv UuiIim; rom hru lth
i-ttv ;itr, twlrphonv nd ttflrclrlc
lU-ht ttxiurf lam, Rnrnic. Urtif
rliit'ktn hors, S of liiranbfrs
tip, find lli-kbfrrli-i; 1 nnm of
.'v. rtim prut,'i. with crop; ntrnwbvr
rl.'w. Fv wnlklTtv ditant o hth
tintl nml erntlt b hol. Phonr
or jirtdrrnn K. V. 1. 1. flox IT.
UMNS I'-.rt Krd (otirlnc.
I I T I'oid lourttin.
t M Ford tonrinir.
tl? rrd. (in condition.
I'M? Ford ropdtr.
y No 3d OrerUnds. wirh on urtdr-
Kord Ch.-jtin, rin merhanl
ffl'v. 4 nw tlr
bv dirt-iT buff bodr. rftl
i-iiv for m in,
I . r ir 1 1 bu
im MiUhfil, ft fin car mi
.'T W rN!TIVFI.T Ui.itD.
Y.VH CAfl OF. Wllsl. tFt.L IT fKr
WFf CAW T mr.vw
Celebrated Explorer Lecture
Tonight at Chautauqua
Gives an Interview.
Will TalM No Food Partj to Exist
on Food Found to Exist in the
Fruceu North I'reliuiiiutry
Party starting Aug. 0.
Vllhlalmur Stefansson. noted Arc
tic exDlorer. who will deliver his
famous lecture on the froyen north
tonlsrht nt the Chautauqua,-arrived
here this afternoon from Eugene
Mr. Stefansson Is planning another
eiDedition to the fur north, accord
Ins- to a statement made by him to
a newspaper man. The exploring
oartv will start next year without
supplies, the party maintaining Itself
on food Stefansson has discovered in
the Arctic reeions.
A preliminary party will leave Se
attle on August 6 next and will De
made ud of about five men. Thoy
will proceed to Nome, Alaska, where
a boat is already being fitted, and
thence to an Island off the north
coast of Canada to make prepara
tions for the main party.
Itesources to be Studied.
"For the first time In the history
of Arctic exploration commercial
possibilities ewlll be combined with
scientific research," said Stefansson.
"The expedition is being made pri
marlly to gather scienutlflc data, bul
we shall keep our eyes open as we
go along for resources which may be
developed to the benefit of com
"Our last trip, covering a period
of 5 yean, established the one
fact that looks toward the develop
ment of the far north; that Is the
possibility of living there without
food supplies from the outside. When
I suggested that possibility eight
years ago, I was laughed at and cen
sured both. It was said I was either
lying or detracting from the merit of
tho other brave explorers who went
there and died of starvation, ate
their dogs and each other down to
the last man. Our last trip proved
my statements, and at the same time
established a viewpoint entirely dif
ferent from the old one regarding
Arctic exploration.
"The Idea that one must prepare
a stupendous program,- dash for the
nolo and dash out again Is shattered
The Arctio explorer is no longer i
horo, but a careful, painstaking sci
entist, who may tuke his time as he
goes and turn back to civilization in
formation that has heretofore been
lacking of those regions.
Comfortable Life Possible.
"Given a healthy body and a cheer
ful disposition, a family can now live
at the north pole as comfortably as
it can in Hawaii, if they know how
Perry, Amundsen, Scott and otherr
have declared thnt thpre were no
animals or other food there, but lr
fact there are seal, fish and animnlr
'o be found and this eliminates the
necessity of carrying food and also
nakP3 possible permanent residence
I expect this next trip will last long
er than any other I or anyone else
lias ever made.
"As soon as the world knows and
a assured that people can live In the
far north, that it Is a desirable placf
o uve in, commercial motives assert
themselves and this Is to be the ini
tial step toward the commercial de
velopment of the arctic regions. The
purpose of the trip, will be to in
Tense and disperse knowledge re
tarding those areas and no doubt we
shall make some worthwhile discov
eries. Xo Xewspaper Men to le Taken.
"However, there will be no cor
respondents with us and we shnll
have no corresDondenca with the
outside world while we are north. I
should not consent to carry a wire
less outfit for any reason and would
not be burdened with newspaper
men. The world can wait until we
get back to learn what wo have done
and found and It will not mind the
wait because It does not concern It
self vitally with those affairs."
Ford Amuses and
Mystifies Crowd
(Continued From Fage 1.)
without a soul on board.
Ether waves travel fast enough to
go around the world three times l.i
a second. It Is now possible to talk
from Hoseburn to a person in Lon
don, hearing the actual tones of Un
voice, without tiny Intervening wlras
or cables. The Is sufficient atomic
energy In a copi-er penny, said Fo.d.
to pull a freight train around th
world, if only It were known bow to
release this power. This Is no be
ing done with radium, only with this
metal the energy Is released slowly,
covering a long period of years.
An Important fact graphically Il
lustrated was that a charge of elec
tricity strong enough to kill an army
of men becomes entirely harmless
when the frequency of the curn-nt
becomes quick enough, the danger
line being around lO.ftOO times per
second. A spark was shown Jumping
from one point to another at the
rate of a million times per second.
An Ingenious contrivance was shewn
by which the frequency of the spark
was measured. This constated nf .
disk some three feet In diameter oa
wnicn,was pasted a number of small
dinks of paper, about largv
one's hand, 'mis was mau i in
volve so fast that the rows of dlks
appoared as solid ruif of white, but
when the room was darkened and
lighted for an Instant by the electric
sparks the disks could each be pluln
ly dUtlngulshed. By varyin the
length of the lighting the rowa of
disks appeared to be revolving in op
posite directions.
t-Tnorimonts with an oulja board
showed how thoroughly an audience
might be deceived by fake mediums.
k mnn in the audience opened a Bi
ble at random and upon a state
which had been shown as ciean on
both sides, was found written mt
book, chapter and verse at tne top
of the left-hand page. The ilate was
shown to have a false side and each
leaf of the Bible was the same, ine
pointer on the oulja board was mado
to lumn around by wireless waves
-ion t tiv a confederate.
One of the most striking experi
ments was one proving the exlstonoe
nt current of electricity through the
air. When a metal loop was inovou
across this current electrical connec
tion was made with an Instrumeut
on a distant table, ringing a tiny
beil. By means of wireless waves or
varying length the operator lighted
a fire, exploded a bomb, operated a
toy car and did many other Interest
ing things.
A candle held by an assistant was
lighted simply by the touch of Mr.
Ford's finger, tip or the tongue, and
anally by a stream of water, which
leenied unbelievable. It was shown
how electricity was gathered from
hent and even by light.
The program today consisted of
prolude In the afternoon by the
Roach-Freeman Duo and a lecturij,
"Doughboy Snapshots." by Supadn
te.ident Elvln. Tonight there will be
a prelude by the Koacn-r reemau
Duo, followed by a lecture by Vih-
Inlmur Stefunsson, on "My Five
Years In the Arctic." Mr. Stefans
son Is one of the best lecturers In the
United States and has a most inter
estlng story to tell. Everywhere he
has been he has been given the high
st praise for his talk, and Rosehur;
neople will miss a gres.t treat If they
rall to hear this wonderful speaker,
o i .
Forest Supervisor W. F. Rnmsdell
returned yesterday from an Inapec
'lon trip to the Diamond lake sec
tion of tho Urnt'ona forest. Accom
vinled by Supervisor Hank in of the
Crater lake Ynrest, he made a trip
'o the summit of Mt. Ballcy. where
he supervisors have determined to
'ocate a lookout station. A tempo
rary station will be provided this
ear with Arthur Mcintosh, of Rid
Mo. In charzo A telephone line i:
now bring built to the top of the
nountnln. . Next year a cabin will
Tie built at the summit.
"rnrit From Outing-
Mr. W. A. Burr and sons. Hairy
md Earl, returned yesterday from
short camping trip on Wolf Cieek
Workers to Meet
The Christian Workers Band will
"ir-et tomorrow evvnliitr' at thf M.
church at 7 o'clock, and will be
'lismlssert in time for Chautauqua.
Here Front Tiller
Anionft those In the city from Til
ler today were H. O. Pennell, O. E.
IVnnell and A. W. Smith. They
'pent several hours attending to
'mportnnt business matters
lleturnlng From South
Mr. sjid Mrs. Ro!and Agee: Mr.
tnd Vrs. C. W. Clark and party arc
on their way nome from Los An
gles, after spending the past few
weeks enjoying an extensive auto
trip through southern California.
If. 8. Weatrer itureau. local otllcs,
4oaburK. "ivgon, 4 lioura ndln. t
- in.:
rrrlilfalloa la Inrhes an4 lines rtt.
'Holiest temperature yexterriHV .. 80
lowot temperature lust night .. 49
:'itcitttrt!on last Z4 hours 0
Total precln. slnr first of nirnlh C
Sormal preclp. for this moiitli... ,H2
total ptecip. rroni tept. , iliso,
to date
Avt-raae prerlp from. Sopt. 1, 77 SI. 10
Totul rtVnclcncy from Sopt. .68
Vveratcv preclp. for 44 wet seasons
(September to Mai, Inc.) St. S3
Korecait vo 8 p, m. tor southwestern
TonlKlit and Tuesday fair.
WII.I.UM UK 1.1,. O'nsorvxr
- - z : ci
V!Hi r tw
The Lady Siguier had the l',,r
Mnn drr.s .mt Kvi r.vthlng In Stock,
and has Siirnt a Pleasant Afternoon!
ivhith r as Al' Ititexi.t.t to Spend
whn !ie Cnue In. M. rcl.nn s like
l.inly l;tirrs lm l.sdv Shi ppers sre
Why I)ryro.s t;!crV r, Craiy and
Start RttBiiIng lu Circles,
J -s-- 'fj !V I
1 9 4vaicjf I
in- i TIT UUH.
Who Knows.
Car Koaebarg
Dear Mrs. ElUbury: I m trying
to get rid of a hundred warta.
Mother has put bacon rind on twice
but it dldn t seem to do any good.
nut turpentine and kerosene on
them but it didn't do any good, so
would like your answer. I also
know a girl that doesn't take the
News-Review and would like to know
how to reduce fat
ANXIOUS. Roseburg.
A. I would not advise you to Mae
home rem t Ilea for warta an yoa are
very alft to start a fcerioits infection.
The ouljr wny to nave them removed
permanently U by an electric needle
In the ham! of a ptiymcian. lie
sura that tho physician la a compe
ent one. However, if yon an -quite
yoniuz would advise you to wait a
while and see if they do not leave
ol their own accord. I cannot teu
your friend how to reduce fat unless
I know how fat she is, and her age.
I might tell her to do exactly - the
opposite to what she should. ' How
ever, she should stop over-eating,
eat no sweets of any kind, nothing
between meals and take plenty of
excrcixe. TTliat Is good advice for
anyone. '
Here From Glcndale
O. C. Mcintosh, of Qlendale, spent
yesterday in this city attending to
Important business matters.
In Grants Pass v
Mrs. A. Wilson, of this city, is
spending several days In Grants Pass
visiting with friends and relatives.
Here From Solera
Mrs. W. F. Drager and daughter
ind son, of Salom, are spending a
week In this city attending to busi
ness matters.
Hero on Hnslnmut
H. C. Grlesel; of the Glafke fruit
ompany in Portland, spent yeater-
lay in this city attending to bust
toss matters.
From North
Mrs. Ray Troxel returned here
'his morning from points up north,
tfter spending several days visiting
vilh friends.
Stitlirrltn. Visitor
J. L. Hanson, prominent Suther
ln resident, spent yesterday In this
Ity visiting with friends and attend
ing to various business matters,
tcturns From E n gene
Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Wood and son
aiinert, rcturneri today from a
not or trip to Eugene, where thoy
pent three days attending the
3even Day Adventist camp meeting.
reepts Position
Johnny Carter, who Is here from
ortlnnd, has accepted a position as
iperator at the local Western Union
olegraph office. Mr. Carter has
been attending the Western Union
elegrauh school In Portland for the
nast winter.
Purchases Cannery
Frank J. Norton, well known In
loseburg, has purchased the Drain
nnnery and will start operations
mmedintely. Mr. Norton stated that
he outlook In that district is good
ind he expects to keen his cannery
'n full operation until Christmas,
niackberrlcs are being canned now,
ind pears and apples later.
ccepts Position
Arthur Graham, of this city, has
icceptod a position with the Rose
htirg Cleaners. Mr. Graham is an
xpert tailor and comes here from
he east.
le-turnlng From Outer Lake
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Denton, of
Portland, passed through here yes
terday enroute from Crater Lake to
heir home In the metropolis. Mr.
nton Is conductor of the Portland
symphony orchestra.
The greatest of all Corwood 8
that was a boost a rlos: that
A I'l Itl'LK RIIIKItH XO. 4. 1.
4 TUUKltUW ..
tk -fWj 1 Bo TODAY ONLY kAa
"Desperate Trails"
5 fK1 ?,07 Wth Harry Carey
fu Letter to lira. EiuLZ,
Mr.. EUsbury: i, itcor..
weaning announ.m... "Vta
tare a private wedding? J7 ai
of clothe, are best to bav.TiS
tag to the beach In 8eT!.Sk
ding annoonretnenu, SLz"i
you will need .port fTJ t
you are going to smarTki
will need good lookln.iL?1!
rrKur milt
vHet, of shades, wora'M
silk, or s ports satin slUrt k
good, and you wul see ru.,"
there. Wear with llusT
hat and low heeled Uu o
Aa organdy dress would iw
good addition to your l! '
tel dances at the beach i
aulre a silk arm -. .
gown, but a dressy aftrrnj
Then of course, Jmr
mer suit should be takeaIL
the occasional formal oceJu?
of these things I have
not necessary If your toeo'
Ited, but they would cxiTer-l
caslon Ukely to arise. ."
and heavy coat that yoa m.l L
to have should be taken akit
Only Two Ball
Games This WW
(By & H. HILTON 1 I
Owing to the Chautauqu J
will be Just two games niiriL
Twilight league this week, (v.
these will be played tonight btu,
the Baptists and Southern fZ
and the other one will probi,
played Thursday night betwit'
Christians and Presbyteruun j,
are Just four games left thtrn
to complete the schedule. T.
be played this week and Ivor,
week. The scorer made oat tnt
his last announcement of th t,
lng of the teams. The SouUmi
ciflo team was credited ttl'
losses and should hare had be i
The exact . standing now lis,
. 11
.. 8
.. 5
Baptist . .
Christians . .
" I
K AIV.TLT.4ia AUllUS, h
Douglas County. '
T WAnt fnr itlsnlnv nnrnMiiM
men bundles of all - choice as- '
grains, timothy, clover, ud ttu
dellvered to 125 Cass street, ul'
will pay full value, also for tout:
Kindly tag bnndle, giving m
and name of grower. A. T. Lira
Commercial Agent, 12S Can
Phone 219.
I have recently purchawd t
Motor Garage Vulcanizing Shot .
am prepared to to all klndia!
repairing such as piincturet, lb
outs, rim cuts and half-solei. I s
ploy skilled mechanics. Atom
and polish cars. W. F. CARTE ,
si f
We wish to give you t ipedilit
vltation to come to the library a
examine the books along voarb'
of work or any other line yoa si
be Interested in. It dooan't coi
one cent of money to s
books If vou like them. Itcotti,",
more not to use them, becan!
cannot be quite so modern c
you keep yourself well Informa'
on the work you are ennaged a
a living. Nearly all methodi
In course of time. Do not be a
to Improve your methods. '
Public Library. Kohlhagn w
torlca, a gUrl that was brave s sue
was more than hnmnn.
at bis Best,
Aia I II