I riQB ttm j Sport Skirts Were Never So Popular A 77u' Season New Models Evry wise woman include a Sport Skirt among her wearable Theai are exceptional in style and finish with the new pockets, belt effects and offer a fine color range from which to select. The Prices are as Low a $3.98 $9.90 eime incorporated "312 DEPARTMENT STORES ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND OTHERS rr MRS. UX8BUBY- A Dally Column of Questions and Answers Conducted by Womaa Wbo Knows. Address your lietters to sirs. Ellsbury Care Roseburg Hews-KeTlew. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I have a young daughter 16 years old and she has recently begun to dance. I have tot ber go to several school dances with her girl friends, and to a large ball with a chaperone . She loves to dance snd now every time there is a dance in town we have a scene at home because she wants to go. She doesn't seem to have any idea that I could or would go. I am still young myself and know many of the people that attend dances here. What do you think about me going to dances myself. I have always danced before I was married and for a few years afterward. Would my girl re spect me mora or less, and would people 'think I was trying to act young again. My husband is away a great deal and would have no ob jection to my going. MRS. V., Koseburg. A. I think fci would be a splendid lilrat for you o attend dances with your daughter. 8he will think much more of you for It. Don't let ber think that you are watching her at the dancp, and don't reprimand her conatantly atxiut her behaTlor. nhe will then enjoy your bring there, as much as you will. If you see her do something; really wrong, talk it over with ber a day or so later. I think when a young Birl likes to dance it Is ideal for her to go with ber par ents, and soon the parents will be enjoying it as much If not more than the daughter. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: My daugh ter Is nearly eighteen years old and lately she has changed completely, it seems to me. She insists upon going to dances with her stockings rolled below her knees, and with what seems to me hardly any clothes on at all. She says she is more comfort able that way but it worries me con siderably. Sometimes I wonder if Bhe Is really decently clothed. WORMED MOTHER, Roseburg. A. All mothers seem to be hav ing trouble with their young daugh ter these days. I am sure there is nothing to worry about in your ease. Your (laughter Is merely following the style of her friends. All young girls aeetu to want to put as few clot lira on as possible these days, and in tills hut weather It certainly snrnis sensible to me. Dancing is about the warmest tiling they do, and I am not surprised that they don't want to wear too many clotlu-s. lie sure that she Is not dressed Inmiod enlly and do not worry about her. AROUND THE TOWN Oakland Visitor C, W. Cooper, of Oakland, spent last evening here attending to busi ness matters. Obtain License A marriage license was Issued to day to I. K. Kidding and Zella Mil lard, both rcsiUvnts of llnlnrJ. lulling Here Mrs, Zwicker, of Marshfitld, is spending severs) days in this city to see friends. Mrs. Zwicker Is regis tered at the I'mpqus hotel. ' Here From Kiigeiif- O. F. Sklpworth, of Eugene, Is spending the week end In this city attending to busluess matters. Mere From Medford Mr, and Mrs. William Horner and family, of Medford, motored to this city yesterday, to spend several days with friends. Hi re tin Business Sonbtor Issac Staples, of Multno mah county. Is In Hoseburg today at tending to business matters and greeting friends. In From IHIIard 1-oren Miller and Ruth Miller, of Dlllard, spent the morning In this rlty attending to matters of business and shopping. ur On Varailon Mr. snd Mrs. C. S, Hnlnllne lert tortsy for points on Llttha River, where they will spend a week or leu days enjoying a vacation. Arrive t'nmi Portland L-e Carter, formerly of this rlty but now of Portland, in a-ntllna-several days here vlxltlng with friend. Here From llrlclge Mr. and Mrs. V. A. lett snd fnm lly. of II ridge. Coos rountr. are spending the week end. in this rlty vlsltlnf with friends. Holds High Average Simon Paro this morning received s letter from his datmhtrr Ruth. In which she it Mi; that she recelred the tit-heat average of any of the applicant In a c1il service eismlns tion given by the city of San Fran clacn to fill a vscsncr In a position at the rlty hull. Mtsa Caro expecta to be employed St the cltv hall There were a number of contestsnts tor the pises and the fart that she received ths best sverage speak very well for her ability. Bke was aora and ralasd la Roeebnrg and re ceive, her education aere. In On Itusii Jack Cardwell, well known resi dent of Myrtle Creek, spent last even ing In this city attendiug to Impor tant business matters. Arrives From Portland Mrs. Nova Miller and two clilluieii arlved In this city from Portland ynserday evening to spend a week visiting with relatives. Here Fomii Wilbur " Mr. f. V. Parker and daughter, flnlda arrived in the city today from Wilbur to spend several hours at tending to matters of shopping. Hot urn From Oakland- Mrs. Charles Neal and Mrs. R. P. ,McUndon returned from Oakland I late Inst evening, arter spending the day there visiting with friends. Here From tfcikland I Mrs. Frraman and brother, of I Oakland, nrrlved in the city this morning, to spend several weeks at tending in matters of shopping. Here Fniiti Tiller W. R Norman, prominent Tliler resident. Is spending the week end Mn this rlty attending to business matters snd visiting with friends. Itetuni to .Myrtle t'reek Mrs. Stuurt Mitchell and little son. Stuart, Jr., returned to their home st Myrtle Creek arter spending a few days here at the home of Mrs. A, C. Kldd. I tot urn From Smith Mr. snd Mrs. K. C. f'itzpatrlrk snd Mr. snd Mis, Ed Thornton returned lnt evening from an extensive motor trip through southern Oregon and California. Return From ( niter Ijike W. H HollenSeck. clerk st the I'liinqiia hotel, returned last evening from a motor trio to Crater IjV He In very much enthused with the vcnlp trip. Finer II,-,. It Vsrahal p.-rrano. who Is emploved it Oil's nmlr store, will leavs Snti- d:ir afternoon for Portland where he s ill enter the Public Health Service hospital for an peratlon. He will return to Roartnirg and his duties In shout alrT weeks. , Entertain With IHcnle I Miss Msrgsret Pass entertained venterday with s plcnle In konor of miss Minna Heldonrelch, of Chlcsso. who hss been visiting here with her moiner. Mine Heidenreich haa Inai flnlfthed a concert encasement in Portland and Is now on her way south to Sacramento. . Miss Marie Msnens. Mrs. Anna Heldenretoh, Miss Margaret Pan and Miss Hetd- enreicn enjored the picnic affair CHAUTAUQUA TO START TOMORROW Series of Entertainments Be gin Sunday Night and . Last For Week. ; PROGRAM IS EXCELLENT Finest Array of Talent Ever Pres. ented To Hoseburg Audience Will Appear On Circuit This Year. Only 24 hours remain before the opening of the Roseburg Chautau qua. A great week of music ana lectures Is in store for those fortu nate enough to hold season tickets, nurnell Ford on Sunday evening, Ada Roach and Ruth Freeman and S'.efansson, world renowned Arctic explorer on Monday. A prelude and concert by the Orpheum Four, one of the best male quartettes in the country and a stirring patriotic ad dress by Dr. James Freeman Jcaness on Tesday. The Jugo Slav orches tra in prelude and concert and njftignlflcent address by Tom Skey hlll on Wednesday. Skeyhlll is the best Informed man In America today on the Russian situation. Commu nity singing led by the noted song leader Walter J,enklns. an address by Father Cronln. a witty and elo quent Roman Catholic priest, and the play "Nothing But the Truth," a comedy put on by a clever company direct from Broadway, New York, will be the program for the fifth day. The Sam Lewis Concert com pany In prelude and concert and an address by Peter Clark Mac Farlane. one of the mest known writers and newspapermen Jin America, U the program for the sixth day. The closing hours will consist of a prelude and concert by the Lleur ance Little Sympbone Orchestra and a stirring address by Captain T Dnnnlng Upton. "Dinny" will speak on the "Four Square Builder." The Bible hour will be held each morn ing at 10 o'clock In the tent. The Junior Chautauqua will ' meet with the superintendent. Miss Ona Wood ruff, every morning at 10 o'ebek. In addition to this splendid program there will he given two lectures, "Doughboy Snapshots," and a "Trip Through Southern France, by- James Elvln, the director. Miss Woodruff, the Junior Super intendent, will, be at the. tent promptly at 9 o'clock on Sunday evening and season reserve seat tickets and single reserved seat tick ets can be obtained from her s,t that time. Only a short time remains to get season tickets. Roseburg people are urged to get behind local guarantors And-put the seat sale over the top before the opening hour of the Chau tauqua. The better support given the guarantors the faster the Chau tauqua grows and the better the pro grams listed for the ensuing years. . o heart Is breaking at the tho her c h 1 Id r e n's disappointment Across the whirling snow, weak and wounded, stumble A man. A half mile behind, following the trail and gaming at every step, are the sheriff and his posse of man hunters. There la a reward of Jio.ovo ior ins cap ture nf the fusillva. Straight for the bumble cabin be utter his perilous path, for there live the woman he loves tna wom an wbo would, have been his wife had she been free to accept his offer. Tnere la an affecting greotini!. aud the klddtvs ask him if he has brought Santa with him. A look In the mother's -eye tells him of jer plight. For a moment, he herniates Then, taking a pair of handcuffs from. hla pocket, te'is the oldest child :to clamo -them -on his wrists. He 'then tells hint to walk to the door with him and when the sheriff arrive, to- say; ! This t my prisoner; I claim the reward " This Is the final scen4 in one of the most powerful western dramas ever enacted on a local screen, u Is "Desperate Trails," and will bo shown at the Antler's theater Sun day, with popular Harry Carey in the stellar role, supporiea -ey a ca oabl 'cast. Harrv Carev has never-been seen to better advantage than In the role of Bart Carson: relne Rich Is lovss able and 'appealing as Mrs, Walker; Barbara LaMar Is fascinating as Lady Lou. and other roles were ef fectively portrayed by George Selg- mann, Ed Coxen, George stone, Hel en Field -and Charles Insley.. , ght AROIKD TUB TOWN gf- 313 ' I Movie Closeups ! There Isn't a thing . missing In "One Man In a Million," the latest Robertson-Cole super-epecial release In which ueorge Beban, the great American character actor, appears In the stellar role. In all nf the cities throughout the country where the picture has been slmwn. critics have declared It to be the greatest of screen dramnsr This big photoplay will be shown at the Antlers theater Saturday evening and at the Majes tic Sunday. The story Is of human interest with a strong scries of comedy re liefs. Mr. Behsn has shown his npabllltles in this picture first hav ing written the story and later pro ducing and directing it. In the stel l.ir role Mr. Hi ban is seen in his now familiar mid much loved character of a humble Itullsn who tescbes a really human lesson through the medium of a his heart. The author hss called to his aid many clever dogs and an almost human parrot 'o bring home the story of the pic ture. With Mr. Bebnn In the supporting cnat Is George llebsn. Jr.. his five vesr old son, who will undoubtedly be ss great a thespisn as his illus trious daddy. Others In the cast are Helen Jerome Eddy. Irene Rich. Lloyd Whit lock, George Williams. Jennie Lee and Wade Dotoler. Making pictures is becoming a regular round of sartorial sacrifices for her according to May Allison, the Monde Metro star who Indulge in ome flnerr destruction In her latest picture. "Extravasnnce." which will be shown st the Mslestlr tonight. In this nlcture adapted from Ten .mes Wllllstns- story. "More Stately Mansions." Miss Allison and ber en tire supporting company in one of tne big scenes tske a midnight niunge tnto the Fsclflc oresn In all their festive attire. The wstery set ting wss tared on the old Nst Good win plrr, known the world over as the scene of manv ef the late Mr Goodwin's social functions. "I think I have sacrificed more perfectly good clothe In the Interest of mv productions Istely." said Miss Allison, "thsn mot people have In a lifetime. Why. it r-oaitlvelr made my hesrt bleed to lump into the ocean with that wonderful Parts gown put It had to be done." It was Chriatmss Ev on the snow went range. In a tlnv cabin two kiddles are expecting the arrlvsl of Ssnta Clans, although their mother's AT THE SALVATION ARMY. .811 N. Jackson Street. Meeting for the week-end are as follows: Saturday night, opon air meeting, corner Cass and Jackson, at 7:15 p. m. "Praise and Promise meeting at 8 p. m. Sunday services: Morning prayer, 7 a. m. Open air 10: 15 a. m.. Sheridan street, near depot. - Holiness service at 11 a. m. Speoial children's meeting, 2:30 P m. A picture of the Sunday school will be taken. Young people's le gion, 6 p. m. led by Gladys Neal and Dorothy Sims. Evening opon air at 7:15. Salvation service, wherein Is preached- the "Old Time Religion,' p. m. Alt are invited to attend. Will Take Vacation- Mr. and Mrs. William Bell will leave -soon for Washington, where they will visit for about 18 days In Seattle and Port Angeles. Mr. lieu who I the local weather bureau man, will be relieved by J. F. Mllatzo, of Independence. California, .who ar- w irBWTOUAT. tYANTKD lng machine.'' Writ J. V.. News-Kevisw. . KOK SALE Uroocol! plants. C. E. Truebload. Roseburg. Oregon. tM RENT Sleeping room, privilege of bath, gentleman psterred. 222 W. i.oiiaia. TO l.KAHK 1 21) acres of land, near Melroae. - For particulars address Kthet li Tlottklns, Molroae. nreg. LAJST Puir spectacle in cam. Flndor pleaae 'lesve at Newa-Revlew office or at Hotel Umpqua. Simon Caro. FOR HAl.K CHEAP 1 ton Ford truck. Complete with cab, 1970 model, $500. O. W. Sharp, Camas Valley. ; - LOST Little red dog. each ear notched and part of tall gone. Finder pltaac notitv 127 k. Kooerts at. rewaiq. KOIt HAl.K Old growth ouk block wood, alao pine and fir. and second growth fir alab wood. W. A. Doney, Dlxonvllle, Ore. - - FOUND Small purse containing aome change and other articles. Owner call at this offlca and provs ownor shlp. FOR SALE 100 acrea. 75 in grain. 26 open pasture. Free soil. 1-J of grain crop for quick sale. $75 per acre. Rptendid building alte on Deer creek. Oua Llndbloom, Dlxonvllle. MAN OR WOMAN WANTED Saliiry $.1$ full time, 5c sn hour apAre time Helling gusranteed hoalery to wearer. Experience unneceaaarv. In ternational Hosiery Mllla, Norria town. Pa. FOR BALK 100 tons of tint cTa chest hay. A. E. Cameron, Hoaeburg. Oregon. R. F. D. No. 1, Box 162. MAKE $6 'upward dally selling Raw- lelah'a 140 Producta.. Food products. toilet articles, remedies. Ia aplendld buaineea. Roeehurg and other citlca. W. T. Rawlelgh Company, Oakland. Calif. FOR HALE 3 houaeg, small payment down, balance same ss rent. I houae. trade for ear. welt located on pave ment. 4 farms, eaay terma. Over head expenses light. I cut prices. C. Merrill, 504 Mill St. FOR 8AI.E A 5-room plastered house, good plumbing, hot and cold water. , good range, light fixtures, near in Price $?MiO. Terma Also 8 -room ; plastered house. I lots, on pavement. . Price $3000. $1500 down and $?0 per month. No Interest, no taxes. 14 acres, good houae, 4 miles out. Price $ HOP. Chas Kyea. 12$ N. Pine St. 5nK HoMK TOO YNT Have rlle-i . with two homes, atid he wants to sell ; this one: Eight acres mostly In prunes,- small house,- - on runlns stream, fair road, close to hish school. Cron this vear worth nr.th. . ably $100. Will take $3500 for the Jiropeny, crop included, with only 2000 cash o hnndle. The hest smnl' buy sa my lists, chaa, W. Rice. Real I Estate, Myrtle. Creek Ore. APTOMOMH.F. ItARDAlN'g r , If you are In he market for a good , uri i .r pe us neiore vou nny. we ( have them overhauled snd . newlv ' pnlnted. We have most of the stand ard makes and win prove to you that I we will save rnv monev. lnuuli- .tlolden Automobile Paintl"- Co., imnrmtr ana jsckkir, or nut 8C "nwiio cum t-roucn a IlMldWHlv :a'lore. i rv - AJryan's Gift Shop Our eiss is as aaaks tfce aasjs ..... BRYAN'S . (" ' j anas' tot "Good Service ' Better Selection . . a? Beit Value ... , . . - rived hers today. Sue Mar, the llttlevdaughter of Mr and Mr. Carl Shoemaker, who are visiting in thi city from Port t.o.4 ih. misfortune to fall and break her arm thi morning while at play. The child was runups across the street at th time of the accident, and In some manner fell o as to sustain a break of the arm. liny Gets Heavy Fine Wesley Bonebrake was fined $10 yesterday afternoon by Recorder R. L. Whipple for being out after houra. He wa also given a ten day' Jail sentence which was suspended dur ing good behavior. Bonebrake, It is claimed by the city officers, baa per sisted in remaining out after hour, regardlcsa of repeated warning and for thi reason the recorder imposed a heavy fine. - o OBITUARY. C. H. Breuser, whose home 1 near Winchester, was born March 10, 18S0 and died July 1, 1921, aged 71 years, 3 months and 20 days. He passed away at the Good Samaritan hospital In Portland, Oregon. Al though a resident of Douglas county for the past 31 years, he had been making hi home wlt his children in Rainier, Oregon, when his health began to fall some three year ago. He came to tho United States whpn but. 6 years of age. grew to manhood ' In Montello, Wise., and was married to Miss Henrietta Beut ler, September 10. 18C9. To this union was born five children, one son passing away to the great be vonrt In Infancy and Mr. Judse DItchburn of Portland, Oregon, some two years ago. Mrs. DItchburn Is better known here ss Mrs. Meude. Those left to mourn his loss are his wife and three remaining children. Herman W. Breuser, Mrs. J. C. GI1 'am and Otto Breuser. He also loft seven grandchildren and one great grand daughter. He has a host of friends who mourn his death. Although of German birth he was a staunch American and fought for the flag he lived under so long. MRS. J. 0. GILLAM, Rainier Oregon. An excess of 32.687 laborers were placed on Jobs by licensed employ ments agents during the first six months of 1920 over the number for the first six months of this year, ac cording to C. H. Gram, state labor commissioner. Iist year the total was 52.969 and this year 20,282. ft 1th the month of June taken for comparative purposes there haa been a marked decrease in wages. All dust, stains, spots removed we double life of your clothing with our Dry Cleaning Who's Your Cleaner? Try our Way. e Sammi MMctos Our Auto Will Call. Phone 277 Strengthen the Mus cles of Your Car. Your piston assembly con tains the real "muscles" of your automobile. The strong, even, co-ordinabad functioning of these muscles depends on the wristpin which joins the piston with the connecting-rod.. If the wrlstuin breaks or is worn and loose you have trouble costly trouble with your motor, Mann quality soft-core pins are absolutely round and without taper. They are tested and guaranteed for hardness and are sold on a quality basis only. To get the most out of the "musc les' of your car Insist that your repair man Install these pins the next time be goes over your piston as sembly. We hsve them for all cars In standard and oversize. Parts Catalogue to the Trade '.Patterson Parts Inc. "New Parts for All Cars." POHTLAXD, OHKGOXJ. SO-2J Twelfth Street, North ' Phone II roadway S7at Other Stores: 8B6 tioldrn tiate Avenue San Francisco, Calif. 31 Broadway, Oakland, Calif. STRENGTH AND SERVICE - WELDED At the Roseburg National Bank strength and service are ao perfectly welded that tbey form satisfactory banking connection. . '; TheRosebuigNdtioildl Bank . Roseburg, Ore. - ' fx FOB SALE. The best grade of nursery stock at reasonable prices. Get my price be fore placing your order. . K. L. ELU8. Koseourg, urn. o i ' Mr. and Mr' Earl Powell ' have returned from their wedding trip which took them to Crater Lake and to points in northern California, and they are today moving In their new hrme on Pine street. Tbey naval purchased the property .formerly' owned by J. D. Osborne. . , i 'NATIOXAL GUARD . ATTENTION! -- ' National Onardsmea in Ji dered to appej t arnankr w -7 at V- m. IB IU1 Bii form. Special pay drill pm. By order of C U STODDtft ' ' . J rw Goodyear- Tiro Serrtsi narar. s. ' Auto Owners! aasBBmammsaasai This should be of interest to you. lack the list on carefully. " '-"e , . We are closing out our stock of Maxotires as On Hand Old List - New List 1 30x3 Vt '$7.68 - - $6.65 2 32x3ya $8.61 7.45 2 31x4 . 9.75 - V 8.45 2 34x4 10.80 ' - 9.70 2 S4x4V 13.38 11.60 2 35x4Vs 14.02 12.15 2 36x4 14.42 12.50 2 35x5 1659 1450 2 37x5 17.00 - V 15.10 foDovrt Our lit 9J 101 m 131! CHURCHILL HARDWARE CO. . This is a retire saver and a, treat econcftny. Investi srate. Call for literature.' ,v - " ' ine American I aiiors s For Ladles' and Gent's Suits made to your Measuremeot . From $25.00 up. W saasaaaMMBBsaaaaB , f i Service Guaranteed or Money Refunded t A. FURMAN, Proprietor i 105 Cass St. i - Phone 91 sS ' '"'''' - ' 1' GEORGE BEBAN IN ! One Man in a Million t ii?iHARDA LUCK C0MB ' HE KICKA YOU DOWN 21 GET UP AN" LAUOH AN' HE RUNA 'WAV SAY9 GEO. & BAN, THE ARTIST WITH A SOITI ; .... - ... f PAN, THE ARTISTWITH A SOUL. ' - VOt.A-Vtl. MOVj TOMORHOtC . - - ,njr i HARRY CAREY w . ... (MAY. A L LI SOj! S T VTtl A ir A a- A TV.T aO IT' "EXTR A V A CI A W C,t I ?nSmi?AAIR0V1N0 THT BAPP1KES9 13 NOT At11 4 CONDITIONED UPON UNLIMITED WEALTHS f. -'"A fil'.VCH OF KISaaBaV ' . .. . rrvvl'RT