I . ' BOSEBCTW WCTrt-HBVttW FRIDAY, JTIX 83, iVti. jgBHBBg PAGE TWO i r. i ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW Bonus Policy Ana rroDiems II. VS. Itatira Issued Dally Except Sunday. Willi brrly llerl G. limes tiUiisciai''iiyN iiAi'td Daily, per year, by mall In,, r,utlv ylf mniilh, hvinflll Z.UU Dally, by carrier, per mould Wuekly Nevs-Keview. by mall, per year uu kutered as s.coiid-cias matter May 17. lSiO. al the pu.i ouice at Koae burg. Oregon, under ttie Act of March 2, 1879. v itosKUi iMi. t)itK;x. ji i.y aa, iosi. Get Attention SKVEN WG DAYS STARTING SUNDAY. ( Newa-Ilevlew Kalem Bureau.) SALEM, Or., July 20. (Special.) Knotty problem! that surround the making of city and farm loan under the Btate bonus liw were tackled by the world war veterans' aid commis sion In an all day session held In the executive offices. The session cousiUercd a policy to h" followed in making loans aud also worked out a mass of detailed ulan for setting the contemplated Ileginnintr Sunday evening, featuring r.urnell Ford, in his machinery in motion throughout the . ...... tr ... . K.',.v..f " . - sciouulic lociure-ciiioruiinmeni, me pihkic ui i-jircuniLj, f'l::iiif!iii(iii;i miens in Ilonc-burif. The ,,,-oKram for each remaining afternoon and evening. Z'Z, "Z'JlX eluding Junior ( liaulaiiqua, will give a lull seven days piogram ono that win require the. highest of a mcst interesting and entertaining nature, comprising fciv,iH lectures by us many different speakers of national importance. From an intellectual standpoint there is no other program brought to Koseburg during the entire year that compares to Chautauqua. The program furnished gives the people of Koseburg and vicinity an opportunity to come in Circet touch with many of the big minds of the nation. They are given the privilege of per sonal contact a i'uce to face introduction of these brilliant char acters, which insures a lasting impression to every man, woman and child who takes advantage of the week's program outlined for this city. The excellent list of lectures, interspersed with the high class musical program to be supplied during Chautauqua week will have a soothing effect on this community after a week of strenuous excitement due to developments in our midst of a very sensational nature. The cpptrtui.iiy offered to indulge in the fine program to be supplied during the entire week should cause the people of this vicinity to make a special effort to grasp every number to appear. It will certainly be worth while to give up your daily "chores" to take advantage of Chautauqua week. t) Tin3 morning, just as v.e were beginning to think the atmos phere had cleared of nil things important and semi-important, our neighbor next d( or steps in and announces the arrival of a "stink bug." Well, worse things could happen. o . The world is filled with failures v. ho think everybody is against them but who failed because they were given certain tasks to perform and went joy-riding instead of performing them. o Things arc exciting enough in this neck of the woods without out adding a consignment of "canned goods." o i It's concentration, not competition, that's "Ihe life of trade." Arrested. For Theft j Of Auto Engine Fjur men were arrested In Out face drove yesterday, charged with having stolen the engine out or the uutomolille lirloliKiui; to Flank Per due, iiiursliat of Cunynnvllle. Koiont ly Mr. I'.riliK'H car was destroyed flro. He was travellni; uloiii; the Pacific lllfcliwuy win n hl.i machine turned tuillx nil (I burned. Ilefore the insurance adjuster could urrlve. paiisersby had returned the major portion of Ihe cur. Mr. Perdue f i u 1 1 1 1 1 ally tr.iili d two men to Grants Pass after they had removed the headlights, springs inn) other pieces, anil upon returning found the tires and a lurge part of the remainder of the auto gone. A few days ago, a party of four men In a largo car. took out the engine ami got us far ns Cnttiigo lirove with It before be ing apprehended. A warrant has ben Issued for tin Ir arrest and Con stable K. W. lillliird left this morn ing to bring them back to Koseburg. Canyonville Man Hurt In Wreck V. A. Man 'field, prominent Med ford business man, la spending sev eral days In this city alteiuliug to huslm-as matter. Mark Elliott, well known Cnnyon vllle resident, was Injured, perhaps fatally, v.'icn 'he cur In which he was riding with William Dunbar, turned turtle about two milieu south of t'liiiyonvllle. Elliott's Jaw bone was broken III two places, there If 1 fracture of die skull nliov- the b-r ear and his left shoulder and coiuir none are either brolwn or badly dislocated. The 7-pnKH'iieer Stiul.bnker ma chine occupied by the two men. who were on llielr wav to work, being employed on the highway south or ('nnvonvl'le, turned turtle Just two miles south or the town, when one r the rront springs gnve away. El liott whs pinned down bv the car and was luidly emptied bv Its welKht. Dr. Corvell. or lilddlo. and Dr. Knott, or (ileiidule wi re tuimedlutclv called mid after rendering rirst nid assist ance brought Ihe Injured man to 'hU cltv where he was placed In the hospital. that the problem or making loans up to 75 per cent or the value or the la-s personnel In the work of ap- nial-at, was the opinion expressed by the entire commission. Forms Received. It war, decided that the most care ful studv of the qualifications, busi ness connections ami standing of ev ery applicant for county appraiser shall precede appointment of these functionaries. The same rule will be followed in selecting attorneys to ex amine titles. All commissioners expressed them selves ns pleased wl'h the progress th:l Is being made. The Initial print ed forms were on hand from the printer and a general scheme of op eration was definitely formulated althoiiKh there are some serious problems yet to be solved. "It is doubtful If many people realize Hie magnitude of the task that confronts ihe commission," said one of the members. "Every step in the undertaking has got to be weigh ed- with care and deliberation. Were our only problems that of a cash bonus, our task would be quite sim ple. Put tho loan feature is some thing quite new and where tho loan Is made on such a narrow margin 7T per cent of the value of the security, caution has to be taken. Every commissioner Is eager for dis bursements to be made with the shortest possible delay. But were we to rusb pell mell Into loan dis bursements, it might prove a later flbrimeflbfcMn's Sect i Satcf Pennsylvania Tire i Fnrd flnrneo. Service. Ask 2 n..n i i . r 1 1 k 0 Liuiiij v-uai iijuui iu diiy lurnace, ana uurns w t wood belter than anv round fire box made. . vt 0 2 See that fire box r wood fits like it does in A 5 mm) t Made in Oregon to fit Orecon conditions. your range. Takes 24in. wooes which means more wood for the sime money. Proper combustion means more heat frcm the sime wood a double saving. J. H. SINNIGER Shet Metal Works Phone 428. f. 'fMm mm A blui-k eye muses lots it trouble and IoIn of explaining. if ft No wife ever Interrupts her hus band when he's talking In bis sleep. 1 TAKING 'T'KKN'CH" l.KAVU. (ileinlnle .News.) "A divorce uus grauled to l.uella I'l-eliib from her husband, luia l ivnili, the first of the Heck ou Ki-oiiihIm of ilesertlon. s The nutlior of the book "Why Worry," ulio colilllitlleil kuicltle, llvel up to Hie title of his Hillings. It's fine to bury the hatchet but don i leute Hie tiniiille slicking out. Kvcryoiie is criiniiiitl lo certain decree. 'I'hose who haven't "Ustened in'' on n eleplione converiuitioii will piease ataml on their left eur and execute a rifle salute, with their right loot. The average housewife is nilghty ghitl the iniiriter mystery Is dwindl ing down. Mow- hubby won't forget to bring home the loaf of bread she'd asked liim for a week ago. They say that only one iierson In i..lMl.i really thinks. Naturally we all think we are that one. w Who was It wild: "No limn la com plete until bo Is iiinrricil and when he's married he's finished." 0 O A minister says there will he no Juz music in hell. , Death, where Is thy sting? Better let your boy go Imrvfootcd once in a while and rob an orchard now and then or he'll do something a whole lot moi-e wicked and foollsl-. in a bebitiil childhood. Ot II ANM Al. 1-OMK. He sent her orchids rverjr day 1'be mMHlle. He took her larh iilyht to see a play The iNiiiebead. Hot when he whispered to her that. Ills ilouuh was gone, as quick as scat she said: "Why hurry?. Here's jour lint." The NMr fish. O "Ot 9 NOTHINti IN A, NAME. I . Iloplotiitt lives In litlle Creek. MlchUain. e The iindcHitker Is putting a fine new Mllsh on his slock of coffins In anticipation of the ovtiing of Ihe deer tuintiiig scasiui. And the local meichants are put ling In a stock of red hats for the spi.riMiicn which rill also Insure fetter tnrgels. O O The well known Iwll't leg game was tmtietl out In view Inst night. The runic was especially enjoyed by the ilglitw'iN who riM-llneil In their flivvers on the knoll outside of the limit.' O If they keep on finding things inniivl this neck of the wmnls the rest of the country will begin In think llosrhnrg Is a human alaugh "rr hmiMN I.AKK I'HtKIN HurXt hTL. . . . . . ... ining annul takln' a latlh these itnis h bnll.lln 'the fire J set the water hist." Cigarette To eai In th delicious Qurley tobaeoo flavor. It's Toasted calamity to the stale." Get Few Inquiries. Comparatively few letters of In quiry have been received by the com mission, It developed at yesieraay s meeting, and it was said that the ex jervlce men generally are aware of the fact that tho building or a $30, 000,000 loon and building associa tion cannot be accomplished over night. It developed that the attorney gen eral will be called upon for a num ber or decisions on the meaning and Intent or different sections or the law. although the commissioners de cline to comment upon this In detail. Governor Olcott presided at the meeting which was attended by all the commissioners. 6-foot lawyer looked like Pumpkin "I was often doubled up with palus in my stomach and was yellow as a pumpkin before taking Mayr's Wonderful Itemedy, which 10 years ago saved my life. My friends had given up all hopes of my recovery, as the best doctors did not help me. Am enjoying the best of health now." it la a simple, harmless pre paration that removes the catarrhal mucus from the intestinal tract and allays the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and Intestinal ailments, including appendicitis. One dose will convince or money refunded. Druggists every where. , ' o If you can only attend the Chau tauqua hair or tly time, a season ticket is much cheaper than to pay for single admissions. KPKCIAIi HAI.K OP LIVENS. Mrs. C. W. Sherman will have for sale at the Misses Bitzer's, 117 So. Jackson St., a collection of hand woven and embroidered linens, Ca nadian wool blankets, linen and painted luncheon sets, bedspreads. 'he handwork of the southern moun taineer women: and various other articles from The Shop at Portland, Oregon. Hours 10 n. tn. to 5 p. m., July IT to 23rd. inclusive. Get your Chautauqua searpn ticket today, and bo ready for the big open ing, Sunday evening. FOIl SALE. The best grade of nursery stock -'. reasonable prices. Get my price be fore placing your order. it. L. ELLIS. Koseburg, Ore. RICE IUCK Are offering Municipal Bonds that yield from 6 to 1 per cent on Oregon, Washington and Montana towns and counties. We specialise In Liberty ind Victory Bonds. We handle large and small order alike. NOTICE. If you have any second hand fur niture to sell, let Jarvls ft Bellows make you an offer. They will pay Ihe dra-yage to have It taken away. 329 West Cass St, Phone 251. SAVK THE SICK BABY. Order fresh goafs m'.lk. delivered dally, Bunray Ranch. Myrtle Creek. NOTICE OF 8ALK OF OOVEftNMRNT T1MHKH. (lanrral Lund Office nashlnalun. U. C. June 10. 1921. Notice la hereby given thst subject to the conditions and limitation nf the Act of June . 11 3 Stat.. lls. and the Instructions of the gerrrtsrv of the ........... wi o.piemuer 10, 11 i t IS Ia . ... "'';. "' ,"""t un me miiowinK ,ul '. public suction at the . ....... ...... wllu t.tuvv hi nu.eourr, Oregon, to the hlahest bidder at not than the apprm.ed value as shown or this notice, anle to be subject lo ine approval of tbe Secretary of the --- fu'viiH, iirit-e. wiin an cent thereof, being commissions a). ...wu. muwi om aepoeltea at time of sale, money to be returned If sale I not approve, otherwise patent will lesne for the timber which mint be removtsl within ten years. Bids will received from rttlseni of the Unit ed mate, associations of such rltlien. imd corporation organised under the laws of the t nlted state or any state. terpltnr n. 41.1,1.,, .v. - ?k Ci"lE.B ' l"aJln',l Purcher. ..01 V - ' " ieai auDamston will be nfTered seisiralely before being Inrluded In tnr inr of a larger unit T IS SI. R. J s-. J. NKU 8E"T fir 11 .1 par VI T. II R t w, See. 17. Lot I. Br IT.11 f . red cedar It M hemlo.j! tS M : txt J. fir lTIO M. red rS rJ"r 5 M . hemlock R - nnicn jw-f M . nnn of th w wvm for trn Tnnn 91 s nor M flr to ftnd in-" .imn 91 pw nr 91. Mil rmn of th rJ rMir VmJork t fwr Una tbao fl pr . - r rA HHi'TT 1 V Dog and Ponies Feature Circus Here's good news for Koseburg younrsters,and gron-ups, too. for that matter. Thursday. July 28. W to be circus day In Roseburg. when Lew F. Cullins' Dog and Pouy Cir cus will present a sbow in their tents on the grounds st the corner of Stephens and Sykes streets, giv ing an afternoon and evening per formance. This is the first dog and pony cir cus to pay Roseburg a vlait in a number of years, and it goes without saying It will be a welcomed attrac tion. Children are always pleased to see this' class or circus .and It Is re ported, that this organization carries more trained dogs, ponies, goabi and monkeys than any similar show trav eling. Aerial rope-rpiiinlng and nov alty acts will be offered iu conjunc tion to the animal program, it is an nounced. A troupe of perroruilng clowns will "cut up" ror the amuse ment or the young and all. and make the affair a complete tent show per-rormance. Chautauqua opens Sunday even ing, the 24th. Seven days of the best entertainment. VlLCANIZI.Nti SHOP BOUGHT. I have recently purchased the Motor Shop Garage vulcanizing shop I am prepared to do all kinds or tire repairing, such as punctures, blow outs, rim cuts and hair-soles. I em ploy skilled mechanics. Also wash and polish cars. W. F. CAnTER. NOICE TO FARMERS. We want fresh rrult of all kinds Will pay top market prices . But the fruit must be clean and first-class tn all respects or we do not want any of It; we use only the best grades. FOUTCH'8 CONFECTIONERY CASE TRACTORS Threshing Machines Page Woven Wire Fence Steams & Chenoweth Oakbtnd and Yon call. Rice'sGarage Cylinder Re-Boring a Specialty. Only electric re-boili.g niachluo in tbo county. 82.1 NORTH MAIN. HEINLINE - Coiswalory if Musk and Art Kindergarten and Dunning Sys tem for children 4 to 14 years of ape Voice and Art Work conducted by Mrs. Brand and Mrs. Rusbo. Vacation July 1-Sept. . EACH MAN AND WOMAN IN THE NATON- .SHOULD ALWAYS FIGHT FOR SANI TATION 1 ""law r h - k EVERYBODY should fight for sanitary conditions. The same healthful sur roundings that you demand be furnished In our public schools, libraries and churches should hold forth In your own borne. Get acquainted with our telephone number. Roseburg Plumbing and Heating Co: C. W. Hughes. Mgr. 141 N. Jackson. Rosebirg. sQocxHxxwooQa-aai 'fyouu-ould S like your Silverware I Engraved to express individuality. let us submit designs tor uour annroval. Il'ocrw. S ializein artistic engraving g and can show you samp- les of beautiful work. X BRYAN'S Gift Shop S JeuelruSihviuynrf $ Summertime and all the year 'round PostToaotes are favored by folks who want different and better corn flakes .Made of tbe firm hearts of selected white corn, rolled and toasted crisp and; gold4 en brown, Post Toasties are especially delicious when served with fresh fruits or berries. i Ready to Eat No Waste UN t III Sold by grocers L everywhere! Made by Postum Cereal Co.,Inc Battle Crcek.Mich. It is a Pleasure... For us to show you our complete line o' dependablt shoes, a line that bespeaks Intelligent buying at con servative prloes. Your shoe wants can be satisfactorllj supplied by an Inspection of our complete slock. R. L. STEPHENS, The Shoe Stor CLASSIFIED COLUMN 4XL KBW tILASSiriBU AOV"TISWICKT WILL DB KUUMO Og LAfl riGB UNDBK BEADING IW TODAY. r I WANTKP. WANTED Clean rass at Ford garage. WANTKU 25 to 30 hogu and p"lB Pliolie 34-F-22. WANTKU P. intlng and roof retir ing. See W. 8. Powell. rAIUJUINil and aressmaKtng of all kinds, i'huna 187-K, Mr, outlirliliie. WANTED TO RENT A heavy tru work hoise. KaHy work for tru Ituiwe. ilux ll-J, lluSL-burg. iiZD Young girl to help with huuxework. UiKh school Klrl pru furred. Inquire ltoseburg IMiolo btu-llo. FOlt SAI.R Irish setter pup, I hb old. Mule. Cur. Mill and l-'loed Su I l' OK SALIC Bluck eak wood nd nia J hay. l'hone S-K33. O. W. Orovat ! full tiAI.li KeglHteied Short titn i cows and calves. Jacob Junef, Rum- burg, ureKoll. 5- KOU SALE Saw mill, now In optn- tlon. Address D. K., Care Ncwi-Hc Vll'W. i. WANTEti lUO-at-re ranch on shares, with privilege ut buying. Would taku Hluuller place. Address G. W. liulles, Itt. 1. Uox 74 KoseliurK. VVANTEl About 50 acres Improved litnd suited to Keneral farming. Mtute price on time, lowest cash price, con dition of land and bulidltiKS. Paul Upain, 424 Fioed Ht.. ltoehurg, Ore. UISCEIXANEOUH. JEIISEY It I'LL, FOR BEItVICE At Umpqua Park Addition. Price $2. J. W. McConnall. IV4-TO.V THUCKJn good condition to .iiue lor lioujri una lot. Cull J. C Itoyae. ItlkjM AND UOAliD at Lane Kt. Konm-Ina- lloue, -il'i West Lane St. Mrs. F. A. Smith. ro TIIAIIK 1CU a.-.e of fine tlmlier at ltend. Ore., valued ut $',ouu .for rum-li In the valk-. What have you? Write Jesse W. Day, Bend. Ore. DULL, FOK 8KRVICK Thomiiahbred Jersey, comes from extra Kood milch struln. Price for service $3. Insure a better grade of stock and higher percentagu of butterfat by proper breeding. Inquire of Ira Hull, east of city on Deer Creek road. KOU SALE Wilt Bacrincc ', lioUHe, garage, etc.. if sold at cm ' Inquire 720 boutli Pine. t'Olt MALE Haxon sfx, rear end pin two tire rim, new side curuia cneup. ee Hurcn at Ford uarmt FOK KALbj Parior organ cheftp. h t quire ut C. II. Illllon, 475 a tftt I en atreet. c DODOK CAU for sale cheap. No no-1 ouabU cuh offer refused, logun , Hervice Oarage. ; . Foil SALE OK TKADE For llrwud , gray team, 3 and f years old. Yim i tl-F-il. or 8. t Folt SALE House, 3 lot, fruit ia' garden. Will take car la trad. S f Cobb Street. f FOR SALES ProteOograpn cdkS sitt-1 ar, good as na. Inqulrs at Kiwi Review I FOR SALE Reautiful $611 wicker W : buggy. AlmoHt like new. Vt ill ? fle e, call at 311 K 11 Ave. Nont. FOR SALE A garage doing s ! i bulness and well stocked wilt a- cesaorles. On Highway. PnoM la FOR SALE At a bargain, on f . I 32x4 Goodyear auto tire and It r tube. Inquire Edenbower Slor.i ! FOR SALE A first class work aa age 7 yrs.. wt. about 1500 Its. , a good cow. It. A. Hercher, PIU"1 i i Oregon. f LOST AMD VOtnD. IIST Little red dog. each ear notched and part of tail gone. Finder please notify 127 E. Itoberts St. MODERN house In Bend, vain 1M and I2UUU onnn to trade fur rit uny plate In the valley. Writ J W. Day. Dend. Ore. - LoT Blue speckled fox hound. Fe male. Last seen west of Yoncnlla. Reward. Lloyd Cain. Oa kland. Ore. r'OCXD Fountain pen in P. o. lobby. Owner call at News-Review office and tell make of pen or otherwise describe It. FOR SALE Anyone wanting to biii I a moderate sized barn can buy I -. complete bill of lumber except u" : gle at $76. Address A. 8., Review. .i FOCND Woman's brooch set with stones. Owner may have same by calling at this office and describing FOK RKNT. F(IP RKNT Sleeping- room, inquire at Hat Shop. Ft 'It RENT (iarage near Rose ichuol. l'hone 278-U i') RENT Fiirnlsh-d up irtmcnt. 1.-' ltrockwny St. Phone J27-V FOR SALE car CH k' l P 1 Q1 a c-. Inquire Service flnmva y'-l, lKNT ""'ek'fplnr " rnomSTNo ............ p.... y, , Yasnington. Ft I. RENT House with acre of ground. J. WTiillman. Riverslife. ivlwA'l- eatetv Oe. Rnnehurg National Bank pwalt buAea. ItKVJ Nicely furni.hed rooma . So Stephen. Phone 8-J. FOR RENT Three room furnihed house, on paved street. Long lea etlH RENT ON SHARES 17 acres of Hne hay land at Ilommaach ranch. Inquire R, Kltiman, wot of Soldier Home. COt'OAR. hear and covote rtoas for sale. Excellent tock. Particulars en request. F. R Anderson. Speaker, Oregon. FOR-SALFA good 5-r'oom mede?5 houe near Rose school, on monthly Installments. Address C, Nrw-Re- I - s FiR SAL KCH EAPTw-e n I y acres, all fenced with wlr fence, part of place rre.-k hot ten sandy land. lallv mall gees hr place everr day. Q K sran. Lnoklng niass, Oregon. UBR"TSVM- ""- "senTd Sal Saturday afternoons nnlr. July I? .?.S,'!.,h- w'l"r. oreg. $15 per i? J. nn larger orders. Writ L., Roseburg. or phone . Wilbur star. IS-F-. FOlt SALE 10 pure bred a I. C eight weeks old. will weluti about pounds each, also one reg. "W. be, weigh about 400 lbs. FlelcsK1 ; llnnch. Ilrockway. Oregon FOR SALE OR TRADE Kxceptto value In uod cars at term to e We wash, polish and repair guarantee out work. Motor change. F. L. McOrew, 401-1 cnK St. a sviti ,... i- i..... . i.roa1 house on paved street. Lot 1M 100 ft. All furnished. IncludlnJ o range and a $600 piano. "- for $2000. Phons 417. 0. W. and Son. 9tn . f in.'.! , innil Bl Bend, value $4000, and $120 In lot in Bend: could also an "J dler' bonus. Will trad- th JfJ; and cash for ranch In valley. "r Jesse w. Day, Bend, Ore. . FOR PALE 160 a.. Polgla CO-f" mile from Ounter P. O. School. ""J Good range, creeks, big gum. Inr . orinrf rnafl 11100. $30 Z $15 monthly. B. E. Wooll'T. " I Crosby street. Sun Diego. f A GOOD FARM fr" rale or " 1 Camas Valley. Contain '".J-a, f with 120 acres under eultlw" 1 Will lease altogether or Bep", ? sets of building. For foi matlon call at 301 West Mr. Mary Dumbeck. fOR SALE OR TRADE U Mrral miles east of Eugene. 1 rjnllee IIU"?3 Twe1t. 2A acres first River bottom. In c"Itlv"tloa j new buildings and fence. ,,'"-, station on ranca .orchard. 'pz pi and poultry ranch. Will 'r" IlLif per acre or trsde for Tnf'I..k I business. Will give terms. P" tUlr tiwell. Oreron r-i FOR SALE lIHTfCc: W-hlfTT'';,, hen one ina two years eld. 1 and0. A. '. strain. Iut ""Vrti for our pullet by Sept. l',-.AjJ want some real hen for purposes next soring drop a and will be glad to onote TB j, on a dosen or a'! of the""- Ij. tain Brook Poaltry Base as Craek .Ova.