MoittCM mn.unrtMr thctspAt, nt 11, PkO HX WW? BUYING MOST WE BUY FOR LESS 27.50 TO 42.50 SELLING MOST WE SELL FOR LESS YOUR SUIT Fine Navy Blue Serge 25. LTf r ill; M en Is Here 7 312 DEPARTMENT STORES You Pay Yourself a Profit Buying Your Serge Suit Now HPHAT Blue Serge Suit, you've promised yourself why not buy it now while the selection is the best, the sizes complete, the values unquestionable? This is one of the biggest Blue Serge seasons in MenY wear and the J. C PENNEY COMPANY has con centrated its great buying power on the best in the markets. That's why we can assure you of Better Fabrics, Better Tailoring, Better Fitting Suits than you can find anywhere else for the money. Roseburg, Oregon AROUND THE TOWN Roseburg Ball Team To PlayBandon A picks team of Roseburg ball players will leave here on July 26, and will Dlay at Bandon on July 28 and 31, against a team representing tn at place. Tho games will be a part of the mammoth celebration being staged by the Knlirhts of Iy thlaa lodge. The celebration will In clude exhibitions and stunts by the life saving crew. A banquot of sea foods, airplane and water stunts, I). O. K. K. ceremonials, parados, stunts and mnny other Interesting and en tertaining features. Rudolph Rita man, who has been pitching phenom Inal hull with city and country teams during the summer month, will twirl both games for the Roseburg aggregation and the best plavors from the twilight league and other stars will participate In the two gams. NO TRACE FOUND. 4 RENO, Ore., July 21. No trace of the man supposed be llrunifield was found follow- Ing the return of Officer Nixon and Stokoe from a fruitless search of Cellars' marsh vomer- day. NEW TOUAI. POIl RENT Housekeeping rooms. Wo ..uiiiit-n. am y. Washington. TAIIHHNO and dreaamaklng of all ......... f-noim im-n. ara. liuthrlimo TOURIST HAS NKAR AtXTKKNT. A tourist car with Washington license found the streets of thla city entirely too narrow and consequent ly waa forced upon tho parking of the J. V. Perkins residence this sf ternoon. He was making his way up Htenhcns street, and upon turning the corner to enter Mosher street, NATION At. C.l'ARD ATTENTION' ! 4 National Guardsmen are or- dored to api' at armory Sun- day at 12:110 p. in. In full iinl- form. Special pay drill period. lly order of C. U STODDARD. Captain. he failed to make the turn. A por tion of the curbing In front of Mr. l'orklns' residence was broken and the parking badly torn up. MARK1KD THIS MOIiMMJ. Karl O. Karg and Canna R. tic Henry, both well known residents of Olendnhi, were nulled In marriage this morning at the office of County Judge Uulne. The Immediate rela tives and friends of the contracting parties were prem-nt. Mr. and Mrs, Karg will mske their home at (Jlen ilalo, where they will soon be at home to their many friends. Renew your wardrobe by having your soiled summer garments Dry Cleaned. Who's Your Cleaner? Try our Way. tmr Aatn WIU Tall. KOI, HUNT House with acre of moimu. j. w. Tollman, Klveraide. roll .SAL.K Saw mill, now In opera- iion. Auarca is. t... caro .ewa-ite view. HUH NAI.K House. 3 lota, (run and Kinlon. Will take car In trade. 733 uood Htreec DOIXIK CAIt for sale rhean. So rea. onnlile rash offer refused. Inquire Bcrvlc. Oars ge. yiST I.tttlo reit iIok, eaoh ear notched and part of tall go no. Finder plea. iioiwy in r.. KoiHTta ft. bMU It K.NT -Furnished for " ' " ' " Hl Win chester Bt, or Phone lTt-X. WANTED TO 11 K NT A heary trua wut. noiaa. &a.y wora ror trua Steamer Has I A Narrow Escape rMy Asoi'late4 rreso J POKTI.ANK, July 21. The steam er Kffliigham. of the Kuropoan l'a- 'tflr line, ahlrh struck the rockv 'bank of the Columbia at Stella. Wah., last nltbt, leorltig a hole in ; the bow. arrlwil today under h r on steam, with slvtecn feet of wa ter In the forward hold. The boat! r.m Into the bank tshlle close to the! .Washington side, when the steering1 near broke, said men on board the' boat, jibe lienn to sink rapidly and I - f. vims were sent oui. rne ion ny ine neau nut tne en slt.e room remained clear. The of ficers derided to proceed to Port land. o NOT1CR. I tf you hare any second hand fur i nltnre to sell, let J arris A Bellows I maka you an offer. They will pay .the drayage to bar It taken away. ll Wast Casa St. Phoaa 161. I o I Anyone wanting a fat hen for din ner, on. or more, rail at 741 Mill ; street r'il ,vl,r. iieautitul ibu wnKer oao IniRiey. Almost like new. Will sacri fice. Call at 311 K lit Ava North. KOK ItKN'T FurnlFtied apVrtments. til Uroiknay St. IMione HT-T. I'Olt SAI.K t-IIKAf IUU Knrd touring car Inquire Service Uarage. I'dlt H.M.K 10 inire bred O. I. C. pig". elKht Ke.'ka old. will weigh about 35 lotMiilit each. alKO one reg. aw. hred. weigh Bbout 400 lt. Fletcher's Knnch. lire kway. Oreann. WA.TKI About 50 "acres Improved land Milted to Keneral farming, atate lirlte on time, lowent cah price, con illtlun of ; nd and bulldlnga. Iaul Spain. U' Fined St HoKvburg, Ore. I.I MIIIOIl SO M. feet No." 1 aeaaonrd. Sale s.utiidav afternoons onlv. July :n ami 3"ih, at Wilbur. Oreg. 15 per M. tlJi'J on tariser orders. -Write K-,,'.'- "o-'burg. or phone Wilbur store, 30-F-3. VVAN"TKI ounty.aleeman to handle exclusive aalee of hlKh grade auto " asury. f:". Sil profit on every .ale. M'le men make big money on small Inventment. Write for appointment or . ill Simeet I'lMtrlhutlng Co., 419 lien ry f.l.lir. Port !a nd. re. sT' l i-K nil, AT I.IST bv iollvTtts better than oil! Iter. Is It acree tn the edne of town. I acres In full bearing prunes, city water, electric liKhls In street, good fully equipped tliree-tiinni'l prune dryer. 10 cords Kid wood, team ae-d horses, wscon l-irn.'s fntl set tmplf ments. tool, ef all kinds. Mg crop now on treea goea "III! oture Take. l2.0rtOO0rt rn.h Price It. 60" "(1 A. T. U'rplKI, Com lo. -ii lut Aaent. lib Casa Street. l''ione ?!. tSl"T "iTTiil H VttllAINH r:n FSird Tour, like new. Ford "oute. Fine runnlna: order. 117 Ford. Fxcetlent condition. fl( Ford Hue. Just overhauled. HI 4 Ford Tour, riieap. -Is 1 4 Chevrolet Tour. A reed one .ifii.-i s meiiana. oooa llrea. t"17 tvidae Touring ("verat other bariislns. SiM.M ON FASY TKItM-A mxtiikws MivTnnx rtt wor WHKUK II HAVE MORE CENTS. It; Jackson Ft. t'hon. J CT"t. ItoilF.ltTS CSKH CABTTlAirr t?n Ford tour like new 1 1 T Ford tour. overhauled. 114 Ford lour.- nv.rh.ulMl !V Ford tnur.--0 K me.'hanlrally. 1117 Ford It. fine condition. 1-.I-. mooei overland v.ry cheap 11 Ford rhaaais. 4 aew tlrw A bar.ite I CAN SUVK Tor IIombt TF TOTt Aftr ooino to wt-T I HKt.t. r) jt nk r-iTtvrt,T vo vaitcV rtrKVTATirN pot CvlR sa-iw );!' ?4 tT CASS T THONR 1.4. - i a a nnrxii TflfS TOWH I A w 4 4 sji w WW V w w WW -w -r . w a ttnr.r left for Bookano last avenlttg. waera ne wiu rema.u 0Tr tht week -ana Tiamog wjio ui parents.' , , . Here Oo Bmdnc-is - W P (VMIann nt Salem. U In thlS city for few day looking after b twines Interests. Vlaltinc Bora from Portland. Mra. Harry B. Chlpman. promi nent club woman ' of - Portland, is spend Ins the week. la this city. Oottago Orore IteoUent Here H r rSnrfrined of CnttaM GrOTe. la spending several days In this city attending to bualneaa matters. Motor Prom A sJi laud- Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Jordan of Ash land, passed through 1bs city yes terday en route to the northern part of the state. Leave FVjr Winchester Bay- Mr: and ' Mrs. Roy Bellows and little son, Bobby, are spending sev eral weeks enjoying an outing at Winchester Bay. .... Returns From Portland I.yman Skinner, returned from Portland this morning, after spend ing the past few days in the met ropolis co business. , Over From Sutherlln Mrs. August Vogelpool and daugh ter, spent the day In this city from their borne in Sutherlln, attending to matters of shopping. Returns From Dallas R. It. Turner returned here this morning from Dallas, where he has been spending the past week attend ing to business matters. heaves For Ashland Mrs. Frank Newland and daughter and Mrs. B. C. Roberts, left for Ash land this morning to spend several days enjoying summer outing. Here From Fresno Dr. and Mrs. Floyd Bell, of Fres no, Calif., arrived in the city last evening to spend a week visiting here with friends and relatives. Mrs. Bell was formerly A Hie Black. Here From Pendleton R. K. BUhop and two sons, of Pendleton, spent last evening in this city enroute to Southern California, where they will enjoy an extensive motor trip. ; . Warrant lasaed A warrant was issued yesterday for the arrest of W. L. Singleton, of Oak Creek, cm a charge of burning slashings without a permit at an un lawful season of the year. Oct Marriage License A marriage license was Issued thtB morning by County Clerk I. B. Rid' die, to Kenneth Cloak and Minnie Maclver. . .. Fined For flfsmUng ' H. E. Blake, an aviator from Eu Tene, was arrested here yesterday ror driving his car In excess of the speed limit. He was fined $25 and costs. .'li-JBr Here From Riddle . Miss I.ila Schwarti. of Riddle, ar rived in the city this afternoon to wend the week visiting with Misses Mary and Ruth Franklin. Arrive From Portland Mrs. Claude Welch and son Bobby nd Mrs. V. N. Pltchford, will ar rive here Satnrdav from Portland Mrs. Welch will visit at the home of her mother for a week or ten days. KetnriM To Sutherlln Mrs. Harold Blater, of Sutherlln. returned to her home last evening, liter spending the past two daye ',"n","T and visiting with friends In this city: To Return Home- Mr a Rudolph Holier, who has been visiting in this city with friends snd relatives, win leave for her home In San Francisco Sunday. She Is accompanied on this trip by her tninni ton. - .. rrive From Kiddle Mr. and Mrs. M. 8V Rynn. of Ricl Ue arrived In the city thla afternoon to spend the dsr attending to mat ters of shopping. They will leave to morrow morning by auto stage for ttnndnn Heach, and will be accom nanled by Miss Phyllis Qulne. s . Medford People Itrterewted Local people are interested tn a high degree in the Dr. Brumfleld murder mystery at Roseburg, and every day people come to this office to see the Roseburg paper. The lo al authorities have been advised to watch for Dr. nnimfleld as a pre -autton again' his escaping In thlF tlrec.tion. thoturh all the cities point o his flight to the north. Medford Tribune. flnrtruma ft. TVto Mr. snd Mra. 8. C. Bartrnm and 'amlly of Roseburg were in Med."ord oosy on a motor trip through south ern Oregon. Mr. Hart mm who Is a -lose friend of Dr. RrumfleM of that Mty now Involved as a rrrnrlpal In a sensational murder case, said he could not believe the man was gnlltv but Is confident that when the truth Is known ft will be found that the neaa man ts the dentist himself. "Dr. nnimfleld was a man of the highest character." aald Mr. Rartrum. "and had everything to live for." Med ford Tribune. - S TO-NIGHT, JULY 21 rWncSiM-i i .n.veenlar monthly dance for 5 l2Ef,?F?Pti.5 13?! Ti A dance hall. Q f. Be sure to come. You all 2 Si Be sure to come. You all TA t , n nnnA , I ... a. at thesa BUOW lug uvu v. ...... w . dances. 5 4. ' Light refreshments will be K served also. 4 FJt-SERVICK MEN NOTICE. 4 4 The funeral services of Otto, 4) Saucerman, service man who 4 died In France, will bo held in a. cthaeito Snndav afternoon. 4 The funeral of Geo. Fallln, an- 4 other veteran who diea in me w A. E. F., will be held in Myrtle . ' - 1, n Qnnitnv nftnrnonn. All 4 ex-service men are requested to meet at the armory at 12:30 on Sunday. Those willing to do- 4 nate cars to convey men to the funerals please report to ar- 4 mory same nour. w 4 LEO DEVANEY, 4 Commander Umpqua Post ' " PASCK AT ID1.ETI.D. Psnee at Idleyld Park. Baturdav. July lard, at o'clock. Good music good floor, good time. Here From Glendale , Babjr Dsuurhter Born t C. Hagen, prominent man of Glen-1 A baby daughter was bant, J ji ji J... In (hi. and Kfra U f iu...i " iimv, is ipcuuiag nioiM jm - . - - w. oaiarian city attending to business matters. (Greens, July 1, 1921. Chain of Circum stantial Evidence Murder Mystery (Continued from Page One) the front scat of the car by Mr. Don-man as the car speeded away from him. It was at this very spot that the pool of blood, Dennis Rus sell's hat, bullet fragmenU, bits of skull and shreds of hair were found undoubtedly the scene of the murder. Ed. Weaver testified that a car drove up towards hts place, turned around and. stopped for a short time and then drove away. Harry Pearee testified to meeting the Brumfleld auto on the highway. It was headed north. The next witnesses on the stand were Ora Ronk and son, Kenneth. They reside on the Booth place, near the scene of the killing. They both testified to hearing two rifle shots on the highway about nine o'clock Wednesday evening. Shortly after the shots they stated a car s engine was started and the machine roared past their place at breakneck speed A short time later another car pas sed their place but was not traveling as fast as the first car. The officers are of the opinion the first car was Dr. Brumfield's and the second car thnt of Bowman. Shortly before ten o'clock two lo cal residents, their Identity not made known by the officers, were standing near Green when the Brumfleld car approached them headed toward Roseburg. Tho two parties were having tire trouble and one of them attempted to flag the approaching car. The-drlrer would not stop, but speeded past. Edward Kohlhagen next testified that the Brumfleld car passed him on Mosher street. He tried to stop the enr as he feared It would turn onto Jnckson street and endanger the 'Ives of the participants in a lawn and street social. The car whizzed cast him. He snld he thought Dr. Brumfleld waa driving. This was shortly after ten o'clock. A short time later the wreck near the New- hard slaughter honse on the Melrose road occurred Bnd the body of Den nis Russell, with two bullet holes In be hack and head blown off, was found In the wreckage. Articles Identified ns his property were also found there and on the finger was a ring. The ring was Identified as the Property of Dr. Brumfleld. The shreds of hair on the sealo nieces were positively Identified as vtmllar to the hair of Dennis Rn sell. Barbers who were familiar with Dr. Brumfield's hair declared emphatically that the hair was not his. So convincing was the testlmonv n the hearing that the Jury at onre eetitrned a verdict Identifying the body ss that of Russell. Relatives maintain thp' body is that of the missing dentist. Dr. Brumfleld had drawn at least MOOo from the local binks several 'avs prior to the wreck. No evl dence has been given tending to show thnt he wiped out nnv debt" with this money. He no doubt had it on nis prrson on Wednestlav. The motive the officers advance for tne alleged crime, was that the mnrner was committed and a hodv substituted In order that his wife mtgnt collect the large Insurance wnicn ne carried. No other motive an be found and this explanation Mnges to the murder theorv in ... letall. Some have advanced the henry that the doctor was killed 'nd roMied of ttro Inrire sum he csr--ied. Others sssrt that he manned ' murder snd escsne n nrA,T ,h(t 'he sum could be collected from the 'niranee companies. Such is th mvsterv confronting he officer.. To .tmn a warrant for he nrreet 0r rr Brumfleld was the -mly remaining thing to do. He Is !. . r,lr?,n n'"" nd Orcnmstan 1sl evidence. It mn. be admitted. Is very strong apalnst him. EXAMINE THE ROOTS If you are not getting- the proper amount of fruit from your trees, ex amine the mots. 'Extravagance it often found at the root, of failure. Saving. Is' the basis of financial growth. Open an account with the Roseburg National Bank. ' it Interest Paid on Savings Accounts TheBosebuiB National Bank RoSebur,Ore. Ise i i n 1 I. iii gin. uigao I u Will Drlvo Down Oars Glenn Taylor and Bill Dolan leave tonight for Portland to drive a couple of new Chevrolet cars to this city. Chevrolet Bold- Glenn Taylor, . local Chevrolet agent, reports the sale of cars to C. II. NIhblett, Morris VoRopul nnd C. J. Everett. Has Baby Daughter According, to a measaza this morning by friends la thij , Rev. H. L. Caldwell, pastor ill Baptist church here, la the na. a baby daughter. Rev. Ctldvtt, cently left for Berkeley, Calif,,,! with his wife. Rev. Caldwsja return to Roseburg next uttt t will be followed later by kh a and baby. . . Preaching SoMiUy There will he pleaching services Sundsy. July 14. at Looking Glass Rev. Jenkins will preach. Father Mrs. Brumfleld Arrives Dr. O. P. Beresford. of Owensville, Ind.. arrived n this cltv today to visit with his danrhtar fea n t Brnmfield. A brother of Dr. Brum fleld Is expected to arrive kar ihi. evening. Buy Umpqtaa Chief Flow $1.80 Per Sack Peoples Supply Co The American Tailors For Ladies' and Gent's Suits made to your Measurement From $25.00 up. Service Guaranteed or Money Refunded A. FURMAN, Proprietor Phone 91 MSslWsjaiVtWVsscssxsAi i 105 Cass St. V Toaltfht 15c Tonl(Dt I 25c BEBE DANIELS IN i " "She Couldn't Help it" TA ADAPTED FROM 5 "IS THK BISHOP'S CARRIAGE." 5 She Impulsively invited herself to ride In an empty Carriage wl1 stood conveniently near at the curb, Uttle dreaming how strut f a journey she was starting on. 4. "TKKHV'H tiKNTl.K HlMolf COMKPj 4. MAY A I.I, I.SOX TO.MtHtllUW In 'KXTRAVAfiAJiCT j w.Hi 15c TOD AT OMLt Hoc . 2 8 rnnetntiPD TrfilrrinHcfC "4 M. 4 2WMmS2mMaN IN mwtwwww2" "MAMMA'S AFFAIR" 4 THK SORT OF STOKV 1 WIIKH VOU'VK SEVER 8Kt" 4 ME BEFORE. 8 IX LAIUUINU KJlEUB OP FITS A.ND 1TABT9. 4B rURHTV f-VSU-K-VIV . . . M V . W t lW I . llMi