VIEW 'tel WEATHER. ' mm. yesterday Ml at last nlttht St jjkx and Friday and warmer. la Which is Included Tha Evmiag Newt and The Roseburg Review' . XXVI, No. IIS. OF ROSEBCRO REVIEW. RMEBCBO, OREGON. THCRSDAT. JULY SI, lMt. VOL. X, .No. 160, OF THE EVEXIX Q KEWI XliCl VV QJ-iVCi fit 1 1 ? 0 ' . . S !' J" -, ' 9 . t . . - f lABip BODY KRONER'S JURF'RNS VERDICT AFTER rlOURS : OF CAREFUL DELIBERATION Lz'jJi Was Killed on Pacific Highway by Gunshot Wounds In . flicCed by Persons Unknown, Jury Reports; Wording i - Carefully Studied. TEXT Or VERDICT. . 'a the undersigned jurors 1 to appear before Morril E. tar, coroDer of Douglas ' taty. Oregon, on the 15th f of July, 1921, to Inquire ln ttim rmiBo of the death of an own person, having been j sworn, according to law, t having made such inqulsl- l, after Inspecting the body I hearing the testimony ad- ed, upon our oaths each and do say that we find the de- aad Is named V. Dennis well. Is a native of Douglas nty. Oregon, aged about 44 ft, that he came to his death the 13th day or"July. 1021, a point on the Pacific high-. f about one-half mile south - his residence near Dole in . -aclas County, Oregon, by aahot wounds, Inflicted by an mown person. ' All of which we duly certify M this inquisition -In writing by . Sinned this 20th day of , 1921, at Roseburg. Doug- County. Oregon. , BARTON HELLIWELL, ' Foreman. 4 T JOHN THRONE. 4- .' ROBERT KIDD, V PAUL BUBAR, -4 ' O. C. BAKER. 4 NAPOLEON RICE. "' After two hours of careful delib- tini and study over the evidence a-a testimony Introduced in, the in- ; 4 aver the headless and charred f found In the wreck, df the 1 nfleld auto on Wednesday night. i ,.y 11. the coroner's Jury returned t a shore verdict, finding the body t Le that of W. Dennis Russell, 4 that he met his death on the ' 1 lc highway one-half mile south f i residence near Dole and that sv 4 was caused by gunshot wounds fe-o.ietad by a person unknown to the The Jury retired from the coiirt- raoan at E o clock yesterday arter MN. At 6 o'clock the Jury was take, to dinner, returning to the TOXIAM DENNIS RUSSELL, MUR '. . v r'- I - V. .... . ( ;rp J.- S wV - M ' JMV;;. UMj A -Z j. v .... , j NIGHT OF JULY 11. (From court house at 7 o'clock, the verdict being .returned at 8 p. m. Once the jury asked for Instructions regard ing the form of the verdict, .ques tioning the coroner as to whether or not it was ' necessary to follow the regular form. The Jury was In structed to prepare the report In its of. words, and after careful study the verdict was rendered In the above form. The Jury unanimously agreed on the verdict and the only question was In the- form of the wording, which was carefully considered and worked out before the verdict was brought back into court. In spite of the hour, there was a large number of people waiting for the return of the jury. The report was read by Barton Helliwell, who was appointed foreman, and was then turned over to Coroner Rltter. "We have endeavored to give a fair and impartial Inquest," Coroner Ritter stated, following the Jury's report "All of those concerned In the case laid aside their personal feelings in the matter and .the testi mony and evidence was weighed carefully. The fact that the jury took plenty of time to make Its re port shows that It was extremely careful In Its verdict, and I believe that nothing further could be dose to bring about a fairer and more Im partial decision." "The state has done everything within Its power to secure a fair ver dict In this case," District Attorney Neuner stated. "Every bit of evi dence which might be thought to have a bearing on the case was in troduced. Naturally .there was some information In the hands, of the offi cers which could not be Introduced for apparent reasons, but there was nothing neglected which would throw light upon this case or the identification of the body." The inquest was concluded late yesterday afternoon with the taking of the testimony of a number of identification witnesses. W. M. Moore Testified. W M. Moore, of Dole, stated thai he had known Dennis Russell for a xood many years. He was well ac quainted with him and knew of his appearance. "Mr. Russell had square shoulders, stood erect," he said. "His hair was gray." when shown "s. saw-' "w DERED ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY ON n , . I p noiograpo uim ' . iWlIM OF DENNIS RUSSELL Japs Not To Discuss Problems (By AaaoCUtaO TMS). TOKIO, July 21. The Japanese cabinet, says Nichi Sbumbun, de cided to participate in the proposed Washington conference with the gen eral program of not discussing prob lems affecting the sovereign Tights of the participants nor the Shantung and Yap questions, which it Is held were decided at the Parts peace conference. Irish Conference Still Up In Air (By Halted Press) '' LONDON, July 21. "The . basis for a formal conference has not been found," the official government com munique annouueed shortly follow ing the Lloyd George-De Valera con ference on the Irish question lasting an hour. De Valera goes to Dublin tomorrow and will communicate with Lloyd George later. Willard Ackley Is Married Announcements hare bees re ceived by friends in Roseburg an nouncing the marriage of WUlard Ackley and Miss Dorothy Woodward, at Homer, New York. The wedding took place on July 10th. Mr. Ack ley was a student at the Roneburg high school and was a prominent athletic star. He was popular among the younger set. who are much in terested in the news of his marriage. It Is understood that they are. to make their home in New York. ' o Mlsa Adeline Stewart returned to her home in Riddle last evening, af ter spending the day here shopping. the hair on the piece of scalp, he said. "That s Dennis Russell a hair. He examined the burned sboea ana said tbey were like the ones Russell wore. "His hands were not rough, continued Mr. Moore. "His fingers were long." Tom Scott As Witness. Tom Scott, of Melrose, a neighbor o the Brumflold's testified that he examined the body in the morgue. Me would not swear that It was Dr. Brumfleld, but said he thought it was his body. II. I. ftmn TeMlflea. H. D. Conn, a Melrose man. atated that he knew Dr. ' Brumfleld. He was asked to examine the hair In evidence. He aald the batr did not look like t'ao color of Brumfield's At about 9 o clock on Wednesday ninht I heard a blast report." ald Mr. Conn, it came from tne uuw tion of the auo wreck." J. T. Fry Tenure!. I was well acquainted with Den nis Russell." said J. T. Fry. who was employed near the Russell cabin. "I viewed the body in the morgue anu Identified the toenails. The toenails were very peculiar and from exami nation of the dead body I would say it was Russell. The shape of tne body seemed to be similar to that of Russell, and the hair on the scalp looks the same afr-that of Dennis." t. K. Rose Talks. J. E. Rose an acquaintance of Russell, was the next witness. His testimony was similar to that of Fry. The toenail Identification was the main liolnt of the testimony. J. B. rntrirK on manti. J. B. Patrick, brolher-ln-law of rr. Brumfleld. took the sund and ilated that he bad viewed the dead body in the morgue. "It appeared to m that of Brumfleld." the witness said. I.ymon ftprnrrr Callea. l.vmon Spencer, of the Imperial rieaners. said he had meRsnred Dr. rtrumflHd for a suit of clothes on September 27. 1920. The ehest easurements were -given as as Inches over the vest All the suit measurements were given In detail. The waist measure was 17 Inches. Mr. Fp?ncer viewed the body at the morgue and he said he did not be lieve It was Dr. Brumfleld. He said he wan certain the hair did not cor respond with that of Dr. Brumfield. A. J. Carman Tnwmre. A. J. Carmon, 8. P. conductor. stated that he wns on train No. 12 rH -1111, i,iu, r,m " mmrt -- Brumfleld a car enroute to Koseourg st about 40 miles per hoer on the straight highway beyond Dlllard This was at 2:10 p. m. He room aot tell who was In the car, he aald J. H. Hocaa Tmtlfiee. J. H. Hngan. a brakmaa who wsi on train No. 12 on July 11. said h s-.w Dr. Brumfleld at Myrtle Creek on the afternoon of that day. He saw Mm walking along the side of the Myrtle Creek station towards hit snto and spoke to him. Dr. Brtunfisld's white Paatna hat was Introduced as erldenee. The hat was found la Brumfield's oftVe , Amount of Reward Increased To $1,000 With the murder theory estab- llahed by (he finding of the oorcner's jury the county court this morning increased the amount of the reward offered for the capture of the murderer of Dennis Russell from ' $200 to 11,000. This with the $1,000 offered by the state gives a re- ward of 13 000 to be paid to the person who locates the ruur- 4 derer. The county court held that the original award was too small but delayed Increasing the amount until it was defi- nitely held by the jury that a murder had been committed. Officers SearchLbcates Man's Hand and Woman's Foot On Trash Pile. ARE WELL PRESERVED Portions of Human Bodice Found When Officers Investigate Htote Made By Chimney Sweep . Had Been in Solution For Long Time. A man's hand and. forearm and a woman's foot and ankle, found a' short distance below the scene of the Brumfield auto wreck caused con siderable excitement this afternoon. Sheriff Starmer this morning receiv ed a telephone message from Co quille atating that a Roseburg chim ney sweep had arrived to ere and had made an affidavit that near the river below the place where the wreck oc curred he had found an arm and a leg. The Coos county officers stated tiiat the man was sincere In his statement and that there should be an Investigation. The chimney sweep stated that he found the portions in a can on a trash pile near the river. He dump ed them out and took the can in his camp equipment When he heard of the murdor case he reported the matter. An investigation was made by Sheriff Bam Starmer and Deputy Percy Webb and the hand and foot were located In the place where the chimney sweep had left them. Coroner Rltter and District At torney Neuner were notified and an investigation was made. The pieces had evidently been In preserving so lution for many months and posalMy for a nnmher of years. Both the hand and foot had been amputated, showing marks of having been taken off with clesn Instruments. They have absolutely no connection with the murder case but the officers are at a loss to account for their pres ence. The chimney sweep was uncertain about the dav when he found them but thought It was tha 12th. The tra pile was located about two hundred feet below the nla- where rtia Brumfleld car went over the grade. o Phone Rehearing Getting Exciting (Bv AnIte Ps). ftALEM, July 21. Charges and retorts exchanged be'.en James Mott, Astorls att-.neT and Attorney Shaw of the telephone company, con cluding with tne statement of (Tialr- man Fred Williams of the piiMie service commission that tb attorn" general would be asked u s-t'ie the dispute, occurred at the forenoon session of the telephone rate rehear. Ing today. Moll and Khsw got Into words over Moll's request that h he allowed to call as a witness an Astoria telephone comnany emn'ore Deonly District City Attorney Tomllnson of Portland. In an argu ment late yestrdsr detnsnded the restoration of the telephone rse ss low or lower than those prevalllnc before the Increase lat March, made retroactive, - He urged the readjust raent of the Oreron rate situation, a lower basis on the eomosnv's nron- ertT rMua'.lon and dlrorre is fsr a noeetble from the American Te'e- rdione and Telegraph company. Re charted eoor business management HAND AND FOOT found mm Troops Will Be Sent To Silesia (By Associated Press). PARIS. July 21. France will send reinforcements to Upper Silesia whether or not Great Britain Joins in the movement. The French move will be made to Insure the safety of the ten thousand soldiers already on the ground. Officers Make Search In Marsh BEND, July 20. After an all night search in the La Pine-Crane Prairie aectlous. Deputy Sheriff Sto kle and State Officer Nixon learned that a car answering the description I of that driven by the supposed Dr. Brunlfleld turned off on the road to Sellers Alarsh. which Is 70 miles south of Bend and la not properly a marsh at this time of the year. The road turns off before reaching Cres cent from La Pine. The two officers are In pursuit to day. They learned definitely that the fugitive is not between La Pine and Croscent Kt. Helens Has S us port. ASTORIA. July 20. Astoria po lice are on the lookout for a auspic ious woman character, seen In St. , Helens Monday and believed by wit nesses to be Dr. Brumtlold. sought In Roseburg. in dlagulse. The wo- : man was large and well dressed and would not have aroused suspicions , had It not been for "her" pronounced blonde hair, beneath the edge of which hair could be seen protrud ing. When sought later the "wo man" could not be found. Lower Columbia river points have all been warned to scrutinize auspicious fe male characters closely. Clearing Decks ; For Big Conference By A. L. Bradford " (t'nlted press Htaff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, July 21. Tho great nations of the earth are olear liiK decks for the Washington dis armament and Pacific conference. Japan's acceptance Is regarded as certain, although the Mppons foar he discussion of the far eastern problems may effect the Asiatic pos ition such as negotlrtng with China relative to the return of Shantung to China, attempting to compromise tbe Yap situation with the United States, the discuaslon of the Slbertan-Cblnn government, the possibility of the Japanese military from Siberia and possibly from Manchuria The otner nations will consider with the United atoa to make effective a agree-' St. nieut on a limitation or armament" to Insure the peace of tho world. Great Britain would revise tho Jap anese relations to accord- w'th the people's wish for more cordial rela tions from the United 8tates. France Is willing to trado the armament Imitation for Insurance of safety against further Oerman attacks and taly will continue In close co-opera tion wltta the I'nltcd States. Chins csn remove Japan's menace. o Young Man Faces Very Grave Charge SALEM, July 21. Richard Bur ton, about 24 years of axe. who, of ficers say, offered to marry Miss Prsnkle Edwards during her term In jail here, was today held In Corvallls prison charged with a statutory rrlme, pending the arrival of Con stable Walter Deling of SSIem, who was responsible for his arrest. It was from Miss Myrtle Ennis 15 year old Sslem girl, said to hare been a close friend of Miss Edwards that the Information, causing Bur- ion's arrest, was elicited by officers. The complaint, charging Burton with rane. was signed by the district at torney. Aerordlng to officers. Burton re- en'ly has been residing at Cor vallis where he Is thought to have en driving a Iruek. While In alem he was an employe of a state Invitation and resided at the home of the Ennls gtrl. Al'hourh Burton's arrest came In ronner'lon with the case of Miss Knnls. officers said that Burton of fered to marry Miss Edwards "to get hr cot of trouble." when she wss lulled following ber elopement with flev. Fred Koyston, Ralem minister who Is st present held In Portland on a federal warrant charging him wl'h violating the Msnn act. Burton probsblr wilt be retnmed 'rem Corrallls br Cnn'Uble De Lone this evening He will he arraigned before Judge O. E. I'nruh, In the Jus tice court. , James I fwirt, of Corvallls Vnt yesterday la this dry ea busi ness. CHAIN OF CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE THROWN AROUND THE MURDER MYSTERY CASE Testimony At Inquest Told of Dr. Day of The Wreck-Was Seen In On Road In Inmplte of the fact that the de capitated body In the morgue was last night adjudged to be that of Dennis Uusaell by the coroner'a in quest Jury, the mystery case has by uo means been completely solved. The search for the murderer of Den nis Russell continues and will con tinue until the wan la found, dead or alive or some cleur explanation of Kussall a death van be obtained. Public opinion seuuis to coincide with the Jury's verdict and It is gen erally accepted that the mutilated form found in the wreck of tbe Brumfleld car on the night of July 13th is that of Russell. Expert tes timony Introduced at tbe hearing Ing yesterday afternoon continued i the belief that he met bis death by murder. Sheriff S. W. Starmer holds a war rant for the arrest of Dr. R. M. Brumfleld, the missiog dentist, and the owner of the wrecked auto. Of ficers from all sections of the state are on the lookout for a man ans wering Brumflold's description and many reporU have been received to the effect that the man has been seen. Little credence can be placed In these reports and the mystery will remain as deep as ever unless the man for whom tiro warrant has boon Issued is located. Sworn tosttmony taken at the coroner'a inquest proved beyond a doubt that Di Brumfleld was on the highway botween Myrtle Creek and Dlllard on tbe afternoon of July 13, tbe fatal day. No testimony was In troduced by any of his friends or relatives to the effect that the doc tor had planned any such trip. J. II. Hogan, brukeman on train number 12, testified Hint lio saw Dr. Briim fmld at the Myrtlo Creek station on Wednesday afternoon at 1:48 o' clock, Mr. Hngan was on the rear of the train and waved a greeting to the dentist as the train passed thru. He sold he did not know If Dr. Brumfleld answered him but said he turned and looked at him. The doc tor had Just come out of the station " w,alk1'I"t ,ownr(1" hJ E,B,n car with the disc wheels, which wan standing a short distance away. A. J. Carmon, who was also on the 'a me train with Mr. Ilncan. staled that he did not see Dr. Brumfteld In Myrtle Creek but raw him on the long stretch of paved highway near District Attorney Neuner Issues Formal Statement Concerning Mystery Murder In a statement Issued this after noon l)ltrlct Attorney Neuner. asks that friends of Dennis KurhcII anil Dr. It. M. llrumfleld exercise pa tience until the mystery surrounding the sensational case can be cleared in. Although Attorney Neuner de clined to state his theory of the case, It Is quite evident that he has a def- Inlte and fixed opinion In regard to the affair. Mr. Neuner Is being high ly commended for tho fair and Im partial manner In which the was conducted, particularly for his courtesy In sllow:ng the attorneys representing Mrs. llrumfleld to r"r tlclpata in the examination of wit nesses. "f hare not had time to really n Taln my normal equilibrium," At torney Neuner said In a fcrna! sta'o- nent. Issued from his office this af ternoon at the request of the News- Itevlew. "As you Know I prrlve-t "tere the morning of July 18. and Ithln a few hours whs taking t- - 'Iniony st the Inquisition, and while the testimony wss voluminous, the oroner's verdict was absolutely Jus tified br the testimony adduced at the hearing. "I had no theory and had reached no conclusion si .o the details of th unfortunate affair as th rtoaili w t not given In the .ress of California, ind consequently I had only a gut rul pres report sn I my sincere ile Ire ws and now Is to ret the tru't if the nrr. and If a person l tiilltv of the crime that be . be brought to Justice "I am not making sor statement for publication as to my theory or Brumfield's Activities On The Myrtle Greek In Afternoon Evening the bridge south of Dlllard. The train hud stopped, Mr. Cannon said, and bo saw the Brumfrald car speed along the pavement towards Roae burg at a rapid rate of speed. He remarked at the time that the Brum fleld car waa "hitting it up" pretty lively. Other local people passed the cur on the highway. It was said. The objoct of Dr. Brumfield's trip to Myrtle Creek has not been made known. In his telephone message to Mrs. Urtimfiold at noon that day he said nothing of the trip south Tbe doctor waa next seen In Rose burg on the same artoruoon by Mil lard Meredith. Mr. Meredith la ex act to the minute In the time he talked with Dr. Brumfleld. He stated that he also talked with the dentist on Wednesday evening at about T o'clock. Dr. Brumfleld said nothing to Mr. Meredith about his trips. The next testimony introduced be fore the coroner's Jury waa to the ef fect that the Brumfield ear again made a trip south on Wednesday evening. Severul witnesses testified to seeing the car, and while soma were not positive that Dr. Brum field was driving, others were of tbe opinion that the dentist was at the wheel. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ournea letititted that they passed Dr. Brum fleld in his car at about 7:45 Wed nesday evening. The Ourneea were enrouto to Roseburg and passed Dr. Brumfleld driving his red car near the aviation field. They aald the doctor waa driving about 20 miles per hour. Both Mr. and Mrs. Gur nee were confident the man driving wns Dr. Brumfleld and described his clothing accurately. The Brumfleld car Is next seen on the pavement op posite the Booth orchard. Walter Bowman and others In his car testi fied that the Brumfleld car waa stopped In tho middle of the road ahead of them. As 'Mr. Bowman drove up to it and stopped, a man Jumped hurriedly Into the car, rip ped the gears and xig-zagged four 'lines across the road .and then struck out in a bee-line and disap peared from view around a : curve ahead of them. Mr. Bowman said that Dr. Brumffold was the driver. Ho said the limn bad turned and hmked ai him and In the lights he was positive of tho Identification. Two feet were seen dangling from (Contlmifd on Page 6.) opinion as to the guilt or Innocence of any person connected with the murder of Dennis Russell. It is evi dent that some person committed the deed. While 1 hsve other evidence la my possession tt would Pot be public policy at this time to make a detail ed statement of sll that we have. "I sm very thankful to the pre nnd officers throughout the state for tho cooperation given the', focal of ficers and sincerely hope that with in the next few dnvs something will develop thst will throw a clear light ujxn the sub'eet. "Knowing Dr. Brumfleld as I did and my association alth blm. I en ure late the feeling of his warm frlnds In the matter bnt I hop they will to patient ss well as the and relatives of Dennis R'i"ll and n;i cooperate, and I am sure that tha truth vl'l out. That Is all I ask and will expect noihlng less." KLKH KNTKHT.m TOMCHT. The Klks will entertain their la-dl'-s this evening at the club rooms, ind tin nol t(ne will be hid. as at the previous soclsl evenings, 'inn ing and other amazements will form the entertainment of the even nt. All Klk and their families sre 'nvlted to participate std help make 'he evening a success. Mr. rn'-her sr-t Mr Pollard, well '"own F'dd'e re'tdei's. returned o .lr homes last trenlng after spend ing the day In this cltr attending to Important business matters. s J