Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 19, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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RUnett rf"4T
Lowest last adfht 41
Tonight and Wednea
I and
day fair.
ill Which b Included III Eroinf News and The Roseburg Renew
ra. BrumfieldU First Witness
tion ol Body; Breaks Down Frequently
On the Witness Stand.
With the court room crowded to
paclty and hundred unable to
tain admittance, the coroner a in
unwt over the headless body In the
(iorgue. atarted shortly after 10 o -lock
this morning.. Before nine o -lock
the crowd began to gather at
he courthouse, and when the oourt
oom doors were swung open at ten
ilnutes to ten the corridors of the
nilding were Jammed.
f Many Women Present '
Although the majority of epecta
rs were men, the women attended
I large numbers. Everyone seemed
be breathlessly waiUug for some
tartling development, and the sole
tplc of conversation prior to the
senlng of the Inquest was the mys
wy case. .
i Mrs. Brumfleld Attend. . I
Shortly after ten o'clock Mra. R.
t Brunifleld entered the courtroom,
torapanied by Mrs. C. 8. Heinllne.
j whose home she has been staying,
frs. Brumfteld wore a heavy veil,
attorneys Rice and Orcutt repre
nted Mrs. Brumfteld at the in
Best. Jury Sworn la. ,
The coroner's Jury wn sworn in
it 10:10 a. m. Tho" Jury consisted
( Robert Kldd, John Throne. O. C.
laker, Napoleon Rice,- Barton Helll
ell and Paul Bubar. . - -
k Case Is Complicated One. -f
With two men ruUslng. . and one
nan dead, the case is a most compli
ktted one. The coroner's inquest
tury faces a big problem in solving
the identity of the headless body,
fhe dead man could have met his
leath by any one of four methods:
gun shot, auto accident, dynamite
r fire. Conflicting testimony re
tarding Identification of the body
gas much In evidence. According to
die testimony many marks on the
odyv resemble both Russell and
; - Standing Boom Gone.
: By the time the first witness was
placed on the stand, the aisles were
trowded with people. Never In the
alstory of this city has there been
Mch Interest in a case. Even the
nany sensational homicide cases
lied In the court room have never
ttractd such crowds.
s Saw Account in Newspapers.
' District Attorney George Nc-uner.
Finger Print Expert Is
I Convinced Dead Body Is
That of
James M. Hunter, Bertlllon sot-
art of the Portland notice depart-
kent, who was called to the scene of
he mysterious mnrder to examine
Inger prints and secure new onea.
s Informed the local officials that
is was unable to obtain rood results
rom the enlargement of prints. Ac- black. Hunter advised that the hair
ordlng to Mr. Hunter, he wa called fOUnd be sent to August Vollmer.
the scene of the mnrder too late. !chlef atld criminologist of the Ber
l Huflter. though thoroughly tired : keley. Cal.. police department, who
tm two days and nights' of work
re, returned to Portland Sunday,
att wss In possession of nothing
thlch will be of value In solving the
ystery. After searching over the
teene of the crime and tho home of
Oennls Russell, supposed to have
keen Dr. Brumfleld's victim. Hunter
obtained a small mirror that may
field a finger print He got a print
trom the dead man's left thumb out
Jbe print Is so fragmentary that it
frill be of little service. It was ob
tained by injecting embalming fluid
Into the badly burned members and
taking a print of a tiny section of the
kin. The photo of the mirror print
Would not enlarge and the officers
yesterday mailed the mirror to him
and he will attempt to enlarge di
rect from the object
Aa Interview of Mr. Hunter's ap
pears as follows in the Portland
James M. Hunter, head of the
Identification division ot tho Port
land nolle department I of the
firm opinion that the body In the
Dongla enanty morgue si Roseburg
that of Dennis Rasasu aaa not nr.
tramfleld. who Is balag sought as
& marderar.
' Haater spent two day en the
Men sad white h was aaabl to get
Called; Is Positire In Identifica
who returned last night from Los
Angeles, lost no time In acquainting
niiuielt with the case. The district
attorney received his first news oi
the mystery murder case from a Los
Angeles newspaper. Be purchased
a paper and glanced at the headlines.
In bold type was displayed the latest
features of the case. He was at first
dumbfounded but soon realised that
his home town was the center ot na
tionwide attraction. He caught a
train and hurried to Roseburg In
time for the inquest v
Mr. Brumfteld Testifies.
Mrs. R. M. Brumfteld wai the
first witness called- She stated her
residence as Melrose. Mr. Brumfield
was 38 years at the time of his
death, she testified. He had been a
practising dentist in Roseburg since
1911, she said. The family moved
to Roseburg following Or. Brum
tleld's graduation from a dental col
lege lu Chicago. She told of their
three children. When giving a por
tion ot the testimony Mrs. Brum
field broke down and sobbed.
"I last saw tny husband on the
morning of July IS. I talked with
htm later in the day by telephone.
He called me at noon and again at
about six o'clock p. in. He told me
ha wouldn't be home until late in
the owning and would eat a lunch
In town. He had not been feeling
well since Sunday he was troubled
with his stomach.
- "On Sunday before the accident
we visited the Meredith homestead.
My three boys wont out into the hills
with the men during the day. We re
turned to our home that evening. 1
have never noticed anything wrong
with my husband lately. He always
tried to get home from work as early
aa possible from 5 to 5:30 p. m.
"The doctor was six feet In height
He was dark complexloned and
weighed 182 pounds. He wore a
15V4 sized shirt, and a aboe about
8 H In size. He ' wore no special
make of shoes. He had no especial
marks or scars on his body. He had
dark hair, some part or It gray. He
wore a fraternity ring the only one
he ever possessed."
At this point the district attorney
handed her the ring taken from the
dead body. She readily identified It
as the doctor's.
"He possessed an Elgin watch,"
Dennis Russell
tallvlna- flnser nrlnla. he sars that
nihr inHir.tinn. tmd him tn huv
tnat the body is that of Russell. .
The hair on the pieces of the scalp
which was found Is an iron gray, and
that was the color of Russell's hair,
while Dr. Brumfleld's hslr wss very
has a method of making Identifica
tions from the hair. The coroner
stated that he would do that Im
The body was so badly burned that
It was cooked, Mr. Hunter says, and
for that reason It was impossible to
get a good finger print He did ob
tain one print which might be traced
on, but as yet he has obtained no
finger prints of either of the men.
Ho did get one from Russell mir
ror, but when the film was devei
oped the print did not ahow. He has
wired to the coroner to send up the
The sheriff of Douglas county Is
working on severs! good clue In
the ease, of which Mr. Hunter Is not
at liberty to (peak. I
A highway employee, who gave
the name of 8mlth, was quite badly
hnrf yesterday when cable of
donkey engioe struck htm In the face
as the dark was being drawn out.
Hla teeth la the front part of his
month war mashed and broken, and
the injury was very painful. The
broken teeth and bone were re
moved br Dr. Bath rick, wh t treat
ing th Injury.
she said in continuing her testimony,.
"He had a lie pin Flour de Lis
shaped with a chip diamond.
"He had no oxford shoe. He has
been weariug black shoes this sum
mer. The doctor hsd a Remington
.30 automatic. . it was In the car on
Sunday on our trip. He had no other
firearms. It was carried in a hunt-
! ing case.
"We had made two trips to the
Meredith homestead. On our first
trip to the homestead we met Den
nis Russell. He had dinner with us.
Dr. Brumfield had no conversation
with Mr. Russell about any work to
be done on our place.
"My husband drove an Elgin au
tomobile. I do not know the license
She slated that Dr. Brumfield
never hunted a great deal but had
been on several trips- ,
"My husband purchased some
dynamite some time ago and placed
It on hla desk in his office . He in
tended to blow out a stump on our
"Dr. Brumfteld did not drink nor
use any drugs to my knowledge. I
was familiar with his office work.
"The doctor always was a careful
driver sometimes he drove rather
fast but he never took any chances.
, "I viewed the body In the morgue
and it Is most certainly my husband.
I know every line, every curve and
the general build of the body and the
body Is like the doctor's even to
the callous the ring made on his fln
Ter. He was of athletic build, al
though his legs wero rather slender,
"its skin was dark, sort - of light
irown- He had fairly thick hair on
lis Chest and below the knees on bis
"I can't think ot any thing more
that will prove to the jury that the
body Is Dr. Brumfield. I know It Is
he. t saw Dr. Brumfield and Den
nis Russell together. Mr. Russell
was very, very thin, his neck hollow
ind much broader than be was thick.
Mr. Russell's hair was thin.
"My husband carried about 114.
040 insurance that I knew abouf.
lie had one endowment policy. He
took '.one policy out that I knew
nothing of.. He went partly in debt
to buy our ranch; He was always
optimistic about everything never
melancholy. His practice has been
specially good during the past two
The district attorney asked again
concerning Dr. Brumfleld's gun. She
utld the gun was almost new and
had only been used once. -
"I was In the garden when the
lector left home on the morning of
fuly 13th. He was about 10 mln
ites late and was In a hurry to get
o the office. He was wearing light
imiimer underwear and usually wore
white sox. I think his white ones
vere all gone, though, and he had
tome black ones to wear. He usually
arrled an extra pair of socks In fats
"The doctor always kept his fin
ger nails well trimmed.
I viewed tho body early Thtirs-
iay morning." she said In answer to
luestiona by Attorney Rice. I lu?n'
If led the body at that time. The
bottom of Dr. Brumfleld's feet were
Weavlly calloused. He had followed
i plow In his boyhood while bare-
ooted and his feet were very tough
"On Wednesday be was wearing a
gray Palm Beach coat. He wore the
lame coat Sunday to the Meredith
homestead and he has had a clip of
'.artrldges in his pocket
"In speaking of the dynamite
used on the farm. Mrs. Brumfield
tald the doctor had helped In blow-
Inr out the stumps.
She said the palms or tne aociors
hands were not calloused, except on
the ring finger. She also stated that
Or. Hrumiieio carnea an ezira pair
f overalls in the car.
She was shown the watch and
chain found in the wreckage aud
Identified them as the property or
her husband. She also Identified a
burned portion of a necktie and a
jcarf pin. A leather key case and a
knife were handed to her for Identi
fication and she ssld they belonged
to the doctor.
i.ktyd Davis Trstltle. .
Lloyd Davis, one of the boys who
first discovered the burning auto
wreck on the Melrose road, testified
next. He told of seeing a light glar
ing on the trees. They drove psst
the blase and saw the wreck and
recognised the car as that of Dr.
Brumfield. The time was about 11
"We stopped at tb wreck about
two minutes and then hurried to
town." he said. "We saw no bodl
around the wreck while there- We
notified some people In town and
then went back to the wreck. On
the way to town w saw no one on
the road.
On the second trip to the wreck
the headless body was found by Jim
Fletcher and Bill Dolan, who had
gone out with us. When wo first
nassed the wreck the car wss all
aflame, all parts of It The body
was located In a little creek between
the burning car and the end of the
culvert We heard no explosions."
Voting Campbell on a land.
Dan T Campbell, the lad who
with Lloyd Davie, testified nwat H
told of th discovery of th flro-
wkleh he thought at first to M I
(Conttsaed en peg I.)
Officers Believe
They Have Brum
field Surrounded
BEND, Or.. July 19
lal to the News-Review by L'nl
ted Press) At - three o'clock
this afternoon a uiun driving a
Chevrolet car. suspected of be
ing Dr. R. M. Brumfield, ot
Roseburg, Ore., whom the offi
cer are searching' for to clear
up a suspected murder mystery,
was surrounded near the town
of Crescent The sheriff, ln-
eluding doputle from Klamath
Falls and Bond, have tho man
hemmed tn and will be taken
befoio nightfall unless he has
managed to slip by Orescent od
a aide road, persons seeing tho
man, ' whose car has been do-
laved by broken springs, de-
claro the description tallies to
that furnished ttn officers and
the photograph of Dr. Brura-
field, the missing dentist
Mystery Car Carried Victim tc
Private Road and Stopped
For Several Minutes.
youthful Divers Searching Bottom
of Deep Hole In Effort to Re
cover Teeth and Jawbones.
Which May lie There.
The cluo offered yesterday by
County Commissioner Ed. Weaver
proved to be correct lust evening
when the officers found conclusive
evidence thut the Brumfield car fil
tered Weavers private road snd Iol-ianT told tll9 house committee Inves
lowed it to a point near the Weaver ,i..i- th win. nf Drover Cleve
home and then turned uud went
back toward the highway, stopping
about a half mile from tho Weavor
home and remaining there for a fault
or three-quarters of an hour.
er heard a large car approaching bllvoun Borgdoll freedom
home. It drove up within a tew yards
ot tne uuuaing ana tuen lurnco. in
turning around In the narrow road
It nearly went over the grade, the
rear wheels going over tho bank
and spinning for a fow seconds be
fore traction was secured.
Mr. Weaver says the car then
started back towards the Myrtle
Creek bridge and went about a hair
or three-quarters of a mile before It
topped again, remaining there for a
long space of titno and then started
up again going at a rapid rate to the
highway. Mr. Weaver's road leads
to the highway at the Myrtle Creek
bridge, following up the right side
of the river for a mile and a half.
It la presumed that the car, follow
ing the murder, dodged tho bowman
jcar at Vandyne Creek and then fol
lowed Pearce's car to the Myrtle
Creek bridge, taking the private
road there.
A bis Dool of dried blood was lo
cated and It Is possible that the
teeth and Jawbones were removed
at tbls point. There Is a big deep
bole in the river to tue rigni oi me
road and it Is poss'ble that the re
moved portion or tne neaci couki
have been weighted and dropped In
tbls hole. Acting on this theory
Sheriff Stsmvr has a largo number
of boys searching the bottom of the
river In an priori 10 secure me i
reward he has offered for the recov-
ry of the bones.
Roberts Arrested
On Robbery Charge
Lnnla Roberta was placed under
arrest In the city Jail last night af
ter be was srrcstr-d by H. D. Rob
erts, Southern I'sctric oraxeinan.
who states that he appretiendeo
Louis Roberts In th act of stealing
suitcase from the room at tn
Roseburg apartments." The brnke
man returned from bis run at mid
night and about 4 o clock in tne
morning he says h mw a man stand
ing in front of bis window. Th
employee's room Ij in the. southwest
earner of the lower floor of the
building. - The brskeraan lift bis
room and quietly clrekd th build
Ing meeting Roberts, be says, at th
east aid of tn prtmnt nous.
Robert started to run and went up
Douglas street followed by th B. r
employe who had the better wind
and soon caught the young man. He
told the officers that Robert at
tempted to pull a gun but was
knocked down.
Chief ot Police 8hambrook this
morning searched the home ot Louis
Roberts and a large amount ot sil
verware was found hidden between
the mattress and springs of the bed.
This silverware was positively iden
tified hv Mrs. B. W. Strong and Mr.
0. K. Pickens aa that stolen from
the Baptist church several nays ago.
A suitcase taken from the Rose
burg apartments wn found to be
long to two women residing there.
It had been left atandlng on a dres
ser where It was possible for a per
son to reach through the window
and remove it, which it is believed
was done.
As soon as the value of the ion
tents can be ascertained a charge
will be placed against Roberts.
A number of milk bottles found at
the Roberts home were admitted hv
Mrs. Roberts to have been stolen
(ram porches on Mill street
Local Masons En
Joy Meeting
A number of Masons motored
from this city last evening to the
temple at Myrtle Creek, where they
enjoyed the regular session of the
Masonic lodge. The third degree
was conferred on candidates, and all
enjoyed a very Interesting gathering.
Those from this city were Simon
Cnro. D. B. Bunnell, William Bell,
and N. T Jewett
A delkious banquet, served at a
Into hour, was enjoyed by the visi
tors, together with the Myrtle Creek
Shows A Drop
Of Nine Billion
.-.WASHINGTON, July 19. The
government's expenditures during
the flsfal year Just ended dropped
off nine bllllou dollars compared
with last year.
Mother Bergdoll
Aids Slacker Son
July It. Mra. Em
ma C. uergdoii
of Philadelphia, to-
land Dergdoll. that she gave rive
thousand dollars to Major Bruce
Camtboll. army officer at Governor's
Island, for use "anions Man officials
i at Wnlhlngton" to taslp obtain
Recognized Man
Missing Dentist
Sheriff Charles Terrlll passed
through Roseburg this morning on
his wav from the north, euroute to
Medford. having in custody Phillip
Forester, who recently escaped from
the Jackson county Jail. Sheriff
Terrel said that as tho train passed
through Centralis. Wash., last night
a man approached them asking
whether or not the finger pilnt Im
pressions taken' at Roseburg - had
lead to th Identification of tho p
nn responsible for the murder com
mitted Thursday night - Both the
sheriff's and the prisoner's suspicions
were aroused at the actions of the
man, and a close oDservsnce oi nis
build and general looks were made.
They had never seen a picture of the
mlsi-lng dentist, and npon being
shown bis likeness here today were
nosltlve that the man who accosted
them on th train was Dr. Brum
field. He was traveling south.
Conference Will
Consider Question
fny Associated Press)
TOKIO. July 19. It I reported
! that Japan will likely aubmlt t tbe
proposed far eastern conference tn
adandonment ot cxtra-terrltorlallty
in china and also ask for fixation or
emir ration rights to countries Ilk
r' 1 . . -. 1 1 K'nM X I n n
and Indo-Clilna sn tn genersl raise
the question of racial eouallty,
Mrs. I.nella May French, of Olen
flale today secured a decree of di
vorce from her husband Loale L.
n. ' .. .u. .
roe mwm kiihj n i ii uw ."i-"; -
two minor children. j
o .
GWihil Resident TJsn I declared h recognised tn fh picture' for th fugutlve throughout tho day.
Us W eillam of Oloodal. I In of Brumfield. printed In a Portland Ptep were taken tonight for cou
th city 'for several day attending TPr, an autotat whe had accosted , tinned vtgllaoe throughout tho
to bualnee matter. jhlm on th trt yesterday after-j county.
Measure Introduced to Limit Time Care May be Left Standing on
Main Streets; Counciimen Appear to "
Favor Ordinance. '
A parking ordinance, prohibiting
the parking of car on Sheridan,
Cass, or Jackson streets, between the
hours ot 8 a. m. and 6 p. m., for a
period longer than SO minutes will
be presented to the city council at
It next meeting, with a good chance
for passage. It is quite probable
that the ordinance will also Include
Main atree, from Ijine to Douglas In
order to keep that thoroughfare
open In the event ot tire, aa it Is
used almost entirely by the tire de
partment In going either north or
Tho matter was brought np for
discussion upon the recommendation
of Chief of Police Shambrook, who
stated that the time Is rip for inch
a measure.
"The streets are frequently block
ed" he said, "and business 1 greatly
hindered. Our (treat are narrow
and when cars are lined up on each
side there Is scarcely room for two
marhinea to pas. The delivery wag
ons, or farmers loading or unloading
produce have to stop out In the mid
dle ot the street to get Into the
stores and then it la practically im
possible for other cars to get by.
'Many people owning cars are In
the habit of leaving their machines
landing on the streets all day long
na as a resttt traffic Is greatly Ira'
neded. It Is lime this practice was
Hopped and some effort made to
keep our streets clear."
It was the concensus of opinion
-if the counciimen that such an or-
llnance Is needed and considerable
lscussion on Its extent wai held. It
vaa proposed to Include Sheridan
itreet, Crss Street, Jatkson street
'rom Cam to Douglas and Oak from
he bridge to JackRon. To this was
'dded Main street from Lane to
After much argument, however. It
vas decided to ellmlnnte restriction'
n Oak street and It will not be In
hided In the ordinance. The conn
i apparently Is divided at the pres
nt time on Main street. It Is feared
'owsver, that If parking Is allowed
here the street will become blockeC
nd In the event of a fire the fire
rtirk would be held up by traffic
Eastern Oregon Officers
Conduct Thrilling Chase
To Apprehend Murderer
(fly United Prssa.)
PORTLAND. J"'- (Spe-
clal to th New-Revlew)
The police authorities of Bend
and Laplne are In pursuit of a
man reported to answer the de- 4
script Ion of Dr. K. M. Brum-
field. Tho nan wss seen at
Bend, and other points In that
vicinity and the police are en-
deavorlng to surround htm.
They reported arly this morn-
Ing that they had surrounded
htm and expected his capture
at any moment Although the
4 suspected person may not be
Brumfield. It Is said the doctor' 4
description tits th msn per-
fectly. The suspect's cheap
automobile is said to taavo
been disabled near the Jame
Black ranch.
BEND. Or., Jnlv IS. Piirsnlt of
Dr. R. M. rtrumfleld. Roseburg den
list wanted for the murder of Dennis
Russell of the same city, ended this
afternoon 40 miles M"'"' '
nena. warn inv mr in wiihh Dnnnn
Roberts was cond'ictlng his solitary
rhase broke down at Paulina Creek
Word of the accident was relsved
to Bend, and Deputy Stokoe speeded
south on th state blghwav witn an
other car. Communication with the
officer Is Impossible until they start
Brumfleld's Presence
In central
Oregon ws first announced when ' offl' lal of Cmstlll oounty and Pen
Dennr Sheriff Adams of Redmond . dleton polir fcent a clos lookout
Jams, while there would' be a greater
liability of accident, not only to '
autos and the fir truck but to pedestrians.
The thirty minute restriction. If
the ordinance 1 approved, will be
in force between the hours of 8 a.
in. and ( p. m. Th city attorney
will be instrucied to prepare th
measure this wock and it will be In
troduced before th council at Its
next meeting.
It I believed that the ordtnano
will not only prevent traffic Jama,
but will eliminate some of th dan-
genr from accident Tb chief ot no
narrowly escaped serious injury be-
tice stated tnat many versona have
cause of their Inability to see up and
nown tne streets, when they are ,
lined with parked car. In stepping
out from between auto pedestrian
have been run down and hurt, al
though fortunately none hav been
seriously injured from this cause re
cently. The danger exists, however,
he states and should be eliminated.
Another feature I that on hot day. '
cars when left on th pavement sink
Into the soft surface leaving deep
hole. Tho street repair crew is
now making repair on Jackson
street, where such damage ha been
caused during th past few year. .
It Is expected that there. will be
-onslderabla opposition as th meas
ure will not meet favor with om,
neople. Whether or not this oppo
sition will be strong enough to de-.
feat the ordinance la questionable,
is the counciimen appear to be flrm
'v convinced that some such measure .
I needed.
It was also proposed th curb
it the main Intersection be moved
hack, giving two or three feet mora
oora for autos rounding the corners,
"he smsll corners at the present are
somewhat difficult for a large car
snd It I very possible that the curbs
it some of the principal comers will
he moved back, allowing more room
n which to turn.
Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Newman, of
Voncalla, are spending th day In
own visiting and attending to busi
ness matters.
noon and asked for direction to
(lend. The man had Inquire.! if be
had to pass through Redmond ta
reach the Deschutes county seat, and
Adams, unsuauectlnx. hsd given hlin
full Information. Th man was at
tired In khaki, and except for the
fact that he wore no glasses be was
! apparently th exact original of the
picture. Adams said. After the
port to Uobrt by the deputy sher- .
Iff other information aaa received
hy the sheriff leading to the belief
'hit rtrumfleld nsd continued south
on The Dslles-Callfornla- highway.
According to Adams' deectiptlnn'tba
man he identified as rtrumfleld wss
driving a Chevrolet or Maxwell car.
Another man. for whom no descrip
tion was given, was In th machine.
LAP1NE. Or.. July !. A msn
h dleved bv local authorities to be
Dr. Ilrumfleld, the Roseburg dentist
rho Is wanted for murder of Dennis
Russell, passed through I.sptne to
day enronte to Silver Lake from
Hend. Telephones were kept busy
In an sttempt to trace the man who
hsd hla car repaired and purchased
gasoline at Laplne this morning.
PENDLETON, Or., July 1. Fol
lowing receipt today of a detailed
j description of Dr. R. M. Bmmfleld
Roebnre dentist, wanted on charge
of murder, together with Informa
tion throurh press reports that It
was thought the suspect might n
heading for eas'ern Oregon, sheriff