ROSEBURG NEWS-REVEWjn ! ruDiisnea ounaaj baaed pally Except Sunday. H. W. Bate L. Wlm berly SUBSCRIPTION KATt3 Dally, per year, by mall Dally, six months, by mall Dally, by carrier, per month Weekly Neva-Review, by mall, per year Ilert O. Kate E $4.00 JJ.uU ' .bO 2.00 Entered as aect.nU.claM matter May 17. lnu. at the post ofll.e at Koae- burg, Oregon, under tbe Act ol Aiarcn t, !' IIOSKBL'KU, ORE UON. Jl l.V . lttSSl. A WITTY CONGRESSMAN. In the Congressional Directory there is an interesting study of human nature concealed. "Concealed" because nobody ever reads the Congressional Directory unless a senator or representa tive dies and a sketch of his life is required quickly for obituary purposes. When Representative Park of the Second Georgia dis trict dies the speaker will not be helped much by reference to the Congressional Directory. - "Frank Park, Democrat, Sylvester" that is all there is about him. That could be expanded into probably 30 or 40 times the number of words, but the "soul of wit" has concentrated itself in that biographical sketch. It is witty. The joke is not on Con gressman Park; rather it is a sly, subtle, gentle jab at some other brethren who are immolated in cold type in the pages of that directory. The new, very newest, members, by contrast, have from 300 to 500 words telling who they are and what they have been and where they were born and all about them. The gentleman from the Second of Georgia sets down his life in his name and two more words and the name has no middle initial. It is the shortest sketch in the whole list of senators and congressmen of all the states. And the great point in this is: The senators and representa tives themselves write these sketches for the directory. Tbe News-Review yesterday issued the first news edition ever put out In Roseburg on Sunday Because of the Intense Interest In the murder mystery, the News force remained on the job yesterday and with new de velopments arising an extra edition was IsHued at 4 o'clock In the after noon The fact that an "extra" had been Dut on the press was rapidly circulated over the city and by the time tire papers were ready for dis tribution many hundred people had Fathered to obtain this latest news. The papers were sold directly over the counter and by "newsies" and were seized eagerly. Tbe supply of papers was soon exhausted and It be came necessary before aix o'clock to issue a second edition. The "extra" had tbe largest sale of any special edition ever published In tbe city. FOR SALE Cheney Phonograph Now. all record machine, 24 selec tions free. Easy monthly payment Phone 412. R. F. Callahan, Umpqua Hotel. Will call at your house and give confidential term. Phono graphs traded for pianos. . at Srt O Sett-i Individual suspense is aggravating, but when the entire com munity "gets off its feet" as it has during the period following the recent murder mystery there is no hope for any relief until the facts are laid bare, and the sooner something "drops" to clear up the atmosphere the sooner the nervous suspense will come to an end. People are literally exhausted. The whole affair is shrouded in the deepest mystery. The tragedy is being discussed in every city in the United States of any importance, and thous ands of people who never before heard of Roseburg are now fa miliar with its location and the important details connected with the crime. Officers of the state are alert to gather information that would in any way clear up the mystery, while every possible clue has been systematically ferreted out by local officers and nothing has been left undone by them that would tend to unravel one of the deepest and most profound murder mysteries ever re corded in this section of the state. , o The millennium in dress which women seem to have as their goal will be reached when gowns may be utilized as bathing suits. ! o Dempsey is now reported to be "overweight" the first time, according to war records, that he has ever been over. A center of gravitation was a big advantage the hammock had over the porch swing. The trouble, it seems, is that too many persons are raising something that is not edible. o lhe poison ivy sometimes called the picnic season is here again. Roseburg Wins From Melrose ity c. ii .union. The game of ball played here Sat urday afternoon between Melrose and a picked nine from Host-burg, was a walk-away for Uosi'burg. Rose burg buys did some very good hit ting and the Melrose boys did some rather poor playing. They pulled off two or three good honehead plays which made the game easy for the home team. The Melrose boys were short two men when the game began. so thuy borrowed Cederstrom to pitch for them, and also borrowed Hall to piny left (lelil. Hall put up a fine fielding game for them, and was a tower of strength In It'lt field. The feature of the game was a star, nne-bnnileit running rslch by Hush A ball knocked tut over third and ticketed fr the gale, wns speared by Hush and held on to, making one ol the prettiest plays of the season. "Itnilv" llHftnnn pitched for Itoae- burg, and he had the Melrose boys at his mercy, except when he elected to Just toas them over soinp dew drops. AH the scores the visitors made were by tlie (lew drop toaes that Itltzman threw up to them When be elected to pitch as he can there was uothiiiK doing. Itltzman shut the visitors out for four Innings then gave them a chance. The hem boys were shut out the first three Innings, and It began to look as If there would bo a real ball game, and a pitcher's battle, lint the bms be gan to hit Ceclnr and coupled with errors, the game wss non stowed awav. ine regular Twilight league names will be resumed tonight when the nuptials and Southern Vaclfl pftiv. The score of Saturday's game 1 2 3 4 r. d 7 X 9 It II. K Itnsehurg DOOl.iOIIII I! ! Melrose . 0 0 0 n : 2 0 0 0 .i 9 10 VIANDS - tTsed pianos and player pianos lor sale. I'lione 412. It. F Callahan. I'mpqua Hotel for ap polntnients noon or ewnilmre. LAUDS ASSOCIATION Finds Oregon Growers Co operative Associtation Doing Excellent Work J EXAMINATION IS MADE Examined Carefullly Into Book aud Records Which Went Thrown Oytm By Official and Found Affairs la Kino Shape, I'liilertuker rush Ju where fool don't fear to tread. A physician told ye scribe, t'other duy that a man can live on onions nlone. If be doe he probably will. IT IS KNOK.H TO KNOW THAT THE 1. 11) SUITKD. lnbiton (Mont.) Democrat.) Miss til-ace Wook is recovering nicely from the effects of severe buriiH sustained when Mie fell Into boiler of hot water last Saturday. A lid on which she was sittinK lif I el and let her into the water. Forty-two muscles are used in smiling. Coiiie on, folk, don't get muscle bound. A man who make a living by the sweat of Ills brow should get rich these warm days. ft Wo oliM'i-vc Hint Kgj pt had home brew 4MH years ago, which, pos sibly, is why they were able to pickle their imunntle so success fully. .Vilnius is harder on a woman's reputation than two women. A fashion writer says that ladle' stockings hitve never been o fasci nating. That's what the gang In front of tbe cigar store say. Yoiuiff ladies seldom get lumbago. Hut many of them have limb-ego. liots of those fellers who married to avoid the draft have long since wished that they had died for thelr coimtry. Where is my wandering boy tonight? When, oh where, ran he be? Tlitu-e ain't no place he ran go no more In this land of the brave and free. Willi a meniliendilp limited to some MMM), t. V. Htarrett today or ganized the "I told you an" club, div voted exclusively to solving myster ies. The four degrees necessary for memlMtrship are as follows: 1. "I'll lie dmiined If I know." a. "I had hunch." 8. "You can't fool me." 4. "I figured It out In less than twenty minutes." J no. starrett holds the high and mh;hty position of keeper of the seal and custodian of the cracker bid. t'lainle. Cannon was unanimously chosen as royal and lofty custodian of rumor, Ilemle Hvbinil. iilliw-graiid spreader of the oil, Itnlpb (Juiiie, vice-grand spreader of tbe oil. and Hi III .Nichols, leader of liHiunioiis lecturers.. Harry I'l-tirce has donated club room for the luwttngK, The time Is past when we ran call a girl a "skirt." Several Ixirns in the Mxomtllc district have been repainted from none tonic to liver pill. W hen a uoman start the conver sation in this way: "We've never Issd a cms nurd since we were mar rled," it's time to look out. lon't lie n small spoil If you want to get to lhe top of the heap. - I Cashier D. 8. Beals of the Riddle State Bank, who arrived home from a business trip of several days at Salem, last Sunday, states that he spent most of the day Saturday In the office of the Oregon Growers Cooperative association, where be went Into the affair of the asso ciation a far as possible with the limited time available, says tbe Rid dle Tribune. 'The sale of prune Is progressing as fast as could be expected and at quite satisfactory prices," stated Mr. Beals. "Although mistakes have been made in the early management and expenses have been excessive, still these expense will not exceed to any material extent the five per cent allowed for such purposes and will be comparatively light this year. Difficulties encountered in handling the 1920 prune crop have been tre mendous the unsettled market con ditions and other unforeseen diffi culties making the burden a heavy one. "The pool I now drawing to a close, however, and a satisfactory settlement 1 in sight. The officers and employes of the association are working almost day and night to clean up the pools and make the ap portionment, realizing the vital lm tiortance this matter Is to the grower ind tbe country in general. At this Particular time 1 believe it behooves the grower to exercise more patience In that it will be vastly to hi ad vantage. I fully realize that It Is difficult to be patient when monoy Is so badly needed, but there are growers out of the Association In an extremely worse predicament. I be lieve It Is quite well understood that money was borrowed at the time the advance was made and that consld erable money was needed to pack ind handle these prunes. Of course this borrowed money was first to be tald as the prunes were sold, and this debt Is now entirely cleaned up and the expense of packing. Insur ance, etc.. Is also paid, so that the prune already sold and not collected for and those to be sold will be prac tically clear to the grower and this of considerable amount and should net the growers a good price on the large size of which this section had considerable. "I found the organization well equipped to handle the Immense business of the association and all business well under way to a suc cessful conclusion of the pools and believe It mould be rank folly to in any way hamper the management, especially by members who might be disposed so to do on account of delayed payments. "I have particular faith in the efficient management of Mr. R. C. Paulus. who Is virtually head of the organization and without doubt both Mr. Lewis and Mr. Staler are valua ble men In the organization. All are hard workers and are giving the trowers their best ability. These officers conversed freely with me, answered freely and cheerfully all questions asked, gave me free access to the books and records, all of which I found in splendid condition with alt the financial affairs of the organization being clearly visible. "There is no question but that the trower ia still to receive a very sat isfactory settlement for the 1920 prune and this Is coming before the next harvest, so I am advised, and which I have reason to believe will most certainly take place. "Tbe association la doing splendid PORTLAND WOMAN SAYS SHE COM'! Ml. Wil WllliOUl BEING ASSISTID "I am now going on alxty-flvs yeajs of age and for a long time I was hardly able to walk; but by. the time I finished my second bottle or Tanlac I was out in my garden hoe ing." aald Mrs Jennie Root, 1409 Powers St., Portland, Oregon. "For year I Buffered terribly with rheumatism and would often be down in bed for daya at. a time. Id tbe last five years there was never a time that I didu't feel those rheu matic pains all through my body. About two month ago, however, I got very much worse, and my arm aud legs were so bad that 1 was al most helpless and couldn't even hold a pen to sign my name. I had no appetite at all, was so weak I couldn't do any housework, and even to walk a few steps would tire me out completely. I couldn't even sleep, and for a week before i got Tanlac I was so bad off I couldn't mora at all without Jielp. Mr son got me to try Tanlac ana before I had taken one bottle I hard ly felt like the same person and now 1 feel Just fine. Why, I even walked ud four flights of stairs in an onioe building where the elevator wo out of order not long ago and stood it fine. The fact is what Tanlac has done for me seems almost a miracle. I have gained fourteen pounds In weight and all my strength has come bnck to me and thoso aches and palus have disappeared I will praise Tanlac as long as I live. Tanlac la sold In Roseburg by the W. F. Chapman Pharmacy. NEW PRICES! w CHEVROLET! 0 Effective July l.'th the following prices will prevail on Chevrolet Cars: t t 490 Model Touring or Roadster, - $777.00 t J 490 Model Delivery or Express Body, $777.00 t t 490 Model Sedan or Coupe, - $1,185.00 A p F.B.ModelvIiabyGrand)tour.or roadster $1,185.00 I 'A 9 TOWN PESTS work, now with other, fruit crops, and virtually getting the proper stride to quickly and profitably han dle all crops of their members and I do not expect the delay this year that we bad with the 1920 crop. Or dinarily with market conditions Mi lled and normal it should not take more than from 60 to 90 dys to handle the prune crop and get the money In the bands of the grower. 'I have facts and figure at my disposal that Justify my belief that tho association has In reality made splendid progress when the many adverse conditions are taken into consideration. Furthermore It my belief that the rank and file of the association members should get closer together in their own enter prise and educate themselves that It is their own organization of which they are a part, and not an outside concern. Aside from the fact that believe the grower will yet realize more out of the prune pool than he could have otherwise, there is to be taken into account the future bene fits of such an organization- which are vast. It simply mean the plac ing of the prune industry and other fruits on a basis that will actually increase the value of the orchard which will be done by advertising and a well established market for the splendid Oregon product and this could never be accomplished In the manner our prunes and other fruits have been handled in the past, that is under a foreign brand. uoth as a banker and a grower I too have been Impatient over the delayed prune pool payment. How ever being a member under a strong contract obviates the argument as to the continuance of such member ship. Furthermore advice as to whether or not such membership should be contained is also obvious and it therefore becomes safe to say in all respects that better Judgment would dictate that any idea of mem her to free themselves from the contract would be useless and ' un availing as well a a poor business move. ' "cpHnrs oSooxttoa A fully equipped Automobile for $127.00 more than the universal Car. Come in and look at the lowest prices fully equipped automobile in the world. SERVICE GARAGE GLENN H. TAYLOR 332 Jackson St. Phon- 478 i email The Town Dog. he bark at Caller nd nakei Friends with Tramps, chases Cat, scire Lil Olrla. dig Hole In the Flower Bed. starts rowdy Street Fights, Track np th Kitchen Floor, nil the Tard with Juuk and Booe. and wakes reiki up at Sight howliag at th Moos. SPECIAL SALE OF LLN'EN'S. Mrs. C. Y. Sherman will have for sale at the Misses Bitier's, 117 So. Jackson St., a collection of hand wovon and embroidered linens, Ca nadlun wool blaukets, linen and painted luncheon sets, bedspreads ine nanawork of the southern tnoun taineer women; and various other articles from The Shop at Portland, Oregon. Hours 10 a. m. to 6 p. m July 17 to 23rd, Inclusive. o file Roseburg Art Emhrnlriort. club will have an all day picnic at Lieuows tirove on Wednesday. Th Picnic win negm at 10 a. m. and basket dinner will be enjoyed noon. at at A 11 ONE-HIVE ugarvtte Trie best cigarette in the world -foryou-is the one that suits your taste. Maybe its ONE-ELEVEN. lust kfiv package and "llU QUI 20dgarettesj5 Every Telephone is a Long Distance Station The Pacific Long Distance Telephone lines are tht voice highways of the Coast. Every telephone among the 1,060,000 operated by The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company and its connecting companies is in potential con nection with every other and can be placed iff actual con. nection when. desired. This vast system of communication is at the disposal of the business men of the Coast States for commercial use and for personal conversations between far separated friends. . ' Reach out and get your share of business by the Long Distance way. Keep in touch with relatives and friends over Long Distance. You'll find the results are gratifying. Ask for Pacific Long Distance. The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND OTHERS it raw. ' A Dally Cotama of Qneatloaa aad Answer Conducted by a VToaui Who Knows. Address your Letter to Mr. EUlabury Car BooabBig Hewa-Beriew. Dear Mr. Ellsbury: Is It proper to mark the linen for the bride-elect witn her own Initial of with that of her prospective husband when the linen I given as a present? Thanking you very much for your answer. A FRIEND, Roseburg. A. Cue either the Initial of the bride' first name or Uie initial of hor husband to be. Either one I correct. Do not use the Initial of the bride' last name. . Dear Mrs. Ellsbury: I It no- sible to buy pongee in other shade than tbe natural tint? HOUSEWIFE, Roseburg. A. Yea, it .1 possible to buy pone Kep in any image. yon do not happen to be able to obtah tk v.vwwu, mi wsum, iuu uin a ,r light die. Yon will find that if ft"K uxo mgr innj Tear Mrs. Ellsbury: Could tire me some figure teUing tho meaun oi ine united Sua' as compared with other counhia STUDENT, Rosebnrt 1 A. In June, 1920, in a paper m before the banker's Institute, IM don, Edgar Cnammond estimated aw pains have disappeared. I will pn I follow: United States, $350,IX,i 000,000 to $400,000,000,000! l ted Kingdom, $120,000,000,K. France, 92,5OO,OO0,O00; German, W,0O0,O00,O0Os Italy, $85,0 f OOO.OOO; Belgium, $ia,000,000,0w,' Japan. $28,000,000,000. V PIONIO AT WHISTLER'S BEXD. BACK FROM CORVA1JJS. 'I m . . l lui uci u. ".f 1 n v wnn n a ua ur. and Mr. Fred Havniu inH .v. "."": daughter Teka. Mr. and MrV Charfe. Cor7.7l nTiic TZtl Wharton and daughter Florence, terday. Mr. EddValso iSd were among those enjoying the day a ,hort bus n Vision Aihf,. at Whistler. Bend. The picnic was hi f ,11 T T.".! 'b" planned In honor of Miss Rhea Sykes successful 3 ". ., V who 1. visiting here from her home Interesting 8, In Portland. The day was spent in n I fishing and boat riding, and a most Goodrich Tint Rai-vi. i. r dellclou. dinner was ejyed. ' A. Ikwood Mott "."j CLASSIFIED COLUMN tu. Nam CLassirico advmtisbjkts wiu mm roimo on un rABM VriOKM HKAPI. .nBW TODAY? ' WAITER. WANTED-Palntlnr and roof repair. Ing-. 8 w. a PowU. W!TEJ? A sood Jersey cow. Must no a high totw. Phone ig-P 1. WANTED Wood vice. R. Rhoads. ring, prompt asr Phone 104-V. am tuYoun girl to help with housework. High Khool girl pre ferred. Inquire itoseburg photo tku- WAIsTtl Four young 1400 lb work florae and harness and heavy wag ons. Addree p. a Box "Br. Oak- lnt Orygon. f-B Blndsr. B. w. 30 Winchester Street. FOR SALE Team horsea. wmion mi harneae. Inquire at Deer Cm Bele Stable K z ,r- voer, Huberts uw "OR 8Ai.fc-r-rtoi gooa a ,n. Review 'Braun cnec n . laQulre at t s: M1NCKXLANEOITH liS Ltl rOR SERVICE At 1 W Mnn..!! " woiLU TKADE No. 4 Bhsrple. cream separator n good condition, for k ure. Aaaress P. o, Bos 166, Drain. Oregon. ,jOHT AND FOUND. LOST Blue speckled fox hound. Fe- I aeea west or YnnM . .iom i-in. Oakland. Ore. Reward. rTtS y to nee. Don m.T... Ti 1 SoilSJ" "" oSlo cribia Ixjst Blue and black sooti.J l,.,.J Anyone kiii.. Phone 10-Ftl ,or addrees a C Long .Cleveland, OroaoB. R.w.t of such i- f Reward. oun oouad. .rZZl-61"' - l-iu're at r Roseborg National IWdIl RKNT Nicely fnrnUhea room. lBo HtepheaaphoB 191-j rOR RENT Three rooin f uraiihid hoiwe. on eared etreet. Lon leu? 1nlr ttf T.w Commercial i i OR AtA FOR "ALB Feather Roseburg "re duce rf net m i. .... ... t . - .. - - ... m v. H ,1 g. FOR SALE Black eak wood and vetch hay. Phone t-Fl. C. W. o! . ni-evr team suitable for roed work. Farm Bureau Kxahian FOR SAUK I stands of beea Ii Mr stand. A. a Russell. WeVRoieki? FOR "ALR A garage doing good buelneee nd well .locked with ac ce.eorlee.o5ttlLghwaPlioB SO ?.."h5rAt hargiiSTonr" "new llll ?ljrr,r u tir and Inner tub. Inquire Kdenbower Mora FOR XLB Anrnne wanting to build a moderate sited bars tin bur S';. S" of lumtr ..cV.n,,, FOR FALfc k eveeiient een fVti ndlti ton aravel irurk FS Ine- lot, rv... 'lll tak touring ii? for flret nalr. nVIr Ad4r" 5!w.?r2 FOR SAT.IT ine ...i , .-. .i-ii gw old sheep, a. u. Joseelya,' RMi Do DOB car for sal cheap. Will tn EST .ford or Chevrolet Ad dm Car," News-Review. , R?f7!AURANT AND CONFECTION . .Iiy store for sale. Will take l . Vl li. p, trade. Address 'aum News-Review. FOR 8AI,K leod team horeea, wl -uu luftrnree. Horeea about ltt en, good condition, sound an U hjih. uaaiand. oreaoa. TJR 8ALK OR TRAD) Uxi-epus value I used rare at term to W wash, poller, and r-pelr jj guarantee our work. Motor OaaTK.' F" Mcr,w' 4,, A SNAP utoo cash buys a l-r fon"? " PTd street Lot 1H 1JJ ft. All furnished. IncluoW ' I9 rang and a 60 plane Im for Irooe. Phone til. a. W. I and Bon. rOR SALR ll6 a., bourlas mile from Ounter P. O. tkhoel. pood range, creek, big gam, f In . oOod roaa. fliot). 3M 111 monthly. R. E. WonlleT. Croeby tret. R.n nige. csllf, A OOXJD FARM for al er resT! j"ia.ValTey. Contains , Z ya aje arre anaer ouhi-i LSt , Wlll i --- -, . ... .Mta 1 - ia or Duiidinge. For f ortn niioa can at ioj We -"w. mmrr PumbecK. fMICED RIOHT 1 aoree oa I wat; fenced; t bouse, one I rjr om built-in,- one 4 roomi: large Darn, ben heuaev ldea rr wif-.-i, trie light. IJOO. U cub tL OL W. Tanaf a, m. . at n u FOR PALE 1!0 Ford tnx-V 1350. I 11 Ford truck 00 . jt i . ii rord troi-k wlta now I ran rin snap. ISIS. x ? Ford touring ". " condition. I C A. liOCKWOOD MOTTS FDR 8AI.K OR TRAD I) 1 1 0"" mile east of Rugen. f rlJE? W.Het'r, nwell. t aeree Mret ivt bottom. la eoltlvstioe e, blllg aad fence. fsrtM u ... fin1!. aaa poultry raaeh. v asnaa. rr i