WEATHER. Hifduat yestartlny 83 Unrest law nlfpht SO rtntt and Sunday Fair j Wanner Sunday. h Bfhi New, and The Roaebur, R,riew Y V I -J VOL. XXIV, No. 100, OF ROSEBCRQ REVIEW " " "V .BOSEBCBO, OBEGOX.'sATVRDAr. JULT M. 101. r UI . No. 165, OF THE EVKXCra . fTnTTTTTA. wtw w ---- : ' - . 1 -- twimi mm w ' I SPINAL COLUMN iiEVFRFfl WITH A HIGH POWER RIFLE i BULLET; FRAGMENTS FOUND i - i' - Finger Prints Made by fkrtillon Expert Will be Taken to Port- land For Examination-No Finger Prints In Brumfield's Office Mystery Deepens at EveryTurn. Refused to Join I. W.; Is Killed mm Mam headless body mu minis 1',i.f?,',.fw,,t1 Prssa). HURON, d. Dk.,July 16. w niiuam u. Henderson, aged 23, of Austin. Texas waa shot and killed last night at Wolsey.S. s Dak., by a member of a band of T ,u uunarea industrial Work- em or me world, on a freight train when he refined to tak out an L W. W. card. GIRL IS ATTACKED. IH RECOGNIZED DR. BRUMFIKLI) By Associated Pre PORTLAND, July lw. F. Waldorf of the Rose City Oar- Re here told the police thin afternoon thnt ho recognized the photograph of Dr. ilrum- field as that of the man who stopped at his garage at fivo P. m. Thursday and obtained r gasoline for an automobile which he was driving. He said r the an appeared very nervous and asked the itlmiinn .... the city for eastern Oregon He waa pale with excitement, the garage no said. that her husband. Dr. R. M. Brum fleld was killed in the burning wreck discovered west of the city eduesday night She examined the body after it was brought to- the morgue and claimed it at that time. -uuougn sne Has not seen it .since i AtujnA, July 1. The police are making efforts to locate a Seattle private detective., be- lleved to be one of the two men who attempted to assault Oen- cveive Dell, a Portland girl, w rnuay. jnjsa Dell la la a Ta- coma hospital suffering from a severe nervous attack. ah a v IN HANDS OF CLERK Port of Umpqua Voters Ask Recall of Warren Reed,' J; R. Browne and Joseph Butler. ELECTION IS WANTED Petitioner Present Nomination Pi titioiu For John Uendorer, Wm. It. Sawyers and J. P. Christie, Wln Will be. On Ballot. . , - -vvs Ik iuiii d ; "viio HKUtn, DtiO .freo.U6ny told her close. was discovered unconscious In friends who have talked iih i,.. in ii.,s..i. T concerning the matter that she i. following ..rnVin I James Hunter. Bertillon finger expert rrom Portland, arrived I the city this mornlne ti. mn,i,i I Investigation and to assist in the wuucauon ot the il-.tcapltated ly taken from the auto wreck of I Brumfield's car. Mr. Hunter uruuKiu to this city at the re st of Coroner Rltter and upon his Aval here today aaarted at once in t effort to secure finger print of iuis nusseii, ur. Brumtield and mystery ooay in the morgue. In , auernoon. with a yWs-Rervtew representative Mr. nnter said he was ahle to sooure a user print irom the dead body and . ao a print at the Dennis Russell wmuiu. ne was unable, however, to mure any linger print of Dr. R. M. Bmmfield, although he visited the dental office and made a thorough arch of that place. No finger Im pressions of the dentist could be 1 nd orf any of the dental tools or t i glass cases. All smooth surfaces i td evidently been wiped clean. The o finger prints obtained by Mr. i enter will be tnken to Portland to- ght where they will be enlarged for aminatlon. When questioned re- ; ming the possibilt? of Identlfl- ion ny usine the Bertillon system . r. Hunter said: "It is the positive way to Mentlfv I? the two finger prints In my pos t vlon can be enlarged MH.fa.m ' thus allowing close examination, esn determine beyond a doubt wther or not the body lying at the gue Is that ot Dennis Russell. me at the Russell cabin this v mooue when most of her cloth- ing was torn from her body. ROSERVRG MAX APPOINTED. " - tuav nun iff fully convinced tiat It Is her hus- Mrs. Brumfleld ha K.n ...u about the murder theory and has been kept fullv infm-mon -u the latost developments. She stout ly maintains her belief In hi. innn. cence and feela badly hurt to think the community would believe her husband guilty of the crime. Affairs Not Known. Mrs. Brumfleld knows practically nothing of her husband's financial afatirs. He never kept her Informed on Ilia business er knew what he had done with his money. In matters about the farm and home he alwava MmnMi thl Initiative) and so far as being able to lor any or nis funds, or knowing; anything abont hla personal affairs, lira, Brumfleld ia unahi m give any information. - .She says ha has appeared perfect ly normal in mind, and although he has been somewhat worried over fin ancial affairs, he haa at no Aim played and signs of nervousness and has uever exhibited and signs of de ranged mentality. I"os Mortem Held. " tun pui mortem examination nn.. ..... . Sfda -?'! h--' "ouy today byjj rZZZ I l I was examined carefulfv the ..Sv'J ?'Ub . 8ur'- "-la clana investigating every deull that he real storv IT I might assist in clearing up the nus-j. "i" .0r 1 break fit any moment. This of- i c win be open all day Sunday ' By Aasotaated Press). ASTORIA, Juiy 1$ Dr. L. W. iiycie, ot Hillsboro. is slated for comraanaer of the Oregon Spanish American war veterans at the annual encampment here, and W. C. Wad dell Of Roseburg. Is unopposed for junior rice-oomninndor. The contest for the senior vice-commander Is be tween S. 9. Hawker nt Alhunr anil whit K. J.unaoerg or Portland. A resolution adopted 'today censuring the national administra tion for Its attitude on the- soldiers' bonus bill and urging the Oregon delegation to work for Its Immediate passage. They asked that the loan feature of the bonus bill apply to Spanish -war veterans.-' -. .,w.w. ! w 1UU BTOKV-TO I1KKAK MOO..4 tery. Bullet Hole. Pomwl Two bullet holes were located In the body. One punctured the back '; "lar, eSlUon'tlfe net .n 1 about four inches below thA f T coiuon of the paper will th. ihould hSff .LTi?Ltf,?.'L'?bu,ro - "ts at ter of tbe back. It ranmd unworn, i T "U,'H' tearing out threo variebmia T ...... Ing the man's back. The Imlloi I shattered Into many pieces and tore fracture. its way into tbe chest cavity. The abdominal organs were care- . About two inches lower was found fully examined and were found to be another bullet hole, the bullet pene- perfectly normal. traUng the chest cavity, fracturing j Man Had Heavy Meal, two rlba. Neither bullet emerged. 1 The contents of the stomach wi re Portions of Bullet md. taken, but not thoroughly examined. Several- uortlon. or lead, a nlng I found a fairly clear finger of PPer Jacket and a badly smash- parent that the man partook of a st on a looking glass and I took ed Portion of the bullet, carrying heavy meal, doubtless consisting of ooin copper and lead, were found meat and potatoes, a few hours be in the chest cavity. Whether the 'fore death occurred. The content. pieces were sections front both bul- of the stomach will probably lie an lets or only one is not known. alyzed more closely before the ln- Althouga the bullets were badly ouest takes place. So far as la known shattered It Is plain thst they were Dr- Brumfleld hsd only a dish of Ice of a large calibre rifle. A 30-caiibre cream in tbe evening. He went to Remington rifle was found In the the Rose confectionary shortly after wreckage of the auto. . w I (Continued on page .) Arms Are Ei-amined. I Working on the theory that Rus sell was reported to have at one time iracturea bis arm above, the uri.i mng torn not to converse on the'ne aoctors opened both forearms, n i, persisTeq in ner statements! ui couia una no indications of Petitions asking for the recall of warren p. Reed. J. R. Browne and Joseph R. Butler, as commissioners of the Port of ITtnpnua, were placed In the hands of County Clerk I. B. Riddle yesterday afternoon by At torney Peck of Marsh Held, who flew from Marshfield to Roseburg to pres ent the petitions which sub for an election to be held In the Immediate ruiure ror the eletclon of new com missioners. John J. Henderer, Wm. K. Snwrers and J. P. Christie, belnr nominated. ' - H Is charged thst the three com missioners named in the recall potl- nuus uave I alien to nrnnnrli. HI.. rnarce tnelr dutlei. The wording Is the same In eacl petition, one be ing prepared for each official, and he char ice is made In the following words: "That he has promoted the Issuance of 1250.000 of port bonds without giving the voters an oppor tunity to express 'their will on the matter:- that he is now promoting the expenditure, of., the taxnavarH' money for a auction dreHre .nt otfcer project whMi will be of little benefit to the df-trlei at laree; that he bas not been regular and conser vstive lu tbe conduct of the port's anairs ann that he Is arbitrary In his attitude as a pnbllc officer." The netltlons contnln the names or snout zoo registered voters and I tne county clerk Is checking the Murder Charges Been Dismissed (By Associated Press). WASHINGTON. July !. w All federal nroeeAriinv. a. against Captain Robert Rosen- bluth. of New York, and Her. a geant Roland Pothler, of Provl- w aence, k. I.. tn connection with v me snootlnr Malor l.nnj a Cronkhlte. at Camp Lewis, Washington, in October. 1st ft aV are to be dismissed. Attorney w ueiitu-ai uangnerty announced today after a nerannal A w gation. He said all of the evi- aence gathered by his depart- w ment snail be sent tn the nrn.. cutlng attorney of Pierce cpnn- 4 iy, asDington. ror such action v aa ne deems proper. Not Yet CVitivlneMl. a TAOOMA. Jnlv 18 Pro., a cutor Selden said that all r th. a paner he has in the case have w not convinced him that Rosen- v Diutn and Pothler shenild be tried. He said, however, that he would examine all the pa- w pers me government will turn over. 4 OFFICERS CET ADDITIONAL CONVINCING THEM RUSSELL WAS MURDERED Authorities After Careful Search Find Evidence Which They I"1..I2 A . W S a. . . cvime io make ruDiic But Which Convinces Them Beyond Doubt of Premeditated Murder. " Delightful Picnic At Fletcher Grove Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Fletcher, of Brockwny, entertained a number of their friends last night with a picnic In the beautiful grove near their noma. The trees were hung with Jack-o-lantcms, . which gave a wlerd, yet u,,,,,, in imni tr tn festivities. A delightful evening was spent with game, and music, after which a pic nic lunch was nerved around tha canipiire. i nose who participated In the event wore, Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Bux- lon, sir. and Ws. Albert Orahsm, nir. and .tirs. Hlxon. Mr. anil Mm Olive rlsher, Mr. and Mrs. W. h' Stephens. Mr and Mrs. Bumhan. Mr. Mrs. Kooerta. Mr. and Mrs. N. I. Hewitt, Harrr Fletcher. Mr and Mm. Charles Dyar, Mrs. Hafr names aln.t the revl.'r.ilnn roit.R'". MiBes Fmm a Bonn lie. i,nCy the pet Hons. The " "nuixe. ma cnu impression of it. I was unable find any finger prints of Dr. im field In his offlse although I ed very carefully In an attempt ecure one. Finger, print Identifl n will tell the story when noth t else will and experts can make mistake in the matter. Irs. Brumfleld Is Insistent thst body Is that of her husband. She I been instructed by her attorney lay nothing and consenuantlv la discussing tne matter, bat priori prior to filing the petitions. The retltlons cannot be filed nnMI their leirmitv is nronerlv established: an action which the county clerk Is now taxing. As soon as they are filed the county clerk will notify the officials whose recall Is desired. They are then given five dars In which to re sign. In the event thev fall to do n tne clerk is renulred to call an election, which must be he'd within 2" aavs rrom the time the five davs' notice exnlred. At this election the voters will exnres themselves on the recall of the- three commissioners and will name three other, to take neir maces in the event the rocall is earneti ont. The recall Is the ontrrowth nt a long wrangle over the port of rmp qna affairs. The Issuance of bonds for the purpose of constructing a dredge and doing other Improvement work was opposed by a large faction, which orcanized Into the Port of Umpqua Taxpayers' League and se enred sn Inlnnciton against the Is- lr.e. Hulda Rchiilzn Messrs Fred Schiilse. Henrv ftchnlrn P. W. Cooper Chsrles Buxton, Rus sell, Graham, Bud Hlx-son J. M. Fletcher and host and hostess, Mr. mid Mrs. Thomas Fletcher. Mrs. M. E. Hamilton, of Olendale. arrived here yesterday, after receiv ing word concerning her bother, Den nis Russell. She was accompanied oy Mrs. iiasseel, also of Olondalav Additional evidence ih. uii wiey are unable to divulge. causea tne officers to become 'ery empnatic. that tha IlriimnBl,! mystery Is purely a case of premedl- ii.-u muruer and that the body In the morgue Is that or d... sell, who they nro confident met with P'y. That the officers have u"1 sometning which has caused them to lose all doubt In Ihelr own minds Is plainly evident from Interviews with them today. They refuse to discuss the nature of the new findings, which they state are such that they cannot be made pub ic without defeating their efforts to locate the missing man. Heretofore the officers have been working on a theorr ahi.i. .i. themselves, admitted to be more or ess imaginative. Their story was j.awi almost entirely on ni.n,.i evidence, filling In the gaps by do- auctlve reasoning. Tholr theory In Its esrlv Stages fniinrf nh.i...i.ti n mny minor details, which, while ring to strengthen their own minds, and keep them working on the early theory devolved, prevented them from becoming definitely set tled In their conclusions. All of their statements were made quill fledly Thcv hesitated to make any derinlte statements, committing themselves to any one theory or any one conclusion. ' Condition u Changed. Some finding Isst night, however, has completely changed this condi tion of their minds, and for the first time they announce, definitely and positively that hey are convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that1 The prove our case. This deed la on of the most dastardiy crimes ever com mitted In Douglas county and we hope soon to have its perpetrator in custody.'' Officers Work Hard, sf fleers hava tiAAn tirelessly since the burning car and body beneath waa fnnnrf city Wednesday night. They have made careful searches at the various ' spots concerned in th case and hava Picked up much evidence which has greatly aided them in tall tins s. gether the chain of circumstantial evidence which Is binding Dr. Brum fleld as the mnrderar r run.i. r.. ell. It speaks well for the efficiency of the officers, that within a few Jotirs after the affair occurred, they had searched through the tangle which surrounded the tdontity of th -.j aim were crowaing tha mur flerer close. The mystery was suffi ciently deep to cause a long delay, and had It been a little more care fully worked out and had less panic entered into the consummation of he deed. It Is qnlte probable that the plan would have succeeded In stvordsnce with the plans of tha ' murderer. nuance of bonds. They cbarge the port commission ers with proceeding over the objec tion of tho Voters, refusing to open the books to public inspection, noiaing secret meetrngs, refusing ti meet or discuss port affairs wtth delegations or attorney representing me taxpayers or tbe port and in other wars carrying on an soltrsry pro cedure in direct opposition to the wishes of the majority of the voter. nn taxpayer. nlire City on Edge Awaiting Development In 's Brumjield Mystery Murder iEva Catherine Kaber Guilty First Degree Murder Jury's Verdict; Life Imprisonment i wver before in the history of urg has there been sn tre- oua nervous excitement which Keralled for tfc List hw days, as haa bvi practically rus- While merchant. anH ljrV. Wd on the streets to dlarnas .mystery connected with the 7- .. "" case and the num- - theories advanced, fntll after J-,ht ' night the crowds lln rd In front of in swni -m. snxlously awaiting some wo-J "srning the case. The gathering -da eagerly grabbed each bit of , although nothing new of a dins nature waa revealed. At the streets wer so blocked i automobiles that It waa aeces for th officers to clear a way raffle. y families an nndvr such a nervous strain as a result of In the many discussions? (ny A.noclatAit Praas). CLEVELAND, July 18. Mrs. Eva Catherine Kaber was today found guilty of murder In tin) first degree Each and ont w'tn recommendation of mercy i by the wife. . )n her ch,lr For two long years, Moses Kaber. , Instructions to Jury, uie bkch tamer or tne murdered Six forms of v.rHi. ..... i man. dorrrdlr kent wnrkln. .. ... . . . 7 . '" ereryone seems to be struaalln. to r the Jury which trfc-d her on a i ...Z , 1 '.. Z, ,1 J r . "?i pn ! mty T"l,,n " 'r decision In the the almost to advance some pi;t;chsrge of plotting and killing her b"t ; b,? which cradua n, tZA .'i".. 7 u'y murder In able theory that will help in clear-1 husband. Daniel K. Kaber. . ?M. ?, "t'l'L '.orme,d ! fh d'sree. which carries with . -". orain in in. a nrina ih,lp ttets Life Hentrace. ing up the mystery. Th officer. are now working under cover, which ' Mrs- Kaber was sentenced to life adds considerably to the mystery of ' Imprisonment In the Ohio refornia the affair and th crowds aro on I tory for women at Marysvllle. their tiptoes, expecting th climax at I I'nder the Ohio law there Is no any moment. hope for a pardon for th convicted Tbe telegraph and telephone wlr. woman who was sdludced aulltv hw In and out of Roseburg have been the Jury's verdict. kept siuling with news of tbe mnr-1 Prisoner tn Rfttnnr. der case. The Portland Publications When the verdict waa annnm.e.J ing to light . the murder plot. fir.!. Apr rum muni.. , . ... . ., ... - , ; " w,.i. , TjiiiniciiD. ... ., . """. tion ror mercy, carrying with It life Hnally the brother of Mrs.TCabor ' imnrt.onmeni .iih. . " " mother M M.rr.Ul. h8r " " carrying Z:J, ? i M,r'1Brtc,w. h" was . life Imprisonment, subject to psrdon sii.pwtsd f knowing much about! by the governor; manslaughter ear th murder, w.. Jed to believe that rylng . penalt; of in.prl.on'm"nt 5" "2" l I hr "th the from one to 20 years; not guilty horrible crime of murder. Tbe run guilty on the ground 7ln I' are shooting queries to the local cor- Mrs. Kaber collapsed and had to b Z i? . u?Ja ,Ti' 1 I"' 1"'r i ,hun Ir'nlt her on thst murder mponoenia ny tne dozens In an at-'carried from the courtroom. She re- r.i. i.,.iT...i. Z " " J " rn,r- subjecting her to con- -- - -J --"" mw wiie on raainea la a siupor ail im niirBiin aI s. a. . . trht long , Mr. KahVr and Mi.. uZZZ'lZ: : '-1n . ne. Tlun- Marion Me-j In his charge to the Jury Judge c.Av. land her exhanateit anil . l,nn., Th staff members of th Nwa.;i. hH .... .. . . .v. I Review hsv been working nlrht and t.rrin. .mi. .i ii,. .i j day since th fatal night of July 13 result which rnXnt' life Imprison In an effort to assemble all of th ment for her. . facta and to print they aa thar sn-' rvi.r.. t- vr- i. ws that thaw sr. aaannin. vi.iZI .- .rt?" J". i Jury began balloting Just two ' cam was carrlau rrom th courtroom nad tb murder. daughter. hr- Bernon said then, should b. no en- CVIlIried at MnlJ. V?,i0n " Mr"' K,ber W" '"" to Mr. K?r!5 L I . ' ""tlly Irr-enonrtble at the time . M.r?1b"r'.h" hd mt "PPrent- 'of th murder. Th burden of proof ly oblivious to th arguments of . that sh wss Inssn however, m S.nBT,',nh.r.',.l, -," dc!.red. was ""th. th 'tr.m pn.lty. faint.d unity wss th. sol defense V- 11 Pear Growers Dis pose of Pears The pesr growers la Rosebur nd vicinity have formed a pool un der the direction of C. A. Brand who grows a lam Ainonn. . 'he case Is purely and simply on this morning disposed of their of murder, long premeditated and pears bv wir nrefuMy nlnnned In everv, l nlng comnanv ar a.l.m fni.- i What this finding Is can onlv be surl received was $60 por ton for No iiitsed. The officers emnhniii-nli. l's and t1l nni tnn ... ... l ' . fiiRe to divulge the result of their Pool consists of 250 tons of Biirtlett Investigation, stating thnt It would I'rs. This price is considered very 'njiire their case, but whatever It Is. I fair under tho present fruit and can It has brought about In tbe minds of: nlng conditions. The outlook. Is the officers comnletn aitt.f.Minn good for . .... .... " iDmii ua nu I'D i n nv n.wn : iiaiuii. arrnrnin. a. ,h. K ..L - -- V WBIT. 'hat they have now only to ferrlt out the- deeper mates, which lie be tween the culmination of the murder ana tne escspo of the mtird.'ror. "I am convinced bevnnd anv ahad iw of a doubt that this rase Is one or long premeditated murder, and I im confident that subsequent find ings will show conclusively thst the body In the morgue Is that of Dennis nusseii," Sheriff Stariner stated last light after returning from rural dls 'rlcts. where, accompanied by Dep uty Sheriff Webb and Chief of Po lice Rbamhrook, a careful search of vme nature was made. "I am not at Utterly to tell what we have learned. It Is our dutv to capture the murderer and lha div ulging of this Information st this time would completely wreck our chances. The evidence, we have lo- sted, however, has convinced me he- rond all donht thst our theory Is correct and thst we will he able to Campers Receive Joyous Surprise A dellghtnl surprise occurred last evening, when two auto loads of young people motored jiut to Dr. Fin lay's camp ground on South Deer cr.ek, where Lois Oeddcs and Alice Hooper are camping. Music and games were enjoyed by the light of the camp fire, after which light refreshment. nr.. ' served. Those who participated In the occasion were, Mrs. R. D. Mack- ay, Vera Mackay. Josephine McEl hlnny, Naomi Phelps, Jeanette Olbbs. ijtnuer vrrnon JiacKav. Allan Wlckhsin, Will Hsldeman. Theodore Abraham. Donald nihh. vrtHi. Smith. Walter Cook, and the two campers. Lois Ocddes and Allco Hooper. Inspection to be Made Of Local Aviation Field By Captain Lowell Smith Roseburg' aviation field will he officially inspecti'd tomorrow ween the hours of 11 o'clotk s. m. and 2 o'clcok n. m.. bv Cant. Lowfll II. Smith, commanilins officer of the ist aero squadron, stationed at Eu gene on forest patrol duty. Cantaln Smith, this morning telephoned ha 111 arrive In one of the snvernment plsnea tomorrow at 1 1 o'clock, and ill mas a thoronsh Insrw-tcion of he field preparatory to Issuing In trusions regsrdlng the Isndlna of fonst patrol planes at this city. The Coos snd Cnrrv ronn'v iitane which wss her yesterday will also ho here tomorrow snd will make ... hlbltion flights and will tak up pas- nsm-s tor a nominal sum. Pilot Hrtgss stated that he wnnld coma tn Roaebxirg at snv tin, at th cojn msnd of th lorsl Legton post and will do stunt and cnmmerclal flrins over th field, which Is bow In ex cellent ahap. Captain Smith has h . ... he-i ions for several . ii. ... . .. ' able base established at Roseburg. ' In consultation with several of th . forestry officers snd with Leo De vsnoy h stated that tho plane will be sent here at frequent Intervals ' in the event the field Is kept In con dition. The field here will greatly aid the forrst patrol In maintaining ' Its efficiency snd be of great benefit. ' The officers will be met by a re- ' ception committee representing th ' American Legion post and the Cham- ", ter of Cominerc, After a prelimin ary inspection cf tho field he will ' be takea to the t'mpqua hotel wher -sn Informal banquet will b held at -1 noon. Following the banquet, th efflcer will make a thorongh. de tailed Impectlon of th landing field snd will then return to Engec n-hll this la going on Pilot Brlgg. t In bis Coo and Curry county plana! will utTt spectator. - v