Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 15, 1921, Page 3, Image 3

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i i
?e Car Containing Body of Dead Man Through the Streets of
i Roseburg Last Night Automobile Accident Only a
Ruse to Cover Up Well Planned Murder
have been only a burn, probably made by a cigarette. The
spot where the murder was committed is about a quarter oi
a mile from the cabin occupied by Russell and near the
prune orchard ot Henry Booth at Dole
Alter placing the body or we acaa
i From News-Review "Extra" Thursday Night
The mystery surrounding the alleged death of Dr. R.
Brumfield was cleared by local officers early this even
, The fact has been established that the body lying at
morgue in this city is not that of R. M. Brumfield but
e other than Dennis Russell, the recluse who has been
g in a shanty on the Pacific highway southof Rose
f, and only a short distance from the Booth ranch near
I. '- .-.' ''
Jrumfield is alive, according to the officers, and is a
h wanted man at this moment. ' His deep-planned plot
irofit bv takintr the life of an innocent man has been
xl, and, instead of attempting ta ferrit out the details;
cl tie "automobile accident" the officers are now turning i
thit, attention to running down a criminal for one of the
mOft COld-DIOOUea anu airotious tunics cvci (.ummiucu hi
the aistory of Douglas county
All dav long vaerue rumors were afloat regarding the
c e of Brumlield's automobile being found ditched sev-J
miles west Ot tnis cuy, wun me cnarrea remains 01 a
in body underneath the car. When the remains were
id at the morgue today by intimate acquaintances oi
i octor there were many who were prone to believe that
xJdy was that of Dr. R. M. Brumfield, but refrained
expressing a definite opinion.
onight the whole. mystery was cleared and here is the
as given by the officers and those close in touch with;
t ly's activities concerning the "terrible automobile ac-
te this afternoon Sheriff Sam Starmer received a
; ne -message from a couple of men who have been
yed on the highway south of Roseburg near the
branch, stating that they had found a hat on the pavc
;as well as a large pool of blood, and asked that the
rs make an investigation-. They had not notified the
-ts before as it was their first thought that some party
3lain a deer and escaped with the carcass, but upon
Ang late today of an alleged murder in connection with
the Brumfield case, decided to at once inform the officers
of their find.
. Sheriff Starmer in company with County Judge Quine
at once instituted an investigation, going direct to the spot
where the hat and pool of blood had been found. The men,
upon finding the hat this morning, concealed it in a nearby
field.- When the officers arrived at the place designated
by the workmen they discovered a scene representing a
miniature slaughter house at the very edge. of the pave
ment,! showing that Russell had been fouly dealt with. His
hat had been left as the only tell-tale story of a brutal mur
der, the man committing the deed overlooking this bit of
evidence in his hurried escape to elude any suspicion.
There were no bullet holes in the hat, but the front just
above the sweat band showed an opening of several inches
with a bunch of human hair embedded in the felt, mute
evidence that the murderer had struck his victim a heavy
blow with some blunt instrument, and failing to stamp out
the LT of his prey, reached in the automobile, grabbed his
rifle rnd sent a bullet through Russell's head.
The supposition advanced by the officers is that just a
fev? taoments after. Brumfield committed the crime, and
be' i he had had ample time to cover up his deed, W. R.
jail, ui inc iuo uaic urove up in nis macninc. ijrum
yticing the advancing automobile at once pushed the
)f Russell into the front apartment of the car, jumped
'.machine, made a wild, 'reckless get-away which at
i Mr. Bowman's attention, but the latter, knowing
ruin field exceedingly well, did not think there was
ing wrong, other than probably the doctor was hav
i little trouble with his machine. Mr. Bowman's state-
today, (not published) was to the effect that when
came upon Brnmfield he was in tbe middle of the
ay and that a woman was leaning well forward in the
the front scat of the machine, and that when Brum-
..iarted his car, which zig-zagged to either side of the
roe 1 for a considerable distance, the feet of a woman could
be teen dangling through the front door opening. It is
very probable that Russell's body had been wrapped in
sot t material which caused Mr. Bowman to mistake the
body for that of a woman. Hyvevcr, there were some who
doubted Mr Bowman's statement made today and it was
given little credence, but it was probablv through his in
sight of the activities of Brumfield on the highway that
jfave the officers a good clue to work out a murder case,
which the lost no time in doinrr.
Tonight circulars are being senthroadcast giving a de
scription of Brumfield and notifying the officers that he
is ramen on a cnarga oi murder and that 5200 will be given
for arty information leadine to his arrest.
The band in the hat found todav bears the initials. "W.
DH." (W. Dennis Russell), is of light color and of the
fee v type. There was a small hole in the
Wi it first thought to be a bullet hole but later proved to
man In bis machine Brumfield pre
sumably drove to Myrtle Creek, anil
there turned around and niade bis
way back to Roseburg. He wis teen
by Officer Wilcox about 11 .o'clock
at night' turning bU car at tbe In
tersection of Cass and Oak street and
headed for -the Oak street-'bridge.
He continued hla Journey . to tbe
place where the car was found this
morning. Tbe officers believe be
"timed'1 bla car when it went over
the eiubauknttut, that he placed
Russell's body underneath the ma
chine, put a stick of dynamite on tbe
dead mau's bead, attached a fuse
to a dynamite cap, blew his victim's
'bead off, set rire to the car In an
effort to destroy tbe body. Before
accomplishing this deed, Brumfield
had taken off bis linger ring and
placed it on Russell's finger to fur
ther carry out the thought that he
( Brumfield ) had met' with a disas
trous accident and lost his life by the
burning ot his car, according to the
conclusions of the officers.
.The whole affair looks like a pre
arranged attempt on tbe part of
Brumfield to carry out a deed which
would redound with financial bene
fit to himself and the officers will
make a determined effort to appre
hend him.
It Is also known that within the
past few days Brumfield bad bor
rowed two different sums of money,
one aiuouut in tbe sum ot $5tl and
the other for $600. The dynuuiitc
had been purchased several days ago
and his plan fully made to carry out
the atrocious crime and make a get
away under the cover of night. This
conclusion has been definitely
reached 4y Sheriff Starmer and other
officers, all of whom have given the
case close attention throughout the
The body ot Dennis Russell lies
cold In death at tbe local morgue
mute evidence of a murderous mind
intent on carrying out a deed un
heard of and never before duplicated
In the criminal annals of Douglas
county. , - - -
Tbe supposition that the murder
was committed in order that his
family might col tec t the Insurance
was furthered when it became known
that Brumfield carried $10,000 ac
oident policy, a 116,000 lire insur
ance policy and $1000 on the Elgin
auto which was destroyed in the
wreck. The officers . are following
out the belief that It is extremely
unusual for a man in debt to curry
such large Insurance, thus burden
ing himself with big premiums.
At about nine thirty o'clook this
evening Victor Short who had been
at the scene of the accideut tonight,
brought a leather belt In bearing a
large Initial "B". The belt wai
found some distance from the sceue
of the auto wreck. The belt un
doubtedly belonged to Dr. Brum
field as it talllod exactly with Int
one worn by him. Tlio officers have
possession of the belt. I
Crops Equal Labor
Supply and Demand
For the first time iu months the
labor supply und demand la about
equal, states Frank Armli.ue, man
ager (it the local office of Ue I'niled
Slates employment bureau. Thii has
been due the last two weeki to tbe
harvest of bay and berrk-s uml other
farm work which has brju,-ht a tem
porary demand for laborers, lie cays.
Farm aud orchard workers nr.- draw
lug 2 a day and board or 13 with
out board. This is also the common
wage for unskilled workers In lum
ber mills and for highway construc
tion at the present time. Raspberry
Dickers are. brmr uai.l unH ic
cents a pound for work while 1 aiid
1 V4 cents is the wages -if loganberry
pickers. I
More lumber mills are closed
down now than at any time in re- j
cent yenrs aud unless thoro la some '
Improvement In the fall, Mr. Ar.iut-I
age says there will be many persons '
out of work during the. winter. Thuj
harvest work is calculated to furnish!
all with employment during tlio re-j
malnder ot this month hih! August. I
After that many will be required to
look -elsewhere for work.
' Many of tbe mill hands at
3pringrield. Wendllng and other mill
towns of tho county have been plac
ed on farm and road work by the
employment bureau. The bumpur
crop In both hay and fruit and tne
heavy yield of grain, which will joon
be harvested, has been the means ol'
giving everyone not otherwise em
ployed at least work for the winter.
Excitement Runs High.
Excitement was at white heat on the streets of Rose
burg tonight and hundreds of people c mgregatcd in
trrouns alom? the business district discussing the mnrW
and the man hunt for Dr. Brumfield. AH seem anxious
lor his apprehension and many have signified their wil
lingness to the officers to assist in the search. j
Could Not Stop Auto.
Edward Kohlhagcn who was on police duty at the lawn
social on Jackson and Mosher streets last night said that
Dr.-Brumfield's car roared down Main street at about K
o'clock and swirled onto Mosher street. Kohlhageh made
an attempt to stop the car, fearing, that he would turnon
to Jackson street and injure some of the participants in the
social. He held up his hand signalling : for a stop and
Brumfield roared past him, barely missing him. The dead
man was probably in the auto at the time and it would not
have been safe for Brumfield to stop, so rather than to take
chances of being apprehended, staked all and speeded past
Kolhagen stated tonight that he would not swear thai
Brumfield was driving the car, but is Dositive that the auto
was the property of the doctor. He believes that the driver
was Dr. Brumfield, however, but could not be positive as
the atjto passed him at a high rate of speed.
. Deductions Wece Correct.
Claude Cannon, B. L. Hyland and George Ward 'this
afternoon arrived at the deduction which has proved to be
correct.. They did not make public their beliefs at the time,
but told several of their friends concerning their ideas con
cerning the mystery.
Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L
Moore Music Studio opens Sept 1.
Pennsylvania Tire Service. Ask
is. Ford Garage. 1
Goedyear Tire Service. Ford
larage. j
Pulnlmu fTtrartlnn nf laath
room 9, Masonic temple. Dr. Iter ban.
Pennsylvania Tire Service. Ask
is. Ford Oarage. I
Oolng on a picnic? Get your
lunch goods at Foutch's Confection
ery. The highest cash prices will be
paid tor second band furniture,
stoves, etc. J. B. Henlnger, 404
Cass street Phone 102.
Resident Representative
Weavers of Fluff Rugs
Call Phone I34-L.
kt.itr rtFarrv PARIOKU
On and after this date The 4
Service Oarage will be able lo
furnish Chevrolet Service and
Parts. 4
Glenn II. Taylor. .
332 N. Jackson St. 4
If you" haw any second hand fur
niture to sell, let Jarvla ft Bellows
make you an offer. They will pay
the drayage to have it taken away.
329 West Cass St. Phone 2 6 IT
Service Garage. Goodvear Tires.
i o
A rale of delicious home-cooking;
will be held at Vosburgh Brothers'
Store, Saturday, July 16, by tho Wo
men's Missionary Society ot the M.'
Order fresh goat's m'.lk, delivered
dally. Sunray Ranch, Myrtle Creek.
Goodrich Tire Service. 8oe us. C.
A. Lockwood Motor Co.
Playtimes Echo-
Mother, Im Hungry I
The answer is ready instantly
A heaping bowl of
Post Toasties
with cream or milk
and childish appetite
could ask nothing more '
delicious or satisfying
Post Toasties are the toasted
perfection of selected white com ;
Order by name to get the ..
best of aU corn flakes
At Grocers Everywhere! '
Made by Post um Cereal Conine.
Battle Creek, Michigan..
For a short time we are making a
special price on all portraits. We
also do ko'dak finishing, latest finish.
137 Jackaon, Bll Sisters Bldg.
NAmadakuh, Auctioneer, gets bleu .
Ue N. Pine St.
jU . Ii. SWKS-cu rieweis. rnvna
Its. 4US W. Case,
OH. m. H.
PI. Y I. ICR Cnirupraotie
tit W. Lane at
If you would
like your
. Silverware
to express individuality,
let us submit designs tor
your approval We spec
ialize in artistic engraving
and can show you samp
cs of beautiful work.
BRYAN'S Gift Shop
Jewelry Silvei ware
Are offering Municipal Bonds that
yield from C to T per eent on Oregon.
Washington and Montana towns and
counties. We specialise In Liberty
and Victory Bonds. We handle
large and small orders alike. ;
Goodyear- Tire Servloe.
There will be a meeting of all -prune
growers at City Hall, Satur
day. July 16th, at I p. m (or the
purpose of considering harvesting .
wages. Also considering pooling of
all prunes outside of association. .
Ooodvear Tires. Bervtusi Oarage.
Douglas County Light and Water Co..
Cylinder Re-Boring
a Specialty. '
Only electric re-bo ring machine
In the county.
FlffHT P0R
Threshing Machines
Page Woven Wire Fence
Stearns & Chenoweth
Say, Mr. Auto Owner:
We Want you to know we have opened a general automobile refadr
shop. We can repair and make new parts for any kind of a jar,'
from a Ford to tbe biggest and best car made. Also design aod
make bug bodies.
Garretson 2fe Northcraft
Old Empire Oarage. n.t 4 Jtoae gta, 1
I am experienced in all forms of
beauty culture: facial massage, balr
Jhanpooini, and tinting, marcelling,
permanent wave, manicuring, scalp
treatment and violet ray. Onr new
quarters, rooms 1 and 2 In the Hell
Sisters Bldg., are now open and we
solicit your patronage. Well equip-!
ped and sanitary. Hours to II
and 1 to 6. other hours by appoint
ment. Phone BOJ.
We want fresh frnlt of all kinds.
Wfll pay top market prices . tut the
fmlt must be clean aod first-claw In
sll respects or we do eat want any of
It; we wee nnly the txwt rrao.-
r- v
V dP-rPSANi- " "
V . -. I TTIlLl
The Oakland Sensible Six
At the new price of $1375.00 delivered, is the best value for'
your money. Compare it with any six cylinder automobile
selling $500.00 more and you will be convinced.
High power, long mileage on tires and gas, makes the
Oakland inexpensive to operate. Let us demonstrate to you.
Mitchell & Oakland Automobiles, Implements
EVKHYBODY should fight
for sanitary conditions.
The same healthful sur
roundings that you demand be
furnished in our puldie
schools, libraries and churches
shonld hold forth In your own
home. Get acquainted with
our telephone number.
Roseburg Plumbing
and Heating Co.
C W. Hughes. Jfgr.
141 N. season. Roaebwg.
Chevrolet Sales and Service
J Announcing the change of the Chevrolet Apency of the
County. Owners can obtain real Chevrolet service and
4 parts. Effective this date. Day and Night Service.
S GLENN H. TAYLOR 332 Jackson St Phone 478