BOSRBVRQ NEWS REVIEW leaned Dallr Bsewsrl Inlir. , W. fin fen I W isaes-ely jlfW , Balee HilBXOKJl'THlN HATtb Roily. iw yean by mall. ....... .fl ea sily, six monthe. hy mall...... ! R v farrier, per mow I h S 0 the Associated .Trees la axc-luslvelv j entitled -co the use for rerulillrailon of all nfi dispatches credited tn It or j nnl Otherwise credited In thla paper and aliio the new published here In All rlghta of r-pulll aflon of apa-tjet-lli.patrhes herein arc also reserved Cntt-red s"e second-clsse mailer May! 17. IS20, at the uoat office at Ruaebiirg, Or-gon. order the Art-of March . ia7 "itwlmrjt, rrco. July IslHSI." Chinese Complete' Peking Railway PEK1NO, China. July 14. The PcklnK-Sulyuan railway, financed ( and built hy Chinese, has just been completed. It is regarded as a . triumph of dilutee engineering skill as applied to railroad building. It extends from the capital. 403 miles throuxh n rich but undevelop ed fection. and Hi construction pre-' sented many difflrnlt ' engineering prolilcina. and passing as It does Ihrnueb various administrative areas It two nrnvlnne ,mnnr nolltleal oh- glade bad to lm overcome as well, Projected extension and branch lines win afonl -----miration with. the Yct'c river d'sirlc on one hand md wlh the Trme-Slberlrin system in th other .and-evlll onn no. when 1 complete' the e-rait hinterland ffsnen nd Mnnimtla. or Work on the rallwnv wax begun In 1905 when Yuan Bhlh-Knl wnsrerv- Int; as director perioral of railways nnd the first section from Peking to Kaitan vns enened for traffic In 1910. Aftrr that construction was nns"enderl on account of the revo- li'Mnn "ntil 1912, and a further In terruption of five years occurred during the European war. Y"h Knne-eho. the recently re tired minister nf communications f'tii-rieit the worn lait winter. When linked mi with the Trnns-Sllierian and wl'h the nronawed Peklnafnn tnn line. If wi afford the- longest r .nilniinna all-rail communication in the world. New Volume In State Library 'News Review Salem Bureau.) RAI.KM, Ore., July 1 u. (Hpeclal) "The Pacific Northwest Aiuerl cans," is the name of a new volume of bllilllogrnphy recently received by the state library, and which llRtx 4601 books and historical manu scripts that have been written almui this imrt of the United Htates. Thin does not Inrluda strictly state papers and documents, verse, fiction or any other personal production that Is not history. The compiler of this volume If CharlesW. Hmlth, assistant librarian at the University of Washington, Se amu, wiiu-uuiuiiieu iiju iisi uy scuu tng out fiictlouiiaires to all the Im portant libraries or the Pacific North went asking fur lists of all historical works In the libraries. The Oregon state library was able to furnish a substantial part of the list, for Miss Cornelia Marvin, slate librarian, fur some time has been muklnf a specially of collecting books about Oregon nnd Oregon bis lory. Some of the Oregon books are exceedingly rare. Another volume of particular In terest to the student or history, which Is on the shelves of (he state library, Is entitled "Subject . Index to the History of the Pacific North west and Alaska." The volume men tlnns every Important actor In the drama of the Oregon territory, men Hons the literary folk and others who have attained prominence In the lift or the Northwest. Considerable Inrldentnt Oregon history Is cnninlned In a blhllograph l-al record nf all the narratives am' stories nf California nrlor to 1 RtiFt It Is said tbif while California Itself wbs known Ion before Oregon, and l'ier are Spanlh and other writings -nte-'aHn. anvlblng relating to the Northwest, the'years between US4 whrn Jason T ee came tn Oregon .anil 1'7. when the real California story hcrilns. produced a tremeudnur amount of Oregon lilernture. If mi want ynnr old clothes to 1nk like new call Lloyd Clcnnlnr Works. Peace Grove Goes For Firewood F.t. PASO. Texas, Julv 14. Me (an rhllilren (tailoring firewood an S'owly wiping out a clump of cot t'tnwnnd trees northwest of Juaret Mexico, across the Itio Grande rrom nnre, wnirn tins neen known as "Peace drove" because It was there that tieneral r'rnnclsco I. fAtudero -reed to a scries of armistices hlrh preceded the end or bis revo tllllnn. A"nroxlmatelv ITt trees marked th historical spot In 1911. Todiw. 1 Is ssld. Is thsn half this nmn hVr survive the raids or the ehlldrer. pent to search for fuel. The grove won Its nsme In 1911 hen Msdero led his troops against thw .Inaret federal enrrlsnn. which e'malncd lnvsl lo President IMaf "lie commander of the rarrlson and 'dern arranged several armistices under the trees of the grove. W1MHIW SAI.K The Women's Tleneflt Assn. nf the Maeahhee will here a home cooking lndw sale at 1. O. Newland's ".lesriwvn. corner Cass and Stephens fits.. Ssturday, July 1. 1991. tok! Hear ton curtains with Plate elaae. Havs one Installed. Font Oarage. OWX VOIU HOME How would roa like to own a borne with sewer connections and on payed street!. In a real- :enc district close In, whore everyone owns their own borne? Where there are modern bouses green lawns and flowers bloom- ing Instead of weeds. Four of 4 our soldiers boys have secured lots, all In a row, and others are joining and helping them to make this the moat beautiful spot In our cliy. Ho yon want lo live and enjoy life In. such surrounding? If so, s-e N. Itlre for a lot in Overlook Ad-t dition. ' w w -a- a- w w , V entllatlOn Of Tubes Is Problem PITTSIil'nCII, July 14. Search Ing fur un ideul system of ventllatlun for the highway tubes which are to Ne driven unditr the Hudson river j lietweeni New York and Now Jersey, I engineers of the Pittsburgh station of the United Stales llureau of Mines are preparing for the mom elaborate experiments ever conduct ed along this line. 1 Workmen are no engaged In ulldiiiK a tube 400 feel long hy 10 feet hixh and nine feet wide. Thru this automobiles will be driven, un der conditions suggested by the. New York-New Jersey tunnels. The en gineer vill then determine the best men ns of carrying off the exhaust zanseg from the machines, and em body them In a ventilation system that will protect the Uvea of persons Traveling the tubes. The experiment will be rondnrted under the dlrec- lon or J. W. Paul, or the Pittsburgh Flurenu, some time during the latter part or August. Bureau engineers long ago deter mined, bv exhaustive tests the na ture of the gasses from motor cars. snd pointed out the danger to per sons who allowed motors to run in raroces Inniiflliently ventilated. The snme problem Is nresented br the Irnfflc tubes, which. If calculations are right, will be pretty well filled with motor cars every bonr of the day and night. To carry ofr these Kasees and preaerve the lives of per sons in tbe tubes, will be the object nf the experiments. The Pittsburgh work Is a contin uation of problems somewhat simi larly taken up at the University of Illinois, which are nearlng comple tion. Look! Hear ton curtains with nbite lass. Have one Installed. Ford Oarage. flbrimeHaMchln's si sett a ssks Wn nuilcl a K'rl on toe street today dremril around the neck like tho arctic reitlona nnd like the eiialor around the ankles. It Is aald that the majority of Immortals are chronic Krouclies, We don't iloiilit It, Anyone would be grouchy trylnfr to Miueeze grin out ol the American public. llnv'd Klismbr'k, keeHsr nf the lianileuhH, was walklne along tbe street this mortilng when a little child ran un to him crying, "I've lost my mamma, WOWt I've lost m mamma!" Itave sahl, "Well, tliat'i Iihi lNd. .Why ilidn't you hang on to her skirt." The little yonngslei soblilnirly reulletl, "I couldn't reach It." The man getllng married nnwa davs must alnrw irn licenses mar- rbnen and auloinoblle. Tim old souk, 'lrfkt a l.lttle Knn- shine III," seems til linve lieen ehaniriNl ti "Hncak a l.lttle MiMin- Hhlne In." Life's greatest iM'iiefiictitr Is the fidlovr who makes two uiins urove where there was only a grou.h 'r- fort, It's nil rlu'ht tn pat a fellow on the hark once In a V.I1II1 providing lie Isn t Niiiiurnil. isj TIIK trTHY. Ilif i-e i;ns n npples hluh t lbon irr'! nnta enihnitvn Wtir, iim day In the country Is north a month In fonn. Thore would lie rev uae golmr to heaven If everjone liked ns and no one riiNaei us. 9 Ain't It fiinnv thai a feller c-n howl M head off on the ilreet but when his nime gels In the iaer and he sees his don In print he gels slrk nt the stomach? Husband end wife hnmm cerh other uita Lad) AM or. Well, aim's half right. o A men la nut alwnva knnnn ht the eonipany he' ke-r but oft Inter he la liulgeal hy (lie rHnHiny br koeps nut of. O fli A cltv paner conii.l iln that "Ijics might to le more plentiful, and chearcT than they are nt the present time." The nnmhry of hena tn la seen nousdsva standing stmnt doing notlilng a certainly a scandal. 9 A arwH eMrl weyey makes a hit nn a man with a lnr nerk. An optimist la a man whn Krllerea are of ssanie value In this worht 9 When a mttrnVr eaae lonma np In ntrr fnlcVat we forgat abnul the mat of existing. CIGARETTE No olgarette has the same deliciou flavor a Lueky -Strike.. Beoausa. Lucky Strike Is the ' teasted cigarette.. . Simple Meals Are Satisfactory C0IIVALL1S. July lfi.r-Let the harvest ' dlmiuT consist- of simple, well cooked food, Instead of many rich diahes, suggests Miss Kiuiiia S. Weld, instructor In household art at O. A . C. Tho chief fault of the or dinary harvest meal Ilea iu its being too elaborate. There la a limit to the amount of fuod that a man nu eat, eapeciully In hot weather when doing heavy work. The typical bill of fare might con sist of a pot roast which can be used In a meat Die- tbe second day. browned potatoes, a fresh vegetable and a cooked one some kind of rel ish, plenty of bread and butter, and simple desert such as bread pudding or green apple pie. "The main advantage of such a menu Is that it. can be prepared earl ier In tbe day, or even the day be fore," says Mrs. Weld.i "Methods of serving should be simple, and hoi food should be served hot, and cold I'oud cold. The dining room should be neat, tidy, cool, and well screened." Fresh fruit should ' be served whenever in season as it Is easy to prupure and tonus a good dessert. Fowls culled from the chicken flock may be used Instead of other meal which would have to be purchased. A pressure cooker which can be used both tn cooking harvest meals and canning more than pays for It: seir In the saving or f irel and energy. It cooks a meal In hair the time that Is required with an ordinary atove. o l'IF. HOCIAIj. There will be a pie social at the Days Creek school bouse Saturday, July 1C, at 8 p. in., given by the Boy Scouts. Everybody Invited. O 4 AltOUN'l) THE TOWN 4 ' Ooodyear Service. Service Oarage Samuel Drown, of Elkton, spent the day In this 'city attending to huslueaa matters. Look! Rear top curtains with plate glass. Have one installed. Fold Garage. Kd. Hancock, prominent resident of Klklon, Is spending several days here with frlenda. C. J. Mcintosh, of Corva'.lla, Is spending several days here attend ing to business matters. A. L. Johnson and Miss Thelina Tohnson passed through this city last evening, enroute from Salem to Cali fornia, where they will enjoy an ex tensive motor trip. Mr. snd Mrs. W. J. Weaver are now visiting some of the famous re sorts of this stale, and write that they are enjoying their trip im mensely. They it return here the first of next week. SrVTll'K op S.VI.K OF OOVKRNMRNT TIMIIKIl Jl.-nersl I .and Offlca. aahlngton. l. C. June IS, lull. N"tleo la hereby given that aubjact tn lha comlttluna nnd ilmltatlona of the V t nf juna a. IBie (31 mat.. Ill), and the Ittatrurtlohe of the rurtary of taa Interior of Uuplmnher u. 1S17 (44 I IV. 447). lha tlmher on the following lands will be sold at 10-o clock a. m , luly J. i2l. at pul.ttc auction at the United St aim land office at Koaeburg. Oregon, lo the lilichcst bidder at not b aa than Ilia aiiprniaed value as ihian lV thla notice. Male tn ha subject to 'ha approval of the Heuretary of the Interior. The purchase price, with an iddltlonal sum of one-fifth of one par eat thereof, belag comialaslone el. lowed, must he deposited at time of ale, money to be returned If sale la not approved, otherwise patent will I'sne for the tlmher unioh must be removed within ten veara. Hide will be reerlved from rltliena of the Unit ed Htates. associations of auch cltleene -nd curorallone oraanllad under the 'awe of the felled Klalae or any stale, terrMory or district thereof only. Vpon I'Pll.allon of a qualined purchaser, any lean! subdivision h' "nred separately before belna heinln-k I'-S M ; lvt nr Ul at . Tri edar 3 M , hemloi'lt un nt lol V Sr MS M . red ce.lar 4'.s 14.. h em lee I. .15 2'. '.'.nI rrt cedar 104 VI , hemlock 300 J4. n,vt,e of the nr f- he sold for leaa thsn 11 u per M and none or the rul .Mar or hemlock to be sold for leaa I ha a II l;, U Ulanidl p K rAIIHOTT. Acting "snt Commlsaloner. General laa HEINLINE (tiMrtalify if Husk ui Art Kindergarten and Panning 8ya tem for chlldrea i to 14 years of ar Yolo and Art Work "end seise bj Mrs. Braad and Mrs. Raaie. Vaeatlow Jojf 1-ftapt .. ... ... a,.v 01 a larger unl . T IS St. It. 1 W, Sec. I. NKU SRU fir I! is M. n to he .old for lees thaa par M. T !l 8, It. J v.. See., t;. N't I. flr IT1D XI r.ul sis u rwDAt. Jttv t, ABda Hammersiy AVcmcnVHo Wouldn't Remsrry sVUahMeCli IWaaaaat "But you have really told me nothing, AUx," said Roland Early. "Tell me what she said to you, all or It, every word. My poor girl!" "1 am not your poor girl, Mr Early. I do not want to be your poor girl. I am Alix Hainmersiy. belonging at the present only to my: self. What- your wife said to me 1 Lbave Just told yon. Of course she amplified It in many ways, bbe told pie of tbe long year she had been devoled to. .you how you diaii couie lo be not only a part of her life, hut ber whole Interest, ber whole thought ln fact her whole exist ence. "She told me that she bad known that rrom tlui to time you had been Interested In other women, but n oid satisfy tnat spiritual neeu while you might have walked occa-. for which I oelieve most men go slnnally a little way along the prim. Beaching through . life but never ose path, yet vou had alwavs grown flnde tired and come back to her for rest, j "' momt went mad when I found. 1 think vou bad better transfer that too late, all that my soul, my body, 'poor girl' to her, Mr. Early. If I n'y mind and my spirit craved and had not heard from her own llpes 1 " w unattainable, would never have believed that vou "Whatever I am, Alix. I do not fould be as crnel to any one as you think I am a coward, for I then went have been to ber." 'tn niv wire and told her all this, all "You do not understand, Alix. T . this and more, that I have Just told do not think I have ever been crnel; you and I begged her to let me go. td her. I have always been ex- "She only said: As you love this tremely polite to her and Insisted other woman., so I love you lean that others should chow her all def-not tjlve vou up.' crenee. I have tried to save ner "r could not shame her before the from all annoyances. 1 do not love world, but aside from this I have her; surely you know that. I never, Klvn mv wire every opportunity to have loved her, if loving be the pas-l divorce me and she only said: 'What slon I feel for you a passion that G"d hns joined together) let no man makes all my waking hours a great A - . . ... loy that I am In the same world with you, and an unbearable torture that you do not belong to me. I have always had a great senBe of gratitude toward my wife and you ' not even be decently burled, but cannot know ihe many times that 1 1 must be kept perpetually on a hypo have berated mvself for not loving critical parade before the world. her. She Is a good woman; she bas been a true and faithful wife to me; she has done much toward making me a worldly success: she has stab ility and poise, except perhaps where tier jealousy of me. Is concerned, 111 fact, she Is everything that I am not, but I do not love her. Tbat Is the answer. I have tried to love her more than.. I have tried to do any thing else in this world.' Ood knows that I would be happier loving her than In caring for anyone else. under the circumstances. I am not trying to exonerate myself In any way. I am only stating facta. "Honestly I have tried to bo more or less decent as men go. . I have never been Intentionally rruel to my wife." he protested as I held up my hand to stay bis torrent or words. "But Alix, no human being can en dure the deluge or personal disgust that comes- from hypocritically pre tending hourly and daily to lie what one la not. I have never been myself wltb my wife. I have pretended to be Interested when I was bored to extinction. I have pretended to be virtuous when I was hugging a sud den passion to my heart. I have nretended that I wanted to stay with her when I telt that ! would gladly ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND OTHERS sBT MRS. A Dall Column of Questions aad Answers Conducted by Woman Wbo Knows. Addreea your Letters to Mrs. Ellsbur ' Car RoMtmrt News-Review. 1 Dear Mrs. Ellsbury. We are a group of ladles whose husbands In sist on attending our afternoon meetings. If you could tell us' any way by which we could get 'them to stay away as they are sometimes very bothersome. We shall greatly appreciate any help you can give us In this matter. Yours respectfully, HEAD OP CLUB. Olulla. A. Tell them emphatically that these meetings are for women only and nn men are allowed. This should Iw sufficient for any Rroup of men. Tell them. If necessary, that yon In tend to hold your meeting in Ihe af teriHMjn and that now and then the men will be invited to a dinner bit or. Dear Mra. Ellsbury. Is chewing gum In public really wrong.- I see so many people do It. and lately I have been worriod by reading sev eral places tbat It was not the right thing to do. 1 am fond of the habit and would like tn know. BESSIE, Roseburg. A. Chew big rum In nuhlln I. moat certainly avromr. u.m,. Empire Feed Barn Store Come ond See Me Once More . Why pay more when you can buy for less Why take the poorest when you can get the best I have just received a Carload of Fine Fresh Feed at the very Latest Bargain Prices Rolled Barley, Rolled Oats . Whole Oats, Whole Corn im Ford ear la good shape Good bicycle J Burner oil atove . . . . '.', Hark and amahs - J M Junn toai. I aiva all ht I nosseas to get away I pretended to look Into ber eyes, to listen to ber voice when all the time another face waa before my eyes and another voice filled uy ears. "I was able to bear It until I met vou. The other woman who bad imbued me witn a passing in-ay, July 17th; with services at it terest had only appealed to my senses m all( ; : 30 aD(i g p. m. A bos and I at last bad come to belli ve ktt dlnner )n t1B grove at 12:J0. that no woman waa more man beautiful plaything or beat prop on which, at times, a man might lean. "I thought that I might never meet a woman tbat could be taken Into tbe vistas of the masculine mind. I was convinced that no woni- ,pui asunaer. I I. W ...... I ... T -1,1 I .. .. .1 - ., I .. .. mtrndiiiiit; 1 sniuru auurr tusiiin that bound two totally uncongenial people to a place called home a nlsce where two dead hearts could . "Alix, surely you find it wiinin vour heart to give me a little pity. If my wife Is not happy; neither am I. "Everyone who knnws her rnlls her an angel of goodness perhaps she Is. But do you not know tbat when yon women step out of the angel classes that you have occupied so long and become real human be ings, with an appreciation of tbe real .human characteristics of man, you will have helped more than you ever did before to enlarge the sum of hu man happiness. "I know from- the expression on vour face, Alix, that you think I am disloyal. You are saying to yourself that only a cad would talk this way. but I sometimes think that those whom, we call 'cads' are perhaps more honest than those who pride themselves upon doing that thins and saying that thing which the world calls right as though It were caev for them. "I am not disloyal, for to be dis loyal-means to be dishonest and surely you must see that I have not only been honest with my wire, but honest with mvself nnd you." Tomorrow Roland Knrly'g Htranice Suggestion. EIXBUCRI ever Rat In the show or public places and- looked around you? If you have yon have seen countless people chewlnsj gum and you could not by any stretch of Imagination say that It looked well. Don't do it at any tune. Dear Mrs. Ellsbury. My son Is 14 years old and Is begging me to let him wear long trousers and go to dances. I do not want him to grow up so quickly and I tblnk he is too young for these things. How shall I convince him of the fact. MOTHER, Roseburg. A. t miilren like to grow up quickly and he would probably get more enjoyment oat of a pair of lung trousers now than lie ever would at any other -tiima, I suggest that yon get them for hlin n It will only be a snort time anyway until he will have to have them. It Is natural that he should want to go to dances also. Moat youngster do. Let him start flmtclng now but-try to attend the danrea with him yourself. lie is young Dut ma rrstleasiieaa. If curbed. Is liable to break out In less desir able -ways. tracked Corn, Wheat and Hay imoo ...t 12.&0 ...f too 4 CHEVROLET OWNERS 4 ATTENTION! 4 On and After tals date The sy Service Oarage wlU be aole.lo furnish Chevrolet Service and. 4 Farts. SERVICE OARACB ' 4 Glenn H. Taylor. 4 332 N. Jackson St. NOTICE. The series of revival meetings nnenlny June SO will conclude Sun- i Bring your baaketa wltu you ana en Joy a day's outing with us In divine worship In this beautiful locality Kev. C. C. Coop Is being assisted by Rev. Robert Bryiuer, evangelist or tbe southern district, M. E. Church. A large number -wore present last Sunday tor a similar occasion. All are cordially invited. REV. C. a COOP, Pastor M '' 'OIl SALE. The best grade of cursory stock at reasonable prices.- Get my price bo- fore placing your order. R. L. ELLIS. Roseburg, Ore. Look! Rear top curtains with plate glass. Have one installed. Ford Oarage. S Costly Negkct BY DR. H. It. NEIUIAS The most costly neglect that practiced by mankind is the neglect of teeth.: These physical Instruments used 40 tear apart and grind our foods should not become Impaired. It they do our health will sut ler. A dentist should be con sulted whether your teeth are ailing or not. - Polnleas extraction. Various painless methods for filling, etc Teeth regiilated. Teeth replaced successfully samo day (new for your old ones). Pyorrhea cored In early stages. Work fully guaranteed. DIL H. R. NERBAS DENTIST PHONE 488 Room 9 MASOMO BTJILDINQ. CLASSIFIED COLUMN 1U NVIW Ul.AkaiFliBU AUVBHTINKJIKaiT Wit. I, Bat rOtWD Oa LAIf raoa DftDICH BUatllNO asjaW TODA WANTED. VVANTEDCIean ras.ord Oarage. WANTK1) l'alntlng and roof rapulr Ing. See W. H. Fowell. WANTED Waltreaa, tnort order ex perience only necessity. Apply Care terla In peraon. WANTKD Work during; vacation. Ad dress ilig-b tichuol Girl, cure Newa Revl e w. " WANTED TO RENT A medium sized - tent. Addreas Hasel Payne, Huae- burg;, or I'hone 16-K-B. MWCKLLAN EOUH. JERSEY BULL FOR S Hit VICE At Umpqua Park Addition. Price 42. i. . eiutunneii. rwiivry per i i:nt miscount on all mntorcyi lra and srdecara In stock. llarley-Uavldson Sales Agency, 204 West DoUKlaa 8t. FOR EXl'llAMJK Wrist watch, cost Fifty Dollars. Will cxchan for a food rifle or shotguo. It. Davidson, rain. Ore. WOULD TKAUK Nu. 4 Hliarplea cream separator, in KOoa condition, for young- saddle norse. Address P. O. iiox iff&. Drain. oreaon FOR KXI.'HANCE For anything ex cept atocK, one gooa work norse. weiKht 1250 lbs. (lentle snd will work any place, or aell cheap for cash. Write P. O. Box 4I(, Roseburg. FOR EXCHANGE leather coatf re- vcrsiniel lurge else, cost One Hund red and Twentv-flva Dnllura. Would consider portable drait saw, good- i-ua-, or wouiti sen, reasonnoie . au dress R. Davidson. Ilruln, Ore. BULL FOR SERVICE Thorouiehbred jersey; comes from extra rood much atraln. Price of aesrvlce 43. Insure , a better grude of atock and higher percentaffe of butterfat by proper ureeuins. inquire ot ira Hull, east oi cny on Deer creak road, mwt An vncMD. FOFNr Woman's brooch set with stones, owner may have same by calling; at thla office and describing ii m'erty. LOST Rise and black spotted hound. Anyone knowing of such hound, Phone IA-F21 ,or address C. C Long, Clevelsnrt. Orcaon. Reward. Bvin sstrateja Fort RKNT -Sleeping room. Inquire at Tint RhAn FOH nJCNT Rafatv desualt Ri'Sehura National stank. Foil IIENT 2-room furnished aoart. ment. 134 oilth Ftenhens. FOR RKNT Nicely furnished rooms SJlSo Stephena Phone m-J. FOR RENT Rooms and apartsMnts iwiuyiaa ft mens sg-i FOR R:NT Onod around for corn or hay R. E. Mathla, Rt. L Roseburg. .rnhone -FI. FOR RENT Three room furnished Bailee, on paved street. Lnng laaa. Innnlr. n Baa Commarclnl Ave FOR RENT- Large, cool furnished1 bedroom. Gentlemen only. Privilege "f hath 104 Spruce 8t close to & F eepnt. ruft eiALH. . FOR SAt.E A Jersey cow. Deer Creek reed Barn. FOR SALE Fes there. Ttoseburg Pro dnce Co . Hoi N. Jackann St. FOR HA1.E Team horses, wagon and harness. Inquire at Deer Creak Sales Stable, IIEMtvTITCHIXa 10c YARD. we Dave installed new ham. siiuiums uiamiue ana solicit Tans patronage. We would be nleases have you come In and examine a . 1 1 1 . . wac azatl vmsn iruut OUl Ot tOWl Tersey Milk I will deliver milk or cream to any part of the city, evening or morning, at tbe regular price. Phone 270-R. I V. K Ramp AUTO TOPS Auto and Furniture Upholstering - Phone 338.1 O. M. JON Kg 708 N. Jackson St., Roseburg GET YOUR Dryer Ready For Dryer Stoves and Pipe see J; H. SINN1GEK Sheet Metal Works 119 Oak. Phone 428 Roseburg, Myrtle Point, CoquiDeand Marshfield Stage 7-PsgfJ (i.iIk-8 Gin Leaves Hotel Umpqua 7 a a daily. ' Fare to Myrtle Point, tt.41. Fare to Coqullle, $7.00. Fare to Marshfield, $8.01. COAST AUTO LINES FOR SALE Black oak wood and ran hay. Phune 6-F33. C. W. Urom j FOR DALE Heavy team aullable fa : road work. Farm Bureau Kiclmfr FOR 8 ALU I stands of beet, list stand. A. B. Russell, West Kotim , FOR SALE 1 fresh Jersoy row. Ens food. C U Weber, Roberts Crni Phone 42-F-1S. FOR 8ALB Proteetoarapn cnecs an r, a ood as near, Inuulra at Haer Review FOR SALE Hound oak table four-burner Kia range. 444 & JU son street. FOR SALE 100 sprlnn lambs; alas : few old sheep. E. U JoaaelyP, Ore. DODGE car for sale cheup. Will for Ford or Chevrolet Aderal "Car," News-Review, FOR BALK Oat and vetch" bar. C per ton. Applr to Mrs. P. Sl" adjoining Kinney Addition, B--- RE.fTAl'RANT AND CONFECTK ERV store for aale. Will lake lv auto In part trade. Address "8u iicws-nsvivsr, , FOR BALE Qeod team horses, L" and harness. Horses about HMlai r- each, good condition, aound ao4trML ri. Mann, Oakland, oreiron. FOR SALt-room colMse will f without furniture. Must be Kit' onoe .owner Is -leaving: town. W. and make offer. 720 vjrinftj LUMBER. LUMBER., fin sale ! Rica Creek Mill six miles frori lard. Good stock on hand si'' decs cut. Hustle, flooring. Swiss siged stock tor sale arierjuu-.. FOR 8aLE Farm of J13 aoras or. I hSfrhway: atore and poet on" " place; Will sell all together ar j" and atore separately. Easy 'a- Address B. F.. rare Kews-BerVw, FOR BALE OR TRADE F.ireP"2 values In used cam at terms ) We wash.- polish and repair J guarantee our work. Mater change, F. U McGrew, 4.1- Oak St. k SNAP 12200 cash buys a " house on paved street. I-of i , 110 ft. All furnished. IncluJ'" 90 range and a 5'K plsno for 12000. Phone 417. O. W. " and Son. -f. FOR RALE ISO Douslas C. mile rrom uunter v. o. """. Good range, creeks. MS "" Inr . oGod road. $1 Bn. aia mommy. . r.. "-'-..i Croahv street. San A ocinn ricu tor sale rL Camas Valley. Contains ''.Jot . PlV with l: acres under ".r I'll a. a BITI-F unuT-, Will lease altos-ether er "t?Lr: eta of buildings For tan"" matlon call at S0 West , Mra. Msrv Trumbeck. L PRICED RIGHT 7 acres as J - meat: fenced: I nouses, - jf some bullt-lns: one 4 roc large barn, hen hon mr for poultry ranch: city !L trie lights. UOiHi. i tJy , at once. O. W. Toung ( w. for FOR AT.B OR TO A MS 1-SuT mllea eaat or Eugene. -Iwell. acres flr-l River bottom, tn culllvstiea new buildings and fences, 'gf atatlon on ra- ""'."JiVfr and poultry ranch. Will J"". Cer acre or Irene r" - gwal " Blair, Lowell. Oregon. V u f; b n IT h d al w ei bl th ri! fe Le I i.l tr 11. an ir tr. U K ficx fit! roc be ver or bol floij sijr! whs d. : fts! wU L