Mtmrnnvnn urn-1! THtTiflnAY. itT H tint. I ABcia Hammersfy I A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry MS ithomn sV CALOL FUJSHING OIL & ZER01ZNE should your crankcase (k CLEANED ? Automobue manufacturers carefully recommend, in their Books of Instruction, refuar draining and cleaning of the crankcase. This U necessary because engine operation causes road dust, carbon, fine metal particles and other impurities to accumulate in your crank case oiL This gritty oil circulates through you . engine, impairs its per formance and ultimately leads to rapid depreciation and and does not impair the lubricating effi ciency of fresh oil used. The cleaned crank cast la raflllad with tha correct grade of Zerolen. Look (or the garage or dealer displaying the elgn shown above, It means "Befrar To meet this need, Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service has been established by Brst-claas garages and other dealers, co operating with the Standard OO Company. Theae garages and dealers use Calol Flush ing Oil, the scientific agent that cleans out old oil, dirt, grit and other imparl ties, operation and longer angina lit:' STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Cabbala) Cherries Shipped . In Carload Lots It has been proven definitely this year that cherries can be shipped Jong distances In Urge lots. The Oregon Growers Cooperative Asso ciation has shipped over 300 tons of (toyal Anne to eastern markets this season. Tbls variety of cherry lias been harvested and the black cherries are coming In now. The association has been shipping jtmborts In car lota this year and they are the first to go from Salem to the eant In solid cars. The fruit has lo be sorted with eslreme care es only the bent will stand tho long trip and thn packages were labeled with the Mlstland brand which la the mark of the highest quality put out t.v the Oregon Growers Cooperative Association. Hepnrts shnw that the cars ar going through In good shape and that the fruit la standing up well on the long trip. The association Is rto Inir everything In Its power to p.:t Oregon fruit on oastern markets In surh a way that the growers will re ceive the best returns for their pro ducts and Oreaon fruits will come to be known as tle bent on the market. Ooodyear Bemee. Bervlce Oarage. "M.UIJID FIST" FOB BALK HKItLlN. July 13. (U. P.) The mailed fist of the German ex-empcr- or Is offered for sale In Berlin The ex-empress At'gust having heard her husband mentioning the "mailed fist" and the "shining ar mour" repeatedly during his famous speeches which enlightened the "World has made up her mind to tnake Willy an extraordinary birth day present She gave an order to a! .famous English silversmith to make an Image of that "mailed fist" of solid silver. The Iron flat arrived in good time and Augusta placed it on the break fast table of the Kalaor. It wns ex pedited somewhat speedily Into the corner bv the receiver who for sonr reason did not seem to be pleased with the present. From here It was picked up qulotly by the Empress and told l.'.ter lo a man who Is In pos session of It today. Since he Is a ood patriot and a business man he Is trying lo sell It, preferably to an American. o KOICK TO FARMERS. We want fresh fruit of all kinds. Will pay top market prices . Dut the fruit must be clean and first-class In all respects or we do not want any of It; we use only the best grades. FOUTCH'B CONFKCTIONERY. CHEVROIiRT OWNERS ATTENTION I On and after tnls date The Service Garage win be able to furnish Chevrolet Service and I'orU. SERVICE OARAGE Glenn H. Taylor. 332 N. Jackdon St. Movie Closeups "TIE BEST mi ' Do you like fine sx X Rudolph Valentino, who enacts the leading male role of Julio In Metro's coIossh! production of "The 'our Horsemen of the Apocalypse, by Vicente Masco Ibanez. also plays opposite Alice Lake in her new star ring picture, "Unchartered Seas which will be shown at the Majestic theater tonight. Mr. Valentino is aecn as a young sea captain In "Unchartered Seas, a story from the pen of John Flera ng Wilson, and adapted for the ei-reen by Elwoort Jenks. Bayard Vlellnr, director of productions at Metro's West Coast studios In Holly wood, Calif., considers "Unchartered feas" the best story Mr. Wilson ever lias written. Wesley Ruggles di rected the photoplay. ' The story centers about a girl V'honn husband proves himself worthless, despite her efforts to re claim him. The youth s trail by his wife and father and the success of a second man. go to make "Unchar tered Seas" a thrilling tale of the sea. Much of the early part of the story takes place about San Fran cisco harbor. , o ELITE REALTY PARLORS I am experienced In all forma of beauty culture; facial massage, hair shampooing, and tinting, marcelling, permanent wave, manicuring, scalp treatment and violet ray. Our new iiuarters. rooms 1 and 2 In the Dell Winters llldg., are now open and we Solicit your patronage. Well equip ped and sanilary. Hours 9 to 12 and 1 to 5. Other hours by appoint ment, rnone &pz. MRS. C LA RICK DONAHUE r M CITY NEWS m li RINTING FOOLISH QUESTION! OF COURSE YOU DO! That exesdlent iress work that knowktljre of hiirnionr those are the thing's that impress you. Incidentally, such work is one of ur accomplishments of which we lire particularly proud. PHONE 135 NEWS REVIEW OFFICE 3 Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L Moore Music Studio opens SepL 1. Pennsylvania Tire Service. Ask us. Ford Garage. Goodyear Tire Servtaa. rnrd Garage. PalnlfM extraction of teeth at room , Masonic temple. Dr. Nerbaa. I Going on a picnic? Get your lunch goods at Fouteh's Confection ery Pennsylvania Tire Service. Ask us. Ford Garara. t A Huryrhm tor Roland Early. We were in my little living room when Roland Early assorted that 1 knew that be was In love with me. As he apoke I sat down heavily In a nearby chair, and he, taking it aa n Invitation, seated himself In a great arm chair beside me. For a moment I was so enraged that I lould not apeak. This u twice In twenty-four hours that I had been told that I knew of the love of a married man for me and each time there was at least a alight intimation that I lad encouraged this love. i Mr. Early seemed to have mlv construed my silence, for he contin ued to look at me with a most pos sessive tenderness! Finally I got my vocal cords into such control that I felt I could speak without my voice trembling, and I aald: "It Is very strange that two people should feel themselves better able to gauge my knowledge of your regard for me than I am myself. It la also strange that both should take It upon themselves to inform me of that knowledge upon the same day." "Who else has said that I love you?" he demanded In alarm. It was apparent that he did not want the world to know it, however, much he flaunted it before my eyes. "Was it that fresh young pop-in-Jay who strutted about town with you In that gypsy garb?" "No, Mr. Early, Larry never -non-tioned your name. He classes you with his father. It never enters his mind that to me, as well as to him, you are not an old man who has fin ished with love and youthful pas sion. Larry is really young and be brings a splendidly fresh outlook Into rr.y life." I purposely made this as insulting, as I could and I saw Roland Early winced. I even caught him rjrren-j titlously looking Into the long mirror', that was across the room. What he saw there evidently re- assured him (he was a splendid ' looking man at the zenith of mature manhood and vigor), for he smiled I tolerantly. Then I saw his face change again as he Inquired: I "Have you seen Jeff Turner since: he returned?" "No," I answered, "and if I had,! Judge Turner would not have had the effrontery to say to me that I. knew you or any other man was in love with me. . "Except himself," interrupted Mr. , Early. , I allowed this to go unchallenged,' for, to tell the truth, my literary In stincts were getting the best of any personal interest I might have in his conversation and I decided, as I had in the Interview with his wife, to let him rave on. Doth were new types to me. "Well." asserted Mr. Early, "who ever told you that I was in love with you and that you knew It spoke the truth. Why, girl, I have loved you every minute since the first time I saw you. Tou must have seen what a hopeless thing it was from the very first for me to put you out of my life. ' Heaven knows I have tried hard enough to forget you. This is why I persuaded my wife to go to Chicago to a sanitarium. I wanted an excuse to gel away from you, Allx, but I found through those long months of torture that it was no use. I love you. Allx, love you as I have never loved before." "So your wife told me." Roland Early jumped up from his seat and came over to me, his face pale. "Have you gone mad, Allx, or have I? What do you mean by laying that my wife told you t What did she tell? When did she tell it to you and where Your talk is irrational." "I am perfectly normal, Mr. Early." "But Allx, you cannot mean that you have been talking with my wife, and that she has told you that I was In love with you. You have never reen my wife nor she you." "I had nover teen her until las' night Then she came here and in Ibis room said precisely the words that I have Just repeated to you." At tbls Roland Early almost wilted In his cbalr. "Why should I be subjected to all these dramatics by you and your wife?" I remonstrated before he could again speak. "Truly I feel al most Indecent not because of my trypsy prank with Larry, which you came here to find fault with me about, but because I have put myself in a position where I have not only to listen to protestations of love from a married man, but also to the frantic appeals of bla wife to leave him alone. "Do you realize, Mr. Early, that your wife came to rr.e late last night and told me that you had asked her to divorce you; that you had found a woman that yon could not live without and her whole plea wat, 'GJve him back to me, give htm back?' " My voice broke with the shame of it all and I trembled visi bly. "What possessed her to do this?" Roland Early spoke to hmself rather than to me, apparently dazed by the unexpected turn of our interview. Things were not going as he had planned. For the first time in his lire he had found that he did not know the woman he had married. "I am sure Mrs. Early did not know that you existed for me. I have always been very careful never to mention your name to her. How did she find out and why did she come?" he queried, speaking rather to himself than to me. I could not refrain from telling .Roland Early a great truth and I did not attempt to soften the blow when I sald:i "Roland Early you may trust a loving woman always to find out the Innermost life of her hus band. The life that a man loves to think Is concealed from every one In his secret heart." Tomorrow Roland; Early's Confes sion. . l Mis' 'I WM ma , I. Abraham "The Silk Store" FOOD SALE. . A sale of delicious home-cooklnr will be held at Vonburgh Brothers' Store, Saturday, July 16, by the Wo men's Missionary Society of the M. E. Church So. PLEASE BRING CONTRIBUTIONS EARLY. o Service Oarage, Goodyear Tires, o NOTICE. If you hare any second hand fur niture to sell, let Jarvls Bellows make you an offer. They will pay the drayags to have it taken away. 329 West Cass St Phone 25IT ' ROSEDTJRG STUDIO. For a short time we are making a special price on all portraits. We also do kodak finishing, latest finish. 137 Jackson, Bell Sisters Bldg. B. OF II. T. NOTICE. The next regular meeting of TJmp qua Lodge, No. 314, B. of R. T., will be held Thursday evening, July 14. Goodyear Tirea. semoe Oarage. .Tltnnv fftrmArlv Kn jj i- cated at the Baney MathtwTJ itnro nn Pail afro - '.:r uua i VIUVaVTJ(e CHEVROLET OWNERS ATTENTION! On and after this date The Service Garagi will be able to furnish Chevrolet Service and Parts, s) SERVICE GARAGE Glenn H. Taylor. 382 N. Jackson St NOTICE TO PRUNE GROWERS. COULD MAKE GROUP OF WOODEN INDIANS SING Thar What They Say About Walter Jenkins, Song Leader. That community afnetn la Muwt medicine" for every community la the belief of Walter Jenlrlna community song leader who comes to Chautauqua on the fifth day. He says, "When we sing together our moods draw closer together. We feel alike; we think In terms of the group." someone nas said that "Walter Jen kins could make a group of wooden There will be a meeting of all prune growers at City Hall, Satur day, July 16th, at 1 p. m., for the purpose of considering harvesting wages. Also considering pooling of an prunes outside or association. COMMITTEE. Httm I L - 1 3oryour table drink Instant! POSTUM instead of coffee Healthful Convenient "Tk2rcsaReasda AUTO TOPS Auto and Furniture Upholstering Phone 338. C. ML JONES 708 N. Jackson St., Roseburg GET YOUR Dryer Ready For Dryer Stoves and Pipe see J. H. SINNIGER Sheet Metal Works 119 Oak Phone 428 Indians ting." Be certainly possesses the nocanny ability ef potting every audience in rood bnmnr rvn-t.. - im t and 118 he was Northwest Song Lead er for the Army and Navy Camps and elnce that time has been Community "" it ox romana, Oregon. Dtu lo hi program Ur. Jenkins will also Roseburg, Myrtle Point, Coquille and MarsKfield Stage 7-PiSMt'rx CidilUc-S Cits daUy Ht1 CmNM T a. m. Fare to Myrtle Point, l.4. Fare to CoqnUle, 17.00. rre to Marshfleld, M OO. COAST AUTO LINES Costly Neglect BY DR. H. R. NERBA8 The most costly neglect that can be practiced by mankind is the neglect of teeth. These physical Instruments used lo tear apart and grind our foods should not become impaired. If they do our health will suf fer. A dentist should be con sulted whether your teeth are ailing or not. - - Polnlees extraction. Various painless method for filling, etc Teeth regulated. Teeth replaced successfully same day (new for your old ones). Pyorrhea cored in early stage. Work fully guaranteed. DR. H. R. NERBAS DENTIST PHONE 488 Room 9 MASONIC BUILDI.NO. CITATION. In the County Court of the , Oregon for Douglaa County In the matter of the estate of Ck, Rakr. dacMHAd. To the unknown heir at laww B. Baker, deceased. , In the nam of the State o v ' you ate hereby cited and reoui? appear in the County Court ot t?.: of Oregon for" the County of twT In the court room thereof, at BWI In the County of DouKlas, on iH the 18th day of July, 1121, at ijvS in the forenoon of that day aA there to show cause. If any ikH? why the following described ' tm erty of aald estate, to-wlt: Tht, f (1). two (I), and three (Si J forty-one (41), of Klnneyi iZJJ, Plat, an addition to the ci", u if burar. in Oouglaa County (d' should not be sold to pay th against aald estate presented It. allowed by M. L. Wei,o, the trator of aald estate, amounting aggregate to one hundred and four (.134) dollars, and the ' the administration thereof ' Thle citation la aerved iinos I the publication thereof in ,k. . . bur Newa-Kevlew. a dally tnZ published at Roseburg, In tall, for four weeks prior to the datti. named for you to appear am i cause why the order of sale ihmiJ be made by order of the Judge oil court, made on the 16th day Mi Witness, the Hon. Geo. K. J Judge of the County Court of uv of Oregon, for the County of Doi with the seal of aald court affinal lth day of June, l:l. t I Atteat: IRA B. RIDDLB. Oft I NOTICE OP SALE OF GOVEBE TIMBER. General Land IK, Washington. D. C, June 11 m Notloe la hereby given that mbirl the conditlona and limitation, 11 Act of June , 111 (31 Stat, 111, J the Instructions of the Secretary it Interior of September is, liilin p, 447). the timber on the folu. lands will ka sold at 10 o'clock u July 29, 1921. at public auction 1 United States land office at Boms Oregon, to tha highest bidder 11 J lose than the appraised value aAf ., iiuiwv, mw 10 oe su&jey ,h. Bnnwnvat " . 1. - 1 . - Interior. The purchase nrice. 3 additional aum of one-fifth of oil cent inereor, being oommisslou lowed, muat be deposited at tia sale, money to be returned U ai not approved, otherwise patem i issue for the' timber which bit removed Within ten vesra. Rid, I be received from citizens of th, ;1 ed States, associations of such d;l ana oorporationa organised undv lawa of tha United State or atT d territory or district thereof onlj. j application of a qualified purcul the timber on anv leval tubita will be offered separately befort ii incjuaea ki any oner ot a isrftra T. H 8.. R. W See 3, NE4i a now n., noi 10 do soia ror las 11.76 per M. T. tl 8.. It. i W.Se Lot 1. fir 1730 M red cedar II. hemlock 160 M.; Lot i. fir Kit H cedar 330 M.. hemlock 60 M; Lot' 2360 M.. red cedar 460 M, hemlot) M.: Lot 8. Or 200 M.. red cedar M ., hemlock 300 M., none of the y be sold for leas than $150 pert none of the red cedar or bankn Be sold for lass than 11 !5 r uiivnea) v, ft. PAKKOTT. I Assistant . Commissioner. General ne?i WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Ca AUTOMOBILE BATTERIE New Gould Batteries while they last Chevrolet $11.00 Stndebaker Bul 14.80 Overland Podge ...rao ' MOTOR SHOP GARAGE ATry BuJck and CberroM 441 North JacKion 41 RO6EBTJBO, OBBOO Coed Called foransj DcBvered Fhon 4T1 ! Roseburg Cleaners J. F. DILLARD, ftoprletor Geaning, Pressing, Repairing, Alteration J lew Baritone tela,