Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 14, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Issued IMlly ticept Sunday.
It W. lUle.
I,. Wlin
Pa'ly, per year, by mall
Dally. six monthi, by mall
T, . ku mnr nfr 111 rill I h
Weekly Neva-Review, by mall, per a W.d matter May
burn. Oregon, under me aci oi
HohKlll 'lit.. out'COX. Jll.V It. "-'
' When the American Council's committee ap
pointed by Herbert Hoover began to investigate the problem of
waste in industry with a view to recommending measures for
the elimination of waste, it was of course expected that it
would soon return information and proposals, liy training, the
eiiKineer is strong for efficiency; the ueieetion of waste i:
with him almost an obsession.
Hut it was hardly to be exacted that these experts should
have turned their attention into the field in which they must
have turned if we are to judge by the findings given out by the
vice chairman of the committee which for months has been
conducting a nation-wide impiiry 'to waste. The public was
prepared for n r r'rt on waste in lumber or pig iron, and in
methods of handling the:;e. A comparison of steam power as
against electric or water power; a study of the loss in labor
turn-over, or in duplicating needlessly certain mechanical op
erations these things we expected from the engineers on the
job of investigating. For this reason the findings are aston
ishing. "In the manufacture and s:ile of ladies' shoes and millin
ery," say;: the report, "there is a great waste through changing
Ltyles. Who is responsible? The manufacturer, the designer
and the dealer will tell you the women demand- radical and fre
quent changes. The woman wil 1 earnestly insist that she would
be content to wear last year's dress if it were not out of style."
Other reports of course fol low, and these may give us more
hope than does this one that the total amount of waste in this
country may be reduced as a re .ill of these investigations. Lu!
it seems that in this field the engineers struck a snag which
they might have seen even with ut an investigation. Perhaps
if these worthies had regarded (heir own wearing apparel, t!ie.
might have learned how much o waste is contributed by the de
mands of fashion. They might have experienced, too, an un
willingness on their own part to run counter to fashion's
Undoubtedly this report, w "icn it reaches headquarters,
will be laid on the table indefinitely. When the engineers get
back to the subject of mechanical processes and machine op
erations, they may contribute a mething more valuable to the
subject of elimination of waste in industry.
Don't overlook the fact that the News-Review is read every
day by seventeen thousand people, and most of them live right
in Douglas county. There is n j other daily paper in the state
in a town the size of Roseburg that serves its advertising pat
rons as good as this pnper. If y.u ure lookingfor circulation
the main object of the live ad vertiscr this paper can serve
you in the best po; sible manner. No other paper in the state
circulation considered has a lower rate per inch than the
News-Review. Many charge a higher rate for a much less cir
culation. I "
Somo tourists travel so fast they never sec any scenery be
tween stop-over points.
lavo for Montarile Mere on lliiklnesa
Mr. and Mra. (). C. Davla hen thls Itay E. ;las .of Kiij-eno, Is spond
inornliig for Montague, whore they lug several davs here atlcndlng to
will II... I.. I 1, . , B
.... w.unv mum-,. i ii. .un-.
IVttle to Diamond Lake
Ahoul f.iil) head of rattle woto this
nothing Uiken fioiu the A. C. Mars-
era ranch to i.o put on th range at
Diamond Luke. ,
rilK'AtlO Thirty thnunntt rar
of irrnin tuive n irsMTU! in a
ntPvrle mmiih M ! It'i.-n Stiilr
Crntn t part n -;it nt I'hu-ajT't. il
rtTurd dv' irk. HrtiTt'ii.,; t
Thi fipartm'-nt. -iitt tt ,ttrpn of
rrinl:fu- rritn U !l r n t :in
r mplr for Ir m M-. t ji l.-
Poarrt of Jrnir mtcrr 4it-Mn.,.tir
hiishfh of rnh irra r rn trtt-(. or !
in e!i'vatfm fur inmi'.luu Icl.vifi
r- ttonrht nrnl mI.1 nfi i.-itlv
Thm trrmrnH'iu r.i h rrmn dp
prrtinrnt. itri'thi-r rh t itun
rkt whtrh nrovitlt h or
rrain irttirinri, r 'ri rntii
ventvthrrr f.t rst.ulHin In
rrain murkrtmi? I r.( l ; r o ,
nnmiAm. tnrlmlinir II
1 1, svc.
r l . tt.
. .rkctifg
It 0i
f itu e
jTn.ii of
'or ot.
most rconomirul f - i
mc h i ne r t n ( hf v r I 1
tarr nt ftat lc up n t
r-cmifrt of f;irnur' n
M? hiTi a' pf.
trnent Irptlnti" d--f
ii. h...;-
it If at kaal until a
Iiunt i j.i.
Itert (1. Hales
year . .
17. '.'"' "
uuporinni niiHineaa mailers.
III At Wilson Home
Mrs. Downing, molher of Mra. II.
H. Wilson, ia reported to b Hourly
III at her daughter's homo 111 this
- ; v... .
st.'m ran he
!...! sui.t it ute.
r-. I'ii-,nc! men. agrl. il.
act rr.n rxit t..'J
. t1' it I. t-UT,,. ..... .t(
' r
ie-"t.eor Ti,-' i," I lw,,K .
i Juci-t and cutn :nit woulj ..!, t.
F5r?rHOT irPTS ftWKA
Arrive From Wilbur
Mis Charles Shttt-n arrived in this
I I y this morning from her home In
Wilbur, to spend the day shopping.
Visiting al WiNon Lome
Mrs. L. O. Maddox la visiting In
tills eily al the home of Mr. and
Mrs. II- G. Wilson lor Severn. ay.
In On IliislneeiH
S. M. Kelly. Iirominei i Vhii V' ml
t Caldora. spent the nicrnlnr, ii this
lty attending to Important bu.dnesa
!.eve for WaxTilnfon
Lionard Swift and sister. I.ela.
eft for Washington Saturday even
n wii'-re they will remain for sev
eral months visiting with friends
nd relative. Tney are resident of
he South Deer Creek vicinity.
litlXIS (!' A t.lUK'KItV Cl.KltK.
Mother I tryiiux to wateli three
oihII rlillilnti anil kn p them out of
rouble uhlle ahe ia teleilionlntt; an
irder to the ktim-w 'SimicI me n
town fivsh children! nnd be suri1
Ihey ure luihiea! iloirt send any
niori Htiii It!-they are not goi'd
I ll slap you If you no that again:
and you might get of tluU
Viltle- let me have a pound of
Johnny! . anil n pound of Tom
my! nnd gc them Iwre liy liim-h
time or I'll uive you a uood lickini:
In a minute!
A ft(iinre tiieul to a hungry man
will tiiilllve a dozen aermona.
ft ft
riilliidcll'hln iinnoiinrea an In-
criMine In the pil.-e of graven. Thai
hriuull ot iirofileerM evidently feel
wfo aa "ileail men tell no Cute."
A iMiy is Kill per rent Yankee un-
'fa lie feela lit noma time between
'he age of one and seventeen thai
his uii-ciil are "pliklng un lilin.".
Just nn-nnap you have never beer
-nuglil Is no Nlgn Hint you have nev-
V commit lisl a vvronK.
The iroverumenl treasury depart
ment minounce that the money eir
-Mint Ion In the I'. S. amounts to
I'J for encli la-i-aon. Suy, wnll
minute, then must lie some mls
iikc. Our Isx.ks don't balance with
Hie tnr-asury dlnrtment.
We wonder if the I'orllund wrest
lers with enullllower ears rould be
M-rsiitid-d to call them hrix-roll ean-
lust to fun her the Douglas county
llemiis, the pliotogrnpher yester.
day presented the "rrnne rlcklnV
Ih'P't with an overgrown ismicII nnd
e si-rllie will lie compelled to Install
n ilcrilik to handle the winie.
!t S
lna of the blnls who go nrouni'
iMittln' the legion on the back are
lust looking fif Imsloess.
9 0
The small tsiv has a hard time
Miesw itnvs ilecldinir whither lie
nnota to lie a llolw Itutli or a rlmis
i i
lienilline In the Cottage OroTe
s.ntlii-l avs: 4loneT scnttered
ers a.t liy runnwnv burro Is being
found" Must bsve tMNn wane jack
ass of a spendthrift.
Arthur le-rv, the flume that
4 .., Ve Simidtfe INit" bolllnr
.'eilv In Ihe Mtslford Tribime, lin-aks
Into t'-etlc fretifv as follows:
The h.-at! The heat.
Tlie iH'niitlful beat,
II tn-ikes the pnvloi;
Soft to Hie feet.
iimmiiiii,j mnniisl man
'r esiallllm tea and roftce route
. I'arkhnrsl M.Mlford Mall
Mhair IviiHsral sacs Hint
o.ii..,lln ()v ,at re. nlres forti.
t,1.." M,e would al" suirest that
he ..r'i.-.-rs l. armed with a Rood i inn.
o ft
M .
il,., oi-tfnlfiff ssa-
, -i.. i-e 's That wmht lie a fine
i. !. ..,,,, (.nvlliln wolll.l
1 1.. i . ,i.r ,,. .rr) urn,.,.
I In throughout tli Hit.
I f
- - .c fni ilme for Hie
f. il lp r.. k - h .,,
I - 9
. r-HA ,i.. ,..., ,.fr, lhnt
k htwt In ".t.,n rorenil.
.- .i. rivnnv. "tr?f nestle iw.
i-. .. fMr 0, ni .,.,,,rn 0,
- - . ito.i M'orsn .hr-t.l f.i
that they are not marked th-
y. j
j jjbruncjji.chm'sj
t Sttt Sit j
'ffl JWZ. :n' L'-lil'lllilliiill'
ONE night aa Mr. Moon-man looked
over the tops of the trees and
niountulus he saw a uuiulier of fleecy
little clouds scudding about-
"O dear I" sighed Mr. Muon-uian. "I
am afraid I shall have trouble tonight
with thoe saucy little clouds. I was
hoplnt; as I cume up that they would
b lu another part of the sky lusteud
of right In the pluce where I want to
Mr. Moon-man was right ; he was to
have trouble with the aauey, fleecy llt
tlie clouds, and Just aa his bright f:ice
peewd over the treetopa all the little
llc-cy clouds scudded right Into bis
Mr. Moon-man ducked und dislged
until at lust he found a space between
the saucy little clouds to ahlne upon
the earth below, hut no sooner had he
done so than the little clouds danced
and frolicked Id front of him until he
was quite bidden again.
Mr. Moon-man is a very nice old fel
low, so he said very pleusantly: "Go
along with you and play In another
part of the sky. There Is plenty of
room without Betting right In front of
me so the Earth folk can't see my
But the saucy little clouds were bent
on having fun, and fun they Intended
Lovers Who Had Been Apart for
Forty Years Made Up When Man
Wore Woman's Present,
Forty years ago John Emmons ana
Charity Tlminons of Blshopvllle. Del.,
weru twenty yeurs old and sweet
hearts. With her own hands Miss
Tlmmons made a necktie as a gift for
her young gallant- The evening of
Ihe day he received it Einnious put it
on. He didn't like the colors and re
placed It
As usual, he Ttslted Miss Tlmmons
that evening, according to a Selby
ville (Iel.) dispatch to the I'hlladel
phla Ledger. It wus a nice summer
night. The moon revealed thai he
was not wearing love's token und Miss
lluimous demanded the reason.
It's too foud," replied the youth.
LM you mean you will never wear
UT Then you don't love lue," sohhed
cie girl, and she went Into Ihe house.
That apparently was the end of the
rnmuiice. Emmons went to Portland.
Ore, and prospered. Aa Ihe owner or
a big department store In the fur
.Northwestern city, he returned to
lilshopvllle lust Christmas for a visit.
It was Inevitable that he should
meet hla former sweetheurt In the vll
lage. Soon each learned that the old
love would not die; that each hail con
sidered the other the only male end
that neither hail married.
Of course. Eiumoiis proposed. Miss
Tlmmons did not refuse him, but alu
bought a tie as neurly like the one
that started all the trouble as she
could And. Then, when he wore It
without flinching, she coyly murmured
"yes." And so they were married the
other evening.
The Careless Uanana Peel, when
Trod on rnprcm.slltate.lly. gives one
uch a Feeling of Insecurity! Kids,
if you Must do y,.ur Oraslng on our
Public Streets, have a fare nhere
ru Throw the Italians' l"nl..n Suit
ind the Oranges Overcoat, or you
nay make an Orphan vula Yourself!
!! :: II I i i! ! : WW I i ! I
to have, and all at poor Mr. Moon
man's discomfort.
He bad Just found a nice bis pluci
to shine through when all those suuc
little clouds begun to dance rli'ht Ii
front of him again. First, they wouh'
bide bis bright face completely, am
then they would scud awuy and lei
hliu shine a minute, only to scud Ii.
front of hliu again.
At lust Ihe old man lost his pntienc
und sent a mea-sage by a star for Hit
old Sky Witch. "Tell her to hurry,'
he told the little messenger, "for I
have lost u great deal of time now."'
Old Sky Witch came hurrying along
on her broomstick, her long black rape
floating behind her like a big cloud
"Well, here I am," she said, "what
can I do for you?"
"Hurry as faat as ever you can to
the four comers of the Earth and tell
the winds to come here quickly; or I
shall not he able to shine at all to
night," siiid Mr. Moon-man.
Old Sky Witch did not stop even to
ask what was the matter, hut off she
flew and was soon out of sight, and alt
the time the au'ucy little clouds kept
on bothering Mr. Moon-nuin.
He did not have to wait long, for a
soon as the winds got the message
from the Witch they bleV quickly to
help Mr. Moon-man out f his trou
ble." "Away with you, you little tor
ments !" called the winds, as they blew
from north, south, east and west, and
scudding away as fust as they could
the saucy little clouds were soon In a
farolT part of the sky and old Moon
man sent his bright beams on the
earth without being disturbed.
"Thunk you," said Mr. Moon-man;
"sorry to cull on you at this time In
the night, but those saucy clouds were
pestering me uvyond endurance."
"Oh. that's all right," answered the
winds; "we are always glad to help a
friend," and away they blew and left
the night all still; but the big Earth
was bright with the happy smile of
Mr. Moon-man.
Most Troubles Are Due to Failure
of Owners to Carefully Ob
serve Instructions.
See That Liquid Solution Is Up to
Proper Level and Save Expensive
Dismantling and Rebuilding
Some Simple Points.
Xer.rly nil battery troubles are due
to the owners' failure to observe a
few simple Instructions. The motor
ist who gets the greatest power, the
most service and the longest life from
Ills storage buttery Is the one who is
cautious In the care of It nnd makes
it a practice to examine It at least
once every two weeks In winter tc
see that the liquid solution la up tc
the proper level.
These periodical tests are highly
important. They emihle you to tell
in advance when your battery is Ir.
danger of being ruined through under
charging or overheating, when minor
troubles lu the electrical system are
draining the strength and endurance
of your battery, when an Inexpensive
freshening charge would save expen
sive dismantling and rebuilding later.
Few Simple Suggestions.
Here are a few simple Instructions,
which. If followed, will lengthen the
life of your battery, and give more
satisfactory service.
L'uder no circumstances use any
thing but pure distilled water.
"Boiled" water will not do. It must
lie distilled water from which all
Impurities which would Injure the but
tery have been removed. If you do
not care to add distilled water your
self make arrangements with the near
est service station to do It for you.
Acid or electrolyte should never be
added except by an exis?rt battery
All metal parts of connectors,
which are not lead-coated, should be
kept covered with a thin coating of
Look at your battery occasionally,
and If the solution has sprayed or
spilled, wipe clean with a moist
IWt lay tools, or anything ele,
across the top of your battery.
Itemember that your battery Isn't
expected to keep spinning your engine
several minutes at a time. It ran do
It but It Is bouuil to shorten the bat
tery's life.
If your engine does not. start
promptly when you operate yonr
starter, make sure your Ignition
switch Is turned on and that yonr
carburetor mixture Is rich enough be
fore using yonr starter again.
In cold weather If your engine
doesn't start promptly we whether It
la being sufficiently "primed."
U your battery uj t stand Idle with
yonr. car out, ot cajnjnjJjgloa.
JULY 23, 24, 25. 26, 27, 28, 29, 30
A Series of Splendid Attractions
Seven Days Afternoon & Evening
Peter Clarke Macfarlane
Interviewer of Celebrities
Noted American Writer.
12 Concerts 10 Lectures
season Tickets now on sale
AIH I.TS, f.Ti; Students, $1JM),
montn or more at a time. 'take it out
if the car and leave It with u service
station to be cared for. "
Cause of Dim Lights.
If your lights are dim or there are
any other indications that your bat
tery is "run down," it may be due to
the fact that you are running the cur
too little to ke.1 the battery charged
or the generator may not be charging
proierly, or a wire "short circuited."
If you cannot easily locate the trou
ble, go to a service station and have
an Inspection made. ,
Resident Representative
Weavers of. Fluff Rugs
Call Phone 234-L.
WAXTKO Clean rasa. Ford Garage.
IVANTK1I I'alntiiiK and roof repair
iiiK. Hre VV. S. 1'owell.
.VA.NTKIJ Work, preferably on funii,
by HiKh 8chuol boy. I'hone 18il-U
WANTKIJ (leneral house-work by a
capable ex- rieuced Bil l. l'l:-jne 42-
A ANTKi) Al oud baby currlutse la
KooU condition. Address A., News
Review. IV ANTED Waitress, snort order ex
perience only iieveHsuy. Apply Care
terla In person.
WANTKli Work during vacation. Ad
Urena HiKh Hchool Girl, cure New
Heview. WANTED TO RENT A medium sized
tent. Adilresa Hazel Payne, Koae
barg. or I'hone lb'-h'-B.
Bl.'LL for service at Deer Creek Sales
umpqua Park Addition. Price ii.
J. W. McConnell.
all motorcycles and aldecars in stock.
llarley-DavlUson dales Agency, 206
West Douglas St.
Fllll EXCHANGE Wrist watch, cost
Fifty Dollars. Will cxrhaiiKe for a
aood rifle or shotnu.1. lu Davidson,
Drain. Ore.
Foil TRADE One Hodge touring car
In excellent condition. Will trade
for rattle or sheep. Inquire at Judd's
livery barn, or write I,loyd Mocthart,
FOR EXl'HANUE l.-uth. r oat( re
versihle) large size, cost One Hund
red and Twenty-five Dollars. Would
consider portable drair saw, irood
row. or would sell, reasonable. Ad
dress R. Davidson. I iraln. Ore.
HULL, FOR SERVICE Thoroughbred
Jersey; comes from extra frood milch
strain. Price of sesrvice $:i. Insure
a better grade of stork and higher
percentage of butterfat by proper
breeding. Inquire of Ira Hull, east
of city on Deer Creek road.
FOUND Woman's brooch set with
stones, owner may have same by
calllna- at this office and describing
Cost Blue and black spotted hound.
Anyone knowing of such hound.
Plions lO-FlM .or address C. C. Long,
T-iii m prrnun. Itrwartl.
Ul.-T hady's gold wrist watch. Corne
ll here between ('reason's and Daw
son s on Deer Creek road. Reward.
I hone 3S-L, or leave at News-Review
I-OST A boy's gray .wool, norfolk
coat, plain gray belt. At or near
I'rnpqua ferry. Sun.. July 10. At the
race track. Finder please return to
or notify Mra. Geo. E. Shamp. Suth
ertln. FOB KENT.
f"rl.r!ilN"r keeping room. Inquire at
Hat Shop
T, - . - . n.r, deposit
nnsennra national Hank,
KK, r Nicely furnished rooms,
32S So Stephens. Phon 5B5.J
Fort PKN'T Rooms and apartments
1-7 Dotialaji St PhiM. ss.r.
FOR K ENT Nice clean sleeping room
and bath. 1 13 w im... .. ......
Ffi" .RT Oood ground for corn or
. c- -iinia, itu I, lloaeDurff,
orpnone -Fi.
FOR RENT Three room furnished
house, on paved street. Ixing leas.
FOR RENT tJirae rnol f,,-i.h7S
eedrnom. Oentlemen only. Prtrlleire
of hatlv lot Spruce su close to 8.
r. OCDOt.
Iron ni t
FOR SAf.R A Jersey cow. Deer Creek
reed Bara.
but the Truth
Oh lid's, $1.00. No War Tax.
To Walla Walla
W.T. Torrey, and family, who
residr on South Jackson street, left
yesterduy by automobile for Walli
Walla, Wash., where they will inonj
the next, two mouths visiting with
relatives. t
Here From Hood River
Mrs. W. L. Smith recently arrived
hero from Hood River to Bpend a
lew weekB at the home of her dau
ghter, Mrs. A. H. Marsh. Mrs. Lydii.
Johnson, of Hood River, is also t
house guest at the home of Repre
sentative nnd Mrs. A. R. Marsh. property for saie, lease, or
rent can easily be disposed of thru
Le classified advertising columns ol
'he News-Kevlew.
loost Roseburg and Dogmas county.
FOR SALE Feathera. Roseburg Pro
duce Co.. 6ol N Jackson st.
FOR SALE Black oaR wood and vetch
hay. Phone 6-F33. C. W. Uroves. .
FOR SALE Heavy team suitable for
" .v. mrm uureau n.xcnang
btlL mai.i.- a , c
giiH'-A--M- Ruasell, West Roaeburt
FOR SALE 1 fresh Jersey cow. Extrs
good. c. L. Weber, Koburts Cre.k.
Phone 42-F-13.
eoH 8ALM Protecograpn check writ
er, gooa aa n. Inquire at Muss
Review FOR SALE Round oak table and
four-burner gas range. 446 & Jack
son street.
FOR SALE 100 spring lambs; also
few old sheep. E. U Joaselyn, Kldul
ore. .
I-OR SALE 5-room furnlshea cottage,
Uirge sandy loam garden tract. 1-
. quire U'3 N. Pine St.
UODUE cur for aale cheap. Will trads
for Ford or Chevrolet. Addrul
"Car." News-Review.
FOR SALE Oat and vetch'hayr 111
per ton. Apply to Mrs. P. Slnnott,
adjoining Kinney Addition, Kosti
ERY store for sale. Will take eo4
auto in part trade. Addresa "Store.''
FOR SALE Qeod "team" horses, wagos
and harness. Horses about 2400 lbs.
each, good condition, sound and traa.
. . rt. aiann, Oakland, Oregon.
FOR SALE 6-rootn cottage with or
without furniture. Must be sold at
once .owner la leaving towo. Corns
and make offer. 720 SoPlne; .
LUMBER. LUMBER, for sale at ths
Rice Creek Mill six miles from Dil
lard. Good stock on hand and or
ders cut. Rustic, flooring, finish and
sized stock for sale after July I5'
FoR SaLE Farm of 313 aores oa gooi
haghway; store and post offlcs oa
place. Will sell all together or farn
and store separately. Easy terms.
A ddress 8. F.. care News-Review
FOR SALE i-JIs I lodge icadslrr, gout
condition .new tlrei, a snap at 4a
Would take a Ford or motorcyle s
part payment. Roseburg Tire G.
124 W. Cass St.
valuea In used cars at terms to sulL
We wash, polish and reptir "
, guarantee our work. Motor El
change. F. u McUrew, 401-J
A SNAP fuoo cash buys a 6-rooai
house on paved street. Lot 160
100 ft. All furnished. Including
190 range and a 1500 piano. In'"""
for 12000. Phone 417. O. W. Voanf
and son.
FOR KALE 160 a., Douglas Co.. -
mile from Ounter P. O. School,
Hood ranae. creeks, hlg game. fl"
In . odod roan. 10. :'oo cJ
116 monthly. E. E. Woolley, w
Crnsby street, San Plego. Calif; j.
A GOOD FARM for sale or rent
Camaa Valley. Contains 4J7, '"V
with :o acres under eulttvatws.
Will lease altogether or ser-ars'
sets of buildings. For further latT
matlnn call at S0J West Lans Bv
Mrs. Mary Dumberk. -
PRICED RIOHT 1 acres oa JT.
ment; fenced: t houses, one i roe""
some bullt-lns; one 4 rooms: sae
large barn, hen bouse. Ideal P"
for poultry rsarh; city water, sirj:
trie llsrhts. fsooo. H cash.
at once. O. W. Touag So a,
41 1 fl
miles east of Eugene, t m4le
Ixwell. acres first Willanvt"
River bottom. In cultivation J
new buildlnra and fences. .,R'lTIrf
station on ranch .orehnrd. f'ns , j
and poultry raiich. Will H '"US,
per acre or trade for merchsiw
business. Will glee terms. Frsaa -Blair,
Lowell. Oreajoa.