Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, July 13, 1921, Page 1, Image 1

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Highest yesterday KS I
Lowest but olglit 00 f
h Which u Included Thm Swung News and The Roieburg Review
' I w w
.x 1 . i
Fast Trains to be Operated Along Coast and From California to
Chicago to Ru&h Fresh Fruit to the
Eastern Markets.;
A new train service. Jo be 'do- pers of that locality. They spent
voted especially to fast - haul on the. day In Roieburg on similar busl
tTesh fruits, has been announced by nesa and will leave In the morning
the Southern Pacific company, ac- -for points in the Willamette valley,
cording to Superintendent A. T.i -
Herder who was in Roseburg today.
accompanied by D. 3. Weir, assistant
oral freight and passenger agent,
and I. T. Snarks. district freight and
I passenger agent. They met with a
nuiiiiivr ui luuai uuu uieu louay lo
determine as near as possible the
I amount of fruit to be shipped from
this locality, the condition under
Vhlch the fruit U to be loaded and
handled here and other details per-:
talning to the service which the com-,
pany expects to render this year.
According to the outline of the
nmntrii an given oy nr. mercier. j
a special run will be made between
P.osevUle. Calif., and Chicago, the
time being 154 hours.
Thla win greatly aid in getting
fresh fruits on the eastern market:
in good condition as much time is j
eliminated over the shipping period I
of last year.
Roseburg fruit will be handlod as
through freight by train number 221
and will be In Rosevllle lu approxi
mately 4 8 nours. No time will be
lost there but ss quickly as the cars
arrive they will be re-Iced and placed
in tne iruit block which will move
every two. or three hours.
Fruit from all Oregon and Califor
nia sotolons will be hauled Into Rose-
ville, by through frleght The cars
will be switched Into nnwlil blank
I after being Iced and made ready for
I the second lap of the trip and as
I r.uhkly as possible will be moved out
I in special fruit trains for Chicago
I and from that point the cars will be
I distributed to the market points.
I In shipments of apples and pears,
I particularly, tnia win mean a great
I saving to growers. Long shipment:
penoos nave in former years result-;
f ed ln much spoilage and a subse-
i quent loss to the producers. The
i quicker the time that can be made
s, Dy ine rruit in transit, tne greater;
return to the grower as the condi-
; tlon of the fruit will bring about a
higher price.
- The railroad officials are endeav-
oring to ascertain as nearly as pos-.'-
stole the amount of the fruit which
- will be handled by this service In
. order that complete plana can be
- made for equipment, labor, etc. ITo ;
-obtaln this information the officials :
are visiting the various fruit dis
tricts and are conferring with those
Who will be making shipments.
The party spent yesterday at Med
fT siTi'1 met with the lending shlp-
Lovely Shower at
I Willeit Home
Mr. DiArl...! Ullla. miA, U " UK .. UU UWUSU-
er, Viola, were charming hostesses
yesterday afternoon, a: a delightful
howur in honor of Miss Anna Fer
uson, who recently announced her
ngagement to C. S. Nicholson of
ntario. California. Miss Ferguson Is
he daughter of Mrs. A. Ferguson of
his city, and taught In the public
Knools here for several years.
as been employed at the La Halera f
K'estslde school at La Halera, Calif.,
luring the past winter. Miss Fer-
ffuson bns many frienda in this city
snd ln the south, who extend con-
gratulatlons. Ird Wlllett and Miss Viola Wlllett.
Mr. Nicholson Is a prominent' o
Grange grower of Ontario. California'
He expects to arrlvefhere soon. I
,. roe noma or Mrs. Wlllett was
fcost artistically decorated for the
cession in orange and white. From
arrhway hung ribbons with kew-
tied at the ends. Delicious
ncn. was served during the after-'
eon during which time several,
tests took part In an Impromptu
Tigram. Miss Wlllett gave an in-
'. iT !i Teadln "1 lo Piano ,
rjenas with an original poem, which
- . .1 -i.propriaie to me oera- spending several days collecting
mZl ,aa muon PP'anse .re-, these voluntary subscriptions, which
t .!?. T. T0CI ol0- L08 "ere made entirely by ladies, who
Lddle Laura Davis was also 'desired In this way to express their
e recipient, of much comment, for' appreciation of the work the band
er interesting poein. Miss Bertha' has been doing. The band was
rentney gave a fine violin solo. At greatly pleased by the gift which
late hour In tha afternoon the was the largest single contribution
'estt were lntKd to a lovely tablet made to the organisation.
here they enjoyed a delicious 1 o
raneheon. A huge Japanese parasol The funeral of the late Earl Nap
the center of the table covered per who died on Monday at Ban
e guests who were "caught ln the Francisco, will be held from the lo
iawer," and tiny orange streamers 'cal undertaking parlor tomorrow
vre tied In front of each place with ' afternoon at 1:19. with tha Rev. C.
1 1 gift awaiting them. Aerompany-H. Hflton. of too Christian ehnreh.
' ch girt, was an original verse, officiating The body will be ahip-
wtilcn, upon reading, caostd mneh 'ed to Eugene for Interment.
! A VIQ. tlCiTl Fipltl
Cleared of Rocks
By the cooperation of locnl mar.
chants and members of the Chamber
of Commerce with the members of
the local Legion Dost, the aviation
field waa completely cleared or rock
last night. A heavy scraper was put
on today finishing the work, making
the field almost as level and as
smooth as a floor. The field has
oeen properly marked and Is Ideal
for the landing of planes. The ships
can land or take off In either direc
tion, north or south and In landing
iroin euner direction can land up
hill. The band was out last nlzht
while the large force was engaged
ln ui rowing off rock, gave an inter-
eating and pleasing concert. Over
ten truckloads of rock were removed
from the field. After the work was
completed the party returned to the
Umpqua hotel where. Ice cream and
cake were served.
Infant Death Rate
Lowest In West
NEW YORK. July 13. (United
Press.) It U safer to be bora in the
west than ln the east.
- The report of the American Child
Hygiene Association for 19 20 lists
cities of over 10,000 population ac
cording to the number of
deaths per thousand of population.
Seattle, Washington, is first among
ciues ot over zdo.ouv with 66, Port
land. Ore., following with 60 and
Among cities between 100,000 and
260.000. Houston. Terns la safasl
for babies, with 37. then Spokane,
Washington, with 71 and Oakland
California, with 72.
The west holds Its supremacy a
the region of healthy babies with
the three cities in the 50,000 to
100,0000 class which have the low
est infant death rate all situated on
the Pacific Coast. Tacoma,
ington, comes first with 37
ley next with 45, and ban Diego
wlth 62.
Horace Oreely was said to have
advised, "Oo west, young man. go
west)." He might change it now to
an address to newlyweds.
Miss Ferguson was the recipient
of many beautiful and useful gifts,
And her many friends wish her much
future happiness.
The invitational guest list in
eluded, Mesdames A. Ferguson, J. I).
Sloan, George Chandler, L. J.
Barnes, John Ferguson, W. Davis, J.
W. Pentney, Charles Moore, H. B.
Connely, Cleo Tipton, Laura Wlnnl
ford, E. C. Cloaks, Misses Vera Tip
ton. Erma Martin. Florence Kohl
hagen, Pearl Jones. Laura Davis
Helen Ferguson. Jean Ferguson.
Emily Weber, Alice Fisher, Minnie
Eston, Bertha Pentney. Anna Burks,
Eliza. Verrlll, Minnie Mac Her. Mrs.
Burks, Mrs. George Mclver, Mrs.
Walter 1 lines. Mrs. J. Jones, Mrs.
Verrlll and the hostesses Mrs. Rlch-
LduIS "rCSent
Band With Check
The bsnd was last night made the
recipient of an unexpected gift from
the ladies of the city, the gift being
presented by Mrs. C. S. Helnline.
who turned over to Manager A. T.
Lawrence a check for $76 comprls-
of the city. Mrs. Helnlin has been.
The News-Review this after-
noon dispatched a message to
the Oregon Druggists' conven-
tlon ln session at Seaside, Ore-
gon, inviting the members to
select Roseburg as the 1911
convention city. It ta under-
stood that several other bust-
ness firms sent similar mea-
sales extending an Invitation to
make the beauty spot of the
Umpqua valley their Mecca
next year. e)
Definite Plans .
For Organization
(By Associated Press)
PORTLAND. July 13. Definite
plans were formulated for the estab
lishment of a central marketing or
ganisation for the handling of the
fruit crop of the six Pacific states
represented at the conference here.
The appointment of a committee of
three members of each of the mar
keting organizations In the six states
Is provided tor in a resolution
sdopted today. The resolution de
clared the object was to eliminate
the middleman and give the growers
the best price and make the price to
the consumers the lowest possible.
Large Livestock
Pool Will Start
(Bv Associated PressV
CHICAGO. July 13. A fifty mil
lion dollar livestock pool subscribed
by the bankers will be ln operation
next Monday, Everett C. Brown,
president of the National Livestock
Exchange, announced .today.
Enough Names to
Obtain a Recall
fRv TTnlrAil
SALEM. July IS. The nubile ser
vice recall uominitteoT Inc., declares
tnat suutcient signatures have been
secured to insure the recall of Fred
Williams, chairman of the public ser-
i vice commission.
Advertising Will
Get The Results
(By United Press.)
' PORTLAND. July 13. C. I. Lew-
Is, general manager of the Oregon
Growera Cooperative association.
told the Pacific Coast Fruit Growers
conference that advertising will cell
Oregon fruits when nothing else can.
pointing out the possibility of secur
ing marvelous results tnrougb a con
sistent campaign of exploitation
Lewis cited tne successes achieved by
the California growers through con
sistent publicity.
Getting Ready For
Disarmament Talk
' ftly United Press).
WASHINGTON. July 13. The
"Pacific" question faces a full air
ing preceding the dlsarment confer
ence. It was Indicated today. Sena
tors McOormlck and Johnson prepar
ed to address the senate in reference
to the Japanese and Chinese prob
lems, both here and abroad.
Paris reports indicate the lnton
tlon of the French - defoliation re
questing the league of natlon'j coun
cil to refrain from disarmament con
sideration until after the formal dis
armament conference In this country
and other powers. 1!iis action Is of
ficially regarded as fie im
portant move to umasrnla'e tin- lea
gue and to mark time pending Hwrd
Ing's expression of Mi for an as-
.ociatlon of nations, .la pa if and It
aly remain to be hoard from relative
to their participation lu thy five i.a
tlons' conference. The Japanese
people, press and cmnier ;lal n n
favor partlclpat'.oti, but tho states
men are cautious.
School Districts
to Take New Vote
A. new vote on the matter of con
solidation of the public schools of
three districts will be taken at Glide
on July 25. The recent election was
thrown out by the boundary as a re
sult of tie vote In one district. A
petition Is being circulated In the
Days Creek and Glendale districts
Yor revote oo the question there.
the election having been cancelled
because of violations of technicali
ties of the law.
Mrs. J. A. Freeman, of this dtr.
Ill leave for Newport the last of
this week, where she will remain
during the summer. Mrs. Freeman
formerly owned a number of eottagns
st the reeon, but sold her property
there last summer, and Is going over
bow for good time and rest.
Low Flying Aviators Throw
Scare Into Forestry
Black Rock Ran bit Confused By
Long Dlstanro Reports Patrol
Plnne Down on Snow Kit-Id
At Balin Mountain.
Considerable excitement v. as occo
sloned here today by a message from
Black Rock ranger station to the
effoct that one of the forest patrol
planes had landod lu the snow flell
at Halm Mouutaln. A telephone
message to Eugene however, brought
the information that the ship had
landed -safely at Eugene and tha:
the report was unfounded.
The ranger at Black Rock report
ed shortly after 13 o'clock that the
forest patrol plane bound northward
on Its flight from Med ford to- Eu
gene. Had apparently landed
Balm Mountain. The observer stated
that the plane was acting queerly
before aoinc out of aicl.i and Hist
W fearod something was wrong.
I After allowing ample time for the
plane to reach Eugene. Forest Super
visor Ramsdell telephoned to the
Eugene headquarters where he
learned tha the plana had landed
sareiy ai inc ease.
t ne aviators were questioned and
stated that they were flying very
low, in the Iialm .Vountnln country
and that the Black Itock observer
evidently was confused by this fact,
As the distance between the two
points is quite rre this is probably
the logical conclusion.
Balm Mouuialn Is situated about
eight miles from Thorn Flats whero
the two aviators were forced down
! snrnmar Th.i. i. k.... a
and 10 feet, at Jrnow on the snow1",'lh 8 ,?
mj .-j j,. ,k
u " -
quatnted wiin trie vicinity.
there In
. ...
an Ideal
place for an
The observer at the Black i
Rock station naturally supposed
when the plane went out of sight
a i a '""T ""'" i"""-"
and had cone down.
He stated that the plane appeared
to be "wobbly" and that It circled
about Instead nf continuing the dl
rect course.. The unsteady, appear
ance It Is con j-ct ured was caused bv
distance between the observing sta
tion and the plane.
(.wf.t"i-w 'Vaph!n'an Turen.
WASHINGTON, Julv 12 ,Thru
the efforts of Senator Stanfleld, Rob-
ert Mofarkv, son of Mrs. Dai. Mai-
arkv. of Astoria .has been granted
total disability from the date of his
discharge. titi relna'atin his lnnr-!
ance and giving him full benefits
under compensation laws.
Mrs. Meyers, of Winston, spent
the afternoon In the city shopping !
and visiting with friends.
Legion Adjutant
Expresses Opinion
(By t'nltcd Press l.
CREAT FALLS, Mont., July
13. "If the payment of a
bonus to service men would
mean financial ruin to the
country wo " certainly do not
want It," Lemuel Bolles, na-
ttonal adjutant of the American
Legion, declared today In refer-
nce to President Hnrdlng's
statement to congress ye. tor-
day. "But we do no: believe
the granting of adjusted com-
pensation would bring such dia-
aster. The opponents of the
measure have centered their at-
tack on the rash bonus feature.
There are three other options.
The service men under the hill
could obtain loans for trie pur-
chase of the house and lot or
farm; he could receive technl-
cal or vocational training, r 4
receive paid up Insurance. We
do not believe any legislation
tending to make the service
0 man an Independent home
owner or which would give him
0 an education or give his fain-
lly Insurance In the event of
his death .would visit destrue-
tlon on our country. We on-
pose delay In the consideration 4s
of the adjusted compensation
measure which haa passed the
house. There has been too
much 6lsv already. Now there
are a half million ex-service
men out of work and a dire
need exists for the adjustment
of an economic balance be-
tween those who served and
those who did not."
! EUGENE. July IS. A drew
on the edge of the Umpqua na-
, tional forest seven miles 'south
of Cottage Grove is reported to
cover fifty acres. This Is the
largest fire reported this tea-
Japan s Answer
Not Yet Received
(Br Auocia.Mi Press).
LONDON. July 13. Great Brit
ain, France and Italy have officially
accepted Harding's invitation to the
conference on a limitation of ariua
meuta. China has indicated her
readiuess to participate in a confer
ence relative to the Far East. Japan
is not on record yet but It is ex
pected that her acceptance will be
communicated to the United States
government soon.
Belfast Rioting
Not been Stopped
(By Asioclataa Press).
LONDON. July 13. Rioting oc
curred In Vera street, Helmut, today.
suya a dispatch. Two constables were
I Injured and three civilians were
! taken to the hospitul with gunshot
Roseburg Minister
On the Honor List
(n A.ineutwi pres.)
CHICAGO, July 13. Thore are
over thirty ministers over DO years
of age In the Methodist Episcopal
church. There is oue minister over
ninety-eight years of age, one nearly
ninety-seven "years, and three about
ninety-six years of age, according to
a statement Issued by Dr. Oliver S.
: Baketel, New York, editor of tho
"H"ou,Bl IeBr UOOK-
The oldest patriarch of the Metho-
diet Episcopal church Is the Rev.
uune z, tssa, nc tiariwicK. n. -1
i n - l- . ,-B, U.hln nn.l
' . ' r.--.
, i- . .. n, , v. . . t . . ... . . r . .
cnne. Hia AntlrA tnlnlKtrv liaji heen
.v .,r i 1 n Michigan where he has been act
the Black 1 1. , . n ....i i
i . ,,. j i,. ,' tj u h .
, tue longest mltilutorial record of scr-
vice ln the pastorate. Most of these
ministers are on the retired list and
. aro pensioners.
Among those born In 1S30 Is Rev.
Robert Booth, of Roseburg.
Jimmy's Photo
Found In Apartment
(Bv Associated Presa).
IHenltrlcatlnn it .Imuau A RM1!-
man's photograph as that of the man
SQe had seen In the apartment ol
Mrs. Florence H. Leeds, the former
Broadway show girl, was understood
to have been made today by Mrs.
Ijlary V. Hill, a nurse ln the cm-
'ploy of Mrs. Iieils after the birth
, of Jay Ward U;eds. ln September,
i91 8. Tho nurse was the second
witness for Mrs. Stlllman when tho
divorce battle was resumed today be
fore the referee.
Penrose Urges
Immediate Action
nv (tinted Prasa
WASHINGTON. July 13. The ten
billion allied war debts of the IT. 8.
must be settled belore the soldiers'
bonus bill enactment. Senator Pen
rose declared today. Acceptlnc
Harding's tnecsag? suggestion that
the enactment of a bonus bill de
pends upon 1st reductions, refund
ing the war debt and the adjust
ment of foreign loans, Penrose called
a meeting of the finance committee
I to consiner a dii giving ncrre?ar
.tienun prnaa powers in reiuii'imr;
the allied loans
Opposing Lloyd
George' s Attendance
(By t'nlteil Press) .
LONDON, July 13. OpposHl in to
Lloyd Onrge's attendance heading
the British delegation to the Wsh-
Inglon disarmament conference I '4
growing. The premiers political
enemies are marshalling their forces
to put Arthur Balfour In place of
Lloyd George. he London Times
opposes bot.l the premier and lird
Curson. the latter because of his
"IHimiwMis snd pretentious msnner,
and t-nslners Incapacity."
The Northslde cottsee prayer
meeting was held this tfternoon at
the home of Mrs. Horace Hagcn.
Following the regular meeting th
lsdlrs enjoved a sorlsl afternoon, af
ter which delicious Ice were served
by the hostess.
Superintendent of Southern Pacific Says Improvements Canno
Be Made Here Until
Railroad is
That the extension and Improve
ment of the bouthcrn I'uclflc ri'll-
roud yards at Roieburg v. 11! tiiUe
place as soon as the fiuauc.s ot tae
railroad compnay are suitably ad
justed, was tho statemunt made this
.morning, by A. T. Mercier, superin
tendent, who was ln the city today,
with other railroad officials meet
ing with the fruit men relative to
.fruit shipments.
"Railroad companies are ln the
tsame position as all other lines of
business," Mr. Mercier stated, "and
at the present time there are no fi
nances with which to nVako the ex
tensions which we have ln mind. I
cannot say hoVr soon this condition
will be chnnged or how soon the fi
uanclal adjustment will be made.
"We have definitely stated our po
sition. Before the public service
commission, under oath, I outlined
our program for the Improvement of
tho Roseburg yards. That was. and
still Is our program. Some time ln
the future we expect that It will be
i-arrled out. but how soon that will
be It Is Impossible to foretell.
"At the present tlmo. It Is Impos
sible. Finances are ln an unprece
dented condition and the railroad
companies are nard hit. We are
now passing through a period Of ad-1 parties to state my views in thla
Justment which Is working a great matter, but this Is an affair which
hardship upon the railroad campan-' must be settled by people of Rose
les, anil no ono can tell what tho I burg and Is something In which I am
outcome will be. We expect, how- not concerned. I have stated the
.ever, that soon we will return to a rompany's position freely and asltjo
normal basts. This will create even
a greater volume of business which
will necessitate tho proposed exten
sions. It may be that this will come
In a comparatively short period and
again It tuny take a longer time, but
the plans will ultimately be carried
In regard to the bridge matter,
Mr. Mercier declined to make a def
inite statement.
"I expressed on the witness stand
before the public service commission
the eompnnv'a attitude toward all
grade crossings. So fnr as maklnr
A threat to move the terminal awa
from Roseburg Is concerned. I have
been misquoted. It does not taki
i person with a knowledge of engi
neering1, to figure what a grade
crossing means to a railroad. If i
person will stnnd at ono of the cross
Ings In Roseburg and will see th
extra Inbor and tlmo that is con
sumed In making up and switching!
train, they will bo convinced thatr
railroad company must oppose th'
construction nf any grade crosslni
along Its tracks.
"So fur as this particular crosslni
New Budget Director
Already H as Boomlet
WASHINGTON, July 13. (By U,
'' The July sun is not hot hor.'ghtcr of Mr. and Mrs, Paul Nygren.
Hut It Is never too hot to discourage ierlously Injured yesterday ev-
politlcal hopefuls from setting out.enlng at the home of Charles Wll
little political bootulots. In th hnne'son. at Reston. when she waa kick-
that the ardent rays will help givo
them a sturdy tfrowtb.
Such a boomlet has been planted,
with the nuadrennlal exhibition nf
hand-raised booms some four yens
hence in mind. Hiaht now It it n
spindling tenuous plunt, but Its
planters are tenderly caring for It,
and have great hopes.
Hell-and-Mnrla Dawes" for t.resl.
dent is the name of the booml-i.
Hell-and-Marla, you'll remember, is
director of the budget, other!:) -
known as oiislness manager of tho
government. Ho's been told to make
Uncle Sam economical, to keep con.'c"y nl lnn child Immediately p'ac-
sress from going on annrooiitl.,n
sprees, and the federal departments
irom acting like drunken nai!..r
with their pockets full of gold
ton II remeiubir. too. how -llell-
and-Mnrla" got his ,ili.lniiet. lie
coined It himself when in (istifyli.g
about war conditions before a con
gressional committee, he ujc. lan
guage more pungent than elegant.
Now that he's rone Into act'nn i-.n
the budget, some of Ills fri'inli sie
predicting he will mr.k-j hl.meif II o
biggest flguro In the count'r in a
few years, a will he Hj. liglcsl nrm
' r the O. O. P. nomination one of
these davs. after Warren (1. Harding
has no further use for said nomina
Dawes, they c Is a com
posite of Blllv Sunday n:r. T. it.. In
anion, lies fall of pen, vlin and
vigor. He lovea plain talk, ari l l
withal a two fl.:ted chnp wb n re
meets opposition. II ll talk !uok to
congressmen, senators, -aW.i't num
bers and presid n'j, without regard
'or consegunncos, whei he t iii ks
they need tslV-ng back to I It, : n
up-and-coming p'tju nlio shoull bo
wstched. for ,ie's goini to Up1
his eiricMt BVitirs say.
Financial Condition of
Is concerned there are the same ob
Jotcionable featurea .and ln addition
the interference with our plans for
Improvement. It is the plan to put ,
three tracks ln at that place. Tha
tracks are to be put ln there for tho
purpose or storing and switching
trains, if a crossing Is to be located
at that point and kept open, our ex
tended tracks will be useless, if on
the other hand we use our tracks
and keep trulns stored there the
crossing will be useless.
"The railroud company has at all
times been unalterably opKsed to
grade crosslnps. ln fact it has spent
many thousands of dollars In help
ing to eliminate such crossings. Tha
Tailroad company has paid, ln addi
tion to lu taxes, forty per cent of
the cost of constructlug overhead
crossings along Its right-of-way.
I This ln itself Is enough to show the
company s attitude.
We at all times try to conform
our plans, as much as possible, to
the public's Interest, but theao ocmea
times when the two must conflict
and It Is then a matter of which Is
the beBt for all concerned. Betwen
the respective bridge sites. I do not
desire to express my preference. I
have been askd by several Interested
from that I have nothing to say."
1'. S. PAYS STATE ,000
(NYws-Review Washington Bureau.)
WASHINGTON, July 13. Oregon
is one of the twenty-four states
which will receive a maximum share
of the $400,000 or federal funds
appropriated for the protection of
forest lands from fires during the
fiscal year, which began July 1.
Oregon will get $2:., 000 to protect
12,000.00 acres of forest lands.
Five other states receive as much
but no state receives mora.
Last year only $12,000 was ap
propriated by congress for this work,
nit due to tho activity ot Senator
McNary, of Oregon, this sum was in
Teased to $400,000, and gave for
' he first time In recent years ade
Itiate sums for flro protection.
This expenditure Is authorized un
ler what Is commonly known as the
'Weeks Law," which was passed
furch 1, 1911, and has continued
n force ever since.
Anna Nygren
Seriously Injured
Anna Nygren, the 9-year-old dau-
led In the head by a horse the skull
being fractured. She bad been vislt-
Ing there with some of the Wilson
children and they were chasing some
horses which had escaped from tha
corral, ln an effort to get them
lack. One of tne horses waa nnl'e
gentle and was a pet with the child
ren, and playfully kicked at them.
Tho Nygren girl waa too close and
the horse's hoof caught her Just
shove the right eve. A portion of
, tho bone waa "broken and drlve.i
' back tindenienih the brain, severing
n artery. Word was sent to thla
ed In an auto and brought to nose-
hurg. lly tho tlmo she reached the
city lira. rH'tner ana Stewart were
pr pared for nn operR'ion snd shet
was put on the operating table at
once. It was nrreseary to remove,
two portions of bone from the brain.
The patient was renting easily today
and nppenred to he Improving. Tc"r-i
;'S Utile fever snd not a great deal
of pain. It Is believed tiiai sho will
recover from the Injury althouKQ
fear is felt for the sight of the right
eye of the little girl.
v,.i7..-i Tt'asb'rirlon tt:irfvoa
tor Stanfleld has Just returned from
.. e,.i,i, wecK-' trio In the West In
conniption with financing the live
ioi k Interest In which Western
I I ye Y" fimnrlii In-
taresrta nave advanced (50,000,000
o u.ja yiebslug needs of thla
, o
A marrtase license was Issued to
day to Theodore T Snrague and Lola
D. Marlon, both of this county.