mw bubo imRmn whtsedat. rrE b, iwi. MOB TVO ROSEBURG NEWS-REVIEW ImueU I '"II J Kcet tiun.Liy. IS. V. tlute I.. ttliiibt-rly llerl (1. Hates ItoKKItl iii;, OUKCiON. JI NK . - A GREAT VICTORY FOR DOUGLAS COUNTY. We take ofr our hat to the voters of this county who yesterda gave the good roads bond issue such an overwhelming majority, l'rol ably never before in the history of this section of the rflak was a subject presented of so to the future iii wlopnient of all the county, and never before was a question sub mitted to the voters that redounded with such unanimous n l proval. The victory does not apply, as many supposed it would, l Loseluug and the various important towns throughout the county but had the support of u large majority of the fifty-nine precincts, thereby demonstrating in no uncertain tones that the rural dis tricts were heartily in accord with the proposed bond issue. Thi. Mate of affairs is most gratifying. It shows conclusively that tn. larmi ig element is strongly in lavor of idl matters pertaining U the upbuilding of the county and that good roads are a paramoun. feature for the future success of the county in general. Uy the general support given this measure by the farmers ii every nook and corner of the county, a feeling of just pride pre vails that when a meritorious issue arises, as was the case a. yesterday's special election, they may be counted in giving then loyal approval and complete sanction to the issue. The victory was complete in every particular and no loop hole is left tiiat would in the least possible way show a shadow o. doubt as to the true intent of the legal voters of this county, 1 was a victory that savors of the unbounded faith the people have in Douglas county and its possibilities. It is a happy realizatioi of greater things to be accomplished and a step lorward in tlu march of progress that will open avenues in a business way tha. have long been dormant. No issue of greater importance eve presented itself and was so generously approved by the peoph ol Douglas county. The cost of the many projects set out by the local bond issui will be a mere trifle compared to the advantages to be gained am a period of general prosperity In this section of the state will pre vail. New capital will be invented, many substantial home builders will be attracted to this section and the rural district, will be greatly augmented by those people coming from a distana and who appreciate the progressive spirit shown by the horn, people in taking advantage of every possible means to open up tin. big county by a thorough and systematic program of permaneii. road building. Yesterday's edict sounded the death knell for any movemen. to retard the growth of this prosperous county, and henceforli we may look lor greater and bigger things that have for thei. purpose the upbuilding of every city and hamlet in the county. o POWER OF ATTRACTIVE HOMES. If you can take the roving families of this moving age, ant persuade them to settle down in a good town and make an effort ti own their own homes, you will make industries more efficient, am dissipate social unrest. if you can form a home building organization, put up simpl. houses that have beauty and attractiveness, and which are at ranged around pretty courts with landscape gardening, you wil begin to get results. The charm of these dwellings w ill move a lot of young peoph who would never deny themselves to bu a commonplace house, Oi Whose imagination is not kindled by the mere sight of a bank book Every bride that sees one of tiiese tasteful, new style honied feels that to possess it is the greatest longing of her life. She wil go long without new clothes to get an equity in it, and she will per suade her husband to make sacrifices. The ltridgeport, Conn., Housing company is an organizatio. that has tested out the truth of these theories. It started witi the idea that the modern wage earner demands a coml'ortabl home, and that it pays the community to make it possible for hin lo get it. It encourages newly married people to take little apart ments in tasteful group houses, and it will give them a chance ti put their money into bonds giving a share of ownership in tin sunie. As the families increase it plans to take their savings, am supply the balance of the funds needed to build dwellings. Th power of these influences to promote the home building movemen. is seen in the fact that in one night and one afternoon it .sold Id. dwellings on this basis. It Ro.seburg is to develop as it might, it must offer pleasau. and attractive homes to its wage earners. When it does that tin policy of saving will appeal to a great many who would never sc. aside money regularly for any other form of thrift. COMBATS A POPULAR IMPRESSION. Stale Highway Commissioner R. A. I'.ooth will be in Rose burg tomorrow to immediately start to perfect plans to carry on the work on the Roscburg-Coos liay highway. There's inTTmn like' getting on the job early, and Air. Itooth shows the pivpe. spirit in the way of co-operation when he signifies his intent t de'iver "the goods" just as he had promised to do, along with hi. associates on the highway commission. o Local people are considering very seriously the matter o, sending a posse to the Camas Valley district to ascertain, it pus bible, who that lone voter was that cast his ballot against the bom issue. Out of 101 votes cast in that precinct only one w;i regis tered against the measure, and it is thought this voter's loo slipped just as he was about to go over the top and his pctml jru" in the wrong Wx. o Did somebody say that the farmers were opiosed to K'mh. roads? Yesterday's vote on the bond issue dispels this idea an puts "the man with the hoe" in the front ranks of the progress m element in this county who may le counted on to do things in . Nisitive way when the issue is presented in a fair and business like manner. o The ex-service boys are happy today. The vote of npprecia lion jriven the bonus bill was i most patriotic way to show ou. Icya'ty to these soldiers who made the Germans go "four ways fo Sunday." o The University of Wisconsin's investigation previously re ferred to, of the operations of retail merchants in Madison, Wis consin, lays emphasis upon the difficulties encountered by small retail 6tores. It combats the popular impression that retail stores nave gathered in large profits. It finds that the retailer who is ible to earn a salary of $2500 is in a class so rare that he should reel fortunate. It believes that profiteering exists only when a .nonopoly artificially controls and limits supply. Small stores, the university experts find, do not come out as ell as they think they do, because so frequently a good deal of abor is performed by members of the family of the owner, which .amily work is not paid for. If this was compensated as other .tores have to pay for it, the profit would largely disappear. The university report says, and its conclusions are equally rue of thousands of other places: "The distribution of Madison's .ood supply is now accomplished by so many retailers that the average ones do too small a business. The small retailer can not juy elliciently. The two chief weaknesses of the present retail .ystem are that the costs of operating small stores are greater nan those of large stores, and that small size prevents efficient juying." 't he conclusion seems inevitable. The small store can over come its handicap in only one way, and that is by advertising. By nuking a specialty of a few lines which it can handle elliciently, iiid by soliciting trade for these specialties, it can soon increase .ts trade. The enlarged volume w ill cut down its operating ex pense per article sold, and enable it to enlarge its operations. The Roseburg-Coos Bay highway will open up a new market or Douglas county produce. This is a mighty important feature A the bonding program initiated at Tuesday's election. o Most everyone helped to put the bond issue over. The women .ied with the men to pull the old county out of the mud and a ood job was accomplished. o ' Oh, what joy when we can jump in our Lizzie and hit for the .and hills on the coast and wash our feet in the briny deep. c That was some vote rolled up by the people of the Lower .'mpqua. Those boys are certainly good roads boosters. o Roseburg wants a city park. Will the bridge bugaboo wrestle his very important acquisition from usV o : Keep on boosting. There's other important things for this .ity and county besides good roads. o : Camas Valley against the world for a perfect vote on a good .'oads bond issue. o Naturally, immediately following a red-hot election comes a nurder trial. M'Minnville Citizens Give Dance Hater the "Razz", and Escort 'Him From City McMIXNVll.LE. Ore. June 8. hreatened wllit a ducking In the own pond, Uev. V. O. Mol-uren. jruuT pastor of the Portland Com ions and superintendent at present f the Pacific Coast Alii and I'ro ctive association, was run out of to city limits last night by Irule itizens. The city marshal accom anled the preacher and his chauf 'ur in order to protect the pair rum violence. McLaren has waged an active -unpawn to close public dance alls here and he attempted to.make n eleventh-hour speech at the close f a mass meeting held to discuss n ordinance banning the public ance hall. The meeting had been revlously addressed by an attorney 'presenting the opposing faction nd Ihe speaker had replied to a harge made by McLaren that danc :ig as conducted at present In Mc tlnnville is not conducive to nior ils. The minister was hooted nnii Issed. lie paid no attention, but ept riuht on trying to talk. It was iien thai a dozen or more of the irst citizens of Mi'Mlnnville made rush for McLaren and. grabbing Im by Ihe elbows and collar, start I htm on a double quick for a ncar v pond. Some bystanders ran for the town inrshal. The officer hastily Inter- pted the abductors of the minister nd rescued him at the edge of the ake. The chauffeur was distributing nnilbllls at the door of the hall here the excitement started. lie lade some loose remarks about the 'rls of the hliih school here. The owd started after him and started Tward the lake, but were again In- rcepted by the marshal who started 'ie fair, preacher and driver, toward t wberg In their automobile. They Tiwd In Por'lnnd later and are itartered In a safe pla"e. I'onni llman ;lllrt. who advorat I the dancing reform and Is a hsmplon of the ordinance being oteil on at today's election, was 'so the obi.-t pf a search nrgan cd I'T the hinh school boys who de ' thev would ride him on a 'it and throw him In the water "rar,ls. Gilbert was 11111 dry at n enr'v hn-ir today, as the gang i'ln't find him. "i In the memory of the oldest i'.ints has there ever before mi nnnh exci'pment at an efee a. I nretalent today. The i'v I" split wide open be- n ln fa lions and eirh Is blt JMimt the other. Croups of Iti' n collect on the downtown ror ers. r.ou.w1ves lean over the foneo nd bnvs and glrti congregate on th Tjr to and from achool to discuss the 'burning topic of the day to dance or nut to dance. Thus who oppose the ban on pub lic dancing maintain that the public dunce Is a necessary Institution.' Abolish It, they say, arid you drive your young people to adjoining towns for their amusement. The proponents of ihe ban declure that dancing as at present exemplified Is dangerous lo public morals and has already led to the downfull of many a young girl of the town. . Shipping Board Members Announced (nv I'nlte.l Press.) WASHINGTON, June 8. It was definitely learned that A. D. Lasker has agreed to Income chairman of ihe shipping board. The other mem bers will be Admiral Benson, the present chairman; Frederick I. Thompson, of .Mobile; Meyer Lissner. Iais Ongeles: T. V. O'Connor, of Iluffulo; ex-Senator Chamberlain, of Oregon; E. C. Plummer. of Bath. Maine. The White House made the announcement. MISS BURLEIGH, TRAINED NURSE Of 10S ANGELES HAS PHI 1ANIAC 10 IHE TEST Miss Hazel M. Burleigh, 960 Fran cisco St., Los Angeles, Cul., a trained nurse, after having been convinced by actual test of the remarkable re sults following the use of Tan lac, feels she owes a duty to others to give them the benefit of her exper ience with the medicine. Miss Bur leigh says: "Last spring I came off a long, hard caBe and was very badly run down and weak. I felt the ueed of something to build we up and bring back my strength. I had heard friends and patients praise Tnnlac so highly I got some and by the time I had tukeu three bottles I was feel ing as fine and was as well aug strong as I ever was In my life and I have been In the best of health ever since. "Since I have found out by per sonal test that It Is a medicine of unusual merit I have suggested It In several cases with gratifying results, and In one case of chronic stomaph trouble the benefits following were noUiing short of remarkable and the patient is now entirely well. I do not heeltate to recommend Tanlac in cases where there Is need of a good system-builder or In cases of stom ach trouble, especially those where formation of gas produces disagree able symptoms." o Ol'KKK Ol'IP VI KSTIOXXAIRE. When Thomas A. Edison made out his series of questions as a test for employees he started something. The jokesmiths of the press are giving questions "air" at a rapid clip and the end Is not In sight. A series oi humorous questions shown on the screen in "Topics of the Day" films registers a laughing success In thea tres everywhere. This season of the year Is examination time for school pupils. Perhaps tbey, as wen as their elders, may like to answer the "Edison" queslons found on random here and there in the public prints: Why Is the answer to a question? If a corset cover covers a corset, what doe,s a corset cover? When a liottle Is .opened Is . It calling It daddy when it says "pop?" VAUDEVILLE NEWS. What precious metals are used for making hush? What great man first said, "I love lny wife, but oh you kid?" How old was Mary's little lamb? NEW YORK WOULD. Is Aesop a fable? What makes wild women wild? Why are censors? "TOPICS OF THE DAY." How old Is Ann? What ,are the dimensions of a bathing suit? Why do they let George do It? PITTSBURG GAZETTE TIMES, Who discovered the use of rogue and why? Why Is a moustache? Who was Pan? What did he handle? WESTF1ELD (N.J.) LEADER. What does a movie screen? Why hasn't a vest sleeves? Why does a rooster carry a comb? RUTGERS. Why ts work? Why are straw hats?.. Who fed Veis? FT WAYNE JOURNALrGAZETTE Who's looney now? Why is a poor fish? Why is there a hole in a dough nut? - SAVANNAH NEWS. Why aren't pretzels made straight? Did you ever see a peanut stand? Who said the moon Is made of green cheese? NASHVILLE BANNER. Is a cut price rut? Why docs a photoplay? Why Is snoring? N. Y. II. ALUMNI'S. What's the use? If eventually, why not now? Is there a reason? WASHINGTON POST. FIRST ANNUAL Military Ball OF Company D Fifth Infantry o.N,c at the a. ARMORY Friday, June 10, 1921 Benefit Company Mess Fund Music by the Sunset Orchestra Ladies F.ree Gentlemen, $u 00 risisBisMiajaHsaaaaaaaaaalaMBBxBxsxaaBaajfasjjP l AKMA.N Kl'NKHAL TODAY. The funeral services for the late Frank Carman will be held from the Veateh chapel in Eugene today at 2 o'clock, with Rev. C. A. Dunham offi ciating at the chapel services, while the Eugene Elks will have charge or the services at Hope Abbey, Mr. Carman was a brother of A. J. Car man of this city, and had many friends who mourn his death. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Engels, of Glide, arrived in the city last evening to spend several days visiting with friends. ''t U MAX 8Eli it. f n7... - 'uglit to this !r mJ?. vetyrlousconditlTti' Is suffering from ."8"n "ude, the c,r. VSTS?; 1'Min. He it in ik. u.r14 ;. Mrs. ItawtfEj tills niOrnfnar .nJ i. "In ned ow the condiuZtSU Miss Sarah !, -e... iraitiiuj in tlu on i Use Flavo Flour A ft ONE-ELEVEN Cigarette To tell you of the care in blending to baccoifor ONZ-EUVEN Cigarettes would behijjfv ly interesting But-Just buy package and find out. Saturday, June 25th at 8:30 p.m. We will give away, absolutely free one Royal Vacuum Cleaner To the person guessing the nearest correct weight of the dirt contained in the Glass Jar in our window, hich was taken from a 12xlG Rug in one sweeping by a ROYAL CLEANER. Stop at our store and fill in your guess on a registra tion card. No purchases required. Make your guess now. Remember this Cleaner is to be given away ABSOLUTELY FREE. Uhlig's Electric Store