0SEBURG Mews- WEATHER DAILY TEMPERATURE TUvbeat yesterday T I,owet last ulght 4l In Which ia Included The Evening Newt and The Roseburg Review ,1EW Xn r 08EBVRG REVIEW. nosEBina, oregox, THinsmv, may 12, ioat. VOU X, Xo. 110, OF THK EVENING NEWS. LEAGUE BASEBALL SEASON OPENS TODAY ; :at and Lean Elks Have Great Frolic 1 fesbyteriahs and Baptists in Clash i tames Witnessed by All Roseburg. W battle between the corpulent ! skinny gentlemen of the local I lodge was almont called off at ul minute today because Claude on. third baseman, refused to unless a helper was employed to t balls. It was mpossible to find t to help Claude, because every tpproached said that In spite of ton's pirar mitt he would miss any balls that It would work the sr to death. The matter, howr Lwas finally arranged by agree put a cage around three sides t base so that any ball thrown ttted In that direction would be treat deal of trouble was also rienced In obtaining an umpire tot the affray. None of the era of the Elks lodge felt sure th of a home hereafter to risk ittempt. It was at last decided Rev. Hilton had a good enough 1 on eternity to perform the dan is task, and after being prom a suit of chain armor,. gas I and a battery of heavy artll for defense he agreed to take I. He has doubled hi Insur ( and has purchased all the re Irs and eggs In the city. All tors will be searched at the t for weapons and no pop bottles be allowed. Kb. team captains are confident Wory. Barber Walter Oood. n of the faU. said this morn- hat there Is no doubt that his I win carry off the honors. e are prepared for any emer- f, Mr. Oood said, "and we posl f will win. We know that we strongest team. The fat men win the Elks' pennant, nothing sereat them. e fat men nsven't a show In worm." said H. C. Darby, cap 's the leans. "The only way the Can Win Is for Walter fliwxf to op on all of our players before tame and erery man Is being under guard to see that he t deer of the barber shop. We jn the pennant beyond quea f doubt." s rumored that Barber Oood JJIpped his team with rators to d In the event of pinch play. in has been practicing In 'formation and It has been f that by standing a few fet In of the rations bases the team a solid front and nothing fetthrourh. It was at first de- ,nt ch team be allowed two men but as there wasn't room n on the diamond for any more J. the ruling was annulled. All "era on the hearywelght squad quipped with speeders. tZSL ' to flay wtth jroteetor for th forward or , tomy aad as nothing could be obtained big enough, four 01 mem were sewea luseumr uu will be used by Mr. Brunn. The fat men have protested to the president of the league that the thin mam - -n AarnaA thin t h (IV n't be seen and the heavyweight batter's don l Know wnere to piace meir nun. Clay Darby, it Is rumored, has filled a number of Peptona bottles with a preparation of his -own which Ib guaranteed 100 per cent proof, and ........ V rf V. I m laa Ml whn SltC- ceeds In putting a fat man out will be given one anna, no man is iu ue IIavi mnra than three drinks. however, as any more would com pletely Incapacitate a piayer, air. Darby says. A number of vsluable prizes have been arranged and will be awarded, as follows: c i h.ma rtin nrtiM hound. Ivory brocaded pinochle deck Men tal culture ciuo. First three-base hit Emery pow der puff Churchill's Hardware. First two-Dase nn 1 " miK black soap Powell's Second Hand Store. ., . . First run Celluloia cigar ngnier Roseburg Ice company. First bonehead play Diamond- studded stomach pump Douglas County Light ft water to. First run by paia-neaaeu muu Henna toupe. Lockwood Oarage. All proceeds of the game, with the exception of hen fruit and vege tables, will be nsed for the Salvation Army drive. All vegetables collect ed from around the umpire's posi tion will be turnea over 10 mi families. . . Following the contest the Presby terian and Baptist teams will meet stores in the city will close promptly at 2 oclock ana me uouim tuui,., concert band will puncture the at mosphere with harmony for a short time at the corner of Oak and Jack son streets and will then go directly to the ball grounds, wnere meioniou music will be dished out until i ni- plre Hilton gets nerve enougn 10 can the opening contest. o China Seeking Support of Public (By Associated Press), vrw vnntf Var It. China Is seeking the support of public opinion In the United states ana me irnu dominions to prevent the renewal of v. - i ioIa.Ii mnM treatv. Flertrsm Lenox Simpson, advisor to the presi dent of China and statistician of the Chinese government, neciarea in sutement today. Colonel Harvey Received by King CBv United Press). LONDON, May 12 Colonel Gorge Hurvey, American ambassa dor to Great Britain, presented his credentials to King George today. A reception at Buckingham Palace completed the formalities incident to assuming the post. Monster Fire Does Big Damage (By United frss. YOl'NGSTOWN, Ohio. May 12. A million and one-half dollar tire tied up railroads and traction lines for more than five hours and mane scores homeless. The Are started In Parlch Brothers' lumber yards and destroyed that plant and the Mahon ing Valley power house, ten homes, a parace, and damaged the Smith Brewing company's plant. Firemen said that oil and gasoline had been poured over the lumber in tbe ranch yards. Many Immigrants Coming to America By HAROLD D. JACOBS (I'nltcfl press tiMff rerresponncnt NEW YORK. May 12. The Unit ed States faces a tidal wave of Euro peans seeking to enter this country before the new restrictive Immigra tion laws become effective. Commis sioner Frederick allls, who made this statement, in an Interview with the 1'nlted Press, added "thst it probably will be, in effect, a race be tween congress and the lmmi-grsnts." lli:llMOIX SI'OITS OFF. y EBERBACH. Germany, May 11. (Srover Cleveland Burg- doll, draft dodger, defied the United States government to- day. Informed by the United Press of (he statement by Chief of Staff March that the war de- partment is determined to get Ilergdo'.l out of Germany "at any rrlce." the Blacker said: "You can tell the world thnt we won't be captured In Gcr- many." North Side Grocery Robbed The North Side Grocery store, operated by A. S. Frey, was robbed of about $40 In silver last night. The work was evidently that ol one party who, after breaking a hole through the window pnne and unfastening the lock, raised the sash, entered the building and took the money from the snre. The safe was left unloc ked and contained considerable small change and a number of valuable papers. The papers were scattereo the work going and the following of- ( fleers were elected: Mrs. Wm. Hell, latlng a plan, If lapsslblc, to keep president ; O. C. Brown, vice-president; Marie Martens, secretary, and J. H. Booth, treasurer. The report of Miss Djupe was read and given hearty approval as it was shown a great deal of good work had been done. Getting Poll Books Ready The clerical department of the county clerk's office Is busily engag- itnr.Hn fli-i-.f1 that Amori. s '"e'-". t-r county clerks orrice Is busily engag t can renresentMlv " "V "l" "'"" 27' . I, In preparing the poll book, foi t ,lr.,Z ,Z when the two Unit- T?,,Kry hn' be,,n """rted t the of- m , eWlon Th , agreement when the two I nit- ()rBr. wno are now Investigating It. i , hard one aa the names of a! ed Slates soldiers were releised . 0 . n""1 ol'B ",e names m m sfter an attempt to kidnap him, f not to molest him or his chauf- 6 KKSTItOYKIIH ARE COMIXO, ,i:i!i Nm: rkckiveh. IS'DON. May 12. (By the Asso ciated Press ) Germany's, uncondi tional acceptance of the entente's reparations was delivered to Prime Minister Llovd-Georce by Dr. Steam er. German minister to Great Britain Mr. Lloyd Georcw announced In the house of commons Germsny's complete acceptance of all the allied demands. His announcement was ei with pmlonred cheering. Dr. flthanier handfd the German iptv to th prliie minister this uiornlag and Mr. Lloyd George Im mediately telegrsphed the news to II the governments concerned. feur. Eugene Steelier, and that (.v,.-s. Review WaMna;tnn tuireau.) the United States Is himor ! WASHINGTON. May 12. Con- bound to leave him alone. pies man McArthur has received word from the navy department that wvvSv4vSSSfS ,i crulier and several destroyers have Itose toiirnnment ami win De mere OS PRESS EARLY TODAY. all the registered voters must lie enter ed In the honks for each precinct In the county. Extra hours ere be-1 Ing put In by the members of (he forre In order to complete the work on time. Owing to the fact thai both the county and state are hold ing special elections, making twi sets of notices and ballots nines- Owing to the general clos ing of all the business houses In the city for the opening of the Twilight lewr'io baseball season, the News-Review went to pres at noon today in order that the employes mleht be able to get a first hand glimpse of s the national game. s In time to lake part In all the tour- ijary, the work at the clerk'. ..HI. naments. ha boen r,"al"r Increased. No Celebration Here This Year Salvation Army Locates Corps Here Captain C. Ford, of the Salvation Army, arrived In Roseburg today anil will be located here permit nenlly. The Salvation Army has decided to locate a corps here and Envoy Shannon will be sent to the city In a short time to aslFt Captain Ford. An ef fort Is now being made to secure suitable Quarters and as soon as a meeting place Is obtained public meeting will be held. It Is expected thst the first meeting will be held In a week or ten d ys. Tbe work of tbe Salvation Army !s one that Is badly needed In Roelmrg. ss there is not now any organisation which s In a position to carry on the sort rten ul' l n, mill lliq ie(t;i, 01 mis city will give the corps a welcome. o D. F. Richards, of Sutherlln. spent the dsy In the eHv vldtlng wlili friends srd shopping. Polish Insurgents Report Heavy Losses triy fniien rressl RERUN. May 12. Tbe Polish In 3ui Kent suffered heavy losres In an attempt to take the Upper Slleslan city of Kosel from the German lr repiilnrs end the I lit I tun soldiers, ae on ding to dispatches received today. The Poles are said to have lost 600 In hilled and wounded. The fighting at Ktt'l was severe. Roth armies were c'Milppcrl with light artillery which did much damage. Killer Exonerated By Coroner's Jury EUGENE, Or., May 11. Maiepha L. Smith, who shot and killed Al fred Johansen, Lano county coast mountain rancher, Monday morning, was exonerated by the coroner's Jury, which hold an Inquest over the body yesterday, according to Coroner . ilranstutter, who, with Sheriff Stickles and District Attorney John ston, returned early today from the rcene of thu tragedy. The evidence, according to the coronvr, showed that dnring the quarrel over some honey Jars, Johan sen took his rlflo oft a peg In hi. cabin and began to shoot at Carl Al len, Smith s young half brother. Al len run down the trail and out of slirht, and Johansen turned his rifle upon Smith, the latter testified, and It was then that Smith began firing at Johan.ien with his revolver. Three shots took effect, one beneath the any pit. another in the groin, and I'.o third In the 1. g. Johansen foil en the trail nhout Do feet away from his cabin. When Joban&en bevan hooting at Allen, Smith said he ran behind the rnbln' and. crawling be neath, shot at Johansen from wlure he lay. Health Society ' Formed Last Night A very enthiMl.istie and well at icnded m-etlnir was held at the hlh Thoo! !hm nliiht to hear the report of Mi-a E'iba Djupe, county health ntirs". and to discuss the sdvlssblllty of forming a ro'inty heall.i society Mrs. Wm. Re'l presided over the meeting snd tslks were made bv Dr. A. C. Seely. Dr. Geo E. lloucl- V. H. Hiynes and Mr. snd Mrs. O. C. Rrown The eipresslon ws n nii!tos thnt the health work In this county should he ontlnned snd that the health nurse should be kept In the field. It was decided to form a society for the purpose of formu Umpqua Post and the Douglas oncert band today reached an agree ment to abandon the plans for the Inly 4th celebration In this city tiib- year. An announcement is made nowerer. thai In 1S22 the two or ganlzatlnna will stage a real old fashioned Fourth of July celebra tion here and It Is expe. ted that ev- ry section of the county will co operate In making It the b't'Cest vent In the history of this sec-Inn The plans for a celebration were dis continued this year on account ot tbe two celebrations annoinci-l e' Riddle and Tiller. Hoseburg will N me field early next year, how ever, and as a result expert no ul:o slilon from neighboring towns. o Roseburg Elks wll probat.lv ;v. ihe ten Elk lodges pstslag thrnnrh here In July enrote to Los An ees for the convention, one of tV wsrmcst receptions sc n--b il tbrtn along the line. The ten Elks loire In as many special tra'ns will b urged to stop over here for severs hoors in order that they may get a good view of the Umpiua vnlbv The lodges that have slgn'd u to mske the trip via Oregon are New ark and New Jersey loUee. Haiti more, Brooklyn. Allentown. New Or leans, Philadelphia, Louisville, Tol edo and Boston. Gov. James Cox Makes Statement Iiy IIA!iOI,l I. JACOBS (I'nIUti i fun Malt 0rrttontJcnt. Ni;V YOKK. .May 12. Let Vol -ilniit.' fnr Ilia pro;;vnt. This mi ma up thn Rltuat'on of IftntfM M. (J x, democratic le.nter, lo ward th r'juiit(-nii al!uinidtratlon i!v irfvfld lii nn intfrvtow with tbe i'mtt i) l'r'."M hero to-lay. Cox U In favor of Kivfng the ad-nlnl-1 rat a cliance to "make "Thfa cotintrjr had eiinnph of politict.! rv.iMrt.iKfl (1 it r L p K tli last "rni of Vi -i(!fiit Wilson." he laid. "Tl.pie Will m plenty of time for h dpm'KTa' to perform the func Mn of an niroiit(on patty aftr the rcfMihittniis. hno nn opportunity to dTitoii"tr.it thvlr cnpuclty for run nn th RovprntnT 't r-md It plntn thnt he did not wUh to iMiimo thp role of a cnttc of th pr iwt.t nl;t,fni'trntlpn. The only ntatmv'nt hw wotild make r fardlna American rvpre.,enfat!ort urn th supreme council, council ot ambaraa'iors rd rnparntlona com nil. mi on waa that "It In Impossible for ui to keep out of it."