Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, May 10, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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HaRBtma tmn-tirvtam ttbspat, hat 10. itu.
IT'S not a bitof trouble to
have plenty of good things
10 ear. on nauu an mc n.i
when you use Calumet Bak
ing Powder.
Mix up a batch of biscuits
or the finest kind of cake
it's all the same. There is
niver but one result the
sweetest and most palatable
of foods.
There is not as much worry
over baking costs either.
Because L-aiuuirt cuis n
rou buy it the price is moderate.
It costs you lesswhenyou use
it because you don't use as
much of it it has more than
the ordinary leavening strength.
You get more out of the flour,
sugar, eggs, shortening, etc, because
there are no failures no waste.
Received highest awards
World's Pure Food Ex-iosition, Chi
cago, Paris Exposition, Paris, France.
The largest sell ing brand in theworld.
Pound can of Cdumet contains full
16 os. Some baking powders come in
12 os. instead of 16 oz. cans. Be sure
you get a pound when you want it
4 cups of pastry
flour, 3 level tea
spoons Calumet
Baking Powder,
ij teaspoon ol
salt, 1 cup of
sugar, 2 eggs,
beaten together,
2 tablespoons of
melted butter,
1 cup of milk.
Then mix in
the t jular way.
Oregonians Pay Heavy Per
Capita Tax According to
Report oj Tax Commission
SALEM, May 10. Direct taxes
paid toward the support of the stale
of Oregon and Its various poll (toil
subdivisions this year average (52.49
for every man, woman and child
-thln the state, according to statis
tics compiled by the state tax com
mission's office here. Tire per capita
tnx for 1920. records in this, office
sho, was $41.70. i .
.' The per capita" tax for this year is
based upon a tolnl tax of $41,117,
307.71. which will be paid by own
ers of Orogon property this year, an
increase of $8,320,672.08, or ap
proximately 26 per cent, over the to
tal tax of $92,696,696.03 collected In
Oregon In 1920.
There Is. however, little opportun
ity for "passing the buck" on the In
crease In the size of the tuxes as the
records show that the big end of the
grand total was authorized by action
of the people themselves.
In fact of the grand total of the
annual tribute levied upon the tax
pavers this year only $14,489,971.80
Is listed as regular tnxes levied with
in the ( ner rent limitation, whereas
$26,627,396.91 Is shown ns facial
taxes authorized either by direct
vote of the people themselves or by
their legally constituted representa
tives. Fn- Instance, of the total of $9.
493. 10S. 22 which will he paid into
the coffers of the state this year only
$3,394,846.66 comes within the con
stitutional llmltntliins. while $6,098.
268 66 was authorised bv vote of the
people as follows: Snerlal lew Tor
the l'nlversltv of Oregon. $1,044.
665.47: special Vovy for the Oregon
Agriculture! college. $1.392 873 96:
special levy for the state normal
school, $121,876.47; special two mill
levy for support of elementary
schools, $2,018,678.10; special levy
for Boldlers' educational aid fund,
$416,335.62; market roads, $1,040,
839.05. An aggregate of $5,360,605.52
lovled for county purposes Is listed as
I regular taxes, but special taxes
levied by cities and towns within
these sumo counties aggrcgato $7,-
! A totnl of $12,064,034.84 will be
i paid In for the support of public
schools of the state In addition to the
$2,081,678.10 provided by the state
lew. Of this amount only $3,063,-
221.60 comes within the constitu
tional limitation where $9,000,813.
24 Is special taxes voted by the peo
, plo themselves.
Road work. In addition to bond
Issues, will require $3,758,191.50 in
taxes this year, of which amount $2.
671.237.12 is within the 6 per cent
'limitation and $1,086,954.38 are
special taxes authorized either by the
county courts or the taxpayers. In
addition to this amount $1,027,026.
58 will be paid Into the market road
fund as a special tax authorized by
the county courts of life various
counties to meet state funds.
The port commissioners of the
seven ports In Oregon hnve created
. levies requiring the payment of an
aggregate of $912,280.49. which Is
In reality a. special tax upon the
property of the port districts and au
thorized either directly or Indirectly
by vote of the people ol these districts.
44444444f)444 leave this city to reside at their nei
4 I home.
AUOL'KD THE TOW yyj Tourist Arriving
J1 The auto camp ground begins t
present a. lively appearance. Fact
nlgbt many tourist cars are pariteo
On Busijiei
, . n-Hv,.,. mere anu travel seems in iut
riaua. raiar. vivuuuvuh j .. m ,, rh tn . .nn.t rrtari inn
resident, spent yesterday in this city dlllon, flne and ,re ioud ( tl.eli
attending to business matters,
Ketunis Front Fortiana
.Mrs. Clarence Hess and daughter
Murgaret returned last evening from
a trip to Portland, where they visited
with relatives.
Left For .Medford.
praise of the fine camp grounds lo
cated here.
Many Going to Riddle
The dance to be held tomorroa
night in the Riddle pavilion wiii
probably be attended by a largt
Hemus. the photographer, left to- I nuniber from this city. The dance l.
day for Medford where he will spend ' "nuer, me auspices or ine nmuio i
several days attending to business i 9ar baseball team. The Sunset or
matters chestra of this city has been securet
back From Visit furnish music
Attorney and Mrs O. P. Coshow j.May Day Dance
returned Sunday evening from Port- The May Day dance sponsored b:
land and Salem, where they have! the Daughters of Isabella will tak
been visiting. place tonight at the Maccabee ball
.Meeting U Held The Sunset dance orchestra will fur
A community meeting was held atnlsh the music and the D. of I. plai
Wilbur last night to map out the to show Roseburg dancers the be:
farm bureau work for that locality ' time ever. From all appearances i
during the coming year. .large crowd will be present.
Ileie From Powers Salmon Plentiful
K. V. Powers, well known real- Local fishermen renort fln
dent of Powers. Is spending several Balon fishing In tbe North L'mpqui
days here attending to various busl- river. Lloyd Atterbury this morn
ness matters. ing waa aUccessful In catching twi.
IUtunis to Portland 'beauties below the Winchester dam.
J. 11. McKay, who has been visit- The fish were hrnimht here and were
ing with relatives here for the past the center of attraction on the
week, left last night for his homo m streets for some time.
t'ooiiille Visitor-
Mrs. M. A. Clough, of Canyonvllln.
spent the duy In this city visiting
with friends and looking after busi
ness matters.
(tanas Valley Visitor-
Mr. and .Mrs. Kdward Thomas, of
Camus Valley are spending several
days in this city attending to busi
ness matters.
District Manager Here
C. O. Bunnell, district manager for
the Western Union, Is spending sev
eral days here attending to business
matters at the local office.
Here From Isndore
Mrs. Minnie. M. Rice, of Isadore,
spent (he day In the city visiting
with friends and attending to mat
ters of shopping. Mrs. Rico is
registered at the Grand Hotel.
Here From -oo,uille
Mr. and Mrs. F. S. Stevens, of
Coqullle, arrived In the city last ev
ening to spend several days visiting
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. F.
Kntertulii Club
Mrs. Lyle Marsters will entertain
tbe Merry Go Round club at her
home in Happy Valley, Wednesday
afternoon. A social afternoon and
luncheon has been planned by the
Here From Riddle
Mrs. C. A. Riddle, well known
Riddle resident, is spending sevenl
days here attending to matters of
shopping and visiting with her num
erous friends. She is registered
at the I'mpqua.
tlsitH Here
Mrs. Lottie Hannon, prominent W.
C. T. U. worker from Portland, spent
yesterday In tills city visiting at the
home of Mrs. A. C. Marsters. Mrs.
Hannon left lust evening for Grants
Forest Conference
Forest Supervisor W. F. Ramsdell,
of the U. 3. forest service, and Har
vey Q. Brown and H. O. Pargeter, of
the Douglas Fire Patrol, left today
for Eugene to meet with the repre
sentatives of the forest patrol or
ganizations in Lane county to work
out a co-operative program of fire
prevention and control.
Ticket Hale Htar'H
The ticket sale for the
game of the Twilight league nex;
Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock
started off with a bang today. Th'
tickets are going like, "hot caken"
the sellers declare. The proceeds of
the opening game go to the Salva
tion Army drive. The fat and lean
Elks will play a preliminary con
test to the main event.
National (Jiurd Drills
The local machine gun company
of the O. N. O.. held its regular drill
at the armory last night. The com
pany Is Improving wonderfully and
now put up the appearance of a
bunch of old vets. Capt. Stoddard
and Lieutenants Osborne and Roser
are determined to make the Rose
burg organization the best in the
liody Shipped !ast Night
The body of the late J. E. Peltoii.
whose funeral was held yesterday at
the Elks temple, was shipped on the
train last night to Portland where It
will be placed in a vaut at the Port
land crematorium. A large number
of the sorrowing friends or the de
ceased and family were at tho trair.
to pay their last farewell to the re
mains. Itrion Secures Hall
The local Legion post has securer'
the new community building now lo
cated on the lots formerly occupied
Par-s. where she will attend an all by ,he Bulgln tabernacle. Thi'
day conference of the union of that
i city.
J 1m Improving
Mrs. Anna Mcuee, who was qalto
building will He used by Umpoua
Post two nights each month.. The
building Is under the management
of Russell Lintott who plans to re-
serlouslv injured several days ago lmoaV1 the ame and make athletic
when sho fell from n sidewalk, is ! headquarters for any organization or
improving and will be abe to bo out iinuiviuuai uesmng to use it.
.Motor ihkp lunrn isii
The Eugene Motdrcycle club were
visitors In this city on Sunday. The
cyclists left the town plastered wl'h
again In a few days. Dr. Shoemaker
iIb In charge of the patient. She re
i rides at 826 N'. Jackson street.
llAhv Son Im Horn-
Mrs. John SVtson, of Wlnstons, hai little green stickers advertising the
received word of a baby son born to motorcycle races which will be he'-
(By Associated Press).
DETROIT, May 10. Ilalie Ruth
hit honra run number nine In the
first Inning today, one runner being
on base.
(Hy Associate!) rrfum.
NEW YORK, May 10. Abe At
tell, former pugilist. Indicted In con
nection with tbe Chicago lhasehal
arandal. wss arrested today charged
with being a fugltlvef rotti Justice.
He Is held without bail.
Fashioned Iloy," the last Inco-Para-tnount-Artcraft
production starring
Charles liny, scheduled as the feat
ure attraction nt the Majestic to
night, Thomas II. lure, who person
ally supervised the picture from
start to finish, left no stone unturned
In his effort to produce a storv that
would In every respect surpass the
quality of any of Charles Hay's past
her son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
chie Iwellyn, who are residing In
Center, Colo. The hahy was born
on Mav 4. Mr. I-ewellvn formerly
.resided In Roseburg and has many
; friends here.
: Returns to Medford
I Rev. J. K. Cornier, formerly a pas
itor of this city, visited here last ev
lenlng with friends returning to his
' home at Medford this morning by
I machine. Rev. Conder has many
friends In this city having been pas
'.tor of the Methodist Episcopal
.church here during the winter.
Will Carry Pictures
Arrangements have been made
wherflby the farm bureau, which is
showing a series of mr.tlcn pictures
on sheep and gnat raising methods.
j In various places throughout the
county, will take the flints on for
'estry recently procured by Forest
. Supervisor Ramsdell.
Culls for Booklets
C. S. Ilcinllno. secretnrv of- the
in Eugene on July 2. The local clu!
entertained the visitors during their
stay here. They stated that the road
between Eugene and Roseburg was
Just like a "race track." and report
ed a most enjoyable trip.
Fditor Visits Rosebunt
Elbert Bede. editor of the Cottage
C-rove Sentinel, was a visitor In
Roburg Sunday. Mr. Bede acconf
nanied the Cottage Grove team to
Oakland for a baseball game and
drove on Into Roseburg to pay his
respects to the local editor. Not
finding the Roseburg pencil-pusher
on the job on Sunday. Mr. Bede pre
pared to load down his desk with
numerous chairs and other loose ar
ticles about the office, also leaving a
card bearing his compliments.
Draws Cover Designs
Th cover design for the May Is
sue of th" Pacific Legion If from the
pen of Itert 0. Bates, local artist
The drawing shows a huge red pot
pv, emnieniiitic of Poppv Day, thi
(Ry Annciatel rrrsa).
WASHINGTON. May 10. A reso
lution condemning the president's ac
tion In appointing American repre
sentatives to the European allied
councils was Introduced In the sen
ate by I FolletUi. republican, of
Movie Closeups
During the fUmtna nf ' "An Old
Fence Just received. Carload of
Page. Several kinds poultry
fence. Carload barb wire, nails
and staples. Write us.
Stearns & Chenowcth
Oakland and TonralU.
Chamber of Commerce, slates that month. In tlie hack irround of th
j many calls are received dally for the .drawing Rhel torn buildings loom
r-'innMets advertising Roseburg and I'm and In the distance ennears th'
the I'mpqun valley. The literature j fields of poppies. Mr. Batei hn
laoes into the hands of nearlv everv signed a contract to furnish the cov
' tourist visiting hero and is fine ad- er designs for the lirlon magazine
Ivertlslng material for this section. for the remainder of the vear. He
l!n-( Siiil (.ravel ls now working on the June tssu-
Tbe newly op. n'd s-rtlon of 'which will ,r the bonus edition for
South Stephens str.s't har been made the state of Oregon,
finite soft by the ruin and ir. bailly I Make Mot le Trip
In iienl or more gravel. The nricln- Floyd Still and J. B. Anderson,
al surface was composed of heavy! two ex-service men. arrived here'M-iM wiiM-n nave oeen iorced to vwtemnv . from San Diego. They
the .-i.).. of the road, leaving the
soft dirt exposed. Several cars have
been mired and assistance was tnad-
neces.-ary to get them out or the
Ptir- ha.- !Vnne t ani h
V!'!:am Chailwirk. former resl
started from the government hosnl
tal In California and expect to pedal
their nv aero the continent by
July Tilth, thereby winning a thou
sand dollar wager. It took the two
hoys six weeks to make the trin nn
the coast. Anderson was won ni red
So. 03.
At Roseburg, in the State of Ore
goo at tbe close of business April
28, 1921:
Loans and discount ...$391,779.18
Overdraft secured and
unsecured None
U. 3. Sonde aud Certifi
cates I..... 105,234.00
Other Bond and war
rants 101.626.17
stocks, securities. Judg
ments, etc 4,995.27
flanking house 27,000.00
.'urnltAre and fixtures.. 2,325.00
'Jue from banks t not re
serve banks) 1,605.56
)ue from approved re
serve bank 73.295.77
Exchange for clearing
house 1.092.19
:ash on hand 46,083.96
Total $754,937.06
lapltal tock paid m...$ 60.000.00
lurplu fund 26,100.00
Jndivided profits, less
expenses and taxes
paid 6.340.19
individual deposits sub
ject to check 606,051.03
Demand certificate of
posit 6,770.26
Cashier checks outstand
ing 6,250.92
Time deposit ........ 156,624.66
Total ...$754,937.05
State of Oregon, County of Douglas,
1, J. M. Throne, Cashier of tbe
above-named bank, do solemnly
swear that the above statement is
true to tbe best of my knowledge
and belief.
J. M. THRONE, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to bo tort
me this 10th day of May, 1921.
Notary Public for Oregon.
(Notarial Seal)
Hy commission will expire Jan. 21
Correct Attest:' B. W. Strong, Rol
and Agee, A. E. Kent, D. R. Sham
brook, directors.
Owing to Mrs. Gray's eyesight be
ing seriously affected, the entire
itock or millinery on the south bal
jony of the Peoples Supply Co. store
must be closed out at a big sacrifice.
Every trimmed, tailored, ready to
wear, and. sailor hat at exactly one
nal fof the original price. All rlb
uons, flowers. hapes and trimmings
one?thlrd off the price. A big, clean,
new, this season's stock to select
from, including many flne pattern
hau of the latest design. So come
while the picking is good.
A baby girl was born yesterday to
Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Brown at their
home at Wilbur.
Tree price has hit the bottom.
Order Petite and Italian trees for
fall delivery now. Prices, 3 to 4 ft.,
$7 per 100; 4 to 6, $10; and 6 to S,
$15. R. L. Ellis, Roseburg. .
Umpqua Chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution met last
evening at the home of Mrs. William
Bell. The Bell home was beautifully
decorated with columbines and
rojes. The principal business of the
jvening was the annual election ot
officers, which resulted as follows:
:legent, Mrs. George E. Houck; vice
regent, Mrs. W. F. Thomas; secre
ary, R. H. Grlnsted; treasurer. Miss
grres Grlnsted; registrar, Mrs.
Frank Churchill; historian. Mrs.
Chas. Sowersby. Mrs. W. A. Sinick
was appointed chaplain. Board ol
uttifciviu, mm. .uiiii iuseuuai'K uuu
airs. i. j. aitM. u ' Ueiic.uus re-
iiwuiutfUui ttwt bv.-vea at a late
our uy tne lioj.c-, uiiu tne meeting
aujuurueu until i-Day, in June.
Oti. SAL.r; Flat topcteak.Plione 4T4.
. UU AI.k Fresh cow. l'hoiie 17o-K
lypew riter.
UK KK.r CntierwooU
Hook Miore.
Jii SAL.K Ouud, ouiik, fresh cow.
K. Khuuilvs. I'none 3u6-Y.
FOR KK.NT Suite of furnished house-
Keepln rooniH. iu2 est Washing
ton St.
UK SALK Nearly new wllluw hahy
oiiKK.v. Cheap if taken at once.
I'hnne b!l-lt.
i-'OK KK.NT To parties with no child
ren, a completely furnished house.
phone lul-lt.
VV A N T I-: 1 1 V o timn to care for boy aire
6. one living near courthouse pre
ferred. Call Mrs. Knth Hall, at Itose
bura Apartments, from 2 to S.
KlUt KAI.I-: Oil TltAliK A team of
marcs, wclshf 1 Sou lbs., and good set
of heavy harness; good ItugKy. pole
and shafts; set of single harness.
Will trade for Kord car. Write
Henry Cooper, Onkland. Oregon.
WIIKAT, IHKN, VKTCH 27i acres. 3,r.
acres plow land: tine water: house
and burn: l!r acrca can tie cultivated
when cleared: located about Ave
miles from ltosetmrg. Price ffiCIa.
Your terms. A. T. Ijiwrence, Com
mercial Agenf, US Casa Street.
IMione 219.
"' i"i-iur owm. Annerson was wounrrea
dent of Uvrtle Creek. hs purchased in the Arconne where he was flght
the C irrNon prune ranch at Greens ins with the inih i
station. This I- one of the best I tery of the 19th division. Still met'
young prune orchard In Green val-, his disaster at Chateau Thierry
ley He will take possession next where he was both wounded and
week nt which time his tamlly will gassed.
si unio
Dunning Kindergarten Classes
for children 4 to 12 years,
starts Sept. 1, 1921.
For information Phone 502, or
rail at Hell Sisters' Blilg.
Place your order
now, for the past
two years we
have been un-
able to get any
Chevrolet car
during the sum
mer months.
---li . - Kl S
The counsel and service alTora a
by the Roseburg National Bank h'"1
proven usesful to many ...u?"
their business problems. ln
We invite you to make this buni,
your depositary. "
4 Interest Paid on Savings Account.'
TheRosebu National Sank
Mr. and Mr. J. M. Moore, of the several dava in ik ,.
city of Stayton, Oregon, are spending j friends. c"r """in
I. Abraham
mi nn rt .
me silk store
This coupofi will entitle the holder to a
3."Vc CAN" OF t'tll-NAMKL FKKK
If presented llMin any of the dales given below and as 13c
brush purchased to Insure a fair trial of tbe varnish.
'This ooupon will abo be accepted its Hoc iiMin the purrhsara; of s
larger can. Dates of Demonstration May 0, 10, Jl, 1921..,.
MAHSTKRS DKVO CO., Iloschurtr, Oregon. ' "
Delivered to any part of the city on short
notice. Phone your
orders to us for
prompt delivery,
The hnppimtw of mure h times liavo been wrecked throagk
tlioiUilitlessiioKS than through crime. Siw
Alma Rubens
"Thoughtless Women"
A picture of liumnti einot ion that moves the heart through '
A Monkey Comedy and Pathe News
Wednesday Alice Brady "The New York Idea
t rt TO.V It i rTTONMr 2!c
Another Big Laff Kite!
"An Old FashionedBox
i had let hint
Me just knew they were engaged f " , j fur-
once. So lie secretly built the home of n ' t.nW
l0. 1"
nKheil It to surprise
Monte Banks Comedy and King of the firtii.