Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 25, 1921, Page 4, Image 4

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Local Couple Slip Yank Ships to
Away For Marriage Compete With World
Dr. J. It. Chapman, a prominent
dentist of this city, and Mury Louise
McCabe were yesterday united In
marriage. The dootor and his bride
to be Blippcd oil to Oakland and
were married at the homo of Mr. and
Mr. A. C. Mahoney. Rev. C. H.
Hilton, of the Christian church, per
form J the cereuiony, using the ring.
The wedding was attended by but a
few friends and was very quiet. The
doctor and his bride returned to
Koseburg in the afternoon and will
be at home In this city to their many
friends. Mrs. Chapman has not been
In Kodeburg a great length of time,
but to those who know her she is a
very talented lady, and the doctor
has always lived In this community.
Thulr many friends wish them great
Big Strike Set
For First of May
NEW YORK. April 25. Refusing
a wage reduction of from 20 to 30
per cent as a basis for a new con
tract, the Marine Engineers Bene
ficial association broke negotiations
with the steamship owners. The as
sociation issued a strong proclama
tion effective May 1st after breaking
negotiations with the steamship
owners. The union leaders asserted
that 100,000 firemen, oilers and
water tendora would support the
move and predicted the strike would
develop International proportions, as
the Ilritlsh engineer are awaiting
the outcome of the American situa
tion. The marine firemen and 'wa
rn en are to join the engineers' strike;
bringing the total to 175,000, said
President Furruseth, of the sea
men's union.
A very heauilful oil painting by
Mrs. W. L. Cobb was placed on dis
play at the Roseburg book store to
day. The painting has been donated
by Mrs. Cobb to the high school for
the girls' rest room. It is a wonder
ful piece of art and will be greatly
appreciated by the high school girls.
Mrs. Cray, at the millinery section
of tbo Peoples Supply Co. store, will
continue to make 25 per cent dis
count on all trimmed hats for ladies,
misses and children. Don't forget to
look through this big, fine stock be
fore buying. You will save money
and wear the latest.
A total of 1502 names were signed
to the road bond petitions which
were circulated throughout the coun
ty asking that the measure be placed
on the Juno election ballot. A care
ful chock shows that 1300 of those
name wore the denatures ' reg
istered voters, holng almost three
times enough to place the proposal
before the people.
(es-lti-vlew Washington liurcwu.)
fight to cither amend or repeal the
LaFollette seaman act so that Amer
ican shipping can compete with the
merchant marine fleet of the world
will be one of the development!! of
the present congress. Its abolition or
modification so that the cost of oper
ating American ships will not be any
grealer than that of foreign com
petitors means much to the shipping
of the Pacific coast and the ports of
Los Angeles, San Francisco. Seattle
and Portland. Already the tying up
of scores of shipping board vessels
because of British and Japanese com
petition, due to low rates and low
cost of operation has delayed if not
Impaired the development of the U.
8. merchant marine, particularly on
the Pacific coast. While Andrew Fur
seuth is coming on from San Francis
co to lead the fight to keep the La
Follette biN on the statute books In
its present form, the head of the sea
men's union has before him the fight
of his life. Close observers say that
there Is every probability of a modi
fication at least, of the law which
now mnkes the operation of the mer
chant ships of the United States al
most Impossible with scant cargoes
available and a great differential in
favor of foreign owned and operated
Strange to say. this fight does not
start on either the Atlantic, Gulf or
Pacific coast, but comes from the
Great Lakes, where shipping Inter
ests have always Insisted that the
law was never meant to operate, A
number of embryonic attempts have
been made by the owners and oper
ators of lake vessels to cnange these
laws, hut this time the whole lake
country Is In the collar fighting for
relief. It came about In this way.
Some months ago the great De
troit and Cleveland Navigation com
pany, which for years has operated
steamers to Mackinac Island, an
nounced that this service would be
abandoned this summer. Following on
the announcement now comes anoth
er announcement from all other of
the small lines which were fed by
the D. and C. boats, that they have
also abnndoned their lines. This now
leaves the Mackinac and northern
rexorts without service and many of
the cities of northern Michigan face
a real disaster with the summer,
tourist and resort traffic cut off.
More than -forty of the Chambers of
Commerce of Michigan held a joint
indignation meeting , In Detroit the
other day and the representatives are
now here ready to start the war to
a finish on the I.aJollette law. which
they contend Is the real cause of the
suspension of nil steamship service
to the resorts. This Is but the start
ing point aftd shipping men and the
merchants of the middle west are go
ing to back up the proposition to say
nothing of the ship owners of the
Atlantic, Gulf and Pacific coasts.
They contend that there Is no chance
for American shipping lo compete
with the merchant fleet of the world
as long as the law remains for the
differential forced against the Amer
ican ships Is too great for any cor
poration to overcome.
In congress in both houses there Is
a growing sentiment that the law Is
both expensive, hr.rmful and without
economic justification. Some
Will Johns this morning received
a h-licr from his son Haven Johns,
of the 91st Aero Squadron, located
at Sacramento, saying that he, to
gether with a number of othe avia
tors, will leave S:tcrninento on May
15th. to take up the forest patrol
work In this state, lie will be located
at Eugene, and expects to stop In
this city on his way north for a short
vlrlt with his father.
... " -am
MInh Dot Whitney and the Al G. Hame team of trained bears coming
to Howeburg with Hie big, popular c irt-iM, Thursday, Mjiy 5th.
Here on lliislnewt
' A. W. Ream, of Glide was a busi
ness visitor in the city over the week
Front Canyonville
Miss Alta L. Spaulding. of Can-
yonville spent the week end in the
city visiting with friends.
Spends Week End i
J. O. Ilagar, of Myrtle Creek spent
the week end In this city attending
to business matters.
On Pusi
E. K. Green, of Canyonville spent
the week end In the city visiting
with friends and attending to busi
ness matters.
Motor Through
.... Mrs. n. F. Wood and son of Los
Angeles passed through here yester
day afternoon on their way to Portland.
From Oakland
Dr. E. J. Wainscott of Oakland
spent the day In the city attending to
business matters.
Front Ondale
Allen Smith, arr. en in the city to
day from Ms home in Glendali to
spend the day attending to business.
License Procured
. A marriage license was Issued by
County Clerk Riddle today to Freder
ick W. Whetstone and Florence Olive
Napier, both of Oakland.
Leaves For Salem
Dr. C. H Dalley of this city left
this afternoon for Salem where he
will attend the annual convention oi
the Oregon Growers Co-operative as
sociation. Itet urns to Oakland
Mrs. George Stearns returned to
her home in Oakland this afternoon
after spending the morning in this
city shopping.
Here from Oakland
Mrs Gary Young spent the morn
ing In Ibe city attending to matters
of shopping, and returned to her
Leave for Portland home In Oakland late In the after-
Mrs. J. I. Love and Miss Grace noon.
Lloyd left for Portland this morning I
where they will spend several days
visiting with mends.
Arrive From Portland
Mrs. J. J. Stlmmell arrived from
Portland this morning after spending
several days In Portland shopping
and visiting with friends. .
Kvamtne plnrer Claim
Mineral Examiner Woodward, of
the ForeBt Service and Ranger O. C.
HouBcr, left this morning for Can
yonville where they Inspected a
placer claim on Canyon creek.
Setting Out lYunes
Clay Smith and George Johnson
of Winston, have Just finished set-
The John L. Watson estate, one
of the best known estates in Doug
las county was sold under the ham
mer Indny, 1110 acres being sold for
the sum of 112.500. The land was
sold In two parcels, IliO acres bring
ing $4,000 and the remaining por
tion $,R00. The innd was bought
by the Lexington Investment com
pany, which held a mortgage on the
senators will call attention to the fact
that seamen crossing the Pacific on
merchant vessels of the United States
insist on their rights and collect their
full pay and allowances In Japanese
and other ports and that after ca
rousing and spending all their wages
they appeal to the United States con
suls and are under this law return
ed to the United States at the expen
se of the government as Indigent sea
men. Andrew Furseuth, the head of the
seaman's union Is coming on from
San Francisco, to make the fight of
his life, for if the opposition to the
LaFolette act keeps -on In volume,
and speed, his organization Is doom
ed, either to accept some rndicnl
changes In the measure or he wiped
out entirely.
Here From Medford
Mr. and Mrs. Roy J. White, of , ting out 3,000 Italian prune trees on
Medford are spending several davs their respective ranches. They are
attending to business matters per- very optimistic regarding the future
italnlng to the Waterman Piano or the Italian prune.
of the acnooi.
There will be a play, "Safoty
First," given t thn Dlxonvllle hall
Friday, April 29.
dunce will follow.
at 8 o'clock.
Miss Grace Peck, advance agent
connected with the Western Musical
nnresn. spent yesterday In this city
conferring with local theatre man
agent. Miss Peck Is arranging hook
logs for a ladles symphony orchestra
and dancers who are at present play
ing In California. She was formerly
ennneoted with tho Ellison Wh
Chautauqua company In the lioolln
department, and Is well acquainted
with C. S. Uelnllnc of this cltv. wh.
was also with the Ellison-White com
pany. She was entertnlned at the
8. Heinllne home while In the city.
See our new non-glare spotlight,
nothing like It. II. Mcrten.
Committees to take charge of the
different commencement program
and Class Day affairs have been ap
pointed and are busy to make h
year bigger thsn ever before Defln
lie arrangements for the baccalaur
eate sermon have not as yet been
The best way to let the people
know your wants Is through the
columns of a newspaper. We can put
your wants before 17,000 people,
For Infants and Children
In I'se Fcr Over 30 Years
Aiwa;- bears
Signature of
Lucky Baby Contest. Three beau
tlfui prizes, values $25, $15. $7.60
all children under two years of age
are cordially Invited to the Studio
for the free sitting necessary to en
ter the contest. Phone 331 for the
appointment. Clark's Photo Studio,
C. W. Clnrk. Prop., Roseburg Na
tlonal Hank Illdg.
The homo, the church and com
munity must have an Incrensed
desire to give the children of Rose
burg adequate moral and spiritual
development. What do you think?
Where can yon act? Do It. Child
ren's week April 24 to May 1.
. iSiiend Xlgtit Here
Itenlty Hoard to Meet Paul Noble, wife, and son. Paul,
The local realty hoard will meet at, Jr. stopped In this city last night on
the office of A. T. Lawrence at 7:30 i their way home to Portland after
this evening, at which time Import- spending a vacation In California. Mr.
ant business matters now before the ; Noble is manager of tho Liberty
board will be disposed of and a good itheatro In Portland.
attendance la aestrea.
Return front Portland
Passing Through j Howard Uhlig and W. D. Cobnrn,
Mr. and Mrs. Seeley V Hall pass-1 of Uhlig's Electric store, returned to
ed through this city this morning , Koseliurg last night from Portland.
enroute to their home in Medford. ; where they spent the last three days
They drove a new Packard car on or the week attending the Electrical
their return from Portland and are . Merchandising conference,
making the trip very successfully. .
(Iilld Hurts Rack-
Drive Thrnuirh Mary Hodges, daughter of Mr. and
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Locke passed , Mrs. .1. G. Hodges, was injured some
through tho city this morning from days ago when she fell from a teeter
their home In Portland enroute to , hoard on which she was playing with
Medford. The roads are in fine con-: a girl friend. Her back was hurt, and
dition and little if any trouble was: she has been in bed since the unfor-
encountercd. tunate accident occured. She is now
I recovering, however-
To Canyonville I
A number of business men left , Prl-miter Is Released
this morning to attend the funeral of I Amos Plchette. who was arrested
the late Peter Dam. at Canyonville. j Sunday in Oakland, charged with the
Among those leaving by machine ; driving of a car while In an inoxl
were Dlst. Attorney Neuner. Harry iiated condition, was brought to this
Pearce, J. V
Starrett and U. L. Hy-
clty today to be confined In the
county Jail. He was sentenced to pay
a rme ot Ii5 by Kecorder Miller, but
Hero Tomorrow (having no money, he was obliged to
Pnn W. Ilnss snd his sister, own- take a Jail term. As tho city ot Oak
ers of the Frye Hotel In Soittle and land declined to nay the countv for
James J. Kelley nnd wife of the his incarceration, the county officers
Rainier hotel in the snme city will J refused to take the prisoner and he
pass inrongn tuts city tomorrow on . was released
tnetr way to t'allfornla. They will be o
Don't forget Friday, April 29.
atcn the papers.
Mrs. A II Iron and Mrs. Cotton have
purchased the White Front restaur
ant on Sheridan street. They will
conduct a first class place with regu
lar meals, and short orders at all
times open day and night. Your
patronage solicited.
V. A Weather RntMn aim,.
llnseburc. Orecoa. 14 hours tndln 1
"reetBttafl la tarhea mm HiiiMjtha
Highest temprrstura yeateroav .. wl
Htw-est temperature last night .. 4?
Teelpltatlen last ?4 hoars fs
olal preelp slnca first of month 14S
ormal rrectn. for this month t is
Total praclp. from Sept. 1, lt;o.
data si. M
Iverare precln from SVpt. 1. IS:? 1(141
Total exrae from fWpt. 1, .f
svaraga praelpttatlon for 41 war
aeaaoos fSept to Mar. tnclusivalll V
Poraeaat to I at as. for aoulh.alara
Hon :
Tonight areT Tuesday rsln.
WILLI AM BEU. Obaervar
registered at the I'mpqua Hotel dur
ing their short stay in the city.
Rev. and Mrs. J. H. Dickson have
Tourist Hales EsinhlMicil (received word tJhe effect that their
The Southern Pacific announces daughter in lawVMr. Florence Dlck-
that they will establish east bound son. is seriously 111 In a San Francis-
summer tourist fares from all points 1 co hospital. This came as a shock to
In Oregon to certain eastern destlna- the family here as Mrs. Dickson has
lions, fares to apply by all routes, j been visiting In this city for the past
ana t-ortiann Hired lines. Detailed tew weeks, only leaving but recently
information as to sales elates, final 'or the south to Join her husband In
return limits and authorized destl-jSan Diego. She underwent an
nations will be given as quickly as "operation for appendicitis several
Ijrnv for California
Mr. and Mrs. Dean B. Puhar took
the son! h bound train lato Saturday
night for California In quest of a
suitable place for Mr. Rnbar to rest
and recuperate. For the past three
months she has been In poor health
and her doctor ordered a complete
rest and change, as she Is on the
verge of a nervous breakdown. Mr.
II u bar will return about May 1st.
Motor Club Giwa Report
The Chicago Motor Club, which
the I'mpqua Hotel receives weekly,
ha the following to say In regard
to the road condition In this part of
the country: "Road Is now open the
entire distance from I.o Angeles to
Calegrr. but noy prevents travel
north from Calgary to Ike Louise.
Canada. These roads will be O. K.
about June first.
days ago. and at the present time hut
time hope Is held out for her recovery.
Magazine lc-3c. Fiction Library.
We wish to thank the many friends
for their kindness and sympathy
oiinng the illness and after tho death
of our fsther.
Mr. Cleveland and Mr. Elgarose:
Say, come to Melrose May 2nd to our
minstrel show. Ladles bring boxes
Bring all de "pickaninnies." Liza.
f. v Tt Corn-itt. Drnrlesa Phvsl-
claa. Room 401-J, Ferktni Bide.
A Porcupine Boot I the name as a
spare tlr. Try on. H. Werten.
Foreclosure Granted
In Irrigation Case
' A decree in favor of the North
western Trust company and Ira Oeh-
ler, trustee, against the J. F. Luse
Co.. and W. E. St. John, truntee, was
granted today by Circuit Judge Ham
ilton. This case Is a step In the set
tlement of the Irrigation p-oject and
will greatly aid the recently formed
Sutberllu Irrigation District in ob
taining title to the property. The J.
F. Luse company borrowed $100,000
on bonds carrying a first mortgage
on the property and the Northwest
ern Trust Company and Ira C. Oen-
ler were n ade trustees. The company
failed to take up the bonds and the
trustee Is now forced to foreclose.
the decree of foreclosure having been
granted today. It la now In the pow
er of the trustee to dispose ot the
property to the Sutberlln Irrigation
district, whjch can take up the In
debtedness making arrangements to.
retire the bonds over a period of
years by assessment against the
property. Attorney U. L. .Eddy repre
sented the trustee company in it
action and is also the attorney for
the irrigation district.
Mrs. Felts Delivers
Address Tonight
Hrs ArriBtlne Felts, supervisor of
the -United States Interdepartmental
board of Social Hygiene, and a for
mer president of the Oregon Parent
Teachers Association, arrived In the
city this afternoon from points in
southern Oregon. Mr. Felt will de
liver a lecture at the Presbyterian
church this evening at 7:30 o'clock
to the mothers. Every mother in the
city should hear- the message that
she brings. Mrs. Felts, being a moth
er herself, has had wide experience,
and brings a message well worth
while hearing. She comes to this city
under the direction of the The World
Purity Federation. . Following the
evening address a silver offering win
be taken.
Frank A. Cassldy, publicity direct
or of tho Al G. Barnes circus, was in
Ror-eburg today arranging advertis
ing in thrs News-Review for the ap
pearance of the show here. Mr. Cas
sldy Is an old time newspaper man
who acquired the "circus bug" at an
early age. He has been traveling with
the Barnes circus for seven seasons,
and in the winter is connected with
the Paramount studios. Mr. Cassldy
Is a firm believer in newspaper ad
vertising, and declares that system
the only way to get real results.
Fred Winston, one of the pioneer
fruit men of the Winston district
made a tour of the orchards in his
vicinity Sunday. He visited the Geo.
Bradburn and Harding Bartlett pear
orchards and found existing condi
tions above the average. He is of the
opinion that the pear crop is assur
ed and out of danger.
While the Italian and silver prunes
are loaded and the fruit la Betting
well, the tree can stand a consider
able drop and still have a record
Apples, especially Spitzenbergs and
Xewtowns, are one mass of bloom,
hut are hardly far enough advanced
to make a safe estimate, however,
indications point to a bumper crop.
Mr. Winston Insists (hat the pros
pects for a big fruit crop have never
been better in the past ten year.
Soil conditions, ho maintains, are
unusually favorable this season for
grain and fruit.
What waif willyou h
: ' " Here is the way to honor 1,
, .- wonderful manner. WeSf?"-
you to present her w
. , that will bring constant
- V :- not merely (or TZ"'-'
thrilled atour,hoYghtiL''11,e
, . delighted with yourXL?
membrance. And. since it a , . J
prise, the day will be all a..
delightful. 8" thfr ore
Mothers' Day Club-.
A Brunswick Idea
We've organized a secret snrietv
amongst sons and daughters a
conspiracy of happiness. And we
call it Mother' Day Club, We
tnustn t tell about it in
detail, for that would be
giving the secret away.
But we invite you to
come in and find out how
easy it is to join in this
unusual way of honoring
your Mother on May 8th.
You'll be delighted with
the details.
Part of th. .
Phonograph. Model ifj
there B.cill
""-iwt g
Kecordi, luiuble for D,
ns'ly pre the tag
Plain it perionaD,. Ai
. '"ce the time it fet,
we suggett comiai
The Complete Home Furnishers
The presence of yourself and
ladle la requested at an Informal
dance to be given by Ellin Shrine
Club at the armory, April 28, at 8
p. in. No personal invitations are
being sent out. ' Your card will ad
mit you. Cordially,
Should "give more thought to
children." Children's week April
21 to May 1. ..
0 '
Lubrophite tranamlsston grease.
easily applied, unexcelled for service.
H. Merten.
Your child's chance of liriu
life of usefulness and honor la u
community depends on hla moral
spiritual training. Are ron depni
lng on the street and the motl:
are you taking advantare of tl
chance of the homo and the Br
schools to give this doer tniiii
It is not fair to the child to dor hi
that training. Yet ron know of
ren who are being dctiM
chance. Then get trail tail
ren's Week, April 14, Mar L
v ti f iiavrn-nrudm ft!
cian.' lJuly attendant. Pbo i4
&u6 r-iHnca s. uni
a. n. to S p. m. EmnlMi T &
ment. llooma l-fc rr" .
Call 120-U
FOR RENT Garage.
FOU It'KNT Typewriter Book Store.
FOR KAI.K Thpuaand Vallon galvan-
Izeri water atoraRe tank. Phone S-F6.
FOR RAI.R Wheat good wheat."
chicken wheat. Cheap. Judd & Uc-
Ton 8.AI.K 5 pnasnger Rtudehaker.
Hurgnin if taken at once. 04 Kaat
rmuKlaa St.
FOR SA I.E IlarTey- Davidson motnr-
evcle. Pee Mark Himpson at Koy
Catching's garage.
FOR RENT SleeplnRroomreaannable
for permanent party. Privilege of
hath. 311Oak St;
KOll 8At,E I twin and 1 single Har-
1 y-Iavhlon motorcycle for aale. C.
A. Ix-kwood Motor Co.
FKKSH milch goats for aate or trado
for good ewes or ewe lamba. Phone
JH-F2. P. o. Hox till.
I-OST Turkey torn, iaut aeen at end
of Wlm-heater Rt. two weeks ago.
Finder notify Henkett Baker.
FOR SALEClaaay Chevrolet bugl
191 model, newly painted, and in
good mechanical condition. Snap
for quick aale. Call at 720 Hoover
St. after a p. m.
Von SALE 1 oak dining extension
table. I oak drewaer, I vactmm carpet
weeper, fmlt lara, i electric heat
era Call Tuesday. April S. aftai I
a. m at 83i . Stephens St.
FOR SALE OP! TnAtiESOti acre
ato. k ran'-h and general farm, well
located. Phone 1S-FSI. Alo Ion
In Springfield to trade for small
raneh or city property. C. U Dran-
t"n. i
.11 TltAliE ItuslneTa l.uiMlnu Tn
NVwherg. Oregon, to trade for farm,
garage, email hunim- place or
home. I will he In Uoaehurg May i
and 1 What have yon? Addreflf
A. AAcareNewji-Jtevlew.
i'Kf'NKS: PUI-NKH' :s arret" In tract.
i'O acres In prunes, h.ilance timber
and pasture land: small cottage, out
buildings: borders on live stream: a
beautiful place to live: two miles
from town. Price tf.r.nn 00. Terms
A. T. Iwrence. Commercial Agent.'
!5iCa Street. I'lione Jl.
FOR SAI.R 191 pSdge" tourtngTAV
mechanically, has spot light, bumper,
chains, many other extras: paint and
upholstering like new; new haftery
and new tirea all around, overplxcd
on rear: thla car has been used pri
vately; will guarantee: a bargain:
terms 1J; Ford truck, cord tirea.
nnr shape, bargain. Terms. Will
tl- Ford car in trade. 1917 Ford
n A-l condition, good paint, haa 4
new tires. IJ Ford T. line mechani
cally; has shocks, good tires, a bar
gain at lu Ford i. good
shape, rood tires. HI! Ford speed
ster, thoroughly overhauled 4 new
tirea, a bargain: terms Spot rash
for your car or will t fo, rou.
K U!obr," M'" a1"! n s Oar-
about your joy carburetor being on the blink
it'll be
"Fixed by Ceorgj
featuring those two scream maker
800 seats await your arrival at till big fun, feast-'
you are In time to get one,
Century Corner ' the Circus NoJ
Tuesday Charles Ray in "Paris Green'
Story oy juiianjoscjjjiou
Richard Kipling's
Super Pinnacle Production -
A whizz ror . tnl
Speedand T ONE HAH'
mur - -
also , U,
Christy fomedyandTo