wmtmo wwiuaniw mokpat. Aran, as. imi. A t lHRt.'K 1 . -rT : r r.rZZS 1 r-S lb i ft A.iclifd Kcmeay." ...L?.J Lt-inlrfaary. ! nr GASTQBIA For Infanta and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Castcria Always Bears the Signature of XW 1A V !n Use For Over Thirty Years ! Eiaa Copy of Wrapper. THK OCMTBUII OOIIMNV, HtW VOU OITT, NOTICK. Divine le'.sed the Hlldobrand and rm:pbell bar we are in a gositlon to irnish sand, gravel or sediment in kir quantities. Phone 157-K or ;-F!. Wallace uainoun. RICE & RICE ' Arn offering Municipal Bonds that yield from 6 to 7 per cent on Oregon. Washington and Montana towns and counties. We specialize In Liberty and Victory Bonds. We handle large and smnll oiders alike. .XVW'f'V.' Gromore Fertilizer! FO R. LAWNS, FLOWERS, GARDENS, BULB f EKNS, SHRUBS, ORCHARDS Try it once and you will always use Gromore SEND FOR BOOKLET J. F. BARKER & CO., House Gleaning becomes a pleasure when you use a Royal Vacuum Cleaner It cleans by air alone, thus re moving all wear on the Carpet. Let us make a demonstration in your home. Ask about our pay ment plan. . Alicia Hammersly A Woman Who Wouldn't Remarry By Ida). McCIom COmo nenelet Wmtm Hal's Habits Persist. ,-L,r.'rd very harcl f,er ""I nt -ay that morning to Interest my If in putting our apartments in order and in the making of the little easy clothe, fur the babybut I could not wunn interested. Kor the first time, I was sorry a ''aby was coming to me I told myself I did not want It. and in the next breath I upbraided niys !f for even thinking of such a ihlng. . In later years I came to know that the woman who has no children Is always an unhappy woman but that morning, I wanted to bo free fee to show Hal that I could be Just as thoughllesa of him as he was of me Of course, that was not a very high nurpose or ambition, but it was a very human one. During the morning th thought came to me thatl could write a storv as I had often done in school davs upon some of the problems that ame to a woman in my position, and then and there I sat down and wrote a story which I called "iter Marriage". The whole thing just un rolled Itself. I wrote as rapidly as though I were wriiing a letter. 1 be ame so Interested that I did not re alize that I had eaten no luncheon and it was nearly dark beforo I m how the time had flown and now I must prepare dinner. I carefully put away .my manu script, because I did not Intend thai Mai should know anything about it. When he came home, I met him with a smile as though nothing had hap pened, because 1 had decided that It would not help mutters to prolong s disagreeable tension. "Now you're like your old sweet self" (aid Hal cheerfully. " knew vou would be all right, and I-am not olng to be neglectful again. You're looking fine, Allx, and you're the host little cook In the world. If 1 weren't so "all In" we would go to a show this evening." 'Did yon go to the funeral this tfternoon, Hal?'1 "No." Again I understood that that was like my huBliand. Ho never would do a disagreeable thing If ho could possibly avoid It never givo him self a bad quarter of an hour. "I wrote Nell a little note he said telling her I knew she would'nt miss me among her many other friends to- (day. but that you and I both would ,do all we could to help her In the fu ture. Poor girl, I hardly kuow what .she ts going iu do." 1 was not long left In doubt, how ever. - days afterward, .Nell .Marshall came over to see me. She wanted to tell me that she was go ing away to take up a stage career. Hal seemed quite horrified when I told him of this. "Why surely you think she Is fit ted for something ot that kind" I said. "She Is good looking and she sings a little and dances well." "Perhaps. Rut I hate to think or anyone I care for going on the stage. Not long afterward I learned that Hnl had managed to give her $500 with which to tide her over the Brat few months and she got settled in her new work. The day went on in endless mon otony tor me. I did not haw that ecMatlc fellng of expectant mother, liord that some women talk about, i'ertinpa It was berairo In noma way I felt dully that Hal was lo-ang In tcrrttt In me that he had had liefore we were inarrlel. I grew very de spondent oh J ho time drew near. I knew very few people in t"e town In which we wore living. Two or three ttiiien llI had brought his men friend home to dinner; but the ef fort of preparing the meal and Hie knowledge tliar I would have to put out a greater effort to put the house in order, afterward made me so apa thetic that I presumr I appeared to lie stupid before his friends; besides I had a feeling of self conwlouiiiirwi w'Hrh at lat made me auk him not to bring any one eLse to the house. More and more he told me that hi was busy at the office. More and more he did not come home to din ner. More and more often he would stay out very late, although never did he remain until dawn. I knew that he was gambling, because there was many a time when he left me with verv little money. Hal was nev er miserly or stlncy with me. When he had money, I was welcome to all of it, but he often was thoughtless about giving me money unless I would ask him for It. I husbanded the check my father had given me carefully, but at last It seemed to me that I could stand it no longer, and I told llul that I run st go home must go home for the birth of my child. Tomorrow A Mother' Advice. - OVKltSTOCKKO. Fur this week only. I am of fering Ajax tires at a discount of 15v!. Come early and gel your size. GREEN'S TIRE SHOP. ISASIll.H.L Kl ITS AltRIVR The baseball suits recently order rl l.v tlio Southern Pnciflc Twillehl league team urrived today nnd wer; placed on display In llarth's Toggery window by Phil Harth. the local A. 'I. SpauliUng agent. The suits are qrey, with a fine red Btripo and arc very attractive. In addition to the sign of the 8. P. lettering there is n bij; "4" signifying the "Ilig Four" brotherhoods. H EST COLDS V Apply over throat and chest irer with not Hannd doth. ems Vapo rub 17 Million Jan UttiYfrit liKT MR HKLP YOU GKT A HOME. I'OH YOIT. The big time Is coming soon. Watch the ads. o CAKKTKKIA DINNER. The Indies of the Baptist church will hold a Cafeteria dinner of roast meat, potatoes, salad, pickles, also len rren m and cake, on Tuesday. April 26th, at 6 o'clock, in their church. Mlt. rlSHKKMA.V AT YOl'H 8KKVICI3. Tho life time exTericnce of a mas- i l.nr Vmir old rod re IU1 I " 11 1 1 : 11 1 ' . ---- built better than new, or a new rod built to your order. All work abso lutely guaranteed. Write for price list. Harry D. Hobson, Lyons, Oregon. I have made arrangements by which I can offer yofl some very de sirable lots both on Improved and unimproved streets and build houses to suit purchaser. Will give you long time payments at reasonable Interest. If you are Interested In getting a home, see me at my resi dence, 818 North Jackson St. Phone 388-Y. U. S. Nichols, General Contractor. .? CITY NEWS 0 ntoi'KiwxAii rAWPW Uhlig's Electric Store All that'sbest in things Electrical JTiv T7. it, miioiii: -Music Miiiiie. iilunn. harmony, theory. Toahi-r normal course. Boll Sister. Bid. ti... f.nf !, itMlAIIAI 'ill. Auctioneer, gets high t 610 N. 1'lne JRl i- -I . . ..n . . I iivarl ' H fl n f j-j n r . if. " . . U tin 403 W. Caea, -P t.ii m ff pi.Vl.tSR Chiropractic iftvirmn z :j v , ,ibh- t-- i OREGON- K 33tbreid on earth, vaur money's worth, in graham, wheat or rye, Aid we can bake that wedding cake, ani ev3ry brand of pie, KN2-V1M3 HD'.V, yjj miit allov, givaa U3 tha right to blow, Eachjoafu fj !-,.-,v1 0? -viUb. hire's w'lar aw 3 knead the dough, Rjlg-cr)kie3, bjn?, and tarts by tw, ara h th;3 fam-)U3 cakery, Y ou always jw:in,jw-henyou drop' in, at the WELL KNOWnJf Oregon Bakery. August Heck, Prop. 328 North Jackson St. PHOXE 241 Roscburg, Oregon Arundel, piano tuner. Phone 189-L Kelly Springfield tires, lotta miles. Highway Service Co. Cnll at the Ideal Bakery, Sheridan at., for Superior Bread and pastry- Waverly oils and grease, 100 Pennsylvania. Highway Service Co. United States Tires are good Urea. Highway Service Co. nr TTnrf-v V; ,ir..n flentl.t IaIm phone 483. Office SIS Perkins Bids; Robert Blakely, of Glide, spent the day in this city attending to busi ness matters. Try Waverly heavy oil in that mo tor. Highway Service Co. full Bl lha Irtnnl n.lfAr Qtrnrtrtari St., for Superior Bread and pastry. W. E. Kurtz, of Grants Pass, Is tending several days In the city at tending to business matters. For painless extraction of teeth all on Dr. Nerbas, destist. Masonic Jldg. Phone 4 48. Mrs. D. P. McKay of Wilbur was In the city today attending to busi neps matters for several hours. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Knight, of Portland, passed through here yea terday on their wa) to California. We handle every style of light bulbs for automobiles. At the right price. C A. Lock wood Motor Co. Harding to Send Message iff Church .n,'?: Associated Preee). MARION. Ohio. Anrll sa-Tk,.,.'. going to be a new Il.mlo rhiirrh Chalk Butte, Meuda county. South fueoia. n corn r stone i: going to be laid soon, and heu the stone hi swung In place, the chink of the trowels will sound a message nt good will from Presid-nt llurdlnn. old time frl?nd of ttm paMoi. and from the president's chur.b hero, Trlnit iiaptisr. The men's Plble i lass of the Vr. Ion church that President Huntini; attended, before ho left for Washing- ien, nas tnaeii up a collection to pay for the corner stone, assuring Ihe church's pastor. Kev. John Wmn that it wanted the honor. Rer. Mr. Wynn ud to preach In Marlon In the days when Mr. Hard ing was a country editor. lie was pastor of the i'aulist church at Green Camp, Marion county nnd, a' one time, pastor of the Kniinanucl Baptist church here. When the new church st Chalk Butte, became a reality. Rev. Mr. Wynn wrote the men's Bible class of Trinity church, asking if it did not want the honor of purchasing the cornerstone. A collection for that purpose was taken up In record time and the money Is all ready to for ward. The cornerstone Is to cost 840. AXM'Ab CliKAN'-l'P. Have all tin cans and rubbish (ex cept ashes) placed upon the curb of streets not later than Wednesday evening April 27th. 1921. The city earns will commence hauling Thurs day morning, April 28th. Put rub bish In sacks or medium sited boxes. D. it. SHAMBROOK, Marshal. HAVK A GATHERING I'LAl'K. Some humorist once wrote In a vein of sarcasm to the effect that human beings are not unlike sheep "where the leader goes, so gons the crowd. For years it has been the custom of the farmer folks to gather in Roseburg on Saturday and a study of this fact brings forth many peculiar things. The country gentlemen and their families gath ered here today in large numbers and as usual the men congregated on their favorite stamping ground. the west side of Jackson street, be tween Cass and Onk. Just why they gather In this one particular spot has never been solved, but It Is a well known fact that should you wish to locate one of them on a Snturday afternoon hern, that section of the city would probably be the first place you would hit for. o FOR . THE CO.N'KFHVATIYE IN- VF.NTOIt. We can place some very good farm and city loans at 7 and 8 per cent interest. We are conservative In our operntiun. We make 20-yeur rural credit loans. ' Se M. P. Rice of It lew A Rtce. rniso.NKUs wi iik kki i:asi:i NEW YORK. April 23 Commnnd- er Evangeline Booth of the Salvation Army today announced that a Lon don cable message reported 25 fial vatton Army prisoners In Russlii had been released by the Soviet authori ties. They were arrested laat Feb ruary In retaliation for the efforts of Henry Mapp, Salvation Army commander, to enlist British aid re garding the difficulties of the work ers wore having with the Bolshevik government. The prisoners were na tive Russians. 0 WOOL AMI MOHAIR DATLS. Mr. R. A. Ward, of Portland, rep resenting the Western Oregon Wool and Mohair Producers Association, and other speakers will hold a meet ing on the following dales at these places: Klkton, April 29; Oakland, April 30: Yoncalla. May 4; Days Creek, May 6; Ten Mile, afternoon of May 7; Camas Vulley, evening of May 7. All people Interested in wool or mohair growing are urged to come to these meetings. Matters of great In terest will be discussed. SECRETARY. o VSF.n MOTOR EXCHANGE. Oak and Pine His. All makes and sizes, trucks, tour ing, roadsters, and bugs. Some of these completely overhauled. Some very late models. Let us know what you want. Excellent buys and terms to suit. McOUEW HOSE. 11X11. OTII K. fn th- I'mtnty i.'ourt of Lfouglas Coun ty. Oreson. In the rraltfr of the e-tnt of Karah Ann fiofidhonrn. rlera.,rl. John ;oodloiirn, the arimlnletmtnr nf the enlfjte of Mareh Ann tJfVMlhourn, nWfHFl. liavlna: renderfd and pre ritei1 for ettl-mnt and filed In tlile I'ouit hie final ai'i oont of hie admlnle trarlon of en 1,1 eetete. It le ordered that Tiieilav. ttie 17th day of Mar. 121. belrie; a dny nf a I'-rin of eald court. 2 orlo- a p. m. or enin nay ne ap nted for th eettlment of ealrl a int. end tliat nnthe of Bald aettle- mnt lie ruitillehed in the Roeburil Sfwa-Uivlear. e Hfevpener iitilif.hfd In Ifoualee County. Orreron, ae often as onre a wes for four cneo-utlve weeke prior thereto. irated this 1 th rjey of April, HJI ti. i. BTtWAHT, Count jadg. POLITE SERVICE - eXPERT SKILL THAT IS V "V I HOW WE I poln TO attract your attention we've got to keep on talk ing about our plumbing attention. We must keep on advertising the fart that the supplies we sell are of a su perior make and that our prices are absolutely Just nnd fair. We can mata you believe If yon give us an order. Roseburg Plumbing and Heating Co. C W. Bugbea, Mgr. 141 N. Jackson, Roaebarg. EAT! EAT! EAT! Sample Menu: Roseburg Cafeteria Roast Pork, Dressing, Potatoes and Gravy PIE Bread and Butter, Coffee or Tea ALL FOR 35c j W. SHORT ORDERS Sharply Reduced You can now afford to eat W. R. Warner L. P. T. The regular dance ot the h. F. T. club will bo held at the Klks hall -Monday, April 25, Dancing begins at 8:30. E. P. Woods JAitVIS IllXLOWS Are now open at all II mns and are ready for any and all second hand goods you have for sale. Give ua a call. Phone 251. Cass street. D. J. JAitVIS ft C. A. BELLOWS. .4 LUiMBER YARD We manufacture our own lumlier ', and have both roueh and tlreKed lumber at yard, if you wunt lum Iber, see us. PHONE 324. 'NORTH SIDE GROCERY .... Fence Just received. Carload ot Pago. Several kinds poultry fence. Carload barb wire, nails and ataplui. Write us. Stearns & Chenoweth Oakland and Yoncalla. Sheet MetalWork( OP ALL KINDS J. II. SINNIGER. 1IB OAK iTRKKT ' PHONR 4M WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas Couniy Light and Water Co. ICE ROSEBURG ICE COMPANY Delivered to any part of the city on short notice. I'hone your orders to us for prompt delivery. KIINKf & CKAMBfRS Phone 14 AUTOMOBILE BATTERIES New Gould Batteries while they last: Chevrolet $32.00 Stud, baker 16.00 Dulck 34. SO Overland 25.00 IfQdge 41.00 MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency lluick and CtrTro4r4 441 North JscKson St ItOSKIlVnft. OfUXiO.I. SOME PEP SOME WAP! To our new line of samples for Tailor Mad. nothing and th. prices are right. Order your now suit now.. Satisfaction guaran teed, prompt delivery. ROSEBURG CLEANERS Phone 47. CI I: A I NO AND PHERHIHO.