itnttenuna rrw8-RFrmtw aprtt 2.1, tiwi. PAOC TWO ROHKBC8Q HKWS KKVIKV uw puf Kst ar. H w imw I.. lM.fcrir it B. aie HIJUaCKlPTlUN KATli t'A'iy. ! yr, by fuall ...Mta fNly i'l Uicalfca. It mall I n- .,. month .. . l .... eelald Prvaa Is eselual.aly entitled tj ll.e uea for republication ol ll newt diepatinee erediiad to It or hot nlh.rwt.e eradll.4 In this paper a me lal Hrwi lul.ll'id hare- In All rltibla of republication of ho-etn .e ..e rae.rVfrt -.olervd a. a ona--iaa ntatiar May IT 10. at the poet offt.-a at Hoeebur Wiron. under Ibe Act of Hi'fli 1. Ui'a Ipura milk at all times and at a mod ierate price. We have before ua a copy of Ilnard'a Dairyman, Riving statistics on milk prices In all tlie principal cities of the U. S. Com- t arson T.lih thece statistics hos that Koieburf la paying lei than I the averujte price. We ouraelves kncor i jr own oats and will try to maintain the right price at all limes, Quality considered above all. Very truly yours, IllljKNBARK BHOS. Going Strong Kotfeliurg, Orcgull, April ii5, 10-1 tllll.IlllK.V8 MIKk. Beginning yesterday and continu ing to and injluaiiiri nevi aunuay. Thc p,.,lle pruI1(, of the iimp-ma the churches of tire nation will give : TlllJt.y Koilli; Bll0ng. In fact, 10 way to e.icouriig.iig a ciojer relation-; atrona that the Oregon Growers d bM between our boys aud g.ils and j ;)r,.ra'iYe rs-o latluu has not only the Sunday icnocla of every coal- : ,,0t,j n of , 8.0jk of Its member nullity throughout the United hut jual recently recti vr-d an States. :ordfcr for two lots which I' Petite Prunes Nuh In HitaahllFlf duflnllA nlanit huvo been shaped and will be put Itito action to encourage these young sters who are neglecting the vital opportunity of gaining a tellglous education, to align tlienis'lvos with the spiritual development of thin community. Fathers and mothers will be asked to co-ouerute. for with out this support It would be almost useless to endeavor to encourage a child to bocomo a regular attendant at Sunday school. Therefore, this week set aside for the little folks, Is of paramount importance to every father and mother in KoFoburg. Through their Individual efforts and working In harmony with the Sun day schools, a groat good can be ac complished In the way of establish ing a belter citlienshlp. Mr. Gladstone, before his tVaath. was asked what he considered the greatest discovery of the age and his renlv was, "The discovery of the child." Child life Is the most precious of all values and mora marked in the Influence brought to bear upon It. Religious education Is being recognlced today as most vital to good citlienshlp as well as to Chris tian thinking and living. With this Idea In view the churches through out the land are giving more serious thought to this phase of their activi ties. The undertaking la a most wor thy one. It la the only way In which movement can be propelyy Initiated to Increase the moral and spiritual development of children and should be strongly supported by all thinking men and women. Up In Marlon county they pay their prohibition enforcement offi cers $7 per dny and fell expenses. Down here in Douglas county most of the Inw-enforcing officials get about half that si with a mighty small allowance for any additional expense, but seom to be "delivering the goods" Just about as well as the average novice at $7 per. However, a good business head coupled with the right sort of Judicial senna don't seem to count for much in these days of high coat of living when the taxpayers foot the bill and the frisky bootlegger roqulros a rpocial coterie of incompetents to run him down. As a Dual climax the Job printers are going out on a strike. Probably beard about those law-enforcement officials at Suiiiii drawing down seven dollars a day and expenses. No Job printer need ever aspire to such lucrative position. Takes a "pull" to Innd these Jobs. Any way, what dnea the average printer know about booce hounds? A whofo lot, perhaps. It will soon bo circus time in rtoso btirg. Put on your colored goggles. You might Me somotblng out of the ordinary with the naked eye. With the primary e'.octlon fur In the distunce, there are alreudy un derground rumblings that dencte a lively campaign. The present showers lire JiiHt what the agricultural districts need othcrwiuo wo would not have them. Looks like a bumper fruit crop for Douglas county. LETTERS FROM THE PEOPLE iinu hern unable to fill. Accord.'i.g to the by-laws and con stitution of the Association and the lawn under which It Is Incorporated, It Is permitted to sell the fruit only ot Its members. Thus, In tills coun ty there is the ruther unusual situa tion of a number of growers havlns on hand their crop of petitis. mid. on the other hand, the Oregon Grow ers Co-operative association has an order for two car load lots, which It cannot fill.. Krom the viewpoint of the association, It would bo good business for those prowers who have petltes on hand, to join tho associa tion, and thereby dlnpuio of their petltes. 1 0 . Auxiliary Reports On Relief Drive m 1 W LSi ASPLINDIb P c3SS?Cj ft ETjji SYSTF.K Wj wis puuiFiER r; I L. aJ o?er 20,000,000 bottles sold in six years J Nature's Medicine Two tcaspoonsful in water three times a day makes you feel better makes you eat better makes you sleep better! makes you work better! It In called Nature's Medicine brcnuso it ia pure ly vegetable and is composed of the most bene ficial roots, herbs and barks Known to science. V, The Auxiliary to the American Le gion have completed their report on the Chinese Relief Ktind, having Imd all districts canvassed and accounted for. The ladlou of the different church es havo been working hard to put this thing over and havo succeeded In every way. The auxiliary wishes to extend their greatest appreciation to tho chairmen and assistants In the drive, for without them, they would not havo been able to canvass the entire residence district so satisfac torily. The following report Is llBted according to the largest amounts turned in. This report do" not In clude the pledge cards that have ben signed, hut only tho cash amounts. IrelyUrl:in Oiiirch Women's Missionary Society I 6S 40 House to house canvass 28. BO Volunteer Sunday offering.. 110.00 Collection from Union Church meeting 6. GO ADVICE TO LOVELORN AND OTHERS "V MUS. ' i "" "v A Dully I'oliiniti of (JucHtlims an I Answers Conducted by a Woman Who Knows. Address your Ix'ttein to Mrs. EUsbury Cure ItoKchurg Netva-ltevlew. Date For Georgia Minstrels Cancelled Dear Mrs. Kllshury: 1 havo been 'the future nothing that would "ii- going with a young mini for several , Iwirrafw or onuoy you to have others Manager C. I. Hill, of tho Antlers thuiter. received word ye.slerduy thut owing to the Illness of several ii41..uibers ot the Georgia Minstrel troupe, the date for their, appear ance In this city on May 11 will have to be cancelled and they will prob ably appear here Inter la the month Total $ 213.40 I'lk llaiittU riiurch Mrs. O. II. ens, Chairman, House to house canvass 101.21 Sunday fSc)Ol 34.24 Collection from Union churchqpervlce CM Total (141.95 ('UrlNtlnn Church Mrs. Grnnt Wlreox. Chairman. House to honse c.mvaL'S I K7 T.0 Su:iduy school 45.4(i Total t $102.90 '.il!iollc church Mrs. M. Devnncv chairman: Houho to houno canvass KplMV'pal,- Rumsdell. chairman. House, to houso canvass M rs. $57.88 ..W. F. $32.80 Methodist Kplscop-tl Church. KolMh This d'strlet was taken over bv ror the house to house canvass, hut 'ho fol'owlng was turned In bv the M. K. Church, south $ 10. (Ml I1. M. Society 1ft 110 w. ,. Cobb 2. no Collection from Union church meeting O.P' mourns. Ho nns asK.d me not to go;know. lou realize she l.a thin rault The truupe , at ,)rc.sent ln quaraI1. out with any man but him. I love' J you l.nvo persisted In giving her ,lno flir ull lnd, .filllte ,cnKth r t)m0. him so dearly that I don't enjoy my- your rniifidenceH. sou fun m-urrel. The Ceorela Mlnstieln have lavei In self when I go out with others, so expect lr to keep . sect when you J 'f f, ' ,8 the ca .- I would he willing to do as ho anka. cuiumt do He yoiina-lf. . ?' . . " . 5. i t u.-i luiiiiii ui iiivir uuic iiuej ia iiuiuu Hut he si 1 11 goes out with other girls and thinks this Is all right. What shall I do? M. A. You would lie very foolish to give up your frienda for anyone who Im ho ftelflsli anil utirciiKoiiuhlo ah this man lum proved liiiiisell to lie. As long uh you are not engaged. It I your privilego to divide your time us you see fit. (in out with other of your meii friends sometimes and tr io find iilcaMire in theeo oecHsions. Then, if you find that the man you love does not return your regard you Mill will hnve I n teres t In other of your friends, and the Iohh of wc, Uimerer great, will not seem so overwhelming. Dear Mrs. Kllshury: How are Imi tation pearls made? HKADKH A. imitation pcaili- are mride of hollow glnss roloretl by the pearly dust which comes from tho little Rentes of fish, known as Meek, kept agitated In water. Tills powder is In liquid niniilonut until wnntml for use. with regret. Ft) It XOV. The big time Wuich the ads. Is coming soon. Hear Mrs. Kllshury: How greut a load enn an elepli;:nt carry. D. A. The average full grown ele phant can carry .l.tllMI pounds. Dear Mrs. Kllshury' I havo been keeping company with a man for a year. We had two quarrels; now he s.nyq he doesn't care for me. lint he si 111 comes to see mo when I Invite him. Do yo-i think ho would come If ho really didn't care? How can I win him hack? M. A. Vonj Nlrtild have too much pride to iMrHst lu Inviting a mm to nee you when lie hns told you (hat he iloee not rare for you. It seenui verv unlikely that he vvoirld have told, you this If It were not true. You will not be likely to regain his interest. by trying to force his attentions. If vrn were to blamo for tho qirirrels in-mmi iiomn. your mini him WKCIAIi. Dear Mrs. Kllshury: Shouldn't the engagement ring because It is the most expensive, bo placed on the finger first and the wedding ring worn hh n truiirfl? KNtlAtlKD A. No. it U l bo eeffuiremciit rieir ' .".pologlxe. This will rleiir the way that Is worn ns n guard to the wed-1 '"r rxnlunntlons. Then let nuy fnr- Don't forget Friday, Watch the papers. l.eo Tiros Sinilo Merten. April 29. at miles. II. DECAY! -OF t"er advances rniiio from him. Hear !rs. KllRb.try: Is Pcnrhyn ding ring. hlle the engagement riin ntav In the more exni'iisivo than the wftldliiir riuif. t'le lnltir has n much 7-e-iier sentimeiiliil vnlue und de:-iM-r I Ktanlaws married. If so. when significance. INQUIHTU . . M.-rrif.-l In New York City, Ap :" IVnr Mrs. Kll.diury: When and'.'IO, it:t to Miss Jean I'li-lislye. vUiere was Sarah Hi rnlmrdt born? A. Paris, t. toiler -.IHI.V Hear Mrs. KMrlmry: I nm In love' vl'h my first couvin. Can we secure Hear Mis. Kllsl.nry:! havo a girl a marriage lieenso In Oregon? II. chum I like very much but she has I A. Xo. Marrlngi between fln-f. one fault I am afraid will break our i iniislvrs Is not p":"i I- (Jroson. frl. nluhin Hli, rkllim l..lla llilnira Tlin f'ift lli.'lt I Krt nnlfil-llv of the Mr.:. Wilcox, of the Christian chtircb4jnat , h,.r j,, c()H,,.Ce. Hew states pr hbt mnnlngn lietween re- can I break her of the habit? K. I Intionshlii ot this ik'gree should con- . Y"n c-iii not tin end to this vlnro ym that It wonbl lie most un very easily by telling your rlniin lii'uki I" lake stn h a stop. attention of prospective entrants. There is one sure thing, however that they can hank on, there will be I'AltftON IK HKMKIt CLAUK EUOKXK. April 24 Pardon of TiSatl ... $29.00 ...MetlJ lkt Kplsriipil Church llo'ise to house 'ennvass $3.!io Collection from Union church meeilng Infant. S. C. cluns 3.04 Total $13 04 DKI'KMIS THICKS. Itoseburg, Or., April 25. Mr. Editor: As the largest milk producers in this locality we naturally are some what Interested In the article which appeared in your esteemed paper re cently dealing with the prices of milk. Tho correspondent In fJreen H indnv Krlio d $ 9 95 i Total or all amounts $t;oi 9 I These amottiits have been turned in to the American l.eclim h the auxiliary president. Miss Pearl Stuart and will be sent Immediately to headquarters. millions of dollars worth of scenery i Martin ( lark, who was fc mil Killlly on both sides of the car. Ity keeping j or manslauKhter hero last fall was ;i shrp lookiut, ono might pick up ; denied by Oovernor t.lcott, according a gold or silver mine. All you have tOjto friends of the convicted man who ilo is slick a rock down on your vis- on Friday presented tho pardon pe lting card as a paperweight to claim itltlons sIl-ii. d by more than 2.000 ownership. I persons of Lane, l.lnn and Douglas countle.' The "l!o!o In One" club Is fast Governor Olcott said he h'.d made RTOWiliK. Callfernl.l has n ICore or It a i:il never lo mint a n.irdon In more of golfers eligible to the ranks. 'a case of this kind unless the petition a number of whom have made this ' was sinned bv the trial indue and the , frenk play several times. Our stalls- prosec tting attorney, tican ventures the hope that it will I 0 never be necmary to kiep an official r cord of this feat. TEETH BY DR.H.R. NERBAS DENTIST Tho tiniest cavity ln ono of your teeth presents a posi tive menace to your health. The decay may be 'reme died before It reaches the dentine. Yon are likely to bo unaware of the cavity before it has f Mind Its way through tho enamel, but your dcntl3t tan find It. 1'aiulei.s Dentistry. i:aniiuatloii Free. Work Guaranteed, abso lutely. Sco me for results. loost Itoseburg end Tiotierns county. 8 j g riiO.NK-488 SPORTS CHATTER Clrotte. Weaver. J.ickson. Felsrh. question MeMullln. Candil. Williams. Itlshere. wno In tils haste forgot to sign his I'aulelte, Kautr. Chase. Mi-liec. Zini name, by comparing Portland condl- merman, a gruq of ba. eball names Hons with those locally shows his which a matter of six months auo. absolute Ignorance of the situation. I were worth a king's ransom to any first, Portland at present Is har vesting tho benefits of a milk war, which happening as, past experience has proven, never has dune the con sumer any good In tho end. Third, the quality of this her alded 11c milk will not stnnd com parison with the local article which Is handed to the consuming public containing the exact amount of but terfat as produced, whereas the cheap grades of milk In large ren ters :nh as Portland are processed In such a manner that a certain mount of butterfat Is removed. baseball manager who had them on Ills ro;iter Today they are not worth a cent. Tho appearance of any of them on the diamond would be re sented, and they would b" driven off the held. After nil. there mn.t be something In the old ad.u'e about honesty being the be-t policy. Inasmuch as Hale Hii'h did not rrark out his Initial home run last season until May 1. everything ho Is gnrnerlng these d,ivs Is a clean net 'advantage with which to start out It h on that day. Inasmuch as he lu With John J. M 'Hurh. champion track and fl- Id rtarter of the worl 1. only lust In the prim" of life and still holding the starter's pistol at every meet within sight, fnlk nc wonder ing what his record will bo when h (tolls Ihe game. To date. John has s nt off In the neichborhood or I .vo million athletes at the report of his gun during the 22 years lie has been n:riclatlng. Athletes who took part In the events at the Panama Pacif'c In ternational Kxpositl'in. in San Fran clsco In 1915. will probably recall that they never were started to the finishing tap' In le Iter torn. Th' re nra many who hope he will bo on hnnd pgiln for 'he rational A. A.U. championship- tr be held in Pasa dena on July 2 to 4. leaving Jm.t enennh In that the milk I Idlcated that he is goiiiK to make over il of these clouts this year, opine that he will need them. will conform with the atnte pure food laws. Third, this locality Is not a natur- t,,. . n.....i. .. . ... I dairy country, and feed costs' J'" '5'" " ,I,J, lh: . . ...! two nilli nlay nt th.' I n v rltv nf more her. thai. It doe. In Portland. Pennsylvania r,.,y r:lr,V!1, Aor,t turthern.ore. Ihe e..rre.pondent Is w , ,, h, , ,.,., ', wasting his ammunition and energy f Yll, llll(1.r,r ,, In directing the same at "Ihe local r(.r,v of Illinois The Yale t. nm made a greol record for Itself In lh- romblne," as he calls It. as there "halnt" no such animal ln these ..ri. ii,,i,.,,i. mneia parts, but Instead Itoseburg la for-1 Innately having Its main milk supply j,,,, what ylni f roul(l , distributed by party who takes encountered In the proposed looo their occupation lo heart and knows me automobile road ra e around their responalblllty and live up to the alale of Nevada durlna the If you are looking for luggage carrfer. we have seveTal kinds lo select from. (TV A. I .or k wood Motor tl by banding Ihe people rich and part of next month la engaging the Co. According to the estimate made, turf distributions for the present y ar will nmou it to $i.50o.0i' of which $1.6011.000 will go to wiui.-r raring. Tiny Shc.ivis Hlh here. It sure d es the work. C. A. Ixickwood Mo tor Co. I i MPI't'lAU Don't forget Friday, Wateh the papers. April 29 Mrs. E. C. Merrick la now ready to di dressmaking at her home, C29 South Pine street No old stock fresh, new rubber aud a complete assortment of sizes. 11 us help you cut tire and tube costs an.1 al.o your auto netds in ail supplies we are stocked to supply every need and at lowest prices. Highway Service Co Jackson and Douglas St Phone 333 " mm- This eight rooms, bath, basemant and garage floors and oodwork and outside paint Well l "" nrnli, home with extra selected finish and modern huiii?1"1' thirty-five hundred, according to size of cash Uav Pr'c'-)t like rent. Furnished or unfurnished, and with to"01 B1 ir you llk. and no extra cash payment. Place well " PaiBe"er r Can be rented by year at $35.0 0 per mo 306 denT"1 ,500 W- HAS NO COXNMTION WITH 'I UK C'tiAHK. STUDIO. In order to avoid confusion, I de :lr to ttato that the Clark & Clark who recently purchased the Hayden atudio on Jackson street has no con nection whatever with Clark's Sludio In the Itoseburg National Dank building on Cass street, and con ducted by the undersigned. The Cass atreet Htudlo is ihe orig inal Clark A Clark photograph gal lery, being foundod by the under signed, who took complete owner ship on the 20th day of March, 1949. It ia tho old, original studio now conducted under the namo of "Clark's Studio," and it is my dw slro to Inrorr.i my hundreds of patrons that thore has been no chunge In tho management or owner ship of Clark's Studio, but that It Is located In the same old place, con ducted by the sameT51 '"nt. dealing with the .l, "ld,,,iabeU;idMroC'.5 coining under,'10Unrr0i, lon't make any nilmk. t want the best Z2 1. , J4" Chirk', Studio ; a 0f "urg National Dank w l U R" and conducted by rjlia. w 0,w This Is the old and ori.S-r,Ch Clark Studio In &ll 1,.. "UAfaa CLASSIFIED COI.TIMNJ 4LI. KKW CL4SSIKIRI. ADVBRTISRMKNTS Wll.l. BB POlgD a. ,Z PAOB I'NORK I1RAIUNK ...Vi10 n " " " 1UIIAI WANTED Sheep ami hogs for ship- I ment. May 3rd. 1'iione S-P31. FOU Jll SAKR-Dodge tourlnjcr Sen. WOA1A.N wants work by the ilay, or 30 cmitH Hti hour. AUUreHit W. W.. Nt-wa-ItfView. MIIIKK AUKD "woman wonIdIlke poMtion to do housework or nuiuliitf. . Phone 4!a-J WAaN'i'KIi by ehlcrly man, any kind of Work. Addle II. A. Kewh It ev I w. VANTKI Middle uid woman wantn huuKCnork, eountry or city. Address Hox H.LooklnK01a8B,Oregn. WANTKI) In formation as to the whereabouts or my auntie, Uoma K. CJfiKe. Atno other reliitlves and fiUndH please write. Jeaslo C'entur, ) N.Aladir iinSl., KuKc-nt-, Oregon. t WIM l'AV $5 fur .nformutiuiT'of , sultuhle. rlos In, houKeke.-pIng apartments, with bath, Karime If pos sihlo; not near the track and no hills to ellnib. I'hone 33a. WANTKli-I tan use tliFee'morv "stejufy wojud-tut'ers to slacii Hiul trlnj pole oak or work on buzz sitw. I will ar raiiK credit for tools and Rrocerles If necetsaiy. CJood money tor Kod men; 3 miles out. I tux 112a, Ituse-burK- Ten A .OreK.,n Fori s.i,K-:ood 3i7ro i FOIt S.LK--Freih mikh cows, tf L ern ll. Kd.-nb0w.r. Fhon ii-Klt IIA bun ftAUi-a-iideiUKurer Orcbtrt I rio-ls. Fred Kiilter. Phon. u. Folt AI.K Fiia-nt o( corn ftJ ca. ,JtZ',11, u"::tlt' P'T 'b- Phin :-FlL FOIt WALK TH fnBtallnunt p:iL house, clone In. Call it 4oj Cut Sl FOIl RAI,K ProtectograpchMk wrlb er. Rood as new. Inqukra tl Sei- Kovlew. Pun .SAlali CMKAl Full bloodwi col" Ho tmpn. John Abeene, tiutfttrlli OreKn. Foil 8ALI5 On fnmlly ni mtll t-reani si-puiatur. F. ikliouilt, biilui OreKtin, W)Jl KENT. ''Ori itENT Safely deposit boxes. HoseburK Natl-jnal Bank. '.iH HKNT Two houses. ToUnTan iteal Kstutoltlvrrt-lile. 1 Oil ItKNT Two furnlniH d house- !iPLnK roomH. Phone 1U-J. t-OK ItKNT Konms and nnTirTmentsT 3,'7 West DoukIhb Ht. I'hone HH-U FOU ItKNT FurnlBhed room with prlvlleKe of bat h . 401 Hon th M a i n i on HKNT Furnished bed7oom7Kcn iieiiiau preloird. 'ill si Duuk I;. St. MISCELLANEOUS. i'AIURIN(J. dresnmaklnff of all kinds. - J1'1""" I H7 -1 1. Out) irld k n. MOT lH FIOl'ItK on your "pl'umblnn and heathiK- JobbiiiK a specialty. Wa h A Scott, 220 West Oak MreeU I'hone 228-1. IA'K In the nei ifhboi lit.n.l nf 14 00(1 to buy a ranch; flon't want less than 30 acres; must have liveable building miiM tie on kmm road, not too far from some town; also wood and plenty of water. What have you and what lj your lenrt cash price. Am In a hurry, so be prompt. Answer M. ! . c;ire Ncwsltvlcw. Ktt SALK I wldte Inn td o ptete: i white enamel btiitl Thone 484. Foil SAI.i; 1'iJdi' of Multnomah pou tue4, ull hand nor ted. Ei snoaT Gt eery. 1'lnine C3. Flt SAI.K 5 pandniftPr fctiwleSiik:. H irRniti If taken at qqc. M Wcri OUIIUlltS FOIt ft.VLK SfririKm mattress, ui bd; round dining table and cfcurt loj No. Flint St. IXIOSK oat hay for isle In ban. Ci ton. Lew in I'arkr, en - Barks rsn:-h. 4iA murs east. VVWWMVsaaMN lOST AXD POCIKD. I.OST ItlcK of Kcvs. Itrturn to fa ciric Fruit and !rouuce Co. I'lionc l'OUNll Pair of spcctm-lrs. Owner may have samp by calling at this offlceand liayingjfor adv. '.OST ItctWfen ItosehiirK ar1 Tll'-h-ninml un Ihe 2ath. a Inp robe. Il.nry l '"'ja iv Klntl er le.ive at this office. ly iST HrlKht" hay saddle PO"v w'ilh white spol on forehead. W.iitht sou ll'S. strayed from AleTntiiler Addi tion. Address Harry O. Wilson, Alex end. T Addition. -Kate seed. Phone 3-e1V rl!t SAI.B Wutkuia " est i.ane. pruuueta "(HI SAI.K 4 line Hiot'h collie shep-h..t-d mm. .tii.l.l a. U..HIIllfn l-'Oli .MAI.K--l.oiranherrv plants In field $:5 per thoim.uid until May 1 only. I A. Archamhenu. l ull SAI.K- Small bniol nf Annora Kon:a in a liarKi'tn. Aln youna iia.-K mure, weight 1300. II. frvlnir. Wll- LUMBER Of alt dfmeiiMons, at reasonablf sa..!!- t la. Vnvfll nf West Side Store. 1J87 CmpqBs Avenn. rnone I3K-R. HE1NL1NE Consenctor of Music piano "voice; Harmony and Theory Musical kindergarten Kohlhagen Bids. Fhon 10. Kuli SAI.K l'rule of Multnonuh au toes, all hand iorttl. eta Grocery. I'hone Z9. FlTirSA'l.K Pride of Hjltnomib r toea. all hand mirli-d. Rowburj Pa din e t'o. Phone 371. KOK SAI.KSmail 6-roora tio'JM ui let. I'huip for cash. InqulreUUJ . .liti kyon St., itoseburg . FOIt .SAI.K Federal triirk. neiv. Phone J. C. KnyM. Ill-U rail at 31 2 Kant Cam 81. Foil SAI,K-llio Her of oU block wood. Quoil road. I!P" .1... t I. lorn tilxnnvllle. Flllt SAI.K Have purebred Sborltorl m:i e. oaoors a im wniir. nitk hore. Wlni'helter Mt VA.vr'r:Vi--i:;xi..rienird firi "JJ ofTi.e HKdistmit. Addrea ?. 0. m Mi."i, ton-liurK. Full SALKUKWI'' i"wa or ni'ttr iiopeuui a. --""'- neM lot... I.IK l"'. at Yun.aiU. rvm l:,U2ll,HOiieiiiiraj T-j KMll .SAI.K-lne 01 ina ',L,i,, car. in l.oneburl Aubu WJ Ul'O. MiailKB.V n.lrT J IOlFsAlK-Pracllrllly sr "Tg r!,n io. than tea tl''" new lire., wlndahljla dn see 11 ai ' 1 " Full SU.K ftulck . ax' ."i,;. 1 ' nr,t .'U. m ".nh-.l "jl tires on car. "'""'JL V. Coon. innaru:v-?: r w17 t --- ....Tr. little FOU SALE -An an..' "-- ). modern lmm" , AftK Ideal location. Prl" ,!JJwt 1141 IlnrTaiil A!LrJi-ii----rTSt Very reaw.nahl. , fl- onrt. ISO. in str Vushiirau i ""- rTn r s-;ii7S n. I"'," V ,;, I't m 2.fl from :,.-ehur. VS'.,, tt yon ran ee. lire hariril" Phona n.irli. olara rrrTTSKt fxm saT.k on, or will con.ldr a "",fVl "rf Milldias;. JJj "carina ''"T?;, .ri "- riin 1 ;-7., w and r No. I. Fi '11 S I I hnmre atnio't l'k' q.ih a i lv vni Mir. nreten. ZMVV cheron.. .be.dutfirZel ,oo,l condition Vre nun. "" - tft- ru ft