Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, April 12, 1921, Page 2, Image 2

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Ihh Dally
m, . Hataa l M laibarlr .r1 li. Balas
Daily. par )r, bf mall
twllr. an raoataa. b aull
R- '.... iir month
. .!
Wholesale Drug
Company Organized
Tha Aaaorlatad
aatltlaa to tha uaa for republication of
til atwi dtapatrhaa cratiltsd to II or
aut olbarsrl.a crislltaiS la thla apr
ant also tiia local nrwa publlshad bara
1 All rlahta vt repubilcatlna of apa
elal rllsnttchaa haraln ara alao raaarvad.
'ntad aa aarona-ciaaa mattar Mat
17. at tba I oat ufflra at ftoaabur.
fWa,, under lha art of I4aeh . IS7i.
'iWrss-l-iirK. Uri'K'nT, April 1 111 U2 I
ECGENE, April 12. Arllcl. of
i incuruoraucn lor a iiuu.uuu unoie-
lraaa elrluslaalt ,H dm firm, tn ho rollori tho fro-
Kn Drug Company were tiled late
t'atiiriiity with tba corporation com
iiiUloucr at 8alein. A meeting will
L held In IhU cily aliortly to elect
tffl.e-s and directors.
An i., 'don hub been taken on the
i.. w .. habitation bulldiiiK on the K.
.Si. I 'mu two-slur building on Will
1.11. c.t. xtreet, near Nintn avenue and
I i tpecud that thla structure la
'i be remodeled to meet the needa
c 'h :irm.
X A. Kuykendull, R.' A. Booth,
flunk ''haiubcra, Dr. W. Kuyk.mdall
V.. W. (alklns, t'arl Washburne, Geo.
i uvl" una George McMorran are
Thi" Auerican people are culling
too'! nut of their forests three or
foir lni -a u fust an the aupply U
bb'.nz crown. Thla produces acarclty
in Ibt. f.naic e-saenlials of life. A
luigfl part of the proBpxrlty of this u.ioiis, the stockholders.
coun'i'y ha tieen created by trie for
mer abundant and cheap aupply of
wojd products. In Kurope they de
pleted men of their aupply uf wood
many yeara ago. Conscqmintly Kuro
pean cities ate largely built of atone,
brick, centent, etc., at a higher cost
than the American town, which la
largely built of o:i. One reason for
popular Intelligence In thla country
V. A. Kuyketidall, who haa been
c nilueilng a retail drug, alore In
I'liKene for a number of yeara, la the
i.rotimler of the achetue. He announ
ces that salesmen will anon lie pluced
In die Held, and expects (hat the Kil-
Kene store will fill a need In Hie
ton; turn Oregon territory.
Herause of the ceutral locution of
Ki x'H-. wilh railway lines running
is that the abundant wood aupply !'! "J"'" Hrfcc-tloi it la believed ail
formerly permitted the manufacture
Ideal tpot for a Jobbing houso. It will
be cli.ier to the southern market
than any oilier wholesale drug house
In ttie state, there blng only threo
at present, two In Portland and one
lit All.any.
Wil l, OIVK I'l.AV.
, sion, adults 2c, children 15c.
of paper pulp at a very low price.
This made It possible to distribute
great quantities of cheap paper for
uae in newspapers, magazines and
booka. Thia has made popular edu
cation through the printed page
available to the humblest family.
The high prices of the past three
!. .1 ""IT ." CV Tt The Merry Workers club of I.ook
L .. a v . f,roAT' ,LI,V, . "? ':' " ' P'ay. "When
UT," "r,",h? ' ."k".'"1 UPYor Wife'. Away," at the Grange
these RRsenllnl materials with lncon-l,,n v.i.i..o a.h k aj I.
brring haa increased the waste. You
con burn up In one night timber
enough to build the houses of a
large town, or to run the newspapers
of your state for many months, while
It takes 40 yeara to grow the trees
that shall take the place of those
that have goue up In smoke. The
most careful sufoguards should be
adopted against forest fires, and
steps should be taken against- waste
ful lumbering methods. Forest lands
are a better asset than any gold
mines, because they provide baalc
essentials of life. When you take
gold out of your mine. It In gone for
good, but by foresight you can have
a new forest product once or twice
In a life time.
A large number of school teachers
never marry. Thia Is not any re
flection on their worth or attrac
tiveness. It la more of a comment
ary on the limited wisdom of many
men, who fail to appreciate the ca
pacity of these women for loyal and
affectionate relations. One-fourth of
the teachers have taught aa mu'-h as
?0 years, and perhaps the great ma
jority of thla fraction will never
marry. When the time of their re
tirement cornea, many are left In a
hard pojltlon. On their email sal
aries they have rarely been able to
save much money. This hard plight
of the retired toucher Is one consid
eration that deters many young wom
en rrom entering this calling. Many
cll'es now provide poiiHlons for
Digest of Nation's
News Dispatches
The federal trade commission con
ducted nn extensive Inquiry concern
ing the practice of manufacturers in
guaranteeing commodities in the
hands of wholesalers, against uecllne
In price. As a result the commis
sion will conaider each case of com
plaint separately, basing its decisions
o:i the facta In each iustuuee, Instead
of attempting lo lay down a general
AsNerta Ituasla Haa Nothing to Kx
port. An American regional economist
of the state department, who waa as
c'gned to an investigation of Ruasla,
haa told a committee of the senate
1918, and two-thirds of tba decline
waa In 1920.
Building and the VtUltles.
Building operations Increased 12
per cent In February over January,
and while the country baa Dot yet
reached "normalcy in this respect,
It la nevertheless encouraging to
learn from aa good an authority as
Bradstreet a that there waa a total
expenditure for the second month in
the year In 46 cities, of 177,840.-
With housing cornea a demand for
public utility extensions, and it has
been pointed out ftiat in order to
properly equip the Improperly boused
residents pf the United States with
heat, light, transportation and tele
phone facilities, the public utilities
will have to raise a total of 1852
COO, 000. The total Is reached by
oniblning the estimates of the most
reliable authorities in the public
utility field.
Japan and AniiajnentH. '
A resolution before the Diet of
Japan proposing that Japan should
enter into conversation with Great
Britain and the United Stutea look
tng toward limitation or naval or-
mainenta, was defeated.
Crime On Decrease
Says Pen Editor
SALEM, Ore., April 12 There I:
no occasion for alarm over the pres
ent muchly heralded, "crime wave'
In I his country at this time, accord
Ing to Jesse Webb, life termer In the
stale prison here, and editor of the
Lend a Hand" the prison publica
tion. Statistics cnmnlled by Webb, Ir
connection with his work as editor o'
tho prison paper show that while the
prison population almost doubled I
the ten years prior to January 1,
1921 the number of convicts re
celved at the prison In that period
was actually 40 percent legr than the
receipts for the preceding ten years
The peak of the prison popiiiatio"
Welib'g figures show woa reached In
April 1916. when 566 prisonere werr
liicirrerated In th stalo prison and
the low water mark was reached c"
Senlember 15, 1919. when onlv 24
prisoners were In the penitentiary.
That prohibition has had Its effeei
on the prison receipts Is shown bv
figures lo the efrect that prior f
1915, when the state' waa voted "-
average of 250 men were receiver1
nt the prlHon nnnuallv. whereas sine"
that date, the number has decreased
to approximately 156 annually.
In proof of the refutation of the
statement that the recent war la re
sponsible for the so-called "crime.
wave" Webh points to the fact tha
only six ex-service men have been re
ceived at the nrisnn here.
Of the 349 men In the prison at
leaciiers naving long terms of serv-1 gallon that the average price- per
Ice. If the community wants to nt- head, all ages, of cattle other than
,tract the best type of talent Into this' milch cows was 135 92 in 1917
vroatlon. It must tn some way make 144 22 in 1919, and $31.41 in 1921.'
It possible for the teacher to attain On January 1. last year, the farm
a comfortable position for her later price was $4.51 below that of 1917
y,r, I aime months before this pnunirv do
ctored war. Swine on farms declined
In the two years 1919 and 1920, 88
per cent of the gain In 1917 and
that Russia represents "a gigantic I
economic vacuum, with no prospects .h nrP., rno, rs re serving llfr
or alleviation under the present terms and three of them Jim Ow
.i"? gnomic conditions." eniI. Jack nathie and George Howard
lllUl, Wlllltt limits Willi IIUB-
sla Is highly desirable for the United
States aa well as for the rest of the
world, "nt the present time It cannot
be established In any appreciable de
gree because the industries and con
sequent purchasing power of the
KtiSHlun people have collapsed."
I nniiem lne Wnr-'l inie I'rlce Gains
The department of agriculture es
tablished by a recent annual Invest i-
have been sentenced to hang.
- . . t
Grease your own with Waverly
grease. H. Merten.
Farmers do not always reallxe how
much of their product they might
sell at their own doors lo people who
come in automobiles. In these times
when so many people are driving
around the country, a lot of them
will head toward the road where
some live advertising farmer Is of
fering his goods. At a recent agri
cultural conference, F. M. Jenks. of
Acton, Muss., said he had spent $100
In ndvertialug his fruit, and as a re
sult hud more trade ''ome In auto
mobiles than iie could supply. He
had a favorable altuatlnn, being lo
cated about 25 miles from Boston.
Nevertheless in any locality where
automobiles are freely used, people
will drive to places where bargulns
In farm products are offered.
TI.e stale or Waahlnglon Is going
after the logunberry industry of
which Oregon now has 85 per cent.
From Marion county there haa been
shipped this past winter 2,000.000
loganberry plants, mostly lo north
em Washington. On a basis of 6K0
plants to Hie acre, this means more
than 3000 acres, which will be in
commercial bearing In two yeara.
Oregon Is credited in fcovertiinent re
ports with 600 acres. C. I. Lewis,
of the Oregon Growers Co-operative
asKoclation, estimates that wlihln a
few yeara there will be 10.000 acres
of bearing loganberries In Oregon.
On an average of 3000 pounds to the
acre, thla would mean a crop of SO -000,000
"Hooch Fruit" is
the Latest Thing
BURLINGTON. Colo.. April 12.
"Hooch fruit" aa a substitute for
home brewed liquor will result If the
experiment of V. H. Chanlear.
prominent watermelon grower here,
proves a success. Chanlear, who haa
made hundreds of experiments, de
clares he has found a way whereby
every watermelon can be made into
a natural still. i
When the watermelon la about
i hnlf grown, Chanlear's method Is to
plug It, Insert a yenat combination
of his own manufacture, then seal
the hole with grafting wax.
The ycart, acting on the sugar con
tent of the melon, will develop an
unusual amount of alcohol and at
Oregon Ships Much
Flour to Far East
ASTORIA." Or.. April 12 C. P.
One of the first symptom of re
viving trade with the territories of i
Central Europe as it Is carried out -with
the Pacific Coast la seen in the
shipment of 14.000 barrels of flour j
from the Port of Astoria terminals J
to the Czecho-Slovak government. ' j
The movement of so large a quan-.
tlty of Hour at a time whan tbei
market la very poor, and to on 5 of
the new-born countries of Europe,
has awakened marked lntereat
among milling and shipping men.
The flour waa milled In the new
4000-barrel per day plant on Pier 1
of the Port of Astoria terminals, and
waa ahlpped on the Holland-American
line steamer Mo. rdyk for Ham
burg, whence It will be sent over
land to the Czech territory.
Interest In Re
vival Maintained
Government Typist
Exam. Announced
The Monday night audience at the
Christian church revival was most
ratisfactory, and the interest was
still maintained. The sermon last
night waa on the theme. "Shall We
Know Each Other In Heaven?" The
speaker gave a very clear presenta
tion of the matter, ueiug the idea of
the Indestructibility of memory, the
continuity of fellowship and the con- jhe United States civil service
twulty of life, and gave many scrip- C011imlBBlon ann0unceB open competl
ture references on the theme. To- ...
night the subject will be. "Your Sec- ve atenograpner-rypisi examiua-
nna Birthday." One of the unique lions to be held in mis city on ine
features of tonight's service will be second Tuesday In eacn month
ne opportunity tne audience snail
have for each one to tell where he
was born Into the world, and then
of his aecond birthday. The evan
gelist says to be born once Is to die
twice, but to be born twice la to die
'nee. The music was the same live
ly, interesting feature, and the ane-
clal duet last nlcht was a very
nleaslng feature. The meeting Is in
Us last week and will close next Sun
day night. The evangelist will have
for his theme Wednesday night,
"Tho Sin Against the Hnlv Rnirlt "
On Friday night there will be a great
lainers aay aervice, when the men
will lead the music and have tha
leading part, except that the chlld
rcn'a chorus will sing.
the Rostburg NatloUal ,U1
Ita equipment right n. 5 ke
applying every e5v.nT,?U,,
proved roeihod that !
clency. Checking Acc'??.0, !-
- -"mm
- JUUreat Paid on Saving, AtC01It
. "-Oi t.
laalll inr-,n 1
lug mado k. "l
1 d4 C nn4 i-v EVt
"V"'"' ' friends of oth., al. .
ara. 4. Ul.WfUl UUU 1. 1 Prejector. of thair "
nave a nart in .v. ""UOi.1
The excavatio- L 1
Last evening the contract for the
erection of a re inforced concrete
church-building waa given to L. W.
Metiger, a Koaeburg contractor. This
house of worship for the M. E.
Church, South, ia a beautiful plan.
I modern, and will be a model of con
be poured and n,.?,,
- uga
r.,i, in tho nonitiona or eiiiraw iuu umiaj. lie location at ; """' orno.
stenographer-typist and typist in the " corner 01 tast Lane and South ; iwi,
foHorul aorvlce in the eleventn CIVH t mo wuureoni IU
ce district (wasningion, iv, ", , w , . i .. """'
. . . . 1 , . , t WfirV will hairin n innoW.v u u
gon, Idano, Montana, ana Aiasaaj, ---- .
at salaries ranging from $900 to ff and Pushed to completion as rap
$1200 per annum will be filled from '. possible. .
these examinations. With the completion of the new
Applicants Bhould apply at once to ' church and the pursonaeg re-located
the local secretary, ooara or u. o. ana remoueiea, no nner or more at'
the I Hiaii. t ..n,Dr.oT.,,,,
A veruaif preVl'p frorn fri"T,":
civil service examiners, at the post
office In this city; or to the Secre
tary, Eleventh U. S. Civil Service
District, 303 Post Office Building.
Seattle, Washington, for an applica
tion blank (Form 1371) and a copy
of announcement (No. 433 -amended).
tractive corner can be found In Itose
burg. Very liberal subscriptions are be-
Aver.,, precipi;,,,"1; ' J- 1
rom Hpt, J, to
rn U mm
imoni l&tm .. .
t'oriK'ait ui, ; " " Mlllaa.
TonlKht inj Wrt 1
I Movie Closeups
"Twin Beds' Is tho screen version
if the stage success by the same
tame Mr Maresret Mayo and Salis
bury Field. The play. bedroom
nrco cnm"dv. was extremelv nnnulnr
tnd enjoyed a long run on Broad-
wav. and with companies on the road
ivr a period of two vears.
Mr. and Mrs. Carter DeHnven ere
stnrred In the play, which adapts Its-
'eir admirably to their talents and
the supporting cast beside Will-
am Desmond, aro Helen Ravninnd
who created the role of Slgnnf- Mon
ti in the orieinal production. Kather
'ne Lewis. William J. Irving and Lot-
te vi imams.
The niot of ho nir'ure ' evolves
around the marital relations of a 'l'"
ta'lous Italian tenor, and the mm'"
cations ersuing when-he gets in th -wrong
apartment and sleens In an
olher man's bed.
There Is an ahnndnnce of rl nan
wholesome comedy In the fereo
which Is the First .MiMonul attract
ion at the Anllera theatre tonight.
"Th rheiter Rrfurmwi" l iho tlM
of the William Fox picture, starring
William Russe which began n.n en
gaeemeni at Ihe Anllera theitm lnt
nleht. It will be shown at the f3-
ectic theatre tonlirht.
Don t Imagine hnt the t't'o gt
eiorv nav. 11 oo-sn t. No men
Wireless Waves Fire Oil Walla.
In recent years there have been
J number of oil well fires the origin of
d l.L.I. I 1. , , I
-,,vm m ucw unfu exinaineu. ine
fires started at such times when the
altes were deserted and could not
ave been done through any human
agency, and In this connection R. M.
McLaln of Desdemona, Tex., has come
to the fore with a remarkable theory
that Ihe firing Is done by wireless
wnves guthered by the metal entering
Into the construction of the derricks.
This gentleman has observed a num
ber or oil well flies which could be
explained In no other way.
WANTED Wicker baby carriage.
WANTED Two man to help plant ber
ries. Apply 126 Cass nX
WANTED Washing- at II per lox.. and
Ironing at 7Sc. 441 Fullerton St.
WANTED Middle aged woman to keep
house and care fur two small boys.
Apply at Grand Grill.
WANTED Young lad for confection
ery store work. Apply at Foutch .
Hheridan street.
the same time the growth of Ih
melon will be greatly stimulated by.tllle could do that. Ilefore the audl-
lts own Invlgorator, Chanlear claims, ence can catch Its hrenth offer the
Ninety per cent of the melons In mnln title Is exposed. It find' Itseir
afield will weigh more' than 30 1,1 the midst of the most delicious
pounds each if given the yeast treat- ""Tl of dramatle entanglement. Jusl
ment, he snld. Imagine a crook Inking advantage of
Several business men here con- Mr own hrother'r death to assnm"
traded for an acre each for melons ''"' rectorship of a fashionable
with a 10 per cent kick at a dollar ehurrh nnd no one susnectlng tho
per melon. Chanlear has turned ,raud not even tho clergyman's
over his contracts and methods to w,,,ow. That is something to think
the Ilurllngton Melon Growers asso- lB"out.
mat is what William Russell does
In "The Cheater Reformed." and In
Ms dnal role naks a nlclure that
von won't forget In a'hurrv. Scott
Dunlnp. who directed the plcmre,
'rem Jules u. Furthman's storv.
could not have chosen a better sup
porting cast for hia star. In our opin
ion. Seena Owen heads It as the
rector s wife. Sam DeGrasso Is
tn his high standard as a villain.
Douglas county Is noted Just at
thla time f(r one of the finest
moonshine plants ever unearthed In
this section of the state.
The Village Iml Is getting his Dully
llu 'ling Out, and the llreei,. Is Some
thing Fierce-. Ever since he Got the
Olllif, It has Just 1,1111 one Dod
Gaxtitl Kick after Another, until the
Vlllnire I hid is Nimib nml Life Is a
lunlen. Why do .Men let Folks elect
lliem In tl.e vii.,:.,. n.Htnl. nnvliout
nation, wmcn will test the experi
ment on an extensive scale.
Too much notoriety and corre
spondence was Chanlear's reason for
giving up the project.
Get rid of that rqueak with some
penetrating oil. II. Merten.
Social dance nt Winchester Friday
April 14th. Music by Olt'e orchestra.
'Hut my
1 hollow
t of Tunc.
Old Ijidy. I to tramp):
man. your tale has such
Weary Willie: "Yes Miss, thafp
Ihe natural result or talking with
an empty stummlk." Ixmdon, Kng
-1 1111.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
iignature of
Look here," demanded the new pa-
iriin 01 ine Dlray Hour lunchroom.
-vtnen no 1 get that order?"
control yourself," snapped Romeo
me winter, "file cooks are on Btrlkev
oi 1 niniK iney 11 come to an agree
ment 'most any hour now." Ameri
can l.c.von Weekly.
Hals off to the Gloom Ituster. who
puts the KIIkisIi on the Crepe Hunger.
He radiates Cheer like a Warm Cat
illsjiensrs Purrs end Innili.s at Wor
ries that cause Ih.' Averse Man's hair
to Curl. The Gloom Busier has n Goo, I
Word for Kverytinlv and Everybody
hn a (i,,d Word fur Him, VV.uUs
More !
WANTED Working girl to share
apartment. Aak for Mrs. O. W. Zuiil
watt at lterKer'a Haricaln Hlore.
WANTED Desirable " ranch team of
about 1200 or 1300 His Also an icon
- wheeled wagon ir trucK If at a lial
gain. Address Box 'H6. Koaeburg.
WANTED Young lady without home
wlflhes position as housekeeper or
companion to old people. Call in per
son at Itoseburg Apts.. Hoom 8.
WANTEIHest cow for the money,
.not over &ix. fresh with calf or soon
to freshen, from 4M, to s gallons milk
per day. Box 47, Camas VaJIrr, Ore.
FOR KAI.R Watklai
West Lane.
pniam i
J. Hand.
H lll-1. 1
'"" i.r. p our mtlclion XivJ
Hi on. I'hone 4-Fi. 1
I'-OIt SA1.R OH hEST-Htofk nj
ir ii u wtj .
. nAi,r, disck Ml Don tffi M
KOU RALK-34 laylcf km, lflfi3
IKlu 'rns. Phong lit
VOH SALK Wood, jooJ vooi Oii
Vm HALE Bulok-, rv, Mli mJ
:!7ri. ni)ulre at New;-Rv;t 1
mniHiUin. Call 801 & P. 8Kt
KOH SAI.K t-rvral fM
relintiutKhmenti. Cbu Km -4
By permanent, reaponnlhle
party. Am to locate ht-re rnj
resentlna; large national cor
poration If 1 can find a home.
Will you have on In near
future? Address R. U C,
KOR ft G NT Safety aeposlt boxes.
Hoseburs; NationaIBank.
POH RENT Laarge furnished room.
J nquire120 tju. 8tpp hens.
KOU RENT Furnished room with
privilege of buth 401 South Muln
UK KENT 1 looms and apartments.
327 West DouKlai Bt. Phone 8tt-U
W. U Hash.
I'Olt RENT 10 acre fruit and poultry
ranch, 3 miles from town, from three
to live hundred a year Income above
rent. Wee this aulcK. A. 1 . xa
re nee. Commercial Agent, 126 Csss
Street. I'hone 219.
INI MAN CM'BS for ule. H K-s;
vatory, ,
VOW SALE Diltun aJdluuta
cqI., brand new. f It U A. I J-
rent e . 12a Cast 8t
Tracts. Fred Flihur. PbemW
FOR SALE IottctofriBrdia
er, good as new. toiiunilMh
FOR KAI.K Kmall iImI lUM
did buker, snap If taktatisntt
Cass Street.PhOBt Mr
FOR RAT.K Rfl WhlttrLtCbcTI
thorouKlibred O. A C m
each. 125 Csaa Stitll
FOR SALE J flne JettticmV
34 to 4 gallons milk a -Ut wH
to 8 per cert JuddlMll
FOR SALE All VtwU of tot
deliver any piare at i" w
Rlnnlng April 15. Hertnu
Brrnkwrty, ore.
i'AUX)RINO, dressmaklns; of all kinds.
Phone 187-K. Mrs. ti uthrioge.
EXPERIENCED powder man deIres a
iHifluion. inquire noseourg Apari
lllHTltH, Apt. I.
IX)HT Tall from a brown fox fur.
Finder leave at Uinpqua Hotel dining
IST (.rev and Dink Darrot. IaRt
seen In North Ru.eburg. Rturn to
424 Rt-nitn St. Reward.
1,1 1ST In buslnews section of city Frl
lay, pair of men's brown automniMie
gloves. Finder leave at tnis on ire.
laOST Case rontalnlng government
rHoera ArirlroiM nn out sloe f . I.
Ray lev. Room 612. PostofTlce Uldg..
Portland, Oregon. Finder please
notify V. H. laand Office.
1THNI) Pair of spertarles. Owner
may have same by railing at u-m
nfTIre snd paying for adv.
FOR SALE Yellow Ient
six cents per lb. shelled.
an re. i hi lard.
seed corn,
U. U. I-aur-
Clancy Kids
AnJn Paper
Shortage On
-Oh, Sawful Sterrible!
1 1
rr,i I I
a. i us i 1 :
ii i i i i
II ; iTHe ,oeA oF I
irnit kit.k Virtnr Vlctrolt
ir net. snd J-l irra "TT-r
1 oUjY. , -I
FOIt HAl.B-O. 1. CI w,"tii
S..w welKlm slHial l l
eek old. ChMP I' UW"1"
N. I HewlttJ'5!.
FtlHWAI,E " Prcllclly
run le.ii ths IM ?rijZ
new llrea. wlndlllH4tl
Se II trl!jlrfl--;
KOU BAa-B-Butrt J I
tires on .sr. I sw llr m
U r..on. l)lllrd. Q"f
Valentine's uneicellid ,J.
utrunenla deicrl(ll .
queitt. Kold and
V'ishiirich Brott
foi: i-rS;i,t lit ,-.nith of No. . aj '.ai
l-svina and JL,"i r
V. II. Hilllnf. 4"
II ;o per lelllnf. lr
U I'ranton. r7m
rm... halidlssj. Jt fmW
,-,,1 nol 'r,rTRirf -
Pi, It VAl.r-:S Sfrts p
hast -f " "'ri-nj rl
ood J? PJJj t I
KT.rl'M-f! ". 77 ti"f
r.n.H "f .'ITT. i,rJ "1 '' Mta
j,,-, a..ultr rsjh. "t
Ur.r.s AddreM -
Bene". - - rt'i?'
I ',H drier. otMS
ir.lias pasts';
,.o sera. Xi Z
ta Ifca taeCHje. .. Bratieai.