MSEB M3SWS-3REVIEW URG WEATHER DAILY TEMPERATURE Highest yesterday Lowest lt nlgUt In U Included The Evening New and The Roseburg Review oBVKG REVIEW. ROSEBURG, ORBUOJf. T KSIMV. APRIL l'J, 1021 Vol X, No. 8SOF THE EVENING NEWS. tuu. sna4 a. at PRES. HAhu '-uLAnto AGAINST LEhl-v NATIONS IN FIRST MESSALETO CONGRESS rKMiicy Tariff Urged-Relief For Work! War Veterans Is Asked For eauioii in v. vi mvui. micay er Rates on Railroads of the Country. Blonde Woman Is Sought For Murder (By Unlt.,1 Press) ST. LOUIS. April 12. The police today combed the city for a blonde woman who shared the apartments rtf " " Ik nnlnrlnm n.lin. tnai. who was found shot to death Reorganization Plans Are very iu uis rooms, snamrocs oi many i aliases, was best known as Michael I McNauiara, and was a two time con vict. He was the alleged leader of a nation wide gang of aafeblowers. ! HIOH LIGHT OF ADDRESS. ,Tlv United. Press. i WASHINGTON, April II. I -in the existing league oi n- y ourselves, at is only fair to say to the world that the league covenant can have no sanctton by us, Although declaring against the "existing league of nation," the president said: "The Winer a the world is governing w, mvm to k. u,,, of T T.k ii. .uner-DOwers ana mis w ...... I public will have no part ! Prudent Harding declared in J first message to congress Jllivered today. The b l.h i "7. ar. as satisfactorily achieved by such ex- confirmation of our rights and in' trrcsts at already provided and to engage under the existing treaty, as suming of course, that this ran be nisws- ' pUctt reservaUons and modifications "perishable food stuffs cost W1U secure our absolute freedom . too much. Congress should in- from jjjuiigbie ciMiiiiiittments and VMtigaie. safeguard all of our essential Inter ests." The association of nations, the not he founded peace. Other recommendations were: Readjustment of Internal taxe6 ! pan the emergency tariff at i once, with a full revision later. , T i.. th- coat of maintain- a tiling the government inside president said, could a tha present revenue immedi- anii the .world la at ,,eer-.. was advise to-lnl , th".'r?'"men.d' vestlzate the railroad situation. and repea, or revislj of ttoaP Federal aid for highways. w which have become unproductive . r. airiier relief should be . . . ana iuruens?io. ' Instant tariff enactment. a Thn aoiaier renei bhuu.i directed by a policy of gener I DDI srmiu .p. in character. Efflelit operation of the rail- nuv dm, ana . i!roana .... . C08t which traffic can r1. M", bear." and the rates and cosu of , or pudmc iioDeratlon must be Mducd. ! "rr. h lV Strengthening of laws governing T federal aid for roads. frtv Annoclated !"". WA8HIXUTOX, AprU 12. Presi srst Harding In his first message to narrrw snnnnnred that, he would approve a declaratory resolution by tomrress "with qualifications essen tial to protect nil of our rights," shlch would end "the technical Hate of war against the centra pow m." He objected, however, to sep arate peace treaties in view of "om IdtoItciI peace engagement. .,Thc preddent's discussion of the peace qtmtion opi-ned with a drflnlle declaration against the.' existing league of nations, in which he said thli republic will have no part," "There can lie no iiilslnterpretn- tion and there will be no betrayal ' the drllbemte expression of Uie American people in the recent elec tion and, settled In our decision for He said the United States intends to establish and maintain a mrrcan- .11. "Government facilllis should he made available tor private usag without bnduly Interfering with prl Tate enterorlae. - The encouragement and regulation of aviation. Generous and practical expression of eratitude to the service men by congress which Is expected by the Amarlesn nAonle. Urged the extension of hospital facilities. rvwirHnatinn of various govern mit aa-enrieis for public welfaro and anrtnmnri thf. nendinr maternity. hill 'Tona-ress should wipe out the lain of barbaric lynching," he said nri hA stated that he approved Imlnn of renresentatives of the .white and black races to study nnd 'rannrl nn lvlichinff. He favored eliminating heavy bur dens of armament. He said: "We are ready to co-operate with other nations to approximate disarma ment, but mere prudence forbids l!iat Satisfactory and Confi dence Is Expressed. Boiler Explosion " Causes Death (By United PraaaV AKRON, Ohio, April 12. One waB killed and eight injured in a boiler explosion In the plant of the Miller Rubber company here. All ambul ances In the city were called to the plant. The casualty list is expected to be Increased when the workers search the wreckage. o MAY FILE PAPERS SOON Many Creditors WUIing to Make Long Time Loans and Carry Debt for IVriod of Years, Assuring Operation of , i'lants. 1 Senatorial Debate Approaching Finish PORTLAND. April 12. Every In dication points to the organization relief I of a new company and the operation of the eight large Rupert canneries In Oregon and asliiiiKion as a re sult of the agreement of secured and unsecured creditors of A. Rupert company. Inc., to extend their loans and carry the debla at low Interest over a period of time. This action baa been determined upon, after a number of meetings Four I and an Investigation which thor New Reparations Proposals Be Made WASHINGTON. April It. A new plan under which the Swift and Ar mour companies will .divest them selves of their stockyards and rail road terminal Interests, Including the Portland stockyards, was agreed to by the department of Justice and approved by the District .of Columbia supreme court. WELLOCK TOOL FOR GANG OF LOCAL MEN WHO SUPPLY CAP ITAL TO FINANCE BIG STILL German Flag At Half Mast In Doom (Bv United Praa. DOORN. Holland. April 12. The German flag flew at halt mast over Doom castle today as members of tbe Hohentollern family gathered for the funeral of ex-Empress Augusta Victoria. The crown prince arrived from Welnengen. K-Kmperor Wil helm remained Indoors and isolated. Coterie of Roseburg "Capitalists" Said to Be "Sponsors" For Profitable "Industry" Established About to Make Good Showing to Stockholders. Nestled In tha foothills of the "local talent," the officers assert. Coast range, some twenty miles unequalled lor ineir during procuvi- from Roseburg, a rew miles from tlos to "manage" rrom a uistance. what at one time was the Cleveland j Illicit plans for the manufactura of atore near Coles Valley, a llfo-slied , whisky. This bunch Is the power nv ITnlted Press). WASHINGTON. April 12. years of senatorial debate, off and I oughly convinced the creditors that on, over tbe proposal to pay tne re- a new company, equipped witn tne public of Columbia J 2 5,000.000 In Kunert plants and its world-wide settlement of tbe dispute over the 1 marketing organization, could oper Panama canal Question, drew near Ria urofltablv. and at the same lime an end today when the senate took I save the growers of the Willamette up the proposed Colombian treaty valley from disaster this coming under the agreement to vote on it season. Just what the plans are for the new company have not been made public. It Is rumored, however, that H. F. Davidson,, wno was recently elected president of the Rupert com pany, with a committee or Danxers and business men are pericctwg a plan that will open the way for fl- IRv tTnlted Press). I ninplnr the new enninanv and nro- WASHINGTON. April 12. The lrt gun-icieI1t capital to operate the United States won an imponani i canneriea. diplomatic fight with the Obregon I Beyond ' stating .that the plan government of Mexico, according ilwruld "tie creditors, stockholders, state department advices. It was I -rower8 and the canneries together learned that the department nan pro- for nmtual benents," President tested to the Mexican government niii.n deellned In discuss mat against steps to appropriate vaiuaoie i te , American farming land in tnsi coun-1 "When we sot our house In order try for division among the Mexican I ,ni1 u. eVervthfn Inlo - business peons, secretary or ntaie nugnes i i shape." he said, "public support win now advised by the. American h- .i,,,h as well, because the fruit Charge d'Affalres Summerlin In Mex- industry must lie put bark on the Ico City that Oliregon gss assurance proper basis for the good of all con- that no American .property wouia oe i cerned Automobile Bandits Escape With $23y000 (By United Cr.lll DENVER, April 12. Automobile bandits entered the Union stoek- still with all the trimmings, was un earthed yesterday by local officer Those responsible for the "plant" hsd chosen an ideal location. They h ad "tucked" their precious little most next to impoaaiDie to inruw a building, a wooden hut, 10x11 leet, ; net arouna nis nnsnciai supporters, far away from any habitation and . who have used due caution to keep closed in by a thick underbrush for- well in tha bsck ground, operating est almost Inaccessible. Nothing had only through their paid "tool," but been left undone to make the foun- sharing noerauy in tne proms oi iuo tain supply of the Illicit concern per- business. fectly secure from observation, ana i This "capture" oy tna onicers is after eight days of debate. Diplomatic Fight WonByUnitedStaies ards bank today and covered the employes and escaped with 123,000 Police machines pursued tne oan dlts. . o New Plan Approved By All Concerned cBy United preaai BERLIN. April - 12. Tha new German proposals for -the payment of reparations will include an oner to rebuild devastated France with French labor and German materials. it was learned today. Foreign Mln Ister Von Simons, who returned fron Switzerland, will lay his plans betcr.) the cabinet Immediately. disturbed In the proposed division of the land. o- Hanson uMoonshine Baritone Big League Ball Teams All Set For Start Tomorrow; Scandal of 1920 Draivback WHERE THEY WILL PLAY TOMORROW. National Iogue. Brooklyn at Hoston. New York at Philadelphia. PittsV.utg at Cincinnati. St. Leu Is at Detroit. American Ieague. Chlcano at Detroit. CleTflmid at St. Iouls. Philadelphia at New York. Boston at Washington. proved clubs that should furnish thr hottest race of years for the cham- nlnn.hln HnnOTS Very few critics look to see the honors won by the same teams, einnimii is considered a repeater In the American League, out tne York Giants sre ravorea 10 i ' the Brooklyn Robins for the privi lege of defending the National flag m the series of battles In that lea gue. It is not a question of who' oper ates the canneries. But ft Is all Im- nortnnt to several thousand growers, huslness men and workers, that the canneries in Oregon shall bo ready to h.nHin the nnrk. Otherwise Immense a rroetorl losses will result. That is wny grow ' S"OI-t.kl ..,,. j ii, 1,,, I, I .iinnnrt vi , imun. i i. ........ .......... ... ,. onlv the canneries tnat operate iu - ... his own territory. Severn! of the largest creditors ex nressed themselves as dellghtod with the turn anairs have taken during the last two wooks, and are very w nen in fTnltert T.eis' PORTLAND, April 12. While Mine. Tetrazzlni sang at the public auditorium. Peter Hanson sang In the Plaza across the street, drawing a crowd that rivalled th, audience I optimistic as to the future. gathered to hear the famous prima donna. The police Interrupted Peter's concert, booking him on the police record for drunkenness. we disarm alone." The staggering burden of the war the romnanv went into receivership it was felt that llnuodatlon was tne onlv thing left. Since Ir. Uaviason took charge, however, the situation hss cleared rapidly, The name of the new company probably will be the Rupert Canning incorporation papers .m mo bi8buiihs . I companv. incorporation papers n debt must be cared for in gradual b0 ,,,') n,n near future, it Is said ny HKN'RY L. FARRELL (t.'nliM it,.,, malt Correspondent.) NEW Y' l.K. April 12 The spring Th Katlnnai league has two very greatly Improved clubs in the Giants and the Pittsburg Pirates, both of which look to have the prize be tween them. The Giants found lrt Goldle Rnpp former St. Paul third baseman, an inflelder who promises to fill a hn .t..-...k ,heh the nennant slipped 1 . ii.n., Ui.f.rnw has also Planting li, baseball starts tomorrow. I fortified his pitching srea with two m J'" l")or league managers 1 flne recrults, cill Ryn and Pat uiuu a oennani seen wiin ineir liauldation. The nation can lift the tax burden bv striking at the expenditures. He favored a national budget sys- tnr and efficient management. Declared for less government In business and more business in gov ernment. No challenge made to lawful busi ness, but the restraint of trade must not be tolerated. Favored congressional Inquiry to Racing Pigeons Arrive S. F. Today . rltv United Press). SAN FRANCISCO, April 12. TwO of the pigeons which loft Portland yesterday in a race with an airplane, arrived here this morning. Treasurer Says Bribe Was Offered Mtv United rr.'s) nCTTE. April 12. City Treasurer Herman Strasburger made sensation. al charges that a Toledo bond firm offered certain officials a bribe of $7000 to favor their firm's bid for 1600.000 worth of elly bonds. The city council and the county attor ney's office is Investigating. n add tun to taxing utcr mo plants, the new corporation will also take over the various Rupert brands. trademarks and its sales and dis tributing organization which covers the United States, Canada, Europe and the principal parts of the Orient. Until this last year, wnen nign prices, followed by sudden stagna tion of the market, saused the com pany to go Into the hands of a re ceiver. It was considered one of the speed UP price -readjustment. lia in the west. It waspay- rs rro.sed In the hope that its 'nt will hloom In October with, a orld's a-rl.-s crop of coin.. Th" l?:i season starts with the ol assortment of predictions and oos for ueess. Last roar M tlme ,ne issue "V m baseball come back after tbs war?" Th" It Is "Will baseball come hvk after the scandal?" .! v heads of the leguea and !i ib. i..T it win since-Organized "-ll K shown Its desire to " m clean by banishing !"" n" or"v national suspicion 01 'n tame .'W" lu best nd most roprous season last year. I se no 1?" It should not repeat this Jy. J"hn A. Heydler. president of "r1 aald today. . '.I'.ini.y the season starts with - itrp-oTM organltstlon prwslded Jy Judge Landla Technically Shea. ... . .... Rabbit Maranviue win put and strength In the Plttsbnrg Pirates Ailing a want that also kept the 1 1 rates down in the race last year. The Cincinnati neas lit weaker tnan tney wno - Brooklyn seems no . tn... was lsst yesr. when the Robins slip- . rillSA) Cleveisno. ----- ill bsttle It out in tne anm Lesgue with the bsre chsnre tna Whlngton snd the A'hletlc. wlM slip In and associate with the up per c asses. t .. ins - ...ff , Frsree'a ni. atrnnrer diiiihuk ...... - . aald Oie high cost of living had not vet vialded in proportion to the re duced cost of production. The republicans applauded vigor ously Harding's declaration against the league or nations. wreck that survived last fall's expose and Chicsgo fans sre discouraged and shooting high when they hop' for a Hlvls on Club. Tv rnhh's anconiD snmeni as in anaa-er of the Detroit Tigers alsr trill h watched with the greatest interest by the fans who are anxiou." to know If the games greatest play er ran also become the greatest man- r The "Georgia Peach" seems to have won the support of the players and has had great results ounng in training season There sre other new managers whoae work will slso sdd Interest to n.nt mees Johnnr Elvers is back with his Inc larce dividends and its plants were debt free. The canneries whicn now win oe turned over to the new company are at Newbeig. Falls City. McMlnnville, Roseburg. Lebanon and Sprlngliroott, Or , and North Puynllup. Wnsh. They are valued st more than $400,000. The plants have a capacity of about 750.000 cases of rruit, vegetanies, preserves and Jams, an output thnt illed for nn expenditure oi eii million dollars annnany lor ducts, materials and labor. -o Judge Riddle Has Auto Accident Today Judge O. W. Riddle was a cailor at the .ews-Revlew this afternoon and reported an auto sfcldent I which he figured quito prominently The judge stated that he was driv ing his Ilulck car on the stretch of graveled road near Mvnatt s store, when he noticed s Ford car parke at the sldo.ef the road several yard nhend of him. ..' attempted to pa the car In the gravel, but was able to steer properly, and strur the rear end of the Ford and d niolished one wheel. The force the blow caused the larger car to rare.-n to th behind the mountain still, It is gen erally admitted, snd Mr. Wei lock will suffer the penalty for his pres ent difficulties while It will be al- It was only by chance, after a tnor- ough search, that the officers fer reted out the exact location oi tne miniature Kentucky distillery. The rough, but well constructed aabln, housed six good sized vats. each capable or oeicntr.g rorin si im proper moment some tnirty to nil) gallons of "Mountain Dew" whisky, rtinranteed to lift the national debt. when properly "fused ' ana reaay tor action. In addition there was the other paraphernalia necessary to carry out the brew, the copper still, the 'worm," a rudely but well con structed furnace, along with a gen erous flow of pure mountain watoi piped to the cabin. Some dozen emntv sacks that had previously contained crouud corn and brown sugar wore mute evidence mat tne well-filled vats contained a nurieu kirk" that at no distant date would exert Its freedom and begin to cir culate among the "natives." Had the officers waited a week longer there would have been a terrible sup nlv of moonshine on the market onough to drown the sorrow of every man and woman in llosoourg anu command the attention of the under taker for an unlimited period Houshlr estimated, this still was capable of turning out approximate- far the largest and most Important so far staged In this county and will have a decided tendency to keep il licit booze dispensers on the alert for fear of detection. fi. W. Clark, the local photogra pher, made some excellent views ot the still which are now on display In tha show window of the News Review. It was necessary for the picture man to almost stand on his - hesd m order to "shoot" tne aim. owing to the mountainous section where It was located. He got good results, however, as Is evldencel by the fine, clear-showing of the photo- graphs. Wellock. who was arrested and brought to Roseburg, has a wife and two small children, wnen ques tioned by the officers yesterday Mrs. Wellock was prone to let nothing pass her lips that would Incriminate her husband. She declared that "higher ups" were responsible for the still and that her husband was in no way attached to the making ot moonshine. That ha was' a novice at the business and was being "coached" by a Roseburg gang who were supplying the "uiaklns" and financing tbe new "business" ven ture. With tears streaming down her cheeks, holding one baby" In arms and the other clinging to her skirts. iy 500 gallons ot moonshine at one she was. Indeed, s sad pngnt to oe , ,i ii,. nresent mar-' hold an outraged mother thrown ,neratli ket price for the fluid the promoters would make a "cloanlng" of between $2500 and $3000 every tlmo the vats wore emptied. No small Industry lor a cnoin 10x13 feet without any motive power save that of a small, unhar nessed mnuntnin stream. The promoters, which by tne way. are not confined to Mr. Wellock alone, near whose place the still was discovered, but consist of a coterie of The frnlt growers of Garden Val ley are today signing a petition which la to be sent to the Oregon senators and representatives In con gress asking that the delegation use Its power to prevent the government from guaranteeing lo tbe railroads ii. Uteri ner cent of profit, unless sldo of the road nrir" I gUR guarantees' are made to other Into deep emotion snd disgrace thru the efforts of a gang of shysters who care little for human beings and the pitfalls Into which they sre thrown so long ss their, cravings for fast motley and Illicit liquor are satisfied. Wellock may he guilty probably In but those who hsvs Inveigled him Into a law-breaker and robbed his home of a husband and father should pay the penalty and pay it quick. Fruit Growers Oppose the Government Guarantee oj Railroad Profits Self Defense Murder Plea land In a ditch. In the car wl'h th lodge, were I). 8. Heals and Char'ea Hartley. No one was Injured but ":.e Judge's car was quito badly damaged. The Ford car was tjio property of Harry Hlggs, a traveling salesman for aluminum ware. The JtidKe. In his good natured way, agreed to pay in, ull ri:tnifis-ea but is still unable Pr0" ! to know Just how It happened, lie slates that he will probably tsl;n the matter up with the highway commis si'! nand ask them to put In a "cut- oft" route. o (Py United -sa). PORTLAND, April 12 The fi- u .i.. rkiA..n L..i.ii rt , its of John Bruno and uiu , " ' i " - - , . Real Estate Men " Plan For Banquet At a m'finn: of ih Ron.ty Bourd Itht'R Willi - .. n t..t tks n. sin Itrnnn rnfl- I m''linn ifl m- i-i7 Cubs: Hill Donov.n I. going to try Harry ra k th- m.n '."'"f " ' "Ight. arrangements were what no one else has been able to fM,,e(1 , killing In h ' J"', I ,nr , t ,nout to be held st the do for the Phils snd Fred Mitchell Portland. ere 'd '" '"iP," ! mp-iua Hotel on April 13th. At this will h.nn a ine liosion ma.c-. Half of the clubs In the Amerlran to...,- will be In new hands. I.llt Tr Cobb. George MrRride is making his msnsgerlnl aenui in vi snnis,. ... u.,.h rmffv will handle what Is left of the Hoston Red Box arter narrj winter in 8. Hudson, of Portland, with a rharacterlatle wuu m,..- v.fiki irjd nc and 1-ee roni in . h.v?.hpo:"er '"h " Snwleldj Twbll- the Brownj , tack n Rlilh w, be one pitchers to get by the "; . 1,, th, features of the season The White Box. 'h1'M llsm of If tha amblno csn get sws, st an Z .essf 'll-'bretk ,hrl,'.om: muroer ...... i.anutiel. H. state is e in-a.or.ns . ".'TV'" I nne of Ihe largest property owners ,he self defense D'J"" , h ' .,e will he pfe nt snd will put up by Bruno. " w"'h"" 'h.'r ,ay on th- development of Ore P.wluk had Just been psld off for . MInh,r. ,nA official, of the In hl. service, on the steamer Mon- .)iiB ,.,. rornp.r,v wn, , tague. on.whlrh both men J i,.rlt,nr. also. All real estate m-n ployed, snd sn attempt was made I of ,h, ,oun(y ,r. re,,Uei,d lo te establish robbery as the motive ror prwn, ,h. h,nntiet which will ie the brutal murder. i held si noon, snd huslness men er- o I slso Invited. Al the meeting last eve- pertatninr n Important Industries. Copies or tne petition will be sent to Senators C. L. McNary and Robert N. Stnnfield. and to Representatives W. C. Haw lev. N. Blnnott snd C. N. McArthur. The petition Is as follows: "The undersigned, being growers and shippers of fruit at a positive ftnanclnl loss, earnestly petition you to use your Influence for tbe repeal of any law guaranteeing six per cent as a flxed-por cent of Interest or net profit to those who have their money Invested In the railroad business un til such time as the government Is ready to guarantee sn equal per cent of profit to those who have their Invaalerl In eOllHlly Important which mlcht be mentioned' the produr'!..n of food w an hin It that if tbe railroad man- trements continue to h. Impotent to ..I mora than thlrtv-flv. cents wnrtn of honest service out of every dollar spent for wages, they do not deserve ... anrf to eitort profits from other lines of business by m-sns of aanrhltanl frelrht rates Is an Set Of flagrant Injustice." i. la k.M h tha fruit growers ss r.11 aa nroducers In other Mnes of that frellht r-''e ShfiUlS sccomosnr the dowi.ard prices of ..,.... nt-ndilrta se.rl Com m'-,1lt ICS r.rn.-ra claim thst s' tbe present low srlri psld fo- tbelr produce by tha petitioners to work against any profit guaranteeing law. Parent-Teachers' President Coming Mrs. Elizabeth Hayhnrst pre:;! ' -nt of the state Parent-Teacher cig .nl mtlnn, will arrive here on Vedn s day according to Information receiv ed here today by Supt. lis mm. 1 'ur ns her stay In Roseburg. Mr. Hay- hurst will meet with all persons In terested In the p.ircnt tenctnr asso ciation work, and those wlshlim to t her snd dlxcuss any'iis concerning the organization can lutii'l n th lr names to Mrs. John Kii'i- vsn. rhe will deliver sn auuresa in the cltv on Thursday. It waa announ ced. A ree.-ptlon and luncheon will be held for her on Wednesduy af ternoon st four o'clock. V- ni;.hVl.ri"'!T. if..?: 1 1 he welfsro of Rn-burg and Do,,.',, i th-y c.nnot ship to .be mstket. en sp-nn," - : a, hm nn offl- tha frelsht rates orrr -o" P" - Portlsnd vlsl-lng w in rrlens ."' '''' ,ro 1. ,.,,- .nd no rec- high thst competition ranm.l be met relatives, returned to ner now this city this morning. in rial action was taken ommendatlons made. FARM III IlKAU MEETING HELD Tha Oregon delegation will be urged soon. A very good farm bureau meet ing was held st Dlllard last night with over 40 of the people of the community In sttendance. The com munity program was outlined snd R. A. Hersther waa elected rhslr- man. I.awrei,ee iierscner was cnosen halrman of the exchange p-njeet and Mr Mover chairman of the fertilizer prolecl. Thla Is the first community to be organized since th recent big drive. o Mrs. Emma Johnson of Win. hester .irrtved in the city this morning lo speud the day visiting e-itrt her arr who la confined to the ho'pl'al here. He was reecntly lnjnr d In an scrl denf st th- rovk crusher In tVln.-bes-ter His condimn Is much lmpro.d snd will be rsmoved te his hem I'M'' " "ues look stronger with 1m