Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, March 10, 1921, Page 6, Image 6

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    ROSKHl'lu; mnw-nmnr TIIUUSPAVMARCTJO. 1W3I
Attended Meeting
State Fair Board
Your New loW
Learn Now
There, will be imitators, but no chain
store can give you
Standard Goods at Our Prices
For Easter Novelties
Purses, Beads, Neckwear, etc.,
Blouses, Sport Clothes, fine Shoes.
Our's a city's assortment.
Friday and Saturday
Announcing 10 New Basement Bargain Features Extraordinary
Friday and Saturday Specials. Entrance to basement
from main floor or from the street.
Silk Hose
50c Per Pair
This wonderful offer cannet pos
albly I ant lung, tbo we hare over 200
pairs at this price now. In all alzea.
An opportunity for anyone to wear
allk hone. For sale In basement.
Hair Ribbons
25c Per Yard
Juat another of our Incomparable
bnionient bargains. All colors, 6 In.
Taffeta Bilk Ribbons. In baseaient.
Special Offerings for Easter!
The Season's Most Beautiful Voiles and
New Dress Goods, at Best Market Prices
Always Willingly Shown.
Spring styles most distinctively portrayed
at Fisher's in our'exclusive ready-to-wear
department Sport Clothes that are now
attractive and popular. Garments for
every price.
Ladies' Pumps
8 shipment Juat received km pi
k. high heels, finest quality.
The Pair $5.50
Broken lota from our main floor
corsot Dept. Large and small sizes.
Now In barftal basement.
Sheets Ginghams
Still a few left In basement. Extra
large sheets at $1.63. Rest Ging
hams at lc yard. Outlnga, lc.
Doiena of pain thrown on bargain
counter In basement. Droken lots,
any pair wortli twice or thrice the
price asked.
Boys' outing bals In summer or
school shoes.
Women's pumpa. Oxfords and high
cuts, broken lines. Valuea up to
$3.49 and $4.95
Til 1 1 II) LOT.
Boys' heavy and high cuts, broken
lots, while they lost
Huck Towels, 33-in.
Opportunity In years for boarding
houses and liotclc Sold singly or
by the dozen. Regular fine huck.
Bath Towels
Absolutely Impossible to beat
real white Turkish bath towel. 31
lu. Best bargain in Amurlca.
Huck Towels
Extra large and excellent quality.
All in basement.
A. C. Marsters. president of the
State Fair board, returnee iu
morning from Portland. whera he
. of the state high-
way commission yesterday, prev
ious to going to Portland. Mr. Mar
sters spent several aays at ojbiu,
where a session of the lair board was
held to outline a program of exten
sive iinproveiuenta to the bulldingi
and grounds at that city, and which
it Is proposed to complete befaro the
next regular fair Is held.
In speaking of the gathering of
the highway commission at Portland
yesterday, with county delegations
from different parts of the state, Mr.
Marsters was of the opinion that
some definite action must be taken
nra hv thin couutv if there la to
be any likelihood of this section of
the state benefiting to any great ex
tent by the program outlined by the
hiphumv cnmmlaRlon. The fullest
cooperation must be given the com
mission and this county will be proe
tirnllv Alimlnatpft as far as anr con
structive road building Is concerned
unless a determined effort is put
forth and carried out whereby this
county ran cooperate with the state
hltrhwav commission nn a fiftv-fiflv
lianifl W'llh lhe season now ODenine
for Bummer travel, it is Imperative
that sometning be none at once in
order in take advantage of the hleh-
way construction program inaugur
ated for tue present year.
.r. Marsters stated the highway
com mission was ready and willing
to apply Its efforts to this, and
Hint this body must be assured that
the county will do something for
Itself. r. .
New Temple Is
Formally Opened
(Continued from Page One)
Panama Refuses
to Accept Award
(Tiy AmioctAted Press).
WASHINGTON, March 10. Pan
ama refuses to accept the atbltra
tlon award made by Chief Justice
White of the United States supreme
court as a basis of peace with Costa
Idea. It informed the United States
government In a note undo public
today by the state department.
PORTLAND, March 10. The Ore
gon Journal today celebrated It
19th birthday.
Samples Ore For
Mining Convention
The third annual International
mining convention will bo hold lu
Portland from April 5th to 9th. This
is the big mining convention of the
world and mining men and capital
Ists from all over the world will be
In attendance there. Douglus county
rich In lu undeveloped stores of
Iron and coal, silver and gold, cop
per, nlckle, platinum and cinnabar
'will for the first time, be represent
ed with an exhibit worthy of Its
great mineral resources. J. V. Sti.r
rett, of 410 Cass street, has the Dou
glas County exhibit In charge. Me
lready has quite a line of fine sam
ples for display at the convention
nd Is very anxious that as many as
possible of the mines of Douglas
County bo represented lu this exhi
bition. All of the uilnng men of the
county, who are interested lu tlio fu
ture of the industry uro urged to
end in samples of the. ores that
t their properties produce so that all
iniay have a chance to add to the
(display that will be made there.
Samples for display should le lu Mr.
Marion's hands not later tuau the
I twenty-fifth of March, so th: t they
(may be propurly labeled and cata-
I lot; u eel.
! Columbia
! Grafonolas
Pre -War Prices
i Model which was $50.00 now 45.00
" 120.00
" " 140.00
" " 150.00
" 165.00
" 275.00
" 85.00
' 100.00
4 125.00
5 Our stock of these Machines is Limited. Come in
4 and select yours now.
5 We also have a large selection of
r Columbia Records at 59 cents
A. J. Lilburn & Son
i PHONE 10
Eastern Siberia
Midst of Revolution
,. trty TTntted Prcssl.
LONDON, March 10. The Russian
revolution Is rnpldly attaining the
proportions of the 1917 coup which
overthrew czardom, according to
messages to ex-Premier Kerensky. It
was said that eastern Siberia is In
revolt with the activity centering ut
Mindnf. Woman
Becomes Deranged
With her mind affected hy trouble
and religious beliefs, a resident of
Smith Mill street was examined yes
terday hy the county health officials
and is being eared for by them until
It la decided what disposition to
make of the case. The attention of
neighbors was drawn to the woman
when they noticed that she had been
llting on the porch of her dwelling
ah day. with her eighteen months old
baby girl In her arms. She talked
continually, and when questioned by
; ine neigtiDnrs said that she was al
right and that her baby did not need
feeding. Other remarks concerning
reltstous matter were made hy her,
and when she resisted all effort made
bv ladles of the neighborhood to care
for her the authorities were railed.
The bnhy was blue and s'ek from
cold and hunger and Is being eared
ter nv mends The officials are of,
the opinion that she is sufferinc from '
a temporary derangement of the I
mind. Her hnshand. who Is in Call-j
rorma. naa rteen sent for and will ar
rive tomorrow. The woman Is re
fined and cultured and has a very
attractive home.
From Wilbur .
Mrs. Walter Kensel and son. Fred
eritk spent the day in this city Mi
lting with rrionds.
Daughter Horn
A daughter was born this morning
to .Mr. and Mrs. T. W, Thompson of
t leecer street.
To Kutherlln .
Krnest llarnum, who has recent!
moved back to this city from Marsh
Held .spent the day In Sutherlin at
tending to business matters.
Attend Tonrnanient
Misses Mae Burr and Martha Pat
terson left todny for Salem to attend
tho basketball tournament held In
mat city.
I .eave fv Salem
tom Kmr .inn Inf. 4hl BfnAnn
for Salem, where he will attend the
asaeioaii toumamont to be held in
that city. Donald Hunt will also at
tend the tournament from itoso-
since the founding; of the Roseburg
lodge. ,
Mr. Wlmberly quoted several very
appropriate verses symbolizing the
importance of the lodge and. Its an
niversary, and closed by saying that
tho evening marked the close of
struggle of many years on the part
of the faithful members of the lodge.
(ind was the realization of their
Committee Thanked.
A part of the program which was
not on the schedule occurred when
L. II. Moore rose, and said that his
part of the program was at the re
quest of the Kebekah lodge. He
then requested Lyman Spencer to
conduct Vlviun Jackson, J. E,
Pickens, E. S. Cockelrease, D. C.
Humphrey, J. G. Stephenson. W. S.
Howard, and O. H. Pickens to the
front of the room, and then a vote
or tnanks was tendered them for
their splendid work. These gentle
men comprise the bidding commit
tee, wun the exception of O. II
Pickens, who acted as chairman of
the fnauce committee. Vivian Jack
son responded on behalf of the com
- . i-t
I'rom Atelnwe
V. E. Ilrothers, of Melrose, spent
the day in this city attending to
'uaiuesg mailers.
Visit Sister
Mr. and Mrs 3 n n..
. .'J ' ' " a I1 11
daughter, Jacklyn, left today for
. ... .louu iu visit wun airs, uyrne s
oioiei, Mrs. u. u. Kails.
Funeral Tomorrow
The funeral nt M r r i
who died at Mercy hospital yester
day. Will Kn h.M . ti
..... ....... ol. ixonuuurg
undertaking parlors tomorrow morn-
en i i o ciock. interment will fol
low In the Masonic cometery.
lict urn. Wnm l1-! 1
J. J. Johnson, who has been at
tending a meeting of the stockhold
ers of the Melrose Orchard Land
company In Portland, arrived In this
city this morning and Is visiting for
Melro e. " wurnln "
i, ' k- A',"l Poutch's, on Sheridan
i .nltJiJUimher Co. Cn pqua
I'sswnner. Piice tlo.,o. , r in fi,,T
tit "Iran,! n..i wiii-ur 11. 1,,
f.KWAHi. fr M--,...,,. .-
shier PuV,h" e ' ,"'t y,UW
A t. I., er l O Bl ,.i,"5 8t- M"'
It sii.r i-. . .
Indian legislation In Washington la
fetched flosely by Mr Oertruda Bon
Mn, Si..,ix vrlnren, who hni perma
nent headuv.iMHra in the nallonal tapl.
tal during seioaa of cwugres She
hss for seTerul years been an lufiiieu
'W nr hr dmuIa.
..... ... ' ' liteustnnrt nrn...
t lb Prr'r""n!n -' 'an,.
pv,. i ' i?.'?0 ousntltle. n3
rr.- Mia- kiss
rlV.Vn"s?o',', rs
uiv nere
and the new desirable Strap ruLl
suede or Kid
Perkins Ultlff. lT OCB ra.
Show Repairing Bring us your work cLI
oee tn 4ie,
Last Lyceum Number
to Be Given Monday
The last number of the Lyceum
Course, under the auspice of tbo
Roseburg Monthly Music Club and
the Roseburg High School student
body association, will bo given, Mon
day, March 14th.
Herbert Leon Co;e, called the
King of the Lyceum Humorists, will
appear in this number, and will
speak on the subjects, "The Smile
That Won't Come Off," "Family
Remedies" and "The Religion of
Laughter". Mr. Cope Is a well-known
humorist and has made more than
a million soldiers laugh. Mr. Cope
put the bright spot in the camp life
or more than a million soldiers and
mr.rines in the recent war, and the
doughboys have nick-named him
hill the Bines" Cope. He has seen
quite a bit of the world and a dozen
years ago was the biggest hit on the
Lyceum and Chautauqua platforms
of America. He broke every, return
engagement record ever set up. He
uas oeen active in nis own home
state, Michigan, and through his
platform art he was able to help
make Michigan dry.
Glassies, ehlnall ehnllrlaa
babs, carnellana. flints, imitations
Dig line from G for lo up.
Harmonicas new line double reed
mouth organ at 25c.
Tops, kites, balls, books, games,
fgor all-the-year line at Carr's.
U. 8. Weatner x;ureau. local oftlc.
Roseburg, Oregon, tt hours ending t
. m r
'"M-lvltatlea la lartwa ftnsMlrnltha
Hlirhest temperature yesterday .. 67
lowest temperature last night .. 44
Precipitation last 24 hours
Total prectp. sine first of month .14
Normal preelp. for this month... J.SiS
Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 120,
to dato JS.06
Average preclp from Sept. 1, 177 tZ.Gl
Total excess from Sept 1, 1920 ..245
Average precipitation for 43 wet
seasons (Sept to May. Inelualve1.47
Horn-Sit to 8 p. ro. for southwesters
Tonight Fair, Friday occasional rain.
WTLMAM WTCI.T.. observer
Luncheon Club
, a table ... 1
color scheme u L
"e piace card. "" I
Mrs. Heinline s m-, I
Charles Whart.n
Mrs. John En, it'
Mrs. WashlugtoXw't'l
o.Hh, Mr,. h..T"'I
Arthur Knau,,,1' tt
: Mr. ami tin c, . i
r ,
eo a numhAr M. .l.. .
'evening at their UmTi
Roseburr oKk .. I
very pleasant svealni ml
games, music aol Jz
Dainty refreshnsnu woVl,
the hostess. Tho
Mr. and Mrs. Georr. Z
and Sirs. Arthur Kui
Mrs.. Frederick Ply, , ,
Ray Ward. Mr.indllnttti
airs. I.vnn r..n . '
P.orace Berg andllr. ulk
From Carr's our popukJ
millinery Dept is theewani
who wish to hart i jooisnj
of their own trlmmlai. ba
we sell any shape ti on an
1.98. A big line of trans
15c to 75c. Wire !rtmaii
buckram crowns I9t, instj
linings 15c. silk at 3St: t
10 or 12 yard plews it Skill
bolt. Where can van iBinb
equal these except it CuV
you save.
Frank Churchill of OituJ
the city yesterdiy uuoou
ness matters for t rton6)
Story by .
Julian Josephson, a for
mer Roseburg boy
at Coney
laugh riot from theter
beginning n
ex yw?
His Official Fiang
Their make-believe engagement went!T
well until others took ;t serionsly-0
things began to happen.
Also OsUlch Conwdy and