I. ' ! 1A t p ! I t V i i V J 1 I f i 1 ! y i -l (Rfllll'l I M M ML of continuous residence loge.ner 0iibvu -.-"- null i i r r i i mr mmtisrm IMA nr mraio.ouui I 1 sniuiCKlf-TlON KA.XICM perlr! at months, t Bull, r Cerrlar, par moaia ., in. amxuwI rr u r.clu.ivair MtiUM to tha uh fur rapubllration ol II aawa tftapatrhaa eradiled to It or iot.otbarwlaa eradiiad ! ' ' 4 ! tha local aawa publlahad hara la. All rlghta ot republication ol spa eitl aiparcha hareln a alao reaarvcn. ii,l.rJ a. . na-ciaa uuillor My tf laxa. t tha post otTIa at Hoaaburs, Oraion!" Jdar tcJJIa'chJ. I ITT . MORE CIENTIIFC MARVELS. A couple of week a (to Mme. Tetrus ilnl put ber Dim to an ordinary tele phone tianainitler In New York ho tel and Bang to tha crewa of aeveraJ doxen American warships, tome of them 800 ml lea diatant. The aonK wan heard perfectly, and when It was fin ished there came a chorus of applause from all those scattered groups of listeners. This achievement plainly foreshadows the time not far distant when sound may be carried without wires anywhere in the United States, and a speaker or musician may have aha whole nation for an audienco. Im- nifinH sinnltiK or playing or speaklnt: to about 100,000,000 people all at once About Ihe same time a plioloKrnpli was transmitted by telerrapb from 8t. Juls tn Vow Vork. It was a picture of an Indian chief. The copy was bo Rood that the likeness waa Instantly lecognizable, and It was an excellent newspaper cut without retouching;. It came by wire, but undoubtedly pic tures and drawlnioi will soon be Bent by wireless to almost any distance. A few days ao there was Riven In V"w York Cllv a tnovlne picture linw all In color, the natural tints of the characters, objects and scenery belnR reproduced by a new color-phnloe-raphv method. How long will It be until the present monotint process Is a thine: of the past, and all photo rranhs will show the natural hues In their finest shadings? Selenro has made vast progress In the last century in turning natural lawa to man's uses, and the progress grows continually nioro rapid. There Is a boy In California who has sn electric motor seeming to provo his clalts) that It derives its power direct from the ether of space, producing energy by tapping an Infinite source of power. He may be bluffing, iw many others have bluffed, but If he has not discovered the secret, some hodv will, sooner or later. Then, with limitless energy at man's disposal, what limit can there be to material progress? The city superintendent of schools says that the children of Portland know very little of the history of Ore gon, either of the early dnyi or of Ihe present time. It Is a comment which superintendents nilnlit make In prnc llcally every other city In Ihe eounlrv The Oregon educator feels that thie Is a distinct Ions to the children them reives, and he Is therefore planning to Introduce the tenching of Oregon his tory In the Portlnnd schools next year. He believes that the boys and rrlrlv will become better clt liens of their tale and consequently of the nnllnp for such Instruction. He has np pointed a committee to prepare a bibliography of works on Orepon his torv, so that teachers may have rendv material for organizing their work next year. History Is renlly one of the Important school subejets. The 'act that It has too rnrelv been tnucht "n n 'av to make It vital and Interest Ing does not lessen Its value In a goort education. It Is quite possible (tint learning local history, which Is hound In come home fslrlv close to the In dividual pupil, would act as a stimu lus tn lenrnins nallonnl end worli' htslorv. HtNtnrv will b itsesful In mikln heller cltlr.ens, however, only "hen It Is taiipht not as a series of dntes and their events, lint as the de velopment of Ideas, their Influence nnon peonies nnd their role aa the causes of events. , vvniLe COOPERATION The co-operation w hich we render is meeting the re"uiremnts of our customers has proven of value to them. Let U9 be of service to yon. Your Checking Account is invited. TheRosebu&Nalional Bank Rosc?bur,Ore. till I! decision will undoubtedly clear the deck for final action wllh all legal iiirrlonlilea rurmounled after a per sistent fii:ht of several years. Thej bonds then prol anly will lie onen-n for sale to the hlghi-xt bidder on Jinuary 18. ) Rate Hearing Is Postponed 8AI.KM, Jan. 6 Tho final hear ing on the application of tho I'aclllr Telephone) and ToleBraph company for an Increase In rates to Its patron n Oregon will not be held until after the Interstate Commerce Commis sion'! bearing on the terminal situ atlon In Portland, January 14, ac- riling to a siatrment mails toiluy by Fred A Hutchel, chairman of the Oregon commission. Attorneys rop resenting the city of Portland In the elephone cape will be busy with the terminal controversy until that case hus been disposed of, It was explained n connection with tho delay of the hearing of the telephone case. For nul notice of receipt of tho commla ilou's protest In the terminal case was received from the Intoralojc ommisston this morning. tl.l, KOll HTHOOI, W A It It A. NTS. Notice Is hereby given that all icbool warrants of School District No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon, to ind Including Number 4006, en lorscd July 13, 1920, and prior hereto, not paid fur want of funds, .re this day called for payment by he undersigned, and all Interest .hereon ceases from the date hereof. Dated Januury 6th, 1921. It. C. AG EE. lerk School District No. 4, Douglas County, Oregon. BRONCHITIS f" . At bsdtima rub the throat and chest thoroughly wtuv wicks V VAPORUB 0ml7 Million lanUMiYkt Girl Forgets She Murdered Man DII.MItll NEWH NOTKH On Christmas eve Herbert Hoover told the Amerlnin neoele that throu"h their generosity 1,000.000 of tha 3, 6(10.000 destitute children of eastern and cenl nil K.urnpe were "safe until the next harvest." This lenves , 600.000 children still unnrovldi'd for It has been suggested that them re mains In the treasury of the ertHa war fund i.SOO.OOrt of the money ,i.l leciefl in this country for welfare worg in tne tinned Ktalea and Kuro ...-i.. the war. and that this balance niigiu be turned over to Mr, ItiMiver t bo used for the starving little ones. The nrranlxatlona which participated in the drives to raise this monev win determine whether It can and should n need as sugircMed. It seems un iiseiy mat the Idea will meet wllh oprolilon from rny quarter. There could be no contingency growlnr more directly out nf tho war. and such a disposal of this surplus fend nrovin-n tor war activities seems tit- ting, rnder Mr. Hoover's sh'e dirw tlon there can he no doubt that the money will be disbursed hnnestlv snd erfleientlv. with a minimum etwne and maximum of good to need children. Austin Oreen left Monday for I.os Angeles where he will enter school. Mr and Mrs. O. 8. Clayton return d homo Saturday from Idaho nn l report a very plensant trip. The watch party given by the pa rent teacher association proved (itccess; I.iinrh was served cafeteria dyle. candy was sold nnd tfi.OO was rellied from the evening's fun. Mlxa Norma Williams left on Sun 'tny'i train for Eugene where she Ik attending arhnol. Miss Florence Williams romnlned hero with her grandparents ns sh does not ctitor until tho next semester. Edwin Weaver, county Comnilss loner was a Klllard visitor Tnesdar Mrs. W. J. Wright has tu-en nnlte 111. Dr. Shoemaker was called for her Sunday nnd at the nrescnt wrlflnr she Is some better. Mr and Mrs. AUred Howard nnd hlldren of Merlin, snenl thi Na Year with Mis. J. M. nust. Mrs. Lulu Walker, our hotel nrr. urletress says she entertained quite a few land buyers, but thev were -I triKhtened away at the price that the aim is selling for here. ir. K. A 1!:; Mini. I ami r, . ,!.. Lawrence are In the mnuiilalna thp week looking for some poor, st coyote The sheepmen say there rr- numiier or tnem and are suffering a groal loss o' sh' ep from them. air . ti. iu,. and Mile ditieh ter Virginia, vlnlled hi. n...ih... i. lto,el.urg Sunday She Is Improvlnr lowiy from her recent Illness. X N Irrigation District Bonds Approved MEDFOnP. Jan The dlrertnn of the Medford Irrigation rtlafi t In day received sweeping approval o the recent 1 1. 260.000 bond Isnn from Ihe most prominent firm of ih bond attorneys on the coast, (lood fellow) Klla, Moore and Orrlck. of Ban Francisco. This firm held all the proceedings of the district from It, organisation to the recent bond lnr were regular, and valid, and that their approval la granted wlihonl m further appeal to the atale anprrme court. I'nleaa such an ippeal la Inititcd tpoi by the itat authorities, tola ' KANSAS CITY. Mo . Jnn 0 A woman giving the name of Lillian .Mrtllll, 2'J years old, todny called at tolice headquarter sand told a glory of killing a man Sunday nlKht, plac ing the body under her bed, and for getting about it until today when she started to sweep the room. Patrolmen visited the room In a small hotel and found the unclothed body of a man about 25 years old The head was resting on two ptllowt and the body was covered with r, blanket. in a written statement the woman admitted killing the man. She said she only knew him as "Frank" and that he told her he was employed In :i saloon They quarreled, she said, ho struck her, whereupon she got a revolver and Bhot him three times In the head She said r.he had been in a dazed condition for tho past two days and that sho forgot the tragedy entirely until today. if n Our Dry ( leaning saves you the cost of new clothe -y,.t K( )011 pi aril, ally new garnienia. Kionomire witbnut sac rilicing looks- w U!l Whn'i Your (leaner? aajr TMll,'l,Vt ia Try wr Way. Ittooe aT7 Hir Aula Will Call. imooMs spi:ci.l at CAitira. We give you not the cheapest broom that can be hung together, but a good serviceable broom for less money. Light weight broom 69c Carr's speelul good quality houso broom, worth far more than our prlco 9gc These brooms mnde to order for us and carry our name. Look for the red signs. "Carr's," that'! where you save. o . Express Schedule Cancelled Today Tho "Cannonball" express, n ade Its last trip today, and tomorrow train number 63 will hnndle express, it wns announced Bt tba S. P. office this morr.liig. The express train was put on during the ChrSrtmas rush snd handled nil of the excesj ex press and mall at that time. The train, which operated as tho second section of number 13. reached this v hetwwi, S;30 and 8:30, not bar ing a regular rcliedule, and served all stations along the line. It has been a great benefit to business firms and concerns of southern Oregon and the people of this section regret that Ihe railroad company finds it 'i-easury io discontinue this service. New Ruling Protects "Home Brew" Expert SEATTLE. Wash.. Jnn R "w ,. Iireaj," where held in a nrlvnle real. denee without evidence of sale, may ...... niuiesreo oy federal officers under an interpretation of the pro hibition net reached bv Donald A wemtnnld. federal npohii.ii- j i or for Washlnelon I'nlt..,! at...... district attorney, at ,.(',. ,"',"' '""'"y. Mr. Saunders announced Mr. Saund.m said the Isw was not -tear on the question of entering .."toe in search ..r m..ni ttlli an. i ., ii.t llflllor ttink n -...im.s. nui it ,i.Ti,,d that affidavit la made that the It, ri.-n-.irnetnied runt may he Issued. no where nor la s arch war- CITY NEWS 0 Flrea deat.nv trvea nmt . ood. Do cful with ir!T " Or. Harry E. Morgin. dentist, t-lp. "hone 4S3. OiTice 31S lVrkins Dldg. n 1'1w,,,l,,'-nr" fr cent off on Kxlde - si inn Koseburg Garage. rite Ja.a noacn. Train, for cat, ogua and prices for the Ou,n nbatora. coal and oil burning brood ra. Avoid dUappolntmont by pa ng rnnr order now for futnr oe. lttry. Raiembwr tba Queoa to tha art uoaey oaa koy. All Persons Whose Incomes Are Over Specified Amount Must File Report. EXEMPTIONS ARE LISTED Kveo If Income Is Not TaxaKo If the Anvunt la itirr tluU Fixed by the ;overnmeiil, A Iteturn Must He I'aJd on flume. Due, in the majority of cases, to misunderstanding o f exemptions. ... ihnn 7 ooo persons were last year assessed a nominal penalty oi from $5 to J0 "or lauure io ino inmm. lav return for 1919, although their income for that year wai not taxable. The rovenuo act provides a per sonal evemption of xi.ooo lor an nlm;le Forons. f.00 for married nersnns and heads of families, ana an additional exemption of $200 for exemption for each person aepenaent upon tho taxpayer for chief support. If such person is 18 years of age or under or Is Incapable of self support, they may be classed as dependents Tho dollnquents last year were per sons whose. Incomes exactly equalled the amount of the allowable cxemp- necessary to make a return, and oth ers, whose income, becauso of do pendents, was non-taxable, but who nevertheless were required by law to make a return. The liureau of In ternal Revenue, therefore, this year Is emphasising Ihe fact that the re quirements to file a return are based solely on a person s marital status and the amount of his or her Income for 1920. Single persons with Incom es for 1920, net. of J1.000 or more and married persona with net In comes of $2,000 or more must file a return) regardless of whether their Incomes are non-taxable. Returns of Married, Persons The exemption of $2,000 allowed married persons applies to the com blned income of husband and wife, to which must lie added the Income of dependent minor children. A com mon error is for both the husband and wife to claim the exemption, which is designed to cover essential living expenses. This exemption may bo claimed by either, or may be ap portioned between them as they may elect. If the Income of either the husband or wife for the year 1920 was more than $5,000, each should file a sep arate return. This is for the purpos? of computing correctly the surtax on Incomes In excess of $5,000, which applies separately to the net income of husband and wife and not only the net Income. The surtax rates, which apply only to net Incomes In excess of $5, 0u aro computed w.thout benefit to the pernonnl exemptions. Many taxpay ers make the mistake of computing tax on the combined net income of 'he husband and wife to their own disadvantage. -As an illustration, in the case of a husband whoso net In come was $7,000 and that of his wife 2,000, the total normal tax and the surtax. If the Incomes were combined would amount to $480, whereas if Ihey were computed separately, the amount would only be $350 In the Brst Instance deducting the persona' exemption of $2,000 from the com bined Income of $9,000, the tax Is on the remaining $7,000. At the rate of four percent on tho first $4.00r and 8 percent on incomes In exces of that amount, the normal tax come; to $100 Tho surtax whlc his com puted without the benefit of the per sonal exemptions, amounts to $S0 which Is 1 percent on tho amount of Income between $5,000 and $6,000. percent on the nmnunt between $0,000 and $8,000. and 3 Percent on the amount of Income between $8, 000 and $9,000. If computed separately, the hus band may deduct the nerso:ial ex emptinn of $2,000 from his Income of $7,000. and on the remainder pav normal rax ot 1240. being 4 per cent on the first $1,000 nnd g pe cent on tne excess, ills surtax wil' amount to $30, being 1 percent on the amount of his Income between $5,000 and $.000. and S nor cent on tht amount of hs Income between B.O00 and $7,000. The wife receive no personal exemption and her en ure income of $2,000 Is taxed at the rate of 4 percent, being less than $4,000 Thn husband's tax la 1270 and the wife's is $80. f.xemplluns Not For All Not every married nerson ! on. titled Io the $2,000 exemntlnn n. claim Is dependent whether man and who are living together In the mean- ''J fVV (MA 4aMI f you Jj can holdfast U youwpara Fish Brand Slicker meALtHi rvrrrrtmrnr m AJ. TOWER COMPANY Boston Masi aj. in. nf tha revenue act. In the abaen of continuous residence together, whether a man or woman ii living with wife or husband depend! upon the character of the separation. If occasionally and temporarily, the wife la away on a vlilt, or the huaband away on bualnesa, then the loint home being Dialntalned. the $2000 exemption applies. Unavoid able absence of husband or wife at a sanitarium on account of Illness does not preclude a claim for emotion If. however, the husband voluntarily and continuously makes his borne at ore place and the wife at another, they are not living lo ir el her 'within the meaning of the In come tag laws, regardless of their personal relations. In case of separ ation by mutual agreement each must make a return of Income of $1. 000 or more. The same rule applies in the case of a legal separation or divorce. A maid or wjdow not the head of the family and without de pendents Is entitled only to the $1, 000 exemption, the same B single person How To' Determine Mat us, The status of the taxpayer on the last day of tho taxable year deter mines tho amount of his exemptions If on December 31, he was married and living with his wife, be may then claim tbo $2,000 exemption, although the marriage may have taken place on December 30. If, on December 30 ho became a widower, he i! entit led only to the $1,000 allowed a sin gle person, unless he Is the head of tho family. o SOCIAL DANCE AT WIXCIIKSTEll. Dancing ptrty nt Winchester Fri day nigh, Jan. 7. Ott'a orchestra will furnish uiu.slc. . All cordially invited. Sheet Metal WorkJ OP AM, KINDS" J.H.SINNIGEP. 110 OAK STRKKT PHONE 42H L UMBER Of all dimensions, at reasonable rates while it lasts. block North of West Side Store, 12C7 Umpqua Avenue, rnono 335-K. win - n Batteries at a New Price Level r Effective with the publication of this an nouncement, Willard Batteries will be sold on a new and materially lower price level. The same Willard quality backed by the same authorized Wil lard Service. Auto Electric Station PAUL L NYCREN, Proprietor nd rine Hta. Phono 138. Willard! Batteries fit- Out Catalog Is th Honda rd refivcnc lor Northwest griw cr. Iistinft our xm pietc lines of SecUi. Trees and Plants, Fertilizers, Poultry and bc Supplies. Sprsqo, and Spray ers, Dairy Supplies and rvvralccS and Planters Guide tltviiiV tirforsBsrion aa to aeaaoa, sail i rut your uma to worm, tor profit You can t a (lord to tie up your land or spend time and labor on any but the best stock. Order Diamond Quality stock and be sure ot getting tht finest strains and the right varieties for your purpose. Get the Diamond "Quality Catalog fa, your possession aa quickly as you can. It viU pay youl Aak for Catalog No. jlO U I laBaaaaaaaaaBaaaaBaBaBBBaaaBaaaBaaaBaBBl I 1 - - I III 5 t Installs Service Tank John Spaugh has installed a gaso line and oil service station at the cor ner of Oak and Stephens streets ad Joining the Spaugh 4k Hohl garage and is now ready to serve the public. i.rundel piano tunar Fhona nil All fruit ana ornamental tn. vines, - bushes, correctly pru, buded. grafted. Write Louia H. V gold, Rosehurg. j. Feeders Attention! We have a real bargain in Mill Run and Shelled Corn (Eastern grown). - -1. In ton lots we pffer Mill Run at $39.00 And the Corn at ., $50.00 COME AND GET IT WHILE IT LASTS. Peoples Supply Company ROSEBURC, OREGON Start New Year Right! rCt;ET THE HABIT of doing your buying Mjfi with us as thousands of other peo pie are doing. You couldn't make a better 1921 resolution. ' I. ABRAHAM Dry Goods and Furnishings Let's pock up and goto CALIFORNIA "Winter's Summer Garden" Sooner or lntor everyone goes to California where the bright warm sunshine groeta you; where the delightful climate, the aweet scented flowers and the lure of the sea welcomes you to this land of beauty and charm. FOUR DAILY TRAINS "THE SHASTA' "OUhUOXlAV "CALIFORNIA EXPRESS" "SAN FRANC-ISOO EXPRESS- PORTLAND TO SAN FRANCISCO and NEW TimorOH SLEEPING CAR SERVICE SEATTLE, TACOMA AND PORTLAND to BAN FRANCISCO AND LOS ANGELES Provide comfortable accomodations and excellent aerrlce. Winter Excursion Tickets are on sale to SOITHKIIN CALIFORNIA Your ropy of nor new booklet "California for -the Tourist," w ill be mailed FHKK oa rrqaraC Inquire or Local Ticket Agent for particular as to fares, routes, sleeping car reservations and train service, or write SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES JOHN it. SCOTT General Passenger Agvnt K ' Portland. Oregon.