Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 24, 1920, Page 8, Image 8

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1. l11 LLIIL'I
NkWir-rUWBW MUlAi. DriCkMMrJr,
l --l. il !J1-Ui '1
Assorted Salads Assorted Relishes
Special Giblet Pie
Roast Goose and Jelly Roast Turk ey and Dressing
Roast Pork and Beef
Asparagus Tips
Creamed Hominy
Creamed Peas
Creamed Potatoes
Creamed Cauliflower
Special Baked Beans
Assorted Cakes Assorted Pies
Fruit Pudding, Lemon Hard Sauce.
To Visit Itelatlves
Mrs. H. 8. Boadley left this morn
ing train for Albany, where she will
visit for a few days.
Teacher fjoavos
MIbs Alice Strykcr, a local teacher
left this morning for Eugena to
spend the holidays.
To Portland
' Mr. W. W. Miller went to Port
land today to spend the Christmas
holidays with relatives.
Is Visiting He
Fred Wltchel, of Blalock. Ore., Is
a guest of Mrs. Iloag and family dur
ing the holidays.
Mrs. Cook Ijeavos -
Mrs. R. E. Cook and daughter left
this morning for Drain whore they
will remain over Christmas.
(Jo to Portland-
R. B. Potruslch and wife went to
Portland today to spend the Christ
mas holidays with rolatives.
Will Vi-it llolatlve.
George M. Ariums and wife left on
the morning train for Portland and
Eugene to spend the holidays.
On !tuUiMftM Here
ir. R. Swanson, of Eugene, who
has been attending to business mat
ters In Koseburg tor several days,
loft this morning for his home.
Xisu In Portland
H. Emerson, a resident of the sol
dier's home left this morning tor
Portland to remain over Christmas.
Will Visit Relative
Dr. R. M. Lahrbacb. left on the
morning train for Albany, where he
will spend Christmas with relatives.
Visited Sister
Mrs. C. C. Brown, of Molallo, who
has been visiting her sister, Mrs. B.
r-'. Ryan, loft this morning for her
(Jo to Portland
H. M. Boyd was a passener on the
morning train for Portland where he
will visit with relatives over Christ
mas. Old Soldier leaves
M. S. Sheerin, a resident of the
Soldier's home loft this morning for
Hauler, to spend Christmas with rel
atives. Been Employed Here
Or& Jorgsen, of Jefferson, who has
been employed in this city for several
months, left this morning for his
leaves For Yamhill
Mrs. O. O. Jennings and children
went to Yamhill this morning to
spend Christmas with relatives and
friends. i(k
io to Portland
Mrs. W. R. Llnklater and children
left this morning for Portland where
they will Join Mr. Mnklater who Is
employed there and will remain over
the holidays.
To Visit Children
Mrs H. E. Pickens left this morn'
lug for Salum, where she will visit
with her daughter, Jessie, and son,
To Visit In Salem
A. J. Carmen and family left this
morning for Salem to visit with
Frank Carmen and wife during the
Christmas holidays.
Home for ChrlNtmas
Z. N. Agee, representative of the
Pacific Paper company, arnveu uerr
last night to spend Christmas wltl
relatives in this city.
Xurso Iieaves
Mrs. L. Baker, nurse from Port
land, who has been in this city with
a patient for several days, returned
to her home this morning.
To Brownsville
Edward and Gladys Enger, and
Violet and Willis 'lof fit,, left this
morning for Brownsville, where they
will remain over Christmas.
To Grants Pass
Mr. and Mrs. O. D. McAllister left
this morning for Grants Pass where
they will spend Christmas with Mrs
McAllister's mother, Mrs J. P. Mar
tin. fjohby IlecoraUH!
The lobby at the Grand hotel has
been beautifully de'eorated in ever
green, mistletoe and the usual Xraas
colors and presents a very attract
ive appearance.
On Way to Portland
Contractor Carl Stebblnger passed
through the city yesterday on his
way to Portland, where he will spend
the holidays. He will return to this
city the first of the year.
Will Arrive Next Week
L. Wlmborly, who with his family
has been at Tucson, Arizona, for the
past few months, will arrive in Rose
burg the middle of next week to re
main here for a short time looking
afler personal business matters and
to attend a meeting of the stockhold
ers of the News-Kevlew Co.
From Klajnath Fnlls-
Uorls Sly, of Klamath Falls, ar
rived In Rosoburg last night and lefl
on the morning train for Wilbur,
where she has relatives with whom
she will visit over the Christmas season.
Masonic Program Tomorrow
The beautiful Christmas cere
monies of the Knights Templar will
be observed at the Masonic temple
will be observed tomorrow at noon
by Ascalon Commandery of Rose
burg. All Master Masons and their
families are cordially invited to at
tend the ceremonies. They will be
gin promptly at 12 o'clock M.
Tiller Couple Married
At 2:30 Thursday afternoon, Rev.
C. H. Hilton, minister of the Chris
tian church, united In Marriage Geo.
F. Norman and Veta Howendobler.
The ceremony was performed at the
parsonage. The young people are
from Tiller, and returned there Im
mediately, where they will make
their home. Mr. Norman is connected
with a surveying crew. A few rela
tives accompanied the bride and
Electric Brake
We have shown you facts concerning' the earnings of some carefully
selected investments, also the records of profits made by some industrial
concerns. We ask you to investigate our proposition and buy some of our
stock while you can get it at ?5.00.
Factory at 440 Hancock Street, Portland
We have moved the machinery, tools, etc., from the small factory at
S t Union A'e. into the two story cement building at the comer of East
7th and Hancock Sts., and now have practically $50,000.00 worth of ma
chinery and tools and everything is in readiness to begin production im
mediately after January' 1st.
More $5.00 Stock is Being Sold
People have great faith in our inventions and realize the opportunity
we are offering. The money derived from the sale of the stock will be used
entirely in increasing our production.
Room 421, Perkins Bldg., Koseburg, Oregon.
sj ji
flroa Resident Hera
Charles Churchill, a Molrose resi
dent, came to HoMburg today 10
spend a few hours visiting menus.
Chopping Here Today
Mrs. Amv Crltuscr. of Melrose,
spent to day In town dolug bur
Christmas shopping.
From South Deer Ciwk
Ed Davis, a well known South
Deer Creek resident, spent today In
Roseburg attending to business mat
ters. Collection Stilt Filed
It. L. Whipple today brought sut
In the justice court against J. W.
Wilson for the collection of 140.47,
said to be due on an account.
Mra c i u, and brothers Fred
and John Herman left this morning
for Grants Pass where they will
spend the holidays with relatives.
Arrived taut Night
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Patrick arriv.
ed In Roseburt- last night from Sll-
verton and will spend severad days
visiting with relatives in this city.
Visit In Merlin-
Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Culp and
daughter Margaret left this morning
for Merlin where they will spend
several weeks visiting Mrs. Culp's
mother, Mrs. Margaret Culp.
Here From Jefferson
Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Humphrey ar
rived last night from Jefferson and
will spend the holidays at the home
of their son. I). C. Humphrey, on Oak
Divorce Suit Plied
A suit for divorce was filed in the
circuit court today by Charles L.
Wilson vs. Rosa Wilson. Cruel and
Inhuman- treatment are alleged At
torney George Jones represents the
Down From Canyonville
Mr. ad Mrs. E. J. Neff, of Can
yonville, came down last evening and
will remain over Saturday and Sun
day, and will attend to business mat
'ers and visit with friends and rela
tives. Here From California
O. R. Garner, a former resident of
this city, arrived this morning from
his home at Oakland, Cal., to spend
the holidays. Mrs. Garner has beer
here for several days at the home of
her mother, Mrs. B. F. Sheilds.
Huthorlln Men in Town
Prof. Weaver, principal of the Su
therlln Academy, came down on the
evening train yesterday, accompan
ied by his brother, who Is also con
nected with the academy, and spent
an hour or two here. They returned
home on the night train.
Vtlss HIoHser Married
Miss Hattle Blosser, well known
In this city, and who formerly work
ed In the Sheriff's office during the
early war period, was married at
Portland on Tuesday to Earl Down
ing of Vancouver, Wash., according
to information reaching this office
Bock from lVrt land-
Attorney A. N. Orcutt and A. O.
Sutherland who have been in Port
land attending to business matters
In connection with the Douglas coun
ty LlghtA Water company returned
to Roseburg this morning, R. M. Jen
nings, manager of the plant, who has
also been in Portland on this matter
returned home last night.
Back From Frisco-
Sam Thackrah, who has been down
to San Francisco for a month under
going a bit of surgical work at the
3. y. hospltul. Is home again. Sam
says that the surgeons in attendance
can Just literally make a fellow over.
He went there with a badly crushed
toot and Is now able to go to work
There'll Be Some Surprises
It ha.i just leaked out that the
management of the new L. F. T. club
is preparing something new, with
many surprises, for the dancing
party next Monday evening at the
armory. Just what It's to be cannot
be learned, like the name of the
club. It will not be given out until
the evening of the dance. At any
rate a great time is In store for the
L. F. T. members, who have already
received Christmas cards announcing
the gay party.
Attempt Made to Rob TTome
An attempt was made last night to
rob the home of Dr. K. L. Miller.
Mrs. Hermann was left alone at the
house while Dr. Miller and Mr. Her
mannn were down town. About 10:30
she heard some person walking uo-
stairs. Ntie ran to the telephone and
called Dr. Miller at his office, but
the would-be housebreaker evidently
heard the proceedings and became
frlEhtened and left before the doctor
arrived. Nothing was taken so far
as could bo learned.
"I.ove Dreams" a beautiful wxlti hv
C. H. Arundel, which will shortly be
piacea on tne market in son form
will be played as the fourth number
at tne firemen's Ball at the armory
Christmas night.
HAT POn SAT.FI Fdmbower Ori-harrt
Tracts. Kreit Flhr. Phone -K.
WANTKr. lily experienced tnrmef,
Mmty Jnh. or will rnt equipped
farm Room I, 4Ut West Lane.
FOR KAT.R rhsvrolst' 0. model.
I2S Call Saturday or Sunday, want
mili-k ile. K. Heboid. 120 N. Mtephena
HOST Nnniewhere on Jarkaon St. or
DotutlaR National Bank, small Mark
r-urne with currency. Uiboral reward
for nndr. Call o ft. Handera eoj
West St., Koaeburg. rhne
15(1. K.
Foil SAI,K four tire lliIV two ISx
4. Alao choline motor 11 H. P. three, j
aneeda and reveraa, suitable for run
nlrta; email shop machinery, good
saw. etc. Geo. Ioomia, Rosabura-. R.
It. No. S, Box 41 -A.
Credit Extention
Urged by Bureau
Br AaaoMle Praaa.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. Exten
sion of ciedita to foreign govern
ments, inubllng them to thereby pay
for American farm products, wu to
day advocated by Jamoa R. Howard,
president of the American Farm Bu
reau Federation, at a Joint meeting
of the senate agricultural and bank
ing committees. Howurd suggested
that the war finance committee be
made the agency for extension of
such credits, and mentioned Germany
and Russia as desiring to buy Ameri
can products.
Sen. Chamberlain
Is Operated On
Iir Associated Prosa
WASHINGTON, Dec. 24. Senator
Chamberlain underwent an operation
at a local hospital today, and It was
reported that the senator stood the
surgeon's work very well. It Is ex
pected by the attending surgeons
that a second operation will be
necessary within two days.
Start the now year right by having
Universal Filler In your tires. You
will not have any innor tubes to buy
and you are sure to save one casing
out of three and you may save one
out of two. It will not take you long
to gain the first cost.
Christmas Season
Brings Good Cheer
(Continued from page 1)
sumptouslp produced and directed
with the gsnlui of the master. Need
less to say, both theatres will receive
their chare of "before the dance"
merry makers.
Taft Confers With
Next President
By Associated Press
MARION, Dec. 24. President
elect Harding today conferred with
ex-President Taft regarding world
peace problems and details of organ
izing the next administration. The
coming of Mr. Taft reviewed t be
speculation about his possible ap
pointment to some high post under
the coming administration.
The ex-president spent almost the
entire forenoon with President-elect
Harding, and before leaving for Cin
cinnati this afternoon issued the fol
lowing statement to the newspaper
men: "I am much encouraged to
think the senator is working out a
practical solution for a world league
which, while it may not be wholly
satisfactory to enthusiasts of either
extreme, of which I may be consid
ered one, will satisfy those anxious to
make progress and give the United
States leadership In guiding all na
tions to permanent peace, so far as
that desired end is practicable."
Small Improved ...
"h for aZTn Tm m
ract, lmpr-7
desirous of ,ch. " .
" see us. - - wop,.
River Bottom
unimproved. Al
tracts close In.
eai utate and uun,
110 Cass Su
We want fresh fruit 0, ,
Will pay top market prta
fruit must be clean nd fir,,"
all respects or we do not wtu
it; we u-e only ths best srsdeT"
A simple, yet an execeedingly interesting story of married life, told in
3 episodes. You are first carried back to the year 1860. How.
ever mere words can give you no idea of the simplicity and
quaint appeal of this story as it unfolds in the picture.
11 ' " - aan laaJini -
Big Comedy and Pathe News. Look, Big Christmas Program, Look
Mary Roberts-Rineharts Famous Story
"23K Hoots Leave"
This rare back-and-howl Comedy has to do with Sgt.
William Gray, who has a knack of always of getting
into trouble by irresponsible breech of army discipline
Dorothy Dalton in "His Wife's Friend'
A gripping story of the aea.
Spiced with Love and Adventure. Bigger and Better Than EAer.
It's full of Kpectacualr scenes, such as the ramming of a ferry boat by a whaling vessel 1" S"" n"
rlsco ltay. See R tonight.
Also a Big Comedy 15c, 35c Educational Subject
And a big supporting cast in
"Somethino' to THirik About
I besstf
A story of green lanes and gay streets, of blind youth and grim reckoning, of love ana
luxury all amazingly different.
Something You Think About.