I and back of that trM wal a btautl fullr lighted cross. With lb other light subdued. It gave a beautiful Sect. After many of tha ordinary games, th young people had ar ranged a big pan pt mad of aaw duat. From tola mended numerous atrlng. Each person prsnt pulled a atrlng and aecurcd a number. On the Chrtstmaa tree vat a correspond ing number with a present. Each person receiving something, soma of rhnrch Social in present being vary laughable. At I be eluae sack of candy and pop corn ball were given to each on. It was on of th moat pleamut even Inge the young people have apent to gether U the aoclal occasions. n Cnlversal Ttr Filler U guaran teed for luv.000 miles. It I a sure preventative for puncture and blow outs. It rides absolutely th tarn as air. Bast wlihat tor a Kerry Chris Us as and Happy New Year to oaa and all of th Universal Tlr Filler family. Meaning all that ar now using aald filler In plac of air. ' And w know that you will get pleasure out of your auto rides this coming year. We hope that thousands of others In "-It county may get wise and bar their tire filled. Filler Servlc Station, corner Pak Ros. GreaUyEnjoyed I . ry uahiu. Christina .oclal ' ,iaat nig" by th Eudeavor "i'the Christian church In th i rlora. Th. room wa. beau rcfc fillr-iLd prcdomtnat ',""l cm.rw. decorated. Gl. II ILL, of llrnltleboro. Vs.. vho ay lie never felt bettor tn hi life tluui tut doe now at though, before taking Tanlac he wu ixi such a run down oondU tlon he wasn't able to do a day's work for three months. Says he has gained thirty pounds. BRUNSWICK Phonographs Used machines taken in as part payment on other makes of phono graphs. Ost Biuuwick, cost . 1200 ' Rtcetdt 106 30S PRICED AT 190 Oa Bnsuwick. ceil Rtceels - - - &V 7 ,'jf ,. j r tip $H0 . m T5s Our biggest asset is the good will of our customers and we sincerely value the business you have given us. May your Christmas be merry and the New Year bigger, better and busier than ever, is our sincere wish. NATHAN FULLERTON Tio ffiXO&C Store Greetings And may the New Year bring to you the same measure of happiness and success that the past has brought to us through our many friends. F. W. CHAPMAN Red Cross Pharmacy While extending the best wishes of the season we desire to express our ap preciation for the business yeu have so kindly favored us with. May Christmas bring you joy and the New Year much happiness and prosperity. To our friends and patrons Your liberal support during the year just closing has been appreciated to the fullest extent and will act as an incentive to us to meet your fullest demands in the future. Again thanking you for your patronage and wishing you all the joys of Christmas and a ' Happy prosperous New Year. Yours for exact service, I. ABRAHAM. Let this announcement be an expression of deep appreciation for our pleasant business relationship. We heartily thank you for the share you have con tributed in making the past year a suc cessful one for us. May Christmas find you strong with ambition and, may the ending bring to you a full realization of your sincerest efforts. GEO. A. BURCHARD THE SQUARE STORE With a realization of what life means to us and with an earnest desire to meet the duties of the coming year, we wish our friends and patrons a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. "ft may sound unreasonable, but when I began taking Taulac. I only weighed 114 pounds and had not been able to work for over three oionihe. Today 1 have as much stren gth and energy as I ever had, aud nave actually gained 30 pouuda lu Ik In. In fact, I never felt better In niy lire, and I owe the re murk able change to Tunlao and Tanlac alone. To tell you the truth, I don't know what would have become of mo If It hadn't been for this medicine, for 1 had just about lost my health com pletely, and the treatment I was tak ing was doing me no good. In fact. I hardly bud enough strength at times to walk across the room. "My principal trouble was Indiges tion, and I also suffered from car tarrh and nervousness. My stomach was In such a weakened condition that I rarely ate any breakfast and had to live on a very restricted diet "After reading about Tanlac. I de elded one day to give It a trial, and It seemed to suit niy case perfectly, for In only a short time I was able o go back to work. I lust want to be eating all the time now, and every thing even onions and pork seem lo agree with me perfectly. I shall always praise Tanlac." Tho above statement was msde re ently by o. II. Hill, a well known and highly respected cltlnen of Urat- tleboro, Vt. Tanlac Is sold In Ronebure by W. F. Chapman: In Dlxonvllle by Thus. Hatfield and by leading druggists everywhere. PRICED AT 150 Ott'sMusicStore TiCTM EMSM UaOU-rMMCIAPKf Merry Christmas To You All! DUDS FOR MEN SUNDAY AT TIUJ CIUKCHKM. Christian tliurrh. Pine snd Wood' ward streets, Ilev. C. H. Hilton, Min ister. The old year is about to close. What has It brought to you and what has It meant. The pustor will preach Sunday morning a sermon in keeping with the closing year idea. Subject, "What Is Your Life?" In the en Ing the theme will be, "Obedience Better Than Sacrifice." Illble school at 9:45, with a developing standard front runk school. Uu sure and come on lime. V. 1. S. C. K. at :30. Subject, "Missions," led by the mis sionary committee. The public cor dially invited. The church 1b closing one of its finest yeurs of work, and has been prosperous throughout. The church will hold Us annual meeting on Wednesday evening, Jan. 5, at which time reports will be given &nd all business attended to, to he fol lowed by a social lime. The church has been planning all fnll to have a revival meeting some I Into In early spring, and arrangements are being made for such. Presbyterian, Jackson and Lau streets. Itev. K. W. Warrington, Mln later Merry Christinas. It Is Christ's birthday. What gift have you planned for Him v ho died that ynu might live? 9:45 a. m., the Illble study hour: S97 was the cash contribution In "white gifts" mado at the Sunday school exercises held on Wedneaday evening, besides there were other contributions In goodB. lis the "Kaiully Group" service. Every member of tho family present and seated together. Strengthen the fam ily ties. The session will present Schnfteld Illble to the largest family present. The special music will con sist of a solo, "Lead Kindly Light." by Mrs. Wilson. 6:30 p. m.. Chris tian Kndeavor. This Is a purpose service. Floyd Ilnrton, the president of the society, will lead the service. 7:. 11) p. ni., an evangelistic rally. This Is In anticipation of the the reviva meetings Willi the. Ilulgin evan gellsilc parly, which are planned to beg n January Z. the nrst Sunday in January. The church choir and the girls' chorus will combine, and recruited by all others who will vi unteer to slug, will lead In a live song service. 1 no special music will consist of a vocal solo by Miss Pars- loy and a violin solo by Donald Par ker. ft 9 M. K. Church, South. Hev. J. C. (ones, pastor Suuday school at :4.r; divine worship at 11. In charge of the evangelist. Itev. Jerry Jeter HI hie reading at S 00, In charge of Mrs. Jeter, who will speak upon the Greatest Hook In the World, the illble " This will he the last service held by this great lender. K.pworth league at 6 : :i 0 . I' d by the pastor Divine worship at 7:15, in charge of the evangelist, who will speak on "The Greatest Detective Story." This will he the closing sen-ice In the re vival campaign, which has profound ly stirred Itowburg The Kvan gellsls will give their closing message snd leave for another field, much to the regret of a multitude of converta rm friends You are enrdiallv Invited to attend these service. Again the season has come when both custom and inclination prompt folks to remember old friends and patrons and give some expression to that remem brance. In the spirit of the season we send you greetings. Fully appreciative of the part your friendship and patron age has played in our progress we thank you. And we extend to you and yours our sincere, well wishes for a Christmas full of joy. We feel grateful in the fact that in our new home we will be better prepared to cater to your every want, and, in the future, as in the past, will strive to give you the best possible service. PEOPLES SUPPLY COMPANY Christmas Greeting; To our old friends, loyal and true; to our valued new friends, and to those whose friendship we strive to deserve, we heartily wish unmeasureable hap piness and good fortune throughout the New Year. BUBAR BROTHERS JEWELERS ' Ta.-B-jara