" Rnsnnrrrtn kiv mtvnrw Fnm.v, nnrwMiwn tu. taao. paom roni TALC THE blended per fumes of 26 flowers the fragrance in Talc Jonteel is an odor indescribable, because like nothing you have ever known alluring and elusive. And the powder itself smooth and fine, cool and soothing. Ask here for Talc Jonteel today. Nut linn Viillortnn Tim Re Kl'KCIAL NOTICE. Just received anolluT Kiiipment of ChriutmnH candies. You who buy ChrihiiiiuB cuny can do better hy see in K us. VV will make a special price on our candy. Chocoliiten, 80c lb., saute h we have been Helling at $1 lb. Don't forget (hat ChriHtmas box. Only ten days more. Come In and look 'em over and got our prices. You'll be Burprsied. T1IK MAl'LKLEAK. CALL I'Olt SCHOOL WAKItANTS. Notice Is nereby given (bat all warrants of With Hchool iJlntrJct No. 3, out:itunlInK. are this day railed. Interest wanes on this date, Decem ber 18, 1920. H. D. CONNINE, Clerk, (illde, Oregon. A IUO UOX OF rilCOLATKM ruii; To the one guesKing th nearest to the number of fruits in the basket. One g turns free with every dollar pur chase of our box candy, or our hih grade chocolates at 80c per lb. Sue the basket in our window. TIMC A ECO V 10. Christmas Suggestions Toys of great variety; dolls from rag to the lioisemmiH; Wagons, from Kiddies lo the Boys.' Coaster. Household Utilities Oven glassware, PYUKX and other Aluminum ware in a good assort ment. Curving Sets. Fine Itoasfers from, iron to the Aluminum. Thermos Bottles and Lunch kUs. Fancy Stoneware Ton Pots in Tarloty; Water Pitchers, Children's Plates, Vases, Cor nollun Howls, Kic. Tools From the old reliable pocket knife lo saws and planes, braces and hlls. We surely can And somclhlng Tor your C'llltlKT.MAH Ni:El)ri. LET US THY. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. P. S. T.adlcs remember that the Mystic Alilt la an acceptable small gift to any housewife. OOQiWOaCWOWOOOCKOWO NEUOLA PHONOGRAPH The best Christum gift. The machine of tone and quality. From now until ChristtnwH v will give $25.00 worth of Keconls with each $150.00 Neiiola model. $150.00 Modil nnd $25.00 worth of Kecords $110. 00 Model and $20.00 worth of Itemrds $130.00 Model and $lfi.00 worth of liecord $120.00 Model and $17.00 worth of Keoorda $116.00 Model yt $1,1.00 worth of lieoords $ 00.00 Model and $10.00 worth of Records Come In and let us demount 1 40 the NVuola I'honogr Make your selections early. Our store will he opon t until Christmas. We Sell on Easy Payments. THE TONE SHOP Clarence Perkins 229 N. Jackson St. "1 nil Si nre OI'IA NK.HTS. The retail iiierehantM of Kone- buiK will remain open for a sufficient length of lime on the 4 evenings of the 22, 2'.i and 24th to aecommodute their trad"'. KOSKIU'IU; & DOCOLAS COI'NTY MERCHANTS ASSOCIATION. CllltlKTM IS CANDIES. A complete line of the fauiotiH Davenport candies, inude In Spolcnnc. Sotn In fancy Xmas boxes, some plain boxes, all are high grade, de licious candies none better. JJuy a box for a Christmas present. Koutch's Confectionery, Slinriiliin street. o io; 1. 1 i:si; notice. Dog lice.iisoH are duo on January 1st, i:21. One dollar mid fifty cent; for male (legs, three dollars for fe males. Costs will he inhl.tl a Tier above date. CITY MAUtiHAL. A d v"rlNr in I he News-It e view. . $t 0.M SI 10.00 . l;m.tm .Jsl'I.IHI Wl I.Y.UO ifl 1HMM) to ViMl. ;ih very veiling The Heart of Christmas "I fetir we are goltig to Lave a very poor Christmas lit our house," mild June to Florence as they were walk Jug home from school. "You Know father's been out of work on neeount of the strike, and umther'i long Illness will tmike it next to lm ..sv)t. u buy gifts for the children, And we may not even have u Christ' mas tree!' And at the thought of Christmas without a tree, l.er voii wlih-h h;id heeu tremulous, broke Into n half stilled soh. Florence looked very thoughtful then said in emu for! Ing tones, "Cut your father's nt work again isn't heV "Yes." "And your mother's health Is mueli better." "Yes, we expect her downstair for Christmas day." "Well, ilu-ri I think, .Tune, that you should have great ratine for rejolclti, nt your house- rhriMiinis tree, or no Christinas tree." "I had not thought of that Florence, but you nre right." "Sometimes, I think we lose the real spirit of Christmas," eontfnued Jane, "by thinking that Christmas comm from what we get or give Instead of realizing that It is right in our hearts l!y (Ids time the friends had come to the purling of the way, and with a friendly nod and "Coodhye," went to their homes to vision anew the possl bllitles of Christinas. OPPOSED TO CHRISTMAS PIE The Puritans were not nhme lit their opposition to mime or Christina pie. The Quakers also fought ii'-'ainst It, and at length even tinny good peo ple of the Chun-h of Fngland begun to think that clergymen should abstain from It, against which prejudice I'.iek erstaffe thus rnnmisi rates : "Tli Christmas ,j s. In its own natun a Rind of eoiisccrntcd cuke or bndg of distinction, and yet It Is often for bidden the druid of the family Strange that n sirloin of beef, whwh boiled or roasted, when entire Is ex posed to the utmost depredations and invasions, but if in I need Into small pieces and tossed up Willi plums ale sugar It changes the property, and for sooth Is meat for bis master." SANTA CLAUS HcyoMfl ttip (n'l'.m aiuny a ml to, Aim! many a year ito, There lived a wonderful qner-r old man In u uoiidertal hull) of unuw; And every Ittllu b..y nnd Kill, Ah 'In isI niiiH times arii e. No iloulil will lnt very K'ad to tiL-a.r Tlu utd man ta aUII uilvu. tn his iiniiso npun th tfp of a hill. And almost owl of nUlit, Itti kitiipj a great many cIvl-s at work All working Willi all tlu-ir iiii'Iit To m:iko H mtlli.ni of pretty things, ';ikc-s, 8iit,'ar-pltnriH uiul toys. To till tliH Ntuekiii','H, hunt; tip, you know. liy Hit; little KirlH i.n.l buys. Sunshine Pallet !n, A SAFE AND SANE CHRISTMAS Societies are ln-ing organized vvhos meiiihers are pledged against giving Chrisimas gifts teilshle (heir Imtnedi ate families. Cliiisimas giving h been oerdotie, and if the inteiniier ance can he clucked In that way. well and good. Hut let us hope the "re formers" will not try by local enact ment to impose their views upon oth ers. There nre nuuiy things in this life to bo mm died, and most of the should be remedied without resort to legislation.- Tacomn (Wash.) Tedg WHY JIMMY PRAYED SO LOUD Itick ami Jii.miy wore visiting thr rvm!ii;nt!-('r. Orn nitfht when .wy were s.-yinjr tlii'ir prayi-rs Jjmmy viin-i-il his pi-Lit ions fur ClinstniMR pri"!.'iits in a tone that could be liearil a mile. "Why !o you pray for your Christ ivas present fo loud?" interrupted 1'iek. "1 he Lord ain't deaf." "N"." whisperel Jimmy, "but Krandnia ts. RI'iG OUT, YE BELLS! 'tins out, yo nn-iry bell! Welcome I't'TKiit iel- les' Weir. hi im old hnlly-ero wiled Clirlatnias Mi;.t in ! Hlttlie a a child at play, k'-ptnc his Wei. . .m.. Mini h:u k riom tin? HIDW pfilk itnd plain. t'p ftlth the ho'ty h.'iicti. tr.-cn trom the init t'h hi..',-, . I' k tip y.iur letlKfrn ttn.t .:ues tor A d.iy; Out n. the forest go, kiuIkt the ni!tl tue. Id mill young, rlfh and poor, up And iim 1 1 y ! I'p l(h the hntly hmislis, ny, ami thp l.' ii t el now : In with tli- yule 1,-c, Und tirlehtcn the he;Ut!l; WHlek' ture he 1r fi-;;itn. Come with htf .IoVmuj, tt.lllt. ljui;; i..r iitid inuMic and frlend.-hlp and ntnli. 'P tth tho lu.iiy boufrhs. htch in each II:.i''T hnuse C.iml:!, the antlers that hunt; In the hill e in: d tho -iie k" cf corn with gay "it'lth nil.trn. It1, h : the toom on the cotlat;or w.ili. W.vifh his If (lutlo now. Christian yon u'lovv; Tt.it-k, th. n. ye rich, whilst your table. nre vpi. ITiln', or the wretcheil ones, Toverty's ftri.-keti ..n. WeepiiiK whtiM chtl.lren nr asklnn for bre.id. tllnr n-it. ye HM'-Jie nw (hit n'l-r thf niuin: Ti-rry b.-ll! rln till your II inonnt.eu. nnd fur on the Him; ml tt;o -li'M one crttrh up V'vp nierrv t''?i -'iiiRir,i; "Com, t'hrtstmn!, ninin anil H-'.iln. -rr:v)k t.rl!,.'n rop-ihir Monthly. rw I is the Genuine rtnl Only 6 The fir. t ond ' T! ... d Cold and (.rip tablet, the merit uf whu h Is recoiniied h all civducd nation.. lie carclul lo avoid Inluliana. Be sure its DroillO H 4 r Tlwcuuina bean tl.h sinatur j Kike Every P;y a C!:!i.!i?.:s Too iroii( m uo nil to nllow our Clil'IslniiiM soli I In m n!s to hor.it with tin, ilny, foi iitiir Unit llnr nro other tlnyn In tl.o your for u syni pnthotii- 1 1 ; 1 1 1 chisp uiul .-in -ii-pmi:i lt In,' word. If 'hrisiiii;is is holier lh:iu nllicr dtiys In tho v:ir. It is luninsi tho foolinu' of hrotlioihoiMl :ind follow Khlj. In-loii-s to It. Why not hit vt every other thiy in the ye;ir filled wltli lrotln-rliiiessttnd fellowsl p? Why not soften the its peritles: of life. He:ik Hie l;lndty unrd, nnd exlend tho Ih lpint: hand for the other :Hl dnys? In it word, why not iiiiike every day a 'lirisi runs? Oirry the ( hristnnis spirit with us through out the year and say, wlih Tiny Tim, nt nil times and seasons, "Cod hless lis, everyone." I.vt us keep Christmas In this spirit, tl.en, forxoltinir not to wlmtn ihaiil;H for the ninny hles-on;: and privileu't of this ureal eoimiry of ours jm- lu lo.iUin' forward to the cc that Is t'omiiitf : "When the ronimoii sense of inos shall hold the fretful realm in awe And the kindly earth shall slumber lapt in universal law." SIMPLE HOME-MADE GIFTS Ilainlkerehlefs, neatly hemmed nnd nil einhroidered Initial adorning one corner, may he Hindu from a stray rem nant of I inert1 or lawn. Canvas or ilwifni gloves for the wom an who lianas out wet clothes 'are n boon mnl so easily made on the sew iu miK-hine. Mt-ht siipjiers :tr n Joy to children who in u -t walk ti.viairs niter fir4'par itU for hid. Any material of downy teture is adaptahlo, and tliey are riuoie as simply as a stocUfu-: foot. Kvery country woman should have a knit, woolen corset-cover. A worn swwater, hy reinovini,' the collar and lower part of the sleeves (parts, hy tin way, nn.st lil-ly to show wear) serve- hctiulif'uMy for this purpose. Knowin the size of any little l'MTs tJoll, it is a simple mailer to make a dn ss, a honnet or cloak for It. Mittens are neatly and quickly made on the si-win- machine. Cse any tlexl Ide woolen material. A child's fur s.-t ran he made fiom nn out-ofHhite fur piece, or if you have only a 1ri;h oi fur uo It simply for the rhn of the tnulT and the sarf-ein). To an in:i!id friend is sent your heerff-t h-ai-e plant to hidden the Christmas dav. IN FOR IT Drum: Cce, from the looks rf that husky kid. I'm in for some beating! SACRED DAY FOR THE BADIES Neer deny the l.aWes their Christ as! I is the shinini: seal s-t uptui car of happiness, l.ct them believe in Santa Clans or St. Nicholas or Kriss Kyn-le. or whatever name the o i 'ini n satnt neurs tu your re ;in. Marlon llnrlimd. A CHRISTMAS WISH Father What wtc you wishlneT .Tohiiny I'd like to he the janitor'd little hoy, 'cause Ills father has to be polite, tm. Stand of Co'ero Prttcnttd. Millrd ef eel. as lets been pre r'd tn A;ll un - VltlU:l'til - Ceuell "t f the Arrierlinn l.e en, TlhUii hue. X. J., by I be ii.-nple of tlie l.nvn shlp. Allh..uth u ims but n rieinbe:--ship ef -;s. ;l,e ,sl s f , ,;ellvUy nnd Is nlieirt ( n,uk rl drive fur J'J.txi) iHirne. Ih-Jf C ' I, He Just Can't Wait to Sec Santa Claus 1 O CITY NF.WS & Arunddi, piano inner. FH0Di 1891 FlreB dcHiioy uvea, property and food. Bo careful with Are. Federal cord ana fabric tlroa al the Uuticbuig Garafc;. LlKht your tree tdwctrically. Uhlig's I'Jlectric Store. Itrlnpr your nroa and tubes to the Roseliurg Garage for repair and vul Best equipped machine shop for lathe steel and spring work at the Itoseburj; Giirago. Twenty-nvo per rent off on ExUle Hattej'ies at (lie Kuseburg Gaiage Serviceable pifts from a Btoro of service I,' h Jig's. Dr. Harry K. Morgan, dentist, te.le- phone OHice SI 5 Perkins build ing. R! pht nn' slion Btoro is showing ft beam il'ul line of ladies' footwear for the holiday trade. Get. your rubner Too?s TraTT soled with Rood live rubbrr, $1 a pair at ire- n s I ire shop. Can furnish Holly In any amount, ilso Holly wreaths and Christmas trees. The Fern. Auto repairing, sprtnfja work, nnd nxy-acotyb-no welding. Spaugh & Mohl, Oak Stret Garago. Goodyear solid tires for trucks, all sizes In stock at the Kosoburg Gar- A praetienl trift iied 52 tiniefl a ;if and nlwuys snves money, rhlirr'n Kleeiric Store. Ilaniiltoir Dnirr To. row have- tho V'usive ar,-erey iir Itosehrrrir for I.owni-y's Fanroris (Mnrc(rlats. Only a few til-en lefl. l'irst rrnalrtv. frilly pimninlepd, :uix:i. $1(1; 30x3 V., $12.50. Green's Tire Shop. Persons ruttHrs evergreens on onr pre.periy In Kdenhower will ne prof. ciited. Mrs. K. M. Moore, Llllie Ij. Arrrrrre. old chicks tor 1H21 delivery from men proe.rrcmg tancri'd strain White i.'-Miorn. r iior orirriioreri KJrorle IRlanrl Red chirks. (). A. C. llarrerl Hoelts rail Vr.sbirrti, 702 Kuller.ton St., llo:;r burr;. lro!l into Slenbens' nhne T,.rn nn,l make our Christnnis s.declion. V lie sbnwillL' :l t-.u-ell IIiim ,f f.w,l-,.p inehulinr; billies' and men's idroes and Tiipers. :omeii,uig wr.rllr while for ;i t:hib-tinas Rift. rite .7a. iv rto.teri rrmin rn m. lorrrre and nriees r..r rht. n.,u..n r cnbators. coal und nil hnrnlui? brood ers. Avoid disappointment by plac inc your order now Tor future de livery. Komcnihnr the Queen Is the best money can bnv. If you appreciate l.nvlnr vonr lothes cleaned .ml npeuc.,.1 li. n It, dllitllile way. call nn Phone l"2, and a rem- serit:ittv.. will ...n 'ir your order. Sloper (ml Dillar'd. 'le.tn.MS and Proper. tlno H.w. north of the Liberty Theatre. lrOU't Stinlv fur hm,M "C?.. I. With flowers" lloll.lnv l.,'l. .11 sortn and conditions. Inclrrdi assortment of hnlr.it ... - ... .. , ii nir jinn onl.-rs. ltny if Bt.M-k suits. Send an r. i. it. to any city In tiio lTnlted Slates Hntl Canada. Mrs. F. D. Owen, i no i eru. ' 'neunion:aJn,i',:;;;,1:::,!1,:':?r E!3 TUSK) ' TUQPCKTIMI OINTMtxr .NATHAN HM.KKTOX. 111 fell mm JOHNSON -LIE8ER COMPANY, PORTLAND, OREGON' Exldo stornce batteries for all makes of cars at the Roscburg Garage. Klectricnl cifts nlense. TThllcr's Kb-clrlc Store. We soil books, and Christmas cat'dn. Subscriptions for magazines soloclted. Fiction Library. o Ax.voiwt k.! i-:.t. Kd liryanl wishes lo announce that he has thr exclusive agency for the St. Helens Incubators and l'erfection brooder stoves for Douglas County. Samples of sarin are now on display it the Uoseburg l'roduce Co., 501 N. Jackson St. 1 am In a position, to give terms on these machines of 20 per rent down, bat. In six monthly Installments. Incubators $14 to f3; brooder stoves, $11 to $23.35. Try nisr- machines for two batches and if Un- any reason you nre dissatisfied return same and your money will be refunded. INVKSTIOATE TlEFOrtE YOU BUY l-n lilt Y ANT. Phone H-F2.'.. Good Things for Christmas Nolbing quite so highly appreciated as a Christmas or Birthday that anniversary or in loving rediembrancu of noma special occM as a box of those deliciously good chocolates. We have them, also a full line of Christmas Mixed CnniliM, Tan I'ruils and Nuts. Ho would smile if you would give Irim a box of those rea y Cii;ars, 12, 25 nnd 50 to the box. u The Alcove ta u tu- otm Whre Santa Claw . 5 TTXTTA7-17T? C AT. Farm Lighting Plants 1 oni.VL4.ni i ion m Uanr RnttprV. $3 t nr. iMi ni i icz u u PJ Let us show you the Universal. J, F. BARKER & CO, .r. rlirWTC 5 Mitchell and Oakland Automu j MAZOiA 1 equal to butter fo, shortening- about half the cost MAZOIA better than lard and compounds for frying. preferred by thou sands to the finest olive oil for salads. MAZQLA A.T AULi GKOCERS Selling RrpreaentativeM JOHNSON-LIEBER COMPANY rortland Selling Representatives: KAI.KS liOO.MS Ol'EX EVES- INOS. On account of ChrUtniu week orrr sales ruonrg Till bO open r mil 9:30 evenings. C. A. I.OCKW0OD MOTOR CO. Q I).X K AT TII.LKB Chr istinas night, Dec. 25. A bij time for all-a nrerrjr Xmu niH. CASTORIA For Infants and, Children In Use For Over 30 Yean Always bears the Signature of Mitchell and Oakland Automow -.-av-VO