PAtiH THBKS ( fit ,TV"'V7vw, jfrs. -TN : A A A A rc-ceiu conference of Christian natives In the Kukema river district in west central Africa arrived at th mumentous decision that faencwXortJ It bhould be considered not improper for a man to eat with bis mother in-law. , LODGE DIltKCTOKY. I, U. O. K tatOM Kerasaasaeal N. S. Meeta iti OJd t-'ellowa' Ten. pie very Thursday evening. Visiting brethren always welcome. JOHN ItKKSK. C. P. FOTKR BUTNRH, H. P, OMVKK JtHINHON, K. 8. JAMK8 KWAHT. P. a wmzmmko. jam mm F ; w. i w- J T. a i 1 sl XPAV AT THE nil ItCHKS ! ;Ti!i' i:i'i-"'ii niurt-h. Bp'- TJ, ml a.-rvico. ChrUt- " i.v 1" 3" Cliristmaa ar C"! sundav. IK'2. J: Morning ser "liomiud. Sunday ahooi at ,'wniM "V i Th. Fin IwhII"' H"ircli. Lan J r?os; ,irts. Kev. J. H. DlcUson, .or. " . "" .' Cosno. 1 . m.i. i,v tho .Lit sul.jei't of tho Berrnon, Good ! 'Air" ' V. I. L'. will meot nt i ,w KvninK worship nt 7:30. mib ., -Where is Your Faith?" The Annual rhun-h husinosa mwtiiiK on ! HdiiM,la afl.-rnoon nt 3 o clock. ; Church sunr-r at 6. Address bv W. r Ttwiva on tho work of the past r Addr.-ss by the pastor, "Mobol for the Future." . It la hoped hat every member of this chureh "will report- The pastor will speak at '(liven at 3:30 in the afternoon. 1 The Church of Christ will hold l! L services Sunday. Dec. 26, wltn ) bisket dinner at the noon hour, merybodv invited. No collections 'liken Everything free. Tho church '.U located in South Koseburg. cornr ' Kuls-rts and Cobb Btreeta. it i MrlhiHlM KplM-ol- There will be' a hislilv iiuerestiiiR Christmas 'rnwram at the Methodist Kpiscopal "v ..... aonHui- nieht to which llhe relieral puniic are corumny ;ttfetWs IM all e lnijayous Kearts are beaitin ! Mor evermore "2'l,Ujr. . .. , . vited. The arrangemenis are in the hands of Mrs. Churchill and commit tee, and a most eujoyable lime ia as sured. A complete list of the differ ent numbers will appear and the ones taking part. There will be a decorated tree and a treat for all the children who come. Any po,r child ren that may be in the neighborhood are asked to be preesnt. They will get a treat with the rest. The morn ing service will be in keeping with the season, and Guy Fitch l'helps will speak from a theme consistent with the occasion. Let this be a rally day for all the members of the church and the Sunday school. Movie Closeups Arnold Bennett and Edward Knohloy-k are .the authors of "Mile stones," which la showing at the Anllera theatre for the lust time to night. Arnold lU nnett is one of the lead ing figures in Knglitsh Literature to day. His work combines depth or thought with the most delightful of I entertainment. Ilia books are read j "ears Kdward Knobloak ' has main- j : . . . . . k. tallica a reputation in me inrni rann of American playwrights with many ! pronounced stage successes to hU credit. Neither of these two brilliant authors whose names alone act as a powerful magnet on the public have ever done anything to surpass their late.U success. "Milestones." : 'rule' is bajish.ed. m it te World is q ow o T W Aa In everything involving the production of thia exceptional pic- ture, th cast, was selected with the greatest care. This task, because of th wida range of yeurt covered by ihe picture, was necessarily a most difficult one. Hut the result leaves nothlng to be desired. The difficult part of John Khead, is taken by Mr. Lewlq Stone. Alice Hollinter as the Hlster of Gt rtrudo Khead la given ample scope for her skill and beauty as are Mary Allen, Gertrude Allison and Corrlne Klrkman in equally at- tractive parts. Other leading charac- ters are admirably taken by Harvey . Clark. Gerald 1'ring, Boyd Irwin May Foster. Lionel Belmore, Carrol Fleming and Jack Donovan. For a second time Jack London's yarn of seal fishers, "the Sea Wolf" has been filmed and In the present incarnation may be seen at the Ma-! jostle theatre tonight for the last l time. Here and there It sticks none i loo close to his pages, but it re-) mains an exceptionally good picture which Noah Beery, Walter Long and Raymond Hatton cover themael ves with blood and glory. Brutal 'Sea Wolf was In print, and brutal It Is George M.ifori. who Erected tL.t .... - reinurKaDie piece or won, ana ms adaptator, has been unusually re- spective to London's plot and his personages. Occasionally he modifies and moderates them, but not the plot. For instance, in the book, Hum phrey VanWeydcn. the critic, was swept out ttr ea from the wreck of seems brighter istmas th ferryboat In the harbor of Saa Francisco, but the film demands that both the hero and heroine be swept through the Golden gate, and plcke.1 up by Wolf's schooner, "(.host." Of course the talo loses In directness, for It cannot be told in the ?lrat per- son on the screen, and losea in strength because some of the brutal- .ilea are omitted. Yet many of them remain, and the fight of ''Wolf" Laraen In the foc'slo, it done in a graphic fashon, whle true to t.omlou, Oofty - Ofty, the Kanara and Kelley engage afterwards la their metuor- able alteration. COLD-BLOODED WITH GIFTS Program for Those Persons Who Think Santa Claua Deception Should Come to End. We have tried to work out a tittle 1 Christmas program for these who oh-! Ject to Santa Cuius. We respect the j oplulons of all who think the deceit-: tlon should be stopped and feel that we ought to help tbeiu to arrange a ?"o,lzl and thoroughly hamr les ( hrlHtinas- what von nil-rht cm! less Christinas what you mWht call a germ lens and renovated and disin fected and veracious Joy setison which the children will take hold of with enthusiasm without In after days wishing to upbraid their parents and hiss at them, "You lied to us!" j We suggest, therefore, tlint the chil dren be called together on Christ mm , morning by the governor and adtlres , ed as follows: ! "Kids: We shall now enjoy our gift' giving. I tore off a few scuds from my roll the other day and bunded them to your mother, and she dived headlong Into the bargain counter flood and for two whole days apieared uot again, aud when she did crawl out. buttered, Jammed, ragged, torn, bruised and old, she clutched to lier bosom thee few glmcracks. fol-de-rols and highly un Hervlceal'w article:. We have plnetnl them upon these chnlrs so aa to divest the business of any stuse effect that might heighten the pleasure In any way or give a false Impression. You are to understand that I hud to give up for these things, mid I wish to for- ; get about It before I f"el renl good In side again, and with the few re marks we will now fall to, and yeu want to be quirk about It, for I want to read my paper In neifce." Judge. WONDERFUL SPIRIT OF GIVING li'r talk, but convey Anotlier year is neuriug Us close and your mennings by nods and motions, with It ending comes Unit glnd time, not forgetting to Mmke bands all the Christmas holiday season. The ah- round reputedly aud to laugh, sllcnt sent ones are hme again or if they ty hut heartily, with much xhuklug of cannot come there are the letters and sides mid bending over, tokens to be sent" and received. The, Santa may piny itt being lute, aud remembrance need not he expensive after be bus tilled the stocking be Is as to money value, to be very much caught by dml, who loudly notllles the appreciated. household and insists Unit the old fe'- Christmas Is pre-emlueutly the cbll- low puy a visit and dUirilmte the dren's dny. Io not Insist Unit Santa will not remember them if they are not good. Kor we all know that Simla Clans will surely come and the chil dren know It. too. He did not forget us In our own childhood whether we were very, very good or not. Let in teach the children about the wonderful spirit of lovln- find giving that brings a happy Christum- time. j FIRST CHRISTMAS OBSERVANCE It is said I I.hI Christum whs tlrst observed In the year 1S and that It was not until the year 1117 that It was made a solemn feusl. Pope Telewphorus de creed that, It should be celebrated by all Christian in that y-ar. On one early Christinas day the Koiiian Em peror LhKleilsn. hearing that the Christians assembled in their church were engaged In celebrating the birth of Christ, commanded that the doors of the chur n be closed and the build ing set on fire. This was d'Hie and fit hundred persons lost their lives In Ihe burning church. A BRAVE SOLDIER Jsck-ln-the-Box; Ha, ha, you're a i brave soldier, to be scared of me. j A THRIFTY SAINT ' j "Don't you think holidays tmpt ns to extravagance?" "Not at all If you will study th plctuns of Sams ('latia, jroa wilt ob serve he hm on the same old cloth) bv bss worn for years." ""The word "Yule" has in reality nothing to do with Christmas. It Is an old Scandinavian work signifying the winter soltice. which was always kept as a feast by the old tvathen Goths. I 0 . In the olnen time the Yule log waa always laid aside before It was burned out. so that the nmt Christ mas dsy the new Yule log might be lighted from the charred remains of its predecessor. - ' - -V CHRISTMAS BELLS Th rat yul toas r blailnc hlah, Tha halt with holly (recti ar drt, AnJ tillthoiu maids and mrry tada Are vayly clad In all lhIr beat. And hav y mn tha fairest maid That era hath dwelt 'iwaan saa and Mir And for my love and for my faith. Think jra aha It bring a lift to mat O, ring, ya Joy-bells, gayly rlngl O, merry minstrel, harp aid sttifft Fill every heart with Christmas cheer. For Christmas cornea but once a year, Tha yula fir blase warn, and hlsh. On oakaned rafter, blackened wall; It ahlnea upon tha falreat maid. As down she dances thro' tha halt I fltns; my weary Uarp aside, (And will aha stoop to such aa 17) 1 haste to meJt har underneath The mystto branches hana-ina; high. O. rliia, ye Joy-bells, Bayly ring! O, merry mtnstrels, harp and aina! O. fill my heart with Christmas cheer, L"'or Christmas cornea but once a year. Who hath so rare or fnlr a clft Aa this my love hath brought to mef for I was but a minstrel Ud. A dainty, high-born maid waa aha. Vet wlili her lips her heart aha cava. Her hi'art, all pure aa Christmas snow. And for her love and for her fMith. Fourth unto Joust and war I'll ao. O, rtn. ye Joy -bells, ictiyly rlti! U, hfiirt of mine. reJoK'e and slnj. For Christmas luva and Chrlslmaa cheer Bhull bless our lives tha whoJe routd Annte Louisa Brackenrldge. FUN IN PLAYING OLD CHRIS Amusement for Both Young and Old in Impersonating Blustery, Present Laden Santa. HKltK Is grout fun In Imper sonation and none more than mSJ lak,"K u prlm-e of go the part of that ' good fellows. Jolly old Kris, Several little brothers, sisters or cousins should ni:ike up the audience to be amused, ail of i hciii young enough to believe Implicitly In the whole story of (ho Journey In reindeer sMgh from the North Pole toy country to one's own Ittuih -til:ir chimney. 1'amita urn) oth er big folks mut, of course, be In the Win nie and couched to piny an ac tive pait. You will be missed from the coiu pnuy, to be sure, and dud aud mother should search Ihe house and look up and down the street and make all sorts of excuses lor your absence. And If your voice cannot be contin ually and very successfully disguised gifts. Questions lire asked about the sleigh, which Is supposed to have gone on without its, so Unit the youngsters won't want lo run out and look for it. At the end of the ceremonies, which should not last over half an hour, a sudden dlsiippearniice may be nr runted by culling the children lo the window with the supposed discovery of the returning sleigh, and Simla may slip out of the n.oiu dour, idicd and bide bis duds nnd g'i out of the hou' by the back wny, returning presently, with much noise, by the front wny, as thuir;h hu ing beeu goiie for a long time and, of course, much disappointed to have iiiIsmm! seeing Kiintii. As for the costume, that Is a mat ter of varied opportunity, except Hint the while whiskers utid wig, the fun ny little old tnssie'l cup uhd the fat aiouiuch are A CHRISTMAS CAROL Come hark tu 111 hiplmiu, Th year Is on lliu nan, A true) to strife ihut wearies life, A lrufl tu h 1 1 f ar pjjn, Oh. IH-Lirl, rrUrn to Hethiehom And hear Its rng again! If siren mrn luring- ttiee Ma .t turned thy thoughts If thou jiiMfTfl the blttvr draft Of efivy or of pride. If thou In HKoiiy of shame Haat thy dar lurd denied. Come bark toflay to fief hlehem! Tuonan tfiou hKst wati'lerrii far. No r-t sh.ill fl'l thy yea.rnlng breast t'ntll thuu thw til nr. Ob. heart, rt-turn to l! thlhem. Where yt ths nunc Is are1 EXCUSE FOR CEASING WORK The Itus-lMi working people have always el.-d upon Christmas ss an excuse for ceasing all work for a some what lerufthy period sometime for a month. Hefore tin" recent rev .'utlon "KoJenda" whs the celebration on ChriRiinas eve, when the pen sunt gatbere1 atioiit th houses of the no bles, sang carols ami syrstnhh-d for the coins tossed to them from the w in flows. Then mine a great ma ao, tier tide, when peH-alilS of all ages dn-nwl tbeineles to r-prvwnf aidninls, the ldn being to periM-tuate the memory of the lowliness of th (saviour's birth In the stable. Origin of Yuletide Yuie was the name of the ancient Bcaiulliiiiviuu festival held at the time of the w Inter solstice. The word is of uncertain origin, says The llnusekecp er. but It pmhtihly la taken directly from the Icelandic word "Jol." mean ing a feast. It Is curious to note bow many nutlons of old marked the "turn of the year" that la. the December solstice by festivals. The KyptlttiiH, the Hindu, the Persians, the (Greeks and the Itomiitis all had founts at this senson, but es(HMiully the Northern nations the Teutons, the Seundlmiv Inns, the early natives of nrliuiti re joiced at the event of the ami's turn on Its coruse. The fentlVHl was kept wlth miuh eating and drinking and uouy Jollity. One of the rorcioofUes whs the pin dug of an enormous big of woot of I en ko htrui t lull It rcirttitHl ttie strenih of scvenil men to hi lug It In upon the hearth tire in Ihe buye tire place. The burning of the Yule log was thought lo Insure good fortune to the family, espcclnlly when ch:trred pieces of the I-b Imrned the year he fore and kept over for that purpose were used to light It. Xmas Posy Party A Garden of Flowers' nn Ideal aeheine this for a fancy Christmas dress party. When the Imitations nre eut out each guest should be request ed to coiite lo "the 4iurdeu of Flow ers" droned to repreitent a (lower. Whatever (tower In chosen should be lutlmnfed to the hostess when accept ing the I u vi tut ton. For the supper table decoration for this party. In the Center siund it lnrc doll ilresseil jia h Hie tho uueeti of (lowers. In Jier hands should he f:ilcned as uitiuy gar lands of 1 nl ribbon, or strings of stiiult htoHKomM as there nre guest a Attuch Hitle giftm at the other ends of the garlands tippritprtute to the cos tumes of the kucmm that nre to re ceive them, iich ns brooches and acnrfplns with tlowirn In enamel, boskets of sweets trl tinned with (low ers, or pretty cut glass bottles or per fume, demm ted w lib hlosouis. The ribbons or garland honld be ur rnngett thai cm-h k; n;i II t'liext tiuds n correcpondlng gift; Ihus, Violet's pres ent Is adorned wlib the (lowers idie represents, ete. Tl.e menus clionUl be In the form nf Mowers or petals ami the lamp or eundle had s of rose col nred silk. As we were dmiti;- mi 'ii 'ii iih- . ir we were forced to ' O'ne s'id!en)y lo i halt. Two old Indie were vMUkv eero the biiest thoromiiffr- ns if It were the most mi'iitd.tud pl-eo or earth. I Moulded in v horn Just a they got In front f Un cur. one of Ibem stopped di'iid tlll gj-ins "I' ll very defiant liok. snld: "Vou doo t dare run over me. Why. we are lit able tV lines."--Chicago Tribune In (be ruikaiiK It Ik 1m lb v d that to die on iiriKlin;m day Is an 111 omen as regards Gr.e'a plact- In the ufter death life. That bathing on Christmas day In sures fri-edom from l.ofh U vi-rn and toothache duiinr "ir cunilng 'iir i:' one of t he old -I line sil i.-1'h' ll ioiiM which still cxist.t in I'riince. at 1 tt'g r- nam. Own r.i A uf ! (.. .' l.". Toru B-..1 1 I ff-i. N . ' l fctart Ni h.m! .ir.ii. tu n l nr w-.l. r. -'aw t.iMhuhc. mm 139- First Class Investment 2 For ab , a mod. ? a i j'j.i ."d dry gool and n.iiliinr t-t. .(--. Hl-H-k, flXtJt' . fhow (M-tH, linoleum, good will. n:iin' ;tnd lease, wl'h in n r;i !- on f!tJV paid, for :.:'oo a-h u- It stands. It h;i been in op' ra tlon for 1 4 .'r. a. id t! " ewn ers retire for god un 1 a rM. Address WATSON 40 t'nlon Av. N Tortlaud, Or koh. i STI X . J 1 S-n ur r..J UAlil.KS hosebura jiene meela In (.. hall on Ja-kaon St. on 2nd and 4th Mominr even I una or each month at K oVlork. Vlaltins; brethren In good standing alwavs welcome. VICTQH MICFLId, W. P. P. A. J Wt'I.F. W. . . P. GOO I M AN. siwretary. Kvtt.ilis oy l'.TMis Aliha Los:e No. 41. weMt evry Wednoday evfo Ing. cor. Jackson and Case fita. Visit ors alwavs welcome. HOY O. Yol'Nri, O C. ('HAS F HOl'KrN'a W F. K. & WIMHKULY. K. K. & 'iTtilVlltVus' t-F U OOlX HAKt-Llla'o flrele Ti, 49, meota on 2nd and 4tb) Monday eveninas. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. kiith cnrnriitm o. n. TILI.1K L JOHNMnN. Clerk. II. I. 4. KI.KH. Hweebars; l,olf ISe. S2S) Koldn rfKular conimunlttloDS at Ihe Klka' 'lmpl on eauh Thursday of every meoth. All members re qiiwitwv to nttend regularly, and all 1 li-ltina; tirothera are cordially la Vltt-d lo aitend. a j. Mi.nrnr. s. r. 1HA 11 lUDDl-C. tfeoy. OOIMi;N OV T1IK WOULD--Camp No. 1-j. meets In ild Fellows' hall Ik Itosi'btirg evi'ry 1st and Ird Monday v t- ii i hum. Visiting neighbors al was wolcomo. (. It. PtrKWNB. C. C. M. M MIU.KIt. Olerk. i.O 41, OUI.KIt iK MlHMK Unseburs; No. 1031 iikh-is tlrst aal thud Tufiidi.y ' evculiiKS of ee nuoilh at o clock In the Moose hall. AH lftlllng brothers are invited to attend. C. W. CliOAKR. Dictator. R o. I'AiuiSTUli. iWrstary. tl. F.. Itmfhnrs Chapter Ne. B . Mollis tlii-lr reKular (Heeling on the Nt and -1M Thuiaoays In t-ach month, aie respect folly Invilt-d to attend. hKnNA A UK A 11 AM, W. M. MUCIC JOU.'iriON. deoy. A. I', at A. M.( Irfiwirel !.oUe No. li- i:KolHr I'luninunlt aliens -nd and 4tti Wt'ducadavs each month ai. Masoalo Txoipl, Uosaburg. Ore. Visitors was come, W. F. IfAnntfl. Hery. A. A. WIMIV.K. W M. VV. II. A. U. T. SI. HiaearM Hevlew !. II holds regular reviews en ac- ond a nd foiirtli Thursday afternooae In MaicaluMS hall. Hlatvrs of other rev-tens vlniilna In our cliy are cor doilly Invited to attend our reviews. Alarm bee hnll on Cass street. m'KE, Com. -r - jama rapp. Col Itriir.KAHft -itoaeburar TtsneKnh Txtde No. 41 1. s O. F., iti'ets in Odd Fel lows' Tomd every week on TueSilaV i-venlM. Visiting; niembers In tto4 slandln arc Invited to attead, MAIM) 1'I.VI-Kll, N O. HKI-ldl HTKl'HICNHON. Bee. KTIIKL. ItAll-KV. Fin. sWcy. I. (. O, F., rhllrtnrlaa l.tare No. , meets nt Hvkt hall, N. Jai. kaon il., on staturday evening of mo week. Vitmiac brethren are always wel come, j TON K HiRVrHR, N. O. A. J. CIHniiKS, Hen. Sec. J n HAII.KV. Flo sWh itoimi nti i.oixiii wo, loea, rsjiteel 1triikrtiwMd ttt UflHlwnaae mt Way Kmpluti-e and Hallway Shop l.aker- rra AlflllaU'd with the A. F. of M.fis nt Moose hall the Qret Wed., fourth Hat. nlKhts and third Uundaya of each month, J K. SMTTTf .PrrsldenL W. J. MKKKIHTH. Keo. ry. tiKO. MAC IVHR. Flo, aleoy. TOOTH ABCESSES A BY DR. NERBAS J r-ai T-1 r T- UC1 I IOI Alt Ahsres U CllllscU hy an liiferthm of the rtN.t end of the tooth. This hiipcene after the tKtll lMH-i)ll10) lltfH't- od. Mud tlm trouble now by coiiMiltJiijr the iHntlst, Wail liitf and deliiuliitf the matter lesulls in more serious (r.'iihle. I'hono 4KH. i-11 r BERBER'S Bargain Store Extends to his Customers A Merry Christinas end Happy New Year k isP