nowrarnq wbw-wyibwthitrmiay, December 2s, ia PAflH FTVB Pre-War Service definite shape, that the civil code was promulgated, the Bank of France created, tha University of Franc On R. R. Returning MSI CORDIAL CHRISTMAS GREETING The pfficera of the Roseburg National Bank desire to thank you for your liberal patronage during the past year and extend to you a cor dial Christmas greeting. TheRosebuig National Bank wring For BigXmas Rush ..oir tw 92 Immlcra- icisls at' Ellis Island are pre- for the greatest unnsiuiaa immigrant. In the history of '. o 1-1 ninn have been in. d"11 , i0 Mpedite the movement of ... in nnfl newcom- Slng'the few days preceding 'ld!i- rtf immlErants have their departure from Europe they migni speuu iui ........ i this rnnntrv and taigratlon officials h'ave speed- the inspection uiamnici j 1.1 nSaIKlA (lie the extra efforts, offlclalB t thousands will be dlBappoln' llitmas day is expected to fin- Iliad overnowiiiK wun im ... .mi aovml bIiIdh awaltlnK tail their human rraigiu. Ji recently the Immigrants have lie' arriving at the rate of 2.000 daily and more than -O.ooe nave ' transit on the ocean at one time. Welfare organizations have offered their co-operation to the Island offi cials to bring a bit of cheer to the newcomers who will be there on Christinas day. With the hign tide of Incoming Europeans there has also been i large emigration from this port 1 the last month. The outgoing are mostly persons who were returning to Europe for a visit and to pass the holidays with the "old folks" A very small portion announced their Inten lion in staying abroad, uslg their savings In tne upbuilding or business under new conditions. It Is an old belief that Christmas brides are frivolous and fonthof nov elty and excitement. In Sweden a wife has the right to bear her own family name In addl lion to that of her husband. r - - - - WHY PAY MORE t OUR GIFT CANDIES? We Feature the Famous HELEN ARDELLE Gift Boxes , Distinctive in their originality. ) 1 'lb. French Creams . . . .1.60 1 lb. Assorted Choc. Nuts 1.76 1 lb. Fruit and Nuts .... 1.75 V, lb. Chocolate Mints . . .76 Vt yard Gift Box 1.25 1 yard Gift Box . . . .2.50 i ALSO CARRY A FULL MSE OF HOMK MADE CANDIES. lb. Assorted Chocolates 75c Assorted Chocolates 1.60 Assorted Chocolates 2.00 Hard Centers 1.60 Gift Box 2.00 lb. Gift Box 6.00 Gift Box 10.00 HE ROSE PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 23 Rail roads in this territory are returning to pre-war service so far as the com fort of passengers Is concerned. The Pennsylvania has Issued careful ln- strcutlons as to the heating of cars. Coaches In the through service must be heated to a temperature between 60 and 70 degrees; in stfburban ser vice, between 60 and 65. Sleeping cars between 1 0 p. m. and 6 a. m. must have a temperature of . about AO; in the daytime the temperature In sleeping cars and parlors should range between 65 and 70 degrees. Other orders recently issued to the trainmen Include: Principal stations at which the trains will stop must be announced In all coaches and diners before they leave terminals. Approaching stations the name of the station must be announced at least twice. No baggage will be allowed In the aisles. In cold weather the doors must not be opened unless pessengers are leaving the cars, and are not to be opened before the train stops. Trainmen must not turn the seats before they arrive at a terminal. Conductors must report all cases where passengers are forced to re main standing and the reason there for. Conductors must make frequent trips through the sleeping cars at night to see that the Pullman em ployee Is on guard In each car In service. Wooden coaches or wooden com bined cars must not be placed be tween steel cars, or between- stee' cars and the engine. Soliciting alms, distributing hotel cards, advertising matter or litera ture not directly connected with tho business of the company must be prohibited. Invites America to Celebration NEW YORK, Dec. 22. American participation in the celebration by France of the 100th anniversary of the death of Napoleon on May 6 next was invited here today by Professor William Mulligan Slbane, of Prince ton, N. J., speaking for the French committee headed by Marshal Foch. A feature of the affair whose ob jects, It Is stated, are "to bind up the wniinria nt Vraxnn will l.A - great exhibition of Napoleonic relics at Malmalson, France, to which col lections will be loaned from all parts of the world. PrnfAHnr filnnna uim S. A 9 - ' j . .u in i jtTtua held the chair of history at Prince ton ana latieny at Columbia Univer sity, said, that French statesmen, soldiers, and men of law and letters s well as other professions compose the committee which la arranging the centennial. "Making all allowance for everv severe criticism of Napoleon's career." he continued, "It 1b still true that his work unified France, saved It from partition among its foes and, In civil life, nrenarnri nlllm tha rn.. datinn And afriiftnra nf tho which In the world war saved France and helped to save all western civili zation. It was by his imnulse and guidance that the financial credit of France was restored that tha mBCT. IstrRcy and administration took For the Whole Family A FORD SEDAN Use your Christmas money all of it if necessary as a payment on a Ford Sedan (or Coupelet) for delivery Christmas morning. Pay the bal-, in monthly installments if you desire. But arrange today to have a Ford Sedan delivered to your home Christmas morning. The Ford Sedan is Oregon's comfort car. It takes you everywhere all winter, with as much comfort as if you were home by your own fireside. That is why Ford closed car sales have increased 1500 per cent each month this year over the corresponding month last year. The price is right it is cut to the lowest price ever quoted on the Ford Sedan. The retail price is fixed by Mr. Ford even to the amount of freight charged. That is your protection wherever you buy from Ford dealers everywhere. All the beauty of an electric, all the comfort of even temperature re gardless of weather conditions, with the sturdy powe, , dependability, and economy of the Ford chassis and engine, at a price you cannot resist. Runabout (With Starter) ..$602.73 Coup $894.28 Touri.nir - $649.58 Sedan $946.34 F. 0. B. Roseburg. "Have a Ford Sedan Delivered Christmas Morning" C A. Lockwood Motor Co. modelled on that of the state of New York, and the council of state organ ized. "He made private property safe, opened public charges, great and small, to all classes, founded schools, colleges and secondary schools, built magnificent highways, dug an elabor ate system of internal waterways. Improved transportation of every sort and, above all, reorganised In his institutions the commanding position of belles lettres, the fine arts and natural science. The su perb inheritance of order, progress and prosperity which he bequeathed made the France of 1914. "The French committee especially desires American participation by contributions, by the loan of Na poleona from American collections and, above all, the moral Bupport of Intelligent interest on this side of the Atlantic." Local Woman Writes For Church Paper The last Issue of The Front Rank, a religious publication devoted to Bible school and young people s worn contains a very Interesting article. written by Mrs. H. B. Church of this city. The magazine conuueta a Bible school department, In which discussions of the Bible lessons to be taught In standard schools all over" the country are carried. Rec ognised Bible students only are re Quested to contribute notes for till department, and those whose works appear are listed as authorities. Tne lesson contained In the last Issue If explained by Mrs. Church, the teach er of the Loyal Circle Bible class o' the Christian church of this city. Mrp Church comes from a family of Bible students and has long been recognis ed in the state as an authority on these matters. The Invitation extend ed her by the Front ilank, Is evi dence that her reputation as a Ili'ii student has become national. GREEN CLRAMNUH Mrs. Emma Fuller, of Corvallla, arrived Saturday and will be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. John Howard, and family until after the holidays. The many friends or miss Auarey Weatherford will be pleased to learn that Bhe is able to sit up after hav ing been bedfast for five weekB, as the result of a broken conar none. Tha Green school will celebrate Christmas in the auditorium Friday evening. A large Xmas tree, elalmr ately decorated and laden with all kinds of gifts will conclude a well chosen program. Parents of the chil dren are urged to be present. The holiday spirit will prevail throunhout this vicinity. Numerous dinner parties are being nrrapd and some gay times are anticipated The Entre Nous Club will be en tertained In an elaborate manner at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Skin ner. Mrs. Skinner Is famous for he1 dinner parties and the Xmas dinner this year will be no exception to the rule. Chief Skinner who is iodic connoisseur of these affairs, inslstf that the coming celebration will be 'a flow of soul and a feast of rea son, and then some. Mrs. Clay 8mlth will have as her guests at the Christmas dinner, the Winston families, Including her fa ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Winston, and her brothers fam ilies, Harry and Fred. Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Marsters and son Craig will be the guests of Mrs Marster's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Amadon, at Christmas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Carnes will entertain Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Carnes. Mrs Emma Fuller and Mr. and Mrs. John Howard at Xmas dinner Mr and Mrs. Wm. Au.itin will have six guests for dinner Christina day. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Agee and dau ghter, Neva, will be the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ashar Agee at Christ mas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Templln, Mrs. O. Tlson. of Roseburg, will motor out to the home of Dr. snd Mrs. Bacher Christmas day, where they will In dulge In the Christmas spirit, and. Incidentally partake of a real Christ mas dinner. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Wahlforth will entertain Mr. and Mrs. Frerf Vehrlng and son Vincent and Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Van Horn at dinner Christmas day. ' Mr. and Mrs. W. C Winston have never failed to entertain their grand children at Christmas time. A huge tree will be placed In the living room appropriately decorated. Frldav eve ning It will be llliimtnaieo ror me pleasure of the children, while the gifts are being distributed. The Merry-Go-Knund rum met with Mm I.. B. Skinner Wednesday afternoon. The next meeting will be with Mrs. Wm. Croft. Juilge EI.RTOX NEWS NOTES xtr mnA Ur, Charles Rlnder left for Marshfleld to attend the funeral of Mr. Binder's brother-in-law. Karl E. Emerson left for Silver- ton last week. Mr. Emerson, so we hear, will probably nlunge Into the sea of matrimony before ne returns W. H. Jones left for Aberdeen Wash., to attend to business matters Lawrence Smith left for I-ona where he will remain until after the Christmas holidays. Maude Oorsllne has returned from Drain to spend the vacation at her home. George Binder. Oesrr flchod snd Marcus Haines are home from the O. A. C. for the holldsys. Mrs. Reed -Moore has been very sick with the tonsllltls, but la now much better. X X c Advertise la tha News-Revisw. "j TOM FOkMAN, MABEL JULIENNE SCOTT uxi NOAH BEERY in iscn. fa GEORGE H. MELFORD'S production. THF SEA VOLF ' A PARAMOUNT ARTCRAFT PICTURE At the Majextlr Tli-atre, Ihvpmlter 2.1 mid 2. About the Women Hiding Their Ears Woman's crowning glory Is her hair, and it receives at her hands the best of care. Every up-to-dute girl prides herself on her tresses and how she wears them. The young lady of today Is particularly fond bi those littlo bunches of hair with which she conceals her ears. However the ear muffs that Miss Flapper-age wears now are nothing new. HiHtory relates that they were part of the head dress of the French lady of the Restoration period. Her coiffure km crowned with an amazing edifice of curls, combs and lace. Now, iu these modern times, the hoarty laughter that Is accorded the witty wordings about the ear puffs, etcetera, screen ed In the popular Topics of the Day films, is evidence of the general In terest in the subject of hair dressing. Whether or not, you. dear reader. ire interested In how the girls woar their hair, the News-Review feels sure that your laughter at the follow ing paragraphs will penetrate even ear puffs. News Item: The crushes on the Shelby cars at 6 p. m. are getting to re something fearful. Last night a woman was so Jostled that one of her ears became uncovere!. St loix;e DirtECTonjr. I O. n. K., KnrnmHnirnt St. 0. Meets In Oild Fellows' Temple very Thursday evening. Visiting brethren alwnrs welcome. JOHN RKKHR C. P. KOtJTKK m'TNEIl. H. P. OI.IVKIt JOHNSON. R. 8. JAM ICS BWAHT. K. B. Kh huienurg Mene meets In Moo nsu on Jackson m. on 2nd snd ttb. Hominy evenlnKs or eneh month at 8 o'clock. Visiting brethren in good standing alwavn welcome. victou ik;km.i. w. p. p. A. J..VtII.i VV. P. n. F GOOUMAN. Rocretsrv. nfSiSSlK PYTUM1 Alpha IxxlKe No. 47, meets every Wednesday even ing, cor. Jackaon and Cuss Uts. Visit ors always welcome. ItOV O. YOtTNO. C. C. CHAS .F. HOPKr.Va, U F. K. hi WlMUUltLY, K. It. a NlCKiHHOlts of wooniHArT Lilac circle No. 4y, meet! on 2nd and 4tn Monday evenings. Vlaltlng neighbors Invited to attend. EUITII CHtmcHU.U O. N. TlLl.Ihl I. JOIIN.ON. Clerk. O. P. O. KLKS, Itoaekars- Loasje No. US Holda regular communications at the bilks' 'ietnpls on eaeh Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially in vited to attend. a. J. i.n.minN. b. n. I HA H. ItlUlil.h. decy. HOonwn OK Tim WORl.K Oamp no. 12a. meets in una reuows nan in Kosehurg every 1st and Srd Monday evenlnffu. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. O. H. PICKENS, C. C. M. M. MM. 1. Kit. Clerk. I.OVAI. OHUUII OF MOOMK ItoSebUrS Lodge No. 1027 meets first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock In the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are Invited to attend. C. W. CtyOAKB, Dictator, il. O. PAitCKTKIt. Secretary. O. R. n nosehnr rhnnte We. Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and ara Thuradays In each month ars respectfully Invited to attend. LKONA AHItAHAM, VV. V,. FKBK JOHNSON. Hecy. A. F. A. Laurel l.odae No. IS- Regular communlcatlona 2nd and itn Wednesdays each month ax Masonic Temple, Hoseburg, Ore. Visitors wal oorne. W. V. HARRIS. Secy A. A. Wll.DKK. W M W. n. A. O. T. M. Sveriarg Review Sjo. 11 holds regular reviews on sec ond snd fourth Thursday afternoons In Ma.cabee hall. Hlsters of other reviews vlwltlng In our city ars cor dially Invited to attend our reviews. Maccabes hall on Cass street. Ilt'IB I.OI KK. Cora. tevsj i JMSJIK RJLPP. Co I. RBnRKAMS Roseburg KorjeKah Lodge No. 41, 1. J. O. r ., Meets in Odd e el lows' Temple every week on Tuesday evening. Visiting mernbera In Rood standing are Invited to attend. MAI D I'l.VI.VIt, N " NRI.f.s! HTKWISNHON, Bee. ET1IKL IlAM.Ey, Kin. Bcy I, O. o. F., PSIIetarlaa tdne Re. a. meets at Hykes hall, N. Jackaon Rt., on ftnturdjy evening of eao week. Vlsltlag brethren ara always wel come. LYMON T BPBNOER. N. O. A. J. OKDDKH. Mac. Reo. J. R RAII.KY. Flo. . HIKKIH RI1 I.OWIK No. lows, Ualle4 Rretaerhoaa nf lalnnane af Mas RmHatm and Railway Skoat I. Sor er Affiliated with the A. K. of U Meets ar Moose hall the first wed. fourth Hat. nlsbta and third Sundays of sach month. J. r. gVflTH .President. W. J. stERBMTH, Rao. gocw, OEO. MAC IVKR. Ha, Secy Paul News. It Is our masculine notion that the fashions might compromise and let the girls wear one ear each. To ledo Ulade. The way they dress now, some of the girls show about everything but their ears and their Judgment. The Ohio Stale Journal. Perhaps It is to disprove tho say ing "little children should be seen and not heard," that modern girls decree their "little ears bIiouUI hear and not be seen." Rutgers. There littlo ear puff, don't you cry; You'll be a bustle, bye and bye. Syracuse Herald. "Will side whiskers come Into fashion again?" asks a reader. "They're In fashion now; the girls are wearing 'cm over their ears. Kegli a. (Sask.) Post. A donkey has two great big ears, And keeps them Btandlng In tho air. I think a girl's a donkey too. Who covers her's with hair, North Adams,(Mass.) Herald It Is allrlght for a girl to Impris on her ears under her hair, but she ought to let them out sometime for exercise. Calveston News. "I notice Susie's wearing her hair "a la Robert." How's that? "Bobbed." N. T. U. Alumnus. "I'm sure crazy about my girl's puffs.' "Wear her hair pretty?" "Nix; cigarette smoker. " The Sun Dial. "Speuklng of ears, of course you know why they've been keeping them covered?" Yes! Why? N. Y. Daily In many parts of the south of Eng land there is a superstition that girls born on Christmas day should be brought up to beoome nurses, other wise their lives will always be a drenry round of ill-success. CHICHESTER S PILLS 1 TIIK 1I1AMONII iBRAHn. 'Vrns ft d life a n s-CBs-irr t s.rsasssisiu isrsuiaj nu m lira na w. I ho.trs. aieJ wltb lUus) IU larva. U.lll II 11 A Kit 1'IL.I.eV. lot B . ftm V nown l, Bcj,t. SafMt. Alwvi Belltf'lsl SOtTi RY DRUOOISTS EVERYWHEKE son Holiday Display Toys of All Description Toys for the Baby Toys for Older Children Dolls, Wagons, Skates Everything CUT GLASS Best makes, beautiful designs many choice pieces HARDWARE Fishing Tackle, Guns, etc. A Christmas Store for Christmas Shoppers S. B. CROUCH, Hardware Sheridan Street Phone 243 THE CREED OF THE! NEWS-REVIEW; TO OKT Al.I. TIIH XHW8 Ql'IOKIY AM) ntl.NT IT I.MrARTIAIXY. TO ATTKMPT AN' HO.VKST I.NTKII PKCTATION OK IMPORTANT HA1". VEXlXdH. TO OIVK EVERYBODY AM) DE MAND OF EVERYBODY A Kyi 'ARB DEAL. TO STAND FOR THE ENFORCE MENT OF THE LAWS, Al.I, I.AWrl. TO RALLY FOR WIIOOl.8, llt'HtlfliM AND WORTHY INSTI TUTIONS. TO WORK FOR THIS CITY, COl'N TY AND SECTION. .Subscribe Now To Douglas County Family Paper...