ROgBfiCRO RBWa MTMW TfMIAY. IttTHMBfelt 14, 4AW Mt The Christmas Gift Store With only 11 shopping days left before Christmas, the time in short to arrange the kind of Chrlatmaa 7u desire. Many gift problems require your attention and It la therefore well to remember that there la one place In Itoaeburg where Gifts in Taste May Be Selected Quickly and Inexpensively And while you are considering there la one safe policy. Gifts they Can Wear They Like Best We have gifts for men, women, children, the baby, and the home. Kverythlng they wear. Sllppera, handkerchiefs, fancy underwear, scarfs, klmonas, robes, blankets, silk hose for everyone, and still at our reduced prices. All Percales 29c All Ginghams 25c & 30c All Outings 24c & 30c LIMITING AKM.l.MKNT. GENEVA, Dec. 14. The league of nations aiuwrnbly went un record as favoring limi tation of armament by the pow ers for the next two years by agreement. AllTIOV. Where? Empire Feed Hum. WhenT 2 1 M. Suturday. What? One sorrel horse live years old. not a blemish, weight eleven hundred pounds. One black mare twelve years old, sound, splendid worker. One hay mare live years old, welxht 1050 pounds. One bay inure nine years old, woiKht 1060 pounds. All In perfect condition, to be sold to the highest bidder. , M. C. Itadabaugh, Auctioneer. .NOTICE. Tho Roueburg Apartments have been taken over by a responsible man ana wife, who vlll hereafter conduct the place In a manner calculated to Inspire public favor. Subscribe for magazines here. Fic tion Library, MASO.VS ATTENTION. A special communication of Laurel Lodge No. 13 will be hold In the Masonic Temple Wednesday even ing. Doc. 16th. Work In the i C. degree. Dy order of W. M. W. F. HARRIS, Secy. Don't study for hours "Say It with flowers." Holiday stock, nil sorts and conditions, including a fine assortment of baskets. Give me your orders. Buy If stock suits. Send un K. T. D. to any city In the United States and Canada. Mrs. F. D. Owen, "The Fern." Regular meeting of Alpha Lodge, Knights of Pythias. Wednesday evening at Sykes' hall. All Knights requested to attend. Liberty Theatre HOSKlll lKJ'S LEADING l'HOTOl'LAY UOVSE. "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" THE STARS OK THE WOULD IX OUR ATTHACTIOIS TODAY AND TOMORROW Big Star Big Director Big Author Big Story WILLIAM FOX PRESENTS STORY BY FRANK L. PACKARD Author of "The Miracle Man , -WITH George Walsh A SPECTACULAR PHOTOPLAY OF THE HALFWORLD THROUGH WHICH SHINES THE RADIANCE OF THIS STARS WINNING PERSONALITY. IN CONJUNCTION Fox Sunshine Comedy "Chase Me" PRICES OF ADM1SSIOX: Matinee Daily 2:15 p. trt; Evenings 7:15 and 9 p. m. Children Matinee 10c, Evenings 15c Adults 25 cents. WILL MANAGE A l. ItTME.VTS. Mrs. Martha S. Weldeman. former ly proprietress of the lioseburg apartment house, surrendered her lease on the house Sunday and left for Portland, where she expects to remain permanently. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kelghtley have taken over the b-ase and will manage the apart ments In the future. Mr. and Mrs. Kelghtley have been In Itoseburg for some time and will endeavor to muke the apartments popular. n from Green M. C Weatherford, the well known (ireen resident, spent short time here today transacting business matters. NEW TODAY. AJtOUND THE TOWS Attorney Eddy Home Attorney jj. l. tuny reiurueu morning from Grants Pass, where he spent yesterday attending to legal matters. .Moving Office- Attorney Albert Abraham is mov ing his offices from Its present lo cation In the Perkins Building to . thu nnm,luu Kutinnul Hank Bulld- ini, Loan Geddea Home Miss Loas Ueddes. who has been teaching school at Eddyvllle. Ore., has resigned her position and has returned to Roseburg to remain per manently. IterHve Wall Map The Umpqua Hotel today received a large wall map, the official map of the United States prepared by the Department of the Interior. The valuable map was the gift of Hon. w. c. Hawley and will be given a prominent place in the lobby of the hotel. 1lST Sunday, a Cameo iln. Please i'o nt Nt'WH-IU'VlKW. upward I'Ott SAI.K Holme, 3 lots. Inquire 733 TAKKN l'l'Tlmf two-yt-:tr-oUl Merrn ami tine black cow. C G. riliepparil, l'iUQMVUIr, Ore. LAST CAlTl. Ton iH I.:i- All unHolil l.v ChrlMmaa will lie leiltll out for my un ii use. jiwuer uuy wnii" inrj last. .Mr. 1. I. Owen. "The fern." Villi SAI.K 1U17 Kuril Km rlitK iMr, i;iiuI uliape. C. A. Luckwood Motor "l. Kult SAI.K Several K'nul pieffH of fin" nil lire i-liu-k. linoleum, lounKe, i't Jmtil & Mlllln. l-'lilt SAL.K Strlitlv nioilent house on hiKlily improved lots. ('lose In, pavi-ment paid. $lli"i down, balance terniM. Address Jt, T., care Is'ews Hoview. B A 110 A I NM In Custom Tai 1 oTed-Suits and Overcoats, latest price reduc tions hrlnic OOOD tailored suits within reach of everybody. Are you willing to bo jihown? Jtay's Suit Shop. I Own a Home 7 room plastered house, mod ern plumbing; corner lot 60x 100; paved street, stiilowalk. A good home. Price $2200.00. $1200.00 cash will bundle. 6 room house, closo in; modern plumbing; large coiner lot, 100; paved street, sidewulk. A cated. Price $2.ri00; J800 down, balunco terms. These two properties will bear Inspection. If you want a home let us show you these two places. INSURANCE For reliable fire Insurance service lot ua humlla vnoe business. Know that you have X run protection under our poll cles. No risk too small. G.W.YOUNG AND SON Ileal Kstute ami Insurance. 110 Cass St. Phone 417. X TT. f WeatrMT tiuron.t. local office. Ronehiirg, Oregon, 24 lioura ending f tu m : I'wIpHnllon In InHiM And Iliindrrdtba Hlffh.'st ti'minTiHure ye.slt'nliiy 46 I'"WfMt tt'Tiiperaintp lint ntnlit ... 3 Prerh. Million. lnnt LM hmiru . . i.i Total pr. ip. Mlii'-e (list if month 4.12 .rniai pr.M-ip. for t!i1n niunth &.1.U 'fitttu. prx-eip. from Sfpu J, 19l0, to il.iie 1671 Av.thh.' prtMip. frmn St pt. 1, i's'tVio':.; Total r-xt-csH from 1, I'.-it. , . 6,17 AvtTHpt" proclt'ltutlon for 43 wet oLMins Hopt. to Mnv. in.- 31 4S For. Bt to I p. m. for south western Oriron: Tonluhi fair nn.1 warmer. "UVdnesrifiy rot'ullv rain. WILLIAM HKLI Obiervr. Money also la the root of much happiness. Chairman For County Appointed Altorney B. L. Kddy, county chairman for the Herbert Hoover fund drive, which has as its pur- pose the raising of 14500 In tblf county to compose a portion of th. 23,000,000 being raised by the Li terary Digest for the relief of th. starving children In Europe, bas ap pointed the leaders to assist him In the work. J. O. Watson has been made Roseburg chairman, the quota being placed at (2600. An enthu siastic meeting was held yesterday afternoon and various plans dis cussed and acted upon. The chair men for each community and the quotas have beeu decided upon as follows: Name Post office Quota J. O. Watson. Roseburg. .......... dOO Mrs. C. W. Riddle, Riddle 160 A. O. Buker, Perdue 26 O. R. Bates, Myrtle Cr 160 J. R. Lasswell, Yoncalla..... .. 100 R. R. Clark. Oakland sou B. Huntington. Jr.. Drain 60 Roy Orlggs, Comstock... 26 u V Tlo.lala QnthArlln 100 H. L. Edmunds, Gardiner. 260 60 60 60 100 26 J. N. Hedden, Scottsburg 60 Wllf. nrowq, Camas vat Mrs. Kenny, Leona N. B. Green, Winston... Ferd Martin. Umpqua......... R. A. Hercher. Dlllard G. W. Staples. Reedsport 200 L. Goff. Elkton 60 Hon. Art. Marsh, Look. Gl..... 60 Mrs Ruth Ritchie. Melrose 66 Mrs. A. C. Hanley, Dixonville 60 Mrs. J. Alexander, Glide 25 B. F. Burnett, Canyonvllle...... 76 ..ornian Bros., Tiller.. 10 O. W. Dlmmlck, Wilbur 60 J. R. Wheeler. Winchester 26 J. W. Tollman, Enedbower 60 Fred Fisher. Winchester..... 26 Mynatt Bros., Caldera 26 I. B. Nichols, Urockway 26 E. L. Rice. Dlllard 26 Fannie R. Miller, Glendale.... ISO Why Shiver IN THE COLD? See Our Windows Ladies heavy ribbed Vests and Pants 45c per garment. Heavy ribbed unions. They are well shaped and fit snug ly. We sold them on a close margin for $1.25. Now all you want at 70c Per Garment This is the place to get your useful Christmas Gifts. BURCHflRD'S SQUARE STORE wis. iMmi i m am imvsswr mww W J1 3 The End of Our Misery Is in Sight Thursday and Friday of this week we shall celebrate the return to our new quarters. We anticipate a splendid turn out, and to make it worth your while, we have arranged a program that will be interesting as well as profitable to our friends and patrons. Refreshments will be served complimentary. There will be music and last, but not least, we shall offer merchandise at greatly reduced prices. Look over your stock, and come in with a good, long list of wants, Thanking you all for your patience and forbearance these past six months, we hope to atone for all the inconveniences suffer ed, by increased service and fair dealing that will merit your continued patronage and confidence. Peoples Supply Co. Does Opportunity Knock But Once? Some persons have the Ids. ,,, knocks but once, but we believe th., .opi"nutj the door of some people man ' " unrecognised, and often turned iw i'"0" unpreparedness. Start now Vo nrll ' b,,u opportun.tyt.rt an accZt w K !?r national Bank. notch Liarg U Interest Paid on SavingsAccouu TUT 1 , it ,. I II ' 3 111 I II -5- CHRISTMAS GIFT. SUGGESTIONS For Him: WATCHES RINGS CHAINS TIE PINS FOUNTAIN PENS SAFETY RAZORS For Her: .- WRIST WATCHES EVKRSHARP PENCIL! PEARLS RINGS IVORY SETS SILK UMBRELLAS Or a set of Community Sliver for Mother or tt Good Wife and Dad would like a new emblea BUBAR BROS. HAVE THEM MATINEE EVENING MATTE EVE TUESDAY-WEDNESDAY "More Deadly Than the Starring Lovely ETHEL CLAYTON ..... A ory involving mixture of metolnun. and UP" Uonplctnrlsed from Bud,rd Kipling's famou. the female of the species." A picture . .t . .r.iwl that is InwMlble. See It. Ciniia UU nr -v "ft DeHaven Comedy-"THE LOSrOTV TuiTDcn a V AND FRIDAY Douglas Fairbanks in the "Molcoj' Lat Run Tonight "Behold My Wife' A gripping story of the Nor - nished with a touch of soc.etj; , the town talked about yester day and. ing for the last time tonight, von ruS. rnm.A and an Educational wednesday-thursday-fridaY Mae Murray m ,"0n With theDas