OIHPBfl IIWI WWVTWW tt'MtAF, OrnRWBrirt 14, W -n-7.i.m , , bt m , Hr L . . . .r I Tone's new Pl"re- EtM1 Vk,, Ut Male". I ''" Eeiodran '"reveuiion. turn H m'o a delightful comedy I WyJ"lZni figure Is a cap- rm. "',:Uea .)rl In lore wnu I . nuer corners 01 iv e'cl.e-ntnt and tsnlr.. foW .h. nu to settle down P" uo!tlon. he retort! that C S'i're "SIU i modern clvi.l r." " wh-reuoon b "t to ktloB. MvieCloseups him mistaken. All soris 01 !-" iutluv " - in mountain camp ioiiow. ine roneervatory baa been tranaformed mirv .n African Jungle, be fight fatal duel with the girl' supposed husband, a dam bursts with nearly disastrous results, and finally there Is a rip-snorting setto with tbe har bor police, at the end of which the harrassed hero is brought to. In formed of tbe real atate of affairs, and agrees to stay cioae 10 mo fam ily fireside tnereatier. The story waa adapted from novellette appearing in a popular fii-tlnn maaaslne recently. "More Deadly Than The Male" will be the attraction at the Antlers Theatre for two days, beginning tonight. It NEUOLA Phonograph The best Christmas gift. The machine of tone and auality, From now until Christmas we will give $25.00 worth of Records with each $150.00 Neuola model" 1150 00 Model and 125.00 worth of Itecord $150.0 1140 00 Model and 20.0u worth of Records MO.OO 1130 00 Model and 118.00 worth of Records )l8O.0O I1J0 00 Model and 117.00 worth of Records gliso.O 1116 00 Model and $15.00 worth of Records U5.00 9000 Model and $10.00 worth of Records - O.0O Come in and let us demonstrate the Neuola Phono graph tojyou. Make your selections early. Our store will be open every evening until Christmas. We Se!I.on Easy Payments The Tone Shop Clarence Perkins 229 N. Jackson St. THE NEW CHRISTKlAS SPIRIT OF C1U1N3 IS; Give something useful and beautiful, rather than tawdry and ornamental. Abraham's Store has a wonderful line of beautiful and practical gifts for the whole family. Moreover, do your Bhopping early this v year. You will receive better service and a better selection to ckoose from. I. ABRAHAM Fine Dry Goods Novelties Ladies and Men's Furnishings at Christmas Suggestions Toys of Kroat variety; dolls from rag to the horsemans; Wagons, from Kiddles to the Boys' Coaster. Household Utilities Oven glassware. PYREX and other Aluminum ware in a good assort ment. Carving 8ets. Fine Roasters from Iron to the Aluminum. TUfrmos Bottles and Lunch kits. Fancy Stoneware Tea Poti In variety; Water Pitchers, Milan Bowls, Etc. Children's Plates, Vases, Cor- Tools Prom the old reUabIe potket kn,fe to Mws an(J planB b , and LET ta TRY Ca" ad 8metnlnS 'or our CHRISTMAS NEEDS. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. P 8 7m 1' remn'r that the Mystic Mitt Is an acceptable small P't to any housewife. is a Paramount Arteraft picture di rected by Robert 0. Vignola. ft ft e A photoplay ui-ve with action Ik "From Now Ou", the William Fox feature which comes to the Liberty Theatre on Tuesday and Wednesday The picture tells the story ot the duDlna- of a young man wno nas Just come Into a fortune and of bis efforts to regain the money out of which he bas been swindled. Dave Henderson. finding that Hooky llharvan and Martin Tydrinan have robbed him. deliberately burglar Ires the latter'a home, knowing thai the man la compelled to keep at nand large sums of ready cash be cause of his shady transactions. Discovering their loan and suspect ing Henderson, the men capt'ire and torture the boy in an effort to get him to confess. A clever ruso en ables bim to encape. but latter be Is recaptured, "framed" an'l sent to prison for a term of years. How ever, Henderson has succeedei In hiding tbe money In a dovecote. From the momet onf his release Henderson Is shadowed diy and night by both the men of th ( under world and the police. In efforts to discover the whereabouts uf the money. A friend' whom he trusts (indemnn him to dealh through a bit of traitorous work. Another whom h3 1 1 lists comes throiikh and helps restore In llendenon his faith in mankind. Not until the very Ian rce:e does the action let up. George Wjlsh Is the stnr. Some'hln unuxiiil In the war .f photoplav ;i.'odurtins Is presented in George Melford's "Behold My Wife!" wn'h Is showing at the Ma jestic Th-at-e for four, days endl'ig Tuesday. The picture was adapted from !sr Gilbert Parker's m.uulur novel, "The Translation of a Sav age" and is declared to combine i deeply appealing story wlh lavish and arti8lict setting. An arlstjcratlc . young F.ng!I.h nian, tempora'ely located in Canada. and an n'an girl, whom. In a mo ment of .age because his parents have caused his fiancee back borne to Jilt him. be marries a") the chief characters in the picture. Anx ious to disgrace his rnlks, be h ml his redskin onde to England. Hut be has reckoned without the girl's real character and the big-lieared-ness of his cMer brother. Fo n a few years, she blassoms Into a real belle. Dramatic events bring aout a reconciliation between the iil matcbed pair. Mabel Julienne Scott, Milton Sills and Elliott Dexter are in .ho cast, and the picture is a Paramount. Unity of Action Subject Discussed WASHINGTON. Dec. 13. Pimr- dlnatlon of effort and unity of ac tion In marketing agricultural !ro ducts will be the principal subject before the nation wide conference ot agricultural rpreaentatlves at St. Louis, Dcember 16. 17. 18, accord ing to Charles S. Barrett, president of the National Farmers In kin. which requested tbe National Bourd of Farm Organisation! to call the meeting. Mr. Barrett describes the confer ence as a getting tonether of the supervisors of the many furmers' cooperative ageucles now In exist ence. "It will not be another noe of the thousands of conferences which have met in the past only to result in a discussion of plans aud nothing more," says he. Something In the nature of a nil tlonal marketing bourd may be evolved at this meeting, and cooper alive buying of supplies also will be considered. "The cooperative meeting . suyi Mr. Uurrett, "l for the purpose il counseling together and maturing and carrying out plans for a bust ness enterprise which will adequate ly meet the agricultural slluutlou and In part free agrlcullure from its boudage. 1 urKe thq Farmers Union people, especially those wh are In cnarge ox our cooperative business enterprises, to attend Mils meeting In large numbers. I hope that cooperatives In other farmers business organizations also will at nd and that nil of us can Join to gel her in one great movement. ' Several years lie biumi us o I lit1 greatest agrlsultural effort in tile face of the greatest obstacles eve encountered by American farmers And now suddenly at the end of the crop producing season with costs o labor, seeds, leeus, fertilizers unit interest rates higher than before. deflation policy has been put In mo tlon that has caused wheat to sell at the country buying stations to only a little over a dollar a buh and upland mldlaiul Cotton to sen (or only a trifle over fifieen cents pound. "At Washington I find that prac tlcally everyone whose business It Is to keep informed as to public sf fairs Is now beginning to sense tlift fact that agriculture Is In the in Ids of a great crisis tbo outcome which is uncertain and which if not pruperly met, will Involve the wel fare not only of fanners, but many others as well. Real alarm is being expressed by some of the very people, who I am convinced are in part responsible for tbe crucifix ion of farm prices, that the gigantic losses to farmers will pyruiuld into still greater losses to the capitalists A Jugcrnaut Is bearing down on its creators. "The farmers of this nation have the grit and brawn to defeat the sinister designs of those who are re sponsible for setting in motion such deflation In the values ot agrlcul tural products as this country has never experienced before. fir clean cilin a dean enehir Ailvortf.se In the Nfwa-Roviow. Weftwajaa. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NKW CLASSIFIBD ADVERTISE MIS NTS WILL OB FOUND ON LAST PAUH VNDBH HEADING NKW TODAY. WANTED. WANTED Violin carry In if can. good one. Kay Mult tfhop. WANTED iood mlh milk, f'hon I-KI2. oat, diving WANTED Wootlr hop pern. Kre cabin. J. K. Plaint ed, phone 16-Ki. WANTED Boy's bicycle. Addreas W. O., N?w-Review. WANTED Tumeys, large of uoyer uroa. rnono n-rn. WAN WANTED Share proposition ; 30 ncrea nnetu garaen noil, two nines from Rosfburtf; niont modern country home In the county, bath, toilet, hot and cold watr, etc.; a real oppor tunity for the rlRht man. Apply Lawrence-Cordon Company, 125 t,'aa street. Phone 219. FOR RENT. FOR RENT Furnlwhed room with bHth, gentleman preferred. 222 W. Douglas. ton Roseburg National Bank. rtENT Safety deposit boxes. r OK RENT Furnished room with privilege of bath. 4ul & Main Ht. f-'OU SAKE Used l'htiiie 6a. Dodge car, cheap. KOlt HA LK CahbiiK, any amount, f. . b. Dlllurd or delivered. Rite Mros. KOR 8ALK mo Ford. selC-start electric lights, run 3li0 miles; special built b-panHeiiKer body, one man toil vacuum feed; snap, inquire 131 Oak r Ht. ' . FOR SALE 50 flue feeder hogs, weight iuu ins. or over. u. L.imulum, iixon vllle. Ore. FOR HALE Oood Ford With touring and delivery I.o.IIcm, flioo. MukIi Har rison's Oaragtt. FOR ISA I.E Splendid young Jersey cow, tresh soon, gent l e. 4 liod gen t le pony. Raddle and bridle, ft 5. Hurry it. Hoantiiian, Ten illle. Ore. FOR SALE 3iu IVtite prune also uiie 5"0-et g Ivtitluiiift bntor. (1. V Itagan, Myrtle Creek. t recs, Ore Roi !H. FOR HALE Maldwln apples. II per lioi. Aiaynower itancii, phone lr. H. I Bradford, I0-F4. FOR RENT Single room. preferred. Inquire ZM So. gentleman jacason. FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping apartments and sleeping rooms. Roseburg Apartments, Main and Douglas. Phone Ms AU.UKn ny lM KMHKB COIRT. B Burnett. Ubor. District Ilrl"""'l. nei sS'T' UK"W JRe. UborTl) iiricT k District" 13.0' (2.00 33.00 4.00 CO 80 00 14.00 24.00 1(00 w . s. 44 0( 0 I. R. Dailey. Labor. IHstrlct No. 3 27.00 Cbas. Wroe, Labor, flstrlat No 4 28.0' Prank Uetssner. Labor, Dis trict No. 4 4.0 Paul Lane, Labor, District No. 4 38.00 D. O. Weatherly, Labor. Dis trict No. 7 36.00 J. Ft. Hutchinson. Labor, District No. 11.8" A. Mode. Labor, District No. 8.00 II. A. Wilson, Labor. Dis trict No. 11 10.00 A. Wilson, Labor, District No. 11 10.00 B. P. Moore, Labor, District No 11 (.00 Georire Barter, Labor, Dis trict No. It. 4.00 Irvln Breltenbucher, Labor District No. 13 1.00 (To Be Continued.) MISCELLANEOUS. rAlIxmiNll. dresnmHklnir of all kinds. l'hne JK 7 -it. K. Main. SINC1NG HEN l'oultry Plant, ore Hooking 01-uern for 19 I-Khorn lay-olil chlx, t lfi' WnlK 1 Willi h h. MONEY TO LOAN Jo-year rural credit farm Ioqiib, low Interest rl. 920,000 local money to loan os Kood real estate. Plrat mortltaga. H U V Hira nf Rica A Hire. an elKlit inonllia old EST HAY About calf, yellow Jt.m', n H. Atlerhnry. 2nd Ave. pWaae rail for iiimi marked Houth. Owner LOST AND FOClvn. LOFT Fountain pen. without cap. Kinder leave at News-Kevlew. KtJirNIlTwo amall ffold rrialns. Owner may aet prperly by payina lln(? rnarif H.r.- -"' FOK HALK. FOR SALE Tatting and rrnhet work foi u.ie. -Mrs. U'm. Orr, E. Iouglas St. Rt 1. Ux I T-14- KAI.E FoR ' heifer calf. side. mtl-h roi Alexander, r with Rlver- FOR SALE OR RENT 160 srre fiirm, about 125 a res farming land, near Isadore station, txxiglas County. J. H. Itawley, Ilvide. Ine County. OreEnn. w FOR HA l.kV Clirlstniss valnuli cents lb In lo-lb. hts over. J l Young. I'honw i'Z F2. 0 Mis. FOR HA l.E -1 liJO Ford touring, with starter. A -1 condition, reasonable. C. A. I-ockwood. FOR SALE t-passengerStudebaker, cheep if taken at once. Inquire u4 Knt iMtuglas St. for sale compi t lairst Futned oak piano, etc. 3T Ho. J 'Ine Hr FoRHAlK Several mm1 hoiie drs; 1 fine glas dor; hinges, knobs, etc. J odd A M-MUIIn. Ff'R KALE 'ireen ak and flr fair grounds. W. E. Roberts, Fair Urounda. FOR SALE -Vord taxlcab. household furni genu.ne leather. thing for Jitney buslneaa. U Kuacburc Oarage. Just "thfl $ It at FOR SALE (lood team of wrk liornes, $."0 If taken ;t in-e. In-iuiie at Cass street, or rhoru" ?19. FiRflAlsE Apples and cider delivered In town. Phone 1!8-F2. I II. Hklnner A. Sons. Vint MALE 30i'0 ft. 1 '4 -liioh second hand pipe In goKl rondition, 12 cents per foot f. o, b. Itoselmrg. Roseburg IMumblng and Heating 'o. COTKEREl-S FOR HA LE-Froin high producing strain of bird. While 11 y mouth Rocks and White Leg horns. Am booking orders now for day old chicks. Eggs for hatching In season. A. H. Hunt, Tilt Jackson Ht., Roseburg, Oregon. FOR WALE- One cow. due to calve Feb. half-breed Holstein ; one heifer, 2 yearn old, freh about I ec. 21 HolMeln. One graie llolidi-in year ling heifer. Oeo. Telford, Rt. I, Hone burg (II a pp y V alley) , FOR HALE- A heauilfiil If. acre fartH. 3& seres farm liind, I mi I. pant tire and timber; fair Hid km., family unhai 1, fine WHter, well Spr.; near good school and church. lri e If sold soon, I'Jlttio.iHi. See J. A. Walker, Hj t'ass I Ht. Phone FOR KALE Ranch of 210 aVres.' ftlso ranch of 2"0 acres, or both toK'ther, i as they Join, and are good sto k ranches; also 32t acres fir timber. Tiargatn If tken soon. Inquire of Springer A Wilson, Olondale, Ore., or C. R. Hprlnger. Axalea. Ore. i'RL'NE TREKS at $J6 p.T up. Ttiree sixes to selet T A LI AN PRi;NE TREKS i U0 and up. Ttiree sixes from. Pedigreed plants In "Tretda," the greatest commercial canning strawberry yet Introduced sold at fl& per lotto, other standard varie ties at 7 per 1'HiO. We -ll all tirie tles of trees and plants. Eugene Nurseries. Eugene. Qrenon. Fo It HALE TTi g sfinp. Ml acres' b.autl fully situated, bent prune section In stale; 2 minutes walk to J-lvrlle 'reek arid high school; 20 miles to Roseburg on highway; IT, acres 1-yeitr-old prunes. 7 acres full bearing apples, fitenlly or hard, iii acres In p, 1Z to tin pianieo; new irivu iiriiie ana out tlou worth personal prop erty. For oitlck sale will sacrifice everything for per acre. For prtl ujais write U. C Ragan. BoK 2I. M r-rtie i:reek. Oregon FOR SA LE A HEAL HoMK AT A REAL HAR'IAIN. t'onvenlently ar ranged t-room bouse, furnlsihed or unfurnished, strictly modern, puv pient paid. In one of best resldHnce districts; 2 lots, en corner. Well im proved with lawn, roses, ornamental shrubbery, several varieties choice young bearing fruit and nut trees, strawberries. blackberries and 3 rape. $1240 down and terms. Ad rasa A, A- car Nswi-Revlew, plastered bungalow. buildings. r II II III l?rttrttJy iiiiKiiitMw W V now man miles have you your car ? T TOW many miles with- JL JL an men. . out changing engine oil? Dirt accumulates in the oil of every engine carbon, road dust, fine particles of metal, and gasoline that has escaped past the pistons. This dirty, diluted oil circulating through your engine causes unnec essary wear on bearing surfaces. Have it drained out now and fresh oil put in the crankcase. We can do that for you conven iently, quickly, economically with Modern Crankcase Cleaning Ser vice. We use Calol Flushing Oil, the new, scientific flushing agent, which cleanses thoroughly with out danger of contaminating the supply of fresh oil. And to assure correct lubrication we refill the cleaned crankcase with Zerolene of the correct grade. Bring in your car today. Modern Crankcase Cleaning Service will give immediate better engine per formance. Done regularly it will lengthen your car's useful life. i ) C. Hagen, Glendalo, Oregon. C. A. Lockwood Motor Co., Roseburg, Oregon. A. L. Miller, Canyonville, Oregon. C. W. Parker, Roseburg, Oregon. Weaver & Valentine, Myrtle Creek, Oregon. Roy Catching, Roseburg, Oregon. George Shank, Roseburg, Oregon. Patzlaff & Baker, Roseburg, Oregon. Highway Service Co., Roseburg, Oregon. W. D. and J. W. Gowan Garage, Yoncalla, Oregon. BUY A STAMP THIS WEEK HfcALI HYi JEW YEAR RHEUMATISM The rlKlit triatiiM'tit for this dread allnn nl is found in ANTI-URIC This lurlml niiifily elimin ate the poisons whlrh cause rheumatism; restoring the sys tem to normal h'-altli. Vour money refuml'il If the r'ull do not ph ase. For Sale by Nathan Fullerton Roteburg, Oregon IOFKfIONAICAIlim T'AIIKKH, vSrf'ln.-" kuhlViaiien f)l MIIN. tr. It. o Mft Cut Flowers. Phons jjl). ill W. Uses. lH. M. II. PI.ri.Klt Chiropractic yhraVlaa. 121 W. Una ftl. IllTII !!. I'lano. Theory, nil KWiderKilrtrn. 1U04 Will He. I'hons U-L. Mual-Fhat A rard party will he Riven Wed nemliiy eviuiitiK. I'ee. ir. In Miicrabee hall by the W. II. A. of the Mupca bees. AdmlHslon 25c. Herrenhiiienla will Im served and the public Is cor dially Invited. CASTOR I A For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bean ' ' Siffnatura of Hamilton Drug Co. now have tha eicluslve agency In ltoseburg for lAiwney's Famous Chocolates. In the Circuit Cosrt of ma Btata of Oregon for Douglas County. In the uiattttr of the receivership ot The J. F. Lusa Cumpauy, a cor poration. Notice Is hereby glvea that tha undersigned receiver has filed hla filial teport In the above entitled court, and the Honorable J. W. HaJu llion, judge ot said court, bas fixed Friday, December 17, 1920, at tea o'cloek a. m., In has chambers In tha courthouse at ltoseburg, Oregon, as the time and place for hearing ob jections, If any, to said report. Any and all persons Interested ara re quested to file their objections. If any, to said report ou or before the above date. W. H. ST. JOHN, Itecelver of The J. F. Luse Company. Christmas Photos Make Your Gifts Personal Ones PHOTOGRAPHS Will Solve a Lot of Problems Make your appointment as soon os possible CLARK'S STUDIO atta