Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 09, 1920, Page 2, Image 2

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    I. OK TWO
U.u4 Dalljr Kxornt taaOmr.
B. W. ln" V WTuibrrly Bfrl U. nl
Datljr. p.r ye.r, by iiihII l 00
LaUy, alx Diontba, by mail . I-OU
by Carrier, per month
'fli. A.juclatetl freM 11
ntltleu to th ui. for rttpubllctetiou of
all niwi dl.pnu-tie. ermlned to U or
Mb.oth.rwl. crMllt(Ml In thl paper
ud aUu th local new. publuhed bru
to. All rlKhia ol rpubllcatJun of spe
cial dupalchea herein are alau reeerved.
Untvred an uond-ciae matter Miiy
17. into, at the poet affile at Ku.asbum,
Oregon, undur the Act of ata'-ch 1.
KoKeburg, Ore., Ikvcihiht 0, tWM
Senator Borah, one of the promi
nent 'Irreconcilable!," who opposes
any ort of league or uaaociation of
nation, which may link America
with Uurupean ailalra, has Junt pub
liahed his outline for peace. He
would diclare peace by reaulullou,
and preserve It by txn udlng the
powers of The Hague tribunal and
establishing an International court to
"setllo disputes without resort to
war." Like many another program,
his la not so simple as It sounds, but
parts of It might be favorably con
sidered in Ibis country, and p issibly
111 Kurope. He has Introduced one
clause, however, which will meet
with the sharpest criticism on every
hand, it Is to "declare that all ter
ritory Beized by nations. In I he peace
Belli, ui. uls shall be given back to
the country from which II was appro
priated." In this proposal the sena
tor Is going beyond the hounds of
either Judg nt or Justice. The re
turn of territory which he suggesls
would Involve the return of Alsace
Lorraine by France to (Jeruiany anil
of Trent and Trieste by lialy to Aus
tria. Any attempt to force such a
proceeding would be the signal for
resumption of the war. The mere
suggestion Is enough to make the
dead of Flanders fields rlso up In
Rev. Condor on
Trip to Portland
The Portland Oregon Journal baa
the following to iay In reference lo
a former minister of this city: llev
Juiiu-a K. Condor, of KoBebunx, In at
j hit Seward. ' Tnttl recently 1 huve
iieen pastor of the Mt-thodUt church
uuth at KoHfburg," said .Mr. t'on
iler. "Two yearn ago the Methodist
churches of the North and Mouth
came very near to uniting an they
hud been up to 1844. We all tee!
ihut to keep up the feud engender
ed by th differences ariHinn in the
years before and during the Civil
war, when those who are not Christ
ians have forKotten and have for
given each other, fa a reflection up
on our church and is a mailer which
ih difficult to explain when a non-
i hurch member asks us if we forgive
i hone who tre:'pfn against us as we
ourselves hope to be forgiven. Tin
Kreat body of church member are
anxious to have the union of tin
Methodist church, as. North and
South, tuke place, but a few of the
nlshops and rhun-h dignitaries h;ive
siood In the v. ay of this much to be
lefored end. II will come, though.
In time. At present f am serving as j
Held secretary of the Aiiti-Siiloon
League of America. Our headiiuart-
rs are nt V estervillo, Ohio. I am
acting as advance agent for MwIh
A. Hanks, formerly of Philomath, iu
lien ton county, not far from Cor
vallfK. He Ik author of tj'J book
mil a brilliant speaker.
o .
Survey of Schools
Has Been Started
The records of the Hulled Staler
internal revenue couimiMHlotier pro
sent a cuho of mysterious disappear
ance which should attract some mas
ter mind of the sleuth world, were
there nny such. They ahow that In
1117, G,l!tO persons turning in In
come tax reports were rated as mil
llonaltes. In 1!I8 therw wero only
20,944. This indicates the disap
pearance of over 0000 of the people
who have made America famoiiH In
Borne circles of the world. Police
records usually show that a larg
percentage of tho "lost persons" who
dinappear In the course of a year art
found or return again to their homes.
No doubt It will be ho willi these lost
millionaires. Perhaps they huv
passed on to the more t xelusm
gioup of mulli-mlllionaires. Period"
the If. C. L. reduced their financial
rank. Whether they have moved lo
realms where Income taxes do not
exist or whether the Internal revenue
department has simply mislaid them,
no grout anxiety need be felt ovei
their disappearance. When last re
corded they had funds enough to
carry then, safely through a fairly
prolonged exile.
Two entirely new United Stales
government securities will be Issued
111 1921. They are a $1 t reiimiry Hav
ing stamp and n $25 treasury sav
ings certiticate. Tho decision to Is
Bue these securities comes as a result
of. the savings campaign carried on
by tho treasury department during
the present year in industrial plants
throughout the country. This cam
paign has demonstrated that workers
like a $1 unit for saving and that
they nlso are seeking an Investment
security of the $2fi denomination.
Tho new (1 savings stamp will be
bright red in color imprinted on
green tint nnd will bear the bend of
Alexander Hamilton. This Is (he first
time that the tlrst secretary of the
treasury has been tit llngly honored
by having his portrait on a govern
ment savings security. The new $2G
savings certlllcate will be similar in
design and terms to the treusury sav
ings certificates of $100 and $1000
maturity value, although of different
KoKebutg men-hunts are a busy
set of people Just now. The Xmas
buyers are In the field looking for
bargains. look over the News-He
view advert (seme tits and keep in
touch with the dally offerings of
tho live merchants who are taking
advantage of these columns to let
the people all over Douglas county
know where tho goods and bargains
can bo found.
If your business Is lagging try nn
adv. In the News-lleview. We can
put you In touch with lT.oiitl people
In tho county every day of the week.
Worst thing about ihn man who
taken up your time telling his Iron
hies Is that he gives no chance to
tell your own.
You can't rise to your responsi
bilities until you drop your worries.
Miss Kuih Montgomery, a grad
ualH st udent of l be I Diversity of
Oregon, is In the city making
ducatlonal survey of tho Hoselmrg
ic hoots. These fit unit lonal surveys
ire something new in school history
and owing to Sup!, llaium, who was
nstruniental in securing the survey
for this city, Uoseburg is the first
school In tho slate of Oregon whore
'he complete survey Is being made,
vt uch publicity has been given to
'he fact in the Kugene nnd Port
land papers as school men in the
.(ate are interested in the new de
parture. Miss Mongomery hus had
I'xeprlonce iu thin work and Is at
xpert In "sizing up" a school sys
em with a view to finding defects.
f any exist. This week mental
estH hTm being taken in every grade
n eaeli school, and next week Hie
iltelllgent tests will be given. At
he end of the two weeks that Miss
Montgomery Is spending In (his ell;
he will tabulate a report on the
ichnols showing where improve
inents could be made and the exact
;tatus of each room as to whether
ho students are as far advanced as
hey should be.
Butter and Cheese
Makers in Session
PORTLAND, Or., Hep. 9. Til.
'leveuth iinniial eonveutlon of t lit
li'i'Kon duller and ('lieeeiiinkers
ipeneil hero today. The program
is announced by V. II. Cutnli.'ll,
it t orvaiiis, seerelni-y, included ml
iresses on tnuiiy subjects pertaiiiini;
dairies. Hutter and cheese ex
liliits are n feature of the conven
ion. Hutter will he Kcoreil hy K.
V. Ilnuskii and cheese hy L. II. Zel
nier and otto Friedll.
Following an address hy ft. V.
I'ninklin, I'oi'iliind, president, 1 M, or the Orcein ALTicilhiial
ull.'i;.' was on the ninming program
.or a tiilk on "The Hairy Council an. I
he Dairy Industry." II. V. Thomas.
Coos county cheese Inspector, nlsu
.vas on the proKrani for "Observa
'inns." Tilt iil'ternoon program in
eluded nn address by C. c. cinip-
maii Law Makers and I. aw
llrcakeiM." F. W. Il.illske, of Chi
. am), on '"Neutrnliztion;" Ceor..
i.e.. lis. n. I'orllau.l "Pasteurization"
and Chris. Nelson, Jlvrtlo Point
tlassy Milk."
Let 'er rain -Rood and hard.
Fat Man Dies at
Sacramento Home
"Sacramento Jne," the f 0-pound
fat man, who visited liosetmrg dur
ing the last Strawberry Carnival,
died at his home In Sacramento on
I tec. 8. while being made ready for
an operation to remove ion pounds
of Tat In order to rnolon;; bin life.
His real name was Joseph It. Kre
hoi'k, but ho was known by the name
of "Sacramento Joe" while on his
various tours with circuses. Hide
shows, carnival companies, etc. K re
beck, formerly n restaurant man.
wHghrd at the time of bis death
about 6 40 pounds.
lb- had traveb d with a circus when
he was weighing around torn peunds,
but recently, because of his rapidly
increasing obesity, had spent about
20 hours a day sleeping at his home.
Good Tilings for Christmas
Nothing quite so highly appreciated as a Christmas or Pinlid,:y gift.
that anniversary or In loving remembrance of some special oct-asion
us a box of those deliriously good chocolates.
We have them, also a full line of Christmas Mixed Candu
Kruits and Nuts.
Ho would smile If you would give him a box or those really good
Cirais. 12. 25 nnd f0 lo the box.
The Alcove
I1H Jackson M. The Plact Whtr Santa Claut Tradet.
An account with the Roseburg National Hank
Kivea confidence and adds financial strength
to the standing of a firm or individual. Your
Checking Accouut is invited.
The Kosebur National Bank
Roseburg, Ore.
Beautifully finished ri.OOIt LAMPS wllh two pull chain
Hiieki'tH, full hI.o pedtslul ceuipK-te wit li G ft. of silk cord (with
out Khiidcx) f 12.0(1.
SILK KlIADLS for floor lamps,
$2. HO to $211.50.
tal.ln lamps und chain drops,
Be Pactical
Give Something Electrical
In Helectiug the home gift don't overlook the wonderful values
at our store. Table lamps, boudoir lamps und many beautiful
gifts in nickel, silver and bronze.
Certified Quality and Specialized
Service Guaranteed
Electrical Store
Must be turned into Cash
Our. full page ads in Tuesday's and Wednesday's News-Rev-explained
our reasons for placing our entire stock at your mercy
At Prices You Will Never Hesitate to Consider.
Ten Days of Profitless Prices !
All regular Ginghams, 25c & 30c All regular Percales ?q
All regular Outings 24c All Silk Hose ZS."Xofi
All Fancy Figured Satines, '.. 75c ' 0
A Wonderful Assortment
Everything reduced over
15, some things re
duced 50.
S. K. Busick, a resident of the
Soldiers Homo, left this afternoon
for Collate Crove, front where he
will go over tho motor lino lo Dor
. nt, Star, Diseton and other points
in that vicinity.
E. M. Addison and family left this
morning for Portland, where they
will visit wllh friends and relatives
for a few days.
VWI in Portland-
Mrs. C. P. Sn-llMt. ..j .
Taylor left this mnrnl,."J u
and EuKeno to visii .i5. .J"
ri-lillivi.M for 4 . ullla
., 01)l
I "Professor Pep," (ho Junior play. -Professor Pep1!
a i tit
r. 8 a
No Extension of
Time is Granted
The following leltrr received to
day fnnu Internal llevenitft Collector
Milion A. Miller is self-explanatory:
"It appeaiH that some taxpayers
iielh've tlint tiny have ten days race
m ihe t mi it li installinent of the in
come and excess profits tax s due
eceiiiher Ifith. Ktu'h a provision
was contained in the 1 !M 7 revnne
act, hnt was removed by the n venue
act of No extension can be
grunted under the law.
"In order that th is impression
may bo corrected, it Is desired that
he wiliest publicity be given to the
following statement which should be
s'-nt to the dally newspapers In your
district for simultaneous release:
December 15th is the last day for
the payment of the fourth install
ment of the Income and excess
profits taxes due this year. To uvold
penalty, the tax must be in the offices
of tin1 collector of internal revenue
r branch office bv midnight of that
"Iniiuiriefi reaching the commis
sioner of internal revenue Indicate a
belief that taxpayers have ten days
grnce on this installment. Such n
provision was contained in the 1!H7
revenue net but was removed by the
ifVi iiue act of 1 ! 1 S.
"Payment of the fourth in-ital!-;ient
may be made in cash or by
noney ord r or rln-ck. The bureau
f internal revenue mges that wher-
ver possible payment be made by
heek or money order. This method
' i 1 ls tlie raxpaver hy tiaving him a
:rip to the colbcloi's office nnd
ivnnN congestion at the cashier's
.window. t'lieck or money ord r
hould be Mitnle payable to I'tdlector
f Internal Kevenue.
' Hills have been sent to taxpayers,
nt failure to receive n bill doe not
relieve the taxpayer of his obligation
m pay on time."
U.tll.Y MK.lTOKIl nKI'Olll.
1'. S Wonttivr i:urrj.i. T.-H-fll ftto.
Uejtf.tuirrf. OrvK'.iii. hours en-ling 6
. m r
rreHitlfnitofi in Inrhrn nnd HiindrriltD
I I lh- t ellip.? ,u m,. , tv
1 ..eV . -t I em M-1 ill lit l:i vt til K b( ... . I -
I'l f. tpiMt i. mi. la "I I I. ,.ut ol
Tot il pre. ip Hin- i' first of month 1 L'
XortnM pr.. Ip. for itui month
from epl. 1. 1
two kstati; ih:ais.
N. M. Swain yesterday disposed
bis highly improved 1 I acre
chard tract, a short distance V
id" the city, lo Anna M. Wilson
new nrrival in this enmity. The
place is well Improved and has
several fine buildings. Ann! her
real estate transaction completed
last night, was the sale of the Henry
Amlrie dwelling on Fowler Htreet to
A. A. Murphy, who recently arrived
iu Roseburg.
'Professor Pep," the Junior play.
An adv. in the daily NVws-Revie
a mighty fine business getter.
Here is one of the most
useful of all closed cars.
Specifically so when not
more than two or three are
to be accommodated with
reliable car service. The
Ford Coupe is a mighty
cosy car, in that it is abso
lutely -water-tight, at the
same time with its sliding
plate glass windows you
can have an open car, to all intents and purposes, in a couple of minutes.
So it doesn't make any difference what the weather may be, rain or shine,
.summer or winter, in the Ford Coupe you have an enclosed car of comfort
and service. What more do you want?
It has proven particularly a valuable car for traveling salesmen,
physicians, engineers, architects, and others who have much out-of-door
work all the year around. We have never been able to fully meet all de
mands for the Ford Coupe, but with the increased producing capacities of
the factory we are now able to make reasonably prompt deliveries. Yet we
urge you to leave your order with as little delay as possible our allot
ment is limited.
C. A. LOCKWOOD MOTOR CO., Roseburg, Oregon.
i .;
ittf prt-elp. from t.
I .'Xi.'-i fiotn Srpt .1. IV.
prripUutton for 43
!.:t.n (Svit. to Uy. lncV...3tH
Korrcftit to I p. ra, for vouthweatvrn
loiiight nml KrtJav raiiv
W IU-IAM tiU Obarvr.
$4.85 F0R A ne u. s. army blanket
0. D. (Olive lrab). Wool, size 6SxSG-a Great Bit: U. S
1 11,1,11,1 Army Blanket, which you will be prond to own.
Hundreds to select from All U. S. inspected. Reclaimed by the Government,
from Camp Leu-is, U. S. A. Every one stamped "U. S."