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About Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 6, 1920)
f - PAOH MX ROIKRORO KIWI RKTTBW MtMAY. IK KMMr.'H a, laao. Wilbur Store Is Robbed of Money The general ttture npernU'd by Hen Dinger hioiiieru at Wilbur was enteivd lute Saturday nl trill ly Bcune unknown partlia and between $35 and $40 were taken. None of tlie goods in the Btorc were touched and nothing fclaua has been mitttted. The money was taken from the cash drawer. Kntrance waH made through a window which had hwn forced open. Sheriff Qui ne was noti ced and Is endeavoritiK to apprehend the criminals. It Is believed the work. If that of transients. CLOSING fiAMK. The cloning llanket; Hall frame of the lntor-class series at the local ltih school was played Friday even ing bi-twenn the Seniors and KreHh nien, both girls and boys. The Sen ior girls were victorious over the "Veshinen boys. Fridays game gives the highest Htandtng to the Fresh men, with the Juniors second. Soph omores third and Seniors fourth. Manager Donnellan of the Li berty Theatre left Sunday for I'ort land, whore he will attend to busi ness matters for a short time. Wilson Receives a Committee Today Hv AtwocUittnl Pram WASHINGTON, Dec. 6. Senator Lodge today headed a committee call ing on l'n-sldent Wllaon to Inform him that congress Is now In session and ready to receive communications. The president did not Indicate whether ho would address congress In Joint session tomorrow In person, aa he haa done on former occasions, or BUbmlt hia message to be read. The committee, however, gained the Impression that Wilson will not ad dress the session personally. laiwiK Tiiisii has on display a "black mud" tur nip for which he claims the Douglas Ip for which he claims the Uoiiglas County record. The turnip Is thirty seven and one-half Inches in clrcum ferance, and weighs seventeen and one hair pounds. It was grown by iiarry Williams of Kdenbower. Miss Kathryn Devoe arrived in Roseburg Saturday to visit for a short time with her sister, Mia. II. C. Waddoll. Miss Devon haa been In Portland for some time, and Is now enroute to California. LIBERTY THEATER hosi:iii itti's leading photoi-lay 1101 sk. "WHERE EVERYBODY GOES" TIIK STAItS r TIIK WOULD IX Ollt ATTH.UTIONS LAST TIME TODAY A Screen Masterpiece An Exotic Drama of a Woman's Soul."Farrar" the Great Enigma. Ceraldine Farrar the Greatest Opera Diva in "The Riddle Woman." Geraldine Farrar -IN- "The RIDDLE: WOMAN" tip W wM i (111. I Movr;r l.ovio II. 1. 1 AM I'. CAKIrON A I t I .i: lll.tHID IIKATI'.D CAST rit.WK mi:k i.u i a i Kit M IIX.K ItM.l.AMY (.1 ItAI I Alii! Alt AND Greater Features Comedy "Wee Bit O" Scotch. Gaumont World Events. tl'ksday and wednesday a i:i:nt ok tiiiikk-i'oi.d imi-oiitani k "THE SAPHEAD" I1Y WINCIIKI.L SMITH CO-STAHISINtJ William II. Crane and Buster Keaton A l)irllllfi stoi'i of love and lilj;h finance. intrtectd by a brilliant iH" iiisnible of players. ' A METRO CLASSIC In conjunction the witrlil-faiiioua Fox Coutedtee "Earaiyanl Folllea" X Pitcher Plant'a Curious Leave. In the swamp region of India ffnd riilnu a hiabaieous pllint Is found which lili very curious leaves. Kueh leaf has the mid rib prolonged to greut extent, fur beyond the leaf prop er, terminating In a very singular liitcher, from which the plnnt derives lis common name of "pitcher plant This again terminates In a lid which la regarded bv botanists na the true tlade of the leaf. In tills pitcher a fluid la found which comes from the plant Itself and Is probably necessary for Its nourish. Icient. This fluid, which contains soi:ie potash, varies much In quantity, sometimes only a drop or two, but often there la enough to drown any In quisitive Insect which may venture In. aide, and auch Insect are frequently found In the pitcher. Eugle. Great Soldier's Monuments. Greatest of all monuments of I'm peror Napoleon are the two arehes of triumph, L Arc de 'lrlompne ana L'Arc du Carrousel, both of which were erected by the devoted Parisians that all the world might know the military (supremacy which was theirs under Napoleon, Equal to these in Im portance la the tomb of the emperor. Les Invalldes, which he decided atiould be a home for aged and dis abled aoldiera, but which the Parisians turned into a great museum to house Counties, trophies of his wars and nicies of Ida personal equipment, as well aa the body of the uatlonal beio, who wished to be burled on the hanks of the Seine amidst his beloved "children." Royal Needlewoman. The Itovnl School of Art Needle work. South Kensington, London, Eng. h.-is had committed to Its keeping for exhibition purposea a magnificent piece of early rose point lace, attrib uted to (he needle of Mnry Queen of Scots, and given to the convent of the Irish nuns of Ypres by Jucies IL, and also a set of vestments in a won derful Italian brocade of the sixteenth century. The brocade was worn b the Archduchess Isnbclla, daughter of I'h. Up II. of Spain. " NOTK'K. All those, knowing themselves In- Idebted to Mr. and Mrs. E. G. or nice Murray, please come forward and settle and save trouble. MRS. ItHODA MURRAY. Camas Valley, Oregon. For your Xmas decorations and also wedding decorations, or any floral work, call phono 249-J. We're on the job. SALE OR TRADE 6 rm. house, lot 75x1 SO feet: lino garden land; bearing fruit trees; hard surface road; near city school; nice suburban property. Price $120(1, some terms. Trade for more valuable residence closer In. Will take good vacant lot well located as part exchange. What have you? City property to $4000 to exchange for ranch. Several dosimblo homes for salo on terms. AROUND TUB TOWN Visited Wirh Father Mrs. C. McCann, of Dallas, left to day for her houie after visiting tor a ew days with her father, James Mc Cann, of the Soldiers' home. Here Front Sutlierlin N. E. Landreth, of Sutherlin. is spending a abort time In thla city attending to business matters. Visit in Canyonvllle Mrs. I) A. Stewart left thla morn ing for Canyonvllle, where she will make an extended visit with her daughters, who reside at that place. Here to !tclde Alva Wllkcrson and wife, who have been spending the summer at Mos cow, Idaho, arrived in Roseburg last night and will remain here providing they can find a suitable place In which to reside. Visiting In Town Mrs. 1. H. Wolford, of Glengarry, spent the day in town visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Waller . Hughes. 1A -i. Visiting at F.ugenc -Mrs. B. Casey left Saturday af ternoon for Uugene where she wil BELIEVE DEVIL RULES EARTH Probably Queerest Rellfllou Faith That of Tribe of Kurdish and Arabian Blood, One of the strangest religious sect In the world 1 known a the Yezedl, a race of mixed Kurdish and Arabian Mood. They worship the devil, am believe he will rule the earth for 10.000 years, 4.000 of thla number hav ing already passed. On the theory that Jesus la good, and will not harm them, they give most of their devotion and sacrifice to the devil who, they assert, will at the end of the . next 8,000 years, be put Into hell, where he will weep ao hard he will put out the fires, and then will be pardoned and given back hi rightful place In heaven. The Yezedl believe that there were 71 Adam and a similar number of Eves, and that the originals once bad a great dispute as to who was the most important, the man or the wom an. To prove the matter the women spit In one great Jar and the men In another, and the Jars were the sealed for nine months. At the end of that period they were opened, and from the women's Jar leaped a pile of snakes and worm, while from the visit with her daughter. Miss Helen j men s Jar came a beautiful boy an Casey, who la attending the univer- girl. In spite of their strange belief slty. Im iioinc Kiutt Russesll Lintott leaves Dec. 17 for Chicago and Aurora, Illinois, where he will spend the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends. Stolen (lloves Found A hobo last night stole a pair of valuable beaver gloves from the auto belonging to Dr. D. R. Shoemaker The gloves were sold to a local sec ond hand dealer and were recovered by the doctor this morning. Stricken With Paralysis Mrs. Charley Forester of Millers Addition, suffered a severe paralytic stroke Saturday. The entire right side. Including the muscles of the face are paralyzed although her con dition la not serious. Will Visit in Idaho Mrs. Fern Wood, of North Rose burg, and Mi sb Maude Pennle, niece, left yesterday morning for Portland, and from there will go to Idaho to visit with Mrs. McDonald sister of Mrs. Wood. They will be gone for a month. Visiting life IJosoburg .Mr. and Mrs. Racey. of St. James Minn., friends of the J. K. Cole fam ily, have been spending the week end with thorn and enjoying the scenic beauty of iloseburg and sur- rounclig country. They will spend the winter with a daughter in Call fornla. Tiller Contract Let 13. O. Lockwood, of West Roseburg has secured the contract for building the new school house at Tiller. His bid was only about eight dollars less than that of another Roseburg con tractor. Mr. Lockwood goes to Tiller tonight where he will arrange for lumber and supplies to be delivered on the ground, and Immediately after Christinas will begin work on the new building. The '95 Mental Culture Club will meet on Tuesday, Dec. 7, at the par- ,sh house. Subject. "Americaniza tion." G. W.YOUNG AND SON Itnl Kstate nml Insitrniiro. 1 1ft Cn.HM.St. I'limie 41 : tlAll.l n KATRKR ItlCPOHT. I, tf. WfHttier Uu rent., focal offirtv RuMPhurg, OreKon, 24 hours ndinn ( u m .: rrevlpflittlon In Inrh and nandredttka HlMln'Ht tc mpTHture yesterday .. 4'. Lowest tpmiieraturt last night ... 86 Pre. ii-ituthm, lust 24 hours 0 Total pree'i. sirn'e first of month .R5 Normal prerip. for this month.... 6.29 Total precip. from KopL. 1. UCiU, to .late J3.17 Averae pre. ip. from Sept. 1, 1877 9.L'0 Total exresH from Kept. 1, 1J0... J.W A vet at;, prertpltutlon for 43 Wet Bemoan (Sept. to May, lnc 51. 48 1-orcrant to B p. m. for suuth western Toinnht h nil Tuesday rain. j ToniKht mill Sunday fair. U II.l.lAM HELL Observer. beliefs they are very Industrious, honest, hos pitable and kindly, although steeped in dense Ignorance, one phase of thel religion forbidding them to learn letters. Words fn English Language. The number of English words not yet obsolete, but found In good au thors, or In approved usage by correct speakers. Including the nomenclature of Sf'ence and the arts, does not probably fall short of 100,000, say George Perkins Marsh. Few writers or speakers use as many as 10,000 words, ordinary persons of fair Intel ligence not above 8,000 or 4,000. ft scholar were to be required to name. without examination, the authors whose English voc-ulmlary was the largest, he would specify the all-em bracing Shakespeare, and the all-know lng Milton. And yet In all the worl of the great dramatist there seem not more than 15,000 words ; In the poems of Milton not above 8,000. The whole number of Kgyptlan hieroglyphic sym bols does not exceed 800. and the en tire Italian vocnbulary Is said to be scarcely more extensive. " XHW TOOAT, VOW RKYP .furnished rooms. Inquire 1 1 i I'arroti i. Fult SA1K Desirable household Koods, parties moving; away. I'h on WANTKI Lady with some exoertenc would like position as chambermaid. I'none 3bo-i liH:si; 4-F3. FASTUltK WANTED- Phon Foil SAMC ThorouKhbred Nubian buck goat. 7 mot. old. J. B. Heed, t-s m. Mint m. i'hone z&fc-j. FuK SAM-: Bis snap, 80 acres beaut 1 iuny niuatea oesi prune section state; 20 minutes walk to Myrtl v reen ana niKti scnooi; zo miles Roseburir on hiirhway: 16 acres year-old prunes; 7 acres full bearln apples, family orchard: 40 acres I crop. It to be planted; new $8500 piascerea oungaiow, trarace and out iiuiiuiuk-i; worm personal prop eny. ror quicx sai win acriric everythlnK for 1165 per acre. For particulars write Q. O. Hagan, Box tu. wiyrwe -reea, urcaon, WANTED 4 tier dry oak stove wsod i iter ury nr block old growth, ltajf ouii onop. WANTi-.D Good pasture for horse. will pay good rent. Address U. F. care :,fvg-itev.ev. ?auk a yoar old suddle mare. broke to work, weight 11O0, 16 hands hlith. trim built, clean limbed, or will trade, for sheep or milch goats. Box 1 1 . itoseourir. PhonA att.iv Foit SALK A Hood raraa-e. birir.ln if taken at once. Inquire at 610 Mouth tt.sui! or pnone ouu-n. In the Circuit Court of the State of uregon for Douglas County. 1 tU An eXDerittncml Ml.,iN.ur. pher. Address at once F. O. liux COS - nintijiiiiuipni rOIl SALK Three White Lea: horn """' imirouKnoreai iron, c vallls. 527 Mill iJt. Our Motto is: First, Last and Always SERVICE FHTLAOSLPHIA iwiMrxvom5 sTTKiy First: Service to your battery with free inspection and water. Second: Service to your battery by repairing, when re pairing ONLY is needed. Third: Service to you with a new BATTERY. Guar anteed longer for less money. Roseburg Battery & Electric Station 312 N. Jackson Street Phone 489 Farmers May Get Help of Congress WASHINOTON, Dec. 6 A jolut resolution, directing a re- rival of the war finance cor- poratlon, waa today appreved bjr tne bouse and senate com- mtttee lnvetlgatln( the agrl- cultural situation, and will be reported out to tne senate to- morrow. The measure would also direct the federal reserve board to extend liberal credit to farmers to meet the problems of falling prices. In the matter of the receivership of The J. F. Luse Company, a cor poration. Notice 1 hereby given that the undersigned receiver has filed his final report In the above entitled court, and the Honorable J. W. Ham ilton, Judge of said court, has fixed Friday, December 17, 1920, at ten o'clock a. m In hna nh, ... Vw.- in . i. - courthouse at Roseburg, Oregon, as the time and Dlaca fnr hMrin jectlons, if any, to said report. Any anu an persona interested are re quested to nie tneir objections. If any. to said rennrt nn nr haf. .v. - above date. W. E. ST. JOHN, Receiver of The J. F. Luse Company. Farm Meetings Now in Progress Thm nrAliminn , - " uurrau meeting heeld at Oakland today to outline a program to present to the comniiinltv niAMtintr A k uu - - l MJ UflU on Dec. 10. A community meeting is uoreu m Duner nail at Ferdue tomorritw, and all the residents of the Perdue. Dura rr..i.i, anA mm districts are Invited to be present George A. Mansfield, state president of the Oregon Farm Buread, will be present to discuss the county, state and national organisation. Canyon vllle Deonle whn ... I. j - v- Hik uu an op portunlty to hear Mr. Mansfield are also urged to be Dr.... .. The OaJi. Ub "if wui be bald on W.d rr Oregon Onw.r, a""4-)' at tk, m. on the 9th. ui V ?."".''? 2 t Rlddl. for tu. BiiVSS? also b at Yoncall. anVn"11'''' ' uim are uraed in i. " the nearest meet?. W at RESULTS? our . - -2lLV ''' them. WILL HOLU BAZAAR. The ladle of the rh.i.. will hold a baW0Tri.t'M,hu'. for Christmas. In connb,CT ,rticlf sale pf homen. tamale. next Weduesd ud the old Review bSuSS street. A nice a8orIm?nt0'ofJ,,.ChIUO ma8 foods will be on aurUn"- VKTKIUX Dura, Fll.h. n Clvli War piwUT? J tt Hospital Sunday a Private n H Company iM, S Yorlt Cavalry, and Ili , N'w York, October 13 7ui u " x ed the Home September ? T"' A son. Fred Brewster nl r"; W Mi.lsslpp,. .urXeTVoS"-' rangements will be made d? i received from the w ,ort I am aTnlntv will be in and" about Ch.c, eral days and will be to business matters for anv Rolk 4 people while ther. r-.i? . 'LRo1 veyor'. office between . - ' W 1 i . A MM)I IH SINKSfj FoiTs.u,E Suffering with rheumatism, I u forced to sell out my businea tad timisie tor lbs wlntn Everything expense attached paid until Jan. 1st, 1921. Call id 1 ! Umpqua Valley Apple Broktnp. 0 The DauRhlers of Inabells cordial ly invite their friends to be pnm'i at a card party, followed by a aoeitl dance held at the Maccabee hall Tuesday evening. Dec. 7th. it I n'Hrtelr n.ifruuv.,nn.n j . -.. ....v.,.,ucul. .viral. j. mission 25c. RESULTS? our want ads get them. ENID BENNETT in a Zippy Domestic Romance of Love, Life and Fashion I 'TOMS" Ohm thought her" husband too fast. Ho thought his lfe uw k. TUea o day she awoke! A few gy parties, minus each other's esnpaaj plus few strange friends, equalled what? Christy Comedy and 2nd Episode "Lost City" Matinee Evening TVESDAV-WEDXESDAY Matinee Evenlof f Douglas McLean and DorrisMay -IN- "What's Your Husband Doingf wm jU TODAY AND TOMORROW TODAY. AND TOMORROW TkJ world and another, vivid If, MwrfalIy, dramatically latmslBflad 1st BASIL KINGS pewerfnl draaaa of the nnseen world. EARTH- . nk It L now Mrentk week of ahowlng la Los AnKi'U-s t .W-'-1 or ntlCER, ICLVDIXa TAX, chii.phkx l.V. A1 VYED.-THVKS.-J",U- MARSHALL NEILAN'S Great Mirthquake "nnrT PA7FR MARRY HitrrlK 10 ; 1 Hill '-re-r a rou'bf " robb.. a . ni.ili ' u; " and 'fl Ub.,r "4 i nlty. i , iti, 'h- X, "'-rH , tab-r 10 No 1