BOWBIHTIW NKWa-RKTTKW . BATI'TtDAY. riWCKMTTtFR 4, lao. WARM UP! Cozv Glow Heaters just the thing to warm you up, when you come UHLIG'S ELECTRIC STORE lours for Tiling Electrical IRHKilt-RoseburrKebekali Lories No. 41. I. O. O. K..-U6MI IA Odl.Fel- Iowa' TimpU ivtrr WMk on TWr evening. Vleltlne; mnbce In Himm steading are invited to atiene. BELLE trilPHENHON. See ETHEL BAlUY, Fin. Beef. Tfce H. K. E. L A. letoa MeetlB will be held at the VkciM hall every Brat and third Wednesdays of the montn L O. O. K, PkllrlarUn Vm Na Hi meeta at ByKea hall. w. jacaeon oi.. un Haturday evening of eec eek. Visiting brethren ara alwaya wel coma. LTMON U 8PENCEK. N. O. A. J. (1K1DES, Kac. Sao. J. B BAILEY. Flo. Bee. CSilberryPlants .u.t U- will Sv ft. L.BENTLEY 4 LODGE DIRECTORT. ;B. p. BRADFORD AND WIFE jcensed Chiropractic physicians 41 IViklns Wlg. I. U. O. K., Haloa Baranpaieat Ne. 9. Meeta In Odd Kellowa' Temple every Thuraday evening. VlatUng brethren alwaya welcome. JOHN RblKSK. C. P. KOSTKK UUTNElt, H. P. OIJVKU JOHNSON, R. B. JAMES KWAitT. F. & ICAttl.lils' Hosetiura Aerta meeta In Moose hall on Jackson tit. on 2nd and 4th Munday evenliuta or each mouth at 8 o'clock. VrSTtlng brethren In good standing alwaya welcome. VICTOR M1CELL1, W. P. P. A. J. WL'LF, W. P. B. P. OOOOMAN. Secretary. 0UP swismoJic Croup ia frequently . . .-llntinnrkV relieveu vy ohohj-f"-" V VAPORUB Ota 17 Million Am Uxi Vtarly K mi; lire ok PiTlUAt Aloha LodKe No. 47, meeta every Wednesday rtn Ing. cor. Jackson and Casa tile. Vislt ora alwaya welcome, ROT O. VOUNO. C. C. CHA8 .P. HOPKKCa M. F. J. Hi. WlHUbKLr, K. H. B. AKMlllUOHIt OV WOOOt'HAKT Lllac Circle No. 4a. meeta un 2nd and 4th Monday evenlnga. Visiting nelgnbora Invited to attend. EDITH CHURCHILL, O. N. TllXlU I. JOHNWTiN, Clerk. eeirieidi.f utnA OP ALL KIM J.H.SINNIGER OAK STHKKT PHONE 42X lie Jex Itoacti, Drain, for cata- anil prices fr llw wueen m .... An-il und II il hurniue lirood- fcvold dlaipinui nt by plac fcir order now for future de 1 Remember the Queen is the Icmy can buy. gan Tips, Spring Delivery jap are not sprout plants. Joint or ipranglo tip planes, uney rm-clM tips. Also have straw- plsnU and all kinds fruit Better book your order now. n. L. ELI. IS r miles west of Roseburg. B. P. O. KliKS. Itoeebajre; leaite No. S3 Holda regular communications at the Elka Temple on each Thureduy of every month. All membere re quested to Attend regularly, and all visiting brothera ara cordially In vited to attend. A. S. IJI.BURN, E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE. Secy. HOKIII'HI I.OUGK NO. leej, baits HrulheraoeSI at Malafeaaare Kaa.tores nl Railway aho Lakor. era AiTlllaled WHh the A. P. of U Meeta at Moose hall the first Wed. fourth Bat. nlghte and third Sundays of each month. J. Y. SMITH .President W. J. MEREDITH. Rao. Secy. GEO. MAC IVER, Flo. Oaoy Convict Attempts to Commit Suicide HOODMKN OK TIIK WOULD Camp No. 120. meets In Odd Kelluwv' hall In Itoseburg every Jut and 3rd Munduy evenlnRH. ViMlting neighbor! &! ways welcome. O. H. PICKENS, C. C. M. M. MIIXKK. Clerk. Lovai, oRDtin uv moomio noseburg ldKB No. 103? niotrt first and third Tuenday evuiiliign of each month at 8 o'clock In the Moose hall. All visltlnK brothers ars invited to attend. C. W. CLtOAKE, Dictator. L O. PAU.JETkli, StMiretary. O. B. Rosebarv ChaptCar Tin. ft- tlolds their regular meeting on ths 1st and 3r4 Thursdays In each month, are respectfully Invited to nttend, LEONA ABKAITAM, W. In. FREE JOILMSON. Secy. A. F. A. M Lavrel Idge Ho, 11L- Regular communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at Masonic Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. W. F. HApRIS, Ppct A. A. WILDER, W. M. ! All Ul Mill's nUCCUOBIUIIJ l'd. for arrangements see M. C. RADAHAVCili 530 N. Fine St. aawajw mist iM j i 4hir All-Wool ailored -To - Measure Clothes are a ippy combination of flrst- ift quality anil reasonable rices. Now Is the time to ractice true economy, oiae in today. We can "w you some very attrac- Fe prices oo Fall Suits. . MOPHWIua. Try Our Our Auto Phone T. ' W.f i WU1 CaJL I i UTT. I W. n. A. O. T. M. Iloaehnnr Review No. it holds regular reviews on sec ond and fourth Thursday afternoons In Maeoabee liall. Ulsters af ether revlewa visiting In our city are cor dially Invited to attend our reviews. Maeeabee hall on Casa atraet. LOUISE LOCK!. Com. JKKKIR RAPP. Col. SALEM, Or., Dec. 2. Another chapter in the troubles Involving Dan Goodan and. an 18-year-old girl whom he alleged was his wife at the time they were received at the peni tentiary here last July, was enacted within the walls of the prison early today, when Ooodan swallowed some non-poisonous fluid with 1 ntent to end his life. A fellow convict, who detected Goodan as he drank the fluid, noti fied the penitentiary officials and a physician was summoned. Antidotes were administered and the patient suffered no Ill-effects as the result of his act. . Goodan's attempt to take his life followed the confession of Mabel Goodan, whose true name is un known to prison officials. In which she denied that she was married to Goodan. It was admitted by the girl, how ever, that she and the convict had traveled together extensively, and had visited many sections of the Pa cific coast. In Goodan's cell, following his at tempt to commit suicide in the prison officials found a note In which he said he was ready to die. The note read: "As I am ready to die and have nothing to live for, I will tnke my life and have It over. The woman was the cause of It all. As the old saying goes, 'I was warned but did not heed.' " A second note addressed to David McCardell, alias Elvin Bushby, said: "Take good care of the girl." The girl's confession to prison of ficials was made Tuesday afternoon, after which she returned to her cell In the woman's department of the prison and swallowed bichloride of mercury tablets with suicidal Intent. Prompt action on the part of the prison physician saved her life. . Schtiman's Restaurant, 451 Sheri dan street, open all night. PROFKSSIONAL. CARDS D. PAIIKKH, Violin. Kohlhagen RldgT MH8. p. it. OWES Cut Flowers. Phone 840. 408 W. Ca.aa. DR. M. ff. PLTiiEit 7hiropraet!e Physician, til W, kans l- AI.BKRT s. HI'KT oplorotrli. "Th Eye My (specialty." lit W. Case 8L Rogoburg. Oregon Hl'Tll WIU-OI-Piano. Theory. Musi cal Kindergarten. 1004 West First St. Phone 1.10-L. 18. HAS lENTIST Masonic Bldg. Roseburg, Ore. pH0XE 488 (ALL WORK pRANTEED. THE CREED OF THE NEWSREVIEW TO GKT ALL THE NHW8 QUICKLY AND PIU.NT IT IMPARTIALLY. TO ATTKMIT AN HONEST INTER PRETATION OP IMPORTANT HAP PENINGS). TO GIVE EVERYBODY AND DE MAM) OF EVERYBODY A SQUARE DHAL. ( TO KTAND FOB THH ENFORCE MENT OF THE LAWH, ALL LAWS. TO RALLY FOR SCHOOLS, CHI HCIIKS AND WORTHY INSTI TUTIONS. TO WORK FOR THIa) CITY, COUN TY AND SECTION. Subscribe Now T Douglas County Family Paper.., j v m. '1 Geraldine Farrar, the worM's rrlHirntiMl )Mra Diva, In "Tlie Hldtllo Woiimn," l.llNrty SumLiy mid Momlny. HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY ID AH McCLONE CIBSON Luncheon for Four. "It's better to turn down the page and close the book," said Mamie fig uratively as I started to explain. "Hut Mr. Halsey needs me." "You don't have to give him the go-by altogether. Of course you w'.l do what you think is right, but I'm thinking of whut is best for you." "Well I'm going to take your ad vice, Mumie. I've always found it good." Just then the door bell rang and I hurried into a negligee to greet Jlmmie. "Ken's out of danger," were his first words. "He's been told he's a married man and to our surprise he didn't have a relapse, collapse, or whatever you want to call it. At the present moment the bride and groom are presumably having a loving tete-a-tete. I drove Grace over Just be fore coming here. She is quite angry because none of the papers referred to her as a beauty and only one of them used her picture. "Mr. Halsey, Sr., tells me he hopes you're going to work in his oflice. I didn't Bay anything about that be cause I want you to do whatever you think la best." "I'm going to stick to my contract with you, Jimiulc." "There's no contract about it, Ann." "No, not a written one, but It was one that you would have kept." "Yes, but a woman is privileged to change her mind, you know." We Immediately got down to busi ness on the advertisements. As Jim mle had brought his portfolio we were soon engrossed In the work which I found wonderfully Interest ing. It was luncheon time before I had thought of anything else. VCome on, girls," Bald Jlmmie, "let's go to the Kcgina for lunch." "Oh, please don't go there," I ex claimed. "I never want to see that place again. And besides don't you think it will cause a lot of talk if we go there today?" "Not as much as If we stayed away," said Mamie. "I'd like to show Johnson and Sellers a few things." "Wouldn't they turn us away?" I asked. "My dear Ann. I'll phone Jerry Hathaway to go with ub. They will certainly not turn a man out of his own restaurant." Without waiting for acquiescence Jlmmie stepped to the telephone and called up Jerry. I heard him say in conclusion: "We'll meet you there In a half hour." "Jerry Insists that we shall be his guests," said Jlminle grinning. "That hoy has a sonBe of the dramatic, as well as a good business head." Mamie rushed off to put on her street clothes and I excused myself to get ready for lunch. When I came back I found Mamie looking a perfect picture and Jiiniule stared at her open eyed. "What's the matter, Jimmie, haven't you ever seen Mamie be fore?" I bantered him. "Never saw her In anything but the black uniform at the restaurant or a checkered apron here," he said. "But I want to say to you, MIhs Ftlley. If looks will turn the trick, you'll be a muRlcal comedy star be fore the year Is out." Trmorrow 4iuewta of Jerry Hnthn wnr. o VPPER AND LOW Kit. "Let me have sleeping accommo dations on the train to San Fran cisco," I said to the man at the win dow. "For a single passent r?" he fin ally raid. "No," I replied. "I'm rnnrrled but I'm not taking anybody with me. A single shelf will answer." "Upper or lower?" be asked. quired. "A difference of $.90," came th answer. "What's the difference?" I in- "Our prices to San Francisco ara $3.60 and 4.60." "You understand, of course," ex claimed the agent, "the lower 1b higher than the upper. The higher price is for tho-lower berth. If you want it lower you'll have to go high er. We soil tho upper lower than the lower. In other words, the higher the fewer." "Why do they all prefer the low er?" I broke in. "On account of Its convenience," he replied. "Most persons don't like the upper, although Its lower, on ac count of it being higher, and because when you occupy an upper you have to get up to go to bed and then get down when you get up. I would ad vise you to take the lower, although It's higher than tho upper, for the reason I have stated, that the upper Is lower than the lower because it is higher. You can have the lower if you pay higher; but if you are will ing to go higher it will he lower." Adapted from New York Central Magazine. Mince Pies May be Seized by Police WASHINGTON, Doc. 3. What Is considered to be the lust word In the prohibition enforcement law was mado public today when tho bureau of Internal revenue iHnued a state ment alN'Rinp that flavoring the home made VhrlRimas plum pudding, mincemeat and hrnndfed cherries and peaches with alcoholic spirits Is In violation of the Volstead act, and that all such foods so spiced are liable to seizure by tho officers. MICKIE SAYS KEEPER. CKPCEUkACVJTWKs NOTTA f touts was. -tto tMTXH TUtSt oav9 to ars twas vteotavva A, k-UfTYW" Ok MBxCeMt; i I I Children Cry for Fletcher's A Regular Stunt. Ferguson I'vo Just been reading that the aviators today can do any thing a bird can do. Yes, sir, they've got the Uilng down so fine that there Isn't a bird alive that baa anything on them. Fitzgerald Zatso? Well, when yon see an aviator fast asleep banging onto a brnnch of a tree with one foot, 'lien I'll come and tnke a look. Amer can Legion Weekly. Time's Whirligig. Old Horse Remember how the au tomobiles, when they came Into prom inence, laughed at us for poking along? llugsy Yep, but them was happy days. Old Horse Now Iff case of the Hrplaae, laughing at the aatoqobap, She Kind Ton Have Always Bought, and which has been la use fur over thirty years, has borne the signature of j? and has been made under his per- Cx?j?JtZ?tAS sonal "Pervision since its infancy.' WiVi Allow no one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good " are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children Experience against Experiment. r What is CASTOR I A Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric. Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has teen in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic andDiarrhoea ; allaying Feverlshness at lslng therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS 'Bears the Signature of 3 In Use For Over 30 Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THl C r4TAim COM'ANV NVW V tTV. AMH1A ( I. I It DANCE. Next regular dunce Monday even ing. Dec. 6, Maccabeo hall. Ott's music. 8:30 sharp. Glenn Heymera, agent for the Ore gon Journal, will be pleased to leave you the daily and Sunday Journal for 65c per month, or Sunday nlono for 25c per month. Phono 4C5-J. Persons cutting evergreens on our property In Edenbower will be'' prosecutod. Mrs. E. M. Moore, Llllle L. Moore. Auto repairing, springs made, and oxy welding. Spaugh ft Hohl, Oak and Stephens streets. Growers May Get Steamship Line SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. A con ference of 35 co-operatlvo growers. associations In Cnllfnniln, Oregon and Washington to meet In San Fran cisco Di'coinber 20 to consldor meth ods of meeting tho situation caused by Increased transcontinental freight rates was called toduy by G. II. Daniels, slate market director, at the suggestion of Governor Stephens. Chartering ships to send agricul tural products through the Panama canal Is under consideration, accord ing to Dnnlels, who snld (ho matter was being taken up with the United Stntes shipping board. Chevrolet Cars 125.00 and $38.00 Bulck Cars... 130.00 and 45.00 For Other Can Pikes on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency Hulck and Chevrolet 41 N. Jackaon St. Boaeborg. When you want your cleaning done right, take it to Lloyd's Clean ing Works, 125 Sheridan street. Phone 44. They fit good, they look good, they feel good because they aro eood Stephens' Shoes. Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUY SHEEP WHEN THEY ARE LOW. THAT IS I CHT I0W If you ar Interested In any number f either radj or registered sheep of the following; brecdn: Hampshire. Khruixthlre. Lincoln. Ror ney, Cutswold, Itanibuulutt, or any crons. Writ ua quirk what you want. OIIBQON LIVESTOCK COM. CO. Box 51. North Portland. Orecoo. CHICHESTER S PILLS rr7v TIIK DIAMOND II RAN It. A. rand, tr:s,".:"',"f2:'jA I'llUI. It. 4 .nl tuld nrUlllAV k"r led wtlb lilu. fci;... T T.1. s. nr .r r.r V A, f..t itM irY-.w-Trii a UIAKO.VD IIIIANO IMI.IjO.,!ie u S010 BY DRIQOISTS tVERilAHLRt Heinline-Moore CONSERVATORY New class starting Not. 20 In normal train iif for teachers, or any one desirlDaf to know theory, harmony, anil fundamental! of music. Text Uad ProgreMlTp Series of rianoLes os. For Information PHONE 300 UNIVERSAL Farm Lighting Plants i 20-Light Plant, 120 Amp. Hour Battery, $390 j 75-Light Plant, 165 " " " $585 F. O. B. Roseburg Let us show you the Universal. J. F. BARKER & CO., k2 IMPLEMENTS Mitchell and Oakland Automobiles s a WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Light and Water Co,