Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, December 03, 1920, Page 5, Image 5

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    " I -IX, J-
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f V'.J. A-
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'"UWr.vMP'IMn'.""'! ,V-'4!,jil!',1i"tuJJil.UJJiHJllJJiil,lltHJii 'iiJlJiJJ.HM1,J'MiJJiJJtf
i? ''f-i 'i, , , . 1 : , . ., . ,
--- " -s? -t - ' .-r.: Hy-vcy I
Mr. Jeter sings, speaks, cartoons, models in clay and is the
only Evangelist in America who paints a picture iii oil on
canvas before an audience in from 5 to 9 minutes. Thousand
people were turned away from the Big Tabernacle at Cor
vallis last Sunday night.
Mrs. Jeter is an expert Trombonist, Bible Reader and a Spe
cialist with young people. She gives Bible Reading at 3 p. in.
Mr. Jeter cartoons, etc., at 7:15 P. M.
in, mil'
iU, til
Vu . till
f l N - nl il M
WT m 1 EpJtIRE 1
i X- J-.
They satisfy ymi, or your deal
er will iv ft! ml your money.
I)t-alii s t-veryw h iv. Sold in Uose
burg by Voburgh Ilros.
'nson School Gives
Program Tonight
' t: !
it A,.
t '
c ,
a . -..
ty v.,,;.;
'':r. ,.. ,
Mr;, , .,
"!f A' . ,
'' r !'"'' r: 1 1 r i il
'I:" '-riinl iVahliv
" " it'" iiith
111'' 'Ii'-riiiiiin hi
' T.miKlii
- 1" "I'll' ill
u !i.ii,nvs:
:' '" -' i- !!"r rmin-
1 s A ' Srlicnl
1 "i ' s: .!. Mill-"--'
ii i
jt i;r;i.l.'
11 'i I ly (; iou s
' ' ' ,v .. "ii a
' (fiMl crailo
Wj"!l of thn picture
M..iion Cnff, 11
I .., .,. ;lM-..
An- i.i-tf. rilcrim
Sour: "C'onn Town I invade,"
r.tli & 7th prado.
Paiitoiiiiiif: Abid1 With M"
1th & :.lh Kiad'K
ChnruK: (a) luvam of Niht; (b
Ptvam Suiili s. ... iW'parlniiMital girl
''horns: Qin'n of Niht;
Tho inter class t ickt .sale rbis' s
toii:ty. Tiie sfaildillK of I he s' hool:
Mp In l.'st evt-ninK resulted i:s Kul
it on brin i; a sain in t hu h ail with
an average of .!.'!:! per puidl. whil'1
lienson sold $ 1 "i per pupil and the
Host' school $.:t:!L'.
The exhibit eli -.-es tomorrow eve
iiinn. The i -oomis will be open Sat
urday a ftenio;)ii f ri ni 1 : ?, n to "( : :;ti
and in the owning from 7 lo 9.
riy using T'niversal nib r in your
tires you will save one casing out of
very three anyway, and you have no
nner tubed to buy. It in a greal
n w m;s ox display.
Every pirson in Kosebtirg slioultl
visit the picture display at the high
school, l'lan to go lonifht.
Carr's store also have a nice lln
of pictures now on display in thHr
.vindow, juid many mitre inside. A
:MCt"fe makes a fine tr'ft. Make your
f-hoice early at Carr's -where you
Family Reunion is
Enjoyable Event
Tlw bniee of Mrs. 1.. I Heals, of
hays Cr.ek. -tri'. 'int: was the
rnni' (f a h.ippy reuni'.n :md nil her
-hi id reii weiv wi i h her which was
hifc first t inte since I he winter of
1 s si; or nearlv years ago, that
being the only time all were togeth
er. This was a grand surprise to Mrs,
Heals, Tiavipfc een so planned by the
children and as several came togeth
er the day before Thanksgiving she
was so bewildered for a few mo
ments she could only recognize a
dautrhter-in-law, but soon knew
them all.
Those present nt dinner wore:
Mrs. L. P. Heals, of Days Creek, Or.;
A. V. Heals, of Klaiualh Falls; Mr.
and Mrs. o. T Meals o Corvallis;
K. M. Itonis, or Abea; Mr. and Mrs.
T. S. Ib-als. of Seatllo, Wash.; Ma
mie A Gidiiey. l Heals, Mr. and
Mrs. .loseph Salley, of Days Creek.
ITiie Ki-andchiblren present were Mr.
land Mrs. P. Ii ( oIey, of Portland;
I l.loyd Heals of Corvallis; Chester
i;e;iiH, or Manic; i(oniy, rtoinii aim
Cecil Safley, of Days Creek. Mrs.
c, M. Itaymond and .lames 13. Mea
cham were Inunds who were also
Ail did rimple justice to the tur
key and enjoyed a good visit gen
erally. Much laughter could be
I heard of some of the Incidents of
childhood days ;is they were recalled
by difrereiu members of the family.
I The following Sunday Mrs. Heals.,
who is SO ye;irs of age, took all her
j children to school, after
which ail took dinner at the home ol
i Mrs. Cidney. Monday they began to
depart for their different homes
hopiiiK ii will not be so long before
all can meet together again. XX.
Auto Owners Must
Get Their Licenses
Motor volilcle owners who have
not applied for their litL'l license
are urged by the secretary of state
to do so at once In order to avoid
congestion in the department around
th firsi of the coming year and al
so lhai i hey may avoid arrest by the
peace officers for failure I o-carry
lie. use plates after January Hie
tirst. The law will be rigidly en
forced by the inspectors of the de
partment. There are now over 1 :,
out) licensed cars in Oregon. To this
1iin, about ! . o o 0 applications for the
I H U 1 licenses have been (eceived.
The facilliies or the department are
limited and unless the work involved
in issuing licenses is distributed
over a reasonable period car owners
cannot expect to receive their lic
ense plates promptly. Hy delay they
are improving their chance for ar
rest for failure to havo their
license by January 1, 1921. about
October first blanks were forwarded
to all the owners of motor vehicl
for applying for l:2l licenses. If
any of them failed to receive blank
it has been by reason of change o
residence nor reported to the office
or failure of the mails. Application
blanks may be secured of your chiel
of police or marshal, city or town rut-order,
sheriff, county clerk and the
licensed vehicle dealers in your lo
cality, or by request to the secretary
of slate, Salem, Oregon.
lioou mi:i;ti; at si i iii
A well ntttnded meeting of fruit
growers was held at Sutherlin ester-
lay. C. 1. Lewis, of the Oregon
(i rowers Co opera t ive unsocial ion.
spoke briefly on the accomplishments
of the organization ami on the plans
for the future annd answered numer
ous questions regarding the work
and planned activities.
.. ;, .. , Tbir.l
I r- I
' -.. . ' I Stal. vi
r 1 i ..' ":- '''i .ill an. I 1
' ' ,: -:! I'inir. h I
11-.- dnQ "-tildrea
'"The fust winter I n;d Pr. I.e.
dear's Poultry Prt script ion. ii made
tru a lot oT llHUieV. 1 iave (II hens
and sobl in January $ umih of
i L't-'S. be.-iib s w b;il We ued f'lll-
s- Ives." C. I). McCormtck. 1 rim .
Poultry rai- rs who c t nr. abund
ane of egg si. use Ir. l.ef;ai Poul-
"y I'j errip' mn. wiiH h ion s up the
s "teni mid st ini'iiat. s the egp-pi o
during organs wiibout injury. If you
wim , t-'g:- 'his winter win n eigs
mean money, p.-t I'r. I,ef".ear's Poul
try Prescription f'om your deab-r
rirht toilay. Dr. l.fbaris Ano rica's
fop most Kvpert Poultry Hiveder and
Veterinarian. Kor any ailment what
ovr iiong your poultry or stock
gvl hla remedies from your d uh.r.
Thursday Evening, December 9
Albert Lindquist
The Famous American Tenor
Single Admission, $1.00; Season Tickets, Adults, $1.75; Students, $1
Scats on sale Tuesday morning at Red Oross Pharmacy,
This Is a Feature Attraction
"I never felt better in my life than
since taking the (Irst dose of Muyr s
Wonderful Remedy. I had u bad
case of indifeslion and bloating and
iried all kinds of medicine. Alayr'n
Wonderful Remedy in all and more
i huu Is claimed for it. On my rccotn
mendatlon our pout masler'H wife Ik
usiiiK it with good results." Il is u
rd tuple, harniloNH preparatinu that
renioV4'H t he catarrhal iiiucuh from
the intestinal tract and allays the
inflammation which ciiuses pracllcab
ly all stomach, liver and intestinal
allmenlH, including til'l" ndichis. One
down will convince or money refund
ed. lrugiHtH everywhere.
TlMltKIt -lit-iitTiil IJin.l fTle.
W;e-liih..n. I. C, Oi t..l.T l'J.'M.
Noll... 1h hereby ulven that fnhj' t tu
I he etiiKllI iiiN ii til limit 1 1 ion of tht-A-:ti
of June !. I'dfi (.!'.! Stal.. JUi. mi. I
June 4. i'j'u (II Ht:it, iinl the ln-
HlnietleriK ef the He. retaiv of th.. 1n-lell-O"
i.f September 1 , I'll". TJI J'llo
- Ii. Ue timber on Iho r-.llow I n
IHII'N Will lie K.W.I I !!, !:JH, lit in
o'clock A. M.. Ht pubtlr mi'lb.ii nl thf
Crille,! Htuh-N laiel efTe e ;.t Koio-bum
ineyoii. to the hiKhe-u blibb-r iii not
lew than the Hprilse1 Viihie iih xli'twn
by tbi.4 riolli e. H.ije to Im HUt..--t iu th.
approval f th He. retar v ,( the In
t hi I .r. Tho piir. Inise in Hilh Mil
.t.l'ltt loruil h u in of oiK'-llfth of one per
1 frit tlier-of, ti.-lnf if.n.tnlf l"tin nl
lr.we.1, tniINt be ill-p on j I. . ;it 1 1 ill" of
-ale, money to be r-(urnl tf sft;e In tn.t
approve. I. otlKTWlNe p:i(. n tViJl
fur th tlmh.-r whb h nutt be remote.!
within ten yefirn . Iii.ln will b.- i-elv-.l
from eltiorirt of the L'nlti-.l St. id-. -loelntioriH
of nu ti et.-rii unl or-p-r.itioji-i
niKHnlzei uieb-r the l.iwn or
t h I'lilt.-il St h ten or (inv ntut t. rrl
torv or ilntrbt thereof onlv I'pon itp
pll:ilion of a iinnlllli mik ! !ie: . th
limber on nriv b-Kfil mibilivlt.liri will b.-
offen-.l Kt.piir.'ltely before I'fihtC In-'lllil-
il In anv off.-r of u Ihikt unit T. It;'
H.. It fi '.. See l, I.ot , fir M . pine
7t, M . I -rt 2, fir .ir.O M . plUH l"l M . SK'4
NKS, II r B.r.O At. ptri r,-i M . SW
N't;. tlr .H'O M.. pltte 70 M. eednr 20
M . I.ot 3, tlr Uto M . pine 2" M , Lot 4.
Mr 7T& M. HK4 Ntt'U nr i: M. pine
U M.. ctJr Su M, 8WW NWVi. flr 6'-"
M . plno IS M. rrdar 20 M . NK4 HKi.
tlr lu&u M.. pine li'O id., SW KK
tlr 300 M.. pin .ti'i M-, cedur 20 M.,
SM', Hi:4. II r ttoo M, pine 100 M.,
sw4 Hli'4, tlr dou M.. pln luo M..
.e.lar Co M.. Ni:4 Ilr 3&0 M..
pine 45 M . retlar 0 M , SV SW"4,
Ilr 650 M . pint 66 M , cednr MO M.,
SK4 SWVi. tlr 3U0 M. pine 70 M.,
cellar 3!i M.. SW 14 UVi. fir tiu" M., pine
tj0 M.. eeilur 30 At. Sec. 16, NK4 NiCtt.
tlr 6ii M, plno 4H Al.. HKU SK, fir
Al., plno 116 At: none of tTiA tlr or
relnr to be iohl fur loss than l.0(r per
M.. and none of the pine to be noht fur
lexM than IJ.&O per M. ; Hee. 11. NK
Nl'J'4, fir r.iio M , pine 20 Al., eedur IG
M . N V 1.4 NlilJ, Or tiUO Al.. pine 10 Al .
ulur 10 .V.. SK4 NK 'k. tr 400 M.. pine
0 Al . cellar If. Al , HV NK, Mr &0II
M. pine At . inlnr 10 Al.. NK'4
WVi flr nuo A!.. NW K'. fir 6u0
M NW'i, fir 4.'0 M. pine 2b Al.,
SWU NW. Ilr 300 Al . HK SK
Ilr 4("t At . nine f0 Al . cedar 15 Al..
KK".. Ilr 300 Al., pine iu Al.. cedar
ht At.. SK'. HK , flr 32u Al., pine C Al.,
edur io m. sv u siii'i. tlr 300 M.. pine
.0 Al.. (c!:tr 10 Al.. NK'4 HWU. flr 300
M . pine 15 Al . HKU flr 276 Al.,
I tie 25 AT., SIVU H U. flr 500 M . pine
i0 Al , ee.lar 10 Al.. Hec. 23. HW 14 K-4.
ilr 560 Al.. HKSi HW, flr 420 Al., Hec.
i, r r 'j , ii r kiu n. , in v4 nr,
ir 420 Af. pine 40 Al.. NW HKVi. flr
r.o Al., KK4 HK Vi, Mr 376 M . pine 60
t . HW'4 SK'i. ilr 4K0 M , pine 40 At,
none of the lr to be Mold for li-nn tiian
Jl..t per Al.. none of the pine to be eold
for leHM thun U.50 per At., and none of
(tin eiMlur to be mlij for leu than $1 00
Al. T. it. 7 W., Sec. 9, UK "A
SV. fir 425 Al . pine 60 Al . T. S H,
It H W.. Her. S. SWV NK'4. flr lt M.
Pine 2S0 Al., oak 15 Al.. NW4 SW,
Ilr 95 Af.. pine 270 Al., KE4 ftr
Al . Pine :2ft Al.. NK4 SW4. Hr 79
Af . pine 3H0 At.; none of the tlr to be
old for lenn thun II no per &., none or
he nlno to be sold for lenn than 13 00
iter Al.. and none of the oak to lie Hold
for lea thun Cti rent per Al. T. 36 8.,
.1 i:.. See. i, sk'4 swfi. pine 10 Af ..
I Mr 4.ti Af . while tlr 20 At.: none of
the pine to be Hold for Ii-hm than 2.26
per Al., none of the red flr to he Hold
or lexM tii;ui i.;iU per Al., mid none oe
(he white Ilr to be Hold for lees thftU
II 00 per At. CLAY "LVLI.MAN, Cum
LJinti orrbc.
nlHtilotier, Ut-nerul
Tl.MllKIt Hi iieriil l-an.l OfTUe.
U';iHt.lnKtilll. II. ., Kept. 'J lllju.
lb e hereby K'ven that tHibJuct to
eotidltloriH an. liTnlt.-itioni of the
Act of JuitH -J. 1'JIH (iiy Stat . 21H. end
the instruct hum of the Secretary of the
interior hi .epiemrier i :.. iiy, tne
llmher on the Tolluulnir btn.ln will be
Id .Inn. Ii. 1 Vt J 1, at 10 o' li k a. in.
ptiblie iitietlon nt the twitted Htutes
I ..i li.l Office nt Ko.n'bil rr. TrKOll, to
hluhe.xt hi. bier nt not U't thun trie
ippralxed value, ma nhown by title
net h e, cule lo be ndbjeoi to the ap-
vii I of the Uttittii T ef the Interior.
i purchase piioa, with an addltiunnl
-urn of uiku-riftli of one per oent there
-f, beltiK iulliJilidone allowed. mtlHt
e depomled nt lime vt eel, rnoner to
e ret uilivi! If .i le la not up proved,
tl-t W inn putent will Ihmuo for the
1m her whhh riniMt be miuoved within
t-ii yearn, kib!. will be te. elved from
ne of the I'MlwJ kit a tee. iMtfocla-
ttoiis of Kit h eltlMitp and eorporatlone
M.lzed urolwr the luui of the t'nlted
St.iten or any atttto, ti rltto f or dlatrUt
twfuf onlv I pon tti'pllcatluii of a
.talihed pureh.iwr. the timber on an?
tral riihdivt)ibn will be efTered Bpar-
itdlv befote b win u Im hidel In any ef-
f. I ef a l.UKel unit. T 1- R.. P. 1 W.
See. ,1. M; KKW, tlr Hfi Al , cedar 30
M ., NW'4 SK,. (fr 1U"0 AI HK4 HK'4.
Mr At . 'n '4 n- !f0 Af.. ie.ler
o Al . NM'4 KWt. tlr IJl'l At . n-Jar 20
M . I.ot 3, Ilr Al . Kli', SW. Ilr
UOii M , Lot 4, flr 1KU0 M . none of the
tlr or redar to be nuld for leaa tliao
.oii per M Wnd fl.AY 'I A 1.1
MAM, Commissioner, Oeuerwl Lan4
y t