Roseburg news-review. (Roseburg, Or.) 1920-1948, November 24, 1920, Page 4, Image 4

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    6&fe 22QS for
Por Inf.nts.ln-alld, and OrowtneChlMr-n I
S he Original J'oou-Drink Vat All Ages
butteries for 'all I
at the Roscburg I
Exltle storage
makes of curs
May Belong: to H. C. L.
but then, whut would Thanksgiving bo without one at bead of tabic.
And to grace the table well he should be well cooked and browned
to a turn.
Get a "Hood Knanicled Iloasler" and you will have "a roaster that
la self-busting."
"A ltoamiT that has a rack at top for the atrip of seasoning."
"A Roaster with an Independent roasting pan. This prevents stick
ing and burning."
"A Roaster made to last." One In n lifetime If cared for properly.
Churchill Hardware Company
P. 8. Don't overlook that carving
have It.
Roseburg Cafeteria
and Restaurant
WILL as usual serve the Best Thanksgiv
inp Dinner in town. Turkey & Chicken
with all the delicious home-made trimmings.
Served Cafeteria Style from 11 a. m. to 7:30
p. m. Come and be thankful.
'H'1Kt aivi:k i iki:m -4 WILL iik found on last
WANTKU Tui kvb, ltUK or small.
Hoyt-r .Iron, riuinc n -1' 1 4.
V ANTKI I 'm nlnhi'tl h ou ml or houm--kfiinK
riMMiiM. fall ui ruom 1 1.
(iiaiid lJ.di-1.
V A N'I'TTl Jmic1 hii oii.i luiiiil hriunit-r,
en j. in-It y r or tnore chix. ti, C.
HoiiHiT. ltum-burg.
VANTi:i- I.t k lit hack, bin kbou. l or
I'tiKKy: hImo liny- rnkti and on-hunl
disc. Stal lt-ci IpUon unit price. A.
11. Soli', Vim. alia, Ore.
AV ANTKD -l'oKltton a lnHkkM,r or
itTh i' inn ri;i k-t In n'nt'i Hi intM hii ti
ll i tit-: tnpin.v '( t pi t nl hut ilfH ii r
tu Incut.- In thlrt Mrihttv: have hail
t ri - yt'.ti h ' pirl'iii'. An' ami
iiiariiiit. run fuiiilKh A-l referenca.
iv 1! I. I nt n. MniitriMit
i-ou hunt.
' il:l:i:.NT -Two f m iilhhcd rooiim.
Foil i nO NT Safity deposit hoxfi.
KoaerMMK Nntlntuil Hunk.
i'oK KI:NT-KmmiUIm-I 'mom with
privilege of b;ilh. 4 1 H, Mulll St.
l-'Ott HKNT -2 rnrtil-he.,' moms. ""(.; th
K.iitli-nifii pi iM erred. -22 V. I o iik -
FtHl KKNT Pn-nt apartment!, flue for
(wo viiiiiik noli liniiliH nt JI7 S.
Jh ksi.n. or -all at People- Supply''".
K ill It KM- KurniJiheil liouneKeepI n
apartments Slid KtVrpllur ruottis
ItoHeliurK Apartments, Matt. Slid
I HiiikIiii. l'hone Ii'.'
I-olt" lli:T i'uiv wtx i..otn Tot'liiue.
U:;H NmiIIi .In- k-n tie,. Inqiiin
1 .a wi eiu-.'-i 'ii iin 'in n puny, U.r (.'atts
street, or phone
I'OK UK NT - I'lirnh
house of t
t Hon vai'iln
K (1. Murray.
r uro Mr
f i im i
i ii i
Kt'it Vt I N'T- St'.
nt (Ii hIi ithli-
oiu I i x 4 f. et.
ion In liiw n. It. nt
urt'-l 'i'i il.m Cuin-
$1.' ApplV 1
t a 1 1 ; i n i : . 1 1 1 h m i ; i k u W o r "air TuTrnv
I'Immi.- is; .M s Mum.
I'lMT ut I;ih( l,.-lon lli.'.-tliiK h ttilt
I i ke, plfH-e i t-t urn to t lay fonl'-n
ami ei h.itiK'' W in. Aiiiom.
StONKY TO I.OAN-l'tvfiir fuml
rreittt ff-rni In: iik, low Interest rate.
I.'o.nofl l.nal momy to loan on koh1
real ertat Klrst niort K'lKA. Se M
V Jth t. of 111. 1(1. o.
l.OSV axi roiM.
l.nST -Iti.l Hill hrati.l hip rul.het
l.!:o k Kln.ler l. ue nt thin of
A 1ST -t ill I hllK- . Illl" I'lll.l.-l-
l ii e at Nf n u-w oft 1. 1 .1
4i Kl I. ami nliltKe.
J.OST-Cohl K.i errmrp i-.-m i,
St. Vens St Mini lione mli.n. 1
Ie;iv.- nt New - I ( I ew
VOiI i on SAI.K- Imiiilro nt I'fttter-
on A Hi-: i;t.
I Ht SAI.i: -All 'kuul tr " dry T woo.l
Phone 'i.
I'Ht SAl.l' lli-;itlntt Movef $2 Sln-
i'i ! Tin Shop.
Foit HAI.K Cow w Ith Valfr YrUSiv.
U Ithe Itro. iMilirtl. Ore.
I Ut SAI.K Or ti:ih- iiuh k, C 11. P.
nnitor. .1 ph:ife, ;'.'( volt, nearly n-w,
w int KiiiitU- phn 110 olt Miutnn
TMi!.'rm , TauruiiK ami Kur !'..
Uii. tuiiK. IM,..
Kt Ut "HA 1. 1 : - I 'r. :l ii, th ; K rlM-aVTma
fttrawh.Ti v plMiitN The kln( that
ourB. lift p,-r Imou tn lot of 5 on up.
Htnntl onlera. $2 per 10U. K. M. Wt
U)h. Luuklng UIiii, Or.
The Original
sod Substitute
Rich MUk, Malted Ornlr. Bitnrt Iti Powder
No Cooking 'Nourishing Digestibl
lUst equipped machine shop for
lathe steel and spring work at the
HoHeburg Outage.
set you promised yourself. We
I'OK HAI.K Itoll-top
I'hoiie llil-lt.
olTlcn ilewk.
K Ut
SAI.K - Kin eating Hatitwln ap
i. A. W. (lialiuiii, Ktoikway. Oie.
'K HAI.K 1
OvtM luiol Or
'ery fine rull apples ut
chanlH. Clmi. A. Mrund.
'oil " SAI.R- 1917' Chevroh-t." :ini).
1'. Al. I'urker, ItoNeliurK iariiKe.
olt SAl".Tc "Applet aiul"cider "iTellveVeii
In town. I 'hutia tH-yi. I. U. Hklntiar
A Soiih.
'nit SALK A weaving loom,
at the tin a i twiuaittur oil H
H'iihern' Home.
1 n rj u I re
ut th
'oJ! SAI.K- 11 hoii or linlil lollar
rliiiwlii'irv plaiUH will dt-llver In
Ili.-hiHK. 1 IMIIaid.
I fit HA 1 . hl-
iJU Kuril tru.
vlth lo-T
ii ml ial.
'otnlit ion.
kvvood Motor ft
t'lllMSTMVS TKKKH- How many
on f ui ihhIi for iteliv.rv t lux wi-rk '
' "'L 'C'J"'!.!! ''"titer. Phone 40-Kl I.
I'i 'It SA I.K Se oral thousand I of'"
hi'irv tip. BprliiK delivery. II. V
frlnler. It. K. it. 1, Itox KC,
KtMt SAI.K 91 iM'ii'H hottom land.
aoout , i in tiiitivation, i inlleM Si
iaihlle. Viola Mynatt, Hl.hlle. Ore
I'Olt SA I.K One Rood Jerm-y mil. h
iow, three years tdd, a u.nod family
row. a. . i.taiiam. Hroikwto. tire.
Koll HAl.K "fixl'iio- jot lli
North Itoaeliurir. Pavement paid,
water on !t Plume 15-1-1J.
l.t h 1 A NPKi: It Y tips. wprhiK delivery. If
ordered now. at 4 ei-ntu; lnt ela
"Hlv. ii. It Hole. Hiihhii. Id. Ore.
Knltn TtiriEINiJ t'Alt Kor Kale Vhe;"ip
JitKt rep'imted and In koo1 me.luiul
i al eonditlon. Service (iaraKC Ho6
hurt? coult llni. k auto
ur -ill limit- hi
heap, term t . milt,
i hiMim' unit l,,t in
T. cm. Ni'W..
A. Iili.
Itvv l. w.
K"lt SAl.l: - S.'.uii.T-lt.uiil ,ftiK, 3 lVils
Mm, t.uirilia. 1 ttiil.'k totimiK. 1 Kit; 1
rt'fi. Inter. All III (IrnteliiNn -,,ihII Men.
met will be Bold at IturKHlllB. J. o.
K'lt f A I.Kl-l.f"ll U.-.7" i.ra'i. tlmiiK. Kithmlt vein-
le.i ill. nit-inn to im for irl-e All snai-mitei-d. OrfMon St at hltiery
'o . i:uKi'tie. tire.
I't'lt S.M.K- (in.. fulTTTT.,..!. two-r
"I'I I. -V t.oar. will weiati nt.out
!'!! $.1.".; one hlnitlc inn-
.lime, oli.i..Ht n... prl.-e IliJ. Hon.!
ton..lih.l.-. (iifson.
I'l:ili w'lnnlnV 8. 0."lt. I. It. c.K-keivTa
for sni.-: Split Painf utrnin
ui:.iui...i l.n it hi prime voii.lltlon
I'n.e $:, to nr.. Mia. A. It. Soil.-
r. II...
I '. 1 1 1
SAI.I-: f.a.l lle mar... .It
lis ol.l. uttliout a l.ltnl.h. aclKtit
nt ii tl.on.ali.l t.oini.ti.. j.tif.1 t.
n.lnr.l hoi i.,., .lam
tun. ky whip. $ u li If taken at
mi lie i:a c ana atleet or
-1 It.
i: i:n room ii
iiii.ii.. I: on i
walk. KlKlillv
Mleet. e.
I. lot s;
111. -nt
K.....I Km. I. n land. .hi. ken vai.l mul
Iioiim All for $'.:t..i; tei'ina V, eah.
l. il.ui... on easy ii'im rtt 7 it .'.-lit
ri.M In a t.NiK'iln that In Roltlolil
lei on
In.. I i
AluM I... take tint mil'.
at this pi'tie. See N. Hi.
ft Hied.
lt H A I.K The text ami mom modern
liou.-te lit KonehurK we aie onVrinic
for n;.le at a aa.-t if of fsniu
than n could he toilit for today. Thi
In ravniu- R flood ileal, hut If oii ate
IntereNied In a and up l date
hoiUio. aiKhtly lo-ateil. let u allow
you throiiKli thta hone. Then you
win bf eonvln.etl we have not
Miferatd. For further particular!
e N. itU. of ItU Hlca,
Movie Closeups
Ynnfh and hiiih HDirlls ure the ore
domluating notes In the Thomas H
nee production. 'Mary s AnKie,
which Is coming to the Antlers thea
tra tonleht and at the Majestic thea
tre nn Thursday. IJouitlas .MacLean
mul imrls May. who made such an
auspicious debut at co-stars in iJ
H.iurs Leave." are the featured play
ers. The picture la an aduptatlon of
May Tully s Hilarious siane ui
the same name.
The story is about a Doc Hampton
youns and Impecunious, who meetf
a (tlrl on Tan Uay and falls In love
wiih her. In order to claim an In
heritance from his rich uncle, he
li fake weddlna announcement
Unt out Ills 1,1 n t r Is called, the old
uncle InforminK him that he win ui-
on hand to inauect the bride and to
lake them on a honeymoon lour 10
Honolulu. In the emergency, fate
ihrows the Tug Uay girl acroB Doc
nmh. Her persuades her to pose as
as his bride, and later, ot course sni
mukes good the deception by fulling
in love with her pretended husband
l.lnvd liieram directed the picture
and besides Mr. Macl-ean and Miss
May, the cast Includes Victor rotei,
N'eal iluriiH. James Gordon, Llzette
Thome and Ida Lewis. It is a i-ar
amount-Artcrnft picture.
When Maurice Tournler picked the
st for J. Kenlmore Cooper s lam
jus Leather Stocking Tale, Ine
Last of I he Mohicans." to be Been at
he Liberty Theatre tonight. Be nau
searched for the best artists.
The beloved I'ncns, last or the
Mnhirans. could not wear a wrist
watch wearing Broadway's latest In
clothes and be of that hero type. He
had to be a spiritual character, to
be the carrier or I nca's message
Hence Tournler examined many ac
tors until he found Albert Koscoe
ho la one-eighth Usage Indian, and
a well known leading man. Ho shav
ed his head, bared his body and made
up for the part.
.Margua, tne uun-iiKe reosiun wno
betrays the whites. Is In the hands of
Wallace Beery, noted villain and bad
man, who carries off all honors for
playing mean parts.
The Colonels two daughters. Cora
and Alice, played by Barbara Bedford
md Lillian Hall, respectively, are
Dtetty pictures on the sliver sheet.
It Is unjust to call any actor in
The Last of the Mohicans" a sup
porting: player, for each Is a star.
Henry Woodward, playing Major
Heywood, Is Tournlers leading man
and does some fine work in this pic
Others In the big all-lead cast are
llawkeye. Hurry Lorraine, (.aniut.
Nelson Mclliwell; Chiugilt hg o ok
rheodare Lcrch; Tanienund. Jack
Mc Donald: Indian, Joseph Single
ton and many others.
Will Rogers, Coldwyn star, met
with much optical disapprobation at
he I'ulver City studios while decked
out in the swell wardrobe which he
hud procured especially for hts new
picture. Jnbilo, shown at the Ma
jesllc theatre tonight for the last
time in Hoschurg.
The famous roper and comedian
was about to ent-T the studio res
taurant one clay when he met Victor
Srhertztnger coining out, well fed
:ind facetious. Rogers was decked
out in a straight jacket coat of re
pulsive design, tight pants to match
and a pair of vivid yellow shoes with
impressive knobs on the toes.
"Where diil you get those terrible
clothes. Bill?" was Si'hertzinger's
"What s the matter with them?
defended Ropers looking down ap
preciatively at the layout which had
been collected at much expense. "My
director said they were great so often
I kinda began lo believe him. Had
!o kill a Mexican to get 'em."
Schertzlnger reached forth an In
qulrtitivn foot."
"Look out! Don't spoil that shine"
Itogers yelled. '-Had enough trouble
getting those dogs to look pretty
And he ducked into the lunch room
to faco a welcome of loud unsympa
tlietlc laughter. Ho certainly was glad
to get back on exteroars where he
could wear old chups and spurred
boots, articles of attire that command
honest respect.
Athletic roles seem to appeal' to
harles Itay. who will be seen In his
latest Iiiriiniount-Art-'rart picture,
"The KKg Crate Wallop." at the Ant
Gen Nat Margarine
Meant Tendrr Pastry
Making tender, fbiy pie
crusti it not only an art,
but a matter of using
the right shortening.
Pastry made with Gem
Nut fairly melts in your
Not a hand touches it
either in manufacture or
packing until you open
the Carton.
Onltr m today.
Van ( lfll im Our
Iurilan4 Plant
Of Interest to Expectant
n.,.r, Tn.l "T took Lv.lia E. Pinlc-
sain'a Vegetable Compound with good
rrttUlia HI UI a uau
ulfered for some
time with female
trouble. Some rears
go I had twin" boys
and took your Vege
table Compound be
fore they came ; also
before lay four year
old boy was born,
and afterwards, and
think it tine for such 1 tell others
what it did for me
jnd you may publish my testimonial."
-Mrs. Ceo. A. oos, 711 S. tli St,
Closhen, lud.
The experience of Motherhood 1 a
crying one to most women and marks
listinctly aa epoch in their lives. Not
me woman in a hundred is prepared or
lnderstanda how to properly care for
herself. Every woman at this time
diould rely upon Lydia K. Pinkham's
Vegetable 'Compound, a most valuable
tonic and invigorator of the female
In many homes once childless there
ire now children because of the fact
that Lv.lia K. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound makes women normal,
healthy and strong ami tins goou um
.'ashioned root ami herb remedy con.
'ains no narcotics or harmful .drugs.
lest theatre Thursday. Since becom
ng a Thos H. Ince star, Mr. Ray has
been a baseball player, a runner a
tilcycle racer and horseman and an
automobile racer.
Combined with a natural love for
sports, this experience has made him
an extremely well developed, agile
youth. In addition he Is a handy man
with his fists as he proves In his
new picture. Thtj.gtar has the role of
helper for the country express agent
at his home town. He attracts the
attention of a prize fight promoter
by liiB skillful work In ber ting up a
tramp. When his girl's father, la ac
cused of theft, the "helper" leaves
town to divert suspicion to himself.
In Chicago he meets the promoter
igain and turnc prize fighter. He
fghta a winning battle against a pug
who attempted to double cross the
promoter in an unexpected manner.
and clears up the matter of the stol
en money as well, clearing the agent
and winning the girl.
Beginning on Thursday, "The Mut
ny of the Klslnore," the Metro plc
urization of the famous Jack London
aovel, with an all star cast, will be
he feature attraction at the Liberty
theatre. Tills picture, which presents
he ruinous London Novel of the sea
in the screen for the first time is a
Metro pdoduction with an all star cast
ind will be the leading attraction at
the Liberty theatre for two days.
"Tho Mutiny of the Klslnore," Is
one of the late Jack I.ondon'8 last
and most notable works. It Is a tale
of the sea, in which a crew of city
tcnngstfiB attempt to take over the
control of the ship from the officers
n charge. In addition there is a
charming love story, the thread of
which is passed by the evil passion
of Andreas Mellalre to possess the
beautiful daughter of Jason West, a
half owner tn the Klsinore. Margaret
West is In love with Dick Somers.
the captain's son. and she resents
the attentions of Mellalre, whom she
distrusts and fears; and Mellalre, to
accomplish his purposes of possess
ing Margaret. Incites the crew of the
idnp to mutiny.
Firm, however, against the mach
inations or Mellalre ami his hench
men. stands John pike, the first
mate of the Klslnore. Pike has long
loved .Margaret too. but the reallza
tion If his age makes him sertain
that she belongs to a younger man
than himself. And. when the mutiny
starts, the iron hand of John Pike
raises to nuell it.
The role of John Pike Is portrayed
by Mitchell Lewis, and 111 his support
are neien retguson, Noah Beery,
Casson Ferguson, William V. Mong,
Sidney D'Albrook. Norval Mactireg-
or and J. P. Locknoy. The picture
was directed by Albert Sloman from
tho scenario by Albert Shelby LeVino
and Jackson Hose photographed the
I have moved my shoe repair shop
to room just south of Fruit Union
building, on Winchester street. Glnd
to see all my old customers, and also
ne wooes. I give satisfaction. J. W
We will now place on sale the en
tire stock of A. S. Huey Co. at great
reduction. An opportunity to buy
Christmas goods for little money.
Successor to A. S. Huey Co.
My son. Joe Nrarnll. ne. d 17
years, having left my home without
just cause. I win not be responsible
for any debts he may contract nor
for any deeds he may do, after this
Dated at Olalla. Ore iv -o
"20. JESSE XKAVm.l" '
Tiurw;ll(; paxck.
There will be a big dance n..
Tiller pavilion, Thursday evening
November 25. Ootid music, and a
tine time for everybody don't miss
t.l.lN W 1. .
a S.-1I....1
tnt .e
.... ...e eonN. ruction or at Tiller. Ore. Ilhieprlnt
.V L rn lne News
."ri.l"T,i.r;,,,h. urhrr my
.Snt'"c,..v w "uZTui-Kr vi
" r ......niirir, t,re.
Dr. Harry E. Morgan, dentUt, tele-
-..-.. j IJ.rl.ln. hlllM-
pnone 4sa. uuiw .-..
For first class work go to Lloyd'r
?leauln works, 126 Sheridan street,
Telephone 44.
A positive cure for poison oak.
eciema, salt rheum, scalp cure. No
more bald heads. J. W. Mote, 1202
W. 1st atreet, Koseburg, Ore.
Am now boomng orders for day-
old chicks tor lVtl delivery no
nigh producing Tancred strain White
Leghorn and O. A. C. Barred Rocks.
Karl Vosburg, 702 Fullerton St.,
TIMHKK Central Land office.
Wn.lilimlun. I). C. dept.
Notice l liemby given that subject to
the conditions and limitations of the
Act of June . lai 3 !. and
the Inatructlons of the Secretary of the
Interior of Heulenibcr 15. ,1917., 'L10
limber on the following landa will be
.old Jan. 10, iyil, at 1U o'clock a. m.
it public auction at the United State"
Land Office at Hoseburg. Oregon, to
the highest bidder at not leaa thun the
appraised value, as ahown by this
notice, sale to ue miujee. iu .., .
proval of the Secretary of the Interior.
The purchase price, with an additional
sum of one-fifth of one per cent tbeie-
of, being conunlHsiona allowed, muse
u deposited at time of aule, money to
be returned If sale is not approved,
illierwise patent will Issue for the
timber which must be removed within
ten yeara. lilda will be received from
lllzena of the Vnlted Statea. associa
tions of such citizens and corporations
organized under the laws of the United
-states or any slate, territory or district
thereof only. Upon application ef a
lualilied purchaser, the timber on any
egal subdivision will be offered separ
ctely before being Included In any of
fer of a larger unit. T. 15 8.. H. 1 W..
Sec 31. NK'i SK1. fir 1460 M.. cedar 30
M.. KW4 SK, flr 1800 M.. SR'4 8K14.
fir sio M . W4 St:'4. If '."10 M., ?jui
;o M., NK14 SW. fir 1220 M.. cedar 20
M.. Lot 3, llr 1170 M.. MiVi SWU. fir
ItiOO M., Lot 4, flr 1S00 M.. none of the
tlr or cedar to be sold for leas than
12.00 per M. (Signed) CLAY TALL
MAN. Commisaloner, General Land
TIMHEH General Land Office.
Waahinttton. T. C, October 2, 1920.
.Notice Is hereby given mat auDject to
the conditions and limitations of the
Acts of June . 1K16 (39 Stat., 21S), and
June 4. mo (41 Stat., 758), and the In
structions of the Secretary of the In
terior of September 15, 1S17, and June
22. 1920. the timber on the following
landa will be aold Dec. 13, 1920, at 10
o'clock A. M., at public auction at tne
United States land office at Hoseburg.
Oregon, to the highest bidder at not
less than tne appraised value as anown
hv tills notice, sale to be subject to the
aonroval of the Secretary ot the In
terior, ine purcnase price, wun an
additional aum or one-nttn or one per
cent thereof, being commissions al
lowed, must be deposited at time of
sale, money to be returned If sale Is not
approved, otherwise patent will Issue
for the timber which must be removed
within ten years . Bids will be received
from citfsens of the United States, as-
sociationa of auch citizens and cor
porations organized under the laws of
.lie Lotted states or any state, terri
tory or district thereof only. Upon op
tillcntlon of a Qualified purchaser, tin
timber on any legal subdivision will be
orfered separately before being Includ
ed In any offer of a larger unit. T. 32
3., H. S W Sec. 1, Lot 1. Mr 325 M., pine
75 M.. lil 2. nr u0 Al., pins 20 3a., Kl.
NKU. flr r.r.0 M . nine 60 M.. SW li.
NUM. flr 300 M.. pine TO M., cedar 25
M . Lot 3, flr 400 M , pine 20 M . Lot 4.
llr 775 M.. HE'4 NW4. flr 225 M.. pine
0 M.. cedar 20 M.. SV NWti, llr 500
.u., pine JO Al., ceu.'ir 20 Al r. r. a nC M
rtr lof.o M.. Dine 100 M.. NW14 SE'A
tlr 300 M., pine 35 M.. cedar 20 M..
SKVi HKK. flr BOO M. pine 100 M.,
SWVi SKU, flr 8i.o M.. pine loo M,,
cedar &0 .M.. NI-:4 SW V4 . flr 3u0 At.,
pine 45 M., cedar 60 M.. NW?4 SW",
Ur 650 M.. pine 60 M . cedar 80 M.,
SBli PV. tir 300 M.. Dine 70 M..
. edar 35 M., SW 14 8W14. flr 600 M pine
:.o Al., ee.lur do Al., hec. la, INfJft neju,
Mr 672 M.. pine 48 M.. SEV NEV4. flr
9.V2 M pine 96 M.: none of the llr or
I'e.lar to be sold for less than $1.00 per
M.. and none of the pine to be sold for
less than per Al.; Becll. SISU
NK'a. tlr 500 M , pine 20 MT cedar li
M.. NWii NE'4. flr 600 M.. Dine 10 M..
cedar 10 M.. SK14 NEVJ. flr 400 M., plna
1.1 At . cedar 15 M.. SV!4 NE14. flr 600
M . pine 30 M . cedar 10 M. NKV.
NWh. flr 300 M.. NW14 NW14. fir 600
Al.. ril'J'i N V,. llr 450 M.. Pine 25 Al
SVV NIVIi, flr 300 M., NE14 SE-
1. . nr 400 JI . Dine 60 M.. cedar 15 M
SW14 HEt4. Or 350 M., pine 60 M.. cedar
10 M., SK' SI74. flr 327. M.. pine 50 M.,
cedar 10 M . SW V, SE4, flr 300 M , pin
70 JI.. cedar 10 M. NE SW'4, flr 3o
M.. pine 15 M.. SE14 SW14, llr 275 M..
nine 26 M.. SW'i BW. flr 600 M.. plna
20 M., cedar 10 M.. Sec. 23. SW 14 BE 14.
fir 660 M.. SE14 SW14. flr 420 M.. Sac.
27. SKV KK. llr 640 At.. NE4 SE14
flr 420 M.. .pine 40 M.. NW14 SE14, flr
760 M. KE1 SE14. flr 375 M, plna 50
11. sn 1, SEI4. flr 480 At., pine 40 it.,
none of the flr to be sold for leas than
$1.25 per M.. none of the plna to b aold
for less than $2.50 per M.. and none of
the cedar to be sold for less than $1 00
per M. T. 37 S, R. 7 W., Sec. . SK'm
SWV,, flr 425 M.. pine 60 M T. 39 S,
It. t V Sec. 3, NV!4 NE14. flr 190 al
pine 2X0 M., oak IS M.. NW14 NW14,
flr 95 M., pine 270 M.. SE'i SW,, flr
75 M.. pine 225 M.. NE'4 sv, llr 75
.M.. pine 380 M.; none of the flr to be
.cold for less than $1.00 per M., none of
the pine to tie sold for lens than $3. OS
per M.. and none of the oak to be sold
for lens than 50 cents per M. T. 86 8.,
11 .1 E., See. 1, SEV, SW14, pin 10 M.,
red flr 430 M.. white flr 20 M.: non of
the pine to be aold for less than $2.25
per M.. none of the red flr to b aold
for less limn $1.50 per Al.. and none of
tlie White flr tn he Mold tnr leaa .han
$1 00 per M. CLAY TAL1.MAN, Com
mlNNlnner. tianeral LaiiTI o price
1 i.niir-.H. i.nneral Land time.
VtashlnUton. I. C! . Oetnher 1 l.lil
Notloe Is hereby given that aiihla...
the conditions and limitations of the
. i or jtin 9. isi (39 stj. 21 . and
tne instructions or tha SecT?Tarv of tha
Interior of September 15 1917 the
Umber on the following lands w'lll ba
. ...... i.ii., at 10 ociocg A. M..
at public auction at the United Statea
land ofllice at Itoseburff. Oregon, to
the highest bidder nt not leaa .han Ik.
appraised value as shown be this
.....i.e. n.e 10 ne suoject to the ap
proval or the Secretary of tha Interior.
The purchase price, with an additional
film or one-fifth or one ... ,..
or. being comnilsNlons allowed, must ba
deposited at time ot sale, money to be
' not approved, other-
w se patent will issue tor the timber
which must be removed within ten
years. Rids will be received rrom cltl
"; of the United States, associations
of such citizens and corporatlona or
ganized under the laws of the United
Slates or any state, territory or dis
trict tbereor only. Upon application or
a qualified pur. haser, the timber on
anv leail subdivision will h. A.r.a
sej.arately before being Included In any
offer cr a larger unit. T. 21 S. Ft 1
W, Sec. si. NKVi NWU tie sin m AA.I
15 M.. ,V n KW14 flr 870 M None of
the tlr or cedar to be sold for less than
$1 .-.0 per M. T. 21 A. R t W lee 31
I, seu flr ,;5 M.. NE S W vf" flr
Jro M.. Nv c4 8WI4 tlr 500 m" Jwu
ior is: rh.n r,r6oVehr,1;r. vv?
S'!r,r,M - ;
lulisloner, UanaraJ tnd office.'
Just received a shipment of the
them, hear them and play them.
an. not, yruuioitive. Monthly payment!
ranged, If you prefer.
We wish to thank the many
friends who so kindly asaUted during
the illru-B8 and death of our beloved
wife, daughter and mother, and espe
cially the lodges, Mytle Creek school
teachers and friends who sent the
beautiful floral offerings.
WHKHKAS, the trout and other fish
inhabit! nK the st reams of Doug lac
County. Ktato of Oregon, with the ex
ception of the Umpqua Itiver from Its
mouth to Its juction with the North
Umpqua River and the South Umpgua
lilver; and the North t'mpqua Itiver
from Hi) Junction with the I'mp
qua River to a point on said River
known as the Boundary Ranger Sta
tion; and tile South Umpnui liiver from
Its junction with the Umpqua Hivr to
a point on said River ahout nine miles
above Tiller. 'Oregon, known aa the
Fork of said River; alio the Calla-
Bonla River from Its junction with the
tnpqua River to a point on said River
known as the Nonpareil bam, are be
ing threatened with extinction from
excessive angling and other causes;
WHEREAS, the State Board of Fish
and Game Commissioners is desirous of
protecting the trout and other fish in
habiting the waters of all the streams
of IouKlas County. Htate of Oregon,
with the exception of the Umpqua
River from Its mouth to Us Junction
with the North River and the
South Umpqua River; and the North
Umpqua River from Its Junction with
the Umpqua River to a point on suld
River known as the Boundary Rager
Station; and the South Umpqua Rivt-r
from Its Junction with the Umpqua
River to a point on said Itiver about
nine miles above Tiller, Oregon, known
as the Forks of said River; also the
t'allapooia River from Its Junction with
tne umpqua tuver to a point on sum
River known as the Nonpareil lam,
Hltuated In the County of Douglas,
State of Oregon;
TUrcRRKORK. by authorolty of law
vested In said State Board of Fish and
Game Commissioners, notice Is hereby
given that all the streams of Douglas
County, State of Oregon, with the ex-
ceptlon of the Umpqua River from its
mouth to its Junction with the North
Umpqua River and the Smith Umpqua
River; and the North Umpqua River
from Its Junction with the Umpqua
River to a point on salt I River known
as the Boundary Ranger Station; and
the South Umpqua River from Its June-
tion with the Umpqua River to a point
on said River about nine miles above
Tiller, Oregon, kown ns the Forks of
aaid River; also the Callnpoola River
from Its Junction with the Umpqua
Itiver to n point on said River knnwn
No. S
;hir'" zxrx
comhlned together In any other typewrlt-r. Plan-Built on the Unit Ry-t.m. Blnsl. Cast n, each f .r B.M.
Sub-Frame. Top-Plata and Carrlase. all ..curely held
Ina; Stability. Acturaoy and Durability. unvw-K,yb..rd-
Key.. 84 Charact.ra. Single Shift. ,p ed the ' '
eal atandard In all achool. and modern m.thod. of
agalnat the 28-Key. Doubl. Shift k-yboard now g.ti-r.lly di-csrdeS
hiKhgrade conatructlon. . . WAvina front
re-trie Tybar Acllon-All typebar, of .am. length working Ira-circumference-to
common center; made of special tool l
Type Moat accurate known: made of llneat steel. UP araad
fit the exact curve of platen, producing. In conjunction w h . the
sto. lc nnn-vlbratlna carrlaae. type-work of superior exc.lien ..
Ilall-Bmrlna; Carriage Swift. Smooth. Easy. Accural..
Poalttv. Allgn.t-By patented adjustable l-br1.,.a'"blM, n"
Automatic Heverae-Automatically reverses t.e rlbbe.
one spool to the other. mressure key.
I.l.e!v. leek at end of line; releas.d by pressur. y
Twr.lo, Rlkba. DeTlee-Posltlve In Action; no mixing M
Tlltlaaj Paper Table For adjusting tabular keys and mars"
front of machine. nrintins Pol"1-
Ll.e.PI.l.t; Kd.elndlc.tlng b... of Una and ''.aTne.
atrial M.rsn.l lle.1- For aettlng margin, from r"' 01 ,4
l-r,.rd.I.kl. Paper BeIee-Uoth hid, free to adjust p.P
carbons. .
d.-k T.bol.,1.. Me,k..ta--In-bullt ''7-h',rt,"-p,
touch, short atroke. quiet action. rlli" ""
visible from end to end of line. D.rrentsga ef
Durability-Brat material and workmanship; a g rest r " a(.,lc.:
hardened steel parte than any other typewriter of similar
no cluttered-up entanglements and complications io s
and cause trouble: hence better and longer service. CIrri.g -
Ipeed Eaeatpeaseet Bark
f.n.x Tjprkaraal.aU.. Doable mm Triple Liar- .1(fl l
nibkoa-kirt C.atr.1. Varlablr Rlkkosj Track tamaa ow rnt (.r-
Rrlraaa Ratrkrl Heleeae tar Pmasj
liage Ralla, ele ele.
Local Distributor:
A Q HUftY '
famous Packard Pianos
Yon win u ,k ..1
ne.t pUa()
be if'
as the Nonpareil Dam altu..
County of UouKlM ' MtUi the
are closed to Cgot i:
In any manner, (or trout .
from and after tt.7 hnff SJOl
be prosecuted aa ViUtlVSSiES1
Dated at Portland orVsJi K?. 'f.4
day of October. A D iltk
By P. M. Warren. ComaniaiM;
Still has pruns trees on Itmbotoi '
plum roots. I may still tu, ,,.
order ia 100 lots for Italian prima,
on aboTe named roots (lonttit Ural
prune root In exlttencs. F. B. In
dan. Special Agent, 160 geresUi tL
N., Grants Pass, Oreion.
Tire Prices!
New Iow Prices on CompleM
Line of Perfection Ttrei tac
lug Vou
8000 Mile
P. Tread
6000 Mill
These are not Second!, ,bat ill
Factory Firsts and adjusted os
6000 and 8000 miles. Prices
on other sixes os same bull.
Service Garage
(il.EXX H. TA1X0R
KoHcbiirg . Oregoa
per "-' ,..., Taaiart