fiT HUM'. XOVKMIIKH go. PAOR BIT RORRRPRQ W K W H RFV1KW Lower Prices For Our Many Patrons and Friends New Mdse-Lower Prices Our buyers are constantly in the mar ket to secure for you the very best val ues at lowest figures, Get the Penny Prices Before YouBuy Oroenn. where she resides, for a snnrt time. LIBERTY THEATER WHERE EVERYBODY OOES. Homo of World's Master Phot oplay Attractions. TODAY ONLY Tho scams of the sweat shop are sewed to the seamy side of smart society In "Life's Twist" STARRING Bessie Barriscale Supported by Walter McOrall and King Baggot. A human drama for every li umaii. A Robortson-Colo 8eclftl. -RUTH OF THE ROCKIES" and PATHE NEWS Special Added Musical Feature Douglas County Concert Band of Twenty Pieces SERENADE and CONCERT SUNDAY AND MONDAY Metro Classics BEE BERT LYTELL IN "The Price of (nutter h'vat urvs Coiihm1 (miniont i.raphu- & Korl Educational Hortv Redemption" And be thrilled by a man's victory over hlntM-lf. A graphic filmlzatlon of I. A. It. Wylle's Temple of Dawn adapt ed by June Mathls, directed by Dallas M. KitzRvrald. PRICES OF ADMISSION: Matinee Daily 2:15 p. nu; Evenings 7:15 and 9 p. m. Children Matinee 10c, Evenings 15c Adults 25 cents. SATURDAY-- Children's Day at the Booterie BIG SHOE SALE Hundreds of Pairs of Childrens Shoes on Sale at Prices of Long Ago Bring the Children and have them fitted. SHOES FOR BOYS! SHOES FOR GIRLS! . C. Scuffers Black Kid But ton, Sizes 2! to 6, $2. id But-1 $2.45 SMASH Go Shoe Repair Prices. Roseburg Booterie IRVI.V BRU.NX SHOES 1HAI SATISFY AND FIT YOUR FEET. BRINO US YOUR REPAIR WORK AND SEE THE DIFFERENCE. I'erklus Bldg., ItoM-burg. AROUND THE TOWN T hor Demonstration at Uhlig's Electric Store, j Tuesday Mabel I. Colton of Tiller today til ed suit for divorce from Rufu C. Colton. She charges cruel and inhu inuii treatment. M. J. Donaldson Solby and wife, of Yoncalla, who have been visiting In this city for several days returned home this morning. Sheriff and Mrs. Geo. Qulne spent yesterday in Ashland attending to the shrine Ceremonials at that, place They will return to Iioseburg tonight. W. L. Cobb went to his ranch this morning for the purpose of killing the turkeys on his place for the city Thanksgiving markets. An eight pound baby girl was born to Mrr. and Mrs. Dr. B. R. Shoe maker, of this city, November 20, 1920. .Mrs. Jane Jorey, who has been re siding, near this city left today for San Francisco, where she will re side In the future Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Wright leave tomorrow for Long Uoach California where they expect to spend the next year. Contractor Carl Stebblnget, who has been attendiug to business mat ters In this community for several months left this morning for Port land. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Neal, who have been visiting on South Deer Creek wilh Mrs. Neat's sister, Mrs. R. S. Ingram, left this afternoon for their nome in Eugene. Attorney A. N. Orcutt who has been spending the past few days la Portland and Sulem attending to business matters, arrived at his home in (his city this morning. .MrB. C. W. Murphy who has been visiting in Weed, California, and who stopped in this city to spend the night with friends, left this after noon for Eugene where she resides. On account of floods at Kennett, California, all northbound trains are delayed lor 36 nours. ine first o the delayed trains began to arrive this morning, the flood having been somewhat abated. Hecause of the large amount of traffic, and delayed trains. It has become necessary to add to the num ber of train dispatchers In the local office. The division has been divided one man handling the district from Kseliur to Clendale and the other the; district from Olendnle to Ash- . I . AROUND THE TOWN .Mrs. J. V. Cox left for Albany his afternoon where she will visit a short time with friends. Universal Tire Filler Is the filler thiit "fills the bill." and makes your tires puncture and blowout proof. Itreak uway from the old unsatis factory wny of using air in your tires. Have Universal Filler installed. Mrs. V. G. Sellecx came to Rose- bun! this morning from her home in Suiherlln, spending a short time vis iting and attending to business mat ters here. Miss Lois Grubbe of Wilbur was a itosebtirK visitor this morning spend ing several hours here attending to business matters. Mrs. M. C Hon!, of Suthcrlin, came to Koseburg this morning to rtend a short time shopping and vis iiinir with friends. Mrs. D. . James and two daugh ters left this afternoon for Oakland where they will spend the week end visiting with relatives. Dr. and Mrs. K. J. Walnscott came to Koseburg for a short time this morning, returning to their home on the afternoon train. George Hall and daughter, Mrs. Clayton linker motored to Koseburg this morning from their nome in Oakland to shop and visit with their friends for a while. Mrs. J. G. Sands of Wilbur spent this morning in Koseburg 4rajisaet iug business matters, returning to her home on the afternoon train. Max Huff and wife and son, left this morning Tor Junction city to isit with relatives. Mrs. Joe lienn. who has been re siding in this city for the past few mouths will leave tonight for Perth A m boy. New Jersey, where she will visit with relatives. Mr. Denn expects to follow within a short time. "Kmma l.ou." "Pad a Wearing the t - vera Ms Now." "Broadway Ko?e," hance Me on Your Knee.' "In Our Vestibule." and about twenty other 'brand new" hits direct from the music publishers in the east will be played tonight at the armory danre by the Jazz-O-Four orehesta. t ? well known organization in Rose burg. Tonight the oiehrstra will tie augmented by the addition of an ex tra piece ami the five hounds of harmony and syncopation will turn loose some dance music that will jar the most sleepy ones into action. Community Thanksgiving service will be held at Glide, Thursday. No eiuber 25. at 11 a. m. J. H. Dick son will give an address on some tilings to be thar.kful for. Itaskci dinner will be served at 12:30. All the community is Invited. Flan to come and you will be there. Don't forget the place. Glide; time, at 1 1 n. tn. J. H. Dickson. First Church of t'.ir.HC, Scientist Seivio a are held Sunday morning at M o'clock and Wednesday evening at S o'clock: this meeting Includes testimonies of healing. Sunday school convenes each Sunday morning at It: 45. All up to the age of 20 years are invited to attend. The reading room In the rear of the church build ing is open daily except Sundays and holidays from 2 to 4 p. m. The pub lie Is cordially invited to attend these meetings ami visit the reading room. The subject of Sunday's lesson Is: "Soul and Ilody." i A NO 1 Winter Nellie Apple Brokerage. Tears at l.erry's AHMOKY PAM'E TONIGHT BIG 6-11 ECU OKCHKSTKA Augmented Jnzz-O-Four. Box Supper Raises Hundred Dollars Tha V C T I ' rt fJoiKTurw hold a box supper at tho (Jreen school house last night clearing $10t. The supper was given as a benefit for me v.. j, i. i1. rarm nome tor U'h!h Ihoru tn a Hri vi Imino' nrir inl - n,l ... tl.n ..-A..-... Sln.n If r I)n.l rii tii liiq pi mm I lime, ill, V, . IVOlIil- haugh of this city acted as auction eer, giving nis services ireo or charge, for which the committee In emirge is very graienu. une nun 1 1 red dollars is an unusually largs sum to have cleared in this way and will be turned over to the DouglaB (11111) V. 11(111 mill), w, I . VUJM1UW, iu help make up the (1,9000 quota set iui una cuuiuy, HltOKKX DOW, Neb., Nov. 20. Following an attempt lo strangle himself yesterday, Dennis Chesier, the alleped slayer of Florence Har- ton, dived from his bunk in the cell head foremost last night and did not regain consciousness until this morn ing. A NO 1 Winter Nellie Pears at Lerry's Apple- Mrokepftge. . Fred Kent was in the city today looKng alter Dusiness matters. NKW TfXAY. I'oK SAI.K A wcavlnjf loom. Inquire in i no minrtermiiNWr s oirire at the WE ARE GOING TO CCmtL Lower Price Sale! Our 15 to 25 Reduction ' on everything are stillin effect and hundreds addition. Special Bargain m c on- aootuiuuiug uiC nnest and most' S teresting stock of ladies ready-to-Wear i ments ever seen in Roseburg W i you will call it wonderful. For Coats,SuiJ i Dresses, Sweateis, Corsets, Underwear J 5 hoes, ail rancy and staple merchant 9 T'-T l.s i jl i a.c auvdiiidgc 01 our sale. THE STORE THAT IS MAKING PltlCEs uq, land Prlnr tn tha rnr nna ... n ,. in charge of the district from Eu gene to Asniana, dui auring the per iod of government ownership, the district was divided from Eugene to Koseburg and from Roseburg on to Ashland, and It has now become nec essary to split the section south. Lamp, beats electricity. For demon stration drop postal card to H. O. Wilson, Roseburg, Box 1205, who will show you. VOI K FKIKXD8 AFPtlMm Practical gltti of the bw Carr's store has lint shlnmenl nf laoth . handbags and men's puna 1 1 leather and the best quality J And Carr', can aj too that tkijj uve jou money. ttbti cuii ou iimKei jUTHUib gift goods now on displtj. TODAY flJ 1 TODAY S MATIXEE EA'EXISQ 8 0 8 S MATIXEE EVEMJC J IF You want to enjoy a good picture. Come and see "The Courage of Marge O'Doone" WITH il ALL-SIM CAST IT IS THE BEST WORK OP JAMES OLIVER tTHWOOl). Two (Treat drizzly bears uro set to fighting by brutes to f right en a youne girl and plate bnt their power. Do they succeed in their evil designs? Is the girl frienillevs? You will ml liui good story If you fall to see this one. SUNSHINE COMEDY TOPICS OF THE DAY AND A FORD EDUCATIONAL THERE WILL BE A 15 MIXITKS COXCKRT AT 7:1-1 BY FRED DURNAM - March. "The Spring IHrd by Olman; Waltz, "Down tho Iong Trail to Hmue 8wt Hmw;' I Trot, "Ti-o-San." AT KKil LAU ADMISSION PRICES, 15c-2.V. MATIXEE EVENING SUNDAY l,UTI.NEB-KXfffi 11 nu1 1 "!: S TIMS MKAN V(H'? If vuu h;iv you don't know whRt you are niifsiiiK. 1TV mem. Lane i'iy- l't'i; SAIK Five farm. i;.; in. ins. with sum k If wjinifti )... v. o u ,,,,, 11 .... v tn ..lit il.itrn K . I tt nee sum as rent. Ovtrheiid x Ix'iint' Kht and I tut pi ices. C. Mit rill. Mill St. Norma Talmadge in "Tne Woman Gives" MI SICAL I'lUKiltAM: Overture. "Selections From Carmen;" "Screiiado," by Ems Wall "" Ixtoked In Your Wonderful Eyes." : ! I Going' Ranch 64 acros, 9 mon from Roso burg on good road; creek flows thru place; 17 acres In fruit, chiefly prunes, peara and ap ple; some cherries, peaches, etc.; balance of place Is farm land vith small amount of pas ture; 8 -room house, barn, store house, smoke house, corn crib, new hoc pens; place all fenced with wire; team, wapon. 2 cows. hogs, poultry; wind mill and tank; gasoline engine and epray outfit; 5 stands of bees; some furniture. All equip ment and tools for farming place. Immediate possession. Trice $12,00, one-half cash. G.W.YOUNG AND SON Real Rctata and lasanwo. ltd Cms M. PtKm 17 TODAY TODAY Of Course You've Heard of HLOTLTIDIrI The famous Handcuff King, self-liberator and stunt artist. Prohahly you're stunts In vaudeville. He's even more reniarkablo in tills thrill i" r "TERROR ISLAND" Rolin Comedy Pathe News And Another Famous RED RIDER STOB.Y. ALL CHILDREX CXDER 12 YEARS WILL BE A PLOTTED TVX&