STOCKS MAV RISE. OR FALL but an account with the Roseburg National Bank is always worth par, plus the accrued interest. Look ahead and you will See the importance of having a fund to your credit with us. 4 l'cr cent Interest paid on Savings Account. The Roseburg National Bank Roseburg, Ore. X fVkl,;r:f WITH THE PERSONAL TOUCH YOUR PHOTOGRAPH! You are i.t as busy e are not CLARK'S HAM) TIMKS 1'AHTV. All trainmen and their wlvei are Invited lo attend a hard timet nodal Monday night, Nov. 22, at Maceabee ball s p. "I- Ladles Auxiliary. Plain lewlng done. 108 Parrott at. NOTIt U TO KIMHAITtlHU. Hide will ! received until Iiereinher fli.t for the roimtruetlon of a echool linu.o at Tiller, Ore. Hliieprlnt and pinna may be eeen at the Newa-ltevlew ufrice. lUiaubiirtc. Ore. All dtmenflon antl rough lumber may he purchased at TllU-r at tin l"'r At. C'outrartor to furnl.h all imilerlnl. All bill are to be te Mia. J. 1. iluteh. Clerk. Ti::.r. Ore. CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NKW CLAtmlKIKD AIIVKIITIHKMI: VrS Wtl.l. HH POl'KD ON I.AKT I"A1K I IV l KK IIKAUIM1 "NKW TODAY." nnnrn-ini-irr-,-r - ' WANTKD. W ANTKD Tutneys, large er small, lluyur Hros. l'hone 14-14. WANTKD Hlnrfle currlHtfe in good re pair, for inti. Write Box m. Buth- rlln, (r. . W ANTKi lllyli school lrl nr woman to do light hniiMi work for tmurd. todlinc antl small pay. Calt 4il be foie KlX o'do. k. 1'OSITION WANTKlt Ail m.ine.fer Of rfDih. either stock or untlii. BJi-perlt-nced iimn. Address kl. B. L., cure Ncwi'iUvlcw. VAN'TKI l.iKlit hn k. buckboard or 1'iiKKy: "I"" ny inke and oivhitrd disc. State description and price. A. It, Holl, Yoncalla, tr. A'ANTKI l4HK' hiut-r Htuve for wuri'lioiifte. liinullf at Pat-iflc l"r u It utitl l'rotlut e t'i.. riiitrimil pur, North JnckHon Hi., or ilnne 8H. WANTKI l' lun an tiunk ktM'tr or offh'o inamiKtT tn kikmuI iiu'iilmn tlititf; t-niployeil Ht pri-Mint 1 lit ilfxlio to local i in tli in vicinity . hvt IihiI tin yura oxpfii-iic. A hikI married. 'an f urti tnh A -1 rufai eiu e Ho int. 1)-iitn. M(intan KOH UK NT. FHt KKNT Two furninhcd 4:'tK. t'aaa St FtK nENT Slifetv dapollt Itutcbui t National Hunk- bozaa. FOK It KNT 'Km i.laitwtl rooiu wltn prlviloge of bath. 401 R. Main St FOll HKNT2 fiirtiilnd re. .inn. I;th, Ku(K'inen rn fcrrt-tl. 2-2 . Iouk Iu8. Foil KKNT H clean f in iiIhIumI hu. kfcpinwr rooiiiH. clone In. lnuulrc 111! W. 1 ou K nn. FOR HF NT- aptiit-iuMitii, llti.t f two youiiH nun, IikiuIic nt 1M7 8 JackHon, or cull nt I'fopiri Supply Ci FOK HFNT FurnUrieM or unfurmahsd ronma, with privilege of bath. I'hona 2i-J. or call avvnlntfa aftar I at i Winchiitr St roll ! t K N f Furnt afTed fit i uVa k p 1 1 1 f anart men ta and tiaetinir raoma ltoahurrz A part men ta, llata and Douglaa. I'htnp 9 Foil UK NT toy nix room cot la", 1138 North Jaokaon atrt-tt. Inquiia Ijiwrpnce-t'nrdon ('nminny, 12S Caaa atreet. or phone 21. FOR URNT Store room lXx4S faat, moat riofllrAhlit 1 cation In town. Hnt Apply punv. I': I Awwnci-I 'onion C nm i hi nirrct rh.mK ?1 MISCKI-KAVKOIS. TAn4)KIN(li draaarnnklnir ft l'hont H7-M. 6?X R laln. ill klndY fiiiNKY Tt) Ix)AN a'-yar rural crtvllt farm lonna, low lntrat rat. 20,000 local money lo loan on m1 real eatata. First mo rt gaga, Se M. F. Illca. of Illca A Hlcs. IXST AND FOm I. IXtnT Auto crank. Finder plaaaa ra turn to Kewa-ltevlew ofTfra. iiST -ll'd' I HulT tirniid nip rubber boot, black. Klmlrr lrwve at this tiff ire. I JTsTlol Kvt-reharp pt-m II, b-t. Htevena Si. anil I tone achool. IMease nvo nt NVwJ-ltev1cW FOK SALE. WOOD FOR HAL.h Inquire at Pattar- aon aV Rlfire- FOR FAIjB Four gnotl, freih mTTcTT row. Judtl M. MllMn. FOll SAI.K l'or with calf, fraah Nov. IS. Rice lima. IHllard. Ore. FOR MA IK Prod uct 1 v e Everbearing atrawberrr plants. Tha kind that bears. Ill per Ivoo In lota of 100 up. Small orders, $1 per 100. K. ii. ilat bawa. LooklnaT Qlasg, Ort. m- .: m "'" i&Pff' ' a. busy a e will be In December. STUDIO ANNOUNCEMENT. JUHt received, a car load of Hurdle gpray machines. Special prices and terms to members. OREGON (fttOWEHS PACKING COltl'ORATlON. PltOKKSSIONAIj CARDS HKH, K. Ii. OV4K cut Flowers. Phoni 240 Cms. nfi. !W. It. I'l.YI.KIt OhlropraotU F'hvslrlsn VII W. Ijine ft Al.ftlCIIT ft. Ill KV Optolll.:trlM. "Th, Kye My Specialty." ll W, Can. St. KnKohurff. iirt'tri.n iii n 1 1 i a I I'lu nn 'Plinrirv Mil. I. cut Kinder;. rtin. 1001 West First St. Phone 139-1. Fi'tt SA1.R t'hon 2. -All kinds of dry . wood Viva FOR BALK Duroon frutn fti to 1 I'ty ' Huhmldt. Brock way. t'oll SALE Wry Dili cull appkn at Ovttriuml Ori;riardB. Chan, A. Urund. f'Olt 9ALH 1-at l-pumieTitfitr tourliiK car, a dandy and a bur gain. Jiuid V MiMlllla. Po7t SA"l-Ii llTI Ford, in AH iu uIih nit nl oo iid it Ion. Inguli Hl a U rsK for pal, i rouinit. lu in on Fin t. Mion CLaa. A. llratid. Ff'K KAT7E -Apnl andi7iairtUHr7d In town. lhwn it-alt. 1 U. ahlimar A Hon. Tv'H kiAl.fc Two Ford TorfTiTg uin, 1911 uiodala. Chaup. Utkntid klo- lo Co. ljRfc.ALK H.t of harna. In aod coiifiition. FrU-a ranori!a. Phuua l-'Olt S A l.K Several I lioiisiiml berry tip, sprhiK deliver v. t'rinler. U. K. I. 1, ltti Ml In W. Ft) It BALK rholcat it'xl lot in North Itoaabura. I'avainsnt i-aia" watr on lut: l'hone li-KU LrOiSAN.tKRRY tips! aprliiK dliaTvT"if ordrd now. at 4 runt a; 1 clasi" only. . H. li.tje, Hubhadil Ota. Pli'Khlli A7'l;l."k:s lv earns per boV; Bring your buxse. I.. K. laaa. h'Olt SAXfc s-rooni hmise. latge let, woodshad, Huhts and water. Hlosk from pavijnient Trno, Hrioti Ig-T ten montlis old part Durham bull, lai ua and well built Will aell cheap. Lok Box II, Toa oaMa. Ore. Foftn ToVitrNfi t-AiV.To7 Vu eTeaT. Just repainted and in good nieahanl eal etkiulitlon. Serrtee ilarage. Rose- burr tlOoli HuU k auto or will trade on linflchiirK. Atldrt Review. rtfap. terms to mill, bonie Mtxt lot m s T. T. c;iro Newa- kOlt SAl.R Saeonrt-imnfl cars 3 Druitf Bros touring. 1 Hulck tonnrg i roro roadstar. All in flrttlRi ennflitlon and wilt ba sold at baigaina. J ft' Newland. FOR SA l.K fip'T'ali le .reVa valves; pipe nitlngs. Huhuitt oir re.ulrpinriii to ua for price ' All ooda ajuarantaed. Oregon Mm hlnerv Kuirene. Or. FOR SI.K--or will trade Trlmd farm In vi,-lnltv of R.H,.iM)rK n li'.n. acre rarin, well Improved, nil' hot torn Koo.i free .,H J. MesfiiKr. I'orena, l.ane to.. Ore. 4M R.s p.l.e :f,. one itr,viP mm. ill .n"."1 ,,r,i Pnd Rroa.. dltde, orrKon FOR JTaTF" ' soTl fm 77 ton. and $ ! in -t our prlra on our 1 lotl !r fr.e a I hundrpd bv Hi smaller lot N'on-lrrlgated. rent pure air.ilf nf.,,, MlV,are, nea.l A Feed Oo M...if,,r.1 t.n FOR SAUfiOlt TnVf.r.Modern cot'- tag-e juar otinnda of rit limits m younc fruit O ..-a. plenty r.,,n ' f.r ajarden and chlt-kn vard Will trails for property close in. Address "A ' rare of Newa-Rev lew Poll 8AT.R Registered lfoIi7aViTiia'rd" nun; i regiaieretl cows and 1 ull calves, regleterad. c. O (Isrrett or C. J. Hunt will recemmend thix stock. Wlllard Smith, OUanvillr Ora. Phana 14-FSJ. FOR 8AI.K Rrown "awl die niareT"ai year old, without a blemish. wnUhi about a thousand pounds, aired h standard horse, dam thomunhhr,) Kentucky whip. :i) cash It tkn at once. Call at lie Caaa itreet or phont 111. HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McGLONE C1BSON Mr. liulaey's btor. "Don't, don't, child. Don't look like that." The words came as though rrom a long way off. and fur a moment I could not understand that It wus Kenneth's father who was speaking tojne. I only remembered what he hntold me about Kenneth's and Grace's marriage. "How do yuu know he is mar ried?" I asked. "Did he tell you?" "No, but when Grace brought him to the hospitul this morning, between her hysterical outbursts she said Kenneth was her husband and Jlm mle Callahan, who was early on the scene, having been sent for by one of the physicians who knew he was Kenneth's friend, received two or three telephone messages from Mrs. Cameron, the- evil genius of this af fair, saying that Grace was dying and culling for her hufband. She pretended to Jlmmie that she was heartbroken over Grace's marriage to Kenneth and she had found that they were legally married last night. Jim told me privately that she could not prevent a note of triumph from creeping Into her voice. It was only three weeks ago that Hhe came to me and asked me if I knew what Ken neth's Intentions were In regard to Orace. She said that he was keep ing all the other young men from her daughter and she wanted to break It up If Kenneth were not serious. I told her very frankly that as far as I was concerned 1 would be very glad If Grace would break It off, as I did not think they had anything in common, and that as far as I was concerned nothing would please me more than if she would advise her daughter to that effect. She left me much crestfallen, and I am quite sure that It was made up between mother and daughter those prec ious birds of a feather to come to me with that story to sound me out, and last night's episode is the result of that Interview." "Surely you do not think that they had anything to do with this poison ing?" he Interrupted. "No, I would not go a3 far as to say that, but I am quite sure they planned to get Ken to go through a marriage ceremony, sometime, when he was partly under the Influence of liquor. Oh, my dear, my dear, I feel lhat I am the one most to blame for all this, becauHo I have always thought that every young man mus. sow a crop of wild oats." "Would It not have been better, dear Mr. Hulsoy, If. Instead of rather encouraging Ken to 'sow his wild nuts,' you hud expluinett to him that there Is a difference between real love and an Infatuation of the mo ment un emotion which is always heightened by any kind of Intoxi cants." "I foel now, my dear, as though I ought to rush home and destroy every bottle of wine in the cellar. never thought it would come to this." "Well, Mr. Uulsey, we will Jiave to make tho best of It and do what we can for them," I said coldly. "The best we can do tight now,' he suid with a sigh, "is to send Home one out to the Camerona house and find out just how much of her talk ahout Grace's dying Is camouflage, lie looked at me expectantly, but did not offer to go. At last he said almost timidly: "Do you think you could sacrifice yourself in this matter for me, Ann?" "Why, of course I could, Mr. Uul sey, but I would not call it a sacri fice. You know I would gladly do anything I can for you or Ken." "Yes, I know, Ann, I know. I hate to ask this of you. but I have no one else to send. Jlmmie Calla han was so abrupt with Mrs. Cam eron (his morning that when he went to the house she refused to see him. 1 cannot go myself, because the doc tor has said they have slight hope for Ken, so I must be here every moment." Tomorrow Mrs. Cameron's IVe teuse. NEW UOODS NOW AltltlVINti. We will now place on sale the en tire stock of A. S. Huey Co. at great reduction. An opportunity to buy Christmas goods for little money TI HICK. THE JEWELER. Successor to A. S. Huey Co. '"'iT!'.?'; "F SA, E UOVRKNMKNT TlMHKlt-lVii,,al I ,. ofri,-,.. " M.'iliiKtjin. I,. ivt s,.pt. 29, lsi'y the eon.lltions . limitation. ,, to of the Ait of Jim,' !i mi c:i . and the last no t ions of th M...-r..,'rv. ..V Interior ..r s.., .,,.... - :L" limner on tin, follow Ine li'in.l. vln I... I ...1,1 Jan. lo. 1.1:1. , 10 0,1,,,-k . ni. .it public auction nt the Ciilio.l State. I I. .in,l Office at Itom-lMirK. Olcaon. lo! II. e hiirhcn l.ul, l,.r nt not I.-. tl,n the .lonraU.l valui. a. .h..u ,. i... notne .nl.. t,. e ...i.t-... .'u- or.,. -I U -.-. ... inr p- ' , ' " ' rw.v oi me interior. rue purchase price, with an additional uin of one-fifth ,,f one per cent there- mu.t j eM.!iei m tune of sale he returned if .ale In not approved. otherwise patent will lone for the ' " 11 oe removed within ten years III, I. will be received r,.,,n itiens of the I'nlte.t states, as.o. la ...ns of .urn titl7ens an. I corporations lK.mt7e,1 under ll,e I u nr .j !-ite. or any atate. territory or dl.trlci Iher. of only. Coon apnllcat Ion of uutiline.t purchaser, the timber on any 'eunl .nhdl.' ...., m ill ..n t ately before betnir Included In any of fer of a turner unit. T. 1A S.. It. v .Nr;i SK'- 1r USD M . cedar J,i M. NWV, Sr.V fli- 100 M. HKU i-', nr :, . m.h u- 'tie M.. -eier M NKS SWV nr I:;,. M. cedar !0 M. lot J. nr M . .ski, SWt, (,r tsao M.. 1-ot 4. nr tsao M . non, , ,h. J.rAjr b '"'d '"r less than tlDOperM. (Slan.d) CLAY TALlr. lN. Comml.tlon.r, General Land Vtlive, MAN'S BEST AGE A man is a old as his organ; ha can be as vigorous and healthy at 70 as at 35 if he aids his organs in performing their functions. Keep your vital organs healthy with COLD MEDAL The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric acid troubles since 169 ; corrects disorders ; stimulates vital organs. All droggiaw, three sixes. Leeei fee Ike GeU Medal e every era e4 aesaee ma iiaii.iM Get vnur English walnuts at the office ot the Oregon Growers' Pack ing Corporation on Washington street and S. P. tracks. 3UC per lb. lo 10 lb. and larger orders. Oregon Growers Packing Corporation. LOIGE DIKECTOKY. 4 4) t, O. O. F., Ualoa EBeasnprnent Km, 9. Meta In Odd Feliows1 Tempi very Thursday evening. Vlaiting brethren always welv;Oii;e. JOHN flEKSK. C P. KOSTKR UL'TNKll, H. P. OLIVER JOHNSON, R. 8. J AM tit EWART. F. A UA4.1.K9 Itoaeburg xrre meets In Muowe hatl on Juckson 1st. ou Km! and 4 til Monday evenlnris or ea h month at S o'clock. Visiting brethren In good standi njr always wuUorna. VICTOR MlCIJlaLl, W. P. P. A. J. WL'LF, W. K B. F. QouIjMaN. Secretary. KMC. II I S OF IM'I'IIIAS Alpha Lodxe No. 47, meets evty Wedtu-fday even ing, cor. Jackson and Case Sis. Visit ors always welcome. ROY O. YOrNO. C C. CHAS .F. HOPKINS. M. F. E. E. WIMBKRLY. K. R 8 LOYAL ORDER OF 1UOOSC Rossburg Lodge No. loJ7 meets first and third Tuesday evenings of each month at 8 o'clock In the Moons hall. All visiting brothers ure invited to attend. C. W. CLOAKR. Dictator. H. O. PAHtlUTUK. Bi-cretary. B. 1. O. KLKN, Hoaeburg Lotlae Ni. MM Holds regular cottiintinlcatlona at the Klka' Temple on eatth Thursday of every month. All members re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend. A. J. LILRVRN. E. R. IRA B. RIDDLE. Secy l(iOlli:. OF TIIK (lltl,I Camp No. 15. meets In Odd Keilows' hall In Roseburg evety 1st and 3rd Mundty evenings. Visiting neighbors al ways welcome. O. H. PICKENS, C. C. M. M. MILLER, Clerk. .N'KIt.llUOHS OF WOODCRAFT Lilac Circle No. 4y, meeU on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors luvlteU to attend. EDITH CHURCHILL, O. N. T1LLJE I. JOHNSON, Clerk. O. IC. Htmeliurg Chapter IVn. g Holds their tegular meeting on the 1st aod 3tl Thursdays In each month are respectfully Invited to attend. LEONA AI1RAHAM, W. 3. FREE JOH.'.SON. fiecy. A. F. A A. !., I.nrel Lodge Mo, 13. Regular comrr.unkatloiis nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at M iponlc Temple, Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. W F. HARRIS, flecy. A. A. W-lI.UK.n, W. M. W. II. A. O. T. M. RoNchu rg llevlenr 11 holds regular levlews on sec ond and fourth Thursday afteinonna In Maccut-et hall. Sisters ef ether review vlltinc in our city are cor al ially invited to attend our reviews. Maceabee halt on Cass street. Ull IHE lXX-KK. Com. JKsHIR UA PP. i:oL ltKHKKAlt It .Heburg ttebVkafi Txlge No. 41. I. O O. F., Meets IA Odd Fel lows' Temple every week on Tuesday evening- Vlaiting members In good standing are Invited to attend. EVA LENOX N. Q. HELI.E HTKPH KNSON, Sec. ETHEL BAILEY. Fin, ffooy. The H. II. K. t. A. I iiloa Meeting will be held at tl.e Maceabee hall every ft rut and third Wednesdays of the month. I. O O. P.. I'lilletnrlan Lodge No. ft. meets at Sykes hall, N. Jackson Ht., on Saturday evening of eac week. Visiting brethren are always wel come. LTMOX I SPEXCKR, N. O. A. J. OKDDKS. Rec. Pec. J. D. BAJLEY. Fin. Sec RO4Kllt R1 LOIH:k NO. imX, I ailed nrotnernooa or .tinintenanee or stj KmploTea and Railway shop Labor ers Affiliated with the A. F. ef U Meets at Moose hall the first Wed. fourth Sat, nights and third Sundays of each month. J. F. SMITH .President W. J. MKHEDITH, Rec. Secy. GEO. MAC IVER, Fin. Secy CHESTER WHITE SWINE SALE Dcing overstocked on pure bred Swine, I am offering the public a rare chance to buy Brood Sows, Gilts, Boars and T Weaned Tigs, at one-halt what other breeders charge. Foun dation stock from Schorl and Nichols. Write me for prices. J. B. LARGE Onklttml, Oregon. Chevrolet Cars !b.OO and 138.00 Djick Cars. . .130.00 and 145.00 For Other Cars Pi Ice oo Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agrnrjr Italck and Chevrolet 441 W. Jackson Bt, Roseburg. I BATTERIES! I KOTIfR OF BALK OF flOVERNUWNT TIMHKR. General J" !iC' i. c. October U. 1!0. Notice is hereby given that aubjaot to the condltiona and limitations of the Act of June . 11 S Htat., il). and the instructions of the Hecmury of the Interior of fcieptember 16. I"1'-.1'-Umber on the following lands Will be q tau at 10 o'clock A M.. at public auction at the United .Stales land oiillce at Roseburg. Oregon, to the highest bidder at not less than the appraised value s nhown by this notice, saie 10 oe iuuj,-i m -h-provul of the Secretary vt the Interior T)ia i.iir..ane orice. with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent there of, being coininlasloiis allowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be reiuruvu ii saie is iiui i'i" wue patent will Issue fur the timber which must be removed within ten veare. Hide will be received from citi zens of ihe United titates. associations ot such citizens and corporations or ganised under the laws or ine onneu States or any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Cpon application of a qualified purchaser, the frhiber on ifiv lefr.-U subdivision will be offered separately before being Included In any oner oi a larger una. 4. a., . a w RUe at N'Ki. NW ii nr 640 M.. cedar 16 M.i NW14 KY fir 870 M. None of the nr or cedar to do soiu rur less inau 1 f.U ner M T. 21 S. R. i W.. Sec. 31, NWI4 klK, fir 4i!5 M NE tfWli, fir '0 M., NWVi BWI4 nr 600 M.. BW'U HW', fir 900 M. None of the flr to bo sold for less than fl.&u per M. ; fcR'i SW14. fir 26 M.. SWV4 tSU. nr 600 M. None of the fir to be sold for less than $1.76 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Com missioner. General Land Office. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBER. Oeneral Land O IT ice, Washington. 1. C, October 26. 1&J0. Notice Is hereby given that subject to ihe conditions and limitations of the Aits of June U. aiai.. 2lf. inu June 4. ly-'U (41 . 70h). and the In-utr-iictlona uf ihe Secretary of the In terior of September 15, iu, ana June 22. 1V20. the timber on the following will b Mold Dec. 13. 1920. at 10 o'clock A. M.. at public auction at the United States land on ice at noseourg, urtjgDii, to the highest bidder Ht not lw net torni ttit annrulaftl ValU ui liivwn by this notice, sale to be subject to the approval or ine secretary 01 me in terior. The purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per- -anr ihumof belnir cominlaslons al lowed, must be deposited at time of sale, money to be returned If sale Is not approved, otherwise patent will Issue for the timber wuicn muni oe removed within ten years . Bids will be received from citizens of the United States, as-uo.-lnt!otia of such citizens and cor- norallons organized under the laws of the United States or any state, terri tory or district thereof only. Upon ap plication of a qualified purchaser, the timber on anv leaal subdivision will be offered separately before being Includ ed in unv orrer 01 a laraer unii. . S.. R. 6 W.. Sec. 1. Lot 1, fir 2Zi M pine 75 M., 1-ot 2, nr 3&v m.. pine 2V ai., ma. NE V4. flr 6S0 M . pine 60 M , W W NEU, flr 200 M., pine TO M.f eedar Ji Vf Lot 3. flr 400 M . ulne 30 M.. Lot 4, ilr 77fi M . 8E. NWt. flr 22b M.. pine tiO M., cedar i!u M , NW, flr 600 M., pine 15 M, cedar JO M. NEV4 SEV4 llr loSO M., pine 100 M . NW SE'4 fir 300 M.. nine i& M . 'cedar 20 M. E4 SEU. Mr 800 M.. pine 100 M., SV S E V , flr Buy M., pine low Al. cedar 60 M.. NE4 SW. fir 350 M. pine 46 M.. cedar 60 M., NWV4 SW4 fir 65" M., pine 60 M.. cedar 80 M. SEU SWU. flr 300 M. nine 70 M cedar 35 M . SWM SW, flr 600 M , pine 50 M.. cedar 30 M.. Sec. Ii. lNb; Ml 14. Mr 672 M.. Dine 4S St.. SICV NEW. llr Jii M., pine D6 M.: none of the flr or ceanr to oe 101a lor less man si.uw par M.. and none of the pine to be sold for less than $.'.50 per M ; Sec. 11. SEA NE Va , tlr 600 M , pine 20 M., cedar 16 M.. NWVi NEi. flr 600 M.. Dine 10 M.. cetlar 10 M.. ST. '4 N E i , fir 400 M.. pine HO M.. cedar 15 M., SWtf NEV4. rlr 500 M. pine 30 M., cednr 10 M., NE SWM. flr 300 M.. NW14 NWIi, flr 600 m, tsi: riv, rir 4so u., pine i m., SV NWIi, fir 300 M, KiChi SE 'i. flr 400 M.. Dine 60 M.. cedar 16 M., NW"4 SE4, llr 350 M, pine 60 M., cedar 10 M.. HK4 SE4. flr 335 M.. pine 60 M.. cedar 10 M , SU'V iSK, fir 300 M . pine 70 M . cedar 10 M.. NR', SW, flr SoO M pine 15 M. SEU SW4. flr 276 M . pine 40 M, SWU tiV, flr 5t.O M. pine .!0 M.. cedar 10 M.. Hec. 23. SW Vi SEV. flr 660 M., HEW SW4, flr 420 M., Sac. 27. SB 14 Ntk,. flr 640 M. NEU SEW, flr 4:0 M, pine 40 M.. NWV, SE, llr 660 M. SEU flr 376 M. pine 60 M., WV4 UK, flr 480 M., pine 40 m none of the rlr to be sold for leas than $1.25 per M.. none of the pine to be sold for less than $2.50 per M., and none of tne cedar to be sold tor less tnan $1. ou per M. T. 37 S. H. 7 W , Sec. 9, SE flr 425 M.. pine 60 M.. T. 39 si, R. W.. Sec. 3. NWV NEW. flr 190 M.. pine 2K0 M.. oak 15 M.. NWU NWV, flr 95 M-. ptne 270 M.. PEV NWW. flf 76 M, pine l!-'5 M, NEV PWU, flr 76 M., pine 3k0 M.; none of the flr to be sold for leaa than 11.00 per M., none ef me piae 10 oe soiu ror im tnan ner M . and none of the oak to be aold ror leas than 60 cents per M. T. 36 8., R .1 K.. Sec. 1, SE14 SW. pine 10 M., red flr 430 M., white flr 20 M.; none of the pine to be sold for less than $2.26 per M, none of the red flr to be sold fur less than $1.50 per M., and none ef Die white flr to be sold for less than $1.00 per M. CLAY TALLMAN, Com missioner, General Land Office. DONALD CASPER PARKER VIOLINIST PUPIL OF HENRY L BETTMAN OF PORTLAND Beginners and Advanced Pualls. Pupils accepted at 5 years ef age. Hours 1 to 6 p. m. lloom 7, KohlhHKcii llldg. Sheet MetalWork OP AIX KIXT) J. H. SINNIGER 119 OAK STREET KHOXB 41W I DR. NERBASl UtNMbl A f J Painless Extraction i j Painless Methods in J all lines of work. 2 d v;n f. Z teeth with new ones the j S same day, (partially or j f full sets), without pain S 5 and comparative com- f forLi j f. MAAOMC III 1I.1IN() 5 All work guaranteed. f j;gr:iuHoiu tril liirmiuiiivj.aui a ' a simi ALCOKOl-3 PBR CENt Afe4elabteftep'1?, B tlnolMStrnatteaod ejnxwcua DicrirWaielfcjCa MlntNOiTNAKWTiv 4r35 --e2r l t,MnftitBerae4rlbr Bnd lM,f JTac Simfle SijmnMy ICirrwmOowaBf: CITY NEWS Arundel, piano mner. Fnooe 18U Dressmaking ana plain sewing. Phone 442-Y. Fires des,or iiTes, property and food. Be careful with fire. Write Jack Roach, Drain, for cata logue and prices for the Queen In cubators, coal and oil burning brood ers. Avoid disappointment by plac ing your order now for future de livery. Remember the Queen li the best money can buy. ' Eaaa Copy of Wrapper. TODAY'S BEST HUNCH NEWS REVIEW OFFICE Phone 135 For Infant, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria iuways Bears the Signature, of ll. hi For Over Thirty Years I English walnuts 3 n. Ulrtel In lots of 6 lbs. or mors. Ed. Brfat, vuuue -r o. If you want to see tas But itw . tiseu KO-san sanitary closet. postal to H. u. Wilsoa. Bai ltli, noseDurg. A positive care for selm t, eczema, salt rheum, scalp sun. Ik more bald heads. J. W. Moll, 1)11 w. 1st street, Sossburg, Ore. Am now booklar ersari Itf I.. jold chicks cor 1921 diUierj tnu . high producing Tancrta itrall Wka Legnorn ana u. A. u. Barm iltssv lEarl Vosburg, 701 Fullsrtos k, Kosenurg. n'lir IF' Courage Goes far In business As it does In war, Because It sticks To the job Till the Job is done. THAT'S THE WAY WE DOIT Turn Your PRINTING Trouble Ovr To