,BPBH MIWH HKTWW MOMMV, mr.-inr.., .... ROM PAOR SIX r?T MEN'S g SHOES- i I Unusual Merit I I Lj On Sale At fzl k $9.95 2 " X llrown Aluliogiuir, 1m I R f 1 1 f X HluciitTH. 2 full sole..- ""'It '"r I H i i y iiih MNiii .f the " Kti' rv i p I your feet dry biiU arm. Wear 1 I " 'v our extraordinary value at i:I.O J Py Boseburg Booterie Vj Tlut Satisfy ml Fit Vmir Iot 1 I Smasli go lioe repair prlrrn. HrliiR J 1"nTMl iTT""- ' " Lower Prices For Our Many Patrons and Friends New Mdse-Lower Prices Our buyers are constantly in the mar ket to secure for you the very best val ues at lowest figures, Get the Penny Prices Before You Buy l AltOIND THE TOWN 1 - San, Christen of .he local or-l J. M. Jutld ' " J dor of Knights of Pythias lias wn ouhu. V" ,",-.,, of the appointed on the Charter and War- where he went in the Interests of tm rants conmiiiico or inn e.riuiu mmi,-. LIBERTY THEATER "Where Everybody Homo of SlIJMT Venture Attractions. I LAST TIME ooes TODAY! iMioxmw (lilies 1 MM ii e4 'Nation -uielcin st it lit ion , Gendale Boy Is Arrested For Theft Floyd Belt. ed 20 years . una arrest at Ulcimaie cii.,,,,' ing broken Into a ii.erciian.i.se at that !)lae and robbing ,hepr."; prielor of a revolver, "! J- " i-l,.tliine and other aruci 1" lloltarlaw. an IncorrlKiiiie. wi,u been In trouble on numerous occa- lons, is beinK soupm in Iul tins lllsa ppeaieu . i.i- hni mill cannot be located. n. It is of an nee to come imisdictlon of the criminal ,n,l will iirnbaniy "e in-un the officers of that courl was arrested a yeui Turkey Men On The Ground Today courts with by lloltsclaw more iiro charged with various minor crime and was kept In Jan ior -..-.. ninmlis. and fimired iiuiie proiiiniein ly in a Jail break and III the theft of several (luarts of whisky which were taken from the jail. It Is claimed that several boys of juvenile nco were implicated Willi Hell, but will be handled by the Juvenile officers. . o Mrt F. W. Knke, of Portland, for me'rlv a resident of this city, died at her iiome nt !27 Aruyle street, yes terdav, aeciii diiiK to word received in tills citv Insi niKht. Mrs. Knke was 64 years of nv:e and resided in West Itoseburi; for several years while liv ing in liiisebiirn. She ns a relative of John Nnchter of this city. She is survived by her liusbiinil und a son, Fred. Funeral announcenieis nae not yel been made. A Hnerflil lilliiiHll document that In Miint of siiM'rior at bie ciuent Ntiinds alone in It. kiiniiiicsn. Willi (iainiM.nt tirapliic, (Jrenter l'catlliv- f.mieO', 1 ord l dmltoHl. In. ihisll'inl anil Scenic. ALLAN DWAN l'UKSKNTS "The Forbidden Thing UV MAKY -MKAIIS. I'FHSOXAI.I.V DIKKITI H HY Mil. HH .IV. n AsmcialPl I'laycni I'nHlinlion. Matinee Dally 2:15 P- m-! Evenings, 7:15 and 9 p. m. Trlcea: Children, matinee lift, evenlngt 16c; Adult, 26o. Vodvil Movies And Film Fiiirws Turkey buyers from San Francisco nnd Seattle, as well as from otner localities, are in town today Retting i.. ,..,ioh iih the local situation ami Retting ready for the business whkh will onen ud in real earncsi ih middle of the week. In addition, firms Who have always bouRhl turkeys are In the held, and some lively competition is anticipated when the game is opened up. A gen tleman representing a Seattle con cern stated that tut key are selling today in the Washington city at 4 2 cenis for prime birds, lie said that since the last steamer for Alaska had gone north there had been a slump or several cents in the price, as a great many tons of dressed turkeys were taken by the ship for the trade in the mining cities. While none of tin, l, nvem are willing to name an onenine mice, each apparently wail ing for the other fellow to do it, the impression Is gainlliR grounu urn' niobablv the market will center somewhere around 40 cents. It was said today that owing to the fact of a general decline in all commodities. prohablv turkeys would De incmueu in the lowered market condition. These factors are causing a hesi tancy on the part of growers, so that at present the turkey trade for tho Thanksgiving market Is considerably lake a sparring match for position. Farmers, on the other hand, allege that the excessive cost of feed war rants a better price than in 1919. Homo From Fortliuul Mrs Fred Schwartz who has been, In Portland for the past week vis itlng with frleuds, returned Sunday. Visit in Portland Mrs. W. A. Wood left this after- D,.,.tin,l whnrA she Will spend a short time visiting fith her frleniis. Hero From Youealla i L'.wlu.av who hAB beOH AITS. " - viBlting with friends in this city for some time leit nils morning mi calla, where she resides. Vtlll l"VO ,.FM.KV l, .inn. j "i"'. ..... - -- , ..nin eoiirnrnl, where she will ' spend the winter. Mrs. Kent Bpent tne greater pari ui ter ut that place. lly. oiruii in rwu-ii ... ,"1 . . . .. uADlarilnV for Attorney unun i,,- --- . ...ill nnAnt. f,1 thfl Ban-in wnere iiw nn" "fi,uu' . . .... .1.. l,a I aTlnF. piitliuiiin it. v,.-c - ton Investment Company against the estate oi jonu niou tvtv T.i l.tvM In 1MH loud- Mrs. Eva Palmgren ana sirs, ou -v-rtrhnrir who have been residing in ti.ia iiv for some time left this af ternoon for Portland, where tney ex pect to make their permanent nome, Unlit' Son Itom Mr. and Mrs. Karl Parker of this citv are being congratulated upon the arrival of a baby son born to ihem vesterdy. Mr. Parker is em ployed as mail carrier and resides on We.it First street. Attention Turkey Growers If you want the top market price and prompt remittances for your Turkeys ship thera direct to ' . GHISELLI BROS, San Francisco ' We handle more Oregon turkeys than anyjother firm in San Francisco, Call at News-Review for shipping tags. Wells-Fargo or Bank of Italy for Reference, Case To Be Heard In Supreme Court CLASS WALKS on. J COl'.VCIL TO MF.KT TONKillT. The council will meet tonight 111 its regular session and as one of the important mailers of business will make a decision ns to whether or not the city will Join with the state health hoard III lis action against the proposed Winchester sanitarium. City l.'ecnriler It. L. Wllliwlo today re ceived the official cerliflcate of elec t Urn of new councilmcn, and it is ex pected that these new officers will be sworn in tonight. 1 lie new councu mrn are J. F. Barker. Irvln Iirunn and O. O. Jennings. The retiring members are W. II. Fisher, Al ('reason and O. J. Lindsay. The mem bers of the council who wire re elected and will retain their posi tions are L. Kohlhiigen, !. S. Nich ols. W. S. Powell. J. 10. McCliutock and A. C. Seely. .turn from Mltrsllflclll Mrs. K. Ingram ana uaugnier, Klta, let this afternoon for their homo In Marshlield after a short time spent In this city with relativ es and friends. K Visllhiir Here Mrs. Karlo Davis, formerly Miss Frlith llosmer of this city, is visiting here for a short time at the home of llosmer. Mrs. Davis resides in Port land. .'nirinfwr lii (liarirc A. V. Finery, resident engineer of the bureau of public roads is now located at Tiller and has active su pervision of the work now going for ward on the Tiller- Crater Lake cut- . accordng to word receved by Forest supervsor Ramsdell. Arrived I.Ji.st Xiglit. Rev. (iuy Filch Phelps of tho M. K. Church of this city, arrived in Hosebiirg Inst night from El Paso Texas, where ho has been conducting revival services for the past three weeks. Itev. Phelps was duo to arrive In this city the latter part of last week, but was delayed by a wreck. -o The Clengarry W. C. T. I', will give a program and box supper next Friday evening at the Creeii school house to help raise their quota for tiie orp!ian:ti:e home to be elected near Corvallis. Puildiltg permits have been issud lo John Siauclirr for a building 10 by 2i feet in size in Waite's addi tion; to J. T. SpuiiKh for an addition to his garage at the corner of Oak .Hid Stephens slreels, 11 11,1 to Jesse Kraher for a building 10 by 20 feet m size in Kinney's addition. The Koebiirg Shrine Club, will bold a social meeting at the lluin- line-Moorc Conservatory Tuesday eniiiL'. Wives and friends of the riners have been invited and nil tte pities have been made for a good l;ie. . llle evening will tin spent ill danciim ami ranis, and a luncheon will lie served. YF.S, WF. CAN SAY People appreciate the fact that Carr's Christmas stock is already on display. Many want to get their gifts picked out now. Carr's displays are much larger than last year and the assortment of goods is also larger. Come in and visit, see the goods. It Incurs no obligation to buy. We are glad to have you look around and see what an extensive stocK wc nave. Carr's save you money. The case of the Lexington Invest ment ComiMinv against the John Watson estate will be heard tomor row before the state supreme court, several attorneys from this city will be present to assist in presenting the case to the court. This suit in volves a large amount of property situated on Little River, and Is be ing brought against the neirs or tne esiaie In order to sottle the claims to certain properties. Attorneys Illce and Orcutt of this city ana a. M Crawford, of Portland, represent the plaintiffs, and John T. Long and George Neuner, jr., represent tne ao fondants. v,,l Rosebunr Mnn Duma davs ago there came out a news Item in the News-Review tortte effect that John Flurry was lined for havini? illegal venison in nis possess ion. This has proved to be a mistake tr. Flurrv was In Ktamatn rails ai the time ne was supposeu 10 nave boon fined at Riddle. Investigation has revealed that the party who had killed o doe and was nneu ior inooi- fense was John Flore, oi rortiunii ANXAPOl is u .. Refusing to accept 'i'h'e Kn mlse agreement ollered br Z , boar dof St. Johns collei-e ni. live to the hazine nf the Bophoinore classwaUHj,! In a body today, followed brtkl juniors, seniors and freihnia ! about 250 in all. ! The W". C. T. IT. will meen on Frl- dnv of this week instead of Wed neailav at the home of Mrs. J. C Royce, 312 E. Cass Street. Please note the change in the date and come with a friend Dressmaking and Phono 442-Y. plain sewing. NOTICE. HWMH NKW TODAY. FOR ItKN'T 3-room house. 11! Erwi wiiy. I'h'nif :'y2-J. Foil KKNT r.-room cnaire. fi or ioMri'SH 3lj eha,!wi;-lc St. FurNIl itultlier Hhoe. siime at tills otTlre. Ownei eta p KOU HKNT Kurnlnhed ipwr clone in. No children. Plwn, :(.-. FOlt S.M.K Set of liarne!. tn condition, l'l Ice reaBoiub!, I'j . t yy-J . V ANTKl Siilenm.in tor bjJce Bit i-srs. Apply to J. O. Kvwlind, Cih l-Ult KKNT line $1(1 I'liilriWDOj !;? writer. Innulru Vol,urnh Gntv Ktore. VNTKII FreJiti oow. Muni b, I. Mrs. W. It. Zelslor. Willjjr. ft: 1(1. 1. Phono 27-F11, 0klad ij ehaiigp. Hardware Store is Sold The hardware store at Riddle, owned y cn. .in Th F.nworth League of the M. F. . arsn, nas oeen soiu 10 .n. roiiaru - ' ... ,,. a artrti.,i .. ... . . i t. f.,. Church. South, will give a social n.....,' .,' 0,1!. .1...1 i ..... Tiinsdav evening at the parsonage, the Lawrence and Cordon company I beginning at 8 o'clock. All members of this city. Mr. Pollard and son Willi ana menus urgeu iu, Knit SAl.K r.-rooni house. Urg, ; woi.dHhett. liKtitH and water. P.,' from pavenielil. Terms. Phone !i(- POSITION WANTED Ai" sanifir 0 ranch, either muek or gmln. L peiieneed man. Audreai E. 1 I eare News-ltevlew. take immedinte possession. COM. Foil SAl.K Standard bred Hn.nK if keys; llarred Itwk cockerel!. ' lor barred in UouglM C.i 11 l.-Khuiti and Park Cornlih rhlclit, Ann.ira bllleya. giesp for wealher.s; l'o Poland Chiium iiet litc.'k I ever owned; ve 10 one good work hone. E. A. I I'.MSrhtiri;. dre. Crop In County Is Doing Great Prorcoli throughout Douglas roun tv is looking exceptionally well for this time of the year, according to those who made the tour on Satur day to the various farms where the vegetable is being grown. Over 22 persons all interested in the grow ing of "broccoli made the inspection trip, and many new ideas as to the methods of crowing, handling, etc., were obtained. There are approxi mately l.lii acres In broccoli in the county, and this is the largest area of the product grown anywhere In the country, according to the latest n -ures. Prof. Poquet, who was pres ent on the tour, is greaily enthused over the prospects for the future of this crop and says that Douglas county should give more attention 10 the growing of broccoli. Following the tour, the growers held a short meeting to talk over marketing conditions. 8 S gWI I TODAY IIBMggl 1 1 TnnAV I 1 wivi v 1 ATWKWNB0 HARRY MOREY IN A MIGHTY DRAMA OF POWER I K. Koth1, who h:m Im'OH uttciuUn tn busiin-ss mat'iTH hnrt for tho past ffv lavs, lot't this iitt'rn"on for Coivallis. Mr. Kotho. wlitln hTO .irranuoil for a tropon Norma! Claj3 for tin' proL'rrw;:fvt Piano SiriPi, antottK Ih' trarhtM's of tho rity. Tho i at hers wlio sii'.nci! up fir thi class arc I li rs al tin- lU'iiitiiio-Mnnro ron-s.-rvatory, M f. ("harlrs (i. Si an ton anil Mi. Hiith Wilms. Mr. Ko:h is a roprosontntivi of tho Art Pub liliinj; company of St. Louis. Announcement A Special Thanksgiving Dinner Will l-c Served at the UMTQUA HOTEL On Thanksgiving Day $1.50 PIT, COY Kit Owing to the number of reser vations for 1 tildes nlreudy list ed, dinner w ill be Served from Id Noon to H P.M. Check? must accompany reser vations. Reservation list closet Mon day, November 22. TIIANKSfilVlXtJ APPI.FS. In order to insure delivery for Thanksgiving I will not express or iieis east or Utah later than Sat., Nov. Siith. Lerry, Apple Broker. Going' Ranch 64 acrvs, 9 miles from Kosc burg on Rood road; crook flows thru place; 17 acres in fruit, chiefly prunes, pears und ap ples; some cherries, peaches, etc.; balance of place is farm land with mall amount-of pas ture; S-room house, barn, store house, smoke house, corn crib, now hoi pens; place all fenced with wire; team, wagon, 2 cows, hogs, poultry; wind mill and tank; gasoline engine and spray outfit; 5 stands rf bees; somo furniture. All t-quip nient and tools for farming place. Immediate possession. Price 12, 000, one-half cash. G. W.YOUNG AM) SON Real Estate and Insuraaoe. I Id Cau 8L Pbona 41T n Honors Web By PERRY VEKROFF. Mutt and Jeff Comedy and Dare Devil fackNoJ3 a-ns --! l.TI'Vl.! WmFarnum inThe Rainbow Trail & Charlie Chaplin inCarmeo THL'ltSDA Y MATIX EE EVENI TODAY ONLY! TP1 TODff ONLY! HEARTS- r.r J' A STRAW VOTE ON THF LOVE QUESTION WILL ROUbi im a nf.MAMPP. np sopt DRINKS AND SOFTER "WATER, WATER, EVERYWHEKt Some Fun, Some Drama, Some Pathos, Some iw SOME PICTLJRE. Hines Comedy and a Thrilling Educational Centaurs" showing amazing teals otnors