mow porq lplllIS n n OTflDI A 0 I 23ESS! I For Infants nnd Children. it i i - : 1 GASTORIA i : - t Thereby PromiiinBto. ,, Cheerfulness ana !!neahcrOriuin,Morphuien aj-n w I OSS OF SLF.tJ" Ewt Copy of Wrapper, B9DS9B9BSBB& CITY NEWS jff Arundel, piano inner. mou 189U Plain sewing dune. 1US Parrott st. Fires Afniuy iiTi't, property and food. Be careful with Ore. Watches and doers repaired; aat lufuotion Kouranteed. Wilbur SpatiKli, 604 I'Mie tttrcet. Write Jack Uoach, Drain, for cata loKtio and prlceH for the Qikmii in cubators, coal nnd oil biunliiK bruod vm. Avoid disappolntimnt by plac ing your order now for future de livery. HtMuemhur Ihu Quoun is the bent nun-y can buy. "J" r &c Simile SivnstL, ri CLASSIFIED COLUMN ALL NKW CLAMSinia AIIVKIt TISKtlltVI j WILL HK rlU M) 4 LAST I'AI.IC L'KllKIt IIKADIXI "NKW TODAY." WA.Ti:n. H(V Iti Jul. I'uuiiv 44k-J, ItoMo lilll K, I M'- Kuri. ?A NT Kl or 5 i.khii rurnlalunl hmis- K'l N. I'urrott St. WANTth TurKfin, lataa ar amiu.1). pynr Hi. I'lii-n H-M4 1 1 1 n IhimHImii iih imiiHi'- I'llMtUl nn UiKt- tn kuoi! rw fitir. fi.r !4ikIi. Will- IU. JJJ. Hutli frlin. (irtv V A NTKt -- ii rm fu rii ipIu U room lit (TlMtlc faMillv tiy ynn niuu ttn j.luvcl. A tlil ithh V. M , niiy Now- W ANTKI Amu VlUIi faiiiil k:inl of I iinn It-k fit i in . nnixt hit ve k now l1g n f Htot k, I'iK", lii'is'f. Coim) refi in.o i ui i t-t I, Apply O. IV Cooliow, ItoHfluil Salesman vantki" v. wniitTrr i lu t oinh with u inn n im-i- h.i n U all y tiit'hitt-d Mini thut known Kotn( hi nt,' Bhout Ht llltiK. to K'pr . Mt-nt ttK til 1 ioukIiih t t hi nt y. I'numiRl opiort un ity for ilKiit mini. AiMifn (M.nt.ii Motor Ai t'fswoi-icM, lm, 4. Mi sun k t., I 'o! i In n I, iiinl will , v e" if nn. h to I'o rti mid for Intt-i v u-w if v. in iiiiallfy. t WANT' 'rT TTfATT: SlvVMhi'in7t"t Vallcv V J H.-twn, m 1 1 ImpruTsil; I ', i'i lf(uiil'i'i liuutt, burn, 2 Ink t hh kt-n hoiiwi H, KnixtiliKl, tnuu ttaitor lionxt, Inuotl-r toiiH. 7 eolony ou-. Thi nnlwi froiii H -il.btiici. (Mf. H 4 lnll floni 1. liUU!t M.iw;itw iit-ur 1 1 .nthu i g. ptU Hiton. Also lm :i lota In nt l,ak City to luuigf for Im,i,Uik propwrtv, prli Uwo. vi. W Uitaiii. M't'ptt I irtn. M -gn VDIt ItKNT. ft'X'XI I.i lot, k'1 i'i ri i md. l.uiiV I'MTIINISIIKIi 1,.. tplnc riioina, h'OH nNT-- Snfrly d inlt boiee! Kt iii i;i:.i -i hi h.uid.-r aTi lrf! X. X. tviii' t k- l'"lit It KNT- Km nulTe.t" romn wTTE prlviUit of bn:h. 41 I. Main Si Vim ltrXT--ViirnUhi1 room. w;t"i bMtli. K'htlmin ptrrrrf. 2?i W Kl 'It I ; 1-: Tl-ut tnih.'Trt -m tor 1!K"T7 liom..'k-tlni--it., flili.lrm. Ml Wni'i'. phofin t .- V ill illIXT -Kurnlfhi-.l oTlin f in n iBlu-.t rooum, with prlvilK of hnth l'hn TJi'-.l. or ..ill t-wiiuifcs altvi 4 at MO Win. 'hpvtrr Ht. F'O if R K NT KuThlfTheii o li n K pig nrirftnpnta eml lphii room Honfciirf Apsr.tmiHite, Alain and t'oiitflaV rhon VIH'M! I.AI'V V k.-.-pvr r tti do liiMifi work VANTi;i Sii.Kk Misci:rrA. kots. T A 1 1 .1 H I N't 1 . oTen J7m7 k hY of uil kln'1" l'hon 1H7-M. fi.'fc n M-iin 7 f i K X i ' H ASH K K i n I i it In i aVtTt rnr itinlrlct Oaklnn.t. I'al.. for l!f K.nd t r n-k or tntirlhtf vnr. Aifilvnn Homy Invin. iMIIard. Oregon -inW:y""Trt l)AN-M-VMr'nirii i-re.Iit fflrm lonna. low Intaraat rat1. 10,000 local money to loftn on Krtd real fPtst. KlA mnrtirnga. ii. K. Hire, of Hire Hire. lAOST AM) tXrD. L)8T On roil betwn llosehurf anJ iiarilen Valley, pai kaga conta! nln( tioy a unltm aulta and mans wooian hlrt. Fln.lar pifaaa Ivava at Nwi ltevivw eflice. Mothers Know That Genuine Castcria Always Bears the Signature of V .In Use For Over Thirty Years ti iiniM .. ti err. J T. A. RuftVty relurncd i his morn i Inf to KuKfiie afinr spend in k Sun day with his family In this ciiy. Mr. Kaffety 1m now employed by the state i an a Held di puty hy the Motor Ve hicle Department, and Is ensured In uppreheinlhiK viitators of the vehicle (laws of the state, lie slates that a Kn&t number of cases are found In which trti'-k and auto drivers are op erating inai-hineH without the proper license. The three Held deputies have sent in thouxandri of dollars collect ed from Hume who have been caught driving machines without license. CHICHESTER S PILLS Till. IMA MONO IIUAMK A. I.bi1II Au your lrupa't for t'UUIi. It. U n.t li,,ld t ulllAVV t- . flr tilth lllua Rll.N-11. V TuLe nn alhrr. liny f jur " 1 fin fid-,. A kf Ifl.l irrs.TFn S lUAMOl, ItlCAMl I'll.l.M, f f US (rcii k'lown.ii lint. Ml' t. AHay 1 SOI RV Pijl'i'iOISTS EVERYWHERE LCiHT 22-foot I i xctnvllU- ri New u- Htv cliitl 11. on Itost hut -Ml. l-ln.!.-r li-iiva ut ) J. Kit ml. LoS'l" tilm-K uinl u-Mtw i.,.u-.l fftnale titMinU. B.-r on nutit liln.l lg. linJwr plt-iiH.- ilnn .'3-1-. A. !n. 1 k- Li ST On lwt tloii ilar, lirtwrn 'lVlaii(l ami ICoWchiii pa, Ut I '.rilainlna: air luillna' i,w i uli.i 1(H ft ALU. mn Al.BAIl kinds af 4rr . waad Phona 31. Knit sAi.i; f T7" ioil7i""o"u"ii'i To"w Phone ill-l-TJ. KoH SA1.K 4 fiaplfit.wiT wlta"anng i-alva J tn j A alaUilhn. I'lllS Rift "SAl.K-lwiro, fiom" $'ti IK' Mi. h. K. S., Itroikway. I-'OR JA I.H Var ftna cull app aa" a7 ivarlai.d Orciiaida. Cba a. Bruad. I-OH KAI.C -lta a iiaaaaiisar taurine -ar. a .lundy and a kiaaui. .ludd M.Mlliiri. lioi'tolj for mil, 7 rmm, elaaa Tn i an i'lna ait. Pliana I'liai A Wr:ind. I-VUt SAI.R YWo "wh"ltio"igmrn7oi"t or will axi?hun fur nullin. 1'huna 2t It rV.TriiVrrvn; t r ft , u, tn o,d Mil my oinllllun I'I Wliii'lu'i(r, i-on .Mi.f. Appli'a iiml ( h l ,.n . in town, l-hoitw --KJ. i.. R hklnnar A: Sons. ' I i s a I . T wT7Koi ii "1777, T i i, g I VTtT litis in... I. Im. Cui, 1.... kwoml Mil- VU K bilT 'AH'l.tnJ i pa," aV Uiln. y.M,i h t.. i, r k,. Jt'. wtt It- It tiatk , i-ok S .K S.t rni il ,,m l""Vgii7T I '"-rr ti. H-riiif . i v, It ' OlsLi. II. K. I . to I-ok SXI.1-. Voiiiiji inil.h io tWO llmnlln, at,, ,-t f'.l iift.-r Nit !.,, k :i:.:-.i fiaah l'hona Prt a l.t - data: at thnnSBII tarT o r tlpe. raady In Ala t ah. Waiter O 'tu, Kt. 1. Raiabort. 0: a FOR ST.-"-na tan mnntha old""-aVT imii! i-ii bntl. laiga in.i lit. ii ni sail rnaap. . I.avk Uox Taa- KOR f Tot;tna CiH-rtr" ala -a J'iat rapmntad and la load tnaaaa(. c' endltiae. Sru, fjaiaga. Raaa- "V"TU1X9 rtoPt'.'Ti for '-TTa a1fT5i W . I-ana Si Trv tham an-a taull nir ut atir othar kinit. W.wit ia ftiml...! j not Pit:if ii.rr w.K - B.-onrt-ia rul an, 3 Dodga Ur """l- ' "Mir a loiirina. I tart r..ltar. Ail in flratala a..nulttaa nn win ia aold at Mra-aina J F" o n ftM.R-ITi'ilt . iTl ,Tr 17r I c", . a"" a n att.-t!y fancy dry lan,1 pirown Alfalfa 'l taring fii per ent puia n1 rs pr i t KrrnlnMMon. nnd oti tlm thv, rlnvaia, atn. AlonAufc 5ap " M.Ko!,1, Offj.-m. PHh s M.7T"n.iBpiri.-r hAu lifnlly itiiAtM. bmt pruna afctloa In Mle. !-i n-lt,Htta a!k ta Uvritt ara-k and high; : mtla fiaat RAahii'g-. on hlfhwar: ( acrpn 1. year-old prnr-aa, 7 aa-a full aaarlag apple, fa mil arahar-1 ; ll aeraa planta1 lo crop; 39 aaran te aa alant- al; new SC() plnntara-1 bungalaw; uuttiuIMInia; IUk worth tiaonal property. Kor quirk aala w aaer. floa evarythlnaj for 14 par a-ra, Ker fartlculare wrtta O. C. Kaiao. Bos U, WTtle Crtek, Ore. Mix m M Movie Closeups One of the most poignant and ap pealing screen dramas ever wcltten Is "Tho Stealers," William Christy Cabannes eight reel super special, released by Hohertaon-Cole, which opened at the Liberty theatre last night for a run of two days. The picture is one of those rare epics of the; screen which entertains and at the same time seems to have a seriouB purpose In this case a ten- lenry to make the spectator nop and think of the wonders of the universe and the owers of divine faith. The story deals with tho regener ation of a clergyman who had pros tituted his talents in defying Cod In stead of serving him. How his rescue from the forces of evil Influence others, furnishes an original and an interesting climax. "The Stealers" Is as Hpectacular In ita g'ciilc effects as It is lu theme. The titles are colored some;hing new in pictures and so are some of the big sienes. in two of which. more than 5,uuu persons laKe pari. O O "Modern Centaurs" which will be a feature on the program of the MhJcbIIc theatre tonight Is said to otfer a series of the most dangerous feats of horsemanship ever se n on the screen, yet during Its making, neither man nor horse was hurt be yond a few brulnes. This U explained by the fact that the participants are iixty members of a crack troop oi ortugese C avalry, ana mat norn ine men and horses are trained for months l"fore they were allowed to attempt the feature that will be put on the screen touight. 'f The remarkable art f Will Rogers both as a comedian and as the por- traver of pathos. Is once more reg- lulered in the screen In his newest fioldwyn picture. "Water, Water. Everywhere. In this picturlation of William H. Leighton's series of nilly Fortune" stories which ap peared In the Saturday Kvening Post Will Rogers has the role of a west ern cowboy bent on sacrificing him self so that hig friend and Ihu girl that he, himself loves In vain may rind the happiness that Is denied hyn. i The numorous center oi tue story is the attempts of a temperance so-! ciety to banish iliior from the town. I In the course of the story, t tie main town saloon becoujes a soda foun tain, and the men stay away from their homes as usual to congre gate there and swap stories. How-, ever. Will Rogers succeeds In the attempt to reform his rival nnd then resignedly steps aside to permit him to wed the girl he loves. A small but excellent cast sup ports the star. Among the cast are Irene Rich, Howland Lee, Wade Bot- eler. Marguerite Livingston, Lillian iangdon and Lydia Yeaman Titus. Water. Wale. , Everywhere will be shown at tho Majestic thea tre tonight. It 1h a picture that will make one better for seeing It. l AltM KlvMINDKIlH Plant Pathology, O. A. C. An- thracnose and fungus rots are de veloping on fruit to a large extent in Western Oregon this year. This is especially bo In orchards whlc have not been kept clean by spra; ing. The unusual wet weather of the fall has been a favorable agency for their development. but clean ' hard pwlll have a minimus loss from these diseases. If anthraciiobe is bad t he orchards should be sprayed be fore winter, although It Is now too late to prevent the first crop of the anthracnose from developing. rami Management, O. A. C. How murh does it cost to produce an acre of alfalfa. Data collected from til' fanners in Malheur county show the cost to be and w hole cot. In eluding interest on the Investment and the work to lie The cost of growing was f't more than tho hay was sold for. I his shows that while the farmer was not losing monev. he was not making a fair interest on tho Investment. Entomology, O. A. C. To lessen the number of insects which Infest garden spots is the aim of many a careb ner. A good plan Is to clean tip and uestrov all trash around the gar den tract. This will kill many of the inserts at once, ami expose others either to die at once or be eaten by the birds or some other enemy. harm crops, t. A. C ( lover seed not now thrashed should be stack ed and saved for thrashing next sea son. If the seed is dry when stacked It will remain in good condition tin 111 a huller can be procured. Some of Bad Colds WET, stormy weathfr, x jxwure, pnidlea, and tho heavy col J in on. Pr. Kins New Discovery brr.ik it up quickly and I'ltasanlly. JU'ad cleaned up. cough relieved and you feel better. At your druggist, 60c and ?1.20abotUa. For colds andcoughs Dr.Kin's New Discovery Bowels Begging for Help? IV. Kine'a Tills will brin vmi happincsa ol re-iLr, nontyf lvU and liver functioning. Kt" feeling fit and nu!y f,.f nork or nl.iv. Mil and comfort.iMe to t.ikc lut always reliable. Same old price, 25 cents. r Prompt! Wont Gripe UnKincys Pills JL1ULHLH .MIS- SMITH IlKMUNS. Euilly H. Smith, who ha beoo .-rv!ug at public health Instruction nurse In thla county for leveral week, has tendered her resignation he- cause of erlou illnesi In her family. Her aunt has been Btrlcken with an attack of paralysis, and MIhs Smith will be unable to carry on her work. At a Bpecial meeting of the local Red Cross today. It was voted to carry on the Instruction work started by ills Smith, and the northwest headquarters at Se- attle will be requested to send a nurse here at once to lake her place. the seed is sproute4. ut this will not Injure the rest if the clover la marked dry and Is properly covered. Protection from moistre at the bot tom of the stack and at the top are the main requirements for a good stack. ATTENTION KAIt.MKIW. I will pay the highest price for your nroduce. Give me a trial. Yours for business. R. STIIiBS. Land Case In Court Today The circuit court today took up the case of the Southern Oregon Or chard company against Alfred Iiakke. Bakke It appears from the complaint, gave a note as part pay ment on some property he bought from the company. He failed to pay the amount due and suit was brought. Iiakke claims that he was defrauded and that the land Is not worth the amount he has paid for it. The Question involved Is largely a matter of the land's real value. Pageant Bz Given Thanksgiving Day LOS ANOEI.ES, Nov. 1 5 A com munlty Thanksgiving pageant In the memory or the Pilgrim fathera. In which the spectators will take an ac tive part. Is to be stuged by the Hollywood Woman's Club, November 27, on the grounds of the future home of the Art Alliance Society, in Hollywood Canyon, near here. The p;igeant theme, which will be developed by songs and (lances, will follow as closely as is found possible to doso, according to Mrs. William UoMllle, chairman of the pegeanl committee. Kpisodes from early In dian days to tne nrrlval or the May flower; the landing of the Pilgrim tathers and the welcome by the In dians: and on through the first Thanksgiving dinner, and the court ship of I'rlsi illii and John Alden will also be enacted. Members of the club will take a rart in the colonial dress of the col onial dames and mothers, while the community will be mobilized to sing hymns and folk songs through the periods ot which the story runs. Marlon Morgan and a group of uancers will present the French dan ces. while Norma Gould and another group of dancers will give Dutch novelty acts. The Y. W. C. A. and Woodcraft girls have been selected to take Indian and folk interpreta tions. Small children will also take the part of Indians. Iledwiga Hiicher will be pageant director: II. Kllis Heed scenic and art director, and Hugo Kirrhofer. musical director according to the an i.ouucenient. NOTICK Itlll ItlDS TO IMPROVE SOLTH STl'.l'HKXS 8TICKKT. Sealed proposals will be received by the iindernigued at his office in me clly hall in the city of Roseburg, Oregon, up to 5 o'clock p. ni. Novem ber 15. 1920. for the improvement of South Stephen! itreet, extended, in the manner provided by the pluns and specifications of the City Engi neer now on file in the office of the Uty Recorder. A bond of 100 per cent of the con tract, satisfactory to the city, will be required from the contractor. The time stated in the pronosal for com pleting the work will be considered by the council in awarding the con tract. The council reserves the right to ii-jeci any ana all Bids. Hy ordxr of the Common Council R. L. WHIPPLE. City Recorder. 1 neve's no ui ft likeaPortmit --notMnc distinctive, so lad ing nnd to sine to he appre ciated. We know scores of men in thi. city vfco would he ovcrim-cd at ( I, iiMmas if Ihcr rreem-d someone's phnniaiupu. 11 EM US STUDIO ftll 1 CHILDLESS WOMEN Please Read ThU Letter And See What Normal Health WiU Do For You. Lancaster, Pa. '1 wu weak and run dowa, had paint in mr head, back and stomacn an me lime, and bearing down pains. I hau used Lvdia E. Pink ham1 Vegetable Compound a n d it helped me, so my mother got me to try it again, and 1 am now feeling bet ter than I have for years. We were married sixteen veara and had no children, but now we have a line big bov and we always call him our 'Pink ha'iu' boy. The 'doctor was afraid of mv case "as I was 41 years old when the bo"v was born, but I' came through all right. You can use this at a testimon ial if vou wish and I will certainly write to anv one who writes to nie about it." Mrs. Maboabct O. JIavercaiip, 529 Howard Avenue, Lancaster, Pa. Tf you have the slightest doubt that Lydia' E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound will help you. write to Lvdia E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential), Lynn, Mass.. for' advice. Your letter will be opened, read snd answered by a woman and held in strict confidence. SINCil lt riKWING MACHINES KOH SALE. John Patron, district salesman for the Singer sewing machine, has located in Hosesburg. New and sec ond hand machines bought and sold. All makes of machine! repaired. Lo cated at Howard's repair shop. NOTICE OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT T1MHE K. Ganarul Land Office, tt'ashtntfton. D. C, Ovtohwr 13. t20. .Votive la hereby glvan that subject to .li conditions and limitations of the Aet or Juna . 116 (39 Stut., iU, and Uia liiitructlong of tha tfacretary of tha Interior of September 15, 1917, the timber on tha following lands will be nold Nov. 2H. mt). at 1U o'clock A. M.. it public Auction at tha Cnlted State land o it) lev at Kosebur;. Oregon, to tha highetit bidder at nut less than the ippraUed value as shown by this uotlce. sale to be subject to the ap proval of the Secretary of the Interior. Die purchase price, with an additional sum of one-fifth of one per cent there of, belntf uommieaions allowed, must be lepotfitt-il ut time of sale, money to be leturned If sale Is not approved, other wise patent will issue for the timber which nmat be removed within ten veara. bids will be received from citi zens of the United States, association jf such citizens and corporations or ganized under the laws of the United -j tales or Any state, territory or dis trict thereof only. Upon application of i quuhned purchaaar, the timber on any leifal subdivision will be offered jeparuiwly before bains Included in any offer of a larger unit, T. 21 ., Ft. 1 W Sec. 31, N1CU NW 14 Mr 640 M., cedar IB M NW' NW fir 170 M. None of the fir or c-cdur to be sold for less than 11.50 per M. T. 1 ii. R. 3 V., Idee. 31. SV SE, fir 4ZE M NE V4 SW"4. fir 120 M.. NW SYV'tt fir 00 M., liWH SW. flr auu M. None of the fir to be inld for lena than $1.60 per M.; fcE'i SW4, flr 825 M BWli aTKU.-flr 600 M. None of the fir to be saM fur lees than tl.75 per M. Cl.AY TALISMAN, Com nlssloner. General Land Office. N'OTH'K OF SALE OF GOVERNMENT TIMBKIt. General I-aiid Office. Washington. Ij. C. October 2, N'otlce is hereby given that subjact to :he conditions and limltntions ef the Atn of June 9, 1 f 1 6 (39 kitat.. lit, and I una 4, Itfjy (41 Stat., Till, and the ln jtructiona of ttie Secretary of the ln 'erlor of September ii, 191?, and June 11, IDiO. the timber n the following amis will be sold lic. 13. lHie. at 1 '!.. k A. M at public auction at the i'nlteil Statew laiM office at Honebuts;. M egoii, to the blghant bidder Ht tiet ea than tha apprklel value aa aliewn ) this notice. Rule to he subject tn the ipproval of the Secretary of the In terior. The purchase price, with an idditiona) sum of one-fifth of one par ent t hereof , being commlnsiona al lowed, must lie depoalted at time ef iale. money to )e raturnatl If aale Is net approved, otherwise ptrient will laaue ftr the timber which muat he removed within ten years . Uiiln will he received rrom citizen of tit I nited States, as octations of nuch citizens and per ooratlona organized under the law ef ,'ie i nited biatea er any slate, terri lory or diatrict thereof only. I'non id :ttcation of a qualified purchaser, the Mtnher on any legal auhdlrtnion will be oneren aeparataiy berore being Inclua ed in any offer of a larger unit. T. B2 S., R. 6 W.. Sec. 1, Lot 1, fir 32R M., pine o lii i, nr d&u ai .. pine c u ., suu NE'i. fir SS0 M pltie (U M.. PW I-- : . in ni-v i pine iu ai., i suar n M.. Lot 3, nr ioO M.. pine 20 M., Lot nr 7.5 M.. 8Ki,4 NWt, flr 2i'a M.. pine M., cellar 2o M,. FW NWV4, flr (ut sm.. pine i. ai., (.mr e m.. kkv CKVi .... tvi ., iiir imp j v 4 ui uo pine ai., cenar zt m SK'i. flr Son M . pine 10 U SW' SKU. flr lo M. pine let M -edar WO it.. NK KWW. flr 3.t U pine M .. cellar M.. NTT TT ii sf pine u m , ceiar it u SKU BWU. flr 300 M.. Dine Ta M tfe- ar 4 M.. tfw flr Iu9 U . aine a wi, ree. is. k4 . t nr h,i m. pine it M.. SEV veu. aV 2 M pine itfi M : none of the flr er elar to he sold for than ti aH n.r U . and none of the nine to be aoM tnr rer m - nee ii xrh N'sy. flr '0 M.. pine 2t U, ee'dnr la . . -4 Ar.s,, nr B"u ju.. pine It U eiar la m . hku .NEVi. flr 4oo U. pine 7 vwumr i at., r rv If .10 lone m , cennr If M., NBi. nw4. nr se il.. NTi NWI4, flr i U. FI, NTi. fir 4A j pin, 6 m 5VTii MTi, flr Son U. NKU ilR. flr 4oo Jd . pine fe U . eedar II U NW14 SKV. flr .130 M . pine 60 M eeda'r iw ma., r. , nr S o ,M ., pine it M rnar in ftl . 1, SIT . flr U . pine 7" M.. cedar to M. NK', WVi, f?r Sl ion ie m. p.r.'4 jsw nr i:t M nine ;e rv nYKt fir Son m nin. : M , r1ar 10 M. ec. 2S, SWu M p t I A II C t 1 , n . m- KV SE4, flr hiO M . NE Vi KEV. flr 4-'ft M. pine 40 M NWU ufeu, jfr U . BW V SRi. flr 40 U nin. it u of the flr to be unld tor less than' per si., none of the pine to be sold for la than SMI ner M anrt n ti e cedar to he sold for la than fl 0 pr M. T. 37 S R, 7 VT . Pec. 9. Br 4l'S M . nine n u, T 39 ? rt I W . Pec. 3. NWU NRL rip 10 u' ptne 21 U . otik 1ft M.. NWU M?t" flr S M., pine 271 M . pRu vwu ar' M. nine M m.:l v m - M. pine 3W M.; none of the flf te be id for ie than II ut per M.. none of e pine to be sold for the a nr M. and none of the oak to be sold for le.-8 than SO cents per M. T 35 a .... ... n,lP llr tu M . non or the pin to l-e sold for leas than 13 'I ,.r M. none of th red flr to he .ld III 1,l,..,h".n " 'J n ""e .f the white fir to be so d for Iras than 1100 peril. C'LAT TA1JJIA.N. C. " 1 mlMloner, Ckntrai Land Oake, lltel '.X1 A.NNOVNCESIE.NT. Just received, a ear load of Hardle pray machines. Special prices and termi to member!. OREGON GROWERS PACKING CORPORATION. LODGE DIRECTORY. t, O. O. F iDloa tHiapanl Na. . Meets In Odd fellows' Tempi, every Thursday evening. Vlsltlui brethren always weleome. JOHN REKSE. C. P. FOSTER Jit'TNKR, H. P. OI.IVKK JOHNSON, R. & JAMES EWAKT. F, a EAGLE! Roseburi jitne meets In their hall on Jackson St. on nd and 4th Monday evenings of each month at I o'clock. Vlslttnf brethren In ood stsndlna; always welcome. J-'KED P. CLARK, W. R P. VICTOR MICELLI, W. P. a P. OOOOMAN. Sevretarr- KNIGHTS er PYTHIAS Alpha Lodge i.u. meets awry n vanesaay even Ing, cor. Jackson and Cuss alia. Vlslt ora always weleome. ROT O. YOl'NO, C. C. CHAS .F. HOPKKSS. M. P. B. K. WIMBEHLY. K. R. a LOYAL OHUKH OK MOOSE Roseburg Lodge No. 1037. meets second and fourth Wednesday evenings ot each month at 8 o'elouk In the Moose hall. All visiting brothers are Invited to attend. C. W. CLOAKE. Dictator. H. O. PAROETER. Secretary. B. P. o. ELKS. Roseburg Leage No. Kt Holria regular communications at the Elks' Temple on each Thursday of every month. All membere re quested to attend regularly, and all visiting brothers are cordially In vited to attend, A. J. L1LBURN, K. R. IRA a KIDDLE. Secy. OP THE WORLD Camp . No. 122, meets In Odd Fellows' hall In Roseburg every. 1st and Srd Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors al waya welcome. O. H. PICKENS, C. C. M. M. MILLER. Clerk. WE1UHIIOHS OP WOODCRAFT Lllao Circle No. O, mevts on 2nd and 4th Monday evenings. Visiting neighbors Invited to attend. EDITH CHURCHILU O. N. TlLLIU L JOHNSON. Clerk. O. BL fl HoNrbMrg Chapter N. 8 Holds their regular meeting on the 1st and 3re Thursdays In each month, are respectfully Invited to attend. LF.O.NA ABRAHAM. W. k. FREE JOH.'ISON. Secy. L P, A, M., Laarel Ledge Ne. la Regular communications 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month at Masonlo Temple. Roseburg, Ore. Visitors wel come. W. p. HARRIS. Secy. . A. A. WILDER. W. M. W. Is. A. O. T. M. Hoa.kurg Hevlerf n ii noios reguiur reviews on sec ond and fourth Thursday afternoons in Maccabee hall. Sisters of other reviews visiting In our city are cor dially Invited to attend our reviews. Maccabee hall on Cass street. LOUISE LOCKE, Com. JESSIE RAPP. Col RRRECK AHS Roseburg Rebekah Lodge No. 41. I. O. O. K., Meets If! Odd Fel lows' Temple every week on Tuesday evening. Visiting members In good standing are Invited to attend. S3 VA LKNOX. N. O. BBU.E STEPHENSON, See. Wlir.l, RAII.KY. Vln. Secy. TODAY'S Courage Goes far In business As it does In war, Because It sticks To the job Till the Job is done. Turn Your Troubles NEWS REVIEW OFFICE Phone 135 ?e held at ti. u;"" iui ro-n,h"4 w-aKagrjg Emsteyee mat K.?"' " w a! . lourth Sat niui... 'e Stm ,J" of each month"' " USti J. F. SMT1.., - " W -J. MKREtifiWim. NEW OREGON Again under the man. agementof. Mrs. Foutch Ho, thoroughly "led; much new fBn ad,,ed- hI room,, u, T or week. ' 111 Sheridan Street Or. R. P. Bradford and Wife. Graduates and post-graduates of the Oldest Charter ed College of Chiropractic n the world have re-opened offices to tit Perkins Bldg. We use no drugs oor alee, trlclty, nothing but ttrilkt Chiropractic, and have ben successful tor tha tut ta yean in handling almost trtrf disease known to th suu family. Office hours I to II; and J to 6 p. m. PHONES Residence 4 OF! Office in . .emeaaatoea, mi THAT'S THE WAY WE DO IT PRINTING Over To