"jWBPRn HWI RFVTRW MONDAY. NOVEfHFK IB, 1. .' . .! . ' TV.-"' '. ? ' r 'Ve"""'- r'-- it ',- 1 . ..' -v....r' i ; T- 7; . y-',.- ';-----vv-v I- " :b ..:", "'V-'' '':';,:;''-:.' ;"." . Tfci pinch of Purola ' ' .. " V .. ;'v ' V - - . ..-...', t ' U tnough for alt thia Purola gives 150 times its volume in lather! and ISO shaves to the tube. Don't you think this is an economical shaving cream for you? Soothing, too won't dry on the face. And speed 60 seconds for a full lather. Sold by All Good Druggwta ftce. us. Every Purola preparation la prepared and guaranteed by the Blumeuer Fr.nkLaboraloriee, Portland. Oresoa Guaranty If yam don't Purola return any part to your WW.r and tt your monj mack. Shaving Cream. HER DAUGHTER AND HIS SON. BY IDAH McGLONE GIBSON Jerry pi'ojHJst'. 'Do you mean to tell me, Jerry, ltd when he had told me that he nver paid attentions to a wo for which she did not ask, "do metn to tell me" for eveu then luld not take him seriously, "that iBvuiDK you to propose to me? krry did not umile, and the sud- c&ange in his face made me feel pmed for being so flippant. Ado, this ia unfair," he said. ''Its like your irenerous self. Sur- you must know that I am In ear- nd it tan t like you to treat any in thla way who honorably has ifewed hli love for you." T'orWt me Jerry, and take me tor t moment he hesitated, and b pulled back my chair, he ck, down by my ear and said. ttui my answer, Ann?" J m lorry Jerry, but it must be." 'cm l may come and Ha?" see you COUree TOIl ttfiv nAma nnA a.. a 1 houid be sorry" if von did not. Jwn glad, Ann. that I can at the nav that muc heffect on your t Iwked at Jerry Hathaway in sur and I Wnn.lurml ,u. it J - ""'cu "IIUl 11 V US ffl'de both Jim ali he, )0th "bat fellows. desoite their nnn,.i; 1 1 ! if i . ,e...-ueu manners, i . .1 d not known these two " 'J"8 l,n. I should have hated hefTT.'.l 1 6ten so much 80r ' lhe fame of hearts as it tt .t the r'"s''"-Hnt when I M Jre; and here I had found I least expected it. two young b, out. re oun ' luu tmu uinaiion. AK rro - vix ana Vjfc, 1 Jilted Milk Sin ,r valid. I If, as Jerry said, the woman invited ,it. All the way bac& to the house my imind was in a jumble. Why wasn't (it possible for me to love one of the I two men who had just proposed mar- riaKe to me? Why must my vagrant '-heart keep turning to Kenneth Hal ' seyt who, probably had never thot of me except as a good little chlld j hood pal? ; But I was determined that I would ! try and brine Kenneth to me. Other i men hod told me that I was just as fair as Urace Cameron; other men had told me that they cared more for me than they ever possibly could care for her. In my heart I knew that 1 was more worthy and in my soul r knew I could make him happier than (Jrace Cameron ever would. Although Jerry was driving his car at high speed. I suddenly noted that he was taking me out through the park. "Oh, Jerry, you must not you must not do this. I have an engage ment at home, a very important one. My voice trembeed a little as I had thouirht that possibly Kenneth and his father might come and go away again, for I remembered of Ken's Im perious request that 1 should break Jerry's engagement for his. "I beg' your pardon," said Jerry contritely. "You did not tell me you had an engagement. I will take you back Immediately, but if It is with Jim Callahan. I shall feel like driv ing Into a tree or something." I saw from this rejoinder that Jerry had gotten back Into his old imiling srlf. Unconsciously I drew a little closer to him. He was so big, so handsome, so gentle, a real tower of strength. I understood that if 1 could love him enough to marry him I would never want for anything more. "This Is the man you would marry if you had the disposition of (Jrace Cameron," I said to myself; and yet, even as I said it, my heart seemed racing', racing back to the house where I should look into the eyes of Kenneth Halsey. "Hurry. Jerry, hurry-" I said breathlessly. "I must not miss this engagement. It Is very important." Jerry said nothing, but the car leaped forward. We broke all of the speed ordinances before we drew up at the modest flat building which I called my home. "Mr. Halsey is in the living room," said Mamie, as I came In the tiny hallway. My heart sank, for 1 knew that Ke nhad not come with his father. (Continued Tomorrow) Get your English walnuts at the office ot the Oregon Growers' rack ing Corporation on Washington street and S. P. tracks. 30c per lb. in 10 lb. and larger orders. Oregon Crowers Packing Corporation I.MII.i: ALBANY M'lt-SKltlES" Still has prr.ne trees on Myrobolon plum roots. 1 may still take your order in 100 lots for Italian prunes on above nauied roots (longest lived prune root in existence. K. E. Jor dan. Special Agent, 8U0 S.vtulb St., V., Grants Pass. Oregon. o YOU HAD UUTTKR Hl'ItUY. A. E.F. Buddies Meet Once More CLEVELAND, 0., Nov. 15 When i- a. Kyau, member of the Cuyahoga County Council of the American Le at Cleveland, was hurrying in search of a doctor to preside at the birth "i uuiiy Kin. ne um not uream Be would meet one of his ex-service com railei in the person of the doctor. Kyan family physician was away alUl i)r. C A Kihiln a h.w.,lial n.h "Iciau conseuted to attend. "Haven't 1 seen you before." Rvan asked, when the first proud tliiili of lawirrnoou nad passed . "Just once.' said Dr. Sililla. "It was in Ireland two years ago. You were on leave from France, and 1 was Just returning to iny ship. De you remember bow astonished we Were when wu fimn.l I both from Cleveland" I ' j l-IK'.tb NEWS NOTES. J. W. Cole left this morning for lllherlin where he will !.., I f..u- days doing private survey work. George Stearns, the well known uaKiaiul resident spent Saturday in uosiourg transacting business mat lers. If you want to see the much adver tised Ko-San Sanitary closet, send postal to H. G. Wilson. Box 1295. Uoseburg. Mrs. p. p. Roberts who has been visiting here with Mrs. tieotge Cole left Saturday afternoon lor her home In Eugene. Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Stearns came to lioseliurg Saturday from Oakland to spend a short time attending to ousiuess mutters. Miss Murxuerita Hornev. who is teaching the school at Coi.istock, ar rived in Hoseburg Friday to spend the week end with relatives. Frank Neiiner who has been spend ing the past week in Hoseburg. left for Suiheilin today. .Mr. Xeuner is travelling auditor for the Industrial Accident Commission.. Am now booKtng orders for day old chicks tor 1921 delivery from bigh producing Tancred strain White l.' Khorn and O. A. C. Purred Kocks. Karl Vosburg, 702 FulleMon St.. Roseburg . Mrs. K. C. Young arrived in the ' ity Saturday morning and spent Oiort time visiting with friends and 'ho;ping. returning to hi'r home In )uklaiKi on the afternoon train. Cut light expense, use an Aladdin Lamp, beats electricity. For demon: stration drop postul card to II. G. Wilson. Hoseburg, Box 1295, who .vill show you. If you have not already done so, you better hurry up and place youi order for New Year and Chrlstnias announcements with Bates, the printer, at the News-Review office. A swell line of engraved personal cards to make a selection from, but we must have your order early In order to make deliveries. Rev. n. F. Clay, of Gladstone oc 'lipied the pulpit of the local Chris 'ian church al both the inoniiiiit and veiling services yesleldav. He will return to this city next Sunday and Kill acaiii preach in the local church, 'tev. Hillon. the regular pastor is onducling a revival service at the ''iladtone rh'llch for !v Cl:tv. VU llliaiS I! w s. S a package fr. , Detore ine war a package a ...mm aunna me wh and package mm NOW The Flavor Lasts So Does the Price! 4 DEAR OLD PETE "'4-t V't Winston-Salem, N. C. Friday p. m. Just wound up ttia) one swcllcst day of my life I Since early this morning, when I got an invitation to visit I j. nolda Tobacco Co. factories, I've l -en in the midst of millions of Camel c: rettes. Man the happiest idea y ti or I ever had as to the size of this Ids enter- prise, or the number of Camels manufac tured daily, is simply piker-stuff! Wipe off the 'slate and start fresh I Why Pete, it seemed to me like a couple of those cigarette-making machines could keep half the nation smoking Camels steadily BUT honest to goodness, t!iere are hundreds of these machines batting out Camels at the rate of 27,000 an hour EACH! Pete, you wouldn't have to consult a guide book to know you were in the Camel fac tories! The atmosphere is charged with that wonderful aroma you get when you ' open up a deck of Camels 1 And, you know, old elephant you've had a trunk full ! As the Camels dropped into the contain ers I figured the delight each one would supply! And, how Camels mellow, mild body would hit the right spot and how Camels refreshing flavor would cheer up some smoker's jaded appetite! And, each Camel free from any unpleasant cigaretty aftertaste or unpleasant cigaretty odor! And Pete I'll have to lay off and light an other Camel! Write you some more soon. Yours joyously mm dvC v y msLMm Logan Tips, Spring Delivery Theae are not Rnrotit nlantfl. lolnt 'lantB or sprangle tip plants. They 1 e first-class tips. Also have straw jerry plants and all kinds fruit trees. Better book your order now. K. L. ELLIS Three miles west of Roseburg. at-sJ "'y'Jj You Can Buy Cheaper Tailored to Meaaure Clothes Than Ours But You Cannot nuy Better. Our Prices Are Bused On Quullty In Both Material and Workmanship. Added To This Is A Reasonable Profit. All We Ask You To Pay For The Best Tailoring Is A Fair Price. You Cannot Afford To Pay Less And You Should Not Pay More. -NUSINK- la a new enamel designed especla ly to give a lasting enamel finish to your DRAIN BOARD. It Is white, hard and tough, will stand washing, and providaa a sanitary pleasing surface It is also adapted t many other uses, such as Al TO WIIKEI.S BATH Tl'lte) HATH KIAMMCS, ET. TABLES TOILET SEATS ri'ii.MTi hi:, eto. BEDS ( II AlltS ItEl ItMiElt.VrOltH, KTO. $1.00 per can is the price. Satisfactory results many dollars. Churchill Hardware Company Roseburg, Oregon. Try Our Way Our Auto Will CaU. Phone 877. i3 iMieeirieiunvurK. . OK ALL KINDS J. II. SINNIGER 110 OAK STREET PHO.NP. 428 JUST UNLOADED I r. i6fpLEJlEv-rg ROSKMCTUJ, OlUXIO.f B m . Tiiuni ww ua fro rvwrwrn m AeiU for OUver Plow. n4 ImplemeoU. S j A Carload of American SteJ Wire fence I Eli NERBAS g Practicing J Dentist, i WE SELL Edison MAZDA LAMPS Douglas County Lights and Water Co. PHOKsKKHIOVAI CA HUH -Cut FIuvvur. I'hun lH. M. II. I'l.Vi.RH '.'hlropmctlc Phy nil-lit n. 2ii W. Un Ht. AI.IIKHT . Ill KV-Optoin.trlBi. "fli V.y My Sptji-liilty." 1)8 W. Ca HI. lton't(urif. ir(jt'n IU iTl-W li.rilji I'iarM. Tl ry, llnni- ral Kln-I. rg irtn. 1004 WmI Milt Hi. l'hoiiv J'J-U ISutherlin Sanitarum MEDICAL URGICAL'rl Write It. I. HALI 51. I., Hnpt. Hutlierlln. Oregou UTa - money n fB whn y,,, lut J- P. BARKER & CO., Graduate Pennsylvania Z , 'f College Dental Surgery ? fa years extensive ex- i Yd, ijperience. Efficient, Re-1 tjf&&sr A-1S1 , 1 liable, Reasonable, Pain- ! StMM&tZTEZK. Fl Extraction. Call for j ! MyEWlNUttZlJ : i Rooms 8-9, Masonic Bldg. ( BATTERIES! Chevrolet Cars 25.00 and $38.00 Bulck Cars. . .130.00 and Jt5 00 For Olher Cars Pi Ires on Application. MOTOR SHOP GARAGE Agency liolck niid (lierrolf 441 N. Jackaon Ht. Ilotcbnrf. Heinlinc-Moore CONSERVATORY l.ndt nrny linltril tn hatr tuir H Mini n y nnil 'I htiriliiy rvinln td nil til trnlnlnK -lnrs. tittm te taill uiiil flul tlrlllH. K hitlMritfirtrn Miplln nrtllfi1 at nny time Yuttr iniliar! Iraihrri Im churn ' bb rimmm. All sorts of sab successfully concluded, for arrangements see M. C. UADAIIAl'till 630 N. Tin St. Buy Better Bucks and the Best Breeding Ewes for Less Money. BUT bKftP H( IMEV Hl 10. THAI IS GUI HO If vnn are Intereat.i1 In any number f .'t'A r kihiIh or riKlate'cd ahi''p uf Hi" I . uwlna orefita HaMii..li:rc. Shivpalore. I.ln otn. llom n v, cutawidd, Itauibouli;tt-, ur any CT'i.n. Write ua qnb k what you want. OltlUiO.N l.U KHTOTK (X).M. X. Box tl. North Portland, Oregon.