BONIlBGRO NEWS RKVIKW luned Pwllr Etcrpt (ndr. B. VV Hr"l"ta W lmhtrlr Hert J. Bilfi fcJUIteCUIlTION KATES Dally, per yar. by mall 94 JJO Lally. lx months, by mail 4. 1-00 By Carrier, per month .6" Tu Associated Press In sXcluulTely entitled to the use tor repul-lUatton of all newi dispatcher credited to It or nut, otherwise credited in thla paper nd also th local nowi published here to. All rights of republication of pe rtal rilHitfttctitis herein twe alio reserved. Kuiered ICoHchur, Orvt XuvemlxT 13, nd-cias matter Slay 4t nfl lea at ftoseburK. e Act of March 2. 17&. 1020 17. at the Post oft Ice at itoseburg Oregon, under t b liKTTKIt IT-AV SAFK. Of vital Importance to every citi zen of Unacbui'K Is the purity of its watt r supply. It ia a inalK-r of Krao concern when an individual or com pany tampers with, or attempts in any way, to launch or initiate au en terpriHt; for private gain that would in any degree impiiir the health of the entire community. In fact, it Is noihiiiK less than wholesale murder, born under the dlRKUise of alleged charity for thut great muss of Buffer ing humanity who have fallen prey to the ruvlHhea of the white plague, and who, fail und dlHtrenning aa Iheit wnntn and doalres may bo, usual find Borne haven or real until the learned medical aulhorltleB of the world dis cover other and more effective method of nouriHlifng these unfor tunates to a state of better health. With the proposed erection of a tuberculosis sanitarium at Winches ter, five miles north of this city, and In close proximity to the water sup ply of I he entire community, arises the question whether of not thit move on the part of the promoter will, to a more or 'less degree, con taminate the waters of the North I'mpqua river. 1'hyslcians of stand ing slate that It will. Others de clare that it will not. Hut the great mass of people who have had deal ings with Institutions of the forefo Ing nature are a unit in suying that the danger sign is in Bight and the time is ripe to call a halt. If there Is the remotest suspicion thut through the building of this sanitarium at Winchester our water supply is going to be "tainted," It It nut only imperative that the city council take a definite and deter mined stand against the erection of such an Institution, but the entire populace should rise up and forever stamp out of existence all means and methods likely lo be employed to carry out the scheme. It Is better to be safe than sorry. Definite and prompt action is neree sary nud it Is a foregone conclusion t hat the confidence reposed in the council of this city to carry out the wishes of the people in matters of such grave importance will not be passed upon lightly. Therefore, we feel perfectly safe in predicting that after all the evidence has been sub mitted, the city fathers will take the broad view of the matter Himtain ing the contention that the erection of a tuberculoma hospital near the main supply or water for this city will prove a menace to the health of the community. Recently Governor John IT. Cal kins, of the federal reserve bank of Kan Francisco, signed a letter ad dressed to Liberty bond purchasers advising them f the real value or Liberty bonds and certain conversion privileges. He received many replies. To those who think that common sense Americanism is a thing of the past, this letter from a resident of San Diego, California, will be Inter esting: "Received your request to save and buy more Liberty bonds. That is just what I am doing as fast as my interest accumulates. I reel it is a privilege to trust this govern ment and In a way help, while I re ceive a compensation also." In re cent months the Liberty bond mar ket has Improved, The improvement hns come about because of the fact that thousands or small Investors have taken advantage or the com paratively low prices or the best se curities in the world and have bought wisely while others sell fool ishly. Thousands of other persons who ore holding Liberty bonds nre Investing the interest therefrom reg ularly In government savings stamps. Strange as tt may seem, an unfor tunate man can be convicted on the most flimsy evidence for purloining a monkey wrench or a box of curpttt tacks and given a year in the penitentiary- But when a girl of tender years la enticed from the straight and narrow path and for no other reason than to rob her of that one God given virtue, pure womanhood the evidence becomes so "compli cated" that the average Juror cannot get Justice focused to that angle that u rightful conviction can be had. It's too bad Oregon.'s criminal laws do not provide for treating these fel lows by the sterilization route. All things considered, why shouldn't turkey meat be high? And then It tastes so much better to the visitors and makes the head of the house who has been responsible for the Thanksgiving feast feel as though he had been "touched" by the occasion. Seven thousand idle men in the metropolis of Oregon and a long, cohly winter ahead mattes me reiiow wun a steady Job and a comfortable home feel that lite is still worth living. The old adage, "talk is cheap," Is going to get a severe Jolt if the in creased rates asked by the telephone company are granted. In these days of "pure moonshine" who ever thought of the good, old sparkling water of the North Ump qua being "doped." Lest you forget hit her up for the Christmas counter early. (Jet awny from this eleventh hour stuff. Mistland Orchards Will Be Advertised "This is a Mistland Orchard." Members of the Oregon Growers Co-operative Association will receive lUino timo this fall a beautiful col ored enamel sign, with the above wording. These signs are to be post ed over the approaches to orchards owned by members of the Oregon Growers. C. I. Lewis of the association has been working on the signs that will not only be attractive frm an artis tic standpoint, but will be so col ored that the wording may be easily read by passing tourists, as well as y the home folks. The signs are to be about 15 by l'O inches painted on enamel, in order o make them weather proof and at raeiive enough in colors to make them easily noticed. It Is probable that the background will he black, with a large triangle covering the most of the sign in a triangle In at) trange color. Over this orange and black will be lettering In white, that nan be easily read. Incidentally, with the Mistland igu over the entrance to an orchard, iht owner thereof will be doing his part in advertising Mistland products :ui(l letting the world know that he is a member or the Oregon Growers Co operative Association. Farmers Families To Be Favored Nearly every farm family in 14 of 'he Oregon counties will have an op portunity to attend a farmers week of their own this winter. This will glv them a chance to hear their most vllal problems considered by agricultural collegs specialists who know most about the subjects. The dates have tentatively been set as follows; Lane, Linn ami Polk coun ties, December 13-IS; Douglas. Jos ephine aiul Jackson, January :i-S; Columbia, Multnomah and Washing ton, January UMS; Deschutes, Jan uary 17-112; Morrow and Wasco, on January 24-29; Cnion and Malheur, on January .11 to February 5. These meetings will be ivUi at the head- j quarters of the county agent, in the i most counties, at the county seat. HORN To the wire of John Mc Cllntock, of Lane street, at Mercy Hospital, Monday, Nov. 15, a boy. vou ONLY HAVE DAYS C2 TO SAVE 25 on your Winter Outfit: Suit, Overcoat, Shoes, Hat, Cap, Sweater, Mackinaw. DUDS FOR MEN Stock Reducing Sale! TIES At th liberty Thetr, Tuesday, Neveniler IHth. 1 1 - 1 1 Jt f 7 - Id I li iH?i 1 1 L7 l If Ml f mYkP 'L-il m ; v Mm 1 IK- f J i E III fiLim ill vllw.vXil 4 JUan Dwn presertts.Th.e Forbidden Tiling' Armistice Sunday Observed Yesterday Manv Auks In Ihe city were placed at half must yesterday pursuant to the proclamation iamied by Ihe presi dent, commemorative of ihe nation s partlelpitation In Sundays memor ial services held for the American Soldiers, Sailors and Marines and for others who Rave their lives to their country In the world war. Several of the churches also observed the day with appropriate services In hon or of America a fallen heroes. 0 "Never Has to Call a Doctor -Bathes Internaily" Mr. 1IoIm, t. K. M.-NVil, P. O. pox 217. Ariz., write to the Tyrrull Hy- KltMilf I riHtit ut: "I have hfn'n usIiik the M. R L. fa-i-n lf ' fur the past twt'nty-ttv v.i,r muI cull it mir cheap family I'hyalcian for tlit thut I huvt' iii'ver hud ;o call in u physician to tral oik ot ill f tun 1 1 y. What h pity inort- of tin luniitn nue are not actnialntt-il with ;h virtueM of the t'astudK tu a tutn ily." 'i'lie "J. II. T.. fftHca"!" cli diists the lower ilitcsl Ine Its 4-mire length an-i ' ec pH it always free f poisonous V ii wte. '1'liounnnils testify Constipation. !lniiMcsi ion. Stomach Troiihlen, liilhois- H-sM, licalac!ien utii all Wo- many ser ious troubles which they ianse are ah- 41 lit ly rllt'V(4l ulltt pl4'Vriile.l hy tlii .s'ature Treal nietit. Nathan Ktiilcrton. proprietor of Do Itexall OrUK Store, ltosemif . Me., Will lie ithnl to show you the "J. It. U Cas- Hile." explain Its simple operation ami will Kive viu free, on request, an Inter slliiK little I k by In. Chus. A. Tyr rell, of New Yolk, a notcil specialist on !n(4'rii'il MathiiiK for ..': ears in thai -Ity. Clip litis out s a reminder to isk for the booklet at your fir t oppor ; uiiil. Sutherlin Phone Rates Are Boosted Pt-nnisKlon has l4en piven by thf ;)iil)lic stM'vleo cdiniHisslou for un in-ort-nso in the rail's of the? Calapooia Tt'lcphotu' company, now upi!yitip h'l4'phono H4TVice for Slit hTlin. Tht lnistncss ts owned by .1. W. Thomp son, vlio rt'cntly filotl application for an ineroasod rati'. The iiiulinps. .irconliiip to til1 report made by t he contmissinn, show the property of the company to be in need of repair, and in order that money for depreciation muy be provided, the increased rate is allowed. No revenue has been re turned by the business, the commis sion finds, and also reports that the profit formerly earned was not suffi cient to properly maintain tin busi ness. The new rates are for unlimited business service and unlimited resi dence Rervlce, the cost beinp $ for an individual business phone and $2.00 for party line, for business purposes, nnd a chaise of $2 for in dividual residence phone and $1,7." for two party line. The suburban rate is $1.50. A minimum of $; per month per line is fixed for farmer owned lines. Several new features are advised for the service in order to facilitate the work of the exchange. Med ford Jailer Beaten With Club MKDKOUn. Or., Nov. la.Georft. Anderson, whose resilience Is nn known hero, arrested in this c!tv a week ui;o on u chuvte of alternating lo puss a foi'Ked check, escaped from Hie county jail ut 7 o'clock last iiIkIiI lluioimE Jailer Moses ov.-r th head several times with a bludgeon mane out 01 a stick of wood when ne entered the jail corridor to lock Hie ceils f,, Ihe IllRht. . I! Johnson, president of the iienmct naliK or Jacksonville, plead it with the check forcer not to kill i no jailer and probably saved the hitler s life. Hooding Ihe words ot the Imprisoned banker. Anderson dropped bis club und raced Hirough the jail doors. Jailer Mom staggered to his feel nnd fired at Ihe fugitive. The es aped man Is believed lo be hiding ill the woods. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years H EAD COLDS Melt in spoon; inhale vapofts apply frly UP nostril'- Views VAPORJB Ova 17 Million Jan UxJ Ymlu Fire Trucks to Have Novel Phones SHANGHAI, NOV. 15 Trucks of Ihe Shanghai Fire Department arc soon to be equipped with wireless telephones, conforming to the latest practice of the lire departments of the largest cities. The improvement is expected to enable the department at all times to keep in touch with lis men while fighting lires. Taps Trees At 50 Cents Gallon (Ire.. Nov. 15 !'he lapping of trees for pitch at 50 ents a gallon is not so uiireiminer ;tive an occupation as might appear it first glance, according to Roscoe Hard, field man for a Portland re finery, who said that George Hayes, inhering pitch in the vicinity of llroadhent, is making $19 a day as t result of his. operations. "it seems Instinctive to him to locate the trees I hat will produce the nitch when tapped," said Mr. Hurd. In two weeks itayes taped trees and Irew out eight fi7-gallon barrels of )iteh At the rate he is selling the 'ntch he is making $19 a day or ' 1 U 4 a mouth. .--Tiuscment for Both, MMurriii;:o It Is wonderful ptir- gled the happy Smllh. "It Is blissful. Joyous! It is heaven! Ah but I for get !" he exclaimed, suddenly serlou. "You have found It a very different thins eh?" "les. rcrsmutlly I consider mar riage a tossup." snld Jones. "Poor fellow, poor fellow!" mut tered Smith. "How you manage to put up wlih that larlnr of a wife I don't know !" "It might be worse, said Jonea. "We have lots of fun." "How Is tliiitV" "Well, oti see, when my wife gets into a passion she always hurls things at my head. Kvery time she hits me she's as pleased as Punch, and every time she misses I'm as pleased as Punch. So between us we are never short of nniUM'nient.'' Always bears the Signature Old Schooners Become Barges. IHsposa! of large numbers of old schooners, to say nothing of nn over supply of new wood ships, has been a problem for the past few years. River and canal nu n, meanwhile, have been facing a shortage of barges. Putting these two fads together, Kastern ship builders have now evolved a new form of schooner barge, made by removing the upper works and the bolnw-deck cabins and bulkheads of the schooners. Such barges are capacious nnd have the mlvnufagixt of speed In towing and seaworthiness for coast work, and if lost from a sea tow can make port with a Jury rig. In South America as well as the lulled States, rebuilt schooners for barge work already are at a premium. Popular Mechanics Magazine. Italians Melt Up Small Change. The second hand dealers! all over Italy have cornered: the bronze 10 and .1 centime pie, es, which they have melted down and sold as Ingots for soldering nt iwn and three times the price Ihe pennies cost them. This has caused a treat deal of nnnnynnce, as small chance j scarce, and In some of the caf.s stumpy have been given as change. The government has reduced the si7e of the new 10 and 5 centime pieces, but even that has done Uttle good, so It has now decided to coin the new pennies nut of a composition metal which cannot he used as soldei If melted. can Tsbles Turned. Mr. Kiiohomo-Woll I surely envy the trumps these days. Mrs. Kiiohom, And only a few weeks ago vou chased several from the front yard. Mr. Knnhome I know, but Jus think, they can live In box cars B'H can't even get home to live In, gold mi mm had TO SIHP SITTING UP IN HIS CHAIR HE SAYS "Every sign of my chronic bron chitis has disappeared and I have gained flfieen pounds since 1 began taking Tanlac," said N. Jones, 499 Webster street, Portland, Oregon, recently. Mr. Jones is well known as a miner and mechanic and owns a gold mine in Baker county, Oregon. "While stationed In camp at Washington, D. C, about a year ago, continued Mr. Jones. "I was put on guard duty one wet, freezing night, and as I had no heavy clothing I contracted a heavy cold in my lungs. It left me In a very weak condition, and finally developed into chronic bronchitis. I could not lie down, I choked up so, and had to get what ever slecD I 'could Bitting up in a chair. Sometimes 1 would simply have to gasp for breath. I tried sev eral things but got no permanent re lief, and I continued to cough so that people thought 1 had consump tion. I had a shooting pain in my chest and back every time I would breathe and I bad to discontinue working on my mine, the outside work made me chok up so bad. "A friend of mine over near Mt. Tabor, advised me to take Tanlac, and it has certainly been a life saver to me. 1 took four bottles and now 1 can He down as well as anybody and there Is no sigli of pain left. I work in my mine every day now and Tan lac has built me up so wonderfully I recommend it to anyone who needs a good medicine." Tanlas is sold in Roseburg by W. P. Chapman, and in Dixonville by J. E. Hattleld, and by leading druggists everywhere. o Y15? li Can'f Leak I pX Made in One F antKd for fx" two year,' Vtss. ' -or a new one free. GetsKT Yott may tj HAND COI-OUKD PICTURES OKECiON 8CENKKY. OK See Carr's windows for Columbia River Highway, Mt. Hood, Crater Lake photographs, beautifully framed under glass, size 64x9. Each hand colored in natural tints. They are beauties. Carr's price 95c each. Carr's always save you money. What more appropriate gift could you make? By the way, visit Carr's Christmas Store gifts for everyone on display, for your early selection. Swiss Also Face High Living Costs BERNE, Nov. 13 The cost of living in Switzerland reached a new record last month, being three and one half percent higher than was ever known here. The cost of main tenance for a family of four and In cluding only the barest of necessities of life now amounts to nearly 2,790 francs yearly. The Increase iu the price is especially noticeable In the milk and meat trades. Polish Government To Give Prizes WARSAW, Nov. marks are to be given away week for 20 years bv the Polish government as a premium prize for i state loan announced recently by the Ministry In Finance and desig ned to raise 5.000,000,000 marks. Bonds of the loan are in donominl tlons of 1,000 marks and bear four percent Interest, the loan to run for forty years. NMhnn Fnllerton The Tteirnll store nosehnrt Onj, League Gets a Bill For Cigars PARIS, Nov. 15 The Belgian government has Just presented to the League ot Nations, a bill for cigars amounting to 80,000 francs. The bill says: "These cigars were smok ed or carried off by members of the various delegations to the Spa con ference." The conference was held In July and was attended by members of the supreme council and representa tives of the German government. The Secretariat ot the League of Nations has announced that It Is at present short ot money and It refus es to take over the debts of the Su preme Council. The Belgian government argues that the Spa conference was a part of the "operations" of the League ot Nations. The bill remains unpaid. The Lea gue of Nations assembly will hold its first meeting at Geneva today. Nut Growers to Have Meeting gon, w ashlngton and Cslitonjk n. delegates will be enter S? banquet the flrst day of th 1 tlou a. gUt8l9 of ,tg5i Commerce, and at a lunchi second day th, gueltJ " club. A dozen variety 0( be served at each ipregd k.,,.11": plied by the ( 6. u,,:l 0- Mrs. W. A. Johns ten ,v:. lng for Ashland where .h .in...' a short time attendlnr to IkuS. DONALD CASPER PARKEI VIOLINIST PUPIL OF HENRY L BETTMAN Of WW Beginners and Advanced PnjSi Pupils accepted at li rein of ia Sew Studio Kohlhagea PORTLAND. Nov. 15 Nut grow ers of the northwestern states are to gather in Portland this week for a convention on November 17 and 18. ttennrtd ntt liatnacr. lnnA ti, it-at. hv the cold weather last vear will be Medium or Advanced. feature of the program, the assocla- watkiimax piaso wbooi 15 One million tion having made a survey of Ore- " nnuntie si k,, on each PIANO JAZZ Adult-bvslniiera t might li U Item I hy mall. Su ttavher .rtlit4, gtf-l inainiviioB course plMtllNlB. Lcurn 67 styles of Bau, Hi Syt atMl effects. lilue Harmony, 0rtntx. Chime, Movie nnd Cat Jail, TrU En til n sb, Clever Breaks, Spact ftllefi' Sax Slurs, Blue Obligate and Ml subjects. Including; Ear PlaylDf. Oil:, course In vxistence teaching up-tMl minute- piuynitf oi popular mafic u UKAU Jazz Form. A Postal brlsftii' r KICK tiueciui Offer. SlhUi It If AIL. Y UttATHHR UK PORT. U. S. Weather tiureaii. tocoI office. Roseburg, Oregon, 24 hours ending 6 u m.: m rrrclpttti.lou in inehea and nuadredtba MiKhcMt temperature yesterday... &:( lowest temperature last night.. . 44 Precipitation, lunt 24 hour Total precip. siuc first of month 1.42 Normal preclp. for this month... 4.37 Total preclp. from Sept. 1, 1920, to date 7 47 Average preclp. from Sept. V.'iK77 6 76 Total excess from Sept. 1, 20. . . 171 Average precipitation for 43 wet aeatmnA (Sept. to Mav, Inc.) 31 4S Forecast to 8 p. m. for southwestern Oregon: Tonight and Tuesday rain. wm, ham Observer. Sift ipjf WITH THE PERSONAL T00CH VOUR PHOTOGRAPH! You nre not as busy we nre n ot as bunr as we will be In Dew CLARK'S STUDIO GEISMANN IS COMING! ' III J Fred Geismann, of the Independent Packing Com pany, will arrive in Roseburg Tuesday, November 1 6, and will make his Headquarters with the Vos burgh Brothers. Bring on your Turkeys, Ducks, Geese and Chickens. TOP PRICES GUARANTEED.